

InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005
Telephone 202-737-8888; Fax 202-638-4922

Date: October 16, 2008
Reference Document: INCITS 2837
Reply to: Jennifer T. Garner
Phone: 202-626-5737
Email: jgarner@itic.org
cc:  Eric Muller, INCITS/L2 Chairman
       Deborah Anderson, INCITS/L2 International Representative


INCITS Executive Board Members
INCITS/L2 Members


Final Follow-Up to INCITS 2837 - Appointment of Chairman - INCITS/L2, Character Sets and Internationalization

INCITS 2837 - Appointment of Chairman - INCITS/L2, Character Sets and Internationalization, closed on October 15, 2008.  Mr. Eric Muller received the required level of support (majority) to secure reappointment as Chairman of INCITS/L2, Character Sets and Internationalization.  His second term begins in January 2009 and will expire in January 2012.

As required by INCITS procedures, an appointed INCITS Subgroup officer must attend INCITS Subgroup Officer Training within one year of their appointment.  As Mr. Muller last received training on March 8, 2006, he must receive INCITS Subgroup Officer Training for Chairmen within one year of his newest appointment  - no later than January 2010. 



Jennifer T. Garner
Director, Standards Programs
INCITS/Information Technology Industry Council
1250 Eye Street, NW - Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
e-mail:   jgarner@itic.org
website: www.incits.org