Unihan Property Status Report (Unicode 8.0)

Source: Richard Cook
Date: 2015-06-15T13:27:29PDT
Subject: Unihan Property Status Report (Unicode 8.0)

This report presents Unihan 8.0 validation results,
and lists all known issues remaining to be corrected in
Unihan master files, post-publication of Unicode 8.0.

See warnings (all non-fatal) above the property tables at:

		Warning: non-NULL empty value

		Category must be changed in MySQL tags table (OK in UAX#38): 
			Radical-Stroke Counts (OLD) ⇒
			IRG Sources           (NEW)
		Warning: 280 no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical warnings.
		See MySQL inserts (some to be edited).

		Category must be changed in MySQL tags table (OK in UAX#38): 
			Variants              (OLD) ⇒
			IRG Sources           (NEW)
		See UAX#38 Revision 17 Modifications.

		Warning: Missing a total of 6479 kTotalStrokes values for Unicode 8.0.
		Data as yet unavailable?

		124 pinyin errors.
		There are two kinds of misplaced tone mark error below:
		  in the "ou" diphthong, the "o" gets the tone mark;
		  in the "ng" syllabic nasal, the "n" gets the tone mark.

	kHanyuPinyin Errors
		diff of original release against corrected master;
		all corrections remain to be applied to Unihan MySQL.

All other validations succeeded.

See also:
	Property Stats
	Production Diffs

Property kAccountingNumeric
Status Informative
Category Numeric Values
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]+
Description The value of the character when used in the writing of accounting numerals.
Accounting numerals are used in East Asia to prevent fraud. Because a number like ten (十) is easily turned into one thousand (千) with a stroke of a brush, monetary documents will often use an accounting form of the numeral ten (such as 拾) in their place.
The three numeric-value fields should have no overlap; that is, characters with a kAccountingNumeric value should not have a kPrimaryNumeric or kOtherNumeric value as well.
Records 26
Distinct 13
SyntaxOKRec 26
SyntaxOKTot 26

Property kBigFive
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9A-F]{4}
Description The Big Five mapping for this character in hex; note that this does not cover any of the Big Five extensions in common use, including the ETEN extensions.
Records 13063
Distinct 13063
SyntaxOKRec 13063
SyntaxOKTot 13063

Property kCangjie
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [A-Z]+
Description The cangjie input code for the character. This incorporates data from the file cangjie-table.b5 by Christian Wittern.
Records 29148
Distinct 27019
SyntaxOKRec 29148
SyntaxOKTot 29148

Warning: non-NULL empty value: kCantonese : U+7CED

Property kCantonese
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [a-z]{1,6}[1-6]
Description The Cantonese pronunciation(s) for this character using the jyutping romanization.
A full description of jyutping can be found at <http://www.lshk.org/cantonese.php>. The main differences between jyutping and the Yale romanization previously used are:
1) Jyutping always uses tone numbers and does not distinguish the high falling and high level tones.
2) Jyutping always writes a long a as “aa”.
3) Jyutping uses “oe” and “eo” for the Yale “eu” vowel.
4) Jyutping uses “c” instead of “ch”, “z” instead of “j”, and “j” instead of “y” as initials.
5) A non-null initial is always explicitly written (thus “jyut” in jyutping instead of Yale’s “yut”).
Cantonese pronunciations are sorted alphabetically, not in order of frequency.
N.B., the Hong Kong dialect of Cantonese is in the process of dropping initial NG- before non-null finals. Any word with an initial NG- may actually be pronounced without it, depending on the speaker and circumstances. Many words with a null initial may similarly be pronounced with an initial NG-. Similarly, many speakers use an initial L- for words previously pronounced with an initial N-.
Cantonese data are derived from the following sources:
Casey, G. Hugh, S.J. Ten Thousand Characters: An Analytic Dictionary. Hong Kong: Kelley and Walsh,1980 (kPhonetic).
Cheung Kwan-hin and Robert S. Bauer, The Representation of Cantonese with Chinese Characters, Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series Number 18, 2002.
Roy T. Cowles, A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, Hong Kong: University Press, 1999 (kCowles).
Sidney Lau, A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, Hong Kong: Government Printer, 1977 (kLau).
Bernard F. Meyer and Theodore F. Wempe, Student’s Cantonese-English Dictionary, Maryknoll, New York: Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, 1947 (kMeyerWempe).
饒秉才, ed. 廣州音字典, Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 1989.
中華新字典, Hong Kong:中華書局, 1987.
黃港生, ed. 商務新詞典, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1991.
朗文初級中文詞典, Hong Kong: Longman, 2001.
Records 23057
Distinct 5638
SyntaxOKRec 23056
SyntaxOKTot 29083

Property kCCCII
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9A-F]{6}
Description The CCCII mapping for this character in hex.
Records 19698
Distinct 19697
SyntaxOKRec 19698
SyntaxOKTot 19698

Property kCheungBauer
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 5.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{3}\/[0-9]{2};[A-Z]*;[a-z1-6\[\]\/,]+
Description Data regarding the character in Cheung Kwan-hin and Robert S. Bauer, _The Representation of Cantonese with Chinese Characters_, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series Number 18, 2002. Each data value consists of three pieces, separated by semicolons: (1) the character’s radical-stroke index as a three-digit radical, slash, two-digit stroke count; (2) the character’s cangjie input code (if any); and (3) a comma-separated list of Cantonese readings using the jyutping romanization in alphabetical order.
Records 809
Distinct 808
SyntaxOKRec 809
SyntaxOKTot 809

Property kCheungBauerIndex
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 5.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{3}\.[01][0-9]
Description The position of the character in Cheung Kwan-hin and Robert S. Bauer, _The Representation of Cantonese with Chinese Characters_, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series Number 18, 2002. The format is a three-digit page number followed by a two-digit position number, separated by a period.
Records 809
Distinct 808
SyntaxOKRec 809
SyntaxOKTot 988

Property kCihaiT
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}\.[0-9]{3}
Description The position of this character in the Cihai (辭海) dictionary, single volume edition, published in Hong Kong by the Zhonghua Bookstore, 1983 (reprint of the 1947 edition), ISBN 962-231-005-2.
The position is indicated by a decimal number. The digits to the left of the decimal are the page number. The first digit after the decimal is the row on the page, and the remaining two digits after the decimal are the position on the row.
Records 13884
Distinct 13865
SyntaxOKRec 13884
SyntaxOKTot 13886

Property kCNS1986
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [12E]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The CNS 11643-1986 mapping for this character in hex.
Records 17258
Distinct 17258
SyntaxOKRec 17258
SyntaxOKTot 17258

Property kCNS1992
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [1-9]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The CNS 11643-1992 mapping for this character in hex.
Records 17258
Distinct 17258
SyntaxOKRec 17258
SyntaxOKTot 17258

Property kCompatibilityVariant
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter N/A
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The canonical Decomposition_Mapping value for the ideograph, derived from UnicodeData.txt. This field is derived by taking the non-null Decomposition_Mapping values from Field 5 of UnicodeData.txt, for characters contained within the CJK Compatibility Ideographs block and the CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement block.
Records 1002
Distinct 902
SyntaxOKRec 1002
SyntaxOKTot 1002

Property kCowles
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{1,4}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?
Description The index or indices of this character in Roy T. Cowles, A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, Hong Kong: University Press, 1999.

The Cowles indices are numerical, usually integers but occasionally fractional where a character was added after the original indices were determined. Cowles is missing indices 1222 and 4949, and four characters in Cowles are part of Unicode’s “Hangzhou” numeral set: 2964 (U+3025), 3197 (U+3028), 3574 (U+3023), and 4720 (U+3027).
Records 4822
Distinct 4820
SyntaxOKRec 4822
SyntaxOKTot 5249

Property kDaeJaweon
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}[01]
Description The position of this character in the Dae Jaweon (Korean) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The position is in the form “page.position” with the final digit in the position being “0” for characters actually in the dictionary and “1” for characters not found in the dictionary and assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary.
Thus, “1187.060” indicates the sixth character on page 1187. A character not in this dictionary but assigned a position between the 6th and 7th characters on page 1187 for sorting purposes would have the code “1187.061”
The edition used is the first edition, published in Seoul by Samseong Publishing Co., Ltd., 1988.
Records 16024
Distinct 15971
SyntaxOKRec 16024
SyntaxOKTot 16024

Property kDefinition
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [^\t"]+
Description An English definition for this character. Definitions are for modern written Chinese and are usually (but not always) the same as the definition in other Chinese dialects or non-Chinese languages. In some cases, synonyms are indicated. Fuller variant information can be found using the various variant fields.
Definitions specific to non-Chinese languages or Chinese dialects other than modern Mandarin are marked, e.g., (Cant.) or (J).
Major definitions are separated by semicolons, and minor definitions by commas. Any valid Unicode character (except for tab, double-quote, and any line break character) may be used within the definition field.
Records 20941
Distinct 16726
SyntaxOKRec 20941
SyntaxOKTot 122699

Property kEACC
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9A-F]{6}
Description The hexadecimal code point of this character in the East Asian Character Code for Bibliographic Use (ANSI/NISO Z39.64 [1989], withdrawn in 2012). EACC is used by the Library of Congress for the CJK portions of MARC-8; MARC-8 itself is one of the character sets used by the Library of Congress for encoding bibliographic information. EACC’s original repertoire was derived from earlier versions of CCCII (see kCCCII) and is therefore identical with CCCII for many characters.

The kEACC field was originally derived from data supplied and proofed by the Research Libraries Group. It has since been extended and corrected with mapping data supplied by the Library of Congress.
Records 13254
Distinct 13254
SyntaxOKRec 13254
SyntaxOKTot 13254

Property kFenn
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]+a?[A-KP*]
Description Data on the character from _The Five Thousand Dictionary_ (aka _Fenn’s Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary_) by Courtenay H. Fenn, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979.
The data here consists of a decimal number followed by a letter A through K, the letter P, or an asterisk. The decimal number gives the Soothill number for the character’s phonetic, and the letter is a rough frequency indication, with A indicating the 500 most common ideographs, B the next five hundred, and so on.
P is used by Fenn to indicate a rare character included in the dictionary only because it is the phonetic element in other characters.
An asterisk is used instead of a letter in the final position to indicate a character which belongs to one of Soothill’s phonetic groups but is not found in Fenn’s dictionary.
Characters which have a frequency letter but no Soothill phonetic group are assigned group 0.
Records 5078
Distinct 3702
SyntaxOKRec 5078
SyntaxOKTot 5079

Property kFennIndex
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 4.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[01][0-9]
Description The position of this character in _Fenn’s Chinese-English Pocket Dictionary_ by Courtenay H. Fenn, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1942. The position is indicated by a three-digit page number followed by a period and a two-digit position on the page.
Records 5938
Distinct 5171
SyntaxOKRec 5938
SyntaxOKTot 6907

Property kFourCornerCode
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 5.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}(\.[0-9])?
Description The four-corner code(s) for the character. This data is derived from data provided in the public domain by Hartmut Bohn, Urs App, and Christian Wittern.
The four-corner system assigns each character a four-digit code from 0 through 9. The digit is derived from the “shape” of the four corners of the character (upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, lower-right). An optional fifth digit can be used to further distinguish characters; the fifth digit is derived from the shape in the character’s center or region immediately to the left of the fourth corner.
The four-corner system is now used only rarely. Full descriptions are available online, e.g., at <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_corner_input>.
Values in this field consist of four decimal digits, optionally followed by a period and fifth digit for a five-digit form.
Records 16256
Distinct 8162
SyntaxOKRec 16256
SyntaxOKTot 16405

Property kFrequency
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [1-5]
Description A rough frequency measurement for the character based on analysis of traditional Chinese USENET postings; characters with a kFrequency of 1 are the most common, those with a kFrequency of 2 are less common, and so on, through a kFrequency of 5.
Records 5089
Distinct 5
SyntaxOKRec 5089
SyntaxOKTot 5089

Property kGB0
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 2312-80 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 6763
Distinct 6763
SyntaxOKRec 6763
SyntaxOKTot 6763

Property kGB1
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 12345-90 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 6866
Distinct 6866
SyntaxOKRec 6866
SyntaxOKTot 6866

Property kGB3
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 7589-87 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 4836
Distinct 4836
SyntaxOKRec 4836
SyntaxOKTot 4836

Property kGB5
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 7590-87 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 2842
Distinct 2842
SyntaxOKRec 2842
SyntaxOKTot 2842

Property kGB7
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 8565-89 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 42
Distinct 42
SyntaxOKRec 42
SyntaxOKTot 42

Property kGB8
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The GB 8565-89 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 785
Distinct 785
SyntaxOKRec 785
SyntaxOKTot 785

Property kGradeLevel
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [1-6]
Description The primary grade in the Hong Kong school system by which a student is expected to know the character; this data is derived from 朗文初級中文詞典, Hong Kong: Longman, 2001.
Records 2632
Distinct 6
SyntaxOKRec 2632
SyntaxOKTot 2632

Property kGSR
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 4.0.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}[a-vx-z]\'?
Description The position of this character in Bernhard Karlgren’s Grammata Serica Recensa (1957).
This dataset contains a total of 7,405 records. References are given in the form DDDDa('), where “DDDD” is a set number in the range [0001..1260] zero-padded to 4-digits, “a” is a letter in the range [a..z] (excluding “w”), optionally followed by apostrophe ('). The data from which this mapping table is extracted contains a total of 10,023 references. References to inscriptional forms have been omitted.
• Release notes:
Changes since the initial release:
Added: [U+25053] : 0995m (2009-01-01);
Added: [U+65d6] : 0001l' (2008-11-17).
22-Dec-2003: Initial release. The following 32 references are to unencoded forms: 0059k, 0069y, 0079d, 0275b, 0286a, 0289a, 0289f, 0293a, 0325a, 0389o, 0391h, 0392s, 0468h, 0480a, 0516a, 0526o, 0566g', 0642y, 0661a, 0739i, 0775b, 0837h, 0893r, 0969a, 0969e, 1019e, 1062b, 1112d, 1124l, 1129c', 1144a, 1144b. In some cases a variant mapping has been substituted in the mapping table, in other cases the reference is omitted.
• Bibliographic information:
Karlgren, Klas Bernhard Johannes 高本漢 (1889–1978): 2000. Grammata Serica Recensa Electronica. Electronic version of GSR, including indices, syllable canon, and images of the original Karlgren (1957) text. Prepared for the STEDT Project <http://stedt.berkeley.edu/> by Richard Cook; based in part on work by Tor Ulving and Ferenc Tafferner (see below), used by permission. Berkeley: University of California.
Karlgren 1957. Grammata Serica Recensa. First published in the Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (BMFEA) No. 29, Stockholm, Sweden. Reprinted by Elanders Boktrycker Aktiebolag, Kungsbacka, [1972]. Reprinted also by SMC Publishing Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, [1996]. ISBN: 957-638-269-6.
Karlgren 1940. Grammata Serica: Script and Phonetics in Chinese and Sino-Japanese 《中日漢字形聲論》Zhong-Ri Hanzi Xingsheng Lun [A study of Sino-Japanese semantic-phonetic compound characters:] BMFEA No. 12. Reprinted, Taipei: Ch’eng-Wen Publishing Company, [1966].
Ulving, Tor: 1997. Dictionary of Old and Middle Chinese: Bernhard Karlgren’s Grammata Serica Recensa Alphabetically Arranged. With Ferenc Tafferner. Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Orientalia Gothoburgensia, 11. ISBN: 91-7346-294-2.
Records 7405
Distinct 7401
SyntaxOKRec 7405
SyntaxOKTot 7427

Property kHangul
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 5.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [\x{1100}-\x{11FF}]+
Description The modern Korean pronunciation(s) for this character in Hangul.
Records 7745
Distinct 579
SyntaxOKRec 7745
SyntaxOKTot 8011

