JTC1/SC2/WG2 N 1965R
Title: Disposition of comments on PDAMs 15, 28, 29, 30, and 31
Source: Bruce Paterson, Project Editor
Distribution: SC2/WG2 members
Report on JTC1/SC2 letter ballot on PDAM.15,
Kang Xi radicals and CJK radicals supplement
to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 (E)
Disposition of Comments
The PDAM appears in JTC1/SC2 N 3213 (also WG2 N 1923)
Responses to the letter ballot appear in JTC1/SC2 N 3247 (also WG2 N 1968 & N 1969).
National bodies that submitted comments are listed below. Where a national body has submitted a negative vote the indication (N) appears after its name in the list.
Canada (N)
Technical comments (significant).
1. Accepted. The character at 2ED6 will be renamed CJK RADICAL MOUND TWO.
The character at 2ECF will be renamed CJK RADICAL CITY.
2. Accepted. The character at 2ED5 will be renamed CJK RADICAL MOUND ONE.
3. Accepted in part. The character at 2E9A will be removed. The characters at 2FC1 & 2EE4 have different stroke counts and therefore both will be retained.
Editorial comment.
1. Accepted. (similar to comment from UK)
2. Accepted in principle. Technical item 1 above covers some of the changes required. In addition:
The character at 2EDA will be renamed CJK RADICAL LEAF.
The character at 2EA6 will be renamed CJK RADICAL HALF TREE TRUNK.
3. Paragraph 1: Not accepted – this is a matter for National Bodies during the JTC1/SC2 ballot process.
Paragraph 2: Accepted in part.
The character at 2F33 will be renamed KANGXI RADICAL SHORT THREAD.
Paragraph 3: Not accepted. The name is correct, and corresponds to the traditional Kangxi meaning, not the contemporary meaning.
Ireland (N)
1. Not accepted. The change would invalidate several of the YES votes on the PDAM.
Israel Comment noted. No action required.
Sweden Comment noted. No action required.
Editorial comment. Accepted (see Canada E.1)
1. Accepted. The character at 2FA3 will be renamed KANGXI RADICAL WINE.
2. Accepted in principle. A distinct font will be used in the 2nd Edition of the standard.
3. Accepted. Draft text will be included in the FPDAM.
Report on JTC1/SC2 letter ballot on PDAM.28,
Ideographic description characters, to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 (E)
Disposition of Comments
The PDAM appears in JTC1/SC2 N 3186 (also WG2 N 1892)
Responses to the letter ballot appear in JTC1/SC2 N 3241 (also WG2 N 1970 & N 1971).
National bodies that submitted comments are listed below. Where a national body has submitted a negative vote the indication (N) appears after its name in the list.
Canada (N)
Technical comments (significant).
1. Not accepted. This set of characters is included for compatibility with an existing set specified in the document: GBK (Han character internal code extension specification), in use in China.
2. Accepted. A reference to the document GBK will be added to the list of sources in Annex L.
Editorial comment.
Accepted in part. A Note will be added to D.3.1, paragraph 1, to clarify the point.
Ireland (N)
Technical comments.
1. Accepted in principle. Improved glyphs will be provided for 2nd Edition of the standard.
2. Not accepted. (similar to comment from UK)
However the block and collection names will be changed to IDEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CHARACTERS to align with the character names.
3. Not accepted. The name is clear as it is.
4. - IDC -> ID: Not applicable – see 3 above.
- add "CJK": Not accepted.
- use of "shall: Not accepted. The term "shall" is inappropriate in an annex (informative).
- change "&" to "and": Accepted.
5. Accepted in principle. The property "acronym" will be added to the bulletted list in D.3.1 paragraph 2. Also the acronyms will be removed from the individual character descriptions.
6. Accepted in principle. The last paragraph of D.3.1 will be clarified.
7. [Comment withdrawn at the SC2/WG2 meeting 1999-03-9/12.]
Editorial comments.
1. Not accepted. (Not consistent with the style of previous Amds published by ITTF)
2. Accepted.
3. - Point size: Not accepted. In Figure 4 itself the point size will be much smaller, not larger.
- Amd.5: Accepted
4. Accepted.
5. Accepted.
6. Accepted.
7. - Punctuation: Accepted.
- Typography: Accepted in principle. A different font will be used for 2nd Edition of the standard.
