Asmus Freytag
February 4, 2007
I submit the following for UTC discussion
Formally withdraw UTS#40 and entirely remove the proposed draft document
A year ago, on 2006-02-03, the Unicode Consortium published a Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Standard #40, BOCU-1:
MIME-Compatible Unicode Compression, at
http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr40/ .
The draft is accompanied by an intellectual property claim by IBM
Corporation, purporting to offer
a free license to patents they deem necessary for an implementations,
under certain conditions.
Many people, both inside the Consortium and outside, have objected to
the specific terms of this letter, which differ from other offers by
IBM accompanying other technology incorporated into Unicode Technical
Additionally, it appears that at least one attempt at obtaining such a
license has been refused, apparently because the requester was
In the meantime, both authors are no longer working for IBM and are
thus no longer able to help resolve the issue with their former
employer. In addition, there is no indication that active work is being
perused on this document.
A Unicode Technical Note#6, BOCU-1: MIME-Compatible Unicode
by the same authors exists, dated 2006-02-04 which, as Technical Note
is exempt from the Unicode patent policy.
As a result, people outside of the Unicode Consortium are confused
about the status of the Proposed Draft document, as evidenced by recent
discussions on the public mail lists.
The proposed action would remedy this situation. Since the UTS was
never approved, it is not necessary, and in this case,
counterproductive, to retain the draft document. It can be replaced by
a stub pointing to the withdrawn status and point readers to UTN#6.
(The consortium would leave it to the discretion of the authors of the
UTN to update the UTN as they see fit, including salvaging of any part
of the text from the proposed draft document)