Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 168
Mountain View, CA — July 27 and 29, 2021
Hosted virtually on Zoom
UTC #168 Agenda
Revision date: February 01, 2022
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Meeting opened at 9:30am. Acting Chair Craig Cummings opened the meeting. Also opened L2.
9 Full members, 3 Institutional, 1 Supporting.
Full Members in regular attendance: 5
Institutional Members in regular attendance: 1
Supporting Members in regular attendance: 1
Quorum: 3.25
5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, UCB.
D.1 UTC #168 properties feedback & recommendations [Scherer, et al, L2/21-126]
[168-C1] Consensus: Approve the 19 named sequences in Unicode 13.0 NamedSequencesProv.txt, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Move the 19 named sequences from NamedSequencesProv.txt to NamedSequences.txt, for Unicode 14.
[168-C2] Consensus: Assign Other_Lowercase to the modifier letters in Latin Extended-F recommended by Charlotte Buff: U+10780, U+10783..U+10785, U+10787..U+107B0, U+107B2..U+107B5, U+107BA; and also to U+107B6..U+107B9; for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A2] Action Item for Mark Davis: Assign Other_Lowercase to the modifier letters in Latin Extended-F listed in L2/21-126 item β2, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A3] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Review existing modifier letters encoded for phonetic transcriptions and recommend which ones should be assigned Other_Lowercase, such as possibly U+AB69 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED W, for Unicode version 15.0.
[168-A4] Action Item for Ken Whistler: In BidiMirroring.txt, add the “best fit” comment to U+2209 NOT AN ELEMENT OF and U+220C DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER, for Unicode 14.0.
[168-A5] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group: Take the information in document L2/21-030 to develop guidelines for proposals to change the status of scripts in UAX #31.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item D2, Better default values in the UCD L2/21-100 from Markus Scherer and Mark Davis.
[168-A6] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Mark Davis, Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Prepare a proposed update of UAX #44 that data files may contain multiple @missing lines for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2.
[168-A7] Action Item for Markus Scherer and Mark Davis: Propose a change in one or more UCD files to use multiple @missing lines; for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item D3: Pamudpod properties (Tagalog and Hanunoo), L2/21-117 from Roozbeh Pournader.
[168-A8] Action Item for Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group: Create a checklist to verify that proposed changes to properties do not cause problems for identifiers (UAX #31) or for IDNA (UTS #46). This should be covered by an “invariant test” if possible.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item PRI417a, Unicode Standard Annex #29 - 3 Grapheme Cluster Boundaries - SpacingMark.
[168-C3] Consensus: Remove the assignment of GCB=SpacingMark for U+11720..U+11721 AHOM VOWEL SIGN A and AA, letting them default to GCB=Other, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A9] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer: Remove the assignment of GCB=SpacingMark for U+11720..11721 AHOM VOWEL SIGN A and AA, letting them default to GCB=Other. For Unicode version 14.0. Reference: L2/21-126 item PRI417a.
[168-A10] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a note in UTS #39 like the one in UAX #14 about data files being normative, for Unicode version 15.0.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item PRI423a, Incorrect Identifier Type for Khmer.
[168-C4] Consensus: Change U+17CB, U+17CC, U+17CD, U+17D0 to Identifier_Type=Recommended, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A11] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer: Change U+17CB, U+17CC, U+17CD, U+17D0 to Identifier_Type=Recommended, for Unicode version 14.0.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item PRI427a: Examples out of line with UCD.
[168-A12] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a note in UTS #18 like the one in UAX #14 about data files being normative, and examples representing a snapshot, not latest data.
[168-A13] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer: Review the UTS #18 examples listed in L2/21-126 item PRI427a for correctness and readability.
[168-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #427 to close September 21, 2021.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item PRI429a: UTS #46 IDNA issue report.
[168-A15] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer: Check the IdnaTestV2.txt bug report in L2/21-126 item PRI429a, and fix it if appropriate; for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer: Investigate the proposals in L2/21-126 item PRI429a; take into consideration the relationship of UTS #46 with IDNA2008; for Unicode version 15.0.
