
May 19, 2006



Preliminary minutes for INCITS/L2 meeting #204

Cupertino, May 16–19, 2006


Meeting location: Cupertino, hosted by Apple. Logistics at http://www.unicode.org/timesens/logistics-utc107.html

1. Opening of L2 meeting - remarks for the chair

2. Joint meeting with UTC

3. Administrative Agenda

3.1. Attendance and membership

Membership: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (10)

Members present: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (9)

Members in jeopardy: RLG (1)

Observers: Google

3.2 Approval of agenda [L2/06-148R3]

3.3 Approval of meeting minutes from L2 #203 [L2/06-146]

The minutes of meeting L2 #203 are approved by unanimous consent.

3.4 Action items follow-up

See L2/SD-2 for the current action items.

3.5 Registration of new documents and assignment to the agenda

See L2/SD-3 for the current document register.

3.6 Upcoming meetings

UTC 108/L2 205 - August 8-11, 2006, Seattle, host Adobe

UTC 109/L2 206 - November 7-10, 2006, San José, host Adobe

UTC 110/L2 207 - February 6-9, 2007, Mountain View, host Unicode

UTC 111/L2 208 - May 15-18, 2007, Mountain View, tentative host Google

4 Reports and liaisons

4.1 SC22

4.2 SC2/WG2

4.3 SC2

4.4 SC29/WG11

5 Ballots

5.1 New ballots to vote

Doc. # Subject Source
L2/06-158 Proposed Modifications to the Program of Work of SC 2:
  • Amendment 3 to ISO/IEC 10646:2003
JTC1 N8130
8:0:0:2 to approve

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

  • Revision of ISO/IEC 14651:2001
8:0:0:2 to approve

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

L2/06-199, L2/06-196 ISO/IEC 14651:2001/FDAM 3, Information Technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering -- Amendment 3 SC2 N3862
8:0:0:2 to approve

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

L2/06-159 Request for Category C Liaison between UC Berkeley and SC 2/WG 2 JTC 1 N8131

8:0:0:2 to approve

The US TAG wishes to take this opportunity to thank UC Berkeley and the Script Encoding Initiative for their active participation and support in the development of ISO/IEC 10646.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

L2/06-188 Request for Approval of the Unicode Consortium as an Approved RS Originator Organization (ARO) JTC 1 N8136

8:0:0:2 to approve

The US TAG wishes to take this opportunity to thank the Unicode Consortium for its active participation and support in the development of ISO/IEC 10646.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

L2/06-195, L2/06-193 Systematic Review of International Standards:
  • ISO/IEC 14651:2001, Information technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering

8:0:0:2 to recommend revision of the standard to include the character repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646:2003, its amendments 1 and 2 plus 4 characters to align the repertoire to that of the Unicode Standard 5.0; will participate if revised.

This standard is used by the US industry.

This standard is implemented without change.

National standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 14651-2001 corresponds to this standard.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

  • ISO/IEC 6937:2001, Information technology -- Coded graphic character set for text communication -- Latin alphabet

8:0:0:2 to stabilize; will participate if revised.

This standard is used by the US industry.

This standard is implemented without change.

National standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 6937-2001 corresponds to this standard.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

  • ISO/IEC 8859-11:2001, Information technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 11: Latin/Thai alphabet

8:0:0:2 to stabilize; will participate if revised.

This standard is used by the US industry.

This standard is implemented without change.

There is no corresponding national standard.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

  • ISO/IEC 8859-16:2001, Information technology -- 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets -- Part 16: Latin alphabet No. 10

8:0:0:2 to stabilize; will participate if revised.

This standard is used by the US industry.

This standard is implemented without change.

There is no corresponding national standard.

For: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode
Absent: RLG, Yahoo!

5.2 L2 Letter ballot reports

No letter ballot since the last meeting.

6 Voting on joint UTC/L2 meeting recommendations [L2/06-109]

The motions and consensus of the joint UTC/L2 meeting are adopted as L2 motions and consensus by unanimous consent.

7 Delegates to meetings

IRG #26, June 12–16, 2006, Hue, Vietnam: Ken Lunde, Michel Suignard

SC 2/WG 2, September 25–29, 2006, Tokyo, Japan: Asmus Freytag, Michel Suignard, Ken Whistler

SC 2/WG 2/OWG Sort, September 25–29, 2006, Tokyo, Japan: Asmus Freytag, Michel Suignard, Ken Whistler

8 Other

8.1 L2 website

9 Adjournment