
Minutes of UTC Meeting 167
Mountain View, CA — April 27 and 29, 2021
Hosted virtually on Zoom

UTC #167 Agenda
Revision date: May 05, 2021

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Meeting opened at 9:30

10 Full members, 3 Institutional, 2 Supporting.

Full Members in regular attendance: 7
Institutional Members in regular attendance: 1
Supporting Members in regular attendance: 1
Quorum: 5

5 members represented: Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, Google, UCB,

L2 meeting opened.

A.5 Action item review [L2/SD2]
A.5.1 Recently closed action items [L2/21-067]


A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [L2/21-009]

[167-C1] Consensus: Approve minutes of UTC #166.

A.6 Calendar review [Calendar]

[167-A1] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post 2021 IUC to the calendar page. (October 13-16, Santa Clara, CA.)

Calendar update: Add UTC January 24-27, 2022. Location/host TBD.

Discussion of UTC procedures, virtual meetings, etc.

A.7 Liaison reports [SC2/WG2, IRG, IETF/ICANN, INFITT, SEI, Mongolian, ICU, CLDR, TC37/SC2]

A.7 SEI - Oral report by Deborah Anderson.

A.7 ICU - Oral report by Markus Scherer.

A.7 CLDR - Oral report by Mark Davis and Peter Edberg.

A.7 Mongolian - Oral report by Liang Hai.

A.7 IETF/ICANN - Oral report by Michel Suignard.

A.7 TC37/SC2 - Oral report by Peter Constable.

Short break from 10:47 to 10:50.

C.1 CJK and Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #167 Meeting [Lunde, Jenkins, et al, L2/21-072]

[167-A2] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Adjust Section 2.4 of UAX #45 by adding the following text after the numbered list: If an ideograph has no residual strokes, its first residual stroke value shall be set to 0 (zero). See PRI #420 feedback dated 2021-04-11 and Unihan-UTC167-R01 in document L2/21-072. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A3] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property values for U+255FD, U+289C0, U+28A0F, and U+28B4E, then report back to the UTC. See document L2/21-068 and Unihan-UTC167-R02 in document L2/21-072.

[167-A4] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-072. [Tue Feb 16 01:26:03 CST 2021]

[167-A5] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-072. [Mon Mar 22 14:18:10 CDT 2021]

[167-A6] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-072. [Wed Apr 14 06:17:42 CDT 2021]

[167-A7] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #38 with the typo fix noted in Unihan-UTC167-R04 of L2/21-072 for Unicode 14.0.

[167-A8] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update kIRG_KPSource description in UAX #38 to indicate restrictions on updating the values of this property. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-C2] Consensus: Accept the 1,118 kIRG_VSource property value changes as specified in the fourth column of the kIRG_VSource_update.txt data file that is attached to L2/21-076R, based on Unihan-UTC167-R06 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A9] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the 1,118 kIRG_VSource property values in the Unihan database, based on document L2/21-076R and Unihan-UTC167-R06 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A10] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update the Syntax and Description fields of the kIRG_VSource property in the proposed update of UAX #38, based on document L2/21-076R and Unihan-UTC167-R06 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A11] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the document author of L2/21-077 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-072.

Oral report on IRG #56 meeting by Ken Lunde.

[167-A12] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database to add TA-3A4B as the kIRG_TSource property value for U+21B36 𡬶, based on document L2/21-045 and Unihan-UTC167-R08 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-C3] Consensus: Accept the disunification proposed in L2/21-046, and encode the disunified ideograph at code point U+2B738 with Unihan database changes, based on Unihan-UTC167-R09 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A13] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add the disunified ideograph with code point U+2B738. See Unihan-UTC167-R09 in document L2/21-072.

[167-A14] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value for U+2B738, huà, then report back to the UTC. See document L2/21-046 and Unihan-UTC167-R09 in document L2/21-072.

[167-A15] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database by adding and changing property values, based on documents L2/21-046 and L2/21-095, and Unihan-UTC167-R09 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A16] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the proposal submitter of L2/21-059 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-072.

[167-C4] Consensus: Accept the 20-ideograph U-Source horizontal extension, based on Appendix B of document L2/21-062 and Unihan-UTC167-R11 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A17] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database to add kIRG_USource property values to 20 ideographs, based on Appendix B of document L2/21-062 and Unihan-UTC167-R11 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A18] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update the corresponding UAX #45 USourceData.txt records, based on Appendix B of document L2/21-062 and Unihan-UTC167-R11 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A19] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Contact the ROK National Body to request Korean readings for U+5AB4 媴 and U+74A4 璤.

[167-A20] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database to add kIRG_KSource property values to six ideographs, based on L2/21-063 and Unihan-UTC167-R12 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A21] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Attempt to contact the DPRK National Body to inform them of the kIRG_KPSource property value change for U+2F936.

[167-A22] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database to change the source references of two compatibility ideographs, and to remove the U-Source source reference from U+2F936, based on L2/21-064 and Unihan-UTC167-R13 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 15.0.

[167-C5] Consensus: Accept the five-ideograph U- and UK-Source horizontal extension, based on Unihan-UTC167-R14 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A23] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Prepare and submit to the IRG no later than 2021-05-07 the UTC’s submission for IRG Working Set 2021.

[167-A24] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the Unihan database to add kIRG_USource or kIRG_UKSource property values to five ideographs, based on Unihan-UTC167-R14 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode Version 14.0.

[167-A25] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update the corresponding UAX #45 USourceData.txt records, based on Unihan-UTC167-R14 in document L2/21-072, for Unicode version 14.0.

Lunch break 1:00pm to 2:00pm.

B. Script Ad Hoc Report
B.1 Recommendations to UTC #167 January 2021 on Script Proposals [Anderson, L2/21-073]

[167-A26] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Change the glyphs for U+0184 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER TONE SIX and U+0185 LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE SIX for Unicode 14.0. (Reference: L2/21-083)

The UTC notes document L2/21-089, but takes no further action.

The UTC notes document L2/21-088, but takes no further action.

The UTC notes document L2/21-096, but takes no further action.

[167-A27] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay feedback to Lateef Sagar, including comments from the April 2021 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations L2/21-073.

[167-A28] Action Item for Peter Constable: Forward document L2/21-098 as a liaison contribution to SC2/WG2. (Reference: Section 4b of L2/21-073)

Discussion of Behdini Kurdish HEH, Section 4c of L2/21-073. UTC notes, this will go back to the Script Ad Hoc for more discussion.

[167-A29] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay feedback to the author of L2/21-080 from the April 2021 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations L2/21-073.

[167-A30] Action Item for Fred Brennan: Write an FAQ on Urdu digits.

UTC invites expert review of L2/21-090. (Reference: Section 5 of L2/21-073)

The UTC concurs with the recommendation of the Script Ad Hoc to provide text on the legacy representation of the conjunct /ṉṯa/, in Section 6, Malayalam, of L2/21-073.

Short break 3:05pm to 3:15pm

[167-C6] Consensus: The UTC accepts 42 Nag Mundari characters in a new Nag Mundari block (U+1E4D0..U+1E4FF) for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-031R. (SAH-UTC167-R1)

[167-A31] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include 42 Nag Mundari characters in a new Nag Mundari block (U+1E4D0..U+1E4FF). (Reference: L2/21-031R)

[167-A32] Action Item for Debbie Anderson: Confirm the SMP Roadmap reflects the new script name of the Nag Mundari script.

[167-A33] Action Item for Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin, Deborah Anderson: Provide Michel Suignard with a font for 42 Nag Mundari characters.

[167-A34] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Seek feedback from other Old Turkic experts and to ask the author of L2/21-081 to explain the orientation of “ICH” in example 5. (Reference: Section 8 of L2/21-073).

[167-A35] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Send L2/21-092 to the Tulu Sahitya Academy contacts.

UTC notes document L2/21-086 but takes no further action at this time.

UTC notes document L2/21-052 but takes no further action at this time.

The UTC considered U+0ECE LAO YAMAKKAN and took no action at this time, pending further review by the Script Ad Hoc.

[167-A36] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward the relevant comments in Section 12 of L2/21-073 to the proposal author of document L2/21-082.

[167-A37] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Ensure the Roadmap request is forwarded to the Roadmap Committee.

[167-A38] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Update the three readings in NushuSources.txt for Unicode 14.0. (Reference: L2/21-024)

[167-A39] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward the comments in Section 14 of L2/21-073 to the proposal author of document L2/21-084.

UTC notes document L2/20-271 but takes no further action at this time.

[167-C7] Consensus: The UTC accepts 20 Kaktovik numeral characters in a new Kaktovik Numerals block (U+1D2C0..U+1D2DF) for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-058. (Reference: Section 16 of L2/21-073)

[167-A40] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 20 Kaktovik numeral characters in a new Kaktovik Numerals block (U+1D2C0..U+1D2DF)

[167-A41] Action Item for Kirk Miller: Forward a font for 20 Kaktovik numeral characters to Michel Suignard.

[167-C8] Consensus: The UTC accepts the following changes as in SAH-UTC167-R4 Ref. Section 17a of L2/21-073:

6. Change the gc property of the Znamenny priznak modifiers (U+1CF42..U+1CF46) from gc=Cf to gc=Mn.

[167-A42] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include changes to Znamenny characters. Ref. Section 17a of L2/21-073.

[167-A43] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Update font for the changes to Znamenny characters.

UTC notes document L2/21-033R but takes no further action at this time.

[167-A44] Action Item for Lorna Evans, Roozbeh Pournader, Debbie Anderson: Review the text in Chapter 9, “Arabic”, subsection “Quranic Texts” and see if the wording can be improved.

UTC notes feedback on Kannada from David Corbett [Tue Feb 23 20:12:22 CST 2021] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

UTC notes feedback on Kawi from Eduardo Marín Silva [Tue Jan 19 19:39:21 CST 2021] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

UTC notes feedback on Malayalam from David Corbett [Tue Feb 23 20:40:37 CST 2021] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

UTC notes feedback on Mandaic from David Corbett [Sun Dec 20 09:57:01 CST 2020] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time. Work is already underway on a related document.

UTC notes feedback on Myanmar from Norbert Lindenberg [Thu Feb 25 00:46:04 CST 2021] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

UTC notes feedback on Old Hungarian from David Corbett [Thu Nov 26 10:22:07 CST 2020] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

[167-C9] Consensus: The UTC accepts two name changes: U+1FAF1 RIGHTWARD BACKHAND to RIGHTWARDS HAND and U+1FAF2 LEFTWARD HAND to LEFTWARDS HAND (Reference: PRI #428, Buff feedback Feb. 14 2021).

[167-A45] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include name changes to U+1FAF1 U+1FAF2, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A46] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt to include name changes to U+1FAF1 U+1FAF2, for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-C10] Consensus: UTC accept the following four name changes:


[167-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include name changes to four characters as in above consensus 167-C10 for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A48] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt to include name changes to four characters as in above consensus 167-C10, for Unicode version 14.0.

UTC notes feedback on Kana characters from Mikoto Ohtsuki [Sat Apr 10 18:49:00 CDT 2021] in L2/21-073 but takes no action at this time.

[167-A49] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Mikoto Ohtsuki re feedback [Sat Apr 10 18:49:00 CDT 2021] and refer them to document L2/21-073.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 5:20.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Meeting opened at 9:30

5 members represented: Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, Google, UCB,

D.1 UTC #167 properties feedback & recommendations [Scherer, et al, L2/21-069]

[167-A50] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Provide small edits for chapters 5 and 23 to clarify that default ignorable code points can have effects on display beside their intended function. Include an example or two, such as fraction slash sequences, and/or sequences with U+0600 ARABIC NUMBER SIGN followed by one or more Arabic digits. For Unicode 14. Reference: L2/21-069 item F1.

[167-A51] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare an update of UTS #51 for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A52] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the proposed update of UTS #51, with PRI to close 2021-07-13.

[167-A53] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: In UTS #51 version 14, change the phrase: "This set (i.e. Basic_Emoji) excludes all instances of an emoji component, which are not intended for independent, direct input" to "This set (i.e. Basic_Emoji) excludes all those instances of an emoji component that are not intended for independent, direct input" and add explanatory text based on the Background information below, including an example. Reference: L2/21-069 item F2.

[167-A54] Action Item for Mark Davis: Review differences between RGI_Emoji and emoji-test.txt. For Unicode version 14.0. Reference: L2/21-069 item F2.

[167-A55] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Properties & Algorithms Group: Provide small edits for relevant sections of the core specification to update guidance for the UTF-8 BOM, given that UTF-8 has become the predominant text encoding and that therefore more tools can assume that text is in UTF-8. In terms of the standard, this effectively constitutes an external protocol. Also, we might add that more tools check for well-formed UTF-8 instead of, or in addition to, the signature byte sequence. To be submitted for UTC #168. Reference: L2/21-069 item D1.

Short break until 10:50.

D.2 Stability policy: Property of characters must not become property of strings [Bynens, et al, L2/21-091]

[167-C11] Consensus: UTC approves recommending to the officers the proposal in L2/21-091R for a new encoding stability policy regarding the stability of the domains of properties.

[167-A56] Action Item for Mark Davis: Convey the above consensus 167-C11 to the officers.

[167-A57] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Explicitly document in UTS #18 section 2.7 which properties are properties of characters and which are properties of strings. For completion before Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A58] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Explicitly document in UAX #44 which properties are properties of characters and which are properties of strings. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A59] Action Item for Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, Editorial Committee: Explicitly document in UTS #51 which properties are properties of characters and which are properties of strings. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A60] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Explicitly document in UTS #39 which properties are properties of characters and which are properties of strings.

[167-A61] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, Properties & Algorithms Group, Editorial Committee: Add definitions for domain and codomain for properties, and make other updates to the language of UTR #23.

D.3 PRI#417 Proposed Update UAX#29, Unicode Text Segmentation D.3.1 Feedback on PRI#417 [L2/21-068]

[167-A62] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Steven Luscher feedback [Thu Jan 21 18:02:00 CST 2021], item PRI417a in document L2/21-069R.

[167-A63] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Deborah Anderson: Recommend whether to remove the assignment of GCB=SpacingMark for U+11720..11721 AHOM VOWEL SIGN A and AA, in light of feedback and discussions over time. Reference: L2/21-069 item P417b.

Note PRI 427a was already taken care of, not recorded as action.

D.4.1 Update proposed draft UTS#18 [Davis, L2/21-094]

[167-A64] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Post revised version of Proposed Update UTS #18, as per L2/21-094.

[167-C12] Consensus: For Unicode version 14.0, reassign six code points U+1AC9..1ACE as noted in L2/21-069 item PRI428a.

[167-A65] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Michel Suignard: For Unicode version 14.0, reassign six code points, as per L2/21-094 item PRI428a.

[167-A66] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline with reassigned code points U+1AC9..1ACE as noted in L2/21-069 item PRI428a.

[167-A67] Action Item for Ken Whistler: For Unicode version 14.0: Change U+1DF0A LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK WITH RETROFLEX HOOK from gc=Ll to Lo.

[167-A68] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: For Unicode version 14.0, Script_Extensions, confirm and add if appropriate, Nkoo for U+060C ARABIC COMMA and U+061B ARABIC SEMICOLON. Confirm and add if appropriate, Nkoo and Adlm for U+061F ARABIC QUESTION MARK. Reference: L2/21-069 item PRI428g.

[167-A69] Action Item for Mark Davis: For Unicode version 14.0, change Komi letters U+0500..U+050F to Identifier_Type=Obsolete.

[167-A70] Action Item for Ken Whistler: For Unicode version 14.0, add a NamesList annotation to mark Komi letters U+0500..U+050F and U+052A..U+052D as for an obsolete alphabet.

[167-A71] Action Item for Ken Whistler: For Unicode version 14.0, change ArabicShaping.txt for U+08C8 to use “KEHEH WITH ELONGATED HAMZA ABOVE”. Reference: L2/21-069 item PRI428i.

[167-A72] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to “r00ster” feedback of [Sat Apr 10 11:49:32 CDT 2021] in document L2/21-069, item PRI428j.

F.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #167 Meeting [Whistler, L2/21-070]

F.1 - A2. Alpha Review for 14.0

[167-A73] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #428.

[167-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update status notice on the Pipeline page, post 14.0 alpha.

F.2 - A3. Beta Review for 14.0

[167-C13] Consensus: The UTC authorizes a PRI for a Beta review period for the Unicode 14.0 repertoire, to start June 4, 2021. To close July 13, 2021.

[167-A75] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for the Unicode version 14.0 beta review, to close July 13, 2021.

[167-A76] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Execute the beta review plan for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A77] Action Item for Rick McGowan. Extend the close dates for PRIs #416, #417, #419, #420, #421, #422, #424, #423, #425, #415, #426. To close July 13, 2021.

[167-A78] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Consider the feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva (Feb 15) on PRI #428 for appropriate changes to the names list for Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A79] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Consider the feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva (Apr 1) on PRI #428 for appropriate changes to the names list for Unicode 14.0. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details of dispositions.)

[167-A80] Action Item for Jennifer Daniel, Ned Holbrook: Consider the feedback from Eduardo Marín Silva (Apr 1) on PRI #428 on emoji-related aliases and glyph changes, and redirect as appropriate. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details.)

[167-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add a line to ArabicShaping.txt for U+088E ARABIC VERTICAL TAIL. See document L2/20-071R.

[167-A82] Action Item for Jennifer Daniel, Ned Holbrook: Consider the feedback from Wang Yifan (Apr 11) on PRI #428 regarding U+1F9F9, and redirect as appropriate. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details.)

[167-A83] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Consider the feedback from Michael Everson (Apr 12) on PRI #428 regarding the glyphs for 2E56..2E58, and investigate whether the glyphs can be made more consistent with other square bracket glyphs. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details.)

[167-A84] Action Item for Julie Allen, Editorial Committee: Work with Jungshik Shin to prepare new text for the core specification Section 18.6, to explain the use of the two Hangul tone marks. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A85] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg: Provide a proposal for specific text changes to improve the discussion of nonspacing marks in sections 5.12 and 5.13 of the core specification. See document L2/21-070.

[167-A86] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Provide a proposal for specific text changes to rework the discussion of grapheme cluster in Section 2.11 of the core specification, referring out to UAX #29 for definition by algorithm. See document L2/21-070. For Unicode version 14.0.

[167-A87] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Provide corrected text for two statements in Section 2.11 of the core specification per feedback from Norbert Lindenberg [Tue Mar 30 00:19:43 CDT 2021]. For Unicode 14.0. See document L2/21-070.

[167-A88] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Provide corrected text for Section 12.9 Malayalam of the core specification, to clarify which dashes are referred to. For Unicode version 14.0. See document L2/21-070.

[167-A89] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update Table 6-3 in the core specification, to make it consistent with the data file that defines dashes, PropList.txt. For Unicode version 14.0. See document L2/21-070.

Lunch break 1:10pm - 2:00 pm.

E.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report Q2, 2021 [Daniel/ESC, L2/21-071]

[167-C14] Consensus: Change the names of U+1FAC3 to PREGNANT MAN and U+1FAC4 to PREGNANT PERSON. See document L2/21-071.

[167-A90] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to change the names of U+1FAC3 to PREGNANT MAN and U+1FAC4 to PREGNANT PERSON. See document L2/21-071.

[167-A91] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt and other data files for Unicode version 14.0 to reflect names of U+1FAC3 to PREGNANT MAN and U+1FAC4 to PREGNANT PERSON. See document L2/21-071.

[167-A92] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, Mark Davis: Update emoji data files and charts for Unicode version 14.0 to reflect all name changes from this meeting. See L2/21-071, etc.

[167-A93] Action Item for Peter Constable: Share links to three ESC documents with SC2 in a liaison document: "Guidelines on Additional Hand Gesture Emoji" (L2/20-274), "On Emoji and Gender" (L2/21-056), "Strategizing Colored Heart Emoji" (L2/21-075).

Short break until 3:38pm.

E.3 Future Unicode Emoji Options [ESC/Davis, L2/21-071]

Long discussion of items A1 and A2 in document L2/21-071. The committee ran out of time and did not complete discussion of QID. UTC took no action at this time.

[167-A94] Action Item for Mark Davis: Flesh out approaches RE and RID of document L2/21-071 and bring back for discussion at the next UTC meeting.

UTC adjourned for the week at 4:57pm. L2 continued.

Members Represented

Full Member 04/27/21 04/29/21

1. Adobe

yes yes

2. Apple Inc.

yes yes

3. Facebook


4. Google, Inc.

yes yes

5. Microsoft Corporation

yes yes

6. Netflix


7. Salesforce


9. Sultanate of Oman, MARA

10. Yat Labs


Institutional Member

1. Bangladesh, MSICT

2. India, MICT

3. Tamil Nadu, TVA

4. UCB

yes yes

Supporting Member

1. Emojipedia


Associate Member

1. Amazon

yes yes

2. SIL

yes yes

UTC Attendance

Julie AllenUnicode
Deborah AndersonUC Berkeley
Fred Brennanself
Jeremy BurgeEmojipedia
Charles Carsonself
Christopher ChapmanAdobe
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Craig CummingsAmazon
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Mark DavisGoogle
Peter EdbergApple
Lorna EvansSIL
Asmus Freytagself
Rich GillamApple
Manish Goregaokarself
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Liang HaiUnicode
Ned HolbrookApple
John JenkinsApple
Kevin Keystoneself
Marcel Krügerself
Jan Kučeraself
Abhijeet KumarAmazon
Jennifer 8. LeeEmojination
Norbert Lindenbergself
Ken LundeUnicode
Rick McGowanUnicode
Lisa MooreUnicode
Marcel Paulukself
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Judy Safran-AasenMicrosoft
Murray SargentMicrosoft
Markus SchererGoogle
Prithvi ShahAmazon
Michel SuignardUnicode
Samantha SunneEmojination
Sonia Tamezself
Tex Texinself
Mingxin Wangself
Ken WhistlerUnicode
Ben YangPanlex
Lieyong Zouself