Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 132
Redmond, WA -- July 30 - Aug 3, 2012
Hosted by Microsoft
UTC #132 Agenda
Revision date: August 23, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Meeting opened at 10:30.
Quorum is 4.
8 members represented. (IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Adobe, UCB, Google, Yahoo, Apple)
A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]
Associate member Rakuten is now present.
[132-C1] Consensus: UTC no longer wishes to pursue work on Proposed Draft UTR #47.
[132-A1] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Update the TR tracking document to reflect status of UTR #47, and other required editorial actions.
Quick break 11:45 - 12.
A.6 Calendar Review
UTC 136: July 29 - August 2, 2013. Hosted by Microsoft in Redmond.
C.10 Proposal for one Historic Currency character, MARK SIGN [Evensen, Anderson, L2/12-242]
[132-C2] Consensus: Accept U+20BB Mark Sign, with properties as given in L2/12-242 for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A2] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+20BB Mark Sign to the pipeline. See L2/12-242
[132-A3] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+20BB Mark Sign to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-242
[132-A4] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward document L2/12-242 to WG2.
C.13 Proposal for Two Phonetic Characters [von Schneidemesser, L2/12-266]
[132-C3] Consensus: Accept U+A7AE LATIN SMALL LETTER INVERTED ALPHA and U+A7AF LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OMEGA, with properties as given in L2/12-266 for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A5] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+A7AE LATIN SMALL LETTER INVERTED ALPHA and U+A7AF LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OMEGA to the pipeline. See L2/12-266
[132-A6] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+A7AE LATIN SMALL LETTER INVERTED ALPHA and U+A7AF LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL OMEGA to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-266
[132-A7] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Update and forward document L2/12-266 to WG2.
* New agenda item. D.13 L2/12-121 Bengali Anji.
[132-C4] Consensus: Accept U+0980 Bengali Anji with properties as given in document L2/12-212 for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A8] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+0980 Bengali Anji to the pipeline. See L2/12-121
[132-A9] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+0980 Bengali Anji to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-121
[132-A10] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Forward document L2/12-121 to WG2.
[132-A11] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font for Bengali Anji to Michel Suignard. See L2/12-121
D.6.2 Siddham [Pandey, L2/12-234]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time. (However, see below.)
Lunch 1:00 - 2:00
B.7 UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics - Script Encoding Initiative B.7.1 Liaison report [Anderson, L2/12-278]
Oral report by Deborah Anderson.
B.11.3 Issue 211: Proposed Update UAX #11, East Asian Width
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.3.2 Document for review [Lunde, L2/12-253]
[132-C5] Consensus: Approve the proposed update of UAX #11 for Unicode 6.2.
B.13.3 Unicode 6.2
Brief discussion.
B.3.1 IRG Liaison report [Lunde, L2/12-215]
[132-A12] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Finalize the document L2/12-241 and forward to IRG and WG2.
C.2 Proposal for encoding Meroitic numbers in the SMP (WG2 N4276) [SEI/Everson, L2/12-206]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.4 Proposal for Early Dynastic Cuneiform (WG2 N4278) [SEI/Everson, L2/12-208]
[132-M1] Motion: Accept 197 Early Dynastic Cuneiform characters at U+12480 - U+12544, with block "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" U+12480 - U+1254F, with properties as given in L2/12-208, for encoding in a future version of the standard.
Moved by Deborah Anderson, seconded by Eric Muller
6 for (Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, UCB, IBM, Google)
0 against
2 abstain (Yahoo, SAP)
Motion carries.
[132-A13] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add Early Dynastic Cuneiform to the pipeline.
[132-A14] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Early Dynastic Cuneiform to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-208.
[132-A15] Action Item for Michael Everson: Send Early Dynastic Cuneiform font to Michel Suignard. See L2/12-208.
[132-A16] Action Item for V. S. Umamaheswaran, Roadmap Committee: Update the Early Dynastic Cuneiform block in the roadmap.
C.3 Proposal for additions and corrections to Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform (WG2 N4277) [SEI/Everson, L2/12-207]
[132-C6] Consensus: Accept 55 Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform characters in the ranges U+1236F to 12398, U+12463 to U+1246E, and 124474 -- omitting U+12399 -- for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform additions to the pipeline.
[132-A18] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform additions to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-207.
[132-A19] Action Item for Michael Everson: Send Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform additions font and nameslist to Michel Suignard. See L2/12-207.
Short break 3:45 - 4:00.
