Pre-Preliminary Minutes of the UTC 97 / L2 194 Joint
Baltimore, MD -- November 4 - 7, 2003
Hosted by Johns Hopkins University
November 13, 2003
November, 4, 2003
Meeting opened at 10:10 am.
10 members present. Quorum is 7.
A.5.1 Approval of minutes
[97-C1] Consensus: Approve the minutes of UTC #96.
SAP (proxy) Asmus Freytag arrived 10:36. 11 members now present.
[97-A1] Action Item for John Jenkins: Prepare a document describing the provisional properties of Unihan and make a recommendation as to which are stable and high-quality enough to be upgraded to be informative.
Calendar Review (A.6)
UTC 97/L2 194 - November 4-7, 2003, Baltimore, host Johns Hopkins University, Annual Members Mtg
UTC 98/L2 195 - February 2-5, 2004, host Mountain View, Microsoft
UTC 99/L2 196 - June 15-18, 2004, Toronto, host IBM
UTC 100/L2 197 - August 17-20, 2004, Redmond, host Microsoft
Calendar details posted at
B.11.3 Issue 15: Changing general category of Braille Patterns to Lo
[97-C2] Consensus: UTC will not change the general category of Braille pattern symbols to "Letter other" as suggested in PRI #15.
[97-C3] Consensus: Change the bidi property of the Braille symbols from OtherNeutral to strong Left to right in 4.0.1.
[97-A2] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the public review issue #15, noting both the unchanged general category and the changed bidi category.
[97-A3] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update Unicode Data to reflect the change of Braille pattern symbols bidi property from OtherNeutral to strong Left to right in 4.0.1.
[97-A4] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update derived properties file, reflecting change of Braille pattern symbols bidi property from OtherNeutral to strong Left to right in 4.0.1.
[97-A5] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Update UCD.html, reflecting change of Braille pattern symbols bidi property from OtherNeutral to strong Left to right in 4.0.1.
B.11.3.1 Consider collation ramifications of PRI #15
[97-A6] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Explain in an FAQ the use of Braille and other symbols in searching, and in sorting.
B.11.4 Issue 16: Update to UAX#29 Text Boundaries
[97-C4] Consensus: Include some minor editing to take into account public feedback on UTR #29 and include in the 4.0.1 edition.
[97-A7] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update the UAX #29 with feedback received during the review period and as discussed in the meeting and post the update for 4.0.1.
[97-A8] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #16 and post the resolution as in consensus 97-C4.
B.11.5 Issue 17: Change status of UTR#18 Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines to UTS
[97-A9] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the public review issue #17 for UTS #18.
B.11.6 Issue 18: Review of DUTR#23 The Unicode Character Property Model
[97-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the public review issue #18 for UTR #23.
B.11.7 Issue 19: Review of DUTR#30 Character Foldings
[97-A11] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Update DUTR #30 to add a description of what syllabic folding is, but not necessarily add syllabic folding tables.
[97-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the public review issue #19 for DUTR #30.
B.14.3 Buginese [L2/03-320]
[97-C5] Consensus: Accept the codepoint changes given in 1 a, b, c, d, and e of the WG2 consent docket, L2/03-397. Also see L2/03-380.
B.1.3. Consent docket [Whistler, L2/03-397]
[97-C6] Consensus: Accept the name changes given in 2 a, b, c, d of the WG2 consent docket, L2/03-397.
[97-C7] Consensus: Accept name change and codepoint movement of 2E0E FOUR DOT PUNCTUATION to 205B FOUR DOT MARK.
[97-A13] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Get more info on U+205D TRICOLON to see if it should be unified with U+2AF6 triple colon operator.
[97-C8] Consensus: Accept the characters in 4 a, d, e, and n of document L2/03-397, as follows:
U+2E16 DOTTED RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE[97-A14] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Investigate possible unification of U+2E13 dotted obelos and U+2052 Commercial Minus.
[97-A15] Action Item for Michael Everson, Editorial Committee: Document in Unicode 4.1 the range of variation in glyphs for Afgani sign.
[97-C9] Consensus: Accept U+060B Afgani Sign for encoding.
Suspended this discussion, move to cuneiform at 3:00.
[97-C10] Consensus: Accept U+1D79 Latin Insular G for encoding.
[97-A16] Action Item for Michael Everson: Write a tech note on phonetic notation (Insular G and related IPA & Latin characters).