Discussion of document L2/21-126, item PRI429c: Additional data files for IDNA2008 for easy review by IETF.
[168-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Asmus Freytag: Create a proposal for additional UTS #46 derived data files showing IDNA2008 category values for easy comparisons with those published by the IETF, for Unicode version 15.0. See L2/21-126 item PRI429c.
Short break 11:40 - 12:00.
F. Editorial Committee Report
F.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #168 Meeting [Whistler, L2/21-127]
[168-C5] Consensus: UTC authorizes the publication of Unicode 14.0.0 with changes agreed to in this meeting.
[168-A18] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #433 (Unicode 14.0.0 beta review).
[168-A19] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close all open PRIs for UAXes: PRI #416 (UAX #14), PRI #417 (UAX #29), PRI #420 (UAX #44), PRI #421 (UAX #38), PRI #422 (UAX #9), PRI #424 (UAX #31), PRI #431 (UAX #42), PRI #432 (UAX #50).
[168-A20] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #423 (UTS #39).
[168-A21] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #425 (UTS #10).
[168-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #429 (UTS #46).
[168-A23] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #430 (UTS #51).
[168-A24] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Coordinate and execute the release of Unicode 14.0.0 with the target date: September 14, 2021.
Discussion of Editorial Committee report L2/21-127, sections A-D.
Discussion of Editorial Committee report L2/21-127, item E1, Editorial Feedback on PRI #433 for Unicode 14.0.0 Beta Review.
Discussion of Editorial Committee report L2/21-127, items E2-E4.
[168-A25] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Clarify terminology related to properties of strings in UAX #44, following UTR #23 where feasible. For Unicode version 15.0. [Ref. Peter Constable Mon Jul 12 17:38:53 CDT 2021 cited in L2/21-127.]
[168-A26] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Remove kWubi from Section 4.4.23 UAX #42 (and its entry in the corresponding schema), for Unicode version 14.0.
Discussion of Editorial Committee report L2/21-127, item E5.
[168-C6] Consensus: The UTC authorizes the publication of UTR #23 (revision 13), based on the current proposed update text (revision 12).
[168-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #415 (UTR #23).
[168-A28] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee: Prepare final text of UTR #23 for publication.
[168-A29] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post final text of UTR #23 for publication.
Discussion of Editorial Committee report L2/21-127, item F1.
[168-A30] Action Item for Markus Scherer: Add discussion of CANCEL TAG (from document L2/21-125) to the agenda of the Properties and Algorithms Group.
[168-A31] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Draft an FAQ on dashes, to clarify that exact glyph widths, particularly for en–dash and em—dash, are not prescribed by the standard. (Reference document L2/21-127 for suggested text.)
Break for lunch 13:00-14:00.
Emojipedia now present.
Roll call adjustment: 5.5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Emojipedia, Google, Microsoft, UCB.
E.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report Q3, 2021 [Daniel/ESC, L2/21-128]
[168-A32] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, Mark Davis: Update section 2.6.2 in proposed update UTS #51 revision 20 for multi-person handshake and update the table of versions in section 1.5.2.
Discussion of other feedback and issues raised in the document.
Short break 15:00 - 15:15.
E.3 Reserved Emoji (RE), Fleshed-Out [Davis, L2/21-135R]
[168-C7] Consensus: Adopt the proposed emoji allocation policy documented in L2/21-135R.
[168-A33] Action Item for V.S. Umamaheswaran, Roadmap Group: Pre-allocate the block U+1FC00 - U+1FFFF to "Extended Pictographic Characters (Emoji)".
[168-C8] Consensus: In UAX #14, change LB30b to add potential emoji, as per document L2/21-135R, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A34] Action Item for Chris Chapman, Editorial Committee: Make the changes to LB30b in UAX #14 as in above consensus 168-C8, for Unicode version 14.0.
[168-A35] Action Item for Mark Davis: Discuss possible improvements in UTS #51 for reserved emoji. Put on agenda for next ESC report.
A.7 Liaison reports [SC2/WG2, IRG, IETF/ICANN, INFITT, SEI, Mongolian, ICU, CLDR, TC37/SC2]
Oral report by Peter Constable on TC37/SC2.