[132-C7] Consensus: Add two formal name aliases for U+122D4 CUNEIFORM SIGN NU11 TENU and U+122D5 CUNEIFORM SIGN NU11 OVER NU11 BUR OVER BUR.
[132-A20] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add formal name aliases for two Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform characters to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-207.
[132-A21] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform name aliases to NameAliases.txt, for Unicode 7.0. See L2/12-207.
[132-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Post glyph errata for U+122D4 and U+122D5. See L2/12-207.
[132-C8] Consensus: Make normative ordering change for U+122D4 CUNEIFORM SIGN NU11 TENU and U+122D5 CUNEIFORM SIGN NU11 OVER NU11 BUR OVER BUR as per section 4.2 of L2/12-207 for UCA 6.2.1.
[132-A23] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update DUCET for UCA 6.2.1 with changes for U+122D4 and U+122D5.
C.5 Proposal to add Combining Up Tack Above (WG2 N4279) [Everson, Starner, L2/12-209]
[132-C9] Consensus: Accept U+1DF5 COMBINING UP TACK ABOVE for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A24] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+1DF5 COMBINING UP TACK ABOVE to the pipeline.
[132-A25] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+1DF5 COMBINING UP TACK ABOVE to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-209.
[132-A26] Action Item for Michael Everson: Send U+1DF5 COMBINING UP TACK ABOVE font to Michel Suignard. See L2/12-209.
[132-A27] Action Item for Michael Everson: Provide an updated proposal L2/12-209R with the correct properties.
C.6 Final proposal to encode Anatolian Hieroglyphs (WG2 N4282) [SEI/Everson, L2/12-213]
Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B. Request to change the names of three Teuthonista characters under ballot [Irish NB, L2/12-269]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.15 Additional evidence of use of Pahawh Hmong clan logographs [SEI/Everson, L2/12-271]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.14 Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS [Everson, et.al., L2/12-270]
[132-C10] Consensus: Accept U+A7B0 Latin Capital Letter Turned K and U+A7B1 Latin Capital Letter Turned T, with properties mostly documented in L2/12-270 for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A28] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+A7B0 Latin Capital Letter Turned K and U+A7B1 Latin Capital Letter Turned T to the pipeline. See L2/12-270.
[132-A29] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+A7B0 Latin Capital Letter Turned K and U+A7B1 Latin Capital Letter Turned T to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-270.
[132-A30] Action Item for Michael Everson: Send font for U+A7B0 Latin Capital Letter Turned K and U+A7B1 Latin Capital Letter Turned T to Michel Suignard. See L2/12-270.
Adjourned for the day at 5:35.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Meeting opened at 9:30.
8 members represented (Yahoo, MS, SAP, Apple, Adobe, UCB, Google, IBM)
A.5.1 Review of minutes
[132-C11] Consensus: Approve the minutes of UTC #131.
B.9 Unicode Locales Project (CLDR) B.9.1 Liaison report [Davis, Edberg]
Oral report by Mark Davis.
B.11.23 Issue 231: Bidi Parenthesis Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
Long discussion.
[132-C12] Consensus: Accept 4 bidi characters:
U+2066 LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE (properties like LRE) U+2067 RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE (properties like RLE) U+2068 FIRST-STRONG ISOLATE (properties like LRE) U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE (properties like PDF)
for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A31] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 4 new bidi characters. See above Consensus 132-C12.
[132-A32] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 4 new bidi characters to document requesting future additions.
[132-A33] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Get a new specials font to Michel with 4 new bidi characters.
[132-A34] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Aharon Lanin: Create a proposal for 4 bidi characters and forward to WG2 for compatibility with CSS.
[132-C13] Consensus: Add in the next proposed update of UAX #9, a migration section; move the 5.7 text into that section; and add a description for migrating to 4.0.1 (from previous versions).
[132-A35] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add in the next proposed update of UAX #9, a migration section; move the 5.7 text into that section; and add a description for migrating to 4.0.1 (from previous versions). See above consensus 132-C13 and L2/12-288.
[132-A36] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Supply draft text for UAX #9 to Mark Davis and the Editorial Committee. See above consensus 132-C13 and L2/12-288.
[132-A37] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Provide a draft file (BidiCharacterTest.txt) for the next meeting. See above consensus 132-C13 and L2/12-288.
B. Comments on bidi parentheses and other similar problems [Pournader, Esfahbod, L2/12-287]
Long discussion.