Editorial comments.
Page 3, character names: Not accepted. (see Ireland 2)
Page 4, D.3.2 examples: Accepted.
Page 5, Annex E: Accepted.
Page 4, D.3.1: Accepted.
Report on JTC1/SC2 letter ballot on PDAM.29, Mongolian,
to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 (E)
Disposition of Comments
The PDAM appears in JTC1/SC2 N 3208 (also WG2 N 1918)
Responses to the letter ballot appear in JTC1/SC2 N 3249 (also WG2 N 1972 & N 1973).
National bodies that submitted comments are listed below. Where a national body has submitted a negative vote the indication (N) appears after its name in the list.
1. Accepted. (Similar to Ireland T.1 and UK)
2. Accepted in principle. (Similar to USA 3)
3. Accepted in principle. (Similar to USA 1 & 4)
A description of the characters will be added to Annex D.
Ireland (N)
Technical comments.
1. Accepted. (see China 1)
2. Accepted. In the names of the characters from 1880 to 18A9 the term AG will be replaced by ALI GALI.
Editorial comments
1. Accepted.
2. Accepted.
3. - (move to page 6): Accepted
- (delete "20"): Accepted
- (glyph): Accepted in principle. A revised glyph will be used in 2nd Edition of the standard.
4. Accepted
5. - (header): Not Accepted. (Not consistent with the style of previous Amds published by ITTF)
- (numbers in Table 245, page 2): Accepted in principle. 2nd Edition will use Helvetica font.
- (glyphs): Accepted in principle. (see 3, glyph, above)
6. Not Accepted. Line widths are consistent with tables in First Edition
7. (same responses as 5 above)
8. Not accepted. (see 6 above)
9. Accepted
10. Accepted (Tabs at 9mm will be inserted)
Sweden Comment noted. No action required.
Page 1: Accepted. (see China 1)
1. & 4. Accepted in principle. (see China 3)
2. Noted. Alternative orientations of these characters are in common use; either is acceptable. The PDAM. need not be changed.
3. Accepted. (see China 2)
Report on JTC1/SC2 letter ballot on PDAM.30,
Additional Latin and other characters
to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 (E)
Disposition of Comments
The PDAM appears in JTC1/SC2 N 3210 (also SC2/WG2 N 1920).
Responses to the letter ballot appear in JTC1/SC2 N 3252 (also SC2/WG2 N 1974 & N 1975).
National bodies that submitted comments are listed below. Where a national body has submitted a negative vote the indication (N) appears after its name in the list.
Ireland (N)
Technical comments
1. Accepted in part.
2. Accepted (similar to UK, page 5)
3. Not accepted. The name is consistent with the glyph as shown.
(20E2): Accepted in principle. The character can be considered for a future amendment.
Israel Comment noted. No action required.
Sweden Comment noted. No action required.
Editorial comments.
Page 5: Accepted (see Ireland 2)
Page 6: Accepted.
1. & 4. Accepted in principle. Text derived from the comment will be added to Annex D, see WG2 N 2007.
2. Accepted.
3. Accepted in principle. The change to the glyph for 03DF (Ireland 1 above) satisfies this comment.
Report on JTC1/SC2 letter ballot on PDAM.31, Tibetan extension
to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 1993 (E)
Disposition of Comments
The PDAM appears in JTC1/SC2 N 3212 (also WG2 N 1922)
Responses to the letter ballot appear in JTC1/SC2 N 3254 (also WG2 N 1976, N 1977, & N 1979).
National bodies that submitted comments are listed below.
1. Accepted in part. Entries will be added in Annex P for characters 0FAD, 0FB1, & 0FB2.
2. Accepted. (similar to Ireland editorial, UK page 4, & USA)
3. Comment noted. No action required.
"New Question" : Accepted. An entry will be added in Annex P.
"Note" : Comment noted. No action required.
Technical comment: Accepted in principle. The character can be considered for a future amendment.
Editorial comment: Accepted. (see China 2)
Sweden Comment noted. No action required.
Technical comment: Comment noted. No action required.
Editorial comments.
Page 1: Accepted.
Page 2 and 4: Accepted.
Page 4: Accepted. (see China 2)
Page 6: Accepted.
Page 7: Accepted.
Accepted. (see China 2)