
Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2020-04-20)

Auto generated on: July 21, 2020 at 18:38:02

From UTC #163

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
163-A1Lisa MooreAsk the Editorial Committee for an update of the officers page to add Kristi Lee as CLDR Vice-Chair.2020-06-15 Done 
163-A2aJohn Jenkins, Editorial CommitteeCreate a proposed update of UAX #45 to update various data files for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-08 DoneUAX #45
163-A2bRick McGowanPost the PRI for the proposed update of UAX #45, to close July 9, 2020.2020-06-15 DonePRI #420
163-A3aJohn JenkinsUpdate USourceData.txt to change the second field of UTC-00550 from UTC-02637 to UK-02637 per Eiso Chan’s feedback, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A3bJohn JenkinsUpdate USourceData.txt to change the second field of UTC-00749 from W to UK-02870 per Eiso Chan’s feedback, and to change the IDS component U+2ECA ⻊ CJK RADICAL FOOT to U+27FB7 in the IDSes for UTC-00051, UTC-00109, UTC-00248, UTC-00383, UTC-00748, UTC-00749, UTC-00750, UTC-00751, UTC-00752, UTC-00753, UTC-00754, and UTC-00810, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A4John JenkinsCheck the IDS in USourceData.txt to make sure that they do not contain CJK radicals if a corresponding CJK Unified Ideograph exists.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A5John Jenkinsupdate USourceData.txt to change the IDSes for UTC-00475 and UTC-00476 per Eiso Chan’s feedback, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A6Ken LundeThank William Nelson for gathering the evidence for these four existing UTC-Source ideographs in section 2 of L2/20-073, and for uploading them to the Google Drive folder for IRG Working Set 2020 evidence images.2020-05-11 Done 
163-A7John JenkinsAdd the appropriate entries to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/20-074, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A8John JenkinsAdd the appropriate entries for four new UTCSource ideographs as UTC-03215, UTC-03216, UTC-03217, and UTC-03218 with a UAX #45 status value of N to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A9John JenkinsAdd the appropriate entry one new UTC-Source ideograph as UTC-03219 to USourceData.txt and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #45
163-A10John Jenkins, Michel SuignardUpdate the Unihan Database to change the kRSUnicode property value for U+80E7 胧 from 130.5 to 74.5 per feedback from Eiso Chan [Mon Feb 17 07:38:13 CST 2020] in L2/20-104, for Unicode version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUnihan
163-A11John Jenkins, Michel SuignardUpdate the Unihan Database to add 213.0 as a second kRSUnicode property value for U+4E80 亀 per feedback from Eiso Chan [Mon Feb 17 07:38:54 CST 2020], for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUnihan
163-A12John JenkinsUpdate the Unihan Database to change the kJapaneseKun property value of U+5807 堇 from SUMIRE to NURU NEBATSUCHI WAZUKA, and to add KON and GON to its kJapaneseOn property value, per feedback from Lee Collins [Mon Feb 17 11:34:50 CST 2020] and Japan’s Moji Jōhō Kiban Database, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 Done 
163-A13John Jenkins, Editorial CommitteeCreate a proposed update of UAX #38 to add kStrange as a new provisional property per document L2/20-059, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-08 DoneUAX #38
163-A13bRick McGowanPost the PRI for the proposed update of UAX #38, to close July 9, 2020.2020-06-15 DonePRI #421
163-A14John JenkinsUpdate the Unihan database to add kStrange as a new provisional property per document L2/20-059, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-06-02 DoneUnihan
163-A15Ken LundeProduce a draft of a new UTN (Unicode Technical Note) that documents the kStrange property.2020-06-02 Done 
163-A16John JenkinsUpdate the Syntax fields of the kIRG_GSource, kIRG_HSource, and kIRG_TSource properties in UAX #38 per L2/20-077, for Unicode Version 14.0, based on document L2/20-077.2020-06-02 DoneUAX #38
163-A17Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteePost an erratum notice about syntax errors in the kIRG_GSource, kIRG_HSource, and kIRG_TSource properties in UAX #38 per L2/20-077, for Unicode Version 14.0.2020-05-29 DoneErratum
163-A18Ken LundeRespond to Jaemin Chung regarding L2/20-082 to recommend adjusting the proposal to include U+39B3 㦳 per the ad hoc comments, along with updating the Syntax and Description fields for the kKoreanName property, then resubmit.2020-05-11 Done 
163-A19Ken LundeRespond to Qi Hankun, author of L2/20-094, to point out that 夲 and 本 are considered unified components per IRG’s UCV #126, and that U+4C41 䱁 shall therefore not be disunified.2020-05-11 Done 
163-A21John Jenkins, Michel SuignardUpdate the Unihan Database to change three existing kIRG_GSource property values and add 20 new kIRG_GSource property values per L2/20-111, for Unicode Version 14.02020-06-02 DoneUnihan
163-A24Ken LundeRequest on behalf of the UTC that the deadline for IRG Working Set 2020 submissions be postponed for at least 6 months (until early 2021).2020-05-11 DoneL2/20-142