Adjourned for the day at 5:30.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Meeting opened at 9:30.
7 members represented. (Adobe, Google, IBM, MS, SAP, UCB, Yahoo, Apple(proxy) )
D.10.1 Proposal to encode Tamil fractions and symbols [Sharma, L2/12-231]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.8 Proposal to encode 0D5F MALAYALAM LETTER ARCHAIC II [Sharma, L2/12-225]
D.8.1 Comments on Encoding "Duplicate" Indic Characters [Rajan, L2/12-233]
D.8.2 Update on Brahmi and other Indic unification issues [Sharma, L2/12-236]
D.8.3 Comment on archaic Malayalam glyph II encoding & Grantha writing of Dravidian languages [Ganesan, L2/12-273]
[132-C14] Consensus: Accept U+0D5F Malayalam Letter Archaic II with properties as documented in L2/12-225.
[132-A38] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+0D5F Malayalam Letter Archaic II. See L2/12-225.
[132-A39] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+0D5F Malayalam Letter Archaic II to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-225.
D.1.1 Review of Indic-related documents and recommendations to the UTC [Anderson, et.al., L2/12-267]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.4.4 Proposal to Encode Signs for Writing Kashmiri in Sharada [Pandey, L2/12-124]
[132-C15] Consensus: Accept 3 Sharada characters: 111CA SHARADA SIGN NUKTA, 111CB SARADA VOWEL MODIFIER MARK, 111CC SHARADA EXTRA SHORT VOWEL MARK, with properties as given in L2/12-124, except that 111CB and 111CC have CCC=0.
[132-A40] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 3 Sharada letters as in consensus 132-C15. See L2/12-124.
[132-A41] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 3 Sharada characters as in consensus 132-C15 to document requesting future additions. See L2/12-124.
[132-A42] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Send font to Michel Suignard for 3 Sharada additions. See L2/12-124.
[132-A43] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Submit updated revised document L2/12-124 with combining class corrections to UTC and WG2.
D.14 Proposal to change the glyph for Brahmi Lettr Lla (U+11034) [Glass, L2/12-292]
[132-C16] Consensus: Create a glyph erratum for Brahmi Letter LLLA based on the image in document L2/12-292.
[132-A44] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Create a glyph erratum based on L2/12-292.
[132-A45] Action Item for Andrew Glass: Forward document L2/12-292 to WG2.
Lunch 12:10 - 1:10
D.4.2 Proposal to Reallocate Sharada EKAM [Pandey, L2/12-285]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
[132-C17] Consensus: Move Sharada Ekam from U+111C9 to U+111DA.
[132-A46] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect move of Sharada Ekam from U+111C9 to U+111DA.
D.4.5 Request for name change for U+111CD SHARADA SUTRA MARK [Pandey, L2/12-291]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.12 Request for a decision on encoding model for Mende numbers [Anderson, L2/12-265]
C.12.1 Proposal for Nine Mende Digit Characters [Anderson, L2/12-293]
Discussion of model.
[132-M2] Motion: Represent Mende numbers with an "atomically encoded digits and units" model, as per section 2 of document L2/12-265.
Moved by Rick McGowan, seconded by Lisa Moore
5 for (IBM, Yahoo, Apple, SAP, Adobe)
0 against
1 abstain (Microsoft, Google, UCB)
Motion carries.
B.14.3 Proposal to Add Mongolian Letters to ArabicShaping.txt [Esfahbod, L2/12-202]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.14.4.1 Revert Cuneiform Numeric Changes for Unicode 6.2 [Whistler, L2/12-210]
[132-C18] Consensus: Revert the decision in Consensus 131-C30, numeric value changes to the following 6 characters, to the Unicode 6.1 values, for Unicode 6.2:
[132-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt for Unicode 6.2 with changes from consensus 132-C18 for 6 cuneiform characters.
[132-A48] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Follow up with Kent Karlsson and Richard Wordingham on cuneiform number decision above.
B.14.4.2 Collation and Correcting Errors in the Unicode Character Database [Wordingham, L2/12-268]
B. Property Issues for Unicode 6.2 [Davis, L2/12-240]
[132-C19] Consensus: Give U+12432 and U+12433 the numeric type "numeric" and the numeric values 216,000, and 432,000 respectively. Make U+12456 and 12457 have the numeric type "numeric" and value "-1". See L2/12-240.
[132-A49] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update numeric values for U+12432 and U+12433 in UnicodeData.txt for 6.2. See L2/12-240.
