June 10, 2003
Number of members in good standing as of this meeting: ??, number of members in regular attendance: ??, Quorum: ??.
PRESENT: Adobe Systems, Inc.; Apple Computer; Basis Technology; Hewlett Packard; IBM Corporation; Microsoft Corporation; Oracle Corp; PeopleSoft (by proxy); RLG (by proxy); Sybase, Inc.
Total members represented: 10, Total not represented: ??
Calendar Review and Update
UTC 95/L2 192 - June 10-13, 2003, San Jose, host Adobe
UTC 96/L2 193 - August 25-28, 2003, Pleasanton, host PeopleSoft
UTC 97/L2 194 - November 4-7, 2003, Baltimore, host Johns Hopkins, Annual Members Mtg.
UTC 98/L2 195 - February 2-5, 2004, Mountain View, host Microsoft
Calendar details posted at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/timesens/calendar.html
WG2 Update
[95-A1] Action Item for Mike Ksar: Follow up on the status of 10646 FDAM 2 of part 1, and FDAM 1 of part 2. These ballots must close before merged version of 10646 can be completed.
[95-A2] Action Item for Mike Ksar: Follow up with Michel Suignard on readiness to print the entire merged 10646 document.
A.5.2 Action Item Review
[95-A3] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update action 94-A6 to say L2/03-029 not 039, in document L2/03-173.
B.11.7 is removed from agenda; save for August meeting.
[95-A4] Action Item for Cathy Wissink: Add Michael Everson to the AI 94-A36.
B.11.8 is removed from the agenda; save for August meeting.
[95-A5] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Get font for Guarani and Austral signs from Michael Everson, and send to Asmus Freytag. Check for other new characters from November meeting where we need fonts.
[95-A6] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Move 93-A79, 93-A80, 93-A81 and 89-A27 to Ed Committee Action Item list.
[95-A7] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Review recently approved script proposals and check to see that fonts are available and get sent to Asmus Freytag, along with pointer to the proposal in which they were approved.
[95-A8] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Take over Action 94-A77 to update FAQ.
New agenda item added: B.9.10 Conformance section of UAX #14.
[95-A9] Action Item for John Jenkins: Document questions on the Han characters from GB18030, HKSCS, BIG5E, that require disposition by the IRG and forward to IRG. Ref AI 93-A97.
[95-A10] Action Item for Cathy Wissink: Write a position paper covering the UTC position on Indic to be in preparation for the upcoming (Sept 2003) meeting in India.
[95-A11] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Take over Action Item 91-A5 from Lisa Moore.
[95-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Take over Action Item 91-A82 from Asmus Freytag. Point to W3C documentation and write an HTML page with known discrepancies. Also get data from Mark Davis and ICU.
[95-A13] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Bring up new agenda item for "Maintaining Han Variant information" for next meeting.
[95-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Write up a description and some info on "Maintaining Han Variant information". Work with Richard Cook regarding how to use the Wenlin database for info on variants, and propose a model for UTC for maintaining a database of variant information.
B.9.1 UTS #6 SCSU
Minor changes in wording. Version 3.5 update.
[95-C1] Consensus: UTC accepts the update to UTS #6 SCSU.
[95-A15] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Update the wording of UTS #6 SCSU as amended in committee and post the proposed update.
[95-A16] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ed Committee: Review the policy on version numbering for technical reports and technical standards and develop a consistent policy for version numbers. (UAXes are already solved: follow the standard.)
B.9.2 Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm
Need to add a glossary to the doc.
B.9.3 Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines [Davis, L2/03-179]
B.12.5 Pattern Properties [Davis, L2/03-172]
[95-C2] Consensus: Create a proposed draft technical report on "identifier and pattern syntax", including information from TUS section 5.15 as well as the items from L2/03-172. Put it out for public review as a proposed draft. This will be UTR #31.
[95-A17] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Make an initial draft of the TR on identifier and pattern syntax and post for public review.
[95-A18] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Send a notification when the draft of the TR on pattern syntax becomes available.
B.12.1 Recommendations for POSIX-Style Properties [Davis, L2/03-139]
[95-A19] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Incorporate the comments from L2/03-139 into UTR #18.
