Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #169 Meeting
Source: Editorial Committee
Date: October 4, 2021
A. Unicode Release Topics
A1. Unicode 15.0 Schedule and Planning
FYI: The significant milestones for the Unicode 15.0 release are:
- Alpha start: February 8, 2022
- Alpha close: April 12, 2022
- Beta start: June 7, 2022
- Beta close: July 12, 2022
- Release: September 11, 2022
These dates are preliminary, pending further review and consideration of synchronization with UTC meetings and with CLDR and ICU release dates.
The Editorial Committee held a special meeting on September 30 to discuss in some detail release management issues for Unicode 15.0 and Unicode 16.0. In particular, Ken Whistler has decided to step away from the release manager role as of Unicode 16.0. This means that the release management for Unicode 15.0 needs to be handled differently, with new people stepping in to learn parts of the process. A group will continue meeting to discuss and plan details
One of the early recommendations for how to streamline the Unicode 15.0 release process is to drop plans now for most of the alpha review for 15.0. This is feasible, because one of the main reasons for doing an alpha review is to provide a window of opportunity for people to comment on repertoire and glyphs presented in charts before the beta review starts. Such charts are now already available, because SC2 has issued a CDAM1 ballot that covers not only the already published 14.0 repertoire, but also the 15.0 candidates so far approved. That ballot serves as the early window for review and comment, at least for the SC2 stakeholders. Instead of an alpha review cycle for all of the 15.0 repertoire, the UTC could limit "alpha" to some special consideration for the emoji additions, which are not yet visible in the CDAM1 ballot.
EC-UTC169-R1: The Editorial Committee recommends that the UTC record action items to post a PRI for an early ("alpha") review of emoji additions for Unicode 15.0, as soon as the relevant emoji charts can be updated:
AI Ned Holbrook, Editorial Committee. Prepare the emoji charts for any new emoji approved for 15.0 and associated PRI text for a public alpha review for that repertoire.
AI Rick McGowan. Post the PRI for the Alpha review of emoji additions for Unicode 15.0, to close April 12 [?], 2022.
A2. Release of Unicode 14.0.0
FYI: Unicode 14.0.0 was released on schedule, on September 14, 2021. There were a few minor glitches with announcement links, but no significant reports of errors in the charts, data, annexes, or core specification to date.
A3. Unicode 15.0 Core Specification Editing
FYI: Editorial work on the text of the core specification for Unicode 15.0 is just starting. Note that much of the content currently scheduled for Unicode 15.0 is committed content that has been postponed — sometimes repeatedly — from prior releases.
A4. Unicode 15.0 Action Item Retargeting
The Editorial Committee discussed the action items targeted for the Unicode 15.0 release, many of which have been carried forward for many release cycles now without completion. It complicates the release process to be carrying forward many items this way, especially when the likelihood of completion of many of them doesn't seem to change much year to year.
Pertinent open action items from SD2 that in principle could have a bearing on the 15.0 release are listed below, divided into several categories.
Table A4.1 Explicitly targeted for 15.0, and reasonable to continue to target for 15.0.
