
Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 169
Mountain View, CA — October 5 and 7, 2021
Hosted virtually on Zoom

UTC #169 Agenda
Revision date: January 27, 2022

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Meeting opened at 9:30am. Craig Cummings opened the meeting. Also opened L2.

A.0 Consortium membership update

A.1 Membership review, proxies, and meeting quorum

Total 5.5 voting members. Quorum is 2.75.

6 members represented: Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft, UCB,

D.1 UTC #169 properties feedback & recommendations [Scherer, et al, L2/21-170]

D.1 L2/21-170, Section F1: UTS #39 data file default property values

[169-A1] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer: In IdentifierStatus.txt and IdentifierType.txt, replace comments with appropriate @missing lines. See L2/21-170 item F1. Reference UAX #44 in the format for data files and spec for UTS #39. Targeted at Unicode 15.0.

	IdentifierStatus.txt: # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Restricted 
	IdentifierType.txt: # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Not_Character

[169-A2] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Properties & Algorithms Group: Investigate and report on the other Unicode data files and specs that should have references to UAX #44 for data file formats.

D.1 L2/21-170, Section F2: UTS #46 ToASCII does not account for trailing dots

[169-A3] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: For Unicode 15.0, add notes to UTS #46 section 4.2 ToASCII, Processing step 4.2. See document L2/21-170 item F2.

[169-A4] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a Public Review Issue for a proposed update of UTS #46, for Unicode version 15.0.

D.1 L2/21-170, Section F3: incorrect grammar in UTS #18: Character Classes with Strings

[169-A5] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Mickey Rose feedback of [Thu Sep 9 06:59:02 CDT 2021], pointing to PRI #427. See L2/21-170 item F3 for details.

[169-A6] Action Item for Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group: In DerivedBidiClass.txt, change the default Bidi_Class value for 10EC0..10EFF from R to AL, for Unicode version 15.0.

Short break 10:33-10:48

Script Ad-Hoc

B.1 Recommendations to UTC #169 October 2021 on Script Proposals [Anderson, L2/21-174]

B.1 L2/21-174, Section 4a Arabic Allocation in SMP

[169-C1] Consensus: Accept new block Arabic Extended-C, with the range U+10EC0..U+10EFF, with a default Bidi_Class value of bc=AL.

[169-C2] Consensus: Move the following characters -- U+0895 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD SAKTA to U+10EFD U+0896 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD QASR to U+10EFE U+0897 ARABIC SMALL LOW WORD MADDA to U+10EFF (Reference: L2/21-181)

[169-A7] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include moving 3 Arabic characters. See above consensus 169-C2.

[169-A8] Action Item for Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group: In DerivedBidiClass.txt, change the default Bidi_Class value for 10EC0..10EFF from R to AL, for Unicode version 15.0.

B.1 L2/21-174, Section 7 Devanagari

[169-C3] Consensus: Accept a new block, Devanagari Extended-A, with the range U+11B00..U+11B5F. (Reference: Section 7 of L2/21-174).

[169-A9] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline with the correct end of block.

B.1 L2/21-174, Section 8 Old Turkic

[169-C4] Consensus: Accept glyph change for U+10C47 OLD TURKIC LETTER ORKHON OT as documented in L2/21-153 for correction in a future version of the standard.

[169-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Issue a glyph erratum for U+10C47, based on L2/21-153.

[169-A11] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Ask Michael Everson for a font for U+10C47. (Reference L2/21-153)

F.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #169 Meeting [Whistler, L2/21-171]

[169-A12] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, Editorial Committee: Prepare the emoji charts for any new emoji approved for 15.0 and associated PRI text for a public alpha review for that repertoire.

[169-A13] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for the Alpha review of emoji additions for Unicode 15.0, to close April 10, 2022.

Short break.

[169-A14] Action Item for Liang Hai: Clarify the description of R10 in Section 12.1, Devanagari of the core specification. For Unicode 15.0.

[169-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Angus Patrick feedback [Web Sep 15 08:12:31 in L2/21-169], noting that character names cannot be changed, and that the UTC has assessed that the CLDR short names and names list annotations regarding the moon phase symbols are clear enough as they stand to correctly identify the symbols in question.

Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00

E.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report Q4, 2021 [Daniel/ESC, L2/21-172]

Long discussion.

Break 15:05 - 15:20

[169-C5] Consensus: The UTC will no longer accept flag category F4 emoji submissions, as documented in L2/21-172.

[169-A16] Action Item for Jennifer Daniel, Emoji Subcommittee: Update the submission form in accordance with above consensus 169-C5.

Short break 16:15 - 16:30.

Long discussion of release meta issues.

B.1 L2/21-174, Section 1d Legacy Malayalam (Latin phonetic characters)

[169-C6] Consensus: Accept the following six characters, as documented in L2/21-156, for encoding in Unicode Version 15.0. (Reference L2/21-156)


[169-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include six new letters as documented in L2/21-156, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A18] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Kirk Miller: Provide a font to Michel Suignard for printing the 6 new letters. (Reference L2/21-156)

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:32.

