
Preliminary minutes for INCITS/L2 meeting #202
San Jose, 1-4 November 2005


Meeting location:  San Jose.  Meeting hosted by Adobe.


1                   Opening of L2 meeting - remarks from the chair

2                   Joint meeting with UTC

3                   Administrative agenda

3.1. Attendance and membership

3.1.1. Membership list

Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, MS, Oracle, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (11)

3.1.2. Members in jeopardy

3.1.3. Attendance

Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, MS, Oracle, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (11)

3.2  Officers for L2

3.3. Approval of agenda [L2/05-305]

3.4. Approval of meeting minutes from L2#201 [L2/05-360]

3.5. Action items follow-up [SD-2]

3.6. Registration of new documents and assignment to the agenda

See L2/SD-3 for current document register

3.7. Upcoming meetings

UTC106/L2 203—February 6-9, 2006, Mountain View, host Unicode

UTC107/L2 204—May 16-19, 2006, Cupertino, host Apple

UTC108/L2 205—August 8-11, 2006, Seattle, host Adobe

UTC109/L2 206—November 7-11, 2006, San Jose, host Adobe

4                   Reports and liaisons

4.1. SC22

4.2. WG2

4.3. SC2


5                   Ballots

5.1.  New ballots to vote:


Doc. #






For Letter Ballot, Letter Ballot for the Approval of Resolution 05-30a: Cancellation of the Revision ISO/IEC 15897, Procedure for the Registration of Cultural Elements

SC22 N3996


10:0:0:1 to approve

L2/05-283, -284, -285

For Letter Ballot, ISO/IEC 14651/FPDAM 3, Information technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering -- AMENDMENT 3

SC2 N 3812


10:0:0:1 to approve


5.2.  Ballot reports: none

5.3.  Letter ballot reports: none



6                   Voting on joint UTC/L2 meeting recommendations [L2/05-280]


7                   Delegates to meetings (SC2/WG2, SC2, SC22)

7.1. SC2/WG2 meeting in Mountain View, CA, 24-27 April 2006

Sung, Davis, Muller, Santos, Kaplan, McGowan, Moore, Scherer, Texin, Yang, Whistler, Suignard, Freytag

7.2. SC2 meeting in Mountain View, CA, 27-28 April 2006

Ksar, McGowan, Muller, Whistler, Suignard, Freytag

7.3. IRG meeting in Berkeley, CA, 28 November – 2 December 2005

Cook, Sung, Jenkins, Lunde

8                   Other

8.1. New Work Item Proposal: Amendments to ISO 4217:2001 [L2/05-297, L2/05-298]

8.2.  INCITS Invoices

8.3.  Call for Volunteers: L2 Chair [L2/05-361]


9                   Adjournment