INFITT Liaison Report
- Work on the revised Tamil block description is
proceeding (there should be something to give to the Editorial committee
by the next UTC meeting).
- Heavy debate continues about the "visual
encoding" comments that would be appropriate.
- There is some concern with members in
Singapore, Malaysia, and the US about some efforts in Tamilnadu about a
Tamil syllabic encoding that several scholars are embracing (this syllabic
encoding is similar but not identical to the 380-codepoint syllabic
proposal that was forwarded by Dr. Vikas at UTC85.
- Tamil Internet 2001, a conference being held in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on August 26-28, is expected to showcase a large
number of Tamil Unicode technologies -- it is hoped that people interested
in Unicode will consider attending this or future conferences.
May 21, 2001
Michael Kaplan