163-A28Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-HocForward the comments in section 1a of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-116.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A29Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-HocForward the comments in section 1b of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-117.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A30Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-HocForward the comments in section 1c of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-115.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A31Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-HocForward the comments in section 1d of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-125.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A32Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-HocForward the comments in section 1e of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-118.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A33Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include U+FDCF ARABIC LIGATURE SALAAMUHU ALAYNAA.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A34Lorna EvansSupply a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+FDCF ARABIC LIGATURE SALAAMUHU ALAYNAA.2020-07-17 Done 
163-A35aKen WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include five Arabic characters.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A35Lorna EvansSupply a font to Michel Suignard for printing five Arabic characters.2020-07-17 Done 
163-A37Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include the name change of U+08D2 from ARABIC ROUND DOT INSIDE LARGE CIRCLE BELOW to ARABIC LARGE ROUND DOT INSIDE CIRCLE BELOW.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A40Deborah AndersonForward the Script Ad Hoc comments in section 7a of L2/20-105 to the author of MWG/4-N5 and MWG/4-N4.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A44Deborah AndersonForward the comments in section 8 of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-124.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A46Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include U+0C3C TELUGU SIGN NUKTA.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A48Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include U+0C5D TELUGU LETTER NAKAARA POLLU.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A51Deborah AndersonForward the comments in section 9d of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-083.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A53Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include U+0C5B TELUGU LETTER TAMIL TRANSCRIPTIONAL LLLA and U+0C5C TELUGU LETTER TAMIL TRANSCRIPTIONAL RRA.2020-05-11 DonePipeline
163-A55Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteePrepare an erratum for the Wancho font, based on document L2/20-121. Reference Section 10 of L2/20-105.2020-05-29 DoneErratum
163-A56Deborah AndersonForward the comments in section 11 of L2/20-105 to R.S. Wihananto.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A57Deborah AndersonForward the comments in section 12 of L2/20-105 to the author of L2/20-061R.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A62Peter ConstableForward the comments in section 16 of L2/20-105 to SC2 as a liaison contribution (regarding L2/20-078).2020-05-14 Done 
163-A63Deborah AndersonForward the comments in section 18 of L2/20-105 to Doug Ewell and Martin Hosken.2020-05-15 Done 
163-A70Chris Chapman, Editorial CommitteeIn UAX #14, remove the redundant rule (JL | JV | JT | H2 | H3) × IN from LB27, for Unicode version 14.0. See document L2/20-108 section F3.2020-05-19 DoneUAX #14
163-A71Rick McGowanPost a PRI for proposed update UAX #14 for Unicode version 14.0, to close on July 9, 2020.2020-05-19 DonePRI #416
163-A72Chris Chapman, Editorial CommitteeIn UAX #29 section 6.2 Replacing Ignore Rules, modify the first paragraph as recommended in L2/20-108. See document L2/20-108 section F4.2020-05-19 DoneUAX #29
163-A73Rick McGowanPost a PRI for proposed update UAX #29 for Unicode version 14.0, to close on July 9, 2020.2020-05-19 DonePRI #417
163-A75Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeIn UTS #18 section 0.2 Conformance, leave an empty stub for C3 and keep C4 numbered as is.2020-06-15 DoneUTS #18
163-A76Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeIn UTS #18 Annex D, replace the fourth bulleted character class example as recommended in L2/20-109.2020-06-15 DoneUTS #18
163-A77Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeReview UTS #18 for use of "allow" and "valid", and resolve any inconsistencies.2020-06-15 DoneUTS #18
163-A78Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Editorial CommitteeIn UTS #18, incorporate editorial feedback from L2/20-109 (item E0 and below) as appropriate.2020-06-15 DoneUTS #18
163-A79Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Editorial CommitteeApply the changes recommended in L2/20-109 to UTS #18.2020-06-15 DoneUTS #18
163-A80Rick McGowan, Editorial CommitteeClose PRI #404.2020-06-15 Done 
163-A81Rick McGowanPublish UTS #18 version 21 when ready.2020-06-17 DoneUTS #18
163-A86Ken Whistle, Editorial CommitteePrepare a PRI for a proposed update to UTR #23, based on draft 6 of the working draft.2020-05-19 DoneUTR #23
163-A87Rick McGowanPost the PRI for the proposed update of UTR #23, to close July 9, 2020.2020-05-19 DonePRI #415
163-A95Rick McGowanExtend the closing date for PRI #408 to July 9, 2020.2020-05-19 Done 
163-A97Ken WhistlerUpdate the pipeline to include U+088E ARABIC VERTICAL TAIL.2020-05-11 DonePipeline

From UTC #162

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
162-A33Ben YangAdd a clarification to the core specification for U+1DF8 and U+1DFA.2020-07-16 DoneUnicode text
162-A39Ken Whistler, Editorial CommitteePublish UTR #54.2020-04-20 DoneUTR #54
162-A73Lisa MooreSend document L2/20-013 to the Unicode officers.2020-07-17 Done 
162-A77Lisa MooreAdd B.13.3 document L2/19-374 to the April 2020 UTC meeting agenda.2020-07-17 DoneAgenda
162-A82Lisa MooreAdd an agenda topic for the April 2020 UTC to discuss our process with WG2.2020-07-17 DoneAgenda
162-A90Lisa MooreAdd B.10.16.1 Proposal to merge three Identifier_Types in UTS #39, document L2/20-054, to the April 2020 UTC meeting agenda.2020-07-17 DoneAgenda
162-A99Lisa MooreForward agenda items E.1.4, E.1.7, to the agenda for April 2020 UTC meeting,2020-07-17 DoneAgenda

From UTC #161

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
161-A35Deborah AndersonWork with Denis Jacquerye to create a proposal summary form for L2/19-340.2020-05-12 Done 

From UTC #160

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
160-A85Ben Yang, Editorial CommitteeUpdate section 17.3 of the core specification for U+1BAC BALINESE LETTER ARCHAIC JNYA. (For Unicode 14.0.)2020-06-08 DoneUnicode text

From UTC #154

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
154-A10Peter EdbergInclude information about UTC status for emoji proposals in the ESC process document. (Superseded by 163-A094.)2020-05-11 Closed 

From UTC #150

Action Who Description Date Closed Status Outcome
150-A57Peter Edberg, Mark Davis, Editorial CommitteeCreate an internal emoji process page based on the L2/16-337R, info from "selection.html", and feedback during the discussion. Consider feedback from Christopher Päper. (See AI 150-A113.) (Superseded by AI 163-A094.)2020-05-11 Closed