Preliminary Minutes of the UTC 124 / L2 221 Joint Meeting
Redmond, WA -- August 9-13, 2010
Hosted by Microsoft
UTC #124 Agenda
Revision date: August 23, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Administrative — Roll Call (A.1)
PRESENT: Adobe, Aple, IBM, Microsoft, SAP(proxy), UCB
5 full members and 1
institutional member present, 6 total votes
Quorum is 4.5.
Administrative — Calendar Review (A.6)
UTC 125/L2 228 - November 1 - 5, 2010 at Apple in Cupertino, CA confirmed
UTC 128/L2 225 - August 8-12, 2011 at Microsoft in Redmond, WA
Public Review Issue — Unicode Character Database (B.10.1)
[124-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Fix the value in table 15 of Unicode Standard Annex #44: Unicode Character Database, per L2/10-237, and respond to the reporter. For Unicode 6.0.
Public Review Issue — Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (B.10.3)
[124-A2] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Review feedback from C. E. Whitehead on Unicode Standard Annex # 9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm for 6.0, and make any editorial changes that look warranted. L2/10-237
[124-A3] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate changes to Unicode Standard Annex # 9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm for 6.0 as suggested by Asmus Freytag and Mati Allouche in L2/10-237.
Public Review Issue — Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (B.10.5)
[124-A4] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: In section 5.1 of Unicode Standard Annex #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm for 6.0, change wording to "Examples of dandas include..." Look for other cases in the document where we can make the inclusion language clearer. Also, "The ID line break class includes the following characters:" should be qualified clarified to "Examples of characters with the ID line break class include most assigned characters in the following ranges", and correct ranges as needed. Respond to Emmanuel Vallois on his feedback. L2/10-241
[124-A5] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: Make the changes suggested in L2/10-309, as amended in committee. (Eric will add hyphenation to a revised doc.) For Unicode 6.0.
Public Review Issue — Unicode Script Property (B.10.6)
[124-A6] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update the text of Unicode Standard Annex #24: Unicode Script Property to make singular treatment of "data" consistent. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-242
Public Review Issue — Unicode Text Segmentation (B.10.7)
[124-A7] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate feedback from Emmanuel Vallois on UAX #29, from L2/10-237, and respond to the author. For Unicode 6.0.
Properties — Changes for Grapheme_Cluster_Break Extend value (B.13.4)
[124-C1] Consensus: All of the Thai and Lao characters that are listed as specific additions in the "extend" category (incl, Sara Am and Lao vowel Sign Am) be moved to the "spacing mark" category, and corresonding Thai Viet characters be treated similarly. Document that people may want to tailor Sara Am and Sign Am. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-281
[124-A8] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Implement 124-C1 in Unicode Standard Annex #29: Unicode Text Segmentation and GraphemeBreakProperty.txt. (All of the Thai and Lao characters that are listed as specific additions in the "extend" category (incl, Sara Am and Lao vowel Sign Am) be moved to the "spacing mark" category, and corresonding Thai Viet characters be treated similarly. Document that people may want to tailor Sara Am and Sign Am.) For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-281
Public Review Issue — Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax (B.10.8)
[124-A9] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Delete the sentence in Unicode Standard Annex #31: Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax, "however, neither will ever decrease". Add an underbar to ID non-start and note that it is not a formal property. Respond to Behdad about this change. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-208
[124-A10] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: In Unicode Standard Annex #31: Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax, move Syriac to "limited use". Document re Mongolian, Tifinagh, UCAS, and Yi: they are currently in "limited use" but because their use is expected to increase, therefore they are included in "recommended" scripts. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-208
[124-A11] Action Item for Mark Davis, John Jenkins: Gather a list of recommended sample characters, one per script, for use in contexts like the last resort font. L2/10-208
Public Review Issue — Unicode Named Character Sequences (B.10.9)
[124-A12] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Clarify the scope of the notational convention and note that in data files there are a number of representations. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-244
Public Review Issue — Unicode Han Database (Unihan) (B.10.10)
[124-A13] Action Item for John Jenkins: Make the fix to correct spelling of "perceive" in the Unihan database. See L2/10-237 PRI #163 feedback. For extra credit, spell-check the English fields in the Unihan database. For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-185
Public Review Issue — Unicode Collation Algorithm (B.10.13)
[124-A14] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Add to the UTC agenda for next meeting: Ake Persson's feedback on #166 UCA, middle dot collation.