Remove agenda item B.9.4.
B.9.6 Draft Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics
3:28pm: Oracle is no longer represented at the meeting.
Membership Roll Call Adjustment:
PRESENT: Oracle no longer present.
Total members represented: ??; Total not represented: ??
Kent's comments were taken into consideration during review. They didn't accept the suggestion for slashed O.
B.2.1 WG 20 Convenor's Report [Whistler]
There will be a ballot at the August WG20 meeting.
B.12.2 Property Containment Relationships [Davis, L2/03-140]
[95-A20] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Add diffing the property containment relationships across versions of Unicode to the list of things to do for releases.
B.12.3 PropertyAlias Groupings [Davis, L2/03-144]
[95-C3] Consensus: Implement a clean-up of PropertyAliases.txt as given in document L2/03-144 in the next appropriate version of the standard.
[95-A21] Action Item for Mark Davis: Clean up the PropertyAliases.txt file and deliver to Ken Whistler for staging in the next appropriate version of the standard.
B.12.4 Proposed Sentence_Terminal [Davis, L2/03-145]
[95-C4] Consensus: Issue a new proposed update of UAX #29 to add the new informative property Sentence_Terminal (short name STerm) in PropList.txt with the contents given in document L2/03-145 as modified in discussion. Also modify the UAX #29 definition of the "Term" property to reflect point "2" of L2/03-145. The list to be added is as modified in discussion during the meeting.
[95-A22] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Issue a proposed update of UAX #29 which reflects the above consensus to add STerm property as in L2/03-145.
[95-A23] Action Item for Mark Davis: Provide a document distilling the lists in L2/03-145 for posting as a Public Review Issue with specific questions.
[95-A24] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the lists distilled from L2/03-145 (received from Mark Davis) as a Public Review Issue. The public review to close on August 18, 2003.
June 11, 2003
Total members represented: 9, Total not represented: ??
B.11.18 Formation of Reph in Bengali [Nelson, L2/03-192]
[95-C5] Consensus: Remove the last 2 lines of the Bengali example in Section 9.2 of TUS 4.0 book (circa page 235). Post a Public Review Issue which describes the two approaches, closing August 18, 2003. The final decision is to be taken at the August UTC.
(L2/03-192 shows the two offending examples. This may result in a corrigendum or be documented in a later version of TUS.)
[95-A25] Action Item for Paul Nelson: Produce a document on the issue of reph and ya-phalaa interaction in Bengali, and send to the Ed Committee for posting.
[95-A26] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Ed Committee: Review and post Paul Nelson's document on reph and ya-phalaa interaction as a Public Review issue, to close on August 18, 2003.
[95-A27] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Remove the two offending examples from L2/03-192 from the text of section 9.2 of TUS 4.0.
[95-A28] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update the Indic FAQ to remove the last two Bengali reph/yaphalaa examples when they are removed from TUS 4.0.
[95-A29] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Verify that all pertinent subcommittee mail lists are on the Notification list.
PeopleSoft is now present, 10:21 a.m.
Membership Roll Call Adjustment:
PRESENT: PeopleSoft now present.
Total members represented: ??; Total not represented: ??
Return to B.9.5 Draft Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics [Freytag, L2/03-165]
[95-C6] Consensus: Align the math property as specified by the criteria in 3.1.1 of the draft UTR #25, L2/03-165. Take the first table and remove from the other math property. Take the second table and add to the other math property. The full-width tilde will be struck from the list. The general category is not touched.
[95-A30] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Give Mark Davis the 2 updated files, the list to subtract and list to add from/to the other math property, in machine readable form.
[95-A31] Action Item for Mark Davis: Deliver a new updated PropList.txt to Ken Whistler for staging for the next appropriate update of the standard.
[95-C7] Consensus: Advance the draft UTR #25 to UTR #25 with the following changes: align the descriptions in section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 with the revisions of the other math property such that the weak math property does not contain any characters that have the math property, and with additional text modifications raised during discussion, including responding to comments in document L2/03-182.
[95-A32] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ed Committee: Make updates to draft UTR #25 and post as a UTR.