[97-C11] Consensus: Accept the gender symbols, circles, and genealogical symbols in 4h, i, j of document L2/03-397.
[97-C12] Consensus: Accept the U+2E0D RAISED SMALL DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO UPPER RIGHT from section 4m of the WG2 consent docket, document L2/03-397.
[97-C13] Consensus: Accept the U+2CBC COPTIC SYMBOL KHI RO for encoding, as in section 4l of the WG2 consent docket, document L2/03-397.
[97-A17] Action Item for Michael Everson: Write a tech note on the double oblique hyphen.
[97-C14] Consensus: Accept U+2E17 DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN from document L2/03-397 section 4o for encoding.
[97-C15] Consensus: Accept U+205E VERTICAL FOUR DOTS for encoding, as in section 4f, dictionary symbols from L2/03-397 section 4g for encoding:
and 4k the 2 half-square forms.U+2692 HAMMER AND CHISEL
U+2699 GEAR
U+269A STAFF OF HERMES[97-A18] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Research the name of the tool that's pictured in the glyph for U+2692 HAMMER AND CHISEL.
[97-A19] Action Item for Cathy Wissink: Get feedback from Peter Constable about Tai Lue names (Tai Le, Tai Lue versus "Xishuang BannaDai", and *Old* Xishuang Banna Dai in the next row).
[97-C16] Consensus: Accept for encoding Tai Lue (80 characters), at U+1980..U+19DF as in L2/03-397 section 6a, with block name "Tai Lue".
[97-C17] Consensus: Add a new block called "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement" for combining diacritical marks U+1DC0..U+1DFF, as in document L2/03-397, sections 7a, 7b.
[97-C18] Consensus: Change block boundaries for Coptic and Phags-pa as in L2/03-397 section 8. Coptic becomes U+2C80..U+2CCF, Phags-Pa becomes U+A840..U+A87F.
[97-C19] Consensus: Accept changes in variation sequences for Phags-Pa as in L2/03-397 section 9a.
[97-A20] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect changes as in document L2/03-397, section 9a, acceptance of Tai Lue and Phags-Pa.
November 5, 2003
Meeting opened at 9:20. 10 members present.
B.11.8 Issue 20: Review of PDUTR#31 Identifier and Pattern Syntax
[97-A21] Action Item for Mark Davis: Respond on U+1361 comment in L2/03-389, re public review issue #20.
B.11.9 Issue 21: Change general category of U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE from Zs to Cf
[97-M1] Motion: Change the general category of U+200B from Zs to Cf in Unicode version 4.0.1.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Benson Margulies
6 For (IBM, RLG, Sybase, Adobe, Apple, Basis)
0 Against
5 Abstain (HP, MS, JS, Sun, SAP)[97-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close public review issue #21, general category of U+200B, as per motion 97-M1.
[97-A23] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Update the data files for 4.0.1, changing the general category of U+200B from Zs to Cf.
[97-A24] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add text on the general category change of U+200B from Zs to Cf, in Unicode 4.0.1.
B.11.23 Issue 23: Terminal punctuation characters
[97-A25] Action Item for Benson Margulies: Review the text of UTR #29 for clarity.
[97-C20] Consensus: Change "Sentence Terminal" to "STerm" in the UCD, Proplist.txt and PropertyAliases.txt. Add explanatory text on necessary tailorings to TR29 and update UCD.html as per discussion at the meeting, in Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A26] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Change the property Sentence Terminal to Sterm and update explanatory text on necessary tailorings to TR29 and update UCD.html as per discussion at the meeting.
[97-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close public review issue #23, as per consensus 97-C20.
[97-A28] Action Item for Mark Davis: Respond to Daniel Yacob on the Ethiopic comments on public review issue #23.
B.11.10 Issue 22: Collation mechanism for syllabic scripts
[97-A29] Action Item for Mark Davis, Cathy Wissink, Editorial Committee: Incorporate the collation mechanism for syllabic scripts from public review issue #22 and create an update to UTS #10.
[97-A30] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close public review issue #22, with the resolution as in action 97-A29.
B.11.1 Issue 9: Bengali Reph and Ya-Phalaa [Sengupta, L2/03-388; L2/03-389; Nelson, L2/03-394]
[97-M2] Motion: Use the representation of Reph and Yaphalaa as in document L2/03-394 as the way to resolve the ambiguity between the processing of combinations of Ra and Ya in Bengali.
