Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2017-10-09)
Auto generated on: January 17, 2018 at 17:42:15
From UTC #153
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 153-A2 Rick McGowan Reply to Asmus Freytag re his feedback on PRI #359. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A4 Bob Hallisey, Lorna Evans Change the name of Proposed Draft UTR #53 based on feedback in discussion. 2017-12-14 Done UTR #53 153-A5 Rick McGowan Extend the closing date of PRI #359 to January 15, 2018. 2017-11-10 Done PRI #359 153-A6 n/a Unused action item number. 2017-11-10 Closed 153-A7 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Add a note to the list in Section 2.1, Gender of UTS #51 to indicate that the gender-specific status of some characters could change. 2017-11-21 Done UTS #51 153-A8 Mark Davis, Emoji Subcommittee Add U+1F9A1 BADGER and U+1F9A2 SWAN to the draft candidates list. 2017-12-01 Done Emoji charts 153-A12 Ken Whistler Reflect all of the above changes for the WG2 consent docket in the Pipeline. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A13 John Jenkins Update UAX #45 and UAX #38 to change the source reference from UTC- to UK- for UTC-01313 through UTC-02968 as per IRG M49.9, for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45, UAX #38 153-A14 Ken Lunde Work with John Jenkins to update UTS #37 to incorporate the text from "Revised Unification Rules & IVD" as in the IRG liaison report L2/17-379, for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-21 Done UTS #37 153-A15 Rick McGowan Post PRI for proposed update to UTS #37 to close January 15, 2018. 2017-11-21 Done PRI #363 153-A16 Ken Lunde Follow up with proposers of L2/17-386 and Andrew West to resolve the issues raised, and come up with a new proposal, including the fourth character. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A17 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include 16 Miao characters between U+16F45..U+16F87. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A18 Lorna Evans Relay outcome of L2/17-345 to Adrian Cheuk. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A19 John Jenkins, Editorial Committee Update UAX #45 by adding to item 3 in the list of classes of CJK ideograph in the UTC-source database (in section 1 of UAX #45. See minutes for details. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 153-A23 John Jenkins, Editorial Committee Update UAX #45 and assign a new UCI-03159 for U+2F9B2 based on last paragraph of "Other Reports" section of L2/17-379 for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 153-A25 Ken Whistler Add Standardized Variation Sequence U+FF10 U+FE00 to Pipeline. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A26 Ken Lunde Submit the document L2/17-294 to WG2 for posting. 2017-11-22 Done WG2 N4914 153-A27 Ken Lunde Respond to the proposer of L2/17-306, relay feedback, and ask him to fill out the proposal summary forms. 2018-01-05 Done 153-A28 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Add a short section to UTS #51 on the use of ZWJ sequences to control directional presentation of emoji characters. 2017-11-21 Done UTS #51 153-A29 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include U+16FF0 VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK CA and U+16FF1 VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK NHAY. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A31 Deborah Anderson Add the two characters U+16FF0 VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK CA and U+16FF1 VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK NHAY to document requesting new additions. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A32 Lisa Moore Ask the officers to request the 15924 Registrar add age and component information to the registry charts. 2017-12-14 Done 153-A36 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Review input in L2/17-293. 2017-12-14 Done Names list 153-A37 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include name change for U+16F4F MIAO SIGN CONSONANT MODIFIER BAR. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A38 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include code point changes for draft candidate emoji repertoire covered by document L2/17-400. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A41 Mark Davis and Jeremy Burge Add HINDU TEMPLE and DIVING MASK AND SNORKEL to the emoji provisional candidates list. 2017-12-14 Done Emoji charts 153-A42 Mark Davis Review UAX #29 based on feedback from Tsuyoshi Ito in L2/17-364. 2017-11-22 Done UAX #29 153-A43 Rick McGowan Respond to Tsuyoshi Ito to thank him for his feedback on PRI #355. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A44 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett to thank him for his feedback on PRI #355. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A46 Mark Davis Flesh out discussion of "ignore degenerates" in UAX #29, specifically whether it is permissible to break on script boundaries. For Unicode 11.0. 2017-12-01 Done UAX #29 153-A47 Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee Update the core specification based on L2/17-344R2 for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done Unicode text 153-A49 Deborah Anderson Respond to the proposal authors of L2/17-309. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A50 Ken Whistler Update the action for the glyph erratum (152-A30) for U+1CF6 VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA and U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA, based on the script ad hoc report L2/17-384. 2017-11-10 Done Errata 153-A51 Roozbeh Pournader Update the ScriptExtensions property for U+1CF5 and U+1CF6 for Unicode version 11.0 2017-12-06 Done UCD 153-A54 Deborah Anderson Follow up with authors of L2/17-319 regarding questions on page 7 of the script ad hoc recommendations (L2/17-384). 2017-11-15 Done 153-A55 Rick McGowan Respond to Begmatov that UTC reviewed his document L2/17-215 and took no action. Refer him to the script ad hoc recommendations L2/17-255. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A56 Deborah Anderson Respond to Azzeddine Lazrek regarding Wasla. See document L2/17-215. See script ad hoc recommendations (L2/17-384) 2017-11-15 Done 153-A57 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include 23 Elymaic characters from U+10EC0..U+10ED6 in block Elymaic U+10EC0..U+10EDF. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A58 Anshuman Pandey Provide a font to Michel Suignard for Elymaic. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A59 Anshuman Pandey Update the proposal L2/17-226 with a proposal summary form and send it to Rick McGowan and Michel Suignard for posting. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A60 Deborah Anderson Add Elymaic to the document requesting new additions. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A61 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include 61 Ottoman Siyaq Numbers from U+1ED01..U+1ED3D in block Ottoman Siyaq Numbers U+1ED00..U+1ED4F. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A62 Anshuman Pandey Provide a font to Michel Suignard for Ottoman Siyaq Numbers. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A63 Anshuman Pandey Update the proposal L2/17-348 with a proposal summary form and send it to Rick McGowan and Michel Suignard for posting. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A64 Deborah Anderson Add 61 Ottoman Siyaq Numbers to the document requesting new additions 2017-11-15 Done 153-A65 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include name changes for two Wancho letters. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A66 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include name changes for 6 Latin letters for Ugaritic and Egyptian transliteration. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A69 Deborah Anderson Provide feedback to the author, ccing Ken Lunde. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A70 Ken Whistler Add an annotation to the names list for U+1D377 TALLY MARK ONE and U+1D378 TALLY MARK FIVE 2017-12-14 Done Names list 153-A71 Rick McGowan Extend PRI #358 to close January 15, 2018. 2017-11-10 Done PRI #358 153-A72 Rick McGowan Extend PRI #357 to close January 15, 2018. 2017-11-10 Done PRI #357 153-A75 Peter Edberg, Mark Davis Make it clear in UTS #51 version 6 that the repertoire of emoji is synched with Unicode 11.0. 2017-11-21 Done UTS #51 153-A78 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett that his feedback in L2/17-364 is being reviewed. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A79 Ken Whistler Update U+29A1 in UnicodeData.txt for Unicode 11.0. 2017-11-10 Done UCD 153-A80 Ken Whistler Remove the comment for U+29A1 in BidiMirroring.txt. 2017-11-10 Done UCD 153-A81 Ken Whistler Update U+2220 and U+29A3, U+2221 and U+299B in BidiMirroring.txt for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-10 Done UCD 153-A83 Rick McGowan Respond to Marcel Schneider and thank him for his feedback (in L2/17-224). 2017-11-10 Done 153-A84 Rick McGowan Respond to Andrew M feedback of July 24, 2017, that his comment in L2/17-224 on Emoji_Component was done. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A85 Ken Lunde Respond to Adam Borowski regarding his comment in in L2/17-224. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A86 Ken Lunde, Editorial Committee Prepare a proposed update for UAX #11 for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-10 Done UAX #11 153-A87 Rick McGowan Post the proposed update for UAX #11 to close January 15, 2018. 2017-11-10 Done PRI #360 153-A89 Rick McGowan Ask Richard Wordingham to please give better evidence for U+1A69 TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN U and U+1A6A TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN UU, with better examples of their variable placement 2017-11-10 Done 153-A90 Ken Whistler Add an annotation "cryptocurrency" to BITCOIN for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done Names list 153-A91 Rick McGowan Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva that we accepted his comment dated June 14, 2017 in L2/17-224 regarding addition of a Bitcoin informative note. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A93 Deborah Anderson Respond to Shriramana Sharma that we accommodated his comment from May 8, 2017 in L2/17-224. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A95 Ken Lunde, Editorial Committee Add additional text to section 24.2 of the core specification based on item 2 of Henry Chan's feedback on June 29, 2017 in L2/17-224. 2018-01-05 Done Unicode text 153-A96 Ken Lunde Reply to Henry Chan's feedback in L2/17-224. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A97 Markus Scherer Respond to Johannes Athmer regarding the mapping for SHARP S in his comment dated July 4, 2017 in L2/17-224 2017-11-10 Done 153-A99 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett to thank him for his feedback dated August 9, 2017 in L2/17-364 on Anglicana w. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A101 Deborah Anderson Relay feedback in L2/17-364 on Naxi Dongba proposal (L2/17-339) to Mr. Chen and CC Michael Everson. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A102 Rick McGowan Thank David Corbett for his feedback in L2/17-364. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A103 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silvia about his feedback on Lao glyphs and names in L2/17-364. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A104 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva about his feedback in L2/17-364 about the confusability with Kannada jihvamuliya. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A105 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva about his October 7, 2017 feedback re PAWNS in chess symbol names in L2/17-364. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A106 Ken Whistler Check cross-references and aliases mentioned in Eduardo Marin Silva's feedback in L2/17-364. 2017-12-14 Done Names list 153-A107 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva regarding his feedback in L2/17-364 dated October 7, 2017 about DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN WITH FALLING DOTS. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A108 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva regarding his feedback in L2/17-364 on the Newa anusvara glyph. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A109 Rick McGowan Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva to thank him for his feedback on "Feedback on New emoji" dated October 8, 2017 in L2/17-364. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A110 Ken Whistler Update the Pipeline to include name change for U+1F96F BAGEL. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline 153-A111 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett that we are reviewing his input contained in L2/17-364 on the Indic_Syllabic_Category of Newa jihvamuliya and upadhmaniya in L2/17-369. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A112 Deborah Anderson Respond to Eduardo Marin Silva regarding his October 12, 2017 feedback in L2/17-364 on the Khitan Small Script block size. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A115 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett to thank him on his October 19, 2017 feedback in L2/17-364. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A118 Rick McGowan Point Christoph Päper at document L2/17-401 regarding his feedback of October 20, 2017. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A120 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Timothy Gu and point to the above action 153-A119 and L2/17-176 (UTC #152) for information. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A121 John Jenkins Implement the suggestions in Ken Lunde's feedback of August 10, 2017, in the additions prior to version 6.3.0:952. For Unicode 11.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 153-A122 Ken Lunde Respond to Pedro Navarro's feedback on UTR #50 property of September 28,2017. 2018-01-06 Done 153-A123 Deborah Anderson Forward the last paragaph of Marcel Schneider's July 30, 2017 feedback on 11BD2 NANDINAGARI SIGN SIDDHAM to Michel Suignard. 2017-11-15 Done 153-A124 Rick McGowan Respond to Kent Karlsson's feedback of August 2, 2017 (on inappropriate remark). 2017-11-10 Done 153-A126a Ken Whistler Remove annotation for U+1039 in names list, for Unicode 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done Names list 153-A127 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Brienna Carter in L2/17-364. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A130 Ken Lunde, Editorial Committee Create a figure for section 18.2 of the core specification detailing the syntactic order of operands for IDS, for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-05 Done Unicode text 153-A133 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Update UTS #51 to document the version change from 6.0 to 11.0. 2017-11-21 Done UTS #51 153-A134 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Rick McGowan Change the emoji data files to note the change of version numbers from 6.0 to 11.0. 2017-12-01 Done 153-A135 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Update the emoji charts for 6.0 to version 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done Emoji charts 153-A136 Ken Whistler Review the Unicode 11.0 content in development to look for emoji version changes. 2017-11-10 Done 153-A138 Ken Whistler Add name change for U+10F27 to the Pipeline. 2017-11-10 Done Pipeline From UTC #152
