SC22/WG20 N1016
Forwarded message from Bradley Pamela <> -----
"Bradley Pamela" <>
"Matthew Deane" <>,
"Keith Brannon"
<>, "Atlab Abdelali" <>
Subject: TR 14652 - Annex D
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 11:36:30 +0100
I am
writing to you further to the various e-mail exchanges concerning Annex D of TR
order to present the comments in a more general and less country-specific form,
I would suggest the following.
Retain the overall Annex D title "Outstanding issues".
- Start
immediately by creating Clause D.1 "General", and continue directly
underneath with the first two existing paragraphs.
Remove the existing Clause D.1 "Comments from the Japanese member
body" and create Clause D.2 "Comments".
Remove the phrase "Japan considered ..." and start with point 1) It
is not clear ... etc. Replace the beginning of the second sentence "Japan
considers some mechanisms.." with "It is considered that some
mechanisms " etc. In point 2) replace "Japan is afraid .." with
"There is the risk that those default values .." etc.
- After
point 3), remove "D.2 Comments from the U.S. member body" and the
following phrase "The U.S. National Body ... " and continue with
point 1. which becomes point 4), followed by point 2. which becomes point 5)
and so on down to point 8. which becomes point 11). In existing point 5.,
remove "The U.S. views" and start the sentence with "These
"mnemonics" are confusing ..." etc.
- In
the paragraph immediately under existing point 7., remove the beginning of the
second sentence, "The U.S. National Body objects strongly to this
because..." and replace with "There are strong objections to this
..." etc.
Retain the paragraph immediately following the new point 11).
Remove "D.3 Comments from the Norwegian member body" and create in
its place a Clause D.3 "Previous specifications". Directly under this
new Clause D.3, create subclause D.3.1 "Overview".
Remove the phrase "The Norwegian member body .... and continue directly
under D.3.1 Overview with "It is noted ... down to BNF may be found."
Finish the paragraph with "The following are the issues in question."
Create Subclause D.3.2 "LC_PAPER" and follow on directly underneath
with the existing paragraph "The LC_PAPER category ...."
Create Subclause D.3.3 "LC_MEASUREMENT" and follow on directly
underneath with the existing paragraph "The LC_MEASUREMENT category
Create Subclause D.3.4 "Double increment hexadecimal symbolic
ellipses" and follow on directly underneath with the existing and final
paragraph "The double increment ..."
I hope
this is of assistance to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any
questions or comments you may have on the above suggestion.
kind regards,
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