Action Who Description Documents Target 168-A3 Ken Whistler Review existing modifier letters encoded for phonetic transcriptions and recommend which ones should be assigned Other_Lowercase, such as possibly U+AB69 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED W, for Unicode version 15.0. 15.0 168-A6 Markus Scherer, Mark Davis, Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee Prepare a proposed update of UAX #44 that data files may contain multiple @missing lines for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2. L2/21-126 15.0 168-A7 Markus Scherer and Mark Davis Propose a change in one or more UCD files to use multiple @missing lines; for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2. L2/21-126 15.0 168-A10 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Add a note in UTS #39 like the one in UAX #14 about data files being normative, for Unicode version 15.0. 15.0 168-A16 Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer Investigate the proposals in L2/21-126 item PRI429a; take into consideration the relationship of UTS #46 with IDNA2008; for Unicode version 15.0. L2/21-126 15.0 168-A17 Ken Whistler, Asmus Freytag Create a proposal for additional UTS #46 derived data files showing IDNA2008 category values for easy comparisons with those published by the IETF, for Unicode version 15.0. See L2/21-126 item PRI429c. L2/21-126 15.0 168-A25 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Clarify terminology related to properties of strings in UAX #44, following UTR #23 where feasible. For Unicode version 15.0. [Ref. Peter Constable Mon Jul 12 17:38:53 CDT 2021 cited in L2/21-127.] 15.0 168-A83 Liang Hai, Editorial Committee Include the figure and accompanying text from Section 1.1 of L2/21-141, showing the appropriate vertical positioning of the Carrier final characters for section 20.2 of the Core Spec, when the glyph changes are published. (Reference L2/21-141 and Section 4 of L2/21-130) L2/21-141, L2/21-130 15.0 168-A97 Ben Yang, Anshuman Pandey, Editorial Committee Provide wording for the core spec, clarifying the use of the Khojki letters I and Short I, for a future version of the standard. 15.0 168-A111 John Jenkins Add nine new records to USourceData.txt and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/21-101 and Unihan-UTC168-R20 in document L2/21-129, for Unicode Version 15.0. L2/21-101, L2/21-129 15.0 167-A54 Mark Davis Review differences between RGI_Emoji and emoji-test.txt. For Unicode version 14.0. Reference: L2/21-069 item F2. (Retargeted to 15.0.) L2/21-069 15.0 166-A61 Markus Scherer, Norbert Lindenberg, Editorial Committee Propose changes to the specification of variation sequences in TUS chapter 23.4 and appropriate additions to chapter 3, based on document L2/21-012 item D2. The intent is to clarify the restrictions on initial characters in order to avoid issues under normalization. Include examples of characters and sequences that are excluded. See also action item 152-A5a. L2/21-012 15.0 165-A42 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Prepare a proposed update of UAX #31 to clarify when & why ZWJ/ZWNJ should be ignored vs. when not. See L2/20-240 item F4. For Unicode version 14. (Retargeted to 15.0.) L2/20-240 15.0 165-A48 Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee Update UTS #46 to validate ACE label edge cases, see L2/20-240 item F7. For Unicode 14. (Retargeted for 15.0.) L2/20-240 15.0 164-A28 Liang Hai Propose text for the Gurmukhi block introduction in Unicode version 14.0 allowing for the sequence < consonant letter or U+0A72 ੲ GURMUKHI IRI, U+0A02 ◌ਂ GURMUKHI SIGN BINDI, 0A40 GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN II > and how it should be represented, noting that for many existing fonts the bindi may overlap with bihari. Reference Section 11a of L2/20-169 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations. (Retargeted for 15.0) L2/20-169 15.0 164-A32 Liang Hai, Norbert Lindenberg, Ben Yang, Editorial Committee Make the changes to section 17.3 of TUS as outlined in L2/20-150 and discussed in section 19 of L2/20-169 (Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/20-150, L2/20-169 15.0 164-A50 Markus Scherer Revise the syntax of IdnaTestV2.txt, adding the ability to represent an explicitly empty input or output string; and generate a new version of the data accordingly, for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 164-A51 Markus Scherer Revise the generation of IdnaTestV2.txt, escaping certain characters like ZWJ and ZWNJ to make them visible, for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 164-A53 Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee Add a migration note to UTS #46 about incompatible changes to the test file format and contents, for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 164-A54 Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee Prepare a proposed update of UTS #46, for Unicode 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 163-A52 Liang Hai, Editorial Committee Review the Telugu and Gurmukhi block introductions of the core specification for any text that refers to fonts. Reference Section 9d of L2/20-105. (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/20-105 15.0 162-A13 Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook Make data/tooling fixes documented in L2/20-050, based on Charlotte Buff's feedback [Fri Jan 3 07:33:53 CST 2020] in PRI #405. (issue is that the description is only given for the first emoji of a range) (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 156-A70 Ken Lunde, Liang Hai, Editorial Committee Update UAX #50 to accommodate vertical orientation of right-to-left scripts, for Unicode 13.0. (retargetted to Unicode 14.0, then 15.0) 15.0 152-A5a Ken Whistler, Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Draft a new section for Chapter 3 on variation selectors and variation sequences, for Version 11.0. (retargeted to 13.0, 14.0, 15.0) 15.0 Table A4.2 Explicitly targeted for 15.0, but unlikely to be completed soon. We suggest that these be detargeted from 15.0 for now. May be retargeted if work is actually done.
