
Motions of the UTC #80 / L2 #177 Joint Meeting

Redmond, WA -- June 8-11, 1999

June 24, 1999

[80-M1] Motion: Approve the agenda with the addition of Unicode Technical Report #11 East Asian Character Width [L2/99-178, L2/99-180]. [L2/99-151R1] 

Moved by Roberts, seconded by Aliprand 

11 for (unanimous) 

WG2 Consent Docket
[80-M2] Motion: Accept the motions on the six WG2 resolutions given in document UTC/1999-009: 
Moved by Ksar, seconded by Winkler 

11 for (unanimous)

[80-M3] Motion: Accept the changes to UnicodeData as detailed in UTC/1999-016. The effect of this is:


  • Change the combining class of U+0F35 and U+0F37 from 230 to 220
  • Change  the combining class of Tibetan vowel sign U+0F71 from 0 to 129
  • Change ordering of the canonical decompositions for U+0F73 and U+0F81
  • Give U+0F77 and U+0F79 new compatibility decompositions
  • Informative:
    Moved by Whistler, seconded by Umamaheswaran 

    11 for (unanimous)

    [80-M4] Motion: Advance Draft Unicode Technical Report #16, EBCDIC-Friendly UCS Transformation Format  to Unicode Technical Report #16, EBCDIC-Friendly UCS Transformation Format  with the editorial change to follow the Version 3 terminology for UTFs. [L2/99-162-4]

    Moved by Ksar, seconded by Freytag

    11 for (unanimous) 

    East Asian Width
    [80-M5] Motion: Approve a revision of Unicode Technical Report #11, East Asian Character Width [L2/99-178] to: 
    Moved by Ksar, seconded by Freytag 

    8 for, 0 against, 3 abstain (Apple, Justsystem, Sun)

    Technical Content of Unicode V 3
    [80-M6] Motion: Accept the technical changes to Version 3 of the Unicode Standard as documented in UTC/1999-011R with the following terminology modification: 
    Moved by Ksar, seconded by Davis 

    11 for (unanimous)

    Description of Unicode Data Files in V 3
    [80-M7] Motion: The descriptions of the Unicode data files are considered part of the Unicode Standard and the normal editorial process applies to these files. [L2/99-183] 

    Moved by Ksar and Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    11 for (unanimous) 

    Data Cross-Checks
    [80-M8] Motion: Accept the character property changes documented in sections 2, 3, 4. 6, 7, and 8 of document [UTC/1999-017] as amended below and roll into the V 3 database: 
    The other changes are summarized below:
    Moved by Davis, seconded by Umamaheswaran 

    9 for, 1, 1 (Apple)

    UTC 79/L2 176 Minutes
    [80-M9] Motion: Approve the minutes of UTC 79/L2 176 [L2/99-054]. 

    Moved by Ksar, seconded by Davis 

    8 for, 0, 1 (NCR) 

    Micro Sign Decomposition
    [80-M10] Failed Motion: Change the micro sign (U+00B5) to be a canonical equivalent of mu (U+03BC) and give it the same properties as mu [UTC/1999-013].

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Roberts 

    2 for, 3 against, 6 abstain (Apple, HP, Justsystem, Sun, Oracle, Microsoft) Motion failed

    The failure of this motion means that the decomposition for U+00B5 MICRO SIGN will remain a compatibility mapping.

    Not Tilde
    [80-M11] Motion: Change the decomposition of U+2241 NOT TILDE to have U+223C as the base character [UTC/1999-013]. 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    11 for (unanimous)

    Micro Sign Case Mappings
    [80-M12] Motion: Add upper case and title case mappings to micro sign (U+00B5) that match the case mappings of mu (U+03BC) [UTC/1999-013]. 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Umamaheswaran 

    8 for, 0 against, 3 abstain (Apple, NCR, RLG) 

    Unicode Character Database V 3 - Beta
    [80-M13] Motion: Have a beta period for the 3.0.0 character data files where we progressively prepare files in Unidata. As soon as possible, they will be frozen by the editorial committee. The target for the final 3.0.0 data files is August 1. 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Freytag 8 for (unanimous) 

    UTC Consensus:  Have it be a public beta. 