[132-A50] Action Item for Mark Davis: Produce update DerivedNumericValue.txt and check for changes to U+12432, U+12433, U+12456, U+12457, for Unicode 6.2. See L2/12-240.
[132-M3] Motion: Request the officers to create a stability policy to specify that if a character has a general category of "Number", it must have a numeric type that is not equal to "none".
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Peter Edberg
5 for (IBM, Yahoo, Apple, Google, Adobe)
0 against (SAP)
1 abstain (Microsoft, UCB)
Motion carries.
[132-A51] Action Item for Mark Davis: Request the officers to create a stability policy according to motion 132-M3. See L2/12-240.
[132-A52] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add an invariant test for above stability, motion 132-M3. See L2/12-240.
B.11.1 Issue 207: Proposed Draft UTR #50, Unicode Propoerties for Vertical Text Layout
Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
Meeting adjourned for the day at 5:40.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Meeting opened at 9:30.
8 members represented. (Yahoo, MS, SAP, Apple, Adobe, UCB, Google, IBM)
C.12.1 Proposal for Nine Mende Digit Characters [Anderson, L2/12-293]
[132-M4] Motion: Accept Mende digits 1-9 at U+1E8D1 - U+1E8D9 in new block "Mende Numbers" U+1E8D0..U+1E8EF:
Moved by Deborah Anderson, seconded by Ken Whistler
7 for (IBM, Yahoo, MS, SAP, Apple, Adob, UCB)
0 against
1 abstain (Google)
Motion carries.
[132-A53] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add Mende digits 1-9 to pipeline.
[132-A54] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Mende digits 1-9 to document requesting future additions.
[132-A55] Action Item for Mark Davis: Check Mende numbers for confusables. U+1E8D1 - U+1E8D9; see motion 132-M4 and L2/12-293.
B.11.15 Issue 223: Proposed Update UTS #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
[132-C20] Consensus: Add a set of 5 contractions for U+OEDE and U+OEDF to DUCET for Unicode 6.2. See L2/12-248.
[132-A56] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Make changes to the DUCET for Unicode 6.2. See L2/12-248.
[132-A57] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Review the editorial feedback from Richard Wordingham and incorporate into UTS #10 as appropriate. See feedback on PRI #233, Sat July 7, 2012. See L2/12-248.
[132-A58] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Put a link on the tech reports page to proposed update for UTR #35 (proposed.html), and that remains permanently.
[132-A59] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham re his feedback on PRI #223.
[132-A60] Action Item for Mark Davis: Move text from UTS #10 to CollationAuxiliary.html, leaving breadcrumbs. See feedback on PRI #223 from Markus Scherer, Wed July 25, 2012. See L2/12-248.
[132-A61] Action Item for Mark Davis: Take care of issues from Ken Whistler's July 27, 2012 feedback on PRI #223, noting that it involves the computed quaternary weights. See L2/12-248.
B. Collation Adjustments for DUCET [Wordingham, L2/12-204]
[132-C21] Consensus: (1) Remove the two contractions listed at the top of L2/12-204. (2) Add documentation to UTS #10 noting that the DUCET is not well-formed, and the addition of 10 lines would be necessary to make it well-formed and preserve Tibetan order. (3) Remove the affected characters from the collation test data. (4) Add the 10 lines to AllKeys_CLDR.txt and derived files.
[132-A62] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Do item 1 of consensus 132-C21, for UCA 6.2.
[132-A63] Action Item for Mark Davis: Do items 2, 3, 4 of above consensus 132-C21, for UCA 6.2. -- (2) Add documentation to UTS #10 noting that the DUCET is not well-formed, and the addition of 10 lines would be necessary to make it well-formed and preserve Tibetan order. (3) Remove the affected characters from the collation test data. (4) Add the 10 lines to AllKeys_CLDR.txt and derived files. See L2/12-204.
[132-A64] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham re the above consensus 132-C21.
B. UCA constructs illformed 4th level weights [Scherer, L2/12-227]
[132-C22] Consensus: Change text in 3.7 of UTS #10 per document L2/12-227, for UCA 6.2.
[132-A65] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update section 3.7 of UTS #10 per document L2/12-227, for UCA 6.2.
B. Suggested Changes to DUCET for UCA 6.2.1 [Whistler, et al, L2/12-230]
[132-C23] Consensus: Approve the proposal in L2/12-230.