Action Who Description Documents Target 166-A55 Mark Davis For Unicode 14 confusables.txt, add ß ~ β and ẞ ~ B if feasible. And Middle Scots S. See document L2/21-016 (U+A7D6 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER MIDDLE SCOTS S, U+A7D7 LATIN SMALL LETTER MIDDLE SCOTS S) (Retargeted to 15.0.) L2/21-016 15.0 166-A62 Markus Scherer, Mark Davis Add an invariant test to make sure that initial characters of variation sequences conform to their restrictions. See document L2/21-012 item D2. L2/21-012 15.0 165-A37 Mark Davis Add U+1715 TAGALOG SIGN PAMUDPOD to the list of confusables. L2/20-272 15.0 165-A49 Roozbeh Pournader, Andrew Glass Re document L2/20-240 item F8, investigate what the right Indic shaping properties should be for certain Vedic characters. (U+1CE9..U+1CEC, U+1CEE..U+1CF1) See also related AI 164-A63. For Unicode 14. (Retargeted for 15.0.) L2/20-240 15.0 164-A25 Andrew Glass, Editorial Committee Provide text on the Egyptian cluster model in the Core Spec for a future version of the standard, as described in L2/20-176 and section 7 of L2/20-169 (Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). (Unicode 14.0, then 15.0) L2/20-176, L2/20-169 15.0 162-A2 Roozbeh Pournader Provide a document on potential addition of more modifier letters to "ALetter" in Table 3 of UAX #29. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A3 Roozbeh Pournader, Chris Chapman Look at the review notes in UAX #29 revision 36 for potential update in the future. For Unicode 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A43 Deborah Anderson, Script Ad-Hoc Investigate linebreaking behavior in Javanese, Balinese, and Sundanese scripts based on feedback [Tue Nov 5 18:25:35 CST 2019] from Elika Etemad, and report back before Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A45 Steven Loomis, Editorial Committee Provide text for UAX #14 based on comments in PRI #406 [Wed Dec 4 15:18:53 CST 2019], for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A51 Roozbeh Pournader Review L2/20-005 for any potential updates to UAX #14 for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A52 Roozbeh Pournader Review L2/20-006 for any potential updates to UAX #14 for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A56 Roozbeh Pournader Investigate the appropriate identifier type and status of characters listed in feedback [Fri Nov 29 09:38:39 CST 2019] from David Corbett on PRI #411 and provide that information to Mark Davis. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 162-A68 Roozbeh Pournader Investigate whether further Linebreak property updates need to be made in the Legacy Computing block, for Unicode version 13.0. (retargeted to 14.0, then 15.0) 15.0 162-A69 Roozbeh Pournader Review L2/20-008 for possible updates to the core specification and forward any suggestions to the Editorial Committee. (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/20-008 15.0 162-A80 Roozbeh Pournader, Ben Yang Provide the confusable information on Mandaic to Mark Davis. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 159-A12 Roozbeh Pournader Review the text of document L2/19-113 to see if there are any potential editorial changes to the text of UAX #9. L2/19-113 15.0 159-A27 Roozbeh Pournader Review feedback from David Corbett in L2/19-124 [Tue Feb 12 15:59:19 CST 2019] about U+20E6 COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE OVERLAY. (z-notation issue) (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/19-124 15.0 159-A28 Roozbeh Pournader Review feedback from David Corbett in L2/19-124 [Wed Feb 13 13:48:22 CST 2019] about characters with question marks in BidiMirroring.txt. (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/19-124 15.0 158-A98 Roozbeh Pournader Investigate document L2/19-054 for further additions to ScriptExtensions, for Unicode version 13.0. (Retargeted to 14.0, then 