Oral report by Peter Constable on UTC Liaison Report from SC2 #26 [L2/21/120].
Short break 17:34 - 17:45.
Brief pre-QID discussion.
E.2 QID Emoji PRI#408 [L2/21-068]
Long discussion.
[168-A36] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #408.
Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:36.
Day 2, Thursday, July 29, 2021
Meeting opened at 9:30.
5 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google(proxy), Microsoft, UCB.
A.0 Consortium membership update
A.1 Membership review, proxies, and meeting quorum
Brief discussion of editorial issues for UTS #51.
A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [L2/21-066]
[168-C9] Consensus: Approve the minutes of UTC #167 as documented in L2/21-066.
[168-A37] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update and post approved minutes of UTC #167.
A.5 Action item review [L2/SD2]
A.5.1 Recently closed action items [L2/21-124]
A.6 Calendar review [Calendar]
Added meetings: UTC #171 April 19-22, 2022 (hosted by Adobe) and UTC #172 July 26-29, 2022 (hosted by Microsoft)
A.7 Liaison reports [SC2/WG2, IRG, IETF/ICANN, INFITT, SEI, Mongolian, ICU, CLDR, TC37/SC2]
Oral report on SEI liaison by Deborah Anderson.
Oral report on Mongolian by Liang Hai.
Oral report on ICU and CLDR by Peter Edberg.
Short break 10:28 - 10:45.
C.1 CJK and Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #168 Meeting [Lunde, Jenkins, et al, L2/21-129]
[168-A38] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update the text of UAX #38 as appropriate per feedback dated [Tue May 25 20:07:51 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R01 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A39] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. Ref [Tue May 25 20:07:51 CDT 2021]
[168-A40] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. Ref [Tue May 25 21:13:11 CDT 2021]
[168-C10] Consensus: Accept the kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Fri May 28 09:29:04 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R03 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A41] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Update the kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Fri May 28 09:29:04 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R03 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A42] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Fri May 28 09:29:04 CDT 2021]
[168-A43] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update the text of UAX #38 as appropriate per feedback dated [Fri Jun 11 23:46:52 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R04 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A44] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Fri Jun 11 23:46:52 CDT 2021].
[168-A45] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update the text of UAX #38 to reflect the history of the kJHJ property in the table in Section 4.2, and to reflect the other anomalies in Section 5 per feedback dated [Thu Jul 8 11:13:37 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R05 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-C11] Consensus: UTC accepts the updated syntax for the kIRG_VSource property in UAX #38 per feedback dated [Thu Jul 15 13:24:42 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R06 in document L2/21-129.
[168-A46] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update the syntax for the kIRG_VSource property in UAX #38 per feedback dated [Thu Jul 15 13:24:42 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R06 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A47] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Thu Jul 15 13:24:42 CDT 2021].
[168-A48] Action Item for Eric Muller: Verify that the syntax for the kIRG_VSource property in UAX #42 is correct per feedback dated [Thu Jul 15 13:24:42 CDT 2021] in PRI #421 and Unihan-UTC168-R06 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A49] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Adjust Section 4.4.23 of UAX #42 by removing the entry for the kWubi property per PRI #431 feedback dated [Sat Jul 10 13:18:17 CDT 2021] and [Sun Jul 11 09:00:18 CDT 2021], and Unihan-UTC168-R07 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A50] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Tue Jun 8 11:08:50 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R08 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A51] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Tue Jun 8 11:08:50 CDT 2021].
[168-C12] Consensus: Accept changes in the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database for U+2B8D9 and U+2B8DA per feedback dated [Thu Jun 10 09:18:03 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R09 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A52] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Change the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Thu Jun 10 09:18:03 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R09 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A53] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Thu Jun 10 09:18:03 CDT 2021].
[168-C13] Consensus: Accept the changes in kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Thu Jun 10 09:48:33 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R10 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A54] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Change the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Thu Jun 10 09:48:33 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R10 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A55] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Thu Jun 10 09:48:33 CDT 2021].
[168-A56] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Mon Jun 14 09:03:19 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R11 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A57] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Mon Jun 14 09:03:19 CDT 2021].
