Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2018-01-17)
Auto generated on: April 28, 2018 at 14:15:03
From UTC #154
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 154-A1 Rick McGowan Extend PRI close dates to April 23, 2018 for PRIs 355, 357, 358, 360, 361, 362. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A2 Rick McGowan Communicate to the authors of proposed draft UTR #53 that UTC would like to see progress, and would like them to incorporate the feedback already received into another working draft, as "Revision 2". The proposed draft UTR should be converted to HTML for the next revision, and include a modifications section. 2018-02-01 Done UTR #53 154-A4 Mark Davis Update the emoji charts and data for Emoji property value = "yes" and Emoji Presentation = "no" for U+265F BLACK CHESS PAWN; and add the two emoji variation sequences for Emoji 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done Emoji charts 154-A5 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline with emoji variation sequences for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-02-01 Closed Pipeline 154-A6 Mark Davis Make U+1F9B8 and U+1F9B9 be emoji modifier base and add emoji sequences for Emoji 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done Emoji data 154-A7 Mark Davis Update emoji charts and data with 20 skin tone sequences for Emoji 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done Emoji charts 154-A11 Michel Suignard Change the glyph for U+1F3B1 BILLIARDS to show a cue and a ball, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-08 Done Charts 154-A12 Ken Whistler Add an annotation to U+1F43F CHIPMUNK indicating that it is also used to represent squirrel, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-01 Done Names list 154-A13 Mark Davis Add RAZOR, YAWNING FACE, AXE,and PARACHUTE as provisional emoji candidates to the emoji charts. 2018-03-13 Done Emoji charts 154-A15 Ken Whistler Add U+32FF to the pipeline with the required status. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A16 Ken Lunde Reply to Tet Orita on the new Japanese era name. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A17 Deborah Anderson Respond to author of L2/17-410 with feedback from the script ad-hoc report L2/18-039. 2018-03-28 Done 154-A18 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Add annotation for U+0904 to the names list based on L2/17-425 and L2/18-039, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-01 Done Names list 154-A19 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include U+11460 NEWA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+11461 NEWA SIGN UPADHMANIYA 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A20 Deborah Anderson Add U+11460 NEWA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+11461 NEWA SIGN UPADHMANIYA to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A22 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include U+1145A NEWA DOUBLE COMMA 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A23 Deborah Anderson Add U+1145A NEWA DOUBLE COMMA to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A24 Deborah Anderson Follow up with authors of L2/17-440 to see if the glyph could be improved. 2018-03-28 Done 154-A25 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include U+11BD4 NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A26 Ken Whistler Move the start point of Nandinagari to U+119A0 in the pipeline. (postpone to response on ballot) 2018-02-01 Closed Roadmap 154-A27 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva on COMBINING BINDU BELOW. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A28 Ken Whistler Review feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva on Dec 9 21:56:38 CST 2017 in PRI #366. 2018-02-01 Done Names list 154-A29 Rick McGowan Respond to David Corbett's feedback of Dec 11, 2017 in PRI #366. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A30 Michel Suignard Revert the glyph of U+1F6BE to the Unicode 10.0 version. 2018-03-08 Done Charts 154-A31 Rick McGowan Respond to Charlotte Buff feedback in PRI #366 re reverting the glyph of U+1F6BE to the U10.0 version. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A32 Rick McGowan Respond to Mongolian feedback from SHEN Yilei in PRI #366. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A33 Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan Check the rendering issues reported by SHEN Yilei in PRI #366, item (4), when producing Unicode 11.0 charts. 2018-03-28 Done Charts 154-A34 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline for U+10F45. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A35 Ken Whistler Update the Unicode 11.0 data files to change name of U+10F45. 2018-02-01 Done UCD 154-A36 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline for U+10F58. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A37 Ken Whistler Update the Unicode 11.0 data files to change name of U+10F58. 2018-02-01 Done UCD 154-A38 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline for Hanifi Rohingya name changes. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A39 Ken Whistler Update the Unicode 11.0 data files to change Hanifi Rohingya names. 2018-02-01 Done UCD 154-A40 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Use L2/17-427 as input for updates to the core spec, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-09 Done Unicode text 154-A41 Lisa Moore Add (C.4.4) L2/18-032 to the agenda for the next UTC meeting. 2018-04-23 Done Agenda 154-A42 Rick McGowan Forward script ad-hoc comments to the authors of L2/17-435 and request an updated proposal for the next UTC meeting. 2018-03-22 Done 154-A44 Deborah Anderson, Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Compose a message to SC2/WG2 explaining the position of the UTC and encouraging involvement by WG2 experts. 2018-03-28 Done 154-A45 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Add material to UTS #51 explaining why we have not yet added more gender neutral characters to RGI. 2018-04-28 Done UTS #51 154-A46 Jeremy Burge, Emoji Subcommittee Respond to Charlotte Buff about document L2/17-439. 2018-04-24 Done 154-A47 Ken Lunde Respond to Eduardo Marín Silva about L2/18-004. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A48 John Jenkins, Editorial Committee Update UAX #38 based on feedback from Ken Lunde and Jaemin Chung in PRI #361. 2018-03-13 Done UAX #38 154-A49 John Jenkins, Editorial Committee Update the meaning of status value "W" in UAX #45 to say "encoding as a unified ideograph". 2018-03-13 Done UAX #45 154-A50 John Jenkins Add the character in L2/18-045 to UAX #45, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-13 Done UAX #45 154-A52 Ken Lunde, Editorial Committee Remove last two examples from section 2 item 2 of UTS #37, and prepare for publication. 2018-02-01 Done UTS #37 154-A53 Ken Lunde Respond to Henry on feedback to UTS #37 in PRI #363. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A54 Rick McGowan Close PRI #363 with resolution that the UTS will be updated and published. 2018-02-01 Done PRI #363 154-A55 Rick McGowan Publish final version of UTS #37. 2018-02-01 Done UTS #37 154-A56 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include 16 standardized variation sequences based on L2/17-436R. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A57 Deborah Anderson Add 16 standardized variation sequences based on L2/17-436R to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A58 Richard Cook, Ken Lunde Follow up with author of L2/18-020 about the requirements. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A59 Liang Hai Respond to Jaemin Chung on L2/18-021. 2018-04-24 Done 154-A60 Ken Lunde Respond to author of L2/18-011. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A61 Lisa Moore Add B.4.3 and B.4.4 to the agenda for the next UTC meeting. 2018-04-23 Done Agenda 154-A62 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include 72 Dives Akuru characters. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A63 Deborah Anderson Add 72 Dives Akuru characters to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A64 Anshuman Pandey Send Dives Akuru font and names list to Michel Suignard. 2018-04-24 Done 154-A65 Anshuman Pandey Share the Dives Akuru proposal L2/18-016R with the Maldivian Institute. 2018-04-24 Done 154-A66 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include U+111CF SHARADA SIGN INVERTED CANDRABINDU 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A67 Deborah Anderson Add U+111CF SHARADA SIGN INVERTED CANDRABINDU to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A68 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include U+111CE SHARADA VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A69 Deborah Anderson Add U+111CE SHARADA VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A71 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include 6 symbols. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A72 Deborah Anderson Add 6 symbols to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Done L2/18-056 154-A73 Rick McGowan Correspond with Jane Park re 6 CC symbols, and obtain font. Request update with final names and code points. 2018-03-13 Done 154-A75 Mark Davis Make changes in UAX #31 as specified in L2/18-046 as amended in discussion. 2018-03-28 Done UAX #31 154-A76 Mark Davis Make changes in UTS #39 as specified in L2/18-046 as amended in discussion. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #39 154-A77 Ken Lunde Review feedback from Wang Yifan on Dec 11, 2017 in PRI #365. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A78 Michel Suignard, John Jenkins Correct the radical stroke of U+9FEB based on feedback from Henry Chan in PRI #365, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done Unihan 154-A79 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Add a section in UTS #51 to say that emoji characters are not closed under certain destructive operations, such as case-folding and NFKC, and provide examples. 