Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2022-04-14)
Auto generated on: July 22, 2022 at 15:25:56
From UTC #171
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 171-A1 Rick McGowan, UTC Close the alpha review PRI #442. 2022-04-27 Done 171-A2 Rick McGowan, UTC Extend the close dates of all open PRIs for 15.0 proposed updates of UAXes and UTSes to July 11, 2022; PRI #437 (UAX #38), PRI #438 (UAX #44), PRI #439 (UAX #50), PRI #440 (UTS #10), PRI #441 (UAX #29), PRI #444 (UAX #34), PRI #445 (UAX #45), PRI #446 (UAX #14), PRI #447 (UAX #24), PRI #448 (UAX #42). 2022-04-27 Done 171-A3 Ken Whistler, EDC Prepare an updated NamesList.txt for Unicode version 15.0, synched with the final Unicode version 15.0 repertoire, as finalized during UTC #171. 2022-05-04 Done 171-A4 Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan, UTC Prepare a set of Unicode version 15.0 beta review code charts for posting. 2022-05-17 Done 171-A5 Ken Whistler, PAG Prepare an updated and complete set of data files for the UCD, and the data directories for UTS #10, UTS #39, and UTS #46, for the beta review of Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-17 Done 171-A7 Ken Whistler, EDC Prepare the draft landing page for Unicode version 15.0, and the Unicode version 15.0 beta review page. 2022-06-03 Done 171-A8 Rick McGowan, UTC Post the PRI for the Unicode version 15.0 beta review, to close July 11, 2022. 2022-06-03 Done PRI #453 171-A9 Ken Whistler, EDC Add cross-references in the names list to some characters in the Arabic Extended-C and Devanagari Extended-A blocks, per suggestions in L2/22-056. For Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-04 Done Names list 171-A10 Rick McGowan, UTC Respond to the author of L2/22-056, notifying him of the responses from the Editorial Committee in L2/22-065. 2022-04-27 Done 171-A16 Ken Whistler, EDC Improve the wording of re well-formed UTF-16 in Section 5.4 of the Core Specification. For Unicode version 15.0. Ref. Martin Dürst in L2/22-063 [Thu Mar 17 19:31:23 CDT 2022] 2022-05-13 Done Unicode text 171-A17 Deborah Anderson, EDC Work with Kirk Miller to fix the glyphs for 1E031/1E042, 1E052/1E060, 1E050, 1E06B, to be more consistent. Provide updated glyphs to Michel Suignard. For Unicode version 15.0. Ref. Eduardo Marín Silva in L2/22-063 [Fri Mar 18 20:28:10 CDT 2022] 2022-05-03 Done Code charts 171-A18 Rick McGowan, SAH Forward feedback from David Corbett in L2/22-063 [Sun Apr 10 08:59:51 CDT 2022] to the SAH for investigation. 2022-04-27 Done 171-A19 Rick McGowan, SAH Forward feedback from Norbert Lindenberg in L2/22-063 [Mon Apr 11 17:49:00 CDT 2022] to the SAH for investigation. 2022-04-27 Done 171-A20 Michel Suignard, CJK Change the kRSUnicode property value of U+31