[132-A66] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Issue a proposed update for UTS #10 for 6.2.1. Call attention to options for #1, and make attendant changes to the text for #4, of L2/12-230.
[132-A67] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for proposed update UTS #10 to close January 21, 2013.
[132-A68] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Submit a proposal to OWG Sort, based on text in L2/12-230.
B. Anomalous Level 4 Weights in Tables for UCA [Wordingham, L2/12-223]
[132-A69] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham re his document L2/12-223, saying the UTC is planning to get rid of the 4th level data.
B. UCA 6.2 Proposed Changes [Davis, L2/12-246]
[132-C24] Consensus: Accept the proposal in document L2/12-246 for the collation of regional indicator symbols in UCA 6.2.
[132-A70] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the DUCET for UCA 6.2 to change the collation of regional indicator symbols as per consensus 132-C24. See document L2/12-246.
[132-A71] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Create a document to go to OWG Sort to make a change to the ISO 14651 CCT. See L2/12-246.
B. UCA 6.2 Conformance Test change [Davis, L2/12-249]
[132-C25] Consensus: Change UCA collation test documentation and data as specified in L2/12-249 for Unicode 6.2 with the addition of a clear description of migration issues.
[132-A72] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Make updates to UCA collation test documentation and data as specified in L2/12-249 for Unicode 6.2 with the addition of a clear description of migration issues. See consensus 132-C24 and L2/12-249.
[132-A73] Action Item for Mark Davis: Respond personally to Richard Wordingham thanking him for his many contributions.
B. Review of the Specification of the Unicode Collation Algorithm [Wordingham, L2/12-250]
[132-A74] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add a version line to the allkeys_CLDR.txt file for UCA 6.2.
[132-A75] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Review L2/12-250 and incorporate editorial changes to UCA version 6.2, as appropriate.
B. UCA decomposition mappings [Scherer]
[132-C26] Consensus: Include decomps.txt in the collation data files for UCA 6.2.
[132-A76] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add documentation of decomps.txt into CollationAuxiliary.html for UCA 6.2, with special attention to the private use characters.
[132-A77] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UTS #10 with information about NFKD decomps and decomps.txt, for UCA 6.2.
[132-C27] Consensus: Approve the publication of UCA 6.2 in September 2012.
[132-A78] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #223.
[132-A79] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare final text for UTS #10.
B.14.5 What to do about CCC133 [Davis, L2/12-286]
[132-C28] Consensus: Do option C of L2/12-286, and also in UAX #44, section 5.11.2, we reserve CCC133 as empty, for Unicode 6.2.
Lunch 12:45 - 1:45, plus ad hoc on UTR #50
[132-A80] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropertyValueAliases.txt (to fix CCC133) for 6.2. See above consensus 132-C28.
[132-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update section 5.11.2 of UAX #44 regarding reserving CCC133 as empty, for Unicode 6.2. See above consensus 132-C28.
[132-A82] Action Item for Mark Davis: Prepare a proposed stability policy update to an existing policy for property aliases and property value aliases. See above consensus 132-C28.
B. Property Issues for Unicode 6.2 [Davis, L2/12-240]
[132-M5] Motion: Create a PRI on section 2 of L2/12-240 "Setting Consistent Uppercase Properties" to close January 21, 2013.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Peter Edberg
6 for (IBM, Yahoo, MS, Apple, UCB, Google)
1 against (SAP)
1 abstain (Adobe)
Motion carries.
[132-A83] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Create PRI text on section 2 of L2/12-240 "Setting Consistent Uppercase Properties" to close January 21, 2013.
[132-A84] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRI on section 2 of L2/12-240 to close January 21, 2013.
[132-A85] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the kMandarin property of U+6668 to be chen2 (chén), for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A86] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Review Shriramana Sharma's feedback on dollar sign from Mon May 21, 2012 in L2/12-248.
[132-A87] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Look into feedback on Javanese U+A980 from R.S. Wihananto in L2/12-248.
[132-A88] Action Item for John Jenkins: Review input on kTotalStrokes in L2/12-248 from Kat Momoi from June 13, and make a change in warranted. For Unicode 6.2.
[132-A89] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Review input from Kent Karlsson on cuneiform glyph errors for U+12423-U+12432 in L2/12-248. (Will not be *fixed* in 6.2., but may result in erratum.)
[132-A90] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update nameslist for U+1110E based on feedback from Corbett from July 2, 2012 in L2/12-248.
[132-A91] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Williamson re feedback on non-standard character name abbrs.