2018-04-28 Done UTS #51 154-A80 Mark Davis Add DIYA LAMP to the provisional emoji candidate list. 2018-03-13 Done Emoji charts 154-A81 Mark Davis Request a revised version of L2/17-433 with code points and in code point order. 2018-03-13 Done 154-A82 Rick McGowan Notify Andrew West that PRI #364 feedback on Dec 5 was accepted. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A83 Rick McGowan Notify Charlotte Buff of dispositions for Dec 17 feedback in PRI #364. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A84 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Mark Lynch of Dec 18 in PRI #364. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A85 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva of January 3, 2018 in PRI #364. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A86 Mark Davis Fix the keywords for Mooncake emoji as per PRI #364 feedback from Huáng Jùnliàng. 2018-02-05 Done Emoji charts 154-A87 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Christoph Päper in PRI #364. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A88 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include name change for U+1F9FB ROLL OF TOILET PAPER to ROLL OF PAPER. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A89 Ken Whistler Update UCD data files for Unicode 11.0 to to include name change for U+1F9FB ROLL OF TOILET PAPER to ROLL OF PAPER 2018-02-01 Done UCD 154-A90 Deborah Anderson Add name change for U+1F9FB ROLL OF TOILET PAPER to ROLL OF PAPER to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Closed 154-A91 Ken Whistler Update the pipeline to include name change of U+1F9F1 BRICKS to BRICK. 2018-02-01 Done Pipeline 154-A92 Ken Whistler Update UCD data files for Unicode 11.0 to include name change of U+1F9F1 BRICKS to BRICK 2018-02-01 Done UCD 154-A93 Deborah Anderson Add name change of U+1F9F1 BRICKS to BRICK to document requesting new additions. 2018-02-01 Closed 154-A94 Ken Lunde Ask Paul Hunt to change the glyph for U+1F9F1 to single brick, and provide font update. 2018-03-07 Done Charts 154-A95 Ken Whistler Add the character pairs from L2/18-049R to BidiMirroring.txt for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-08 Done UCD 154-A96 Rick McGowan Respond to authors of feedback in L2/18-009 (Päper, Cowan) as per document L2/18-051. 2018-02-02 Done 154-A97 Mark Davis Remove characters indicated in L2/18-051 from Extended_Pictographic property, for Emoji 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done Emoji data 154-A98 Peter Edberg, Mark Davis Modify UTS #51 as indicated in document L2/18-051. 2018-02-07 Done UTS #51 154-A99 Ken Whistler Add an annotation to U+1F9A0 as indicated in document L2/18-051. 2018-02-01 Done Names list 154-A101 Roozbeh Pournader Update the comments in IndicSyllabicCategory.txt to reflect the actual behavior of KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA as invisible stacker, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 154-A102 Andrew Glass, Editorial Committee Change figure 14.1 and update the text on page 557 of the core spec based on L2/17-423R for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done Unicode text 154-A103 Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan Create a glyph erratum for U+1105D and U+1105E. (Brahmi 30 and 40) 2018-03-20 Done 154-A106 Rick McGowan Implement approval update for UTC #153 minutes, L2/17-362. 2018-03-15 Done Minutes 154-A107 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Make changes to UTS #51 draft as proposed in L2/17-434R2 for Emoji 11.0. 2018-04-28 Done UTS #51 154-A108 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Expand the review note under ED15a in the proposed update of UTS #51 to indicate pros and cons of this approach, for Emoji 11.0. 2018-04-28 Done UTS #51 154-A109 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee Prepare a new proposed update UTS #51. 2018-02-07 Done UTS #51 154-A110 Rick McGowan Extend the closing date of PRI #356 to April 23, 2018. 2018-02-01 Done PRI #356 154-A111 Rick McGowan Post UTS #51 proposed update document. 2018-02-07 Done UTS #51 154-A112 Lisa Moore Add agenda items C.9, C.10, C.11, C.12, D.2, D.8.2, D.8.3, D.10, D.12.1, D.12.2, D.17, E.5 to the UTC agenda for the next meeting. 2018-04-23 Done Agenda 154-A113 Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee Review script ad-hoc feedback on L2/17-423R for potential updates to the core specification. 2018-03-28 Done 154-A114 Mark Davis Post and announce final emoji 11.0 data files and charts. 2018-02-07 Done Emoji charts 154-A115 Rick McGowan Close PRI #364. 2018-02-01 Done PRI #364 154-A116 Mark Davis Add a note to UTS #39 about multi-character sequences with Tamil Shri as an example, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #39 154-A117 Lisa Moore, Editorial Committee Update the Tamil block introduction in the core specification with information on Tamil Shri. 2018-03-19 Done Unicode text 154-A118 Roozbeh Pournader Update U+A830..U+A832 in ScriptExtensions.txt with script code Mlym for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 154-A119 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Add annotations and update section 12.9 of the core specification based on document L2/17-340. 