B.9.2 Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm [Davis, Whistler, L2/03-177] [Karlsson, L2/03-185]
Discussion of L2/03-185 and Thai/Lao ordering.
[95-C8] Consensus: There should not be an extensive table change to 14651 to handle Thai/Lao, but instead UTC suggests that those interested in approaches to collating Thai/Lao add example methodologies to appendix C2 of 14651.
[95-A33] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ken Whistler: Respond to Kent Karlsson with the UTC position regarding L2/03-185.
[95-C9] Consensus: Withhold making the change for eszette as required by UTC Action 94-A54 in UCA 4.0, and update the Action Item 94-A54 to say post 4.0.
[95-A34] Action Item for Cathy Wissink: Update Action Item 94-A54 to specify the action to be done post-4.0.
[95-A35] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Asmus Freytag, Markus Scherer, Mark Davis: Work with Marc Kuster in advance of the October WG20 meeting on action 94-A54.
B.14 Function of the Pipeline Web Page
[95-A36] Action Item for Debbie Anderson: Document the user requirements that are not met by the current UTC process of publishing of documents and the roadmap.
[95-A37] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Asmus Freytag, Rick McGowan: Create a proposal for how to meet the user requirements for use of the Pipeline and Pending web pages.
B.7.1 UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics Liaison report [Anderson, L2/03-189]
B.11.2.7 New Testament Editorial Characters [Pantelia, L2/03-074R2]
[95-C10] Consensus: Accept the 13 New Testament Editorial Characters for encoding at locations U+2E00 - U+2E0C with names as given in L2/03-074R2.
B.11.2.8 Greek Acrophonic [Pantelia, L2/03-075R2]
[95-C11] Consensus: Accept the 52 Greek Acrophonic characters in proposal L2/03-075R2 and the one character "Acrophonic two-dot punctuation" as shown in L2/03-193 for encoding at locations U+10140 - U+10174 with the structure of the names changed as discussed in the meeting. (The total number of characters is 53; the ACROPHONIC TWO DOT PUNCTUATION is to be included in this proposal, as shown in L2/03-193.)
[95-A38] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update proposals L2/03-074R2 and L2/03-075R2 with suggested encoding locations, name changes, and supporting documentation. Forward to Mike Ksar to be included in October WG2 meeting agenda.
[95-A39] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect encoding of Greek Acrophonic and New Testament Editorial characters as in documents L2/03-074R2 and L2/03-075R2, and the two-dot punctuation as in L2/03-193.
[95-A40] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Send to Asmus Freytag a names list with codepoints and suggested annotations for L2/03-074R2 and L2/03-075R2. Make sure that the document includes UTC as a submitter.
B.11.2.2 Standard Ancient Greek Numerical Symbols (WIP) [Pantelia, L2/03-158R]
[95-C12] Consensus: Accept the 21 Greek Papyrological Numerical Characters documented in proposal L2/03-158R for encoding at locations U+10175 - U+1018A.
[95-A41] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Communicate with Michael Everson that Linear A needs to be moved in the roadmap because the 21 Greek Papyrological Numerical Characters documented in proposal L2/03-158R have run over U+10189. DONE
[95-A42] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update the proposal L2/03-158R with suggested codepoints and forward to Mike Ksar. Make sure that the document includes UTC as a submitter.
[95-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect the encoding of 21 Greek Papyrological Numerical Characters documented in proposal L2/03-158R at U+10175 - U+1018A.
B.11.2.5 Greek Rho Abbreviation Symbol [Pantelia, L2/03-188]
[95-C13] Consensus: Accept the "Greek Rho with stroke symbol" for encoding at U+03FC, as documented in L2/03-188.
[95-A44] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update the proposal with the new name and code location for Greek Rho with stroke and forward to Mike Ksar to be considered in the Oct WG2 meeting. Make sure that the document includes UTC as a submitter.
[95-A45] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of "Greek Rho with stroke symbol" as documented in L2/03-188.