[132-A92] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update UTS #18 (source) to change LS and PS to the character names.
[132-A93] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Lars Dieckow pointing to FAQ on this issue of German sharp-s.
[132-A94] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #230.
[132-A95] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #228 to October 29, 2012.
B. Segmentation of Regional Indicator Symbols [Scherer, Heninger, L2/12-284R]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.21 Issue 229: Linebreaking changes for pictographic symbols
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
[132-C29] Consensus: Change the line break property of U+3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE to "BA" for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A96] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update LineBreak.txt with change of U+3000 to "BA" for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A97] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: Make updates to text of UAX #14 consistent with change of U+3000 to "BA" for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A98] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update LineBreakTest.txt consistent with change of U+3000 to "BA" for Unicode 6.2.1. See consensus 132-C29 and L2/12-248.
[132-C30] Consensus: Revert the property value of U+2E3A TWO EM DASH (sp?) to the value "B2" (break both), for Unicode 6.2, reverting motion 131-M2.
[132-A99] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update LineBreak.txt for Unicode 6.2, changing U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH to the value "B2" (break both).
[132-A100] Action Item for Eric Muller: Brief Karl Pentzlin on the LineBreak change for U+2E3A.
B.11.21 Issue 229: Linebreaking changes for pictographic symbols
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
[132-C31] Consensus: Change the linebreak property of 907 pictographic characters in the Modified Inclusion Set to "ID", for Unicode 6.2. See document L2/12-300.
[132-A101] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update LineBreak.txt, changing the linebreak property of 907 pictographic characters (Modified Inclusion Set) to "ID", for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A102] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #229.
B.11.5 Issue 213: Proposed Update UAX #15, Unicode Normalization Forms
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.5.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/12-255]
[132-C32] Consensus: Approve UAX #15 for Unicode 6.2.
B. Segmentation of Regional Indicator Symbols [Scherer, Heninger, L2/12-284R]
[132-C33] Consensus: Accept the linebreak proposal in L2/12-284R3, for Unicode 6.2, including reverting the changes for ZWJ.
[132-A103] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update LineBreak.txt for regional indicators, for Unicode 6.2 based on L2/12-284R3, and revert zero width joiner changes that were made in the beta.
[132-A104] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update WordBreak.txt and GraphemeClusterBreak.txt for regional indicators, for Unicode 6.2 based on L2/12-284R3, and revert zero width joiner changes that were made in the beta. And regenerate test files. See L2/12-284R3.
[132-A105] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropertyValueAlias.txt to revert the zero width joiner changes, and add the new property values for word break, line break, and grapheme cluster break, based on document L2/12-284R3.
[132-A106] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #29 based on L2/12-284R3. For Unicode 6.2. And prepare for publication in Unicode 6.2.
[132-A107] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #14 based on L2/12-284R3. For Unicode 6.2. And prepare for publication in Unicode 6.2.
[132-C34] Consensus: Approve UAX #14 and UAX #29 with the discussed updates for Unicode 6.2.
Adjourned for the day at 5:45.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Meeting opened at 9:35.
8 members represented. (Yahoo, MS, SAP, Apple, Adobe, UCB, Google, IBM)
Added agenda item for updates to UAX #9 post 6.2.
B. UAX #9
[132-C35] Consensus: Approve UAX #9 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A108] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #9 for publication in Unicode 6.2.
B.11.8 Issue 216: Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.8.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/12-258]
[132-C36] Consensus: Approve UAX #31 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A109] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #31 for publication in Unicode 6.2.
B.11.6 Issue 214: Proposed Update UAX #24, Unicode Script Property
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.6.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/12-256]
B.11.19 Issue 227: Changes to Script_Extensions Property Values
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.19.2 Document for review [L2/12-297]
[132-A110] Action Item for Peter Constable: Supply suggested text to section 2-4 of UAX #24 to clarify the use of single value sets for script extensions.
[132-A111] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #24 with Peter Constable's input. See above action 132-A110.
[132-C37] Consensus: Accept the property value changes discussed in PRI #227.
[132-A112] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update ScriptExtensions.txt with the changes in PRI #227, for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A113] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #227.
B.11.6 Issue 214: Proposed Update UAX #24, Unicode Script Property
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.6.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/12-256]
[132-C38] Consensus: Approve UAX #24 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A114] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #24 based on feedback and publish for Unicode 6.2.
