
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards

INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005
Telephone 202-737-8888; Fax 202-638-4922;
Email: incits@itic.org

Doc:  in040086
Date: January 30, 2004
Project: Standards Processing - 5 year maintenance
Reply to:  Deborah J. Spittle, 202-626-5746, dspittle@itic.org
To: Ms. Cathy Wissink, Chair, INCITSL/L2

Dear INCITS/L2 Members:

Subject: 2004 Five-Year Maintenance Review of INCITS Standards

In accordance with ANSI and INCITS policy, action must be taken during the four-year anniversary of a standard's approval date to either reaffirm or withdraw the standard. Should the review result in a recommendation to revise a standard, a project proposal describing the proposed revision should be submitted with the recommendation to reaffirm, pending revision. If a standard is currently under revision, the customary four-year action would be reaffirmation of the current standard, pending completion of the revision.

Five-year maintenance actions should be completed (including a 45-day public review and 30-day INCITS letter ballot, followed by the 14-day request for BSR-9 approval) before the end of the year (December 2004).

According to the records of the INCITS Secretariat, the INCITS/L2 should review the attached list of standards and forward a recomendation to reaffirm or withdraw each standard. This review should include any associated amendments and corrigenda.

Each recommendation may be approved (2/3 rule) by letter ballot. Additionally, for approvals (2/3 rule) conducted at a  meeting, a withdrawal or archival (stabilize) recommendation is by roll-call vote and a reaffirmation recommendation is by meeting vote. Upon approval by the INCITS/L2, the recommendation should be forwarded to the INCITS Secretariat for action by April 1, 2004.

Your expeditious action is appreciated. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Deborah J. Spittle at dspittle@itic.org, or 202-626-5746.


Deborah J. Spittle
Associate Manager, Stds. Processing, INCITS


INCITS Standards Maintenance (2004 Action)

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 12 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 646 :1991 [1999 ]
Title: Information Technology - ISO 7-bit coded Character Set for Information Interchange
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 103 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 6586 :1980 [1999 ]
Title: Hollerith Punched Card Code
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 105 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 2022 :1994 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 240 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 2033 :1983 [1999 ]
Title: Coding of Character Sets for OCR & MICR
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 304 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 6936 :1988 [1999 ]
Title: Hexadecimal Input/Output to Microprocessors Using 5-Bit and 7-Bit Teleprinters
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-1 :1998 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin Alphabet No. 1 (8-Bit ASCII) (Revision and Redesignation of X3.134.2)
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-2 :1999 [2000 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2
Status: No national maintenance required at this time; however, Head's-Up, International Maintenance may be required.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-3 :1999 [2000 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3
Status: No national maintenance required at this time; however, Head's-Up, International Maintenance may be required.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-4 :1998 [1999 ]
Title: Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-5 :1999 [2000 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet
Status: No national maintenance required at this time; however, Head's-Up, International Maintenance may be required.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-6 :1999 [2000 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet
Status: No national maintenance required at this time; however, Head's-Up, International Maintenance may be required.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-7 :1987 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-8 :1999 [2000 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 8: Latin/Hebrew alphabet
Status: No national maintenance required at this time; however, Head's-Up, International Maintenance may be required.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 8859-10 :1998 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 10: Latin alphabet No. 6
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 392 - L
Standard IS 8859-15 :1999 [ ]
Title: Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 15: Latin Alphabet No.9 (covering the EURO Symbol and full support for the French and Finnish Languages)
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1037 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 962 :1974 [1999 ]
Title: Implementation of the the 7-bit coded character set and its 7-bit and 8-bit extensions on 9- track 12,7 mm (0.5 in) magnetic tape
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1038 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 3275 :1974 [1999 ]
Title: Implementation of the 7- bit coded character set and its 7- bit and 8- bit extensions on 3,81 mm magnetic cassette for data interchange
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1040 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 9036 :1987 [1999 ]
Title: Information processing - Arabic 7- bit coded character set for information interchange
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1041 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 10367 :1991 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8-bit codes
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1042 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 10538 :1991 [1999 ]
Title: Information technology - control functions for text communication
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.

TC: L2 - Character Sets and Internationalization
Liaison: Mr. Winkler
Project: 1359 - M
Standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 7350 :1991 [1999 ]
Title: Information Technology - Registration of repertoires of Graphic Characters from ISO/IEC 10367:1991
Status: TC notified of maintenance requirement in in040086. TC recommendation due 04/01/04.