
From: Mark Davis
Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 14:04
Subject: UTC Agenda Item: CollationTest

Please add the following to the agenda and registry.
There are a few items that came out of the UCA 6.0 work.
  1. It would be useful to add to the CollationTests the canonical equivalents for all entries. (In UCA 6.0 some additional such cases were added, which exposed some implementation bugs; it would be simple and useful to add all of them.]
  2. It would make certain implementation issues easier to handle if the Ogham space mark had the same weight as the other spaces, unless there is good reason to do otherwise.
  3. The 4th weight in the DUCET file is not used by UCA. However, for the allkeys_CLDR version, it would be useful to have documented how it is derived, since sometimes it is the code_point, sometimes toNFD(code_point), and sometimes toNFKD(code_point).
  4. There are extra comments on some of the lines in the DUCET file, of the form "; QQK", or "; QQCM". These should also be documented.
  5. The .html file for CollationAuxiliary was done quickly, and needs much more work.