    10646-1, Normative Reference to Unicode
    [80-M14] Motion: Have the editorial committee create a proposed technical corrigendum to have 10646-1 normatively reference the Unicode Standard for UTF-16 serialization in clause 6.3. The technical corrigendum also will recommend adding  escape sequences for UTF-16 BE and LE in Annex C and other appropriate places. 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Umamaheswaran 

    9 for, 1 against, 0 abstain 

    Recursion Limit for Ideographic Description Characters
    [80-M15] Motion: Add language to Unicode Version 3 to say that ideographic description sequences should be as short as possible.  They must not have a scanback length greater than six or a total length of more than 16 characters. The editorial committee has the discretion to change these limits before the book is published. [UTC/1999-020] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Yang 

    7 for, 1 against, 0 abstain 

    [80-M16] Motion: Advance Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #19, UTF-32, to  Draft Unicode Technical Report #19, UTF-32, with a note at the end that the term UTF-32 is controversial and may be changed later. [L2/99-172]

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    5 for, 3 against, 0 abstain 

    Math - Symbols
    [80-M17] Motion: Based on document L2/99-159, Unicode formally endorses creating a new proposal for math symbols following the WG2/Unicode proposal guidelines with Murray Sargent as project editor. 

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Sargent 

    11 for (unanimous) 

    Math - Alphanumeric Symbols
    [80-M18] Motion: Provisionally accept the repertoire of alphanumeric math symbols as documented in L2/99-188 and amended to delete upright (Roman), all forms of  italic digits, monospace Greek, and duplicate letter like symbols, for encoding outside plane zero. [L2/99-195]

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Sargent 

    9 for, 1 against, 1 abstain (Sun) 

    Normalization - Algorithm
    [80-M19] Failed Motion: Change the algorithm used by Draft Unicode Technical Report #15, Unicode Normalization Forms, from fine composition to medium composition [L2/99-162-3, L2/99-174] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    0 for, 8 against, 3 abstain (Sun, Justsystem, Oracle) Motion failed

    Math - Variant Tags
    [80-M20] Motion: Accept the combining reverse solidus character at U+20E4 and recommend that this character be proposed to WG2 in conjunction with the math proposal for inclusion in 10646. [L2/99-160] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Freytag 

    11 for (unanimous) 

    Math  - Preparation of Proposals
    [80-M21] Motion: For the new proposed math characters, the preparers are directed to not analyze and canonically decompose math characters except with existing Versoin 3 combining characters and the newly accepted combining reverse solidus character. [L2/99-159, L2/99-188] 

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Whistler 

    8 for, 2 against 

    Math - Existing Arrow Characters
    [80-M22] Motion: Add canonical decompositions for the list of arrow characters (U+219A, U+219B, U+21AE, U+21CD, U+21CE, U+21CF), The proposed decompositions are: 219A>2190+0338, 219B>2192+0338, 21AE>2194+0338, 21CD>21D0+0338, 21CE>21D4+0338, 21CF>21D2+0338. 

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Davis 

    8 for, 1 against, 2 abstain (Sun, Justsystem) 

    Normalization - Deprecated Character
    [80-M23] Motion: Deprecate U+0344, set U+0C46 to have combining class zero, and add a note to Draft Unicode Technical Report # 15, Unicode Normalization Forms that it does not guarantee composition of deprecated characters. [L2/99-174] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    9 for (unanimous) 

    Normalization - Thai/Lao
    [80-M24] Motion: The UTC delegates the disposition of the normalization behavior of the Thai/Lao characters U+0E33, U+0EB3, U+0E4D, U+0ECD, to the editorial committee, recognizing that they might have to make a normative change to the decompositions or to the combining classes for Version 3. [L2/99-174] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Aliprand 

    9 for, 0 against, 1 abstain (NCR) 

    Normalization - Vietnamese
    [80-M25] Motion: The UTC delegates to the editorial committee the resolution of the issue of whether to add or remove characters from the composition exclusion table of  Draft Unicode Technical Report # 15, Unicode Normalization Forms, in particular for the question of supporting Vietnamese legacy implementations. [L2/99-174] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Umamaheswaran 

    10 for (unanimous) 

    Normalization - Approval
    [80-M26] Motion: Advance Draft Unicode Technical Report # 15, Unicode Normalization Forms, to Unicode Technical Report # 15, Unicode Normalization Forms, after applying the relevant technical changes approved by the UTC and making the editorial changes suggested by the committee during discussion. [L2/99-162-3] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Aliprand 