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 152-A13 Roozbeh Pournader Remove entries for U+0BAA and U+0BB5 from ScriptExtensions.txt, for Unicode 11.0. 2017-12-06 Done UCD 152-A26 Deborah Anderson Work with Anshuman Pandey to add proposal summary form to L2/17-235. 2017-10-30 Done 152-A32 Roozbeh Pournader Remove Kannada entry from ScriptExtensions.txt U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA. See L2/17-095 and L2/17-255. 2017-12-06 Done UCD 152-A64 Michael Everson Send font for Anglicana W characters to Michel Suignard. 2017-10-30 Done 152-A74 John Jenkins Include the 78 ideographs in document L2/17-204 in the proposed update to UAX #45, for Unicode 11.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 152-A76 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Prepare a document with guidance on the ordering of ZWJ sequences and top-of-head emoji, for the October 2017 meeting. 2017-10-30 Done 152-A79 Paul Hunt Provide a black/white glyphs in a font for the 67 emoji characters in L2/17-284 to Michel Suignard and Mark Davis, by September 1, 2017. 2017-10-30 Done 152-A83 John Jenkins Add 5 new provisional Unihan properties as documented in L2/17-173. Note data is included in the L2/17-173. 2017-11-15 Done Unihan 152-A84 John Jenkins, Editorial Committee Create a proposed update of UAX #38 for Unicode 11.0, documenting the 5 new provisional Unihan properties. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #38 152-A85 Rick McGowan Post PRI on UAX #38, to close October 13, 2017. 2017-11-16 Done PRI #361 152-A86 John Jenkins Change the provisional property kHangul based on the data file contained in L2/17-173. 2017-11-15 Done Unihan 152-A93 John Jenkins Change the status of the 96 characters with status "F" to "W" in UAX #45 data, for Unicode 11.0. See feedback from Leroy Vargas-Oritz on July 18, 2017, in L2/17-224. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 152-A95 Lisa Moore Add L2/17-224 to the agenda for next UTC. 2017-10-19 Done Agenda 152-A96 Lisa Moore Add agenda items from this meeting to the agenda for next UTC: D.2, C.7.2, C.7.3, C.9, C.16, D.15, E.5. 2017-10-19 Done Agenda From UTC #151
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 151-A18 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Document implications of adding characters from L2/17-086 into Emoji_Component for proposed update UTS #51 version 6.0. (Updated to Version 11.0.) 2017-11-21 Done UTS #51 151-A24 John Jenkins Add the 100 place name characters in L2/17-062 to UAX #45, after Unicode 10.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A25 John Jenkins Add the two Gongche Notation characters in L2/17-079 to UAX #45, after Unicode 10.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A26 John Jenkins Add the ideograph used in Teochew Dialects in L2/17-079 to UAX #45, after Unicode 10.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A27 John Jenkins Add the ideograph used in Haifeng County in L2/17-099 to UAX #45, after Unicode 10.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A28 John Jenkins Add the ideograph used in chemistry in L2/17-111 to UAX #45, after Unicode 10.0. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A79 John Jenkins Add the seven Gongche characters in L2/17-087 with a "tiny slash downwards" to UAX #45. 2017-11-15 Done UAX #45 151-A136 Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Laurențiu Iancu Add the EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph property to PropertyAliases.txt for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done UCD 151-A138 Ken Whistler, Ken Lunde, Editorial Committee Update the core spec discussion of CJK Radicals and Strokes to point to the EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph data, for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-05 Done Unicode text 151-A140 John Jenkins Add a reference to the new property EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph to UAX #38, and indicate that there are values for kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes for characters that are not Unified Ideographs, for Unicode version 11.0. 2017-11-16 Done UAX #38 151-A141 Ken Lunde, Mark Davis Supply some text to Ken Whistler for UAX #44 and to John Jenkins for UAX #38 documenting the relationship between the fields in CJKRadicals.txt and the new property EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-05 Done From UTC #150
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 150-A60 Steven Loomis Consider feedback in L2/16-379 and the request for complete life-cycle and security implications. 2017-10-30 Closed 150-A92 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Review public feedback from Severin Barmeier in L2/17-018, for Unicode 11.0. 2017-12-14 Done Names list From UTC #147
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 147-A26 Mark Davis Prepare a 10.0 proposed update of UAX #29 for the August 2016 UTC that has a modification of wordbreak rules to prevent breaking whitespace. (postponed to 11.0) 2017-11-22 Done UAX #29 From UTC #145
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 145-A2 Mark Davis Clarify the warning in the Bidi demo as to the limitations of the demo. 2017-10-30 Done