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Cathy Wissink
6 For (MS Basis HP Sybase IBM RLG)
0 Against
5 Abstain (Adobe Apple SAP JS Sun)[97-A31] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Update the Indic FAQ and add the clarification in document L2/03-394 to Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A32] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close public review issue #9, with resolution as in motion 97-M2.
B.15.2 Ethiopic properties
[97-A33] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: draft two public review issues on the correct numeric type of Ethiopic numbers and Tamil numbers.
[97-A34] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the two issues of Ethiopic numbers and Tamil numbers for public review after receiving text from Mark Davis.
[97-A35] Action Item for Mark Davis: Respond to Daniel Yacob on the documents L2/03-279 and L2/03-298.
B.15.5 Behavior of Combining Grapheme Joiner [Whistler, L2/03-403]
[97-A36] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update Ken's document L2/03-403 to reflect that this is a general purpose mechanism that should be used in specific circumstances and incorporate other comments made during the meeting.
B.16.9 Ideograph Variation Selector and Variation Collection Identifier [Hiura, L2/03-413]
[97-M3] Motion: UTC supports the development of policies and procedures for the registration of Han variation selectors from Plane 14.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Eric Muller
9 For (IBM HP RLG Sybase Basis Apple Adobe Sun JS)
1 Against (MS)
1 Abstain (SAP)[97-A37] Action Item for Eric Muller, Hideki Hiura: Form a group to develop the policies and procedures for a registration process for the Han Variation Selectors. See motion 97-M3.
B.16.3 Chinese character description language (CDL) [Cook, L2/03-387; Bishop and Cook, L2/03-404]
[97-A38] Action Item for John Jenkins: Make sure that demo/overview of CDL gets onto the IRG agenda for December meeting. Ask IRG to examine it and encourage their support of it.
[97-A39] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Discuss with Richard Cook that if he wishes to post L2/03-404 and L2/03-420 as a tech note, to address the Intellectual property and naming implications.
B.16.8 Status of the ideographic description sequences for Extension B [Jenkins, L2/03-405]
[97-A40] Action Item for Deborah Goldsmith, John Jenkins: Ask Cora to generate CDL descriptors for the characters for Ext B, starting with the ones not currently available from Richard Cook.
[97-A41] Action Item for John Jenkins: Turn the CDL descriptors for Ext B into a set of IDS descriptions for IRG use, as soon as can be done.
B.16.4 Proposal for the Basic International CJK Subset [Lunde, L2/03-407]
B.16.5 Unencoded characters in GB 18030 and HK-SCS [Goldsmith, Muller, L2/03-411]
November 6, 2003
Meeting opened about 9:15. 11 members present.
B.16.7 Variation sequences for CJK Compatibility characters [Muller, L2/03-294]
B.15.3 Line breaking property exceptions [Freytag] and B.15.4 East Asian Width property changes [Freytag]
[97-C21] Consensus: Decouple East Asian Width from Linebreak.
[97-A42] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Put disclaimer that East Asian Width does not conform to modern layout practice, in the UAX #11 for Unicode 4.0.1.
Not considering 2.b.2 of L3/03-419.
Lunch 11:45 - 1:05. 10 members present.
[97-C22] Consensus: The UTC wishes to delay the introduction of the "Base Character" property until after Unicode 4.0.1, and until it can be discussed more thoroughly.
B.15.7. Boundary Neutral Property
[97-C23] Consensus: Change the bidi class for Interlinear Annotation Characters from Boundary Neutral to Other Neutral in Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Make the required changes in the data files UnicodeData.txt and derived files to reflect consensus 97-C23 (change the bidi class for Interlinear Annotation Characters from Boundary Neutral to Other Neutral).
[97-A44] Action Item for Mark Davis: Draft a public review issue discussing a possible disposition of characters that are default-ignorable (DICP) but not boundary-neutral (BN). See consensus 97-C23.
[97-A45] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the Public Review Issue drafted by Mark Davis in 97-A44.
B.1.3. Consent docket [Whistler, L2/03-397]
[97-C24] Consensus: Accept the names for the Characters in the Ancient Greek Numbers block, as given in document L2/03-380.