B.11.9 Issue 217: Proposed Update UAX #34, Unicode Named Character Sequences
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.9.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/12-259]
[132-C39] Consensus: Approve UAX #34 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A115] Action Item for Addison Phillips, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #34 based on feedback and publish for Unicode 6.2.
B.11.11 Issue 219: Proposed Update UAX #41, Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.11.2 Document for review [McGowan, L2/12-261]
[132-C40] Consensus: Approve UAX #41 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A116] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #41 and publish for Unicode 6.2.
B.11.12 Issue 220: Proposed Update UAX #42, Unicode Character Database in XML
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.12.2 Document for review [Muller, L2/12-262]
[132-C41] Consensus: Approve UAX #42 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A117] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #42 including all property changes and publish for Unicode 6.2.
B.11.13 Issue 221: Proposed Update UAX #44, Unicode Character Database
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.13.2 Document for review [Whistler, L2/12-263]
[132-C42] Consensus: Approve UAX #44 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A118] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #44 for publication with Unicode 6.2.
B.11.16 Issue 224: Proposed Update UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.16.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler]
[132-C43] Consensus: Approve UTS #46 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A119] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update and post the 6.2 version of UTS #46.
[132-A120] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #224.
B. Removing colons from default words (UAX #29) [Davis, L2/12-282]
[132-A121] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate the changes for colon in the proposed update of UAX #29 for Unicode 6.2.1, as specified in L2/12-282. Add rationale in a review note.
B. Handling fake Gershayim and Geresh in Hebrew words (UAX #29) [Davis, L2/12-283]
[132-A122] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate the changes for fake Gershayim and Geresh in the proposed update of UAX #29 for Unicode 6.2.1, as specified in L2/12-283. Add rationale in a review note.
[132-A123] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add annotations to U+0022 and U+0027 about geresh and gershayim; see L2/12-283. For Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A124] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update the WordBreakProperty.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt in accordance with changes in L2/12-282 and L2/12-283.
[132-C44] Consensus: Approve UAX #29 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A125] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #29 for publication with Unicode 6.2.
B. Modified inclusion set for PRI 229, pictographic symbol line break changes [Edberg, L2/12-300]
B.11.24 Other feedback
B.11.24.1 General feedback [L2/12-248]
[132-A126] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward John Cowan's feedback on Siddham in L2/12-248 to Anshuman Pandey.
[132-A127] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to John Cowan re feedback on Sharada Sign Nukta.
B. Storage order for decimal digits (gc="Nd") [Wordingham. L2/12-160]
[132-A128] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Document in the Unicode Standard that characters of numeric type "decimal" are stored most significant digit first, for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A129] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham's feedback on decimal digit order in L2/12-160.
B.11.22 Issue 230: Unicode 6.2.0 Beta
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B. Property Issues for Unicode 6.2 [Davis, L2/12-240]
[132-A130] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #230.
B.13.3.2 Format of Names List
[132-A131] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Document the change to the nameslist in section 17 of TUS.
[132-A132] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Document the change to the nameslist in Nameslist.html.
C.17 Proposal for additional annotations for some modifier letters used for transliteration of Hebrew [Pentzlin, L2/12-065]
[132-A133] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Pentzlin.
B. Request UTC Approve Corrections to Informative Unihan Properties [Cook, Jenkins, L2/12-211]
[132-C45] Consensus: Approve the informative Unihan property corrections in L2/12-211. For Unicode 6.2.
[132-A134] Action Item for John Jenkins: Make informative Unihan property updates in L2/12-211, for Unicode 6.2.
[132-C46] Consensus: Approve UAX #38 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A135] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #38 and publish for Unicode 6.2.
B.11.14 Issue 222: Proposed Update UAX #45, U-Source Ideographs
B. General feedback [L2/12-248]
B.11.14.2 Document for review [Jenkins, L2/12-264]
[132-C47] Consensus: Correct the U-Source errors for items 505, 541, 600, 646, 725 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A136] Action Item for John Jenkins: Check UAX #45 data file to make sure 5 U-Source errors are fixed for 505, 541, 600, 646, 725, for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A137] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Verify fixes in the U-Source data, fotns, and the chart re-generation for Unicode 6.2. See above consensus 132-C47.
[132-C48] Consensus: Approve UAX #45 for Unicode 6.2.
[132-A138] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #45 and associated data file, and publish for Unicode 6.2.
[132-C49] Consensus: Change kHanyuPinlu to use accents for the representation of tones, for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A139] Action Item for John Jenkins: After 6.2 is finished, then change kHanyuPinlu to use accents for the representation of tones, for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A140] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #225.
B.11.18 Issue 226: Deprecation of kCompatibilityVariant in the Unihan database
[132-C50] Consensus: Deprecate the kCompatibilityVariant property and remove associated data from the Unihan database, for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A141] Action Item for John Jenkins: Remove the kCompatibilityVariant from Unihan for Unicode 6.2.1 after 6.2 closes.
[132-A142] Action Item for Ken Whistler Editorial Committee: Make relevant updates for UAX #44 for Unicode 6.2.1.
[132-A143] Action Item for John Jenkins, Richard Cook, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #38 for deprecation of kCompatibilityVariant, for 6.2.1.
[132-A144] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #226.
[132-A145] Action Item for John Jenkins, Ken Lunde: Prepare an Extension F submission and submit to IRG and UTC.
B.13.2 Editorial Committee report [Whistler]
[132-C51] Consensus: Approve the release of Unicode 6.2.
[132-A146] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Do the release of Unicode 6.2.
[132-A147] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close all the UAX PRIs for 6.2.
Break for lunch at 1:00 - 2:00.
B.11.1 Issue 207: Proposed Draft UTR #50, Unicode Propoerties for Vertical Text Layout
B.11.1.3 L2/12-298R
[132-C52] Consensus: Use document L2/12-298R as the basis for the next phase of work on proposed draft UTR #50.
[132-A148] Action Item for Eric Muller: Update the data tables for UTR #50 to reflect current agreement.
[132-A149] Action Item for Koji Ishii: Prepare a new draft of UTR #50 based on L2/12-298R and discussions.
D.6.2 Siddham [Pandey, L2/12-234]
[132-C53] Consensus: Accept 78 Siddham characters at U+11580 - U+115C9 with block "Siddham" 11580 - 115FF, with properties as given in L2/12-234R for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[132-A150] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 78 Siddham characters at U+11850 - U+115C9 as given in L2/12-234R.
[132-A151] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 78 Siddham characters at U+11850 - U+115C9 as given in L2/12-234R to document requesting future additions.
B. Recommendation to INCITS EB regarding adoption of ISO/IEC 10646:2012 as an American National Standard
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B. L2/12-294 Task list for updating Unicode 6.2.1 to include bidi isolates and the BPA
[132-C54] Consensus: Authorize a proposed update of UAX #9 that includes the isolates proposal and the BPA proposal.
[132-A152] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Work with Aharon Lanin and Andrew Glass to produce a proposed update of UAX #9, for 6.2.1, including changes to the reference implementation and updated test data. L2/12-294, L2/12-301.
[132-A153] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #231.
UTC adjourned at 3:05 pm.
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing |
Julie Allen | Unicode |
Deborah Anderson | UC Berkeley |
Stephen Chua | Microsoft |
Peter Constable | Microsoft |
Craig Cummings | Unicode |
Mark Davis | |
Peter Edberg | Apple |
Michael Everson | Evertype |
Naga Ganesan | self |
Andrew Glass | Microsoft |
Laurentiu Iancu | Microsoft |
Matthew Isabel | Microsoft |
Koji Ishii | Rakuten |
Aharon Lanin | |
Sergey Malkin | Microsoft |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Lisa Moore | IBM |
Eric Muller | Adobe |
Roozbeh Pournader | |
Dwayne Robinson | Microsoft |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
Shawn Steele | Microsoft |
Michel Suignard | Unicode |
Linus Tanaka | Yahoo |
Tex Texin | Xencraft |
Ken Whistler | SAP |
By Phone | |
Elika Etemad | W3C |
Michael Everson | Evertype |
Ken Lunde | Adobe |
Markus Scherer | |
Shriramana Sharma | self |
Members Represented
Full Member | 05/07/12 | 05/08/12 | 05/09/12 | 05/10/12 | 05/11/12 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
2. Andhra Pradesh, MIT | |
3. Apple, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
4. Google, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
5. IBM Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
6. Microsoft Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
7. Oracle America, Inc. | |||||
8. SAP AG | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
9. Yahoo! | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Institutional Member | |||||
1. Bangladesh, MOSICT | |||||
2. India, MIT | |||||
3. Tamil Nadu, TVA | |||||
4. UC Berkeley | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
5. W Bengal SNLTR | |||||
Supporting Member | |||||
1. Monotype Imaging Corp |