2018-03-21 Done Unicode text 154-A120 Roozbeh Pournader Make script extension changes in version 11.0 as documented in section 6B, pages 6-9 of L2/18-039. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 154-A121 Roozbeh Pournader Update Indic Syllabic Category of U+1A5A TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN LOW PA for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 154-A122 Markus Scherer Add Consonant_Initial_Postfixed as both long and short property value alias in UCD,for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done UCD 154-A123 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Review feedback from Solra Bizna for possible update to the text of UAX #9, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-07 Done UAX #9 154-A124 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Songchyuan Liou that the UTC cannot change names of characters already in the standard. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A125 Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Update text of the core specification based on feedback from David Corbett regarding U+1D159 MUSICAL SYMBOL NULL NOTEHEAD in L2/18-009. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 154-A126 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Remove U+180E from Table 6.2 of the core specification. 2018-02-07 Done Unicode text 154-A127 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from "Marlen" on Turkish "i" letters. The UTC declines to make such a change. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A129 Rick McGowan Respond to feedback from Umihotaru Sasea on Mayan/Maya in L2/18-009. 2018-02-01 Done 154-A130 Deborah Anderson Take open feedback from document L2/18-009 to the script ad-hoc for analysis and recommendations. 2018-03-28 Done 154-A131 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Make changes to UAX #29 based on recommendations in L2/18-055, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-20 Done UAX #29 154-A132 Mark Davis Update the segmentation property data files based on L2/18-055 for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-20 Done UCD 154-A133 Mark Davis Forward requests in L2/18-055 to the CLDR-TC. 2018-03-13 Done 154-A134 Mark Davis Update UAX #29, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-20 Done UAX #29 154-A134a Mark Davis Update WordBreak property file, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-20 Done UCD 154-A135 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Initiate the version 11.0 beta. 2018-03-09 Done From UTC #153
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 153-A9 Jeremy Burge, Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Compose text clarifying the different kinds of pictographic characters and the needed justification for encoding as new characters. 2018-01-28 Done L2/18-044 153-A10 Jeremy Burge Respond to Andrew West and Michael Everson saying we would like them to supply four proposals for encoding MAMMOTH, DODO, SQUIRREL, and TROLL as emoji. 2018-01-28 Done 153-A21 John Jenkins, Michel Suignard Add a horizontal extension for 23 H-source characters for Unicode version 11.0, as referenced in the "Other Reports" section of L2/17-379. 2018-01-28 Done Unihan 153-A22 Michel Suignard Update the H-source charts for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-28 Done Charts 153-A24 Michel Suignard, John Jenkins Update source references for U+2F9B2 and U+270F0. For Unicode 11.0. 2018-01-28 Done Unihan 153-A30 Lee Collins Update the proposal L2/17-373 and send revision to Rick McGowan and Michel Suignard for posting. 2018-01-28 Done L2/17-373R 153-A33 Peter Constable, Editorial Committee Incorporate text based on doc L2/17-365 into the core specification for Unicode 11.0. 2018-04-24 Done Unicode text 153-A34 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Document in Proposed Update UTS #39 that virama followed by ZWJ followed by IndicSyllabicCategory=Vowel Dependent, and describe how to check for that sequence. For Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #39 153-A35 Mark Davis Communicate the prior action 153-A34 regarding UTS #39 to the ICU team. 2018-03-13 Done 153-A39 Peter Edberg and Jeremy Burge Respond to Michael Everson regarding glyph changes as summarized in L2/17-400. 2018-01-28 Closed 153-A40 Jeremy Burge and Lisa Moore Draft a response on WG2 feedback in L2/17-393 and forward a short message to WG2 list. 2018-01-18 Done L2/18-027 153-A45 Roozbeh Pournader and Mark Davis Review data on Indic scripts (including Sinhala) described in the feedback for UAX #29 in L2/17-364 and come up with a proposal to narrow the scope of the rules (GB9c and property values) for the January UTC. (rendered moot by later changes.) 