B.11.2.6 Additional Punctuation Characters [Pantelia, L2/03-193]
[95-C14] Consensus: Accept the three general punctuation characters for encoding at suggested locations U+2E0D..U+2E0F with names as specified in L2/03-193. They are:
U+2E0F DOTTED CROSS[95-A46] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update the proposal using latest Summayr form aand forward to Mike Ksar to be considered in the Oct WG2 meeting. Make sure that the document includes UTC as a submitter.
[95-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of three general punctuation characters from L2/03-193, as named in consensus 95-C14.
B.11.2.3 Two Additional Combining Diacritics [Pantelia, L2/03-186]
Delete "combining double bridge above" from the proposal. Only proposing the combining asterisk below.
[95-C15] Consensus: Accept the combining asterisk below as documented in L2/03-186 for encoding at location U+0359.
[95-A48] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update the proposal L2/03-186 and forward to Mike Ksar for consideration at the October WG2 meeting. Add UTC as one of the submitters.
[95-A49] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of two combining diacritics as documented in L2/03-186.
B.11.2.4 Ancient Greek Mathematical Characters [Pantelia, L2/03-187]
[95-C16] Consensus: Accept the three dimensional angle and triangle enclosed within triangle for encoding at U+27C0, U+27C1.
[95-A50] Action Item for Maria Pantelia: Update L2/03-187 and forward to Mike Ksar for consideration at the October WG2 meeting.
[95-A51] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of the three dimensional angle and triangle enclosed within triangle for encoding at U+27C0, U+27C1.
B.11.8.2 Productive Arabic-script Modifier Marks [Kew, L2/03-154]
[95-M1] Motion: In principle the UTC is in favor of encoding additional diacritic combining characters for productive extension of the Arabic script.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Eric Muller
1 for (IBM)
3 against (Sybase, Adobe, Microsoft)
3 abstain (Peoplesoft, HP, RLG)
Basis is out of the room. Motion fails.
B.11.8.5 Arabic-script Letters for African Languages [Kew, L2/03-168]
[95-C17] Consensus: Accept the 23 characters in L2/03-168 with names as modified in discussion and with codepoints as indicated in L2/03-210: 3 vowels at 065A - 065C, and the other 20 letters at 0750..0758; 075A..075B; 075d..0761; 0764..0767
[95-A52] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Update the proposal L2/03-168 correcting the names and removing section 4 and explain "table XI" of the document. Forward to Mike Ksar for inclusion in the October WG2 meeting.
[95-A53] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of L2/03-168 as in Consensus 95-C17.
[95-A54] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Transmit a font and draft names list for the 23 characters in L2/03-168 (as modified) to Asmus Freytag.
[95-A55] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update the document submission procedures to mention the problems with A4 versus 8.5x11 paper size and warn people to keep margins within something that can be printed on either paper without losing information, especially headers and footers.
B.11.8.3 Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark [Kew, L2/03-159]
[95-C18] Consensus: Accept the Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark as documented in L2/03-159 for encoding at U+061E.
[95-A56] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Forward the proposal L2/03-159 to Mike Ksar for consideration in the October WG2 meeting.
[95-A57] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark for encoding at U+061E as documented in L2/03-159.
B.11.8.4 Combining Diacritic Arabic Wasla [Kew, L2/03-166]
[95-A58] Action Item for Kamal Mansour: Communicate to the author of L2/03-166 that the committee would prefer to encode a single precomposed character for Syriac Alaph Wasla.
B.11.8.1 Extensions to Arabic Block [Kew, L2/02-274]
[95-C19] Consensus: Accept the four characters proposed in L2/02-274 for encoding with the following names and code point assignments (as in[L2/03-210):
U+0769 ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH SMALL V[95-A59] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Update and forward to Mike Ksar.
[95-A60] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect encoding of the four Arabic characters from L2/02-274 at locations U+0759, 075C, 0768, and 0769.
B.11.8.6 Jawi and Moroccan Arabic GAF Characters [Kew, L2/03-176]
[95-C20] Consensus: Accept the two characters in L2/03-176 for encoding at 0762 and 0763, ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH DOT ABOVE and ARABIC LETTER KEHEH WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE.
[95-A61] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Update the proposal L2/03-176 and forward to Mike Ksar for October WG2 meeting.