[168-C14] Consensus: Accept the changes to kRSUnicode property value for U+537F 卿 in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Tue Jun 15 06:29:07 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R12 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A58] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the kSemanticVariant property values per feedback dated [Tue Jun 15 06:29:07 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R12 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A59] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Change the kRSUnicode property value for U+537F 卿 in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Tue Jun 15 06:29:07 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R12 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A60] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Tue Jun 15 06:29:07 CDT 2021].
[168-A61] Action Item for John Jenkins: Draft a document discussing the issues regarding kTotalStrokes field and exploring possible solutions.
[168-C15] Consensus: Accept the 21 new kTotalStrokes property values for the Unihan database per feedback dated [Thu Jun 17 07:59:42 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R13 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A62] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Add 21 kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Thu Jun 17 07:59:42 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R13 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A63] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add an invariant test to make sure that the three properties, kTotalStrokes, kRSUnicode, and at least one value for an IRG source, are defined for all CJK ideographs.
[168-A64] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add invariant tests in conjunction with production of to make sure that the three properties, kTotalStrokes, kRSUnicode, and at least one value for an IRG source, are defined for all CJK ideographs.
[168-A65] Action Item for Markus Scherer: Add an agenda item to the Properties & Algorithms Group regarding providing documentation and process for UCD invariant tests.
[168-A66] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Fri Jun 18 15:49:09 CDT 2021].
[168-C16] Consensus: Accept change to the kIRG_VSource property value for U+20307 in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Sat Jun 26 09:07:52 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R15 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A67] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Change the kIRG_VSource property value in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Sat Jun 26 09:07:52 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R15 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A68] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Sun Jun 27 05:59:21 CDT 2021].
[168-C17] Consensus: Accept the kTotalStrokes property value changes for the Unihan database per feedback dated [Tue Jun 29 21:21:24 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R17 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A69] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: Change the kTotalStrokes property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Tue Jun 29 21:21:24 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 and Unihan-UTC168-R17 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A70] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Tue Jun 29 21:21:24 CDT 2021]
[168-A71] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant property values in the Unihan database per feedback dated [Fri Jul 2 03:17:10 CDT 2021] in PRI #433 as amended by the CJK & Unihan Group, and Unihan-UTC168-R18 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A72] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-129. [Fri Jul 2 03:17:10 CDT 2021]
[168-C18] Consensus: Accept the kMandarin property value changes and additions as specified in L2/21-119, based on Unihan-UTC168-R19 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A73] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update the Unihan database, based on document L2/21-119 and Unihan-UTC168-R19 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 14.0.
[168-A74] Action Item for V.S. Umamaheswaran, Roadmap Committee: Update the allocation for CJK Extension H as per L2/21-129 page 29.
E.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report Q3, 2021 [Daniel/ESC, L2/21-128]
Discussion of some proposed minor wording changes in UTS #51.
B.1 Recommendations to UTC #168 July 2021 on Script Proposals [Anderson, L2/21-130]
B.1 Section 1, Cyrillic
[168-C19] Consensus: Accept the 59 characters from U+1E030..U+1E06A in the new Cyrillic Extended-D block (U+1E030..U+1E08F) with property value "Other_Lowercase" for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-107 (Reference: Section 1a of L2/21-130).
[168-A75] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include 59 characters from U+1E030..U+1E06A in the new Cyrillic Extended-D block (U+1E030..U+1E08F) (Reference: L2/21-107 and Section 1a of L2/21-130)
[168-A76] Action Item for Deborah Anderson and Kirk Miller: Provide a font to Michel Suignard (Reference: L2/21-107 and Section 1a of L2/21-130)
[168-A77] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Confirm the Roadmap reflects the new Cyrillic Extended-D block(U+1E030..U+1E08F). This will require Chola and Chalukya be moved. (Reference: L2/21-107 and Section 1a of L2/21-130)
[168-C20] Consensus: Accept U+1E06B MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL ES WITH DESCENDER andU+1E06C MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL YERU WITH BACK YER with property value "Other_Lowercase" for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-142 (Reference: Section 1b of L2/21-130).