October 7, 2021

Meeting opened at 9:30am.

6 members represented: Adobe, Apple, ETCO, Google, Microsoft, UCB,

A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [L2/21-123]

[169-C7] Consensus: Approve minutes of UTC #168 as amended in discussion.

A.6 Calendar review [Calendar]

UTC #171 April 19-22, 2022. Host Adobe

UTC #172 July 26-29, 2022. Host Microsoft

UTC #173 date TBA, tentative host Apple.

Short break 10:30 - 10:45.

C.1 CJK and Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #169 Meeting [Lunde, Jenkins, et al, L2/21-173]

[169-A19] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Mon Aug 2 17:35:50 CDT 2021]

[169-A20] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Explore ways to enhance the search feature of the “Search the Unihan Database” page per feedback dated [Thu Sep 23 15:18:26 CDT 2021] in L2/21-169 and Unihan-UTC169-R02 in document L2/21-173.

[169-A21] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Thu Sep 23 15:18:26 CDT 2021]

[169-A22] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Thu Sep 23 23:54:38 CDT 2021]

[169-A23] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173. [Fri Sep 24 00:26:38 CDT 2021]

[169-C8] Consensus: Authorize a proposed update of UAX #38 for Unicode 15.0 to document the additional sources for Unihan database values, based on document L2/21-150 and Unihan-UTC169-R06 in document L2/21-173, as amended during the meeting to use lowercase "s" as the prefix.

[169-A24] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Produce a proposed update of UAX #38 for Unicode 15.0 to document the additional sources for Unihan database values, based on document L2/21-150 and Unihan-UTC169-R06 in document L2/21-173.

[169-A25] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRI for UAX #38 for Unicode 15.0, to close 2022-01-10.

[169-A26] Action Item for John Jenkins: Prepare and submit a new document based on discussion of L2/21-151 in the meeting.

[169-A27] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the document author of L2/21-152 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.

[169-C9] Consensus: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-00792 from W to N and accept one new U-Source ideograph as UTC-03248 with a UAX #45 status value of N, based on document L2/21-149 and Unihan-UTC169-R09 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A28] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-00792 from W to N and add one new record to USourceData.txt and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-149 and Unihan-UTC169-R09 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A29] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the document author of L2/21-149 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.

[169-A30] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Prepare a proposed update of UAX #45, for Unicode version 15.0.

[169-A31] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRI for UAX #45 for Unicode 15.0, to close 2022-01-10.

[169-C10] Consensus: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-00777 from X to N and accept two new U-Source ideographs as UTC-03249 and UTC-03250 with a UAX #45 status value of N, based on document L2/21-178 and Unihan-UTC169-R10 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A32] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-00777 from X to N and add two new records to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-178 and Unihan-UTC169-R10 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A33] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the document author of L2/21/178 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.

[169-C11] Consensus: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-01005 from U to N and accept one new U-Source ideograph as UTC-03251 with a UAX #45 status value of N, based on document L2/21-179 and Unihan-UTC169-R11 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A34] Action Item for John Jenkins: Change the UAX #45 status value of UTC-01005 from U to N and add one new record to USourceData.txt and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-179 and Unihan-UTC169-R11 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-C12] Consensus: Accept 4,192 CJK Unified Ideographs in a new block CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H with code point range U+31350..U+323AF, based on document IRG N2513 and Unihan-UTC169-R12 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A35] Action Item for Michel Suignard, John Jenkins: Add the required property values for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H block—IRG source references, kRSUnicode, and kTotalStrokes—to the Unihan database, based on document IRG N2513 and Unihan-UTC169-R12 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A36] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include CJK Extension H.

[169-C13] Consensus: Accept the horizontal extension for U+2BB37 (Extension E) and U+2D25D (Extension F), based on document L2/21-159 (aka IRG N2507) and Unihan-UTC169-R13 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A37] Action Item for Michel Suignard, John Jenkins: Add the following kIRG_HSource property values to the Unihan database, based on document L2/21-159 (aka IRG N2507) and Unihan-UTC169-R13 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0; U+2BB37 kIRG_HSource HD-2BB37, U+2D25D kIRG_HSource HD-2D25D.

[169-A38] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update the IDS in UAX #45 for U+30759 (UTC-01250).

[169-A39] Action Item for Julie Allen, Editorial Committee: Remove the final sentence from the English translation of the 漢字 (kanji or Han characters) entry in 広辞苑 (kōjien) that appears on page 732 of Version 14.0 of the Core Specification, based on document L2/21-164 and Unihan-UTC169-R15 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A40] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Convey to the document author of L2/21-164 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in document L2/21-173.

E.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report Q4, 2021 [Daniel/ESC, L2/21-172]

[169-C14] Consensus: Accept the repertoire of 21 provisional emoji candidates as documented in L2/21-172R for encoding in Unicode Version 15.0.

[169-A42] Action Item for Peter Constable: Notify the WG2 mail list of the emoji repertoire additions.

[169-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include emoji repertoire candidates.

[169-A44] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI for emoji repertoire additions, with the provisional emoji charts.

[169-A45] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for emoji repertoire additions. // Send info to Peter Constable about the PRI.

Lunch 13:00 - 14:00

B.1 Recommendations to UTC #169 October 2021 on Script Proposals [Anderson, L2/21-174]

Discussion of synchronization, scheduling.

B.1 Section 12 Kawi

[169-C15] Consensus: Accept the following changes:


(Reference: Section 12 of L2/21-174)

[169-A46] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline, noting the character removal and name change for Kawi (Reference: Section 12 of L2/21-174).

B.1 Section 13 Sundanese

[169-C16] Consensus: Add a formal name alias of type correction for U+1BBD SUNDANESE LETTER BHA. The formal name alias will be SUNDANESE LETTER ARCHAIC I. (Reference: L2/21-221)

[169-C17] Consensus: Change the representative glyph for U+1BBF SUNDANESE LETTER FINAL M as shown on page 2 of L2/21-221 to reflect the one used in "Direktori Aksara Sunda untuk Unicode." (Reference: L2/21-221)

[169-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add an informative name alias "= gemination mark" to 1BBA SUNDANESE AVAGRAHA, add the annotations "used in a 21st century document" and "for actual final m, use 1B99 1BAA" to U+1BBF SUNDANESE LETTER FINAL M. (Reference: L2/21-221)

[169-A48] Action Item for Norbert Lindenberg, Editorial Committee: Make modifications to Section 17.7 Sundanese of the Core Spec, based on Section 2.3 of L2/21-221.

[169-A49] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Change the representative glyph for U+1BBF SUNDANESE LETTER FINAL M as shown on page 2 of L2/21-221 to reflect the one used in "Direktori Aksara Sunda untuk Unicode" for Unicode Version 15. (Reference: L2/21-221)

B.1 Section 14 Khitan Small Script

[169-C18] Consensus: Accept a glyph change for U+18CCA KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-18CCA as documented in L2/21-182 for correction in a future version of the standard.

[169-A50] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Issue a glyph erratum for U+18CCA based on document L2/21-182.

[169-A51] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add a cross-reference between U+18CCA and U+18BDE. (Reference: L2/21-182)

[169-A52] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Obtain a font from Eiso Chan for U+18CCA KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-18CCA. (Reference: L2/21-182)

B.1 Section 17 Southern Song Counting Rod Characters

[169-C19] Consensus: Rescind the following characters:


[169-A53] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to remove 5 characters as in above consensus 169-C19. (Reference: Section 17 of L2/21-174)

[169-A54] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Plant more unicorn seeds in the south 40.

Short break 15:00 - 15:20.

Discussion of repertoire for Unicode 15.0.

[169-A55] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to submitter of the feedback dated [Mon Aug 2 10:58:51 CDT 2021] in L2/21-169 (Reference: Section IX of L2/21-174)

A.7 Liaison reports [SC2/WG2, IRG, IETF/ICANN, INFITT, SEI, Mongolian, ICU, CLDR, TC37/SC2]

Oral report on SC2/WG2 by Michel Suignard.

Oral report on IETF/ICANN by Michel Suignard.

Oral report on Mongolian by Peter Constable, Liang Hai.

Oral report on ICU by Markus Scherer.

Oral report on CLDR by Peter Edberg.

Oral report on TC37/SC2 by Peter Constable.

Short break 16:08 - 16:20.

Discussion of ballot comments.

UTC adjourned for the week at 16:31.

L2 continued.

Members Represented

Roll CallOct 5Oct 7
Adobeyes yes
Apple Inc.yes yes
ETCO (Oman)yes yes
Google, Inc.yes yes
Microsoft Corpyes yes
Yat Labs
Bangladesh, MSICT
Oman (MARA)yes yes
Tamil Nadu, TVA
UCByes yes
Amazonyes yes
SILyes yes

UTC Attendance

Asmus Freytagself
Ben YangAdobe
Christopher ChapmanAdobe
Craig CummingsAmazon
Debbie AndersonUCB
Fesseha Atlawself
Fred Brennanself
Jan Kučeraself
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Jennifer 8 LeeEmojination
Jeremy BurgeEmojipedia
John JenkinsApple
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Julie AllenUnicode
Kamile DemirAdobe
Keith BroniEmojipedia
Ken LundeApple
Ken WhistlerUnicode
Koji IshiiGoogle
Liang HaiUnicode
Lisa MooreUnicode
Loïz FilyBZH
Lorna EvansSIL
Mark DavisGoogle
Mark Shoulsonself
Markus SchererGoogle
Michel SuignardUnicode
Ned HolbrookApple
Norbert Lindenbergself
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Peter EdbergApple
Richard GillamApple
Rick McGowanUnicode
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Salim Al MandhariETCO
Samantha SunneEmojination
Simon HammondCanva
Tex TexinXencraft
Toral CowiesonUnicode
Zhilin FangVMWare