2018-03-20 Closed UAX #29 153-A48 Liang Hai, Editorial Committee Incorporate info from L2/17-309 into the core specification for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 153-A52 Roozbeh Pournader Assign the Indic_Syllabic_Category for U+1CF5 and U+1CF6 to be Consonant_With_Stacker for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 153-A53 Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee Make updates to the Bengali section of the core specification, documenting the behavior described in L2/17-384 for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done Unicode text 153-A67 Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee Update the Armenian section of the core spec for Unicode version 11.0, based on information in L2/17-315. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 153-A68 Ken Whistler, Steven Loomis, Editorial Committee Create a non-approval notice for consensus 153-C33. 2018-01-28 Done 153-A73 Lisa Moore Put L2/17-252 on agenda for next meeting. 2018-01-21 Done Agenda 153-A74 Lisa Moore Put L2/17-377 on the agenda for next meeting. 2018-01-21 Done Agenda 153-A76 Mark Davis Incorporate the ad hoc recommendations in L2/17-401 into the draft emoji property files and the draft candidates list for 11.0. 2018-01-28 Done Emoji charts 153-A82 Roozbeh Pournader, Murray Sargent Check BidiMirroring.txt for other possible pair mappings (multi-map). 2018-01-28 Done L2/18-049 153-A88 Roozbeh Pournader Add comments about U+102F and U+1030 in IndicPositionalCategory.txt, based on L2/17-224. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 153-A92 Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee Create a glyph erratum for Brahmi U+11003 and U+11004 based on feedback by Shriramana Sharma dated May 8, 2017 in L2/17-224. 2018-02-02 Done Errata 153-A94 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Update section 12.8 of the core specification regarding the Kannada glyphs, based on feedback from Shriramana Sharma dated May 8, 2017 in L2/17-224. 2018-03-21 Done Unicode text 153-A98 Ken Whistler Respond to Marcel Schneider about the two pieces of Marcel's feedback dated July 21, 2017 in L2/17-224. (overtaken by L2/18-026) 2018-03-13 Closed 153-A100 Peter Edberg, Emoji Subcommittee Review Christoph Päper's feedback from August 17, 2017 in L2/17-364 on the Categories of Emoji Draft Candidates and thank him for submitting his comments. 2018-01-28 Done Emoji charts 153-A113 Roozbeh Pournader, Editorial Committee Provide text for core specification on Kashmiri based on his feedback dated October 18, 2017 in L2/17-364. 2018-04-24 Done Unicode text 153-A116 Mark Davis Update the emoji datafiles and charts according to L2/17-400 for Emoji 11.0. 2018-01-28 Done Emoji charts 153-A125 Roozbeh Pournader, Liang Hai Review David Corbett's feedback of August 21, 2017. Code points U+0A51 and U+0980. 2018-02-05 Done 153-A131 Steven Loomis Respond to Steve Slevinsky. 2018-01-28 Done 153-A132 Michel Suignard Review L2/17-400 for possible updates. 2018-01-28 Done 153-A137 Lisa Moore Carry over agenda items to the next UTC D.2, D.4, D.5, D.6, D.8, D.12, B.16.3. (and L2/17-292) 2018-01-21 Done Agenda From UTC #152
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 152-A1 Rick McGowan, Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Formulate and send a response to Charlotte Buff on L2/17-232. 2018-03-15 Closed 152-A2 Mark Davis, Markus Scherer Adopt the new format and filename for IDNA test file for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #46 152-A3 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Update the text of UTS #46 re testing and test file format and prepare a proposed update for Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #46 152-A4 Rick McGowan Post a PRI for proposed update UTS #46, to close October 13, 2017. 2018-04-24 Done PRI #375 152-A5 Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler Update the Unicode version 11.0 release BRS to reflect the new filename for IDNA tests. See consensus 152-C1. 2018-03-07 Done 152-A9 Mark Davis Work with Behnam Esfahbod to develop a general proposal for version identification of specifications and libraries. (superseded by 153-A129) 2018-01-28 Closed 152-A15 Ken Whistler Update LineBreak.txt for U+111C9 for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-02 Done UCD 152-A16 Roozbeh Pournader Update the Indic property files for U+111C9 for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-02 Done UCD 152-A18 Roozbeh Pournader Change IndicPositionalCategory.txt based on input from Richard Wordingham on January 28, 2017 in L2/17-224, for Unicode 11.0. 2018-02-05 Done UCD 152-A20 Mark Davis Look at feedback from Anne van Kesteren and Domenic Denicola on UTS #46 in L2/17-224. For Unicode 11.0. 2018-03-28 Done UTS #46 152-A31 Rick McGowan Send updated font for U+1CF5 VEDIC SIGN JIHVAMULIYA and U+1CF6 VEDIC SIGN UPADHMANIYA to Michel Suignard for printing the standard. 2018-01-28 Closed 152-A33 Deborah Anderson Update section 12.1 of the core spec based section 15 of L2/17-255. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 152-A52 Deborah Anderson, Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Update the Malayalam block intro based on document L2/17-207 and L2/17-230. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 152-A82 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Add black/white images to an "R" version of L2/17-284 once a font is available. 2018-01-28 Closed 152-A88 Roozbeh Pournader Update the IndicPositionalCategory.txt to "Below" for U+1133C GRANTHA NUKTA. (actually "Bottom") 2018-02-02 Done UCD From UTC #151