[124-A14a] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Respond to Ake Persson's various UCA feedback in L2/10-237.
[124-C2] Consensus: Issue a PRI on U+17B4 KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AQ and U+17B5 KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AA with two questions: (1) should they be ignorable in collation, (2) is "Cf" the best category or not.
[124-A15] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Draft the text for a PRI on U+17B4 and U+17B5. See consensus 124-C2.
[124-A16] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on U+17B4 and U+17B, to close on October 25, 2010. See consensus 124-C2.
[124-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update text of the default ignorable codepoints subsection in section 5.3 of the standard, for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A18] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis: Check weights for U+01C5 U+01C8 U+01CB U+01F2 and fix if needed. See L2/10-237. Also check Malayalam NNNA, and AU sign.
[124-A19] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ken Whistler: Check "Collation Test and CJK ExtC (5.2.0)" (from Sadahiro Tomoyuki, L2/10-237) and fix if needed.
Public Review Issue — Documenting the use of asymmetric searching (B. )
[124-A20] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Draft proposed text for addition to UTS #10 after 6.0, based on L2/10-210 as modified in the meeting.
Public Review Issue — Proposed collation changes for 6.0 (revised) (B.
[124-C3] Consensus: Issue a PRI that UTC is considering whether or not to sort the U+20A8 RUPEE SIGN and U+FDFC RIAL SIGN with the other currency symbols. L2/10-275R
[124-A21] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI that UTC is considering whether or not to sort the U+20A8 Rupee Sign and U+FDFC Rial Sign with the other currency symbols. See also Gujarati rupee sign, and Peseta sign. L2/10-275R
[124-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for UTC is considering whether or not to sort the U+20A8 Rupee Sign and U+FDFC Rial Sign with the other currency symbols. See Consensus 124-C3. L2/10-275R
[124-C4] Consensus: For Unicode 6.0, change the general category of U+19DE NEW TAI LUE SIGN LAE and U+19DF NEW TAI LUE SIGN LAEV to "So". L2/10-275R
[124-A23] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt for changing the general category of U+19DE NEW TAI LUE SIGN LAE and U+19DF NEW TAI LUE SIGN LAEV to "So". For Unicode 6.0. L2/10-275R
[124-C5] Consensus: Make U+0640 ARABIC TATWEEL, U+07FA NKO LAJANYALAN and 180A MONGOLIAN NIRUGU be ignorable in the UCA DUCET. Generally, similar characters that simply provide visual lengthening should be ignorable in the future in the UCA DUCET. For Unicode 6.0.
[124-A24] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Regenerate Unicode 6.0 Allkeys.txt with changes for above Consensus 124-C5.
[124-A25] Action Item for Mark Davis: Regenerate all of the derivative UCA files based on above new Allkeys.txt. For Unicode 6.0.
[124-A26] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Make ballot comments on 14651 re changes for above Consensus 124-C5, if necessary. L2/10-275R
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
PRESENT: Adobe, Aple, Google(proxy), IBM, Microsoft, SAP(proxy), UCB, Yahoo!
7 full members and 1
institutional member present, 8 total votes
Scripts — Proposal for encoding additional Miao characters (C.28)
[124-C6] Consensus: Accept 5 Miao characters for encoding in a future version of the standard, reordering of Miao repertoire, with change to Miao block to U+16F00 - U+16F9F. L2/10-302
[124-A27] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 5 Miao characters for encoding in a future version of the standard, reordering of Miao repertoire, with change to Miao block to U+16F00 - U+16F9F. See Consensus 124-C6. L2/10-302
[124-A28] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments on the CD of 10646 3rd edition the 5 new Miao characters, reordering repertoire, and block change. L2/10-302
Scripts — Additional Linear A character (C.22 )
[124-C7] Consensus: Accept U+1078A LINEAR A SIGN AB048 for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-273
[124-A29] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+1078A LINEAR A SIGN AB048. L2/10-273
[124-A30] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+1078A LINEAR A SIGN AB048 to document requesting for future encoding. L2/10-273
South Asian Subcommittee — Indian Rupee sign (D.2)
[124-C8] Consensus: Accept U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258
[124-C9] Consensus: The UTC supports publication of U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN as part of 6.0, delaying the publication of 6.0 to October 11, 2010, to allow review of this character by WG2. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A31] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt for version 6.0 to include U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A32] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN as part of 6.0. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A33] Action Item for Mark Davis: Regenerate the dependent UCD files for Unicode 6.0, re U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A34] Action Item for Deborah Anderson and Peter Constable: Support proposals for U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN in WG2 with urgency. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A35] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Follow up with Manoj Jain to submit L2/10-258R to WG2. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A36] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN to the DUCET for UCA 6.0. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A37] Action Item for Mark Davis: Regenerate dependent collation data files for UCA 6.0 re U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN.
[124-A38] Action Item for V. S. Umamaheswaran: Follow up with Gov't of India on identifying guidelines for implementing U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN and send information to Lisa Moore. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
[124-A39] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+20B9 INDIAN RUPEE SIGN to ballot comments on ISO 14651. L2/10-249, L2/10-251, L2/10-258R
Scripts — Palmyrene script (C.16)
[124-C10] Consensus: Accept 32 characters for the Palmyrene script at U+10860 - U+1087F, with block "Palmyrene" at U+10860 - U+1087F, for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-255R.
[124-A40] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 32 characters for the Palmyrene script at U+10860 - U+1087F, with block "Palmyrene" at U+10860 - U+1087F. L2/10-255R
[124-A41] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 32 characters for the Palmyrene script at U+10860 - U+1087F, with block "Palmyrene" at U+10860 - U+1087F, to request for future additions. L2/10-255R
Scripts — Greek, Latin, and Coptic (WG2 N3873) (C.25)
[124-C11] Consensus: Accept U+2CF2 COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI and U+2CF3 COPTIC SMALL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-290
[124-A42] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+2CF2 COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI and U+2CF3 COPTIC SMALL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI. L2/10-290
[124-A43] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+2CF2 COPTIC CAPITAL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI and U+2CF3 COPTIC SMALL LETTER BOHAIRIC KHEI to request for future additions. L2/10-290
Public Review Issue — Unicode Collation Algorithm (B.10.13.2 )
[124-C12] Consensus: Use the implicit weights of 7.1.3 of Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm. See L2/10-247 for non-character codepoints.
[124-A44] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm section 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 regarding using implicit weights for non-character codepoints. L2/10-247
[124-A45] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: In the modification section for UCA, call out issues that are important for migration from previous versions. L2/10-247
[124-A46] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Find a way to document significant migration issues in UTSes for their next revisions. L2/10-247
[124-A47] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Clarify in Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm that one could have a special mapping for ill-formed code unit sequences. See section 7.1.1. L2/10-247
Public Review Issue — Ideographic Variation Database (B.10.14)
[124-A48] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #167. Resolution is that submission will be registered and is pending final update. L2/10-237
Public Review Issue — Glyph variation of Double Oblique Hyphen (B.10.15)
[124-A49] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #169. Resolution us that an annotation will not be added. L2/10-237, L2/10-269
Public Review Issue — Bidi test feedback (B. )
[124-A50] Action Item for Mark Davis: Fix problems in bidi test that Markus found (4th category flag for paragraph direction).
Public Review Issue — Unicode 6.0.0 beta (B.10.16)
[124-A51] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Comments: Address issues raised by Roozbeh Pournader in L2/10-237 for PRI #170.
[124-A52] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Roozbeh Pournader re Mongolian in L2/10-237.
[124-A53] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update annotation of U+0970 to remove "such as the rupee sign".
[124-A54] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Kent Karlsson re his comment on U+0970 in L2/10-237.
[124-A55] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update section 4.6 of the standard, for version 6.0, based on feedback from Asmus Freytag in L2/10-237, L2/10-262, and L2/10-276.
[124-A56] Action Item for Julie Allen: Check the text of the standard for consistent use of the terms "Named Character Sequence" and "Named Sequence".
[124-A57] Action Item for Julie Allen: Update 2 instances of "Named Sequence" to "Named Character Sequence" on the Pipeline page.
[124-A58] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add information about stability of approved Named Character Sequences to Unicode Standard Annex #34 Unicode Named Character Sequences.
[124-A59] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Pentzlin's feedback in L2/10-237 that we will update Unicode Standard Annex #34 Unicode Named Character Sequences (both names and sequences are stable; point to stability policy). But we won't update page 152 (new 131) of TUS.
[124-A60] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Andreas Stoetzner re his comment on U+26FC thanking him for his input. There is info in that section heading block/annotations that provides information about the glyph. Name cannot be changed.
[124-A61] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Use input on Georgian and Armenian punctuation in L2/10-237 to appropriately update Unicode 6.0.
[124-A62] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Alex Ostrovski re his feedback in L2/10-237; thanks, and the feedback will be taken into account.
[124-C13] Consensus: Change the general category of U+06DE to from "Me" to "So" and bidi class from "NSM" to "ON", and linebreak property from "CN" to "AL" and remove the dotted circle from the glyph, for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A63] Action Item for Peter Constable, Eric Muller: Include all of the property changes between Unicode 5.2 and 6.0 in the Unicode liaison report to WG2.
[124-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt general category and bidi properties for U+06DE for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A65] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the linebreak property for U+06DE for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Get an updated glyph for U+06DE for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A67] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #171. The character properties will be updated.
Public Review Issue — Invariant Tests (B.10.19)
[124-A68] Action Item for Mark Davis: Produce a draft Unicode Technical Report #50 on "UCD Testing Process". L2/10-237, L2/10-317
[124-A69] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #173. A new draft UTR will be produced on this topic.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
PRESENT: Adobe, Aple, Google(proxy), IBM, Microsoft, SAP(proxy), UCB, Yahoo!
7 full members and 1
institutional member present, 8 total votes
South Asian Subcommittee — Sinhala Archaic Numerals and Numbers (D.9)
[124-A70] Action Item for Peter Constable, Deborah Anderson: Support amended Sinhala proposal in WG2. L2/10-301, L2/10-312
CJK — Append one CJK Unified Ideograph to the URO (B.14.2)
[124-C14] Consensus: Accept U+9FCC CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH 9FCC for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-228
[124-A71] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+9FCC CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH 9FCC. L2/10-228
[124-A72] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+9FCC CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH 9FCC to request for future additions, however, the IR should support if possible small additions to the third edition. L2/10-228
[124-A73] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Ken Lunde: Forward L2/10-228 to WG2, after updating to be a joint US/Unicode contribution; and for attention of WG2 as well as UTC/L2.
CJK — IRG sources (B.14.3)
[124-A74] Action Item for Eric Muller, Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Document the known differences between 6.0 CJK and 10646 second edition.
[124-A75] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update Unihan and Unicode Standard Annex #38: Unicode Han Database for 6.0: update the prefixes for all sources except G and U, to match exactly the 2nd edition of 10646.
Editorial Committee — Stable links for PRIs (B.12.4.1)
[124-A76] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Establish a process for implementing stable PRI links, background document links, dispositions, and background document back link.
W3C — Liaison report (B.6.1 )
[124-C15] Consensus: Issue a proposed update of Unicode Technical Report #20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages to fix known bugs.
[124-A77] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Create a proposed update of Unicode Technical Report #20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages to fix known bugs, including recommendations about template.
[124-A78] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Post a PRI for proposed update of Unicode Technical Report #20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages to close October 25, 2010.
Public Review Issue — Other feedback (B.10.21)
[124-A79] Action Item for [empty copy/paste error; delete this action]
[124-C16] Consensus: (1) Add to D92 at the end: "and table 3-7". (2) Make the definition of "maximal sub-part" explicit. (3) Add an example table with sub-range restrictions such as E0-80. L2/10-237
[124-A80] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update text of section 3.9 of TUS based on the above Consensus 124-C16, for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-237
[124-A81] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Ezio Melotti to tell him we will be making updates to section 3.9 of TUS based on his input. L2/10-237.
Properties — Decimial digits (B.13.1)
[124-C17] Consensus: Change the general category of U+19DA NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE from "Nd" to "No". Request that a stability policy for numeric type be established by the officers. L2/10-262
[124-A82] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the general category of U+19DA NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE from "Nd" to "No" in UnicodeData.txt for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-262
[124-A83] Action Item for Mark Davis: Request that the officers establish a stability policy for numeric type. L2/10-262
[124-A84] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Include feedback from L2/10-262 in the final update of Unicode Standard Annex #44: Unicode Character Database .
[124-A85] Action Item for V. S. Umamaheswaran: Request an update to the principles and procedures based on L2/10-262.
Scripts — Adding Arabic characters for African and Asian languages (C.11.2)
[124-A86] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Document the hamza issues for "hamza above" used with Arabic characters for November UTC meeting. See L2/10-288.
Scripts — Uighur, Kazakh and Kirgiz (C.11.3)
[124-C18] Consensus: Submit L2/10-282 "Response to N3819" as joint US/UTC feedback to WG2.
[124-A87] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Roozbeh Pournader: Forward the revision of L2/10-282 to WG2.
[124-A88] Action Item for Peter Constable: Add L2/10-282 to liaison report.
Scripts — Quranic representation (WG2 N3816) (C.11.1)
[124-A89] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Respond to authors of L2/10-094 that UTC does not support the requested name and glyph changes.
Scripts — Feedback from Phillipe Verdy (C.11.5)
[124-A90] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Philippe Verdy's comments 1,2,3, on Arabic in L2/10-237. UTC reviewed these and decided to take no action on 2 and 3. On 1, we took different action to resolve the issue.
IDNA (B.5.2)
[124-C19] Consensus: Include the data file changes according to document L2/10-311 in the proposed update to Unicode Technical Standard #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing, as part of PRI #172. Use labels disallowed_STD3_m and disallowed_STD3_v.
[124-A91] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update Unicode Technical Standard #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing data file according to L2/10-311 as modified in discussion, for 6.0.
[124-A92] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update IDNATest.txt to test both cases, not necessarily for the 6.0 version. L2/10-311.
[124-A93] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a description of the changes to the data files for the proposed update of Unicode Technical Standard #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing.
[124-A94] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Change the PRI date of PRI #172 to September 15, 2010.
[124-A95] Action Item for Eric Muller: Issue a letter ballot by Sept 17, 2010 for approving the proposed update of Unicode Technical Standard #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
PRESENT: Adobe, Aple, Google(proxy), IBM, Microsoft, UCB, Yahoo!
6 full members and 1
institutional member present, 7 total votes
Scripts — CROSS POMMY in 1F540, 1F541, 1F542 (C.29)
[124-C20] Consensus: Change the spelling of "POMMY" in 1F540 - 1F542 to "POMMEE". L2/10-305
[124-A96] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include change in spelling of "POMMY" in U+1F540 - U+1F542 to "POMMEE". L2/10-305
[124-A97] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add change in spelling of "POMMY" in U+1F540 - U+1F542 to "POMMEE" to ballot comments on 10646 CD 3. L2/10-305
[124-A98] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Use information in L2/10-268 for annotations on U+0124, U+0266 and U+A7AA, for a future version of the standard (when U+A7AA is encoded).
Scripts — Arabic characters for African and Asian languages (C.11.2)
[124-C21] Consensus: Accept 35 Arabic characters in the range U+08A0 - U+08FE as documented in L2/10-288R for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[124-A99] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 35 Arabic characters as documented in L2/10-288R.
[124-A100] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 35 Arabic characters as documented in L2/10-288R to request for future additions.
[124-A101] Action Item for Lorna Priest: Forward L2/10-288R to WG2 / Mike Ksar.
[124-A102] Action Item for Lorna Priest: Forward a font for characters in L2/10-288R to Michel Suignard.
[124-A103] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Include appropriate Arabic shaping information for characters in L2/10-288R.
[124-A104] Action Item for Mark Davis: Consult the confusability tables of L2/10-288R when updating the confusability tables of UTS #39 for a future version of the standard.
Public Review Issue — Unicode Character Categories (B.10.20)
[124-A105] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Make editorial updates based on L2/10-308 and respond to C. E. Whitehead.
[124-A106] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Unicode Technical Report #49: Unicode Character Categories data for Unicode 6.0 and re-post for public review. L2/10-310
Public Review Issues (B10)
[124-A107] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRIs 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165. Resolution for each, "The UAX will be updated with final content and posted as part of Unicode 6.0."
Properties — Script_Extensions (B.13.2 )
[124-C22] Consensus: Add a description of scx and Script_Extensions to Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expressions L2/10-261, L2/10-237
[124-A108] Action Item for Mark Davis: Document the use of scx and Script_Extensions in Unicode Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expressions . L2/10-261, L2/10-237
[124-A109] Action Item for Mark Davis: Remove "Phag and Tibt" from ScriptExtensions.txt (in the set "Bopo Hang Hani Hira Kana Phag Tibt Yiii") for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-261, L2/10-237
Properties — Mathematical Character (B.13.3)
[124-C23] Consensus: Change the general category of U+2118 from "So" to "Sm". Make "Other_Math = true" in PropList.txt for U+2107. Both for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-264
[124-A110] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the general category for U+2118 to "Sm" for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-264
[124-A111] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update the Other_Math property to "true" for U+2107 for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-264
[124-C24] Consensus: Add to NameAliases.txt U+2118 WEIERSTRASS ELLIPTIC FUNCTION for a future version of the standard. L2/10-264
[124-A112] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update NameAliases.txt to add U+2118 WEIERSTRASS ELLIPTIC FUNCTION, post 6.0. L2/10-264
[124-A113] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update NamesList.txt for the new alias of U+2118, post 6.0. L2/10-264
[124-A114] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add request for formal alias for U+2118 to ballot comments for 10646 CD 3. L2/10-264
South Asian Subcommittee — Brahmi (D.5 )
[124-A115] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Michel Suignard: Ensure that the new Brahmi font is used for Unicode 6.0 and the publication of 10646 2nd edition. (This is to fix the form of U+11065 to the "T" form rather than the "4" form.) L2/10-260
Public Review Issue — Document for review (B.10.5.2)
[124-A116] Action Item for Mark Davis: Fix the problem in LineBreakTest.txt so that there is no break at the start of text for each test in the file. After 6.0. L2/10-241
[124-C25] Consensus: Approve the publication of all the UAXes for Unicode 6.0. (...with updates from the meeting and additional agreed-upon content.) L2/10-241
[124-A117] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Work with UAX editors to make final updates for Unicode 6.0 and issue approved UAXes. L2/10-241
[124-A118] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post all of the final UAXes for Unicode 6.0. L2/10-241
Public Review Issue — Unicode Collation Algorithm (B.10.13)
[124-C26] Consensus: Approve the publication of Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm for Unicode 6.0 after completing all of the outstanding actions.
[124-A119] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm for publication for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A120] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post final version of Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A121] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #166. Resolution: will be updated with final content and published for Unicode 6.0.
Public Review Issue — Unicode 6.0.0 beta (B.10.16)
[124-C27] Consensus: Approve the data files for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A122] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #170. The release will be finalized and published.
Editorial Committee — Unicode 6.0 (B.12.3)
[124-C28] Consensus: Approve the release of Unicode Standard, Version 6.0.
[124-A123] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Orchestrate the release of Unicode 6.0.
South Asian Subcommittee — Indic (D.8)
[124-A124] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Remove U+11350 Grantha Om from the consensus document L2/10-265.
[124-A125] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Invite others to prepare a separate proposal for Grantha Om, and for Oriya Om if appropriate. L2/10-299
[124-A126] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Update the name of U+11301 GRANTHA SIGN ANUNASIKA to "GRANTHA SIGN CANDRABINDU" in L2/10-265.
[124-A127] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Update L2/10-265 to change the name of U+1134F to "GRANTHA SIGN LIGATING VIRAMA".
[124-A128] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Add the characters from L2/10-235, with suggested name changes, to the Grantha consensus proposal L2/10-265.
[124-A129] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Sharma re document L2/10-256 with UTC feedback that "EXTENDED" should be taken out of the names; and re-submit.
South Asian Subcommittee — Vedic (D.4)
[124-C29] Consensus: Accept U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+1CF6 VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA for encoding in a future version of the standard. (See L2/10-257.)
[124-A130] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+1CF6 VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA.
[124-A131] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+1CF6 VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA to request for future additions.
South Asian Subcommittee — Grantha (D.1.12)
[124-A132] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Deborah Anderson: Respond to Gov't of India re by pointing them at the Grantha consensus document L2/10-265. (NOTE: "On behalf of Dr Mark Davis, ... Here is our sense of where the consensus now stands. Pointer to L2/10-265." Send to Mark before sending.) L2/10-314
Unicode Technical Reports — Unicode Support for Mathematics (B.11.1)
[124-C30] Consensus: Approve the next revision of Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics with the update to the data file for Unicode 6.0.
[124-A133] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Murray Sargent: Update Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics and data file.
[124-A134] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post final approved Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics (revision 12) after 6.0 is released.
Friday, August 13, 2010
PRESENT: Adobe, Aple, Google(proxy), IBM, Microsoft, UCB, Yahoo!
6 full members and 1
institutional member present, 7 total votes
Scripts — Proposal to include Duployan shorthands and Chinook (C.21)
[124-C31] Consensus: Accept 143 Duployan characters at U+1BC00 - U+1BC9F, with block "Duployan" U+1BC00 - U+1BC9F, for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-272
[124-C32] Consensus: Accept U+2E3C STENOGRAPHIC FULL STOP for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-272
[124-C33] Consensus: Accept U+1BCA0 - U+1BCA3 ((***NAMES***)) in block "Shorthand Format Controls" at U+1BCA0 - U+1BCAF for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-272
[124-A135] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline for the 3 Duployan consensi above (124-C31, 124-C32, 124-C33). L2/10-272
[124-A136] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Duployan characters to request for future additions. L2/10-272
[124-A137] Action Item for Van Anderson: Send revised Duployan proposal to WG2 for the next meeting. (Capture codepoint changes, etc. as documented in 124-C31, 124-C32, and 124-C33. L2/10-272
[124-A138] Action Item for Van Anderson: Provide updated Duployan font to Michel Suignard and Rick McGowan.
[124-A139] Action Item for Van Anderson, Rick McGowan: Produce a technical note describing the Duployan shorthand rendering. L2/10-272
South Asian Subcommittee — Sindhi (WG2 N3871) (D.7)
[124-C34] Consensus: Accept 69 Sindhi characters U+11600 - U+11649 in block "Sindhi" at U+11600 - U+1164F for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/10-271
[124-A140] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 69 Sindhi characters U+11600 - U+11649 in block "Sindhi" at U+11600 - U+1164F L2/10-271
[124-A141] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 69 Sindhi characters U+11600 - U+11649 in block "Sindhi" at U+11600 - U+1164F to request for future additions. L2/10-271
[124-A142] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey, Deborah Anderson: Provide a font for Sindhi to Michel Suignard and Rick McGowan. L2/10-271
[124-A143] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey, Deborah Anderson: Provide an updated Sindhi proposal for UTC/L2 and WG2 (with minor corrections). L2/10-271
South Asian Subcommittee — Comments on abbreviation signs (D.6)
[124-A144] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shriramana Sharma to thank him for his feedback, which was considered at the meeting. L2/10-083
Scripts — English Phonotypic Alphabet (EPA) (C.4)
[124-A145] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Provide feedback to Karl Pentzlin on L2/10-229R.
Scripts — Modifier letter for use in French (C.5)
[124-A146] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Karl Pentzin re L2/10-230.
Scripts — Tifinagh (C.20.3)
[124-A147] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Lorna Priest: Respond to Paul Anderson re L2/10-278, L2/10-313
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing | |
Deborah Anderson | U C Berkeley | |
Peter Constable | Microsoft | |
Craig Cummings | Yahoo! | |
Mark Davis | ||
Peter Edberg | Apple | |
Andrew Glass | Microsoft | |
Laurentiu Iancu | Microsoft | |
Michael Kaplan | Microsoft | |
Rick McGowan | Unicode | |
Lisa Moore | IBM | |
Eric Muller | Adobe | |
Lorna Priest | SIL | |
Dwayne Robinson | Microsoft | |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft | |
Shawn Steele | Microsoft | |
V S Umamaheswaran | IBM | |
Ken Whistler | Sybase | |
By Phone | ||
Michael Everson | Evertype | |
John Jenkins | Apple | |
Roozbeh Pournader | Gnome | |
Harsha Wijayawardhana | ICTA, Sri Lanka |
Members Represented
Full Member |
11/2/09 |
11/3/09 |
11/4/09 |
11/5/09 |
11/6/09 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
2. Apple Computer, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
3. Google, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
4. IBM Corporation |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
5. Microsoft Corporation |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
6. Oracle Corporation |
7. SAP AG |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
8. Yahoo! |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Institutional Member |
1. |
2. Tamil Nadu & TVU |
3. W Bengal SNLTR |
4. UCB |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
5. UCSC |
Supporting Member |
1. Monotype Imaging Corp |