[95-A62] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Write text for an explanation of usage of Kaf and Gaf characters for different languages. Suggest additional annotations for these characters.
[95-A63] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of the two Arabic characters as documented in L2/03-176.
[95-A64] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Send font and names list for L2/03-176 to Asmus Freytag.
[95-C21] Consensus: Start a new Arabic block at U+0750 and call it "Arabic Supplementary".
June 12, 2003
Total members represented: 8, Total not represented: ??
B.11.19.1 Phonetic Symbols and Modifier Letters [Constable, L2/03-180]
Doc L2/03-180: Needs to address the diacritics on superscripts issues. Needs to address should all such usage be encoded? Or should some markup be used? Address the usage model, question of what should be criteria for deciding what should be in and what out of the standard.
[95-A65] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Follow up with Peter Constable with questions on L2/03-180.
B.11.19.2 Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook [Constable, L2/03-169R]
What to do about existing data that uses combining palatal hook? Will these be encoded as pre-composed chars with defined decompositions?
[95-A66] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Give feedback from UTC to Peter Constable. The committee would like to see more evidence for usage of three characters in particular, and follow up with a new proposal for the August meeting.
B.11.19.3 Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook [Constable, L2/03-170]
[95-A67] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Give feedback on L2/03-170 from UTC to Peter Constable. Ask for more information on the schwa character; also include any other retroflex hook characters from other proposals in one proposal, and resubmit for the August meeting.
B.11.19.4 Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde [Constable, L2/03-174R]
[95-M2] Motion: Accept the repertoire of 11 phonetic symbols with middle tilde as documented in L2/03-174R; codepoints to be determined later.
Moved by Lisa Moore, seconded by Ken Whistler
5 for (Adobe, HP, IBM, MS, Sybase)
2 against (Apple, RLG)
1 abstain (Peoplesoft)
Basis is out of the room.[95-A68] Action Item for Peter Constable: Forward the proposal L2/03-174 to WG2 once codepoint assignments are made (not before).
[95-A69] Action Item for Ken Whistler: update pipeline to reflect acceptance of L2/03-174, once codepoint assignments are made.
[95-A70] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Make an agenda item for August UTC to assign codepoints for L2/03-174.
B.11.19.5 Additional Phonetic Symbols [Constable, L2/03-190]
[95-A71] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Ask Peter Constable to move the three instances of retroflex hook from L2/03-190 to the other proposal L2/03-170.
B.11.10 Report on Cuneiform conference [McGowan]
Ken and Rick reported orally.
B.11.13 Symbols for Genealogy and Gender Studies [Everson, L2/03-164]
[95-A72] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Relay committee feedback to Michael Everson on document L2/03-164.
B.11.15 Five Miscellaneous Symbols [Everson, L2/03-163]
[95-C22] Consensus: Accept the 5 characters in document L2/03-163, with atom symbol at U+2692 and fleur-de-lis at U+2693 and all other code points in their positions as indicated in the document.
2693 FLEUR-DE-LIS[95-A73] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of the five miscellaneous symbols in L2/03-163, as in Consensus 95-C22.
[95-A74] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Asmus to notify Everson that L2/03-163 was accepted.
[95-A75] Action Item for Michael Everson: Supply Asmus Freytag with draft names list and font for characters from L2/03-163.
B.11.16 Revised Proposal for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script [Constable, L2/03-151R]
[95-C23] Consensus: UTC accepts the Syloti Nagri Script for encoding beginning at A800..A82B with names as amended in discussion. Syloti Nagari Sign Ful (U+xx28 in the document) is renamed "Eight Pointed Asterisk", and is placed at U+2055. (Note: the name of the above character was changed by consensus 95-C27 on Friday to "Flower Punctuation Mark", as the glyph is not always 8-pointed.)
[95-A76] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update pipeline to reflect acceptance of Syloti Nagri from L2/03-151R, including "Flower Punctuation Mark".
[95-A77] Action Item for Jonathan Kew: Have Peter Constable submit an updated proposal to Mike Ksar for WG2 meeting in October. Include name changes, background, and justification for moving the Sign Ful.
