

Unicode Character Database in XML


Mark Davis

10/27/2000 06:06 PM



Internally, we produced an XML file that folds in most of the Unicode

Character Database. It is mechanically generated from the current files in

the UCD (plus the alpha version of the PropList file).


At the meeting, I would like to discuss adding such a format of the UCD to

the Unicode site in the 3.1 time frame, for the growing number of people

who find it easer to work with XML.


The notes are at:



The data file is at:



(Note that the data file is much smaller than the sum of the corresponding

UCD files. However, it is still too large to print out. I suggest that

people bring it on their machines.)




Mark Davis, IBM Center for Java Technology, Cupertino

(408) 777-5850 [fax: 5891], mark.davis@us.ibm.com, president@unicode.org