    10 for (unanimous) 

    [80-M27] Motion: Advance Draft Unicode Technical Report # 10 Unicode Collation Algorithm, to Unicode Technical Report # 10 Unicode Collation Algorithm, after applying the relevant technical changes approved by the UTC and making the editorial changes suggested by the committee during discussion. 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    10 for, 0 against, 1 abstain  (NCR) 

    [80-M28] Motion: Accept the goals and actions as documented in UTC/1999-023. In summary: 
    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Whistler 

    11 for (unanimous)

    10646-1, Normative Reference to Unicode
    [80-M29] Motion: Amend motion 80-M14 to include in the proposed technical corrigendum that 10646 normatively reference the Unicode bidi algorithm (in clause 19). 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Suignard

    8 for, 0 against, 3 abstain (Sybase, Sun, Justsystem)

    10646-2, Include Math Alphanumeric Symbols Proposal
    [80-M30] Motion: Forward the math alphanumeric symbol proposal approved in motion 80-M18 to WG2 to include in 10646-2. [L2/99-188] 

    Moved by Umamaheswaran, seconded by Aliprand 

    8 for, 0 against, 3 abstain (NCR, Sun, Justsystem)

    10646-2, 4K Block Reserved for Format Characters
    [80-M31] Motion: UTC forwards to L2 a revised version of  L2/99-191 to forward to WG2 as comments on 10646-2. L2/99-191 proposes language to be added to Part 1 (Basic Multilingual Plane), end of clause 8, and Part 2, end of clause 8 (General Purpose Plane) regarding reserving unassigned code points for future alternate format characters. 

    Moved by Umamaheswaran, seconded by Aliprand 

    11 for (unanimous) 

    Line Breaking
    [80-M32] Motion: Advance Draft Unicode Technical Report #14, Line Breaking Properties, to Unicode Technical Report #14, Line Breaking Properties, after incorporating feedback from Michel Suignard on Hangul and a final editorial review by the editorial committee. [L2/99-189] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Whistler 

    10 for, 0 against, 1 abstain (Sun) 

    Regular Expressions
    [80-M33] Motion: Advance Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #18, Regular Expressions Guidelines, to Draft Unicode Technical Report #18, Regular Expressions Guidelines after incorporating feedback received during the UTC. [L2/99-162-5] 

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Freytag 

    10 for, 0 against, 1 abstain (Oracle) 

    Arabic Decompositions
    [80-M34] Motion: The UTC approves creating decompositions of Arabic characters based on the three new combining marks that were added for Syriac. This work is to be reviewed by the editorial committee and the Arabic ad hoc group (including Kamal Mansour and Tom Milo) and if deemed inappropriate, the decompositions will not be added to the Unicode Standard.  Mark Davis will spearhead the effort. 

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Davis 

    11 for (unanimous)

    Versions of the Unicode Standard
    [80-M35] Motion: The UTC approves incorporating Technical Reports # 9 (Bidi), 11 (East Asian Character Width), 14 (Line Breaking), and 15 (Normalization) into Version 3 of the Unicode Standard.  The text of TR #9 will be incorporated into the text of the book. Technical Reports # 11, 14, and 15 will be line items enumerated in the Versions page, and their associated data files will be incorporated into the Unicode Character Database. 

    Moved by Freytag, seconded by Davis 

    10 for (unanimous) 

    Characters not Suitable for Markup
    [80-M36] Motion: Accept proposal [L2/99-181] as Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #20, The Use of Unicode with Markup Languages

    Moved by Davis, seconded by Hiura 

    9 for, 0 against, 1 abstain (Apple) 

    Case Mappings
    [80-M37] Motion: Advance Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #21, Case Mappings, to Draft Unicode Technical Report #21, Case Mappings, after incorporating feedback received during the UTC. 

    Moved by Whistler, seconded by Umamaheswaran

    10 for (unanimous) 

    Localization Resource Proposal
    [80-M38] Motion: The UTC thanks the contributors for the proposed contribution of localization resources. It welcomes such contributions, and invites the contributors to develop an initial collection and to make it internally available and to provide concrete suggestions about how to make this collection publicly available.  It will be reviewed at the October UTC. 

    Moved by Hiura, seconded by Davis 

    11 for (unanimous)