[168-A78] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+1E06B MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL ES WITH DESCENDER andU+1E06C MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL YERU WITH BACK YER. (Reference: L2/21-142 and Section 1b of L2/21-130)
[168-A79] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Kirk Miller: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+1E06B MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL ES WITH DESCENDER andU+1E06C MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL YERU WITH BACK YER. (Reference: L2/21-142 and Section 1b of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 2, Old Hungarian
[168-A80] Action Item for Debbie Anderson: Forward the proposal L2/21-115 to Michael Everson and Andre Szabolcs Szelp. (Reference: Section 2 of L2/21-130)
[168-A81] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Forward the comments in Section 2 of L2/21-130 to the proposal authors.
Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00.
B.1 Section 3, Sidetic
UTC notes document L2/21-111 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 4, Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
[168-C21] Consensus: Accept 186 changes for glyphs in the Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended blocks as shown in L2/21-141 for correction in a future version of the standard. (Reference: Section 4 of L2/21-130)
[168-A82] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Prepare an erratum for U+1628, U+163B and U+18DB, which show significant character orientation changes from the current glyphs, for posting when the glyph changes are published. (Reference: L2/21-141 and Section 4 of L2/21-130)
[168-A83] Action Item for Liang Hai, Editorial Committee: Include the figure and accompanying text from Section 1.1 of L2/21-141, showing the appropriate vertical positioning of the Carrier final characters for section 20.2 of the Core Spec, when the glyph changes are published. (Reference: L2/21-141 and Section 4 of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 5, Egyptian Hieroglyphs
UTC notes document L2/21-108 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 6, Arabic B.1 Section 6a, Quranic Marks used in Turkey
[168-C22] Consensus: Accept U+0895 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD SAKTA, U+0896 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD QASR, and U+0897 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD MADDA for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-133. (Reference: L2/21-133 and Section 6a of L2/21-130)
[168-A84] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+0895 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD SAKTA, U+0896 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD QASR, and U+0897 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD MADDA (Reference: L2/21-133 and Section 6a of L2/21-130)
[168-A85] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Lorna Evans: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+0895 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD SAKTA, U+0896 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD QASR, and U+0897 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD MADDA. (Reference: L2/21-133 and Section 6a of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 7, Devanagari B.1 Section 7a, Avagraha followed by Anusvara or Visarga
[168-A86] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay comments in Section 7a of L2/21-130 to the authors of document L2/21-113.
B.1 Section 7b, Devanagari ‘bhale mīṇḍu’
[168-C23] Consensus: Accept 10 Devanagari ‘bhale mīṇḍu’ characters from U+11B00..U+11B09 for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-102. (Reference: Section 7b of L2/21-130)
[168-A87] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include 10 Devanagari ‘bhale mīṇḍu’ characters from U+11B00..U+11B09 (Reference: L2/21-102 and Section 7b of L2/21-130)
Note: For the purposes of the Pipeline update, Ken can use the current tentative block allocation of Devanagari Extended-A with the range U+11B00..U+11B4F, pending the outcome of 168-A89 (see below).
[168-A88] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing 10 Devanagari ‘bhale mīṇḍu’ characters. (Reference: L2/21-102 and Section 7b of L2/21-130)
[168-A89] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, V.S. Umamaheswaran: Confirm changes are made to the Roadmap (extend the Devanagari Extended-A block to end at U+11B5F, and move Sharada Extensions over one column, from U+11B50..U+11B6F to U+11B60..U+11B7F). (Reference: Section 7b of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 8, Gurung Khema
UTC notes document L2/21-145 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 9, Kannada
[168-C24] Consensus: Accept U+0CF3 KANNADA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE RIGHT for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyph as in L2/21-114 and properties in Section 9 of L2/21-130.
[168-A90] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+0CF3 KANNADA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE RIGHT. (Reference: L2/21-114 and Section 9 of L2/21-130).
B.1 Section 10, Khojki
B.1 Section 10a, Vocalic R
[168-C25] Consensus: Accept U+11241 KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyph and properties as documented in L2/21-110. (Reference: Section 10a of L2/21-130)
[168-A91] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+11241 KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R (Reference: L2/21-110 and Section 10a of L2/21-130)
[168-A92] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+11241 KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R (Reference: L2/21-110 and Section 10a of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 10b, QA
[168-C26] Consensus: Accept U+1123F KHOJKI LETTER QA for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyph and properties as documented in L2/21-103. (Reference: Section 10b of L2/21-130)
[168-A93] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+1123F KHOJKI LETTER QA. (Reference: L2/21-103 and Section 10b of L2/21-130)
[168-A94] Action Item for Debbie Anderson and Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+1123F KHOJKI LETTER QA (Reference: L2/21-103 and Section 10b of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 10c, Short I
[168-C27] Consensus: Accept U+11240 KHOJKI LETTER SHORT I for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyph and properties as documented in L2/21-104. (Reference: Section 10c of L2/21-130)
[168-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+11240 KHOJKI LETTER SHORT I. (Reference: L2/21-104 and Section 10c of L2/21-130)
[168-A96] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+11240 KHOJKI LETTER SHORT I. (Reference: L2/21-104 and Section 10c of L2/21-130)
[168-A97] Action Item for Ben Yang, Anshuman Pandey, Editorial Committee: Provide wording for the core spec, clarifying the use of the Khojki letters I and Short I, for a future version of the standard.
B.1 Section 11, "Kirat Rai"
[168-A98] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, V.S. Umamaheswaran: Confirm changes are made to the Roadmap (remove “Khambu Rai” U+11BC0..U+11BFF and move Nag Mundari to that location). (Reference: Section 11 of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 12, Syloti Nagri B.1 Section 12a, Candrabindu
[168-A99] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay comments in Section 12a of L2/21-130 to the author of L2/21-138.
Short break 15:00 - 15:15.
B.1 Section 12b, Numerals
[168-A100] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay comments in Section 12b of L2/21-130 to the author of L2/21-140.
B.1 Section 13 Tulu/Tigalari
B.1 Section 13a, Tulu-Tigalari Proposal
UTC notes document L2/21-146 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 13b, Tulu-Tigalari replies to Script Ad Hoc etc.
UTC notes document L2/21-147 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 14, Vatteluttu
UTC notes document L2/21-139 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 15, Vedic
[168-A101] Action Item for Liang Hai: Work with Norbert Lindenberg and Peter Constable to investigate the Indic syllable structure and how dotted circles are working, and report back to UTC. (Reference: Section 15 of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 16, Lao
B.1 Section 16a, Proposal for Lao Yamakkan
[168-C28] Consensus: Accept U+0ECE LAO YAMAKKAN for encoding in a future version of the standard, with glyphs and properties as documented in L2/21-093. (Reference: Section 16a of L2/21-130)
[168-A102] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+0ECE LAO YAMAKKAN. (Reference: L2/21-093 and Section 16a of L2/21-130)
[168-A103] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Vinodh Rajan: Provide Michel Suignard with a font to print U+0ECE LAO YAMAKKAN. (Reference: L2/21-093 and Section 16a of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 16b, Comments on Lao Yamakkan
UTC notes document L2/21-143 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 17, Surat Ulu (Rejang)
[168-A104] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg: Invite Indonesian script experts to review the Surat Ulu proposal (Reference: Section 17 of L2/21-130 and L2/21-116).
[168-A105] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Invite Anshuman Pandey to review the Surat Ulu proposal (Reference: Section 17 of L2/21-130 and L2/21-116).
[168-A106] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward comments on Surat Ulu to the author of L2/21-116. (Reference: Section 17 of L2/21-130 and L2/21-116).
B.1 Section 18, Tagalog and Hunanoo
[168-C29] Consensus: Make the following adjustments to the properties for the following two characters for Unicode 14.0. For U+1734 HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD change the gc from Mn to Mc, change the bidi class from NSM to L, change the Indic_Positional_Category from Bottom to Right. For U+1715 TAGALOG SIGN PAMUDPOD, change the Indic_Positional_Category Bottom_and_Right to Right.
