From: Mark Davis
Date: Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 14:04
Subject: UTC Agenda Item: CollationTest
Please add the following to the agenda and
There are a few items that came out of the
UCA 6.0 work.
- It would be useful to add to the
CollationTests the canonical equivalents for all entries. (In
UCA 6.0 some additional such cases were added, which exposed
some implementation bugs; it would be simple and useful to add
all of them.]
- It would make certain
implementation issues easier to handle if the Ogham space mark
had the same weight as the other spaces, unless there is good
reason to do otherwise.
- The 4th weight in the DUCET file
is not used by UCA. However, for the allkeys_CLDR version, it
would be useful to have documented how it is derived, since
sometimes it is the code_point, sometimes toNFD(code_point), and
sometimes toNFKD(code_point).
- There are extra comments on some
of the lines in the DUCET file, of the form ";
QQK", or "; QQCM". These should also be documented.
The .html file for CollationAuxiliary was done quickly, and
needs much more work.