Property kHanYu
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-8][0-9]{4}\.[0-3][0-9][0-3]
Description The position of this character in the Hanyu Da Zidian (HDZ) Chinese character dictionary (bibliographic information below).
The character references are given in the form “ABCDE.XYZ”, in which: “A” is the volume number [1..8]; “BCDE” is the zero-padded page number [0001..4809]; “XY” is the zero-padded number of the character on the page [01..32]; “Z” is “0” for a character actually in the dictionary, and greater than 0 for a character assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary. For example, 53024.060 indicates an actual HDZ character, the 6th character on Page 3,024 of Volume 5 (i.e. 籉 [U+7C49]). Note that the Volume 8 “BCDE” references are in the range [0008..0044] inclusive, referring to the pagination of the “Appendix of Addendum” at the end of that volume (beginning after p. 5746).
The first character assigned a given virtual position has an index ending in 1; the second assigned the same virtual position has an index ending in 2; and so on.
-- Release information --
This data set contains a total of 56098 HDZ references, 54729 of which are actual HDZ character references (positions are given for all HDZ head entries, including source-internal unifications), and 1369 of which are virtual character positions (see note below).
A total of 55818 distinct Unihan characters are assigned mappings in this data. Because of IRG source-internal unifications, a given character may have more than one HDZ reference. Source-internal unifications are of two types: (1) unifications of graphical variants; (2) unifications of duplicate head entries.
The proofing of all references was done primarily on the basis of cross-checks of three versions of the reference data: (1) the original print source; (2) the “kIRGHanyuDaZidian” field of the Unihan database (release 3.1.1d1); (3) “HDZ.txt”, originally produced and proofed for Academia Sinica’s Institute of Information Technology (Document Processing Laboratory). In addition, the data was checked against the “kHanYu” and “kAlternateHanYu” fields of the Unihan database (release 3.1.1d1), which the present data set supersedes.
String value, string length, compound key, field count, and page total validations were all performed. Altogether, 578 omissions/ errors in source (2) were identified/corrected. Any remaining errors will likely relate to virtual positions, or to the ordering of actual characters within a given page. It is unlikely that errors across page breaks remain. Possible future deunifications of source-internal unifications will necessitate update of USV for some references. Under no circumstances should the source-internal unification (duplicate USV) mappings be removed from this data set.
Note: Source (3) contributed only actual HDZ character references to the proofing process, while source (2) contributed all virtual positions. It seems that the compilers of source (2) usually assigned virtual positions based on stroke count, though occasionally the virtual position brings the virtual character together with the actual HDZ character of which it is a variant, without regard to actual stroke count.
-- Bibliographic information for the print source --
<Hanyu Da Zidian> [‘Great Chinese Character Dictionary’ (in 8 Volumes)]. XU Zhongshu (Editor in Chief). Wuhan, Hubei Province (PRC): Hubei and Sichuan Dictionary Publishing Collectives, 1986-1990. ISBN: 7-5403-0030-2/H.16.
《漢語大字典》。許力以主任,徐中舒主編,(漢語大字典工作委員會)。武漢:四川辭書出版社,湖北辭書出版社,1986-1990. ISBN: 7-5403-0030-2/H.16.
Records 55819
Distinct 55819
SyntaxOKRec 55819
SyntaxOKTot 56099

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 丑 : U+4E11 : choǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 仇 : U+4EC7 : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 优 : U+4F18 : yoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 佑 : U+4F51 : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 候 : U+5019 : hoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 偶 : U+5076 : oǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 偷 : U+5077 : toū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 優 : U+512A : yoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 兜 : U+515C : doū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 兽 : U+517D : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 凑 : U+51D1 : coù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 剖 : U+5256 : poū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 勾 : U+52FE : goū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 厚 : U+539A : hoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 又 : U+53C8 : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 友 : U+53CB : yoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 受 : U+53D7 : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 口 : U+53E3 : koǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 右 : U+53F3 : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 后 : U+540E : hoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 否 : U+5426 : foǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 吼 : U+543C : hoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 周 : U+5468 : zhoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 咒 : U+5492 : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 售 : U+552E : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 喉 : U+5589 : hoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 嗯 : U+55EF : nǵ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 嗯 : U+55EF : nǧ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 嗯 : U+55EF : ng̀

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 壽 : U+58FD : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 够 : U+591F : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 夠 : U+5920 : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 头 : U+5934 : toú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 奏 : U+594F : zoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 守 : U+5B88 : shoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 宙 : U+5B99 : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 寇 : U+5BC7 : koù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 寿 : U+5BFF : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 尤 : U+5C24 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 州 : U+5DDE : zhoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 幼 : U+5E7C : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 忧 : U+5FE7 : yoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 悠 : U+60A0 : yoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 愁 : U+6101 : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 憂 : U+6182 : yoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 手 : U+624B : shoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 扣 : U+6263 : koù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 投 : U+6295 : toú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 抖 : U+6296 : doǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 抽 : U+62BD : choū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 授 : U+6388 : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 揉 : U+63C9 : roú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 揍 : U+63CD : zoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 搂 : U+6402 : loǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 搜 : U+641C : soū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 摟 : U+645F : loǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 收 : U+6536 : shoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 斗 : U+6597 : doù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 昼 : U+663C : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 晝 : U+665D : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 有 : U+6709 : yoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 构 : U+6784 : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 某 : U+67D0 : moǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 柔 : U+67D4 : roú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 楼 : U+697C : loú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 構 : U+69CB : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 樓 : U+6A13 : loú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 欧 : U+6B27 : oū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 歐 : U+6B50 : oū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 沟 : U+6C9F : goū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 油 : U+6CB9 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 洲 : U+6D32 : zhoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 游 : U+6E38 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 湊 : U+6E4A : coù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 溝 : U+6E9D : goū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 漏 : U+6F0F : loù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 犹 : U+72B9 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 狗 : U+72D7 : goǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 猴 : U+7334 : hoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 猶 : U+7336 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 獸 : U+7378 : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 由 : U+7531 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 瘦 : U+7626 : shoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 皱 : U+76B1 : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 皺 : U+76BA : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 瞅 : U+7785 : choǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 稠 : U+7A20 : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 粥 : U+7CA5 : zhoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 綢 : U+7DA2 : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 绸 : U+7EF8 : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 肉 : U+8089 : roù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 臭 : U+81ED : choù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 舟 : U+821F : zhoū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 艘 : U+8258 : soū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 蚪 : U+86AA : doǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 誘 : U+8A98 : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 謀 : U+8B00 : moú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 诱 : U+8BF1 : yoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 谋 : U+8C0B : moú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 豆 : U+8C46 : doù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 購 : U+8CFC : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 购 : U+8D2D : goù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 走 : U+8D70 : zoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 踌 : U+8E0C : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 躊 : U+8E8A : choú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 軸 : U+8EF8 : zhoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 轴 : U+8F74 : zhoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 透 : U+900F : toù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 逗 : U+9017 : doù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 邮 : U+90AE : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 郵 : U+90F5 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 都 : U+90FD : doū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 鈾 : U+923E : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 鉤 : U+9264 : goū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 钩 : U+94A9 : goū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 铀 : U+94C0 : yoú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 陋 : U+964B : loù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 陡 : U+9661 : doǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 頭 : U+982D : toú

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 首 : U+9996 : shoǔ

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 驟 : U+9A5F : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 骤 : U+9AA4 : zhoù

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 鷗 : U+9DD7 : oū

Warning: bad pinyin: kHanyuPinlu : 鸥 : U+9E25 : oū

Property kHanyuPinlu
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 4.0.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [a-z\x{300}-\x{302}\x{304}\x{308}\x{30C}]+\([0-9]+\)
Description The Pronunciations and Frequencies of this character, based in part on those appearing in 《現代漢語頻率詞典》 <Xiandai Hanyu Pinlu Cidian> (XDHYPLCD) [Modern Standard Beijing Chinese Frequency Dictionary] (complete bibliographic information below).

Data Format

This dataset contains a total of 3799 records. (The original data provided to Unihan 2003/02/04 contained a total of 3800 records, including 〇 [U+3007] líng ‘IDEOGRAPHIC NUMBER ZERO’, not included in Unihan since it is not a CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH.)

Each entry is comprised of two pieces of data.

The Hanyu Pinyin (HYPY) pronunciation(s) of the character, with numeric tone marks (1-5, where 5 indicates the “neutral tone”) immediately following each alphabetic string.

Immediately following the numeric tone mark, a numeric string appears in parentheses: e.g. in “a1(392)” the numeric string “392” indicates the sum total of the frequencies of the pronunciations of the character as given in HYPLCD.

Where more than one pronunciation exists, these are sorted by descending frequency, and the list elements are “space” delimited.

Release Information

The XDHYPLCD data here for Modern Standard Chinese (Putonghua) cuts across 4 genres (“News,” “Scientific,” “Colloquial,” and “Literature”), and was derived from a 1,807,389 character corpus. See that text for additional information.

The 8548 entries (8586 with variant writings) from p. 491-656 of XDHYPLCD were input by hand and proof-read from 1994/08/04 to 1995/03/22 by Richard Cook.

Current Release Date above reflects date of last proofing.

HYPY transcription for the data in this release was semiautomated and hand-corrected in 1995, based in part on data provided by Ross Paterson (Department of Computing, Imperial College, London).

Tom Bishop <http://www.wenlin.com> is also due thanks for early assistance in proof-reading this data.

The character set used for this digitization of HYPLCD (a “simplified” mainland PRC text) was (Mac OS 7-9) GB 2312-80 (plus 嗐).

These data were converted to Big5 (plus 腈), and both GB and Big5 versions were separately converted to Unicode 4.0, and then merged, resulting in the 3800 records in the original release. Frequency data for simplified polysyllabic words has been employed to generate both simplified and traditional character frequencies.

Bibliographic information for the primary print source


<Xiandai Hanyu Pinlu Cidian> = XDHYPLCD First edition 1986/6, 2nd printing 1990/4. ISBN 7-5619-0094-5/H.67.
Records 3799
Distinct 2804
SyntaxOKRec 3677
SyntaxOKTot 4324

Property kHanyuPinyin
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 5.2
Delimiter space
Syntax (\d{5}\.\d{2}0,)*\d{5}\.\d{2}0:([a-z\x{300}-\x{302}\x{304}\x{308}\x{30C}]+,)*[a-z\x{300}-\x{302}\x{304}\x{308}\x{30C}]+
Description The 漢語拼音 Hànyǔ Pīnyīn reading(s) appearing in the edition of 《漢語大字典》 Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn (HDZ) specified in the “kHanYu” property description (q.v.). Each location has the form “ABCDE.XYZ” (as in “kHanYu”); multiple locations for a given pīnyīn reading are separated by “,” (comma). The list of locations is followed by “:” (colon), followed by a comma-separated list of one or more pīnyīn readings. Where multiple pīnyīn readings are associated with a given mapping, these are ordered as in HDZ (for the most part reflecting relative commonality). The following are representative records.
| U+34CE | 㓎 | 10297.260: qīn,qìn,qǐn |
| U+34D8 | 㓘 | 10278.080,10278.090: sù |
| U+5364 | 卤 | 10093.130: xī,lǔ 74609.020: lǔ,xī |
| U+5EFE | 廾 | 10513.110,10514.010,10514.020: gǒng |
For example, the “kHanyuPinyin” value for 卤 U+5364 is “10093.130: xī,lǔ 74609.020: lǔ,xī”. This means that 卤 U+5364 is found in “kHanYu” at entries 10093.130 and 74609.020. The former entry has the two pīnyīn readings xī and lǔ (in that order), whereas the latter entry has the readings lǔ and xī (reversing the order).
This data was originally input by 井作恆 Jǐng Zuòhéng, proofed by 聃媽歌 Dān Māgē (Magda Danish, using software donated by 文林 Wénlín Institute, Inc. and tables prepared by 曲理查 Qū Lǐchá), and proofed again and prepared for the Unicode Consortium by 曲理查 Qū Lǐchá (2008-01-14).
-- Release Notes --
This data set includes readings for 34,130 distinct HDZ Hànzì, 34,302 HDZ references, and 1,457 distinct pīnyīn syllables.
Records 34131
Distinct 34131
SyntaxOKRec 34131
SyntaxOKTot 34159

Property kHDZRadBreak
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 4.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [\x{2F00}-\x{2FD5}]\[U\+2F[0-9A-D][0-9A-F]\]:[1-8][0-9]{4}\.[0-3][0-9]0
Description Indicates that 《漢語大字典》 Hanyu Da Zidian has a radical break beginning at this character’s position. The field consists of the radical (with its Unicode code point), a colon, and then the Hanyu Da Zidian position as in the kHanyu field.
Records 200
Distinct 200
SyntaxOKRec 200
SyntaxOKTot 200

Property kHKGlyph
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The index of the character in 常用字字形表 (二零零零年修訂本),香港: 香港教育學院, 2000, ISBN 962-949-040-4. This publication gives the “proper” shapes for 4759 characters as used in the Hong Kong school system. The index is an integer, zero-padded to four digits.
Records 4825
Distinct 4759
SyntaxOKRec 4825
SyntaxOKTot 4825

Property kHKSCS
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax [0-9A-F]{4}
Description Mappings to the Big Five extended code points used for the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set-2008 (HKSCS-2008).
Records 4579
Distinct 4579
SyntaxOKRec 4579
SyntaxOKTot 4579

Property kIBMJapan
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax F[ABC][0-9A-F]{2}
Description The IBM Japanese mapping for this character in hexadecimal.
Records 360
Distinct 360
SyntaxOKRec 360
SyntaxOKTot 360

Property kIICore
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 4.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [ABC][GHJKMPT]{0,7}
Description Used for characters which are in IICore, the IRG-produced minimal set of required ideographs for East Asian use. A character is in IICore if and only if it has a value for the kIICore field.

Each value consists of a letter (A, B, or C), indicating priority value, and one or more letters (G, H, J, K, M, P, or T), indicating source. The source letters are the same as used for IRG sources, except that “P” is used instead of “KP”.
Records 9810
Distinct 114
SyntaxOKRec 9810
SyntaxOKTot 9810

Property kIRGDaeJaweon
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}[01]
Description The position of this character in the Dae Jaweon (Korean) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The position is in the form “page.position” with the final digit in the position being “0” for characters actually in the dictionary and “1” for characters not found in the dictionary and assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary.

Thus, “1187.060” indicates the sixth character on page 1187. A character not in this dictionary but assigned a position between the 6th and 7th characters on page 1187 for sorting purposes would have the code “1187.061”

This field represents the official position of the character within the Dae Jaweon dictionary as used by the IRG in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.

The edition used is the first edition, published in Seoul by Samseong Publishing Co., Ltd., 1988.
Records 16023
Distinct 15970
SyntaxOKRec 16023
SyntaxOKTot 16023

Property kIRGDaiKanwaZiten
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{5}\'?
Description The index of this character in the Dai Kanwa Ziten, aka Morohashi dictionary (Japanese) used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.

This field represents the official position of the character within the DaiKanwa dictionary as used by the IRG in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The edition used is the revised edition, published in Tokyo by Taishuukan Shoten, 1986.
Records 17864
Distinct 17829
SyntaxOKRec 17864
SyntaxOKTot 17864

Property kIRGHanyuDaZidian
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-8][0-9]{4}\.[0-3][0-9][01]
Description The position of this character in the Hanyu Da Zidian (PRC) dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The position is in the form “volume page.position” with the final digit in the position being “0” for characters actually in the dictionary and “1” for characters not found in the dictionary and assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary.

Thus, “32264.080” indicates the eighth character on page 2264 in volume 3. A character not in this dictionary but assigned a position between the 8th and 9th characters on this page for sorting purposes would have the code “32264.081”

This field represents the official position of the character within the Hanyu Da Zidian dictionary as used by the IRG in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.