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 151-A31 John Jenkins Review the proposed syntax proposal from Ben Longbons (in PRI #338 feedback April 10) for possible incorporation into UAX #38 for a future version, and check that the validator correctly handles it. 2018-01-28 Closed UAX #38 151-A87 Andy Heninger Investigate whether the "treat as" rules and requirements for ordering of rules need to be clarified in UAX #14, for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-28 Closed L2/18-050 151-A88 Mark Davis, Laurențiu Iancu Investigate whether the "treat as" rules and requirements for ordering of rules need to be clarified in UAX #29, for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-28 Closed L2/18-050 151-A95 Deborah Anderson Update the text of the core spec for Syriac Supplement block based on items 2 and 3 of L2/17-164 for version 11.0. 2018-03-07 Done Unicode text 151-A103 Mark Davis, Peter Edberg Add a discussion about how to handle gender neutral forms with current mechanisms to the UTS #51 version 6.0 draft. (Updated to Version 11.0.) 2018-01-28 Done UTS #51 151-A109 Mark Davis Investigate Charlotte Buff's feedback "Contradictory Statements in UAX #15" of April 29, 2017 (PRI #350) for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-02-08 Done UAX #15 151-A110a Deborah Anderson Review PRI #350 feedback from Marcel Schneider on Mende Kikakui for V11. 2018-03-09 Done Unicode text 151-A111 Deborah Anderson Review PRI #350 feedback on Tifinagh from David Corbett and discuss with Tifinagh experts. 2018-03-28 Done 151-A113 Deborah Anderson Review the PRI #350 feedback on N'ko diacritic usage for potential updates to the core spec. See feedback from David Corbett, May 3, 2017. 2018-03-09 Done Unicode text 151-A114 Deborah Anderson Review the PRI #350 feedback on Tibetan from David Corbett for potential update to the core spec for Unicode version 11.0. See feedback from David Corbett, May 3, 2017. 2018-03-28 Done Unicode text 151-A116 Peter Constable Investigate feedback on "Vagueness in Thai section" in PRI #350, for possible update to the core spec for Unicode 11.0. 2018-04-24 Done Unicode text 151-A118 Ken Whistler, Laurențiu Iancu Review feedback on sentence terminal punctuation in PRI #350 (David Corbett, May 4, 2017), for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-03-21 Done UCD 151-A121 Mark Davis Look at data in feedback from S. Gilles (April 2, 2107) on UTS #39, PRI #334, and see if any changes can be made in Unicode version 10.0 or 11.0. (Targeted for 11.0.) 2018-03-13 Done UTS #39 151-A126 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Immediately after Unicode 10.0, post a proposed update UTS #39 version 11.0 based on document L2-17/166 with a review note that if urgent enough, may be accelerated to a 10.1 publication version.. 2018-01-28 Closed UTS #39 151-A127 Rick McGowan Post a PRI for proposed update UTS #39 after 10.0, to close July 24, 2017. 2018-01-28 Closed UTS #39 151-A139 Eric Muller Add EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph to UAX #42 for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-04-24 Done UAX #42 151-A142 John Jenkins, Michel Suignard Incorporate the data from Unihan_Derived-draft1.txt from PRI #344 into the Unihan database, for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-28 Closed Unihan 151-A148 Roozbeh Pournader Propose a new property value of Consonant_Suffixed for Unicode version 11.0. 2018-01-28 Done L2/18-148 From UTC #150
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 150-A67 Deborah Anderson Work with Abudena to create a proposal for encoding additional Arabic characters, based on comments on L2/17-037. See also L2/17-004. Also create a separate document that responds to comments and questions. 2018-01-28 Closed 150-A79 Roozbeh Pournader Review Hanifi Rohingya script for Arabic Shaping. (for Unicode 11.0) 2018-02-05 Done UCD 150-A86 Roozbeh Pournader Review Sogdian script for Arabic Shaping. (for Unicode 11.0) 2018-02-05 Done UCD From UTC #149
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 149-A37 Mark Davis, Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee Synchronize the properties of UTS #18 with UAX #44 version 10. (updated to 11.0) [superseded by 150-A032] 2018-04-27 Closed UTS #18 From UTC #140
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 140-A91 Roozbeh Pournader, Tom Milo, Editorial Committee Write a section in the core spec about horizontally stacking Koranic marks. (For Unicode 8.0 -- retargeted to 9.0, then 10.0, then 11.0.) 2018-01-28 Closed Unicode text From UTC #139
Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome 139-A37 Roozbeh Pournader Write a proposal for handling of "shri" in Tamil. 2018-02-05 Done L2/18-054