15.0.) L2/19-054 15.0 157-A28 Mark Davis Create proposal for restructuring the information in tables in section 2.4 of UAX #31, including consideration of turning the data into machine-readable data files. (Retargeted for 15.0) 15.0 156-A21 Mark Davis, Editorial Committee Review L2/18-188 and propose any text changes to the UTC. (for the core spec) (retargeted to 14.0, then 15.0) L2/18-188 15.0 156-A80 Peter Constable, Editorial Committee Prepare revisions to the Thai block introduction, to take into consideration issues discussed in L2/18-216 and feedback from the script ad-hoc in L2/18-241. For Unicode version 13.0. (Then 14.0, then 15.0.) L2/18-216, L2/18-241, L2/18-248 15.0 155-A20 Michel Suignard Draft a document outlining proposed changes to UTS #46. (Retargeted to 15.0) 15.0 155-A89 Mark Davis Document extra classes used for testing characters in the segmentation test HTML files for 11.0. [E.g. ZWJ_FE, CM1_CM, etc.] (Retargeted for 13.0, 14.0, 15.0.) 15.0 155-A90 Mark Davis Provide customized versions of the headers for the segmentation test files, for Unicode 12.0. (Retargeted for 13.0, 14.0, 15.0.) 15.0 154-A104 Mark Davis Produce working draft version of UAX #14 based on document L2/18-050. (Retargeted to 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0.) L2/18-050 15.0 154-A105 Mark Davis Add to proposed update draft of UAX #29 based on document L2/18-050. (for Unicode 13.0, retargeted to 14.0, then 15.0) L2/18-050 15.0 151-A143 Mark Davis, Laurențiu Iancu Add invariant tests for new property and property values from PRI #344. (Retargeted to Unicode 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0.) 15.0 150-A14 Laurențiu Iancu Investigate inconsistencies in properties reported by David Corbett in feedback on UAX #9, PRI #340, and prepare a recommendation. (post Unicode 10.0) (Retargeted from 11.0 to 12.0 to 13.0, then 14.0, 15.0) 15.0 144-A91 Mark Davis Create an explicit release process for UTS #51. (retargeted for Emoji 11.0, then 12.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) In particular, add milestones to the Big Red Switch release plan. 15.0 144-A92 Mark Davis Create an explicit release process for UTS #39. (retargeted for 10.0, then 11.0, then 12.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) In particular, add milestones to the Big Red Switch release plan. 15.0 143-A62 Roozbeh Pournader Review descriptions of white space properties in the standard and come up with a proposal for clearer definitions and new text for Section 6.2 of the core spec. (for Unicode 10.0, retargeted to 11.0, then 12.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) 15.0 142-A64 Laurențiu Iancu Prepare a proposal for recommendations to address remaining inconsistencies between word break and sentence break in UAX #29, for Unicode 9.0. (postponed to 10.0, then 11.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) 15.0 129-A106 Mark Davis Produce a document with recommendations for the use and format of regex for validating UCD data, considering the feedback in L2/11-383. (for 10.0, retargeted for 11.0, then 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0) L2/11-383 15.0 EC-A391 Mark Davis Update the UTS #51 release spreadsheet for the 13.0 release. (Retargeted for 14.0, 15.0) 15.0 EC-A389 Mark Davis In Section 4 of UTS #39, turn definitions into actual formal definitions with "D" numbers, formatted correctly. For 10.0. Bumped to 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0. 15.0 EC-A343 Mark Davis Make the pseudorandsom generation of test cases for IdnaTest.txt less "delicate", to make comparison of the test data file between versions less onerous. (After 7.0.) Retargeted to 9.0 --> 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0 15.0 Table A4.3 No explicit target, although conceivably having a bearing on 15.0 content, if completed. These can just be left untargeted for now.
Action Who Description Documents Target 168-A5 Asmus Freytag, Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group Take the information in document L2/21-030 to develop guidelines for proposals to change the status of scripts in UAX #31. L2/21-030 -- 168-A8 Mark Davis, Properties & Algorithms Group Create a checklist to verify that proposed changes to properties do not cause problems for identifiers (UAX #31) or for IDNA (UTS #46). This should be covered by an “invariant test” if possible. -- 168-A35 Mark Davis Discuss possible improvements in UTS #51 for reserved emoji. Put on agenda for next ESC report. -- 168-A63 Mark Davis Add an invariant test to make sure that the three properties, kTotalStrokes, kRSUnicode, and at least one value for an IRG source, are defined for all CJK ideographs. -- 168-A64 John Jenkins Add invariant tests in conjunction with production of Unihan.zip to make sure that the three properties, kTotalStrokes, kRSUnicode, and at least one value for an IRG source, are defined for all CJK ideographs. -- 168-A101 Liang Hai Work with Norbert Lindenberg and Peter Constable to investigate the Indic syllable structure and how dotted circles are working, and report back to UTC. (Reference Section 15 of L2/21-130) L2/21-130 -- 167-A44 Lorna Evans, Roozbeh Pournader, Debbie Anderson Review the text in Chapter 9, “Arabic”, subsection “Quranic Texts” and see if the wording can be improved. -- 167-A55 Markus Scherer, Properties & Algorithms Group Provide small edits for relevant sections of the core specification to update guidance for the UTF-8 BOM, given that UTF-8 has become the predominant text encoding and that therefore more tools can assume that text is in UTF-8. To be submitted for UTC #168. Reference: L2/21-069 item D1. L2/21-069 -- 167-A83 Michel Suignard Consider the feedback from Michael Everson (Apr 12) on PRI #428 regarding the glyphs for 2E56..2E58, and investigate whether the glyphs can be made more consistent with other square bracket glyphs. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details.) L2/21-070 -- 167-A85 Norbert Lindenberg Provide a proposal for specific text changes to improve the discussion of nonspacing marks in sections 5.12 and 5.13 of the core specification. L2/21-070 -- 166-A58 Mark Davis, Properties and Algorithms Group Produce a set of criteria to be met by scripts to be considered for Identifier_Type = Recommended in UTS #39 and UAX #31. Determine what information needs to accompany any proposal to reclassify. -- 166-A59 Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee Prepare a proposal for the UTC to add and clarify terminology for testing for canonical and other equivalences in chapter 3 (such as sections 3.7, 3.11, and 3.13) and UAX #15, and use that terminology in appropriate places, as outlined in document L2/21-012 item F4. L2/21-012 -- 166-A78 Liang Hai Investigate the use of multiple pre-base vowels in clusters of Brahmic scripts, especially rendering of sequences of different pre-base vowels. (Reference Section 18a of L2/21-016 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). L2/21-016 -- 165-A44 Asmus Freytag, Michel Suignard Provide a document proposing an option in UAX #31 to prohibit ZWJ/ZWNJ altogether, for identifier security. -- 164-A42 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Review the information contained in document L2/20-158 and see if text can be added to §22.7 of TUS, or whether a Technical Note would be more appropriate. Reference Section 26 of L2/20-169 (Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). L2/20-169 -- 164-A56 Markus Scherer Re document L2/20-175 item F4, Investigate revising the generation of IdnaTestV2.txt, writing expected output strings computed with UseSTD3ASCIIRules = false but retaining the error flags for when UseSTD3ASCIIRules = true is set. L2/20-175 -- 164-A63 Roozbeh Pournader Re document L2/20-175 item F10, Investigate what the right Indic shaping properties should be for certain Devanagari and Vedic characters. L2/20-175 -- 164-A69 Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee Investigate options for improvement and consistency of text re nukta, bindu, and svara in the core specification, the Unicode Glossary, and the header of IndicSyllabicCategory.txt. Ref. Norbert Lindenberg, June 25, in document L2/20-174. L2/20-174 -- 163-A54 Liang Hai, Script Ad Hoc Write a document discussing the architectural issues with the two characters U+0C5B TELUGU LETTER TAMIL TRANSCRIPTIONAL LLLA and U+0C5C TELUGU LETTER TAMIL TRANSCRIPTIONAL RRA and provides recommendations, for the July 2020 UTC meeting. -- 163-A69 Markus Scherer, UCD Dev Adhoc Prepare a proposal for including version numbers into the UCD and all specifications with data. See document L2/20-108 section F2. L2/20-108 -- 161-A58 Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Karan Miśra, Asmus Freytag Review the list of characters in section six (6) of L2/19-329R and suggest changes to identifier type. L2/19-329R -- 161-A59 Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Karan Miśra, Asmus Freytag Review the list of characters in section seven (7) of L2/19-329R and suggest changes to identifier type. L2/19-329R -- 161-A102 Roozbeh Pournader Suggest text about use of BOM for section 23.8 of the core specification. See feedback from Shmuel Metz [Thu Aug 29 13:30:11 CDT 2019] in L2/19-325. L2/19-325 -- 160-A40 Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee Come up with a name for the elements of the Unicode character name namespace. -- 160-A58 Mark Davis Produce a revised version of L2/19-294 that considers (1) having language specific versions of Sentence_Break (2) takes no action on Nubian and (3) comes up with a proposal on vertical forms. (retargetted for UTC #162) L2/19-294 -- 160-A73 Mark Davis Investigate the best way to resolve inconsistencies in text segmentation and linebreak algorithms, and report back to the UTC. See feedback in PRI #396 from Charlotte Buff [Sat Jul 6 16:57:48 CDT 2019]. -- 159-A25 Murray Sargent Review feedback from David Corbett in L2/19-124 [Tue Feb 12 15:54:25 CST 2019] on U+23B7 RADICAL SYMBOL BOTTOM, including for possible glyph change. L2/19-124 -- 159-A81 Roozbeh Pournader, Lisa Moore Investigate feedback from David Corbett on Table 7-1 [Tue Apr 2 10:13:24 CDT 2019] in L2/19-124. L2/19-124 -- 158-A6 Laurențiu Iancu Look at additional full-width characters such as plus or minus, for word-breaking and sentence-breaking full-width numbers. L2/19-055 -- 158-A10 Liang Hai Prepare a proposal for additional updates regarding tailoring of NNBSP for line-breaking. -- 158-A103 Roozbeh Pournader, Norbert Lindenberg Investigate potential changes to Indic_Syllabic_Category for Khmer characters mentioned in L2/19-054. L2/19-054 -- 158-A104 Roozbeh Pournader Investigate potential changes to Indic_Syllabic_Category for U+0AFB GUJARATI SIGN SHADDA. -- 158-A105 Roozbeh Pournader Follow up with submitter Zachary Scheuren on properties for U+11C44 BHAIKSUKI GAP FILLER-1 and U+11C45 BHAIKSUKI GAP FILLER-2 and follow up with submitter of comments documented in L2/19-054. L2/19-054 -- 158-A106 Liang Hai, Roozbeh Pournader Investigate David Corbett's feedback of Nov 25 and Nov 29, 2018 on the Unicode 12.0 beta. -- 158-A128 Liang Hai, Andrew Glass Sort out the problems with Chakma encoding. See script ad-hoc report, document L2/19-047. L2/19-047 -- 155-A84 Mark Davis, Chris Chapman Investigate PRI #372 feedback from fantasai on "Apparent Sentence_Break miscategorizations" (Thu Mar 8 02:36:01 CST 2018) and make suggestions for Unicode 13.0, for UTC #158. (January 2019) -- 154-A21 Liang Hai, Roozbeh Pournader Review the Indic syllabic categories of existing UPADHMANIYA and JIHVAMULIYA. -- 153-A126 Norbert Lindenberg Work with Martin Hosken, Andrew Glass, Peter Constable, Roozbeh Pournader to specify the order of the Ahom vowel signs. See September 27, 2017 feedback from David Corbett. L2/17-364 -- 151-A110 Andrew Glass, Roozbeh Pournader, Peter Constable, Debbie Anderson Review PRI #350 feedback "InPC for Newa Vowels" from Richard Wordingham (April 30, 2017). -- 149-A47 Tim Brandall, Lee Collins Update the Java Bidi part of the Unicode tools from 7.0 to 9.0. (--> 12.0 --> 13.0 --> 14.0) -- Table A4.4 Either explicitly targeted for 15.0 or untargeted, but unlikely to be completed ever. We suggest that these be closed as unlikely to be done.
Action Who Description Documents Target 161-A9 Mark Davis Consider David Corbett's feedback of [Tue Oct 1 18:54:53 CDT 2019] on the QID proposal in UTS #51. See PRI #405.[Relevant now to PRI #408.] (Retargeted to 15.0) L2/19-325 15.0 151-A90 Laurențiu Iancu Investigate linebreaking properties of double diacritics, based on feedback from David Corbett on PRI #335 of April 29, 2017 22:48:11. -- 151-A91 Laurențiu Iancu Review feedback from David Corbett on PRI #335 of April 29 and May 4, 2017, and make any recommendations for property changes. -- 149-A50 Peter Edberg Review cases where LineBreak and WordBreak are not aligned, for the January 2017 (--> 2018) UTC meeting. (Retargeted for 13.0, then 14.0.) L2/16-336 --
B. Website Topics
B1. Website Status
FYI: The Unicode technical website has remained stable since our last report.
B2. Website Content Maintenance
FYI: There is nothing new to report on at this time.
C. Editorial Committee Process Issues
FYI: The Editorial Committee continues to meet approximately once a month via Zoom, with those monthly meetings now scheduled for 5 hours (with a lunch break), instead of the longer meetings we used to hold.
This report to the UTC includes feedback from the Editorial Committee meetings held on August 12, September 2 and September 30, 2021.
Public-facing infomation about the Editorial Committee and its work is maintained on the Unicode Editorial Committee page on the website. The Editorial Committee also maintains an internal subsite for use by the committee. People who would like to find out more about the work of the Editorial Committee or contribute to that work should contact the Chair, Julie Allen.
D. UTR Topics
FYI: The Editorial Committee has nothing to bring up separately about various UTRs at this time.
E. PRI Topics
FYI: The Editorial Committee has no new feedback on the remaining open PRIs at this time. (PRI #426, PRI #427)
F. Responses to Other Public Feedback
F1. Public Feedback Noted in L2/21-169
FYI: This review refers to items in L2/21-169 listed under "Feedback routed to Editorial Committee for evaluation".
Date/Time: Fri Jul 23 03:04:50 CDT 2021
Name: Liang Hai
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Obscure statement in section 12.1, Devanagari: Rendering Devanagari
R10 (rule 10) in the subsection “Rendering Devanagari” of the Core Spec’s section 12.1, Devanagari: > Other modifying marks, in particular bindus and svaras, … The relative placement > of these marks is horizontal rather than vertical; the horizontal rendering order may > vary according to typographic concerns. Unclear what “relative placement of these marks is horizontal” and “horizontal rendering order may vary” means.Discussion: The Editorial Committee agrees that this text needs some clarifictation.
Suggested associated action item:
AI Liang Hai. Clarify the description of R10 in Section 12.1, Devanagari of the core specification. For Unicode 15.0.
Date/Time: Mon Aug 23 09:11:43 CDT 2021
Name: Marc Lodewijck
Report Type: Public Review Issue
Opt Subject: PRI #433: Typos in NamesList
Let me point out the following typos in NamesList-14.0.0d11.txt: 002F SOLIDUS = slash,forward slash, virgule ## space missing after the comma 133CC EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH W024 * phonogramm 'nw' ## the m is doubled 133CD EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH W024A * monogramm 'nw(n)' or 'nww' ## the m is doubled 133E4 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH Z001 * semogram index * classifier 'single' * not to be confuse with 133FA ## should read 'confused'Discussion: The Editorial Committee agrees that these typos should be corrected in the names list. The corrections have already been applied to the annottion master in preparation for Unicode 15.0, so no action item needs to be recorded.
Date/Time: Thu Aug 26 10:27:21 CDT 2021
Name: r12a
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Phonetic typo in Arabic section
On page 394 of v14 the long Kurdish u is described in phonetic notation as u: ie. u U+0075: LATIN SMALL LETTER U : U+003A: COLON whereas it should be uː ie. u U+0075: LATIN SMALL LETTER U ː U+02D0: MODIFIER LETTER TRIANGULAR COLONDiscussion: The Editorial Committee reviewed this feedback and has remanded it to the editor of the core specifiction to determine if it makes sense to make this change. Note that the ASCII colon is very commonly used in IPA transcription as a substitute for U+02D0. There may be more instances like this in the core specification and other of our publications, and the value of fixing them all is marginal, when these are just given as examples in discussion of various characters.
Date/Time: Wed Sep 15 08:12:31 CDT 2021
Name: Angus Patrick
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Moon phases Naming
Dear Unicode Emojis, I have put the type of message as "Error Report". I have done this because I believe the moon phases emojis (I'm looking at Nos. 947-954) are erroneously named. They are labelled waning crescent, waxing gibbous etc when these are not true descriptions in large parts of the world. For example, the one labelled "waning crescent moon" looks like a waxing crescent moon when looked at from the Southern Hemisphere . This makes even less sense to people who live close to the equator: in tropical zones this same crescent appears to lie on its side. You might say that only a small proportion of the world's population lives in the Southern Hemisphere but I think it would be unfair, and maybe discriminatory to ignore their point of view. I suggest that these emojis be renamed to more generic names to avoid being offensive. Sincerely Angus PatrickDiscussion: The Editorial Committee reviewed this feedback, but noted that it is basically the same observations about use of terminology for "waxing" and "waning" phases of the moon in the northern and southern hemispheres that both the UTC and the Editorial Committee have seen before. See the discussion of similar feedback in the 14.0 beta review, summarized in our prior Editorial Committee report, L2/21-127 (see Section E1). We see no reason to change our conclusions from that earlier discussion.
Suggested associated action item:
AI Rick. Respond to Angus Patrick [Web Sep 15 08:12:31 in L2/21-169], noting that character names cannot be changed, and that the UTC has assessed that the CLDR short names and names list annotations regarding the moon phase symbols are clear enough as they stand to correctly identify the symbols in question.
Date/Time: Wed Sep 15 10:03:17 CDT 2021
Name: Giacomo Catenazzi
Report Type: Error Report
Opt Subject: Missing number in codepoint in Kana Extended-B
Page 758 of the Unicode Standard 14.0.0, the sub-chapter title states "Kana Extended-B: U+AFF0-U+1AFFF", but it should be "Kana Extended-B: U+1AFF0-U+1AFFF". Note: this is an addition (new text) of Unicode 14.0.0Discussion: This is a small typo which has already been remanded to the editor of the core specification. No further action needs to be recorded.
G. Miscellaneous Topics
G1. (None noted)