[95-A78] Action Item for Jonathan Kew, Peter Constable: Send Asmus Freytag draft names list and a font for Syloti Nagri as per L2/03-151R and amended in discussion.
B.11.20 Additional Mathematical and Other Letterlike Characters [Freytag, L2/03-194]
Note: The Papyrus Symbol was withdrawn by Asmus Freytag from proposal L2/03-194, as per Peter Constable's feedback in document L2/03-201.
[95-C24] Consensus: Accept the 7 characters in L2/03-194 and L2/03-201 with codepoints and name changes as amended (note that the papyrus symbol is gone).
[95-A79] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of 7 characters in L2/03-194 and L2/03-201 (without Papyrus Symbol).
[95-A80] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Update proposal L2/03-194 and forward to Mike Ksar for discussion at the October WG2 meeting.
B.11.8.7. Arabic Zwarakay [Everson, Pournader, L2/03-133]
[95-C25] Consensus: UTC accepts Arabic Zwarakay for encoding at U+0659, with a combining class of 30.
[95-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of Arabic Zwarakay at U+0659.
B.12.9 Soft_Dotted Property [Karlsson, L2/03-184]
Consider posting this for public review.
[95-A82] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Send Rick McGowan text capturing the Public Review Issue brought up by L2/03-184. DONE.
[95-A83] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Draft a Public Review Issue on "soft dotted" property and post with a closing date of August 18, 2003. Make sure the math community is also notified by sending a note to the Math W3C list & David Carlisle.
B.15 Report on meeting on Cooperation and Coordination of Cross Cultural and Linguistic Matters (CCCCLM) [Ksar, L2/03-181; INCITS, L2/03-132]
B.12.8 SOFT HYPHEN Behavior Breaks 8859-1 Compatibility [Kuhn, L2/03-155]
[95-A84] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Document in a FAQ that in a terminal emulation environment, one could display a soft hyphen as a hyphen in all circumstances (this response should take into account Ken's response to Markus Kuhn on the Unicore list).
B.12.6. Variation Selector Property [Davis, L2/03-033]
[95-C26] Consensus: Introduce a normative variation selector property as described in document L2/03-033.
[95-A85] Action Item for Mark Davis: Create the machine readable list of the code points affected by the consensus on document L2/03-033, with a variation selector property and give to Ken Whistler for staging in the next appropriate version of Unicode. The file UCD.html needs to be updated as well as PropList.txt.
B.19. Locale Description Markup Language (LDML) [Davis L2/03-199]
Proposed collection process of all different types of locales across systems. XML format that describes data that is used for the common functionality associated across locales and is extensible.
[95-A86] Action Item for Mark Davis, Cathy Wissink: Draft a locale ID and data and metadata requirements document that addresses the concerns raised in committee with regard to L2/03-199.
B.9.4.1 TR #23 Comments and Normative Properties [Davis, L2/03-134]
[95-A87] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ed Committee: Update DUTR#23 with comments received during the meeting and post as a new draft version.
B.16 Base Character Definition D13 [Davis, L2/03-041R]
This was tabled from the last meeting because it would have to be post 4.0, and is now re-opened. Focuses on D13 and D14, which describe base character and combining character. (More discussion the following day.)
[95-A88] Action Item for Mark Davis: Produce a new draft of L2/03-041R for the August UTC.
B.8.1. INFITT Liasion Report [Kaplan]
INFITT is still grappling with wanting to add ligatures. Also working on developing a tailoring for the UCA.
B.6.1. W3C liaison report [Davis]
June 13, 2003
Total members represented: 9, Total not represented: ??
B.11.16 Revised Proposal for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script [Constable, L2/03-151R]
[95-C27] Consensus: Change the name of the codepoint U+2055 to "Flower Punctuation Mark". (This was accepted above in Consensus 95-C23 as part of the Syloti Nagri script proposal.)
[95-C28] Consensus: Use the codepoint assignments for the new Arabic characters as given in document L2/03-210. Note: this decision has been reflected back into the prior motions, so that these minutes reflect the final disposition of codepoints for Arabic proposals accepted at this meeting.