B.15.3 Line breaking property exceptions [Freytag]
[97-C25] Consensus: Make the changes documented in sections 2.a, 2.b.1, L2/03-419, with the exception that section 2.a.3 only updates EAW for 42C0 - 24CF. Add a rule 19b that prevents breaks betwen numeric punct and letters and in section 2.b.7, change the linebreak class from AI to AL of all letters (only) in the range of Latin 1 to Cyrillic 0020 - 04FF, for Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A46] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Update the Linebreak and East Asian Width data files, for Unicode 4.0.1, to reflect consensus 97-C25.
[97-A47] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Update the text of UTR #14 with adding rule 19b reflecting the above consensus 97-C25, and the data lists, for Unicode 4.0.1.
B.12.6 Unicode Standard Annex #9: The Bidirectional Algorithm
B.12.3.1 Review new draft of DUTR #23 [Freytag, L2/03-401]
[97-A48] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Create a new internal draft of DUTR #23 Character Properties decribing immutable, fixed, and limited properties.
B.12.4 Draft Unicode Technical Report #30: Character Foldings
[97-A49] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Create a new internal draft of UTR #30 on Character Foldings. Add the concept of filtering and the concept of syllabic folding.
[97-A50] Action Item for Mark Davis: See if ICU can supply some of the folding tables for UTR #30.
[97-C26] Consensus: UTC re-affirms its committment to not allocate characters suitable suitable for identifiers in the range 2190..2BFF. (See also action 89-67.)
B.12.5 Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #31: Identifier and Pattern Syntax
[97-A51] Action Item for Mark Davis: Prepare and post a draft update of PDUTR #31 for public review, incorporating feedback received.
B.12.7 Working Draft Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #32: Assessing Unicode [L2/03-196]
[97-A52] Action Item for Michael Kaplan: Get suggested edits for working draft PDUTR #32 to Mark Davis.
B.20 Proposal to add a header to UnicodeData.txt [Davis]
[97-A53] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Come up with suggested improvements in the documentation of file formats (post Unicode 4.0.1), with regard to the proposal to add a header to UnicodeData.txt.
B.23 Proposal for making Property Aliases machine readable [L2/03-310]
[97-A54] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Discuss the problems brought up in L2/03-310.
B.16.6 Unihan updates [Cook, L2/03-285, L2/03-288; Nguyen, L2/03-398; Fok, L2/03-399]
[97-A55] Action Item for John Jenkins: Incorporate the data references in L2/03-285 and L2/03-288 into a future version of the UCD.
[97-A56] Action Item for Richard Cook: Make a proposal for encoding the 31 characters mentioned in L2/03-288.
B.17.1 Royalties for usage of ISO country codes [ANSI, L2/03-306; ISO, L2/03-340; INCITS, L2/03-348]
B.17.2 Reassignment of the cs country code
B.19 Hebrew issues [L2/03-344]
B.14.2 Proposal to encode six HKSCS characters [L2/02-423]
November 7, 2003
B.12.6.3 Review proposed update [Davis, L2/03-396]
[97-M4] Motion: Change the 1st bullet in section 4.3 of L2/03-396 (UAX #9) to allow only 2b, 2d, and 2f, and to change the bidi properties of U+002B, U+002D, and U+002F, to ES, ES, CS respectively in the data file in the Unicode 4.0.1 timeframe.
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Michel Suignard
7 For (Apple Adobe HP Sybase MS Basis RLG)
0 Against
4 Abstain (SAP IBM Sun JS)[97-A57] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Fix and post the texts of UAX #9 as per discussion in the meeting, and post for Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A58] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Update the data files to change the bidi properties of U+002B, U+002D, and U+002F, to ES, ES, CS respectively.
[97-A59] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Issue a notification immediately regarding the above motion 97-M4. Include the bidi list.
[97-C27] Consensus: Remove the current inconsistency in bidi properties by changing the parenthesized and circled numbers to be uniformly general category "ON" (other neutral). Codepoints are U+2460..U+2487 and U+24EA; and "EN" goes to "ON".
[97-A60] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the data files to change the bidi properties of U+002B, U+002D, and U+002F, to ES, ES, CS respectively.
B.12.6.1 Review conformance statement so that 10646 can reference [L2/03-396]
B.15.8 Script Codes [L2/03-427]
B.13.1 Unicode 4.0.1, beta approval
[97-C28] Consensus: Approve 4.0.1 for publication to be issued before the February 2004 UTC meeting.