UTC notes that relevant changes have already been made in data files, and no further action is required on document L2/21-117.
B.1 Section 19, Jurchen
UTC notes document L2/21-049 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section 20, Toki Pona
[168-A107] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay comments in Section 20 of L2/21-130 to the author of L2/21-137.
B.1 Section 21, Nine Pointed Star
[168-C30] Consensus: Accept U+1F7D9 NINE POINTED WHITE STAR for encoding in a future version of the standard, with a glyph based on the gravestone marker in figure 14 and properties as in L2/21-144. (Reference: L2/21-144 and Section 21 of L2/21-130)
[168-A108] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+1F7D9 NINE POINTED WHITE STAR. (Reference: L2/21-144 and Section 21 of L2/21-130)
[168-A109] Action Item for Fred Brennan: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing U+1F7D9 NINE POINTED WHITE STAR. (Reference: L2/21-144 and Section 21of L2/21-130)
B.1 Section 22, Persian Siyaq
UTC notes document L2/21-105 but takes no further action.
B.1 Section X, Public Review Feedback
B.1 Section XI, 14.0 Alpha Review Feedback
B.1 Section XII, 14.0 Beta Review Feedback
Oral review of the feedback sections in L2/21-130.
[168-A110] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Send comments in L2/21-130 on Latin and Arabic to Patrik Sjöwall. [Apr 11 02:28:55 CDT 2021]
Short break 16:15 - 16:30.
C.1 CJK and Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #168 Meeting [Lunde, Jenkins, et al, L2/21-129]
C.1 Section 5, UAX #45 / U-Source Document
[168-C31] Consensus: Accept nine new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03239 through UTC-03247 with a UAX #45 status value of N, based on document L2/21-101 and Unihan-UTC168-R20 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 15.0.
[168-A111] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add nine new records to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-101 and Unihan-UTC168-R20 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 15.0.
C.1 Section 6, Other UAX #38 / Unihan Database Documents
[168-A112] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Update L2/21-118 to indicate that the ideograph components will be added to UAX #45, and will therefore have kIRG_USource property values. The update should also reflect any feedback from the UTC, then be submitted to the IRG for discussion during IRG #57 in September.
UTC adjourned for the week at 17:00.
L2 continued.
Members Represented
Full Member | 07/27/21 | 07/29/21 |
1. Adobe | yes | yes |
2. Apple Inc. | yes | yes |
3. Facebook | ||
4. Google, Inc. | yes | yes |
5. Microsoft Corporation | yes | yes |
6. Netflix | ||
7. Salesforce | ||
8. SAP AG | ||
9. Yat Labs | ||
Institutional Member | ||
1. Bangladesh, MSICT | ||
2. Tamil Nadu, TVA | ||
3. UCB | yes | yes |
Supporting Member | ||
1. Emojipedia | yes | |
Associate Member | ||
2. Amazon | yes | yes |
3. SIL | yes | yes |
UTC Attendance
Name | Representing |
Julie Allen | Unicode |
Debbie Anderson | UC Berkeley |
Fred Brennan | self |
Jeremy Burge | Emojipedia |
Christopher Chapman | Adobe |
Peter Constable | Microsoft |
Craig Cummings | Amazon |
Jennifer Daniel | |
Mark Davis | |
Kamile Demir | Adobe |
Peter Edberg | Apple |
Lorna Evans | SIL |
Asmus Freytag | self |
Richard Gillam | Apple |
Joshua Hadley | Adobe |
Liang Hai | Unicode |
Ned Holbrook | Apple |
John Jenkins | Apple |
Jan Kučera | self |
Jennifer 8. Lee | Emojination |
Renzhi Li | Microsoft |
Ken Lunde | Unicode |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Lisa Moore | Unicode |
Anshuman Pandey | self |
Marcel Pauluk | self |
Roozbeh Pournader | Unicode |
Judy Safran-Aasen | Microsoft |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
Markus Scherer | |
Mark Shoulson | self |
L. Stiger | self |
Samantha Sunne | Emojination |
Tex Texin | Xencraft |
Ken Whistler | Unicode |
Ben Yang | Adobe |