B.13 Public Review Issues
B.13.1 Object Replacement Character
[95-A89] Action Item for Mark Davis: Write a position paper on why U+FFF9 - U+FFFB should have general category "Po" rather than "Cf" and post as a Public Review Issue to close on August 15, 2003. (I.e., U+FFF9 - U+FFFB should go from "Cf" to "Po" because they should not be invisible if they are not supported.)
UTC Membership Roll Call Adjustment:
PRESENT: PeopleSoft now present.
Total members represented: ??; Total not represented: ??
B.13.2 Tailored Normalization Forms B.13.2.1 Questions on Tailored Normalization [Scherer, L2/03-047] B.13.2.2 Variant Normalization Forms [Davis, L2/03-058]
[95-M3] Motion: In view of the many problems which turned up when attempting to design a tailoring mechanism for normalization, the UTC now rescinds consensus 93-C22. (I.e, the committee will not add a mechanism for tailored normalizations.)
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler
8 for (Apple, HP, Sybase, Adobe, Peopleosft, IBM, RLG, MS)
1 against (Basis)
0 abstain
Motion passes.
NOTE: the above consensus rescinds 93-C22 from L2/02-345: [93-C22] Consensus: Add a mechanism to Unicode Standard Annex #15 Unicode Normalization Forms that allows people to make conformance claims to certain tailorings of normalization, including a syntax for that tailoring, and a small number of named tailorings.
[95-A90] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the resolution of Public Review Issue #7 on Tailored Normalization Forms. I.e., UTC will not provide tailorings.
[95-A91] Action Item for Eric Muller: Prepare a proposal for using Variation Selectors with certain ideographs to represent graphic distinctions exemplified by certain CJK compatibility ideographs. See document L2/02-389.
B.13.3 Math Digits
[95-C29] Consensus: Close the Public Review Issue #8 (Math Digits). The UTC sees no reason to change the numeric values assigned to the Math Digits 1D7C9..1D7FF.
[95-A92] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the resolution of Public Review Issue #8 as closed; no change.
B.9.3 Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines [Davis, L2/03-179]
[95-A93] Action Item for Mark Davis: Incorporate into proposed draft update of UTS #18 the feedback received in the meeting and post as another proposed update. Insert in the status that this is expected to be discussed at the August UTC meeting.
B.9.2.3 SOFT HYPHEN and Stability
[95-A94] Action Item for Mark Davis: Incorporate feedback received in the meeting and post a new proposed update for UTS #10 UCA synchronized with the release of the 4.0 collation table.
B.9.8 Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #32 Assessing Unicode Support [Davis, L2/03-196]
[95-A95] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ed Committee: Update the document L2/03-196 based on committee feedback received during the meeting and post as a proposed draft TR. This will be UTR #32, Assessing Unicode Support.
B.16 Base Character Definition D13 [Davis, L2/03-041]
[95-M4] Motion: Add the bottom two bullets of L2/03-041R below the definitions D13 and D14, the last below D13 and the only one below D14. They are:
To add below D13: In terms of General Category values (see Chapter 4), a base character is any code point that has one of the categories Letter (L), Number (N), Punctuation (P), Symbol (S), Space Separator (Zs). (In other words, it excludes the values Cn, Cs, Cc, Cf, Zl, Zp, Mc, Mn, and Me). The interpretation of Private Use characters (Co) as base characters or not is determined by the implementation.
To add below D14: Combining characters consist of all characters with the General Category values of Spacing Combining Mark (Mc), Non-Spacing Mark (Mn), and Enclosing Mark (Me). The interpretation of Private Use characters (Co) as combining characters or not is determined by the implementation.These bullets are to be added to the standard in the next appropriate version.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Eric Muller
3 for (Peoplesoft, Adobe, IBM)
3 against (Sybase, Basis, Microsoft)
3 abstain (Apple, HP, RLG)
Motion fails.[95-M5] Motion: Create a derived core property which defines "Base_Character" with abbreviation "Base", for the next appropriate version of the standard, post 4.0.1.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Ken Whistler
5 for (Basis, Apple, Sybase, IBM, RLG)
0 against
4 abstain (HP, Adobe, Peoplesoft, Microsoft)
Motion passes.[95-A96] Action Item for Mark Davis: Generate the Derived Core Property "Base" and give to Ken Whistler for staging, post 4.0.1.