[97-A61] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Issue 4.0.1 before February 2004 UTC meeting.
B.16.4 Proposal for the Basic International CJK Subset [Lunde, L2/03-407]
[97-C29] Consensus: UTC would like to see the Basic International CJK subset completed as an outcome of the IRG meeting #22. Our IRG representatives should ask the IRG to use the modified proposal in L2/03-407 as the basis for this subset.
[97-A62] Action Item for Eric Muller: Update L2/03-407 and send to Rick for posting, and to John for his use at the IRG meeting.
Segue to L2 meeting after lunch...
[L2A-194.1] Action Item for Asmus Freytag: Pursue reviewing the technical report on SGML publishing and technical sets with David Carlisle.
Re-start UTC meeting at 3:15. 10 members present. HP is gone.
B.14.12 Additional mathematical characters [Freytag, L2/03-410]
[97-A63] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Add L2/03-410 to the agenda for next UTC meeting. (We will need to take a position opposing this if we don't have more information forthcoming at the Feb meeting.)
B.14.2 Proposal to encode six HKSCS characters [L2/02-423]
[97-A64] Action Item for Eric Muller: Communicate with the government of Hong Kong regarding L2/03-423, that the first four characters can already be represented in Unicode and request more evidence of usage of the two circuit symbol characters. We believe the 1st is "ground symbol" and should be so called in Unicode/10646; we don't know what the second symbol would be.
B.14.15 Phonetic symbols used in dictionaries [Freytag L2/03-359]
[97-A65] Action Item for Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Document how to represent phonetic symbols used in dictionaries in a tech note and FAQ, using information from L2/03-359.
[97-C30] Consensus: Move the encoding location of LATIN SMALL LETTER TH WITH STRIKETHROUGH from U+0238 to U+1D7A, because it is more appropriate to encode with other phonetic extensions.
[97-A66] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Include in ballot comments the above consensus 97-C30 (moving LATIN SMALL LETTER TH WITH STRIKETHROUGH from U+0238 to U+1D7A).
B.21 Base character definition [Davis L2/03-041R2]
[97-C31] Consensus: Accept the definitions of Graphic, Base, and Combining character(s) as given in L2/03-041R2, as modified during discussion in the meeting, and incorporate in Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-A67] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate the new definitions of Graphic, Base, and Combining character(s) from L2/03-041R2 into Unicode 4.0.1.
[97-C32] Consensus: Retract the UTC decision to define a base character property (motion 95-M5). (Note: this is also related to 97-A68, 95-A96, and 97-C22.)
[97-A68] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close the action 95-A96 for Mark Davis to add a base character property).
B.22 Named composite entities [Whistler, L2/03-400]
[97-C33] Consensus: Update the list in L2/03-400 by adding the four accented-E Hong Kong characters to the repertoire of named composite entries, and prepare for publishing a revised list in Unicode 4.0.2.
[97-A69] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update the list in L2/03-400 by adding the four accented-E Hong Kong characters to the repertoire of named composite entries, and prepare for publishing a revised list in Unicode 4.0.2.
[97-A70] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Request "Phags-pa character names" and any other unused agenda items from meeting 97 for the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5:09pm.
Attendees: | Representing: |
Joan Aliprand | RLG |
Mark Davis | IBM |
Michael Everson | Everson Typography |
Asmus Freytag | Basis |
Deborah Goldsmith | Apple |
Michael Kaplan | Microsoft, Trigeminal |
Benson Margulies | Basis |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Lisa Moore | IBM |
Eric Muller | Adobe |
Sandra Martin-O'Donnell |
HP |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
Dean Snyder | Johns Hopkins University |
Michel Suignard | Microsoft |
Steve Tinney | University of Pennsylvania |
Ken Whistler | Sybase |
Cathy Wissink | Microsoft |
Member |
11/04/03 |
11/05/03 | 11/06/03 | 11/07/03 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. |
2. Apple Computer, Inc. |
3. Basis Technology |
4. India, MIT |
5. Hewlett Packard | yes | yes | yes | yes |
6. IBM Corporation |
7. Justsystem Corporation | no |
no | no |
8. Microsoft Corporation |
9. Oracle Corporation |
no |
10. Pakistan, NLA |
11. PeopleSoft |
12. RLG, Inc. |
13. SAP AG |
14. Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
15. Sybase, Inc. |
yes | yes | yes |