The edition of the Hanyu Da Zidian used is the first edition, published in Chengdu by Sichuan Cishu Publishing, 1986.
Records 55812
Distinct 55639
SyntaxOKRec 55812
SyntaxOKTot 55812

Property kIRGKangXi
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [01][0-9]{3}\.[0-7][0-9][01]
Description The official IRG position of this character in the 《康熙字典》 Kang Xi Dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The position is in the form “page.position” with the final digit in the position being “0” for characters actually in the dictionary and “1” for characters not found in the dictionary but assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary.

Thus, “1187.060” indicates the sixth character on page 1187. A character not in this dictionary but assigned a position between the 6th and 7th characters on page 1187 for sorting purposes would have the code “1187.061”.

The edition of the Kang Xi Dictionary used is the 7th edition published by Zhonghua Bookstore in Beijing, 1989.
Records 70225
Distinct 43402
SyntaxOKRec 70225
SyntaxOKTot 70225

Property kIRG_GSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax G(4K|BK|CH|CY|FZ|HC|HZ|((BK|CH|CY|DZ|GH|HC|RM|WZ|XC|XH|ZH)-[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2})|HZ-[0-9]{5}\.[0-9]{2}|(KX-[01][0-9]{3}\.1?[0-9]{2})|((CYY|FZ|JZ|ZFY|ZJW)-[0-9]{5})|([0135789ES]-[0-9A-F]{4})|(IDC-[0-9]{3})|(K-[0-9A-F]{4})|(H-\d{4})|(G?F[CZ]-\d{3,6}))
Description The IRG “G” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG G source consists of data from the following national standards, publications, and lists from the People’s Republic of China and Singapore. The versions of the standards used are those provided by the PRC to the IRG and may not always reflect published versions of the standards generally available.

G0 GB2312-80
G1 GB12345-90 with 58 Hong Kong and 92 Korean “Idu” characters
G3 GB7589-87 unsimplified forms
G5 GB7590-87 unsimplified forms
G7 General Purpose Hanzi List for Modern Chinese Language, and General List of Simplified Hanzi
GS Singapore Characters
G8 GB8565-88
G9 GB18030-2000
GE GB16500-95
G4K Siku Quanshu (四庫全書)
GBK Chinese Encyclopedia (中國大百科全書)
GCH Ci Hai (辞海)
GCY Ci Yuan (辭源)
GCYY Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping Ideographs (中国测绘科学院用字) GFZ Founder Press System (方正排版系统)
GGH Gudai Hanyu Cidian (古代汉语词典)
GHC Hanyu Dacidian (漢語大詞典)
GHZ Hanyu Dazidian ideographs (漢語大字典)
GIDC ID system of the Ministry of Public Security of China, 2009
GJZ Commercial Press Ideographs (商务印书馆用字)
GKX Kangxi Dictionary ideographs(康熙字典)9th edition (1958) including the addendum (康熙字典)補遺
GXC Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (现代汉语词典)
GZFY Hanyu Fangyan Dacidian (汉语方言大辞典)
GZH ZhongHua ZiHai (中华字海)
GZJW Yinzhou Jinwen Jicheng Yinde (殷周金文集成引得)
GFC Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary (现代汉语规范词典第二版。主编:李行健。北京:外语 教学与研究出版社) 2010, ISBN:978-7-5600-9518-9
GGFZ Tongyong Guifan Hanzi Zidian (通用规范汉字字典)
Records 61640
Distinct 60107
SyntaxOKRec 61640
SyntaxOKTot 61640

Property kIRG_HSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax H((3)|(B[012]))?-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The IRG “H” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “H” source consists of data from the Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set – 2008.
Records 17642
Distinct 17642
SyntaxOKRec 17642
SyntaxOKTot 17642

Property kIRG_JSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax J((([0134AK]|3A|ARIB)-[0-9A-F]{4,5})|(H-(((IB|JT|[0-9]{2})[0-9A-F]{4}S?))))
Description The IRG “J” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “J” source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from Japan.

J0 JIS X 0208-1990
J1 JIS X 0212-1990
J3 JIS X 0213:2004 level-3
J3A JIS X 0213:2004 level-3 addendum from JIS X 0213:2000 level-3
J4 JIS X 0213:2004 level-4
JA Unified Japanese IT Vendors Contemporary Ideographs, 1993
JH Hanyo-Denshi Program (汎用電子情報交換環境整備プログラム), 2002-2009
JK Japanese KOKUJI Collection
JARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) ARIB STD-B24 Version 5.1, March 14 2007
Records 14579
Distinct 14579
SyntaxOKRec 14579
SyntaxOKTot 14579

Property kIRG_KPSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax KP[01]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The IRG “KP” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “KP” source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).

KP0 KPS 9566-97
KP1 KPS 10721-2000
Records 24130
Distinct 24130
SyntaxOKRec 24130
SyntaxOKTot 24130

Property kIRG_KSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax K[0-57]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The IRG “K” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “K” source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

K0 KS X 1001:2004 (formerly KS C 5601-1987)
K1 KS X 1002:2001 (formerly KS C 5657-1991)
K2 PKS C 5700-1 1994
K3 PKS C 5700-2 1994
K4 PKS 5700-3:1998
K5 Korean IRG Hanja Character Set 5th Edition: 2001

Note that the K4 source is expressed in hexadecimal, but unlike the other sources, it is not organized in row/column. The content of the repertoire covered by the K2, K3, K4, and K5 sources is in the process of being reedited in new Korean standards.
Records 18065
Distinct 18065
SyntaxOKRec 18065
SyntaxOKTot 18065

Property kIRG_MSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 5.2
Delimiter N/A
Syntax MAC-[0-9]{5}
Description The IRG “M” source mapping for this character. The IRG “M” source consists of data from the Macao Information System Character Set (澳門資訊系統字集).
Records 64
Distinct 64
SyntaxOKRec 64
SyntaxOKTot 64

Property kIRG_TSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax T[1-7B-F]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The IRG “T” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “T” source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from the Republic of China (Taiwan).

T1 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 1st plane
T2 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 2nd plane
T3 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 3rd plane with some additional characters
T4 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 4th plane
T5 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 5th plane
T6 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 6th plane
T7 TCA-CNS 11643-1992 7th plane
TB TCA-CNS Ministry of Education, Hakka dialect, May 2007
TC TCA-CNS 11643-1992 12th plane
TD TCA-CNS 11643-1992 13th plane
TE TCA-CNS 11643-1992 14th plane
TF TCA-CNS 11643-1992 15th plane

CNS 11643, X 5012 (p.3) lists the following reference works:
(1) “教育部常用國字標準字體表”, 正中書局, 民國 71 年 9 月。[‘ROC Ministry of Education: Table Standardizing Common Characters’. Sept., 1982.]
(2) “教育部次常用國字標準字體表”, 教育部, 民國 71 年 12 月。[‘ROC Ministry of Education: Table Standardizing Less-Common Characters’. Dec., 1982.]
(3) “教育部罕用字體表”, 正中書局, 民國 72 年 10 月。[‘ROC Ministry of Education: Table Standardizing Rare Characters’. Oct., 1983.]
(4) “教育部異體國字字表”, 教育部, 民國 73 年 3 月。[‘ROC Ministry of Education: Table of Character Variants’. Mar., 1984.]
(5) “通用漢字標準交換碼 — 使用者加字區交換碼,行政院主計處理資料中心,民國 77 年 6 月。[ ‘Standard Interchange Encoding of Common Characters — Private-Use Area Codes (Executive Office, Central Accounting Data Processing Center, ROC)’. June, 1988.]
(6) 《中文大辭典》,中國文化大學出版部,民國 71 年 8 月。[‘Zhōng Wén Dà Cídiǎn: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Written Chinese’. Aug., 1982. http://ap6.pccu.edu.tw/Dictionary/ ]
(7) 《康熙字典》,第六版,中華書局,民國 78 年 2 月。 [‘Kāng Xī Dictionary’. Feb., 1989]
(8) 國字標準字體研習會資料,民國 80 年 7 月。[‘National Script Standardization Conference Data Resources’. July, 1991.]
(9) 警政署常用字頻率分析。[‘High-frequency characters in police reports’.]
(10) 國中教科書用字整理分析報告,資訊工業策進會。[‘Statistical analysis of common characters in junior highschool (grades 7-9) textbooks’.]
(11) “Information Technology — Universal Multi-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS), Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multi-Lingual Plane”, Working Document, ISO/IEC DIS 10646 - 1.2, Dec. 26, 1991.
Records 58020
Distinct 58020
SyntaxOKRec 58020
SyntaxOKTot 58020

Property kIRG_USource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 4.0.1
Delimiter N/A
Syntax U(TC|CI)-[0-9]{5}
Description The IRG “U” source mapping for this character. U-source references are a reference into the U-source ideograph database; see UAX #45. These consist of “UTC” or “UCI” followed by a hyphen and a five-digit, zero-padded index into the database.
Records 449
Distinct 449
SyntaxOKRec 449
SyntaxOKTot 449

Property kIRG_VSource
Status Normative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 3.0
Delimiter N/A
Syntax V[0-4]-[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The IRG “V” source mapping for this character in hex. The IRG “V” source consists of data from the following national standards and lists from Vietnam.

V0 TCVN 5773:1993
V1 TCVN 6056:1995
V2 VHN 01:1998
V3 VHN 02: 1998
V4 Dictionary on Nom 2006, Dictionary on Nom of Tay ethnic 2006, Lookup Table for Nom in the South 1994
Records 11110
Distinct 11110
SyntaxOKRec 11110
SyntaxOKTot 11110

Property kJa
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 8.0.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9A-F]{4}S?
Description The source identifier for this character in ‘Unified Japanese IT Vendors Contemporary Ideographs, 1993’ (JA). This field is used for characters whose original kIRG_JSource was JA and later changed to a different source standard.
Records 7
Distinct 7
SyntaxOKRec 7
SyntaxOKTot 7

Property kJapaneseKun
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [A-Z]+
Description The Japanese pronunciation(s) of this character.
Records 11291
Distinct 6612
SyntaxOKRec 11291
SyntaxOKTot 16791

Property kJapaneseOn
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [A-Z]+
Description The Sino-Japanese pronunciation(s) of this character.
Records 13175
Distinct 3600
SyntaxOKRec 13175
SyntaxOKTot 23924

Property kJis0
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The JIS X 0208-1990 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 6356
Distinct 6356
SyntaxOKRec 6356
SyntaxOKTot 6356

Property kJIS0213
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [12],[0-9]{2},[0-9]{1,2}
Description The JIS X 0213:2004 mapping for this character in men,ku,ten form.
Records 3695
Distinct 3695
SyntaxOKRec 3695
SyntaxOKTot 3695

Property kJis1
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The JIS X 0212-1990 mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 5801
Distinct 5801
SyntaxOKRec 5801
SyntaxOKTot 5801

Property kKangXi
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}[01]
Description The position of this character in the 《康熙字典》 Kang Xi Dictionary used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm. The position is in the form “page.position” with the final digit in the position being “0” for characters actually in the dictionary and “1” for characters not found in the dictionary but assigned a “virtual” position in the dictionary.

Thus, “1187.060” indicates the sixth character on page 1187. A character not in this dictionary but assigned a position between the 6th and 7th characters on page 1187 for sorting purposes would have the code “1187.061”.

The edition of the Kang Xi Dictionary used is the 7th edition published by Zhonghua Bookstore in Beijing, 1989.
Records 21031
Distinct 17762
SyntaxOKRec 21031
SyntaxOKTot 21031

Property kKarlgren
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}[A*]?
Description The index of this character in _Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese_ by Bernhard Karlgren, New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.
If the index is followed by an asterisk (*), then the index is an interpolated one, indicating where the character would be found if it were to have been included in the dictionary. Note that while the index itself is usually an integer, there are some cases where it is an integer followed by an “A”.
Records 2560
Distinct 570
SyntaxOKRec 2560
SyntaxOKTot 2560

Property kKorean
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [A-Z]+
Description The Korean pronunciation(s) of this character, using the Yale romanization system. (See <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_romanization> for a comparison of the various Korean romanization systems.)
Records 9050
Distinct 1087
SyntaxOKRec 9050
SyntaxOKTot 9773

Property kKPS0
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9A-F]{4}
Description The KPS 9566-97 mapping for this character in hexadecimal form.
Records 4653
Distinct 4653
SyntaxOKRec 4653
SyntaxOKTot 4653

Property kKPS1
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9A-F]{4}
Description The KPS 10721-2000 mapping for this character in hexadecimal form.
Records 19301
Distinct 19301
SyntaxOKRec 19301
SyntaxOKTot 19301

Property kKSC0
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The KS X 1001:1992 (KS C 5601-1989) mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 4888
Distinct 4888
SyntaxOKRec 4888
SyntaxOKTot 4888

Property kKSC1
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The KS X 1002:1991 (KS C 5657-1991) mapping for this character in ku/ten form.
Records 2856
Distinct 2856
SyntaxOKRec 2856
SyntaxOKTot 2856

Property kLau
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}
Description The index of this character in A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary by Sidney Lau, Hong Kong: The Government Printer, 1977.

The index consists of an integer. Missing indices indicate unencoded characters which are being submitted to the IRG for inclusion in future versions of the standard.
Records 3516
Distinct 3105
SyntaxOKRec 3516
SyntaxOKTot 4093

Property kMainlandTelegraph
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The PRC telegraph code for this character, derived from “Kanzi denpou koudo henkan-hyou” (“Chinese character telegraph code conversion table”), Lin Jinyi, KDD Engineering and Consulting, Tokyo, 1984.
Records 7085
Distinct 7076
SyntaxOKRec 7085
SyntaxOKTot 7085

Warning: bad pinyin: kMandarin : 襨 : U+8968 : dùi

Property kMandarin
Status Informative
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [a-z\x{300}-\x{302}\x{304}\x{308}\x{30C}]+
Description The most customary pinyin reading for this character. When there are two values, then the first is preferred for zh-Hans (CN) and the second is preferred for zh-Hant (TW). When there is only one value, it is appropriate for both. If the values would be the same, there is only one value.

The preferred value is the one most commonly used in modern text, with some preference given to readings most likely to be in sorted lists.
Records 41215
Distinct 499
SyntaxOKRec 41214
SyntaxOKTot 41215

Property kMatthews
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}(a|\.5)?
Description The index of this character in Mathews’ Chinese-English Dictionary by Robert H. Mathews, Cambrige: Harvard University Press, 1975.

Note that the field name is kMatthews instead of kMathews to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of this file, where it was inadvertently misspelled.
Records 8995
Distinct 7784
SyntaxOKRec 8995
SyntaxOKTot 8995

Property kMeyerWempe
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}[a-t*]?
Description The index of this character in the Student’s Cantonese-English Dictionary by Bernard F. Meyer and Theodore F. Wempe (3rd edition, 1947). The index is an integer, optionally followed by a lower-case Latin letter if the listing is in a subsidiary entry and not a main one. In some cases where the character is found in the radical-stroke index, but not in the main body of the dictionary, the integer is followed by an asterisk (e.g., U+50E5, which is listed as 736* as well as 1185a).
Records 7351
Distinct 6698
SyntaxOKRec 7351
SyntaxOKTot 7866

Property kMorohashi
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{5}\'?
Description The index of this character in the Dai Kanwa Ziten, aka Morohashi dictionary (Japanese) used in the four-dictionary sorting algorithm.

The edition used is the revised edition, published in Tokyo by Taishūkan Shoten, 1986.
Records 18168
Distinct 17832
SyntaxOKRec 18168
SyntaxOKTot 18168

Property kNelson
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The index of this character in The Modern Reader’s Japanese-English Character Dictionary by Andrew Nathaniel Nelson, Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1974.
Records 5398
Distinct 5314
SyntaxOKRec 5398
SyntaxOKTot 5704

Property kOtherNumeric
Status Informative
Category Numeric Values
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]+
Description The numeric value for the character in certain unusual, specialized contexts.