[95-A97] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Ask Magda to always link the pre-preliminary minutes on the UTC-Meetings page http://www.unicode.org/L2/meetings/utc-meetings.html so that members can easily get to them.
[95-C30] Consensus: Approve the minutes of the meeting UTC #94/L2 #191 as documented in L2/03-039.
B.9.6 Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #30: Character Foldings
[95-C31] Consensus: Advance PDUTR #30 Character Foldings to Draft UTR #30 after incorporating feedback received during the meeting and review by the Ed Committee.
[95-A98] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ed Committee: Update and post PDUTR #30 as a Draft UTR.
B.10.1 Unicode 4.0.1
[95-C32] Consensus: UTC authorizes the initiation of a Unicode 4.0.1 beta with a new Unihan.txt file and other changes approved by UTC.
[95-A99] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Ed Committee: Initiate a 4.0.1 beta once the Unihan.txt file is ready.
B.11.21 Buginese [Everson, L2/03-191]
[95-C33] Consensus: Accept the 32 Buginese characters documented in L2/03-191 for encoding at U+1A00 - U+1A1F.
[95-A100] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect acceptance of the Buginese script, as documented in L2/03-191.
[95-A101] Action Item for Michael Everson: Send the font and names list for L2/03-191 (Buginese) to Asmus Freytag.
B.11.17 Horizontal arrows with tips vertical [McGowan, L2/03-119]
[95-A102] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to the author of L2/03-119 (tvs@hawaii.edu) to say, UTC would like a crisper proposal. Work with the author to clean up the proposal, suggesting codepoints, etc. In principal UTC is open to completing the set. Bring back a proposal for the August UTC.
B.11.12 Double Combining Stroke [Davis, L2/02-361]
[95-C34] Consensus: Add "Latin Small Letter th with Strikethrough" for encoding at codepoint U+0238.
[95-A103] Action Item for Mark Davis: Prepare the Proposal Summary form for "Latin Small Letter th with Strikethrough" for encoding at codepoint U+0238, including property definitions, and forward to Mike Ksar for consideration at the October WG2 meeting.
[95-A104] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to reflect acceptance of Latin Small Letter TH with Strikethrough at codepont U+0238.
[95-A105] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Create a font for th with strikethrough.
B.11.11 Combining Double Breve Below [McGowan, L2/03-142]
[95-C35] Consensus: Accept the Combining Double Breve Below for encoding at U+035C.
[95-A106] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update the proposal L2/03-142 to spell out "TUS" instead of using the abbreviation. In item #10 of the summary form reference U+032E combining breve below as a similar character; the rationale for encoding is the difference in combining behavior, since this is a double diacritic. In item #10 also mention similarity to the character U+2323. After updating, forward the new proposal to Mike Ksar for WG2 posting.
Attendees: | Representing: |
Joan Aliprand | RLG |
Debbie Anderson | UC Berkeley |
Mark Davis | IBM |
Asmus Freytag | Basis |
Deborah Goldsmith | Apple |
Michael Kaplan | Microsoft, Trigeminal |
Jonathan Kew | SIL |
Mike Ksar | Microsoft |
Kamal Mansour | Agfa Monotype |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Lisa Moore | IBM |
Eric Muller | Adobe |
Gabriel Plumlee | PeopleSoft |
Lynn Ruggles | HP |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
V.S. Umamaheswaran | IBM |
Ken Whistler | Sybase |
Cathy Wissink | Microsoft |
Jianping Yang | Oracle |
Member | 6/10/03 | 6/11/03 | 6/12/03 | 6/13/03 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes |
2. Apple Computer, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Basis Technology | yes | yes | yes | yes |
4. Hewlett Packard | yes | yes | yes | yes |
5. IBM Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes |
6. Microsoft Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes |
7. Oracle Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes |
8. PeopleSoft | yes | yes | yes | yes |
9. RLG, Inc. | yes (proxy) | yes (proxy) | yes | yes |
10. Sun Microsystems, Inc. | ||||
11. Sybase, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes |