
From: Garner, Jennifer [jgarner@itic.org]

Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:58 PM

To: Wissink, Cathy; Ksar, Mike; zimmer@trace.wisc.edu; kenw@sybase.com

Cc: Farance, Frank; LaPlant, William (Bill); Winkler, Arnold F

Subject: Info for US Delegation to JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and

Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters



US Delegates to the JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters -



At the April 7 and 11, 2003 meeting of the INCITS Executive Board, the approval of the US delegation and contribution to the JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters was addressed.  The related text from the preliminary draft minutes of that meeting is attached below.  Please note that the draft minutes are subject to change following review by the INCITS officers.


Best regards -


Jennifer T. Garner

Associate Director, ITI Standards Programs

Tel:  202.626.5737;  Fax:  202.638.4922

Email:  jgarner@itic.org




Excerpt from the Preliminary Draft Minutes of the April 7 and 11, 2003 Meeting of the INCITS Executive Board




 13.3  For Action - Determination of US National Body Delegation and Approval of US National Contribution(s) to the May 29-30, 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters - Geneva (JTC 1 Sophia Antipolis Resolution 22)



The INCITS Executive Board and US TAGs to SC 2, SC 22/WG 20 and SC 35 had been invited to submit contributions and nominations for participants on the US delegation to the May 2003 meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters (JTC 1 N 7025).  The following responses were reviewed:


*     L2 (US TAG to SC 2 and SC 22/WG 20) - nomination of delegates (in030400) and contribution (in030462)


      *     V2 (US TAG to SC 35) - nomination of delegates and position (in030424)


*     Farance Inc. - contribution noting  other projects within JTC 1 that directly affect this work - SC 32/WG 2 (L8) has "locale identifier" as one of its projects in SC32 and SC 36 (V36) has its CLFA (culture, language, and function accommodation) Rapporteur Group.  - requests that invitation be extended to L8 and V36 to name delegates and proposes that teleconference be scheduled prior to the meeting so that US positions can be coordinated (in030431)


The Executive Board addressed the US delegation to the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters.  It was agreed that due to international deadlines, there was not adequate time to solicit the nomination of L8 and V36 delegates, as proposed in the Farance Inc. contribution (in030431).  The following motion was addressed:




The Executive Board approves the following US delegation to the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters:  Ken Whistler, Mike Ksar, Cathy Wissink and Gottfried Zimmermann, with Ms. Wissink serving as the US Head of Delegation.


Vote on motion:  unanimous consent


The motion passed.


Action Item:  The INCITS Secretariat will submit the US delegation to the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters.


The Executive Board discussed the formulation of a US contribution to the meeting.  It was agreed that the L2 contribution (in030462) supported the existing US position on the activity, whereas the V2 (in030424) and Farance Inc. (in030431) contributions were not based upon positions developed by the previous INCITS organization.  Following significant discussion, the Executive Board addressed this motion:




      The L2 contribution (in030462) will be submitted as the US National Body contribution to the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters.  The V2 (in030424) and Farance Inc. (in030431) contributions will not be submitted as US contributions but will be submitted for consideration by the US delegation in preparation for the meeting.


Vote on the motion: unanimous consent


The motion passed.


Action Item:  The Secretariat will submit in030462 as the US National Body contribution to the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters.


Action Item:  The V2 (in030424) and Farance Inc. (in030431) contributions will be submitted for consideration by the US delegation in preparation for the 2003 JTC 1 Meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters.


In addition, the Executive Board reviewed JTC 1 N 7064, the Dutch comments on JTC 1 N 7025.


Reference:  in030400 (L2 nomination of delegates), in030424 (V2 nomination of delegates and position), in030431 (Farance Inc.), in030462 (L2 contribution), JTC 1 N 7025 (EB, L8 and V2 nominations due March 28, 2003), JTC 1 N 7064 (Dutch comments on JTC 1 N 7025)