The three numeric-value fields should have no overlap; that is, characters with a kOtherNumeric value should not have a kAccountingNumeric or kPrimaryNumeric value as well.
Records 30
Distinct 12
SyntaxOKRec 30
SyntaxOKTot 30

Property kPhonetic
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,3}[A-D]?\*?
Description The phonetic index for the character from _Ten Thousand Characters: An Analytic Dictionary_, by G. Hugh Casey, S.J. Hong Kong: Kelley and Walsh, 1980.
Records 11463
Distinct 3032
SyntaxOKRec 11463
SyntaxOKTot 13036

Property kPrimaryNumeric
Status Informative
Category Numeric Values
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]+
Description The value of the character when used in the writing of numbers in the standard fashion.

The three numeric-value fields should have no overlap; that is, characters with a kPrimaryNumeric value should not have a kAccountingNumeric or kOtherNumeric value as well.
Records 17
Distinct 16
SyntaxOKRec 17
SyntaxOKTot 17

Property kPseudoGB1
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description A “GB 12345-90” code point assigned to this character for the purposes of including it within Unihan. Pseudo-GB1 codes were used to provide official code points for characters not already in national standards, such as characters used to write Cantonese, and so on.
Records 153
Distinct 153
SyntaxOKRec 153
SyntaxOKTot 153

Property kRSAdobe_Japan1_6
Status Provisional
Category Radical-Stroke Counts
Introduced 4.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [CV]\+[0-9]{1,5}\+[1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[1-9][0-9]?\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description Information on the glyphs in Adobe-Japan1-6 as contributed by Adobe. The value consists of a number of space-separated entries. Each entry consists of three pieces of information separated by a plus sign:

1) C or V. “C” indicates that the Unicode code point maps directly to the Adobe-Japan1-6 CID that appears after it, and “V” indicates that it is considered a variant form, and thus not directly encoded.

2) The Adobe-Japan1-6 CID.

3) Radical-stroke data for the indicated Adobe-Japan1-6 CID. The radical-stroke data consists of three pieces separated by periods: the KangXi radical (1-214), the number of strokes in the form the radical takes in the glyph, and the number of strokes in the residue. The standard Unicode radical-stroke form can be obtained by omitting the second value, and the total strokes in the glyph from adding the second and third values.
Records 13453
Distinct 13449
SyntaxOKRec 13453
SyntaxOKTot 17171

Property kRSJapanese
Status Provisional
Category Radical-Stroke Counts
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description The Japanese radical/stroke count for this character in the form “radical.additional strokes”.
Records 198
Distinct 167
SyntaxOKRec 198
SyntaxOKTot 198

Property kRSKangXi
Status Provisional
Category Radical-Stroke Counts
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description The KangXi radical/stroke count for this character consistent with the value of the kKangXi field in the form “radical.additional strokes”.
Records 63696
Distinct 4085
SyntaxOKRec 63696
SyntaxOKTot 63696

Property kRSKanWa
Status Provisional
Category Radical-Stroke Counts
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description The Morohashi radical/stroke count for this character in the form “radical.additional strokes”.
Records 160
Distinct 148
SyntaxOKRec 160
SyntaxOKTot 160

Property kRSKorean
Status Provisional
Category Radical-Stroke Counts
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description The Korean radical/stroke count for this character in the form “radical.additional strokes”.
Records 20
Distinct 20
SyntaxOKRec 20
SyntaxOKTot 20

SET NAMES 'utf8';

# 1: 㔮[U+352E] : 21(匕) : 130.17(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=21, rsc=2, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '21.19 130.17' WHERE Unicode = 'U+352E' AND kRSUnicode = '130.17' LIMIT 1;

# 2: 㕢[U+3562] : 29(又) : 154.7(貝) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '29.12 154.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+3562' AND kRSUnicode = '154.7' LIMIT 1;

# 3: 㘞[U+361E] : 31(囗) : 19.3(力) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=3, d=2

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '31.2 19.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+361E' AND kRSUnicode = '19.3' LIMIT 1;

# 4: 㞷[U+37B7] : 46(山) : 45.4(屮) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=3, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '46.4 45.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+37B7' AND kRSUnicode = '45.4' LIMIT 1;

# 5: 㬹[U+3B39] : 74(月) : 130.8(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=4, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '74.8 130.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+3B39' AND kRSUnicode = '130.8' LIMIT 1;

# 6: 㮡[U+3BA1] : 75(木) : 86.9(火) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '75.9 86.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+3BA1' AND kRSUnicode = '86.9' LIMIT 1;

# 7: 㰷[U+3C37] : 76(欠) : 78.6(歹) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '76.6 78.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+3C37' AND kRSUnicode = '78.6' LIMIT 1;

# 8: 㽍[U+3F4D] : 98(瓦) : 99.5(甘) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '98.6 99.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+3F4D' AND kRSUnicode = '99.5' LIMIT 1;

# 9: 䉵[U+4275] : 118(竹) : 184.14(食) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=23, rsc=6, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '118.17 184.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4275' AND kRSUnicode = '184.14' LIMIT 1;

# 10: 䨀[U+4A00] : 172(隹) : 119.10(米) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=8, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '172.8 119.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4A00' AND kRSUnicode = '119.10' LIMIT 1;

# 11: 丬[U+4E2C] : 2(丨) : 90.0(爿) 90'.0(爿) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=1, d=2

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '2.2 90.0 90\'.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E2C' AND kRSUnicode = '90.0 90\'.0' LIMIT 1;

# 12: 丽[U+4E3D] : 3(丶) : 1.6(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=1, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '3.6 1.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E3D' AND kRSUnicode = '1.6' LIMIT 1;

# 13: 义[U+4E49] : 4(丿) : 3.2(丶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=1, d=2

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.2 3.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E49' AND kRSUnicode = '3.2' LIMIT 1;

# 14: 乡[U+4E61] : 5(乙) : 52.0(幺) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=1, d=2

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '5.2 52.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E61' AND kRSUnicode = '52.0' LIMIT 1;

# 15: 乢[U+4E62] : 5(乙) : 46.1(山) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=4, rsc=1, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '5.3 46.1' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E62' AND kRSUnicode = '46.1' LIMIT 1;

# 16: 亐[U+4E90] : 7(二) : 1.2(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=2, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '7.1 1.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+4E90' AND kRSUnicode = '1.2' LIMIT 1;

# 17: 勗[U+52D7] : 19(力) : 72.7(日) 73.7(曰) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=2, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '19.9 72.7 73.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+52D7' AND kRSUnicode = '72.7 73.7' LIMIT 1;

# 18: 卄[U+5344] : 24(十) : 1.2(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=2, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '24.1 1.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5344' AND kRSUnicode = '1.2' LIMIT 1;

# 19: 啟[U+555F] : 30(口) : 66.7(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=3, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.8 66.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+555F' AND kRSUnicode = '66.7' LIMIT 1;

# 20: 噕[U+5655] : 30(口) : 87.11(爪) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=3, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.12 87.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5655' AND kRSUnicode = '87.11' LIMIT 1;

# 21: 墨[U+58A8] : 32(土) : 203.3(黑) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=3, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.12 203.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+58A8' AND kRSUnicode = '203.3' LIMIT 1;

# 22: 壡[U+58E1] : 32(土) : 29.17(又) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=3, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.16 29.17' WHERE Unicode = 'U+58E1' AND kRSUnicode = '29.17' LIMIT 1;

# 23: 変[U+5909] : 34(夂) : 35.6(夊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=3, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '34.6 35.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5909' AND kRSUnicode = '35.6' LIMIT 1;

# 24: 娄[U+5A04] : 38(女) : 119.3(米) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=3, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '38.6 119.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5A04' AND kRSUnicode = '119.3' LIMIT 1;

# 25: 尹[U+5C39] : 44(尸) : 4.3(丿) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=4, rsc=3, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '44.1 4.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5C39' AND kRSUnicode = '4.3' LIMIT 1;

# 26: 巡[U+5DE1] : 47(巛) : 162.3(辵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=3, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '47.3 162.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5DE1' AND kRSUnicode = '162.3' LIMIT 1;

# 27: 幐[U+5E50] : 50(巾) : 130.9(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=3, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '50.10 130.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5E50' AND kRSUnicode = '130.9' LIMIT 1;

# 28: 彪[U+5F6A] : 59(彡) : 141.3(虍) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=3, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '59.8 141.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+5F6A' AND kRSUnicode = '141.3' LIMIT 1;

# 29: 曽[U+66FD] : 73(曰) : 72.7(日) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=4, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '73.7 72.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+66FD' AND kRSUnicode = '72.7' LIMIT 1;

# 30: 最[U+6700] : 73(曰) : 13.10(冂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=4, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '73.8 13.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+6700' AND kRSUnicode = '13.10' LIMIT 1;

# 31: 泵[U+6CF5] : 85(水) : 112.4(石) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=4, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '85.5 112.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+6CF5' AND kRSUnicode = '112.4' LIMIT 1;

# 32: 畠[U+7560] : 102(田) : 106.5(白) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=5, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '102.5 106.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+7560' AND kRSUnicode = '106.5' LIMIT 1;

# 33: 畨[U+7568] : 102(田) : 119.5(米) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=5, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '102.6 119.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+7568' AND kRSUnicode = '119.5' LIMIT 1;

# 34: 竟[U+7ADF] : 117(立) : 180.2(音) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=5, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '117.6 180.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+7ADF' AND kRSUnicode = '180.2' LIMIT 1;

# 35: 章[U+7AE0] : 117(立) : 180.2(音) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=5, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '117.6 180.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+7AE0' AND kRSUnicode = '180.2' LIMIT 1;

# 36: 膤[U+81A4] : 130(肉) : 74.11(月) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=6, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '130.9 74.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+81A4' AND kRSUnicode = '74.11' LIMIT 1;

# 37: 萬[U+842C] : 140(艸) : 114.8(禸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=6, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '140.6 114.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+842C' AND kRSUnicode = '114.8' LIMIT 1;

# 38: 蒸[U+84B8] : 140(艸) : 86.10(火) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=6, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '140.7 86.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+84B8' AND kRSUnicode = '86.10' LIMIT 1;

# 39: 虒[U+8652] : 141(虍) : 27.8(厂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=6, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '141.4 27.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+8652' AND kRSUnicode = '27.8' LIMIT 1;

# 40: 視[U+8996] : 147(見) : 113.7(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=7, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '147.4 113.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+8996' AND kRSUnicode = '113.7' LIMIT 1;

# 41: 视[U+89C6] : 147(見) : 113.4(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=7, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '147.1 113.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+89C6' AND kRSUnicode = '113.4' LIMIT 1;

# 42: 贁[U+8D01] : 154(貝) : 66.14(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=7, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '154.11 66.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+8D01' AND kRSUnicode = '66.14' LIMIT 1;

# 43: 鵤[U+9D64] : 196(鳥) : 148.11(角) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=11, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '196.7 148.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+9D64' AND kRSUnicode = '148.11' LIMIT 1;

# 44: 鷠[U+9DE0] : 196(鳥) : 195.11(魚) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=22, rsc=11, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '196.11 195.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+9DE0' AND kRSUnicode = '195.11' LIMIT 1;

# 45: 黙[U+9ED9] : 203(黑) : 86.11(火) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=12, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '203.3 86.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+9ED9' AND kRSUnicode = '86.11' LIMIT 1;

# 46: 龐[U+9F90] : 212(龍) : 53.16(广) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=16, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '212.3 53.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+9F90' AND kRSUnicode = '53.16' LIMIT 1;

# 47: 𠀛[U+2001B] : 1(一) : 37.3(大) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.5 37.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2001B' AND kRSUnicode = '37.3' LIMIT 1;

# 48: 𠀝[U+2001D] : 1(一) : 25.4(卜) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.5 25.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2001D' AND kRSUnicode = '25.4' LIMIT 1;

# 49: 𠀥[U+20025] : 1(一) : 7.5(二) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=1, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.6 7.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20025' AND kRSUnicode = '7.5' LIMIT 1;

# 50: 𠀩[U+20029] : 1(一) : 6.5(亅) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.5 6.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20029' AND kRSUnicode = '6.5' LIMIT 1;

# 51: 𠀯[U+2002F] : 1(一) : 31.5(囗) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=1, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.7 31.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2002F' AND kRSUnicode = '31.5' LIMIT 1;

# 52: 𠀷[U+20037] : 1(一) : 30.6(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=1, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.8 30.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20037' AND kRSUnicode = '30.6' LIMIT 1;

# 53: 𠀹[U+20039] : 1(一) : 30.6(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=1, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.8 30.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20039' AND kRSUnicode = '30.6' LIMIT 1;

# 54: 𠀼[U+2003C] : 1(一) : 35.7(夊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=1, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.9 35.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2003C' AND kRSUnicode = '35.7' LIMIT 1;

# 55: 𠁉[U+20049] : 1(一) : 16.10(几) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=1, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.11 16.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20049' AND kRSUnicode = '16.10' LIMIT 1;

# 56: 𠁜[U+2005C] : 1(一) : 12.15(八) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=1, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.16 12.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2005C' AND kRSUnicode = '12.15' LIMIT 1;

# 57: 𠁞[U+2005E] : 1(一) : 72.13(日) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=1, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '1.16 72.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2005E' AND kRSUnicode = '72.13' LIMIT 1;

# 58: 𠁤[U+20064] : 2(丨) : 31.2(囗) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=1, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '2.4 31.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20064' AND kRSUnicode = '31.2' LIMIT 1;

# 59: 𠁲[U+20072] : 2(丨) : 170.4(阜) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '2.5 170.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20072' AND kRSUnicode = '170.4' LIMIT 1;

# 60: 𠁷[U+20077] : 2(丨) : 30.11(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=1, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '2.13 30.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20077' AND kRSUnicode = '30.11' LIMIT 1;

# 61: 𠁾[U+2007E] : 3(丶) : 5.3(乙) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=4, rsc=1, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '3.3 5.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2007E' AND kRSUnicode = '5.3' LIMIT 1;

# 62: 𠂨[U+200A8] : 4(丿) : 137.0(舟) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.5 137.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200A8' AND kRSUnicode = '137.0' LIMIT 1;

# 63: 𠂬[U+200AC] : 4(丿) : 27.4(厂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.5 27.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200AC' AND kRSUnicode = '27.4' LIMIT 1;

# 64: 𠂮[U+200AE] : 4(丿) : 27.4(厂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=1, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.5 27.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200AE' AND kRSUnicode = '27.4' LIMIT 1;

# 65: 𠂰[U+200B0] : 4(丿) : 27.5(厂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=1, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.6 27.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200B0' AND kRSUnicode = '27.5' LIMIT 1;

# 66: 𠂱[U+200B1] : 4(丿) : 81.3(比) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=1, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.6 81.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200B1' AND kRSUnicode = '81.3' LIMIT 1;

# 67: 𠂵[U+200B5] : 4(丿) : 101.3(用) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=1, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.7 101.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200B5' AND kRSUnicode = '101.3' LIMIT 1;

# 68: 𠂸[U+200B8] : 4(丿) : 5.8(乙) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=1, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '4.8 5.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200B8' AND kRSUnicode = '5.8' LIMIT 1;

# 69: 𠃫[U+200EB] : 5(乙) : 102.2(田) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=1, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '5.6 102.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200EB' AND kRSUnicode = '102.2' LIMIT 1;

# 70: 𠃰[U+200F0] : 5(乙) : 101.3(用) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=1, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '5.7 101.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200F0' AND kRSUnicode = '101.3' LIMIT 1;

# 71: 𠃱[U+200F1] : 5(乙) : 39.5(子) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=1, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '5.7 39.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+200F1' AND kRSUnicode = '39.5' LIMIT 1;

# 72: 𠄴[U+20134] : 7(二) : 57.6(弓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '7.7 57.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20134' AND kRSUnicode = '57.6' LIMIT 1;

# 73: 𠅗[U+20157] : 8(亠) : 36.7(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=2, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.8 36.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20157' AND kRSUnicode = '36.7' LIMIT 1;

# 74: 𠅰[U+20170] : 8(亠) : 111.7(矢) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.10 111.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20170' AND kRSUnicode = '111.7' LIMIT 1;

# 75: 𠅱[U+20171] : 8(亠) : 36.9(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.10 36.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20171' AND kRSUnicode = '36.9' LIMIT 1;

# 76: 𠅹[U+20179] : 8(亠) : 52.10(幺) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=2, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.11 52.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20179' AND kRSUnicode = '52.10' LIMIT 1;

# 77: 𠅽[U+2017D] : 8(亠) : 42.10(小) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=2, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.11 42.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2017D' AND kRSUnicode = '42.10' LIMIT 1;

# 78: 𠆊[U+2018A] : 8(亠) : 30.12(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.13 30.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2018A' AND kRSUnicode = '30.12' LIMIT 1;

# 79: 𠆓[U+20193] : 8(亠) : 36.13(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=2, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.14 36.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20193' AND kRSUnicode = '36.13' LIMIT 1;

# 80: 𠆕[U+20195] : 8(亠) : 36.13(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=2, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.14 36.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20195' AND kRSUnicode = '36.13' LIMIT 1;

# 81: 𠆙[U+20199] : 8(亠) : 36.14(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=2, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.15 36.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20199' AND kRSUnicode = '36.14' LIMIT 1;

# 82: 𠆛[U+2019B] : 8(亠) : 72.14(日) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=2, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.16 72.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2019B' AND kRSUnicode = '72.14' LIMIT 1;

# 83: 𠆜[U+2019C] : 8(亠) : 210.4(齊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=2, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '8.16 210.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2019C' AND kRSUnicode = '210.4' LIMIT 1;

# 84: 𠆮[U+201AE] : 9(人) : 19.3(力) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=2, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.3 19.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+201AE' AND kRSUnicode = '19.3' LIMIT 1;

# 85: 𠆱[U+201B1] : 9(人) : 24.3(十) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=2, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.3 24.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+201B1' AND kRSUnicode = '24.3' LIMIT 1;

# 86: 𠆲[U+201B2] : 9(人) : 53.2(广) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=2, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.3 53.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+201B2' AND kRSUnicode = '53.2' LIMIT 1;

# 87: 𠇒[U+201D2] : 9(人) : 11.4(入) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=2, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.4 11.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+201D2' AND kRSUnicode = '11.4' LIMIT 1;

# 88: 𠈂[U+20202] : 9(人) : 30.4(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=2, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.5 30.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20202' AND kRSUnicode = '30.4' LIMIT 1;

# 89: 𠈤[U+20224] : 9(人) : 42.5(小) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=2, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.6 42.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20224' AND kRSUnicode = '42.5' LIMIT 1;

# 90: 𠋑[U+202D1] : 9(人) : 184.0(食) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=2, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.6 184.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+202D1' AND kRSUnicode = '184.0' LIMIT 1;

# 91: 𠌆[U+20306] : 9(人) : 11.10(入) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.10 11.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20306' AND kRSUnicode = '11.10' LIMIT 1;

# 92: 𠌞[U+2031E] : 9(人) : 35.9(夊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.10 35.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2031E' AND kRSUnicode = '35.9' LIMIT 1;

# 93: 𠌟[U+2031F] : 9(人) : 106.7(白) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.10 106.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2031F' AND kRSUnicode = '106.7' LIMIT 1;

# 94: 𠌪[U+2032A] : 9(人) : 109.6(目) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=2, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.9 109.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2032A' AND kRSUnicode = '109.6' LIMIT 1;

# 95: 𠍢[U+20362] : 9(人) : 110.8(矛) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=2, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.11 110.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20362' AND kRSUnicode = '110.8' LIMIT 1;

# 96: 𠎘[U+20398] : 9(人) : 114.10(禸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.12 114.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20398' AND kRSUnicode = '114.10' LIMIT 1;

# 97: 𠎛[U+2039B] : 9(人) : 89.10(爻) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.12 89.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2039B' AND kRSUnicode = '89.10' LIMIT 1;

# 98: 𠎜[U+2039C] : 9(人) : 211.5(齒) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=2, d=18

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.18 211.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2039C' AND kRSUnicode = '211.5' LIMIT 1;

# 99: 𠎶[U+203B6] : 9(人) : 62.10(戈) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.12 62.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+203B6' AND kRSUnicode = '62.10' LIMIT 1;

# 100: 𠏓[U+203D3] : 9(人) : 30.12(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.13 30.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+203D3' AND kRSUnicode = '30.12' LIMIT 1;

# 101: 𠏧[U+203E7] : 9(人) : 30.12(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.13 30.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+203E7' AND kRSUnicode = '30.12' LIMIT 1;

# 102: 𠐜[U+2041C] : 9(人) : 149.10(言) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=2, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.15 149.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2041C' AND kRSUnicode = '149.10' LIMIT 1;

# 103: 𠑂[U+20442] : 9(人) : 89.15(爻) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=2, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.17 89.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20442' AND kRSUnicode = '89.15' LIMIT 1;

# 104: 𠑱[U+20471] : 9(人) : 73.21(曰) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=2, d=23

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.23 73.21' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20471' AND kRSUnicode = '73.21' LIMIT 1;

# 105: 𠑴[U+20474] : 9(人) : 142.23(虫) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=29, rsc=2, d=27

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '9.27 142.23' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20474' AND kRSUnicode = '142.23' LIMIT 1;

# 106: 𠓌[U+204CC] : 10(儿) : 53.16(广) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=2, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '10.17 53.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+204CC' AND kRSUnicode = '53.16' LIMIT 1;

# 107: 𠔇[U+20507] : 12(八) : 162.0(辵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=3, rsc=2, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '12.1 162.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20507' AND kRSUnicode = '162.0' LIMIT 1;

# 108: 𠔘[U+20518] : 12(八) : 57.6(弓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '12.7 57.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20518' AND kRSUnicode = '57.6' LIMIT 1;

# 109: 𠔲[U+20532] : 12(八) : 28.12(厶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '12.12 28.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20532' AND kRSUnicode = '28.12' LIMIT 1;

# 110: 𠔻[U+2053B] : 12(八) : 134.58(臼) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=64, rsc=2, d=62

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '12.62 134.58' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2053B' AND kRSUnicode = '134.58' LIMIT 1;

# 111: 𠕫[U+2056B] : 13(冂) : 61.11(心) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '13.12 61.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2056B' AND kRSUnicode = '61.11' LIMIT 1;

# 112: 𠖟[U+2059F] : 14(冖) : 113.10(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '14.12 113.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2059F' AND kRSUnicode = '113.10' LIMIT 1;

# 113: 𠙗[U+20657] : 16(几) : 47.7(巛) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=2, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '16.8 47.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20657' AND kRSUnicode = '47.7' LIMIT 1;

# 114: 𠙚[U+2065A] : 16(几) : 34.8(夂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=2, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '16.9 34.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2065A' AND kRSUnicode = '34.8' LIMIT 1;

# 115: 𠙬[U+2066C] : 16(几) : 182.6(風) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '16.13 182.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2066C' AND kRSUnicode = '182.6' LIMIT 1;

# 116: 𠙼[U+2067C] : 17(凵) : 30.2(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=5, rsc=2, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '17.3 30.2' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2067C' AND kRSUnicode = '30.2' LIMIT 1;

# 117: 𠚑[U+20691] : 17(凵) : 176.0(面) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '17.7 176.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20691' AND kRSUnicode = '176.0' LIMIT 1;

# 118: 𠚛[U+2069B] : 17(凵) : 32.12(土) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '17.13 32.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2069B' AND kRSUnicode = '32.12' LIMIT 1;

# 119: 𠞜[U+2079C] : 18(刀) : 115.7(禾) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '18.10 115.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2079C' AND kRSUnicode = '115.7' LIMIT 1;

# 120: 𠠋[U+2080B] : 18(刀) : 154.9(貝) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=2, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '18.14 154.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2080B' AND kRSUnicode = '154.9' LIMIT 1;

# 121: 𠤢[U+20922] : 21(匕) : 1.9(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=2, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '21.8 1.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20922' AND kRSUnicode = '1.9' LIMIT 1;

# 122: 𠤫[U+2092B] : 21(匕) : 134.13(臼) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=2, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '21.17 134.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2092B' AND kRSUnicode = '134.13' LIMIT 1;

# 123: 𠤲[U+20932] : 22(匚) : 23.4(匸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=2, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '22.4 23.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20932' AND kRSUnicode = '23.4' LIMIT 1;

# 124: 𠥃[U+20943] : 22(匚) : 23.7(匸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '22.7 23.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20943' AND kRSUnicode = '23.7' LIMIT 1;

# 125: 𠧝[U+209DD] : 25(卜) : 5.6(乙) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=2, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '25.5 5.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+209DD' AND kRSUnicode = '5.6' LIMIT 1;

# 126: 𠧸[U+209F8] : 25(卜) : 197.0(鹵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=2, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '25.9 197.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+209F8' AND kRSUnicode = '197.0' LIMIT 1;

# 127: 𠨃[U+20A03] : 25(卜) : 36.9(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=2, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '25.10 36.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20A03' AND kRSUnicode = '36.9' LIMIT 1;

# 128: 𠩖[U+20A56] : 27(厂) : 12.6(八) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=2, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '27.6 12.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20A56' AND kRSUnicode = '12.6' LIMIT 1;

# 129: 𠪹[U+20AB9] : 27(厂) : 98.10(瓦) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=2, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '27.13 98.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20AB9' AND kRSUnicode = '98.10' LIMIT 1;

# 130: 𠫈[U+20AC8] : 27(厂) : 82.16(毛) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=2, d=18

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '27.18 82.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20AC8' AND kRSUnicode = '82.16' LIMIT 1;

# 131: 𠫮[U+20AEE] : 28(厶) : 16.6(几) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=2, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '28.6 16.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20AEE' AND kRSUnicode = '16.6' LIMIT 1;

# 132: 𠫳[U+20AF3] : 28(厶) : 29.7(又) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '28.7 29.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20AF3' AND kRSUnicode = '29.7' LIMIT 1;

# 133: 𠭉[U+20B49] : 29(又) : 25.7(卜) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=2, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '29.7 25.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20B49' AND kRSUnicode = '25.7' LIMIT 1;

# 134: 𠭶[U+20B76] : 29(又) : 35.10(夊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=2, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '29.11 35.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20B76' AND kRSUnicode = '35.10' LIMIT 1;

# 135: 𠭻[U+20B7B] : 29(又) : 12.12(八) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=2, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '29.12 12.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20B7B' AND kRSUnicode = '12.12' LIMIT 1;

# 136: 𠳫[U+20CEB] : 30(口) : 101.5(用) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=3, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.7 101.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20CEB' AND kRSUnicode = '101.5' LIMIT 1;

# 137: 𠴦[U+20D26] : 30(口) : 96.6(玉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=3, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.7 96.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20D26' AND kRSUnicode = '96.6' LIMIT 1;

# 138: 𠾧[U+20FA7] : 30(口) : 114.10(禸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=3, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.11 114.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+20FA7' AND kRSUnicode = '114.10' LIMIT 1;

# 139: 𡄉[U+21109] : 30(口) : 89.15(爻) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=3, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.16 89.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21109' AND kRSUnicode = '89.15' LIMIT 1;

# 140: 𡅕[U+21155] : 30(口) : 33.18(士) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=21, rsc=3, d=18

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.18 33.18' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21155' AND kRSUnicode = '33.18' LIMIT 1;

# 141: 𡅖[U+21156] : 30(口) : 123.15(羊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=21, rsc=3, d=18

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '30.18 123.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21156' AND kRSUnicode = '123.15' LIMIT 1;

# 142: 𡇍[U+211CD] : 31(囗) : 102.3(田) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=3, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '31.5 102.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+211CD' AND kRSUnicode = '102.3' LIMIT 1;

# 143: 𡉗[U+21257] : 32(土) : 39.3(子) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=6, rsc=3, d=3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.3 39.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21257' AND kRSUnicode = '39.3' LIMIT 1;

# 144: 𡋜[U+212DC] : 32(土) : 130.5(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=3, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.6 130.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+212DC' AND kRSUnicode = '130.5' LIMIT 1;

# 145: 𡑺[U+2147A] : 32(土) : 168.9(長) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=3, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.13 168.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2147A' AND kRSUnicode = '168.9' LIMIT 1;

# 146: 𡒡[U+214A1] : 32(土) : 207.4(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=3, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.14 207.4' WHERE Unicode = 'U+214A1' AND kRSUnicode = '207.4' LIMIT 1;

# 147: 𡓛[U+214DB] : 32(土) : 150.12(谷) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=3, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.16 150.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+214DB' AND kRSUnicode = '150.12' LIMIT 1;

# 148: 𡓷[U+214F7] : 32(土) : 184.12(食) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=3, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '32.17 184.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+214F7' AND kRSUnicode = '184.12' LIMIT 1;

# 149: 𡔱[U+21531] : 33(士) : 37.9(大) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=3, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '33.9 37.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21531' AND kRSUnicode = '37.9' LIMIT 1;

# 150: 𡔷[U+21537] : 33(士) : 207.0(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=3, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '33.10 207.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21537' AND kRSUnicode = '207.0' LIMIT 1;

# 151: 𡕆[U+21546] : 33(士) : 151.11(豆) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=3, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '33.15 151.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21546' AND kRSUnicode = '151.11' LIMIT 1;

# 152: 𡕎[U+2154E] : 33(士) : 112.15(石) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=3, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '33.17 112.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2154E' AND kRSUnicode = '112.15' LIMIT 1;

# 153: 𡗜[U+215DC] : 37(大) : 94.1(犬) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=4, rsc=3, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '37.1 94.1' WHERE Unicode = 'U+215DC' AND kRSUnicode = '94.1' LIMIT 1;

# 154: 𡢏[U+2188F] : 38(女) : 119.9(米) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=3, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '38.12 119.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2188F' AND kRSUnicode = '119.9' LIMIT 1;

# 155: 𡣢[U+218E2] : 38(女) : 166.10(里) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=3, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '38.14 166.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+218E2' AND kRSUnicode = '166.10' LIMIT 1;

# 156: 𡥋[U+2194B] : 39(子) : 25.5(卜) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=7, rsc=3, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '39.4 25.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2194B' AND kRSUnicode = '25.5' LIMIT 1;

# 157: 𡪞[U+21A9E] : 40(宀) : 29.12(又) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=3, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '40.11 29.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21A9E' AND kRSUnicode = '29.12' LIMIT 1;

# 158: 𡯥[U+21BE5] : 43(尢) : 142.3(虫) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=3, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '43.6 142.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21BE5' AND kRSUnicode = '142.3' LIMIT 1;

# 159: 𡶤[U+21DA4] : 46(山) : 101.3(用) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=3, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '46.5 101.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21DA4' AND kRSUnicode = '101.3' LIMIT 1;

# 160: 𡾗[U+21F97] : 46(山) : 37.15(大) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=3, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '46.15 37.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+21F97' AND kRSUnicode = '37.15' LIMIT 1;

# 161: 𢆡[U+221A1] : 51(干) : 5.13(乙) 39.11(子) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=3, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '51.11 5.13 39.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+221A1' AND kRSUnicode = '5.13 39.11' LIMIT 1;

# 162: 𢆣[U+221A3] : 51(干) : 36.11(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=3, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '51.11 36.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+221A3' AND kRSUnicode = '36.11' LIMIT 1;

# 163: 𢇀[U+221C0] : 52(幺) : 44.6(尸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=3, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '52.6 44.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+221C0' AND kRSUnicode = '44.6' LIMIT 1;

# 164: 𢇔[U+221D4] : 52(幺) : 42.14(小) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=3, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '52.14 42.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+221D4' AND kRSUnicode = '42.14' LIMIT 1;

# 165: 𢇕[U+221D5] : 52(幺) : 17.16(凵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=3, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '52.15 17.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+221D5' AND kRSUnicode = '17.16' LIMIT 1;

# 166: 𢈲[U+22232] : 53(广) : 39.7(子) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=3, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '53.7 39.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22232' AND kRSUnicode = '39.7' LIMIT 1;

# 167: 𢉖[U+22256] : 53(广) : 198.0(鹿) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=3, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '53.8 198.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22256' AND kRSUnicode = '198.0' LIMIT 1;

# 168: 𢋜[U+222DC] : 53(广) : 142.11(虫) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=3, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '53.14 142.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+222DC' AND kRSUnicode = '142.11' LIMIT 1;

# 169: 𢌇[U+22307] : 53(广) : 85.18(水) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=21, rsc=3, d=18

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '53.18 85.18' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22307' AND kRSUnicode = '85.18' LIMIT 1;

# 170: 𢍭[U+2236D] : 55(廾) : 17.12(凵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=3, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '55.11 17.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2236D' AND kRSUnicode = '17.12' LIMIT 1;

# 171: 𢐫[U+2242B] : 57(弓) : 119.10(米) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=3, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '57.13 119.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2242B' AND kRSUnicode = '119.10' LIMIT 1;

# 172: 𢑖[U+22456] : 58(彐) : 102.3(田) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=3, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '58.5 102.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22456' AND kRSUnicode = '102.3' LIMIT 1;

# 173: 𢑰[U+22470] : 58(彐) : 48.13(工) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=3, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '58.13 48.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22470' AND kRSUnicode = '48.13' LIMIT 1;

# 174: 𢔬[U+2252C] : 60(彳) : 144.6(行) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=3, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '60.9 144.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2252C' AND kRSUnicode = '144.6' LIMIT 1;

# 175: 𢖅[U+22585] : 60(彳) : 144.10(行) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=3, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '60.13 144.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22585' AND kRSUnicode = '144.10' LIMIT 1;

# 176: 𢖋[U+2258B] : 60(彳) : 144.11(行) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=3, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '60.14 144.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2258B' AND kRSUnicode = '144.11' LIMIT 1;

# 177: 𢖛[U+2259B] : 60(彳) : 203.7(黑) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=3, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '60.16 203.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2259B' AND kRSUnicode = '203.7' LIMIT 1;

# 178: 𢖡[U+225A1] : 60(彳) : 144.14(行) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=3, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '60.17 144.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+225A1' AND kRSUnicode = '144.14' LIMIT 1;

# 179: 𢨐[U+22A10] : 62(戈) : 30.13(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=4, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '62.12 30.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22A10' AND kRSUnicode = '30.13' LIMIT 1;

# 180: 𢰿[U+22C3F] : 64(手) : 109.8(目) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '64.9 109.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22C3F' AND kRSUnicode = '109.8' LIMIT 1;

# 181: 𢻈[U+22EC8] : 65(支) : 36.7(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '65.6 36.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22EC8' AND kRSUnicode = '36.7' LIMIT 1;

# 182: 𢾥[U+22FA5] : 66(攴) : 109.8(目) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '66.9 109.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22FA5' AND kRSUnicode = '109.8' LIMIT 1;

# 183: 𢿆[U+22FC6] : 66(攴) : 113.9(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '66.9 113.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+22FC6' AND kRSUnicode = '113.9' LIMIT 1;

# 184: 𣁋[U+2304B] : 67(文) : 66.6(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '67.6 66.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2304B' AND kRSUnicode = '66.6' LIMIT 1;

# 185: 𣁛[U+2305B] : 67(文) : 66.11(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '67.11 66.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2305B' AND kRSUnicode = '66.11' LIMIT 1;

# 186: 𣂫[U+230AB] : 69(斤) : 113.7(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=4, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '69.7 113.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+230AB' AND kRSUnicode = '113.7' LIMIT 1;

# 187: 𣆉[U+23189] : 72(日) : 73.5(曰) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=4, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '72.5 73.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23189' AND kRSUnicode = '73.5' LIMIT 1;

# 188: 𣉡[U+23261] : 72(日) : 54.11(廴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '72.9 54.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23261' AND kRSUnicode = '54.11' LIMIT 1;

# 189: 𣊒[U+23292] : 72(日) : 41.12(寸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '72.11 41.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23292' AND kRSUnicode = '41.12' LIMIT 1;

# 190: 𣌚[U+2331A] : 72(日) : 149.17(言) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=24, rsc=4, d=20

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '72.20 149.17' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2331A' AND kRSUnicode = '149.17' LIMIT 1;

# 191: 𣌞[U+2331E] : 72(日) : 123.21(羊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=27, rsc=4, d=23

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '72.23 123.21' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2331E' AND kRSUnicode = '123.21' LIMIT 1;

# 192: 𣍨[U+23368] : 74(月) : 130.5(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=9, rsc=4, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '74.5 130.5' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23368' AND kRSUnicode = '130.5' LIMIT 1;

# 193: 𣍯[U+2336F] : 74(月) : 130.6(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '74.6 130.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2336F' AND kRSUnicode = '130.6' LIMIT 1;

# 194: 𣍰[U+23370] : 74(月) : 130.6(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '74.6 130.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23370' AND kRSUnicode = '130.6' LIMIT 1;

# 195: 𣑧[U+23467] : 75(木) : 32.7(土) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '75.6 32.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23467' AND kRSUnicode = '32.7' LIMIT 1;

# 196: 𣜢[U+23722] : 75(木) : 114.12(禸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=4, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '75.12 114.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23722' AND kRSUnicode = '114.12' LIMIT 1;

# 197: 𣞏[U+2378F] : 75(木) : 112.13(石) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=4, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '75.14 112.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2378F' AND kRSUnicode = '112.13' LIMIT 1;

# 198: 𣡳[U+23873] : 75(木) : 36.24(夕) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=27, rsc=4, d=23

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '75.23 36.24' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23873' AND kRSUnicode = '36.24' LIMIT 1;

# 199: 𣣬[U+238EC] : 76(欠) : 154.6(貝) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '76.9 154.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+238EC' AND kRSUnicode = '154.6' LIMIT 1;

# 200: 𣥥[U+23965] : 77(止) : 24.6(十) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=8, rsc=4, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '77.4 24.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23965' AND kRSUnicode = '24.6' LIMIT 1;

# 201: 𣥲[U+23972] : 77(止) : 59.7(彡) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=4, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '77.6 59.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23972' AND kRSUnicode = '59.7' LIMIT 1;

# 202: 𣦋[U+2398B] : 77(止) : 211.0(齒) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '77.11 211.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2398B' AND kRSUnicode = '211.0' LIMIT 1;

# 203: 𣦏[U+2398F] : 77(止) : 56.10(弋) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '77.9 56.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2398F' AND kRSUnicode = '56.10' LIMIT 1;

# 204: 𣦭[U+239AD] : 77(止) : 46.16(山) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=4, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '77.15 46.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+239AD' AND kRSUnicode = '46.16' LIMIT 1;

# 205: 𣪭[U+23AAD] : 79(殳) : 109.8(目) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '79.9 109.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23AAD' AND kRSUnicode = '109.8' LIMIT 1;

# 206: 𣼙[U+23F19] : 85(水) : 58.12(彐) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '85.11 58.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+23F19' AND kRSUnicode = '58.12' LIMIT 1;

# 207: 𤀢[U+24022] : 85(水) : 48.13(工) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=4, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '85.12 48.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24022' AND kRSUnicode = '48.13' LIMIT 1;

# 208: 𤋳[U+242F3] : 86(火) : 195.0(魚) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=11, rsc=4, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.7 195.0' WHERE Unicode = 'U+242F3' AND kRSUnicode = '195.0' LIMIT 1;

# 209: 𤎀[U+24380] : 86(火) : 140.10(艸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=4, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.10 140.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24380' AND kRSUnicode = '140.10' LIMIT 1;

# 210: 𤎂[U+24382] : 86(火) : 176.6(面) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.11 176.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24382' AND kRSUnicode = '176.6' LIMIT 1;

# 211: 𤏠[U+243E0] : 86(火) : 37.13(大) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=4, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.12 37.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+243E0' AND kRSUnicode = '37.13' LIMIT 1;

# 212: 𤑃[U+24443] : 86(火) : 130.14(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=4, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.14 130.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24443' AND kRSUnicode = '130.14' LIMIT 1;

# 213: 𤓏[U+244CF] : 86(火) : 130.19(肉) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=23, rsc=4, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.19 130.19' WHERE Unicode = 'U+244CF' AND kRSUnicode = '130.19' LIMIT 1;

# 214: 𤓟[U+244DF] : 86(火) : 134.18(臼) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=24, rsc=4, d=20

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '86.20 134.18' WHERE Unicode = 'U+244DF' AND kRSUnicode = '134.18' LIMIT 1;

# 215: 𤔗[U+24517] : 87(爪) : 31.9(囗) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=4, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '87.8 31.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24517' AND kRSUnicode = '31.9' LIMIT 1;

# 216: 𤕁[U+24541] : 87(爪) : 121.13(缶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=4, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '87.15 121.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24541' AND kRSUnicode = '121.13' LIMIT 1;

# 217: 𤚜[U+2469C] : 93(牛) : 77.9(止) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '93.9 77.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2469C' AND kRSUnicode = '77.9' LIMIT 1;

# 218: 𤛗[U+246D7] : 93(牛) : 79.11(殳) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=4, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '93.11 79.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+246D7' AND kRSUnicode = '79.11' LIMIT 1;

# 219: 𤟵[U+247F5] : 94(犬) : 63.9(戶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=4, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '94.9 63.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+247F5' AND kRSUnicode = '63.9' LIMIT 1;

# 220: 𤫡[U+24AE1] : 96(玉) : 121.18(缶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=24, rsc=5, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '96.19 121.18' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24AE1' AND kRSUnicode = '121.18' LIMIT 1;

# 221: 𤯏[U+24BCF] : 99(甘) : 42.15(小) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=5, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '99.13 42.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24BCF' AND kRSUnicode = '42.15' LIMIT 1;

# 222: 𤯽[U+24BFD] : 100(生) : 57.16(弓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=5, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '100.14 57.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24BFD' AND kRSUnicode = '57.16' LIMIT 1;

# 223: 𤱡[U+24C61] : 102(田) : 5.9(乙) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=5, d=5

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '102.5 5.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24C61' AND kRSUnicode = '5.9' LIMIT 1;

# 224: 𤳏[U+24CCF] : 102(田) : 1.15(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=5, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '102.11 1.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24CCF' AND kRSUnicode = '1.15' LIMIT 1;

# 225: 𤳛[U+24CDB] : 102(田) : 165.10(釆) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=5, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '102.12 165.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+24CDB' AND kRSUnicode = '165.10' LIMIT 1;

# 226: 𥀻[U+2503B] : 107(皮) : 207.12(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=5, d=20

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '107.20 207.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2503B' AND kRSUnicode = '207.12' LIMIT 1;

# 227: 𥀼[U+2503C] : 107(皮) : 207.13(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=26, rsc=5, d=21

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '107.21 207.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2503C' AND kRSUnicode = '207.13' LIMIT 1;

# 228: 𥀽[U+2503D] : 107(皮) : 207.16(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=29, rsc=5, d=24

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '107.24 207.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2503D' AND kRSUnicode = '207.16' LIMIT 1;

# 229: 𥀾[U+2503E] : 107(皮) : 207.20(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=33, rsc=5, d=28

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '107.28 207.20' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2503E' AND kRSUnicode = '207.20' LIMIT 1;

# 230: 𥂳[U+250B3] : 108(皿) : 15.15(冫) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=5, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '108.12 15.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+250B3' AND kRSUnicode = '15.15' LIMIT 1;

# 231: 𥇴[U+251F4] : 109(目) : 69.9(斤) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=5, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '109.8 69.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+251F4' AND kRSUnicode = '69.9' LIMIT 1;

# 232: 𥌕[U+25315] : 109(目) : 177.10(革) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=5, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '109.14 177.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+25315' AND kRSUnicode = '177.10' LIMIT 1;

# 233: 𥍄[U+25344] : 109(目) : 147.15(見) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=22, rsc=5, d=17

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '109.17 147.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+25344' AND kRSUnicode = '147.15' LIMIT 1;

# 234: 𥗶[U+255F6] : 112(石) : 186.15(香) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=24, rsc=5, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '112.19 186.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+255F6' AND kRSUnicode = '186.15' LIMIT 1;

# 235: 𥝀[U+25740] : 114(禸) : 5.11(乙) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=4, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '114.8 5.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+25740' AND kRSUnicode = '5.11' LIMIT 1;

# 236: 𥣷[U+258F7] : 115(禾) : 166.13(里) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=5, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '115.15 166.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+258F7' AND kRSUnicode = '166.13' LIMIT 1;

# 237: 𥤔[U+25914] : 115(禾) : 75.20(木) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=24, rsc=5, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '115.19 75.20' WHERE Unicode = 'U+25914' AND kRSUnicode = '75.20' LIMIT 1;

# 238: 𥧢[U+259E2] : 116(穴) : 128.9(耳) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=5, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '116.10 128.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+259E2' AND kRSUnicode = '128.9' LIMIT 1;

# 239: 𥫂[U+25AC2] : 117(立) : 72.14(日) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=5, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '117.13 72.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+25AC2' AND kRSUnicode = '72.14' LIMIT 1;

# 240: 𦊤[U+262A4] : 122(网) : 46.7(山) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=6, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '122.4 46.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+262A4' AND kRSUnicode = '46.7' LIMIT 1;

# 241: 𦋪[U+262EA] : 122(网) : 54.12(廴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=6, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '122.8 54.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+262EA' AND kRSUnicode = '54.12' LIMIT 1;

# 242: 𦌩[U+26329] : 122(网) : 123.12(羊) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=6, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '122.12 123.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26329' AND kRSUnicode = '123.12' LIMIT 1;

# 243: 𦎅[U+26385] : 123(羊) : 28.10(厶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=6, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '123.6 28.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26385' AND kRSUnicode = '28.10' LIMIT 1;

# 244: 𦑑[U+26451] : 124(羽) : 61.11(心) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=6, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '124.8 61.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26451' AND kRSUnicode = '61.11' LIMIT 1;

# 245: 𦜳[U+26733] : 130(肉) : 74.8(月) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=6, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '130.6 74.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26733' AND kRSUnicode = '74.8' LIMIT 1;

# 246: 𦡖[U+26856] : 130(肉) : 74.13(月) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=6, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '130.11 74.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26856' AND kRSUnicode = '74.13' LIMIT 1;

# 247: 𦡗[U+26857] : 130(肉) : 61.13(心) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=6, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '130.10 61.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26857' AND kRSUnicode = '61.13' LIMIT 1;

# 248: 𦥈[U+26948] : 133(至) : 32.11(土) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=6, d=8

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '133.8 32.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26948' AND kRSUnicode = '32.11' LIMIT 1;

# 249: 𦦔[U+26994] : 134(臼) : 114.11(禸) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=15, rsc=6, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '134.9 114.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26994' AND kRSUnicode = '114.11' LIMIT 1;

# 250: 𦦨[U+269A8] : 134(臼) : 86.14(火) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=6, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '134.12 86.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+269A8' AND kRSUnicode = '86.14' LIMIT 1;

# 251: 𦪹[U+26AB9] : 137(舟) : 108.16(皿) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=21, rsc=6, d=15

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '137.15 108.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26AB9' AND kRSUnicode = '108.16' LIMIT 1;

# 252: 𦴶[U+26D36] : 140(艸) : 85.10(水) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=6, d=7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '140.7 85.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26D36' AND kRSUnicode = '85.10' LIMIT 1;

# 253: 𦻇[U+26EC7] : 140(艸) : 61.15(心) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=6, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '140.12 61.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+26EC7' AND kRSUnicode = '61.15' LIMIT 1;

# 254: 𧆆[U+27186] : 140(艸) : 113.21(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=6, d=19

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '140.19 113.21' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27186' AND kRSUnicode = '113.21' LIMIT 1;

# 255: 𧈐[U+27210] : 141(虍) : 184.11(食) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=6, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '141.13 184.11' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27210' AND kRSUnicode = '184.11' LIMIT 1;

# 256: 𧐰[U+27430] : 142(虫) : 122.13(网) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=6, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '142.12 122.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27430' AND kRSUnicode = '122.13' LIMIT 1;

# 257: 𧖠[U+275A0] : 142(虫) : 196.19(鳥) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=30, rsc=6, d=24

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '142.24 196.19' WHERE Unicode = 'U+275A0' AND kRSUnicode = '196.19' LIMIT 1;

# 258: 𧮥[U+27BA5] : 149(言) : 30.25(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=28, rsc=7, d=21

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '149.21 30.25' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27BA5' AND kRSUnicode = '30.25' LIMIT 1;

# 259: 𧯧[U+27BE7] : 151(豆) : 32.10(土) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=7, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '151.6 32.10' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27BE7' AND kRSUnicode = '32.10' LIMIT 1;

# 260: 𧷅[U+27DC5] : 154(貝) : 122.12(网) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=7, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '154.10 122.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+27DC5' AND kRSUnicode = '122.12' LIMIT 1;

# 261: 𨐳[U+28433] : 160(辛) : 63.14(戶) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=7, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '160.11 63.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+28433' AND kRSUnicode = '63.14' LIMIT 1;

# 262: 𨐴[U+28434] : 160(辛) : 102.13(田) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=18, rsc=7, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '160.11 102.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+28434' AND kRSUnicode = '102.13' LIMIT 1;

# 263: 𨗓[U+285D3] : 162(辵) : 30.13(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=16, rsc=7, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '162.9 30.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+285D3' AND kRSUnicode = '30.13' LIMIT 1;

# 264: 𨘼[U+2863C] : 162(辵) : 159.13(車) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=7, d=13

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '162.13 159.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2863C' AND kRSUnicode = '159.13' LIMIT 1;

# 265: 𨦞[U+2899E] : 167(金) : 137.8(舟) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=14, rsc=8, d=6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '167.6 137.8' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2899E' AND kRSUnicode = '137.8' LIMIT 1;

# 266: 𨹴[U+28E74] : 170(阜) : 39.7(子) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=10, rsc=8, d=2

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '170.2 39.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+28E74' AND kRSUnicode = '39.7' LIMIT 1;

# 267: 𩄮[U+2912E] : 173(雨) : 162.14(辵) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=17, rsc=8, d=9

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '173.9 162.14' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2912E' AND kRSUnicode = '162.14' LIMIT 1;

# 268: 𩍻[U+2937B] : 177(革) : 193.15(鬲) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=9, d=16

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '177.16 193.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2937B' AND kRSUnicode = '193.15' LIMIT 1;

# 269: 𩖔[U+29594] : 181(頁) : 196.20(鳥) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=31, rsc=9, d=22

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '181.22 196.20' WHERE Unicode = 'U+29594' AND kRSUnicode = '196.20' LIMIT 1;

# 270: 𩖰[U+295B0] : 182(風) : 67.9(文) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=13, rsc=9, d=4

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '182.4 67.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+295B0' AND kRSUnicode = '67.9' LIMIT 1;

# 271: 𩠮[U+2982E] : 185(首) : 66.15(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=19, rsc=9, d=10

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '185.10 66.15' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2982E' AND kRSUnicode = '66.15' LIMIT 1;

# 272: 𩠰[U+29830] : 185(首) : 66.16(攴) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=20, rsc=9, d=11

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '185.11 66.16' WHERE Unicode = 'U+29830' AND kRSUnicode = '66.16' LIMIT 1;

# 273: 𪇞[U+2A1DE] : 196(鳥) : 207.12(鼓) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=11, d=14

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '196.14 207.12' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2A1DE' AND kRSUnicode = '207.12' LIMIT 1;

# 274: 𪌛[U+2A31B] : 199(麥) : 34.9(夂) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=12, rsc=11, d=1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '199.1 34.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2A31B' AND kRSUnicode = '34.9' LIMIT 1;

# 275: 𪓻[U+2A4FB] : 205(黽) : 213.9(龜) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=25, rsc=13, d=12

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '205.12 213.9' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2A4FB' AND kRSUnicode = '213.9' LIMIT 1;

# 276: 丽[U+2F800] : 3(丶) : 1.6(一) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=0, rsc=1, d=-1

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '3.-1 1.6' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2F800' AND kRSUnicode = '1.6' LIMIT 1;

# 277: 嬾[U+2F86B] : 38(女) : 40.3(宀) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=0, rsc=3, d=-3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '38.-3 40.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2F86B' AND kRSUnicode = '40.3' LIMIT 1;

# 278: 当[U+2F874] : 58(彐) : 42.3(小) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=0, rsc=3, d=-3

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '58.-3 42.3' WHERE Unicode = 'U+2F874' AND kRSUnicode = '42.3' LIMIT 1;

# 279: 視[U+FAB8] : 147(見) : 113.7(示) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=0, rsc=7, d=-7

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '147.-7 113.7' WHERE Unicode = 'U+FAB8' AND kRSUnicode = '113.7' LIMIT 1;

# 280: 舘[U+FA6D] : 135(舌) : 30.13(口) # no valid ‘by-codepoint’ radical?

# zsc=0, rsc=6, d=-6

UPDATE unihan SET kRSUnicode = '135.-6 30.13' WHERE Unicode = 'U+FA6D' AND kRSUnicode = '30.13' LIMIT 1;

All expected kRSUnicode values for Unicode 8.0 repertory are present.

Property kRSUnicode
Status Informative
Category IRG Sources
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}\'?\.[0-9]{1,2}
Description The standard radical/stroke count for this character in the form “radical.additional strokes”. The radical is indicated by a number in the range (1..214) inclusive. An apostrophe (') after the radical indicates a simplified version of the given radical. The “additional strokes” value is the residual stroke-count, the count of all strokes remaining after eliminating all strokes associated with the radical.

This field is also used for additional radical-stroke indices where either a character may be reasonably classified under more than one radical, or alternate stroke count algorithms may provide different stroke counts.

The first value is equal to the normative radical-stroke value defined in ISO/IEC 10646.
Records 81390
Distinct 4560
SyntaxOKRec 81390
SyntaxOKTot 81425

Property kSBGY
Status Provisional
Category Dictionary Indices
Introduced 3.2
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{3}\.[0-7][0-9]
Description The position of this character in the Song Ben Guang Yun (SBGY) Medieval Chinese character dictionary (bibliographic and general information below).

The 25334 character references are given in the form “ABC.XY”, in which: “ABC” is the zero-padded page number [004..546]; “XY” is the zero-padded number of the character on the page [01..73]. For example, 364.38 indicates the 38th character on Page 364 (i.e. 澍). Where a given Unicode Scalar Value (USV) has more than one reference, these are space-delimited.

-- Release information (20080814) --

This release corrects several mappings. This data set now contains a total of 25334 references, for 19583 different hanzi.

-- Release information (20031005) --

This release corrects several mappings.

-- Release information (20020310) --

This data set contains a total of 25334 references, for 19572 different hanzi (up from 25330 and 19511 in the previous release).

This release of the kSBGY data fixes a number of mappings, based on extensive work done since the initial release (compare the initial release counts given below). See the end of this header for additional information.

-- Initial release information (20020310) --

The original data was input under the direction of Prof. LUO Fengzhu at Taiwan Taoyuanxian Yuan Zhi University (see below) using an early version of the Big5- based CDP encoding scheme developed at Academia Sinica. During 2000-2002 this raw data was processed and revised by Richard Cook as follows: the data was converted to Unicode encoding using his revised kHanYu mapping tables (first provided to the Unicode Consortium for the the Unihan database release 3.1.1d1) and also using several other mapping tables developed specifically for this project; the kSBGY indices were generated based on hand-counts of all page totals; numerous indexing errors were corrected; and the data underwent final proofing.

-- About the print sources --

The SBGY text, which dates to the beginning of the Song Dynasty (c. 1008, edited by 陳彭年 CHEN Pengnian et al.) is an enlargement of an earlier text known as 《切韻》 Qie Yun (dated to c. 601, edited by 陸法言 LU Fayan). With 25,330 head entries, this large early lexicon is important in part for the information which it provides for historical Chinese phonology. The GY dictionary employs a Chinese transcription method (known as 反切) to give pronunciations for each of its head entries. In addition, each syllable is also given a brief gloss.

It must be emphasized that the mapping of a particular SBGY glyph to a single USV may in some cases be merely an approximation or may have required the choice of a “best possible glyph” (out of those available in the Unicode repertoire). This indexing data in conjunction with the print sources will be useful for evaluating the degree of distinctive variation in the character forms appearing in this text, and future proofing of this data may reveal additional Chinese glyphs for IRG encoding.

-- Bibliographic information on the print sources --

《宋本廣韻》 <<Song Ben Guang Yun>> [‘Song Dynasty edition of the Guang Yun Rhyming Dictionary’], edited by 陳彭年 CHEN Pengnian et al. (c. 1008).

Two modern editions of this work were consulted in building the kSBGY indices:

《新校正切宋本廣韻》。台灣黎明文化事業公司 出版,林尹校訂1976 年出版。[This was the edition used by Prof. LUO (台灣桃園縣元智大學中語系羅鳳珠), and in the subsequent revision, conversion, indexing and proofing.]

《新校互註‧宋本廣韻》。香港中文大學,余迺永 1993, 2000 年出版。ISBN: 962-201-413-5; 7-5326-0685-6. [Textual problems were resolved on the basis of this extensively annotated modern edition of the text.]

-- Additional Information --

For further information on this index data and the databases from which it is excerpted, see:

Cook, Richard S. 2003. 《說文解字‧電子版》 Shuo Wen Jie Zi - Dianzi Ban: Digital Recension of the Eastern Han Chinese Grammaticon. PhD Dissertation. Department of Linguistics. Berkeley: University of California.
Records 19583
Distinct 19583
SyntaxOKRec 19583
SyntaxOKTot 25334

Property kSemanticVariant
Status Provisional
Category Variants
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}(<k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZFJ]+)?(,k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZFJ]+)?)*)?
Description The Unicode value for a semantic variant for this character. A semantic variant is an x- or y-variant with similar or identical meaning which can generally be used in place of the indicated character.

The basic syntax is a Unicode scalar value. It may optionally be followed by additional data. The additional data is separated from the Unicode scalar value by a less-than sign (<), and may be subdivided itself into substrings by commas, each of which may be divided into two pieces by a colon. The additional data consists of a series of field tags for another field in the Unihan database indicating the source of the information. If subdivided, the final piece is a string consisting of the letters T (for tòng, U+540C 同) B (for bù, U+4E0D 不), Z (for zhèng, U+6B63 正), Z (for zhèng, U+6B63 正), F (for fán, U+7E41 繁), or J (for jiǎn U+7C21 簡/U+7B80 简).

T is used if the indicated source explicitly indicates the two are the same (e.g., by saying that the one character is “the same as” the other).

B is used if the source explicitly indicates that the two are used improperly one for the other.

Z is used if the source explicitly indicates that the given character is the preferred form. Thus, kHanYu indicates that U+5231 刱 and U+5275 創 are semantic variants and that U+5275 創 is the preferred form.

F is used if the source explicitly indicates that the given character is the traditional form.

J is used if the source explicitly indicates that the given character is the simplified form.

Data on simplified and traditional variations can be included in this field to document cases where different sources disagree on the nature of the relationship between two characters. The kSemanticVariant and kSpecializedSemanticVariant fields need not be consulted when interconverting between traditional and simplified Chinese.
Records 3226
Distinct 3209
SyntaxOKRec 3226
SyntaxOKTot 3847

Property kSimplifiedVariant
Status Provisional
Category Variants
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The Unicode value(s) for the simplified Chinese variant(s) for this character. A full discussion of the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant fields is found in section 3.7.1 above.

Much of the of the data on simplified and traditional variants was graciously supplied by Wenlin Institute, Inc. <http://www.wenlin.com>.
Records 3047
Distinct 3017
SyntaxOKRec 3047
SyntaxOKTot 3051

Property kSpecializedSemanticVariant
Status Provisional
Category Variants
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}(<k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZFJ]+)?(,k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZFJ]+)?)*)?
Description The Unicode value for a specialized semantic variant for this character. The syntax is the same as for the kSemanticVariant field.

A specialized semantic variant is an x- or y-variant with similar or identical meaning only in certain contexts (such as accountants’ numerals).
Records 495
Distinct 448
SyntaxOKRec 495
SyntaxOKTot 545

Property kTaiwanTelegraph
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}
Description The Taiwanese telegraph code for this character, derived from “Kanzi denpou koudo henkan-hyou” (“Chinese character telegraph code conversion table”), Lin Jinyi, KDD Engineering and Consulting, Tokyo, 1984.
Records 9041
Distinct 8946
SyntaxOKRec 9041
SyntaxOKTot 9041

Property kTang
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax \*?[A-Za-z()\x{E6}\x{251}\x{259}\x{25B}\x{300}\x{30C}]+
Description The Tang dynasty pronunciation(s) of this character, derived from or consistent with _T’ang Poetic Vocabulary_ by Hugh M. Stimson, Far Eastern Publications, Yale Univ. 1976. An asterisk indicates that the word or morpheme represented in toto or in part by the given character with the given reading occurs more than four times in the seven hundred poems covered.
Records 3811
Distinct 2848
SyntaxOKRec 3811
SyntaxOKTot 4264

Warning: Missing a total of 6479 kTotalStrokes values for Unicode 8.0 repertory.

Property kTotalStrokes
Status Informative
Category Dictionary-like Data
Introduced 3.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [1-9][0-9]{0,2}
Description The total number of strokes in the character (including the radical). When there are two values, then the first is preferred for zh-Hans (CN) and the second is preferred for zh-Hant (TW). When there is only one value, it is appropriate for both.

The preferred value is the one most commonly associated with the character in modern text using customary fonts.
Records 74911
Distinct 49
SyntaxOKRec 74911
SyntaxOKTot 74912

Property kTraditionalVariant
Status Provisional
Category Variants
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}
Description The Unicode value(s) for the traditional Chinese variant(s) for this character. A full discussion of the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant fields is found in section 3.7.1 above.

Much of the of the data on simplified and traditional variants was graciously supplied by Wenlin Institute, Inc. <http://www.wenlin.com>.
Records 3017
Distinct 3017
SyntaxOKRec 3017
SyntaxOKTot 3051

Property kVietnamese
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 3.1.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [A-Za-z\x{110}\x{111}\x{300}-\x{303}\x{306}\x{309}\x{31B}\x{323}]+
Description The character’s pronunciation(s) in Quốc ngữ.
Records 8300
Distinct 1541
SyntaxOKRec 8300
SyntaxOKTot 8488

Property kXerox
Status Provisional
Category Other Mappings
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{3}:[0-9]{3}
Description The Xerox code for this character.
Records 9747
Distinct 9747
SyntaxOKRec 9747
SyntaxOKTot 9747

Property kXHC1983
Status Provisional
Category Readings
Introduced 5.1
Delimiter space
Syntax [0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{3}\*?(,[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{3}\*?)*:[a-z\x{300}\x{301}\x{304}\x{308}\x{30C}]+
Description One or more Hànyǔ Pīnyīn readings as given in the Xiàndài Hànyǔ Cídiǎn (full bibliographic information below).

Each pīnyīn reading is preceded by the character’s location(s) in the dictionary, separated from the reading by “:” (colon); multiple locations for a given reading are separated by “,” (comma); multiple “location: reading” values are separated by “ ” (space). Each location reference is of the form /[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{3}\*?/ . The number preceding the period is the page number, zero-padded to four digits. The first two digits of the number following the period are the entry’s position on the page, zero-padded. The third digit is 0 for a main entry and greater than 0 for a parenthesized variant of the main entry. A trailing “*” (asterisk) on the location indicates an encoded variant substituted for an unencoded character (see below).

-- Bibliographical information --

《现代汉语词典》 [Xiàndài Hànyǔ Cídiǎn = XHC; ‘Modern Chinese Dictionary’]. 中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室编 [Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Linguisitics Research Institute, Dictionary Editorial Office, eds.]. 北京: 商务印书馆, 1983 [1978 年 12 月第 1 版; 1983 年 1 月第 2 版; 1984 年 1 月北京第 49 次印刷印张 54; 统一书号: 17017.91].

Note that there are subsequent editions of this important PRC dictionary, reflecting later developments and refinements in language and orthographic standardization, and other editions should not be used in future revision of this field.

-- Release Notes --

The Unihan version of this data was originally prepared by Richard Cook (initial release 2007-12-12), proofing and revising a subset of data contributed by Dr. George Bell (who input it with the help of Joy Zhao Rouzer, Steve Mann, et al., as one part of their “Quick and Easy Index of Chinese Characters with Attributes”; Bell 1995-2005).

Distinct Unihan hànzì: 10,992;
Distinct hànzì: 11,190;
Distinct pīnyīn syllable types: 1,337;

As of the present writing (Unicode 5.1), the XHC source data contains 204 unencoded characters (198 of which were represented by PUA or CJK Compatibility [or in one case, by non-CJK, see below] characters), for the most part simplified variants. Each of these 198 characters in the source is replaced by one or more encoded variants (references in all 204 cases are marked with a trailing “*”; see above). Many of these unencoded forms are already in the pipeline for future encoding, and future revisions of this data will eliminate trailing asterisks from mappings.

The print source and data also include a lexical entry

〇 U+3007 : “0719.100: líng” (IDEOGRAPHIC NUMBER ZERO)

which is currently excluded from Unihan data (as not being a CJK Unified Ideograph); see 零 U+96F6.
Records 11013
Distinct 11013
SyntaxOKRec 11013
SyntaxOKTot 12412

Property kZVariant
Status Provisional
Category Variants
Introduced 2.0
Delimiter space
Syntax U\+2?[0-9A-F]{4}(<k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZ]+)?(,k[A-Za-z0-9]+(:[TBZ]+)?)*)?
Description The Unicode value(s) for known z-variants of this character.

The basic syntax is a Unicode scalar value. It may optionally be followed by additional data. The additional data is separated from the Unicode scalar value by a less-than sign (<), and may be subdivided itself into substrings by commas. The additional data consists of a series of field tags for another field in the Unihan database indicating the source of the information.
Records 2559
Distinct 2222
SyntaxOKRec 2559
SyntaxOKTot 2562

Unihan 8.0 Property Stats

Tags per Category : Tag : Records per Tag (Running Total per Category / Running Total Overall)

Wrote file: ‘Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt’; total Unihan USV: 70595; total Category fields: 18
       1 : kCheungBauerIndex : 809 (809/809)
       2 : kCowles : 4822 (5631/5631)
       3 : kDaeJaweon : 16024 (21655/21655)
       4 : kFennIndex : 5938 (27593/27593)
       5 : kGSR : 7405 (34998/34998)
       6 : kHanYu : 55819 (90817/90817)
       7 : kIRGDaeJaweon : 16023 (106840/106840)
       8 : kIRGDaiKanwaZiten : 17864 (124704/124704)
       9 : kIRGHanyuDaZidian : 55812 (180516/180516)
       10 : kIRGKangXi : 70225 (250741/250741)
       11 : kKangXi : 21031 (271772/271772)
       12 : kKarlgren : 2560 (274332/274332)
       13 : kLau : 3516 (277848/277848)
       14 : kMatthews : 8995 (286843/286843)
       15 : kMeyerWempe : 7351 (294194/294194)
       16 : kMorohashi : 18168 (312362/312362)
       17 : kNelson : 5398 (317760/317760)
       18 : kSBGY : 19583 (337343/337343)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt’; total Unihan USV: 74980; total Category fields: 11
       1 : kCangjie : 29148 (29148/366491)
       2 : kCheungBauer : 809 (29957/367300)
       3 : kCihaiT : 13884 (43841/381184)
       4 : kFenn : 5078 (48919/386262)
       5 : kFourCornerCode : 16256 (65175/402518)
       6 : kFrequency : 5089 (70264/407607)
       7 : kGradeLevel : 2632 (72896/410239)
       8 : kHDZRadBreak : 200 (73096/410439)
       9 : kHKGlyph : 4825 (77921/415264)
       10 : kPhonetic : 11463 (89384/426727)
       11 : kTotalStrokes : 74911 (164295/501638)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_IRGSources.txt’; total Unihan USV: 81390; total Category fields: 12
       1 : kCompatibilityVariant : 1002 (1002/502640)
       2 : kIICore : 9810 (10812/512450)
       3 : kIRG_GSource : 61640 (72452/574090)
       4 : kIRG_HSource : 17642 (90094/591732)
       5 : kIRG_JSource : 14579 (104673/606311)
       6 : kIRG_KPSource : 24130 (128803/630441)
       7 : kIRG_KSource : 18065 (146868/648506)
       8 : kIRG_MSource : 64 (146932/648570)
       9 : kIRG_TSource : 58020 (204952/706590)
       10 : kIRG_USource : 449 (205401/707039)
       11 : kIRG_VSource : 11110 (216511/718149)
       12 : kRSUnicode : 81390 (297901/799539)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_NumericValues.txt’; total Unihan USV: 73; total Category fields: 3
       1 : kAccountingNumeric : 26 (26/799565)
       2 : kOtherNumeric : 30 (56/799595)
       3 : kPrimaryNumeric : 17 (73/799612)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_OtherMappings.txt’; total Unihan USV: 32422; total Category fields: 25
       1 : kBigFive : 13063 (13063/812675)
       2 : kCCCII : 19698 (32761/832373)
       3 : kCNS1986 : 17258 (50019/849631)
       4 : kCNS1992 : 17258 (67277/866889)
       5 : kEACC : 13254 (80531/880143)
       6 : kGB0 : 6763 (87294/886906)
       7 : kGB1 : 6866 (94160/893772)
       8 : kGB3 : 4836 (98996/898608)
       9 : kGB5 : 2842 (101838/901450)
       10 : kGB7 : 42 (101880/901492)
       11 : kGB8 : 785 (102665/902277)
       12 : kHKSCS : 4579 (107244/906856)
       13 : kIBMJapan : 360 (107604/907216)
       14 : kJIS0213 : 3695 (111299/910911)
       15 : kJa : 7 (111306/910918)
       16 : kJis0 : 6356 (117662/917274)
       17 : kJis1 : 5801 (123463/923075)
       18 : kKPS0 : 4653 (128116/927728)
       19 : kKPS1 : 19301 (147417/947029)
       20 : kKSC0 : 4888 (152305/951917)
       21 : kKSC1 : 2856 (155161/954773)
       22 : kMainlandTelegraph : 7085 (162246/961858)
       23 : kPseudoGB1 : 153 (162399/962011)
       24 : kTaiwanTelegraph : 9041 (171440/971052)
       25 : kXerox : 9747 (181187/980799)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_RadicalStrokeCounts.txt’; total Unihan USV: 64057; total Category fields: 5
       1 : kRSAdobe_Japan1_6 : 13453 (13453/994252)
       2 : kRSJapanese : 198 (13651/994450)
       3 : kRSKanWa : 160 (13811/994610)
       4 : kRSKangXi : 63696 (77507/1058306)
       5 : kRSKorean : 20 (77527/1058326)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_Readings.txt’; total Unihan USV: 47189; total Category fields: 12
       1 : kCantonese : 23057 (23057/1081383)
       2 : kDefinition : 20941 (43998/1102324)
       3 : kHangul : 7745 (51743/1110069)
       4 : kHanyuPinlu : 3799 (55542/1113868)
       5 : kHanyuPinyin : 34131 (89673/1147999)
       6 : kJapaneseKun : 11291 (100964/1159290)
       7 : kJapaneseOn : 13175 (114139/1172465)
       8 : kKorean : 9050 (123189/1181515)
       9 : kMandarin : 41215 (164404/1222730)
       10 : kTang : 3811 (168215/1226541)
       11 : kVietnamese : 8300 (176515/1234841)
       12 : kXHC1983 : 11013 (187528/1245854)
Wrote file: ‘Unihan_Variants.txt’; total Unihan USV: 9970; total Category fields: 5
       1 : kSemanticVariant : 3226 (3226/1249080)
       2 : kSimplifiedVariant : 3047 (6273/1252127)
       3 : kSpecializedSemanticVariant : 495 (6768/1252622)
       4 : kTraditionalVariant : 3017 (9785/1255639)
       5 : kZVariant : 2559 (12344/1258198)
kRSUnicode values without IRG Source mappings: 0; and vice versa: 0.
Total Records in all files: 1258198/1258198
Finished in 33.44 CPU seconds. 
Wed Jun 10 14:49:57 2015 (GMT: Wed Jun 10 21:49:57 2015).



$ diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610 Unihan/versions/Unicode_8.0.0/Unihan-8.0.0d2 
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt  
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:19Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:26Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_IRGSources.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:34Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_NumericValues.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:38Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_OtherMappings.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:44Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
< #	kJIS0213
> #	kJIS0213
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_RadicalStrokeCounts.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:48Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
< #	kRSKanWa
> #	kRSKanWa
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_Readings.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:54Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
< U+7962	kDefinition	one's deceased father; used as a synonym for U+4F60 你 when referring to deity
> U+7962	kDefinition	one's deceased father; used as a synonum for U+4F60 你 when referring to deity
< U+7CED	kCantonese	zung2  zung3
> U+7CED	kCantonese	zung2 zung3
< U+88AE	kDefinition	used as a synonym for U+4F60 你 when referring to deity
> U+88AE	kDefinition	used as a synonum for U+4F60 你 when referring to deity
diff Unihan/version_diffs/Unihan-8.0diff/20150610/Unihan_Variants.txt
< # Date: 2015-06-10T21:49:57Z [RSC]
> # Date: 2015-04-30 18:38:20 GMT [JHJ]
> # Unicode version: 8.0.0
kHanyuPinyin Errors (diff with corrections)
Below is a diff of the current HDZ master pinyin file against the initial kHanyuPinyin 2009 release.
Checking this diff against current kHanyuPinyin should identify any known errors or regressions.
This data should also be useful in identifying errors in kMandarin that resulted from the original derivation from kHanyuPinyin.

< # BEGIN: kHanyuPinyin mappings, release date: Sat Aug  1 10:06:02 2009.
> # BEGIN: kHanyuPinyin mappings, release date: Thu Apr 30 12:13:56 2015.
> U+393E	㤾	42319.070:sàn,tàn
> U+4CC9	䳉	74625.080:dōng,dàn
< U+4E7E	乾	10056.100:gān,qián
> U+4E7E	乾	10056.100:qián,gān
< U+524D	前	10248.040:qiǎn,jiǎn
> U+524D	前	10248.040:qián,jiǎn
< U+5283	劃	10356.080:huá,huà,hua
> U+5283	劃	10356.080:huá,huà,huai
< U+55C5	嗅	10668.120:xù
> U+55C5	嗅	10668.120:xiù
< U+5666	噦	10689.120:yué,huì
> U+5666	噦	10689.120:yuē,huì
< U+57D4	埔	10443.070:bù,pǔ
> U+57D4	埔	10443.070:pǔ,bù
< U+5A47	婇	21060.030:cāi
> U+5A47	婇	21060.030:cǎi
< U+5A4F	婏	21060.130:fàn,fù
> U+5A4F	婏	21060.130:fù,fàn
< U+5A64	婤	21060.100:chōu,zhōu
> U+5A64	婤	21060.100:zhōu,chōu
< U+5B45	孅	21090.110:qiān,xiān
> U+5B45	孅	21090.110:xiān,qiān
< U+5F6F	彯	20856.130:piǎo,piào,miǎo
> U+5F6F	彯	20856.130:piāo,piào,miǎo
< U+5F77	彷	20815.010:fǎng,fáng,páng
> U+5F77	彷	20815.010:páng,fǎng,fáng
< U+60B7	悷	42319.060:sàn,tàn
> U+60B7	悷	42319.060:lì
< U+60CB	惋	42319.050:lì
> U+60CB	惋	42319.050:wǎn
< U+65FD	旽	21489.060:tùn,zhùn
> U+65FD	旽	21489.060:tūn,zhùn
< U+66F2	曲	21484.020:qū
> U+66F2	曲	21484.020:qū,qǔ
< U+6842	桂	21193.050:guī
> U+6842	桂	21193.050:guì
< U+6A0B	樋	21271.110:tǒng
> U+6A0B	樋	21271.110:tōng
< U+6ADA	櫚	21311.050:lú
> U+6ADA	櫚	21311.050:lǘ
< U+6E5E	湞	31673.030:chēng,zhēn
> U+6E5E	湞	31673.030:zhēn,chēng
< U+6F6C	潬	31741.030:shàn,tān
> U+6F6C	潬	31741.030:tān,shàn
< U+7387	率	10289.030:shuài,lǜ,lüe
> U+7387	率	10289.030:shuài,lǜ,lüè
< U+73D6	珖	21111.020:guàng
> U+73D6	珖	21111.020:guāng
< U+74BE	璾	21143.070:zī,jì
> U+74BE	璾	21143.070:jì,zī
< U+77A1	瞡	42508.120:guǐ
> U+77A1	瞡	42508.120:guī
< U+815C	腜	32093.180:měi
> U+815C	腜	32093.180:méi
< U+816C	腬	32100.050:ròu
> U+816C	腬	32100.050:róu
< U+8192	膒	32106.140:óu
> U+8192	膒	32106.140:ōu
< U+8491	蒑	53266.020:yìn
> U+8491	蒑	53266.020:yīn
< U+88CE	裎	53094.040:chěng
> U+88CE	裎	53094.040:chéng,chěng
< U+88E1	裡	53094.030:chéng
< U+895D	襝	53118.060:liǎn,chǎn
> U+895D	襝	53118.060:liǎn,chān
< U+8A09	訉	63942.050:fān
> U+8A09	訉	63942.050:fàn
< U+9054	達	63855.010:dā,tà
> U+9054	達	63855.010:dá,tà
< U+90D8	郘	63767.090:lǘ
> U+90D8	郘	63767.090:lǚ
> U+9D1B	鴛	74625.100:yuān
> U+9D1D	鴝	74625.050:qú,gōu,gòu
< U+9D24	鴤	74625.070:dōng,dàn
> U+9D24	鴤	74625.070:zhōng
< U+9E00	鸀	74664.170:chǔ,zhú,chù
> U+9E00	鸀	74664.170:shǔ,zhú,chù
< U+9E32	鸲	74625.060:zhōng
< U+2031A	𠌚	10202.120:ròng
> U+2031A	𠌚	10202.120:nòng
< U+21B0D	𡬍	20959.200:lóng
> U+21B0D	𡬍	20959.200:mí,mǐ
< U+21B10	𡬐	20959.190:mí,mǐ
< U+21B13	𡬓	20959.180:yí
> U+21B10	𡬐	20959.190:yí
> U+21B15	𡬕	20959.210:lóng
< U+226D9	𢛙	42319.040:wǎn
< U+258F9	𥣹	42639.010:ràn
> U+258FA	𥣺	42639.020:ràn
< U+275C8	𧗈	53053.110:n
> U+275C8	𧗈	53053.110:nú
< U+29FE5	𩿥	74625.030:qú
< U+2A008	𪀈	74625.090:yuān
< U+2A00A	𪀊	74625.040:qú,gōu,gòu
> U+2A00A	𪀊	74625.040:qú
< U+2A048	𪁈	74631.130:zhuàng
> U+2A048	𪁈	74631.130:zhuāng
< # END: kHanyuPinyin mappings, total of 34131 lines (excluding comments).
> # END: kHanyuPinyin mappings, total of 34130 lines (excluding comments).

END OF REPORT: 2015-06-15T13:27:29PDT