Section 16 from document JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N2103 - Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark; 1999-09-13--16
Note: WG 2 experts, national bodies and liaison organizations are encouraged to verify the action items against the final list given below – and inform the convener Mr. Mike Ksar, and the recording secretary, Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran of completions with the relevant document numbers and of any corrections. All the action items from meeting 25 in Antalya, Turkey, meeting 26 in San Francisco, CA, USA, meeting 27 in Geneva, Switzerland, meeting 28 in Helsinki, Finland, meeting 29 in Tokyo, Japan, meeting 30 in Copenhagen, Denmark, meeting 31 in Québec City, Canada, meeting 32 in Singapore, and meeting 33 in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, have been either completed or dropped.
Item Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 34 Resolutions in document N1704R and Unconfirmed Meeting 34 minutes in document N1703 - with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N1903). Status
AI-34-4  Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard  
  to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2:  
RESOLUTION M34.1 (DTR 15285 Character Glyph Model): ... ... WG 2 further instructs its project editors for ISO/IEC 10646 Part 1 and Part 2 to add TR 15285 as a reference to the next edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1 and to the WD of ISO/IEC 10646-2. M35, M36 and M37 – in progress. M37:In progress
RESOLUTION M34.14 (Characters for inclusion in WD of Part 2): WG 2 accepts the following: Plane 14 Characters for Language Tags according to document N1670. ETRUSCAN script in the range Plane 1 0200 to 022F, in accordance with document N1580. GOTHIC script in the range Plane 1 0230 to 024F, in accordance with document N1581, with the last three characters in that document deleted from the repertoire. WESTERN MUSICAL SYMBOLS in the range Plane 1 D100 to D1FF, starting at D103, in accordance with document N1693. and instructs its project editor to include the above accepted characters in the working draft of 10646-2. M35, M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
to update the working draft in document 1717 - accommodating the various comments during meeting 34, and to draft some text for inclusion in Part 1 referring to the architectural statements that need to be included in Part 1. M35, M36 and M37 – in progress.. M37: In progress
RESOLUTION M34.18 (Collection Identifiers in Parts 1 and 2): WG 2 accepts the recommendations of the ad hoc on collection identifiers in document N1726, and instructs the ad hoc on Principles and Procedures to include these in the Principles and Procedures document (N1502R). WG 2 further instructs its project editors to take note of these recommendations for adoption in Parts 1 and Part 2. M35, M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
AI-34-13  Irish national body (Mr. Michael Everson)  
is invited to create a "Defect Report" on changing the block name IPA Extension to IPA Latin Extension. M35, M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
Item Assigned to / actir> on (Reference Meeting 35 Resolutions in document N1904R and Unconfirmed Meeting 35 minutes in document N1903 - with the corrections noted in section 3 of document N2003). Status
AI-35-11  Irish national body (Mr. Michael Everson)  
Mr. Michael Everson is invited to take the comments at this meeting (M35) and prepare a revised contribution on Old Hungarian in document N1758. M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
AI-35-12  Japanese national body (Mr. Takayuki Sato)  
to provide additional information on Old Mongolian (document N1855) and its relationship to the Mongolian script proposal in the BMP. M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
AI-35-13  The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag)  
to provide more information on use of the three proposed symbols -- SQUARE FOOT, SQUARE INCH, and PROPERTY LINE in document N1887. M36 and M37 – in progress. M37: In progress
Item Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 36 Resolutions in document N2004 and Unconfirmed Meeting 36 minutes in document N2003 - with the corrections noted in section 3 above), Status
AI-36-2  Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar  
per resolution M36.21, to forward document N1984 to SC 2 for forwarding to the Armenian NB in response to their letter dated 1998-11-16 (in document N1981 – SC 2 N3222) (was delegated to Mr. Michel Suignard during the meeting). M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
to get the front page of FDAM-17 and a few sample Han code tables from CJK Extension A for WG 2 distribution; it has been sent for JTC 1 ballot as an SC 2 document SC 2 N3220. M37: Completed ????
AI-36-3  Editor of 10646-1 Mr. Bruce Paterson and contributing editor Mr. Michael Everson  
  to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, collection of editorial text for the next edition, corrigendum text, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following:  
M36.13 (Technical Corrigendum on Collection ID for BMP of 2nd edition): WG 2 accepts the proposed fixed collection identifier in document N1983 (collection 302) for the fixed repertoire of BMP of the second edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1, and instructs its project editor to prepare a technical corrigendum to Annex A, for inclusion with the Technical Corrigendum in resolution on 'Hangul names list' above. M37 - in progress. M37:In progress
M36.19 (New character bucket M36): With reference to document N1941, WG 2 accepts the proposed Triangular Overlay character, with the new name COMBINING ENCLOSING UPWARD POINTING TRIANGLE, with its proposed shape, and allocates it the code position 20E4 in the BMP. WG 2 instructs its project editor to create a new list of characters accepted for processing beyond the 2nd edition of ISO/IEC 10646-1. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
to work with the IRG editor to synchronize the page numbering for the CJK tables (Clause 26 tables) to get the Camera Ready Copy ready by end of July 1999. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
to work with the Unicode liaison (Dr. Asmus Freytag) on the best way to reference the Unicode Standard in the next edition of 10646-1. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
AI-36-4  Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard  
  to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2:  
M36.26 (2nd WD - 10646 Part 2): WG 2 accepts document N2012R as the second working draft of ISO/IEC 10646-2, including the following allocation / reallocation of code positions: - Etruscan script is moved from 10200..1022F to 10300 …1032F - Gothic script is moved from 10230 … 1024F to 10330 … 1034F - Deseret script is allocated to the range 10400 … 1044F and instructs its project editor to send the document to the SC 2 secretariat for circulating for NB comment by 1999-06-15. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
AI-36-5 IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur)  
IRG editor is to work with the project editor to synchronize the page numbering for the CJK tables (Clause 26 tables) to get the Camera Ready Copy ready by end of July 1999. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
AI-36-6 Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Dr. V.S. Umamaheswaran)  
M36.20 (Criteria for encoding symbols): WG 2 accepts the Criteria for Encoding Symbols proposed in document N1982 in principle and instructs the ad hoc group on Principles and Procedures to incorporate the material from this document into the WG 2 standing document on Principles and Procedures, document N2002. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
to take note of including IDEOGRAPHIC VARIATION INDICATOR at 303E and remove GENERAL VARIATION MARK from FFFB in the roadmap related work. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
to incorporate agreed upon parts of roadmap documents N1949 BMP and N1955 Plane 1 into the principles and procedures document. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress
AI-36-12  The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag)  
to work with the project editor and contributing editor of part 1 on the best way to reference the Unicode Standard in the next edition of 10646-1. M37 - in progress. M37: In progress; see document N2085
Item Assigned to / action (Reference Meeting 37 Resolutions in document N2104 and Unconfirmed Meeting 37 minutes in document N2103 – this document you are reading.) Status
AI-37-1  Meeting Secretary - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran  
to finalize the document N2104 containing the adopted meeting resolutions and send it to the convener as soon as possible. M38:
to finalize the document N2103 containing the unconfirmed meeting minutes and send it to the convener as soon as possible. M38:
AI-37-2  Convener - Mr. Mike Ksar  
act on the resolution M37.17 (Japanese NB concerns to JTC 1 on SC 2 program of work -- "…… Further, WG 2 accepts and endorses the recommendations in contribution N2049 (SC 2 N3341), and instructs its convener to forward document N2049 along with a summary of the recommendations to SC 2 secretariat for forwarding to JTC 1. …. " M38:
to check with ITTF on referencing non-ISO standards in the context of document N2108 (Editor's response to UTC comments on 10646-1 next edition,1999-09-12) M38:
to check with ITTF to see if editors have sufficient freedom to generate multilingual documents using appropriate fonts (for example, replace <alpha> with its glyph in relation to the next edition of 10646-1.) M38:
to act on the resolution .. M37.13 (Feedback to Romania) - "With reference to document N2117 (letter from Romania to SC 2 requesting changes to Annex P of 10646-1), WG 2 instructs its convener to inform SC 2 that the request of Romania cannot be considered at this time, and to invite the Romanian national body to resubmit it for consideration after the relevant 8859 part has become a standard." M38:
to act on resolution M37.12 (Feedback to D.P.R of Korea): With reference to the NP in document N2056 to amend the Korean encoding of Amendment 5, WG 2 instructs its convener to inform SC 2 to respond to the Committee for Standardization of the D.P.R. of Korea: that WG 2 cannot support this NP because any reordering of the standardized Korean Hangul characters would harm existing implementations that are using the standard including its Amendment 5 that existing standardized character names cannot be changed because character names are normative in the standard and changing them would harm existing users of these standardized character names invite them to make concrete proposals to add any missing characters following the existing WG 2 Procedures and Guidelines document (JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N2002), and the conventions for naming of characters in the standard, for future consideration by WG 2, and, invite them to participate in the IRG regarding any Hanja character requirements they may have, and, draw their attention to FCD-3 of ISO/IEC 14651 -- international ordering under ballot in SC 22. M38:
to act on resolution M37.15 (Liaison request from W3C-i18n-WG): WG 2 accepts the offer to establish the Category C liaison from W3C-i18n-WG in document N2081, and appoints its convener Mr. Mike Ksar as the liaison representative from WG 2. WG 2 requests SC 2 to process his liaison and the nomination. M38:
to assist with resolution M37.14 (Response to report on ETSI meeting) - WG 2 invites Mr. Karl Ivar Larsson to prepare an appropriate response to document N2118 on harmonizing ETSI GSM SMS standard with 10646 in consultation with the convener and forward it to ETSI. M38:
to check with ITTF as to whether the Han charts could be sent separately to ITTF rather than through Mr. Bruce Paterson, to reduce some of the costs M38:
to include all carried-forward items from previous meetings to next meeting agenda, including the following documents from M37: N2048 - Proposal to supplement the Arabic Coded character set with special script and characters for Uighur, Kazakh and Kirghiz N2042 - Unicode Technical Report #3: Early Aramaic, Balti, Kirat (Limbu), Manipuri (Meitei), and Tai Lü scripts; Rick McGowan and Michael Everson, 1999-07-20 N2043 - On the apostrophe and quotation mark, with a note on Egyptian transliteration characters, Everson, 1997-07-24 N2044 - On encoding New Tai Lue as proposed by China, Everson, 1997-08-13 N1638 - Proposal to encode Meroitic in Plane 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-2, Everson, 1997-09-18 N2098 - Report on the proposal for a Meroitic sign, DIN, Germany, 1999-09-13. M38:
AI-37-3  Editor of 10646-1 Mr. Bruce Paterson and contributing editor Mr. Michael Everson  
  to prepare the appropriate AM, DAM or PDAM texts, sub-division proposals, collection of editorial text for the next edition, corrigendum text, or entries in collections of characters for future coding, with assistance from other identified parties, in accordance with the following:  
M37.1 (TCOR 3): WG 2 accepts the comment from Korea on draft TCOR-3 and text of Annex xx on Hangul names in document N2077, and instructs its project editor to prepare a disposition of comments and the final text of TCOR-3 and forward it to SC 2 secretariat for further processing. M38:
M37.2 (FPDAM-15 on Kang Xi and CJK radicals): WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-15 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-15 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. M38:
M37.3 (FPDAM-28 on Ideographic description characters): WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-28 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-28 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. M38:
M37.4 (PDAM-29 on Mongolian script): WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-29 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-29 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. M38:
M37.5 (PDAM-30 on Additional Latin and other characters): WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-30 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-30 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. M38:
M37.6 (PDAM-31 on Tibetan extensions): WG 2 accepts the revised disposition of comments on FPDAM-31 ballot in document N2079R, and instructs its project editor to prepare the final text of FDAM-31 with assistance from the contributing editor, and forward these documents to SC 2 secretariat for further processing with unchanged target dates. M38:
M37.7 (Defect report on Thai character names): With reference to documents N2026, N2035 and N2036, WG 2 accepts its project editor's response to add annotations on the character names as the proper solution, and instructs its editor to process it further. M38:
M37.8 (Next edition of 10646-1): WG 2 instructs its editor to prepare a revised text of document N2005 (textual part of the next edition of 10646-1) incorporating changes arising from: Amendment 15, Amendment 28, Amendment 29, Amendment 30, Amendment 31, Technical Corrigendum 3 (see resolution M37.1 above), Responses to comments on document N2005 in documents N2082 and N2108 (amended by discussion at this meeting), Updated list of sources of characters in Annex M (based on documents N2084 and N2106, and changes to document N2106 based on discussion at this meeting), and, Annotations to Thai character names (see resolution M37.7 above) and forward the revised text to SC 2 secretariat for circulation to national bodies and liaison organizations for information, by 1999-11-01. WG 2 further instructs its project editor to prepare the camera ready copy of the second edition of 10646-1 consisting of the above revised text, the final code charts for non-CJK ideographs from AFII and the final code charts for CJK ideographs from the IRG, and submit it to ITTF by 1999-11-01. (Also note: the word 'combining' should be added to title of B.2 to match the title of B.1.) M38:
AI-37-4  Editor of 10646-2: Mr. Michel Suignard  
  to take note of the following and incorporate the needed text in the draft of 10646-2:  
M37.9 (Mathematical alphanumeric symbols): WG 2 accepts the proposal for 991 (subject to verification of this number) new mathematical alphanumeric symbols in document N2086, for inclusion in 10646-2, in the range D400 -- D7FF in Plane 1. The project editor is to select the appropriate character names and block name in the preparation of the text for inclusion in part 2. (note: the editor is to work with proposers of N2086 to refine and consolidate the set of mathematical symbols prior to inclusion in the CD). M38:
M37.10 (CJK unified ideograph extension B): WG 2 accepts the proposal for 42,807 CJK unified ideographs of extension B in document N2105 from the IRG, for encoding in plane 2 of 10646-2, in the range 0100 -- ABFF. The WG 2 notes that the IRG contributing editor has provided the code charts organized as 16 rows by 8 columns. WG 2 further accepts dropping of the word "unified" from the name of plane 2. The project editor is to select the appropriate names for the characters and the block name in the preparation of the text for inclusion in part 2. M38:
M37.11 (2nd WD of 10646-2): WG 2 accepts the disposition of comments in document N2087R on the 2nd WD of 10646-2 and instructs its project editor to prepare the text for CD 10646-2 with assistance from the contributing editors, including the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (see resolution M37.9 above) and the CJK unified ideographs extension B (see resolution M37.10 above) in the CD. WG 2 further instructs its project editor to submit the CD document to SC 2 secretariat for a CD ballot with unchanged target dates. M38:
AI-37-5  IRG (Mr. Zhang Zhoucai, Rapporteur)  
to act on resolution M37.16 (CJK compatibility ideographs from JIS): WG 2 requests IRG to review document N2095 on CJK compatibility Ideographs from Japan, and provide their input to WG 2 before meeting 38 of WG 2, in the context of IRG resolution M13.8 in document N2111. (Some of the assumptions are: there will be other similar compatibility ideographic characters that may be proposed for inclusion in IRG these characters will be in plane 2, except for small set of exceptional characters that may go into the BMP. Some of the questions to be addressed are: is there a need for criterion for unification of compatibility characters or should these be separately identified by individual submitters? What would be estimated size of such a compatibility area, potential starting area - based on IRG experts' input at the IRG.) M38:
to advise Mr. Mike Ksar as soon as he is ready to print out the Han charts. M38:
IRG members and UTC members are invited to work together to avoid inconsistency in the CJK charts between Unicode 3.0 and 10646-1: 2000. M38:
AI-37-6  Ad hoc group on principles and procedures (lead - Dr. V.S. UMAmaheswaran)  
with assistance from the Unicode representative, to include a warning in the Principles and Procedures document to proposers of future precomposed characters into the standard on the effect of normalization UTR on the integrity of the characters. M38:
AI-37-7  The Unicode Consortium (Dr. Asmus Freytag)  
to distribute the Unicode TR20 - Unicode in Markup Languages - when it becomes publicly available to WG 2. M38:
(together with Mr. Alain La Bonté) to prepare a response to APL SC 22 WG 3 on document N2088, Input from SC 22/WG 3 – APL character repertoire, SC 22/WG 3, 1999-09-07. M38:
to provide the editor of 10646-2 fonts for Mathematical alphanumeric symbols for preparing the text for CD 10646-2. M38:
IRG members and UTC members are invited to work together to avoid inconsistency in the CJK charts between Unicode 3.0 and 10646-1: 2000. M38:
to distribute UTR 9 - BiDi Algorithm - to WG 2 for information. M38:
to distribute UTR on normalization when it is publicly available to WG 2, and to prepare a document summarizing the impact of different forms of normalization on future inclusion of precomposed characters in 10646/Unicode. M38:
to distribute UTR 7 on Alternate Format Characters for information to WG2. M38:
AI-37-8  Irish national body (Mr. Michael Everson)  
to prepare response to document N2039 - Sorting order of Philippino Ng; Philippines and Japan, Sato; 1999-06-23, stating that sorting order alone is not sufficient justification for encoding NG as a single character. M38:
with reference to document N2080 - Request for two additional collections in ISO/IEC 10646-1, to explore other ways in which the requirement could be met than a collection identifier -- for example, an enumeration of the excluded characters in MES-3A. M38:
c with reference to document N2097 - Germany's feedback on Semitic languages – is invited to discuss the feedback with the commenter from Germany.  M38:
AI-37-9  Canada (Mr. Alain La Bonté)  
(together with Dr. Asmus Freytag) to prepare a response to APL SC 22/WG 3 on document N2088, Input from SC 22/WG 3 – APL character repertoire, SC 22/WG 3, 1999-09-07. M38:
AI-37-10  Chinese national body (Mr. Chen Zhuang)  
with reference to comments from China in document N2070 on FPDAM-31, Tibetan extension, China is invited to work with the ad hoc group on Tibetan - Mr. Michael Everson, UTC experts etc. -- on the Tibetan email group. M38:
AI-37-11  Japanese national body (Mr. Takayuki Sato)  
with reference to document N2040 - Peso sign, Philippines and Japan, 1999-06-10, Japan is invited to prepare a proposal for inclusion of the Philippines Peso sign. M38:
to communicate document N2055 - Comment on Proposal for Nepalese Script, Hugh McG. Ross, 1999-07-29, as feedback to Nepal. M38:
to contact Philippines sources to get feedback on document N1755 - Philippines repertoire, Everson, 1998-05-27. M38:
to provide more information, per discussion at meeting M37 on document N2095, on the compatibility characters -- enlarged glyphs, which characters these were originally unified with in the basic CJK set etc. M38:
AI-37-12  Lithuania (Mr. Vlados Tsumanosis)  
to take the discussion from meeting M37 on document N2075R - Proposal to add Lithuanian Accented Letters to 10646-1,1999-08-15, as feedback to Lithuanian standards body. M38:
AI-37-13  Germany (Mr. Marc Küster)  
with reference to Encoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs, is invited to contact the German experts, encourage them to participate and report to them on the WG2 discussion, and to supply the contact names etc. to Messrs. Michael Everson and Rick McGowan.  M38:
AI-37-14  Sweden (Mr. Karl-Ivar Larsson)  
with reference to resolution M37.14 (Response to report on ETSI meeting), is invited to prepare an appropriate response to document N2118 on harmonizing ETSI GSM SMS standard with 10646 in consultation with the convener and forward it to ETSI. M38:
AI-37-15  All national bodies and liaison organizations  
to take note of and act on resolution M37.17 (Japanese NB concerns to JTC 1 on SC 2 program of work) -- ".. .. WG 2 also encourages its experts to get support from their national JTC 1 committees of the recommendations contained in document N2049." M38:
to take note of the following: if delegates / contributors want their documents to be circulated widely they are requested to send their documents in electronic form. If a document contains characters that cannot be supported using Latin based word processors or HTML files, the pdf form is preferred. Otherwise, a Word 6 or HTML document would be acceptable. Word 6 is standardized at the SC level. M38:
to review and feedback on document N2045 - Graphic representation of the Roadmap to the BMP, an update of N1949 to the author, Mr. Michael Everson, with copy to the convener M38:
(Myanmar script experts in particular) to review document N2033 - Proposal for Extension of Myanmar Coded Set, John Okell and Hugh McG Ross, UK, 1999-06-03, with particular attention to the proposed DOUBLE COMBINING MARKS in the document M38:
to review document N2048 - Proposal to supplement the Arabic Coded character set with special script and characters for Uighur, Kazakh and Kirghiz -- this document is considered as a request for consideration by WG 2 for future meeting. M38:
to review and feedback on the following proposal documents from Japan: N2092 - Addition of forty eight characters, Japan, 1999-09-13 N2093 - Addition of medical symbols and enclosed numbers, Japan, 1999-09-13 N2094 - Addition of 13 linguistic educational characters, Japan; 1999-09-13 N2095 - Addition of CJK ideographs which are already unified, Japan, 1999-09-13. M38:
to review and feedback on document N2042 - Unicode Technical Report #3: Early Aramaic, Balti, Kirat (Limbu), Manipuri (Meitei), and Tai Lü scripts; Rick McGowan and Michael Everson, 1999-07-20. M38:
(in particular Egyptologists) to review and feedback on document N2043 - On the apostrophe and quotation mark, with a note on Egyptian transliteration characters, Everson, 1997-07-24. M38:
to review N2044 - On encoding New Tai Lue as proposed by China, Everson, 1997-08-13, and contact Mr. Michael Everson, to participate in email discussions on the subject. M38:
to review and feedback on documents: N1638 - Proposal to encode Meroitic in Plane 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-2, Everson, 1997-09-18; N2098 - Report on the proposal for a Meroitic sign, DIN, Germany, 1999-09-13. (This document contains comments from Dr. Pawel Wolf on Meriotic characters in document N1638. The proposal raises the question whether this needs to be encoding at all.) (Germany and Ireland are encouraged in particular to discuss the subject). M38:
To take note of resolution M37.18 (Future meetings): WG 2 confirms the following future meeting schedule: Meeting 38: 21--24 March 2000, Beijing, China Meeting 39: 11-15 September 2000, Greece (US as fall back) (along with SC 2 and SC 2/WG 3 meetings) Meeting 40: March 2001 - US (subject to confirmation) WG 2 accepts and confirms the following IRG future meeting schedule: IRG 14: 6--10 December 1999 in Singapore IRG 15: 15--19 May 2000 in Taiwan IRG 16: November 2000 in Korea. M38:
invited to visit the Unicode Consortium's web site -- , for the latest information on the electronic parts of Unicode 3.0, which includes the Unicode database, and the various Unicode Technical Reports that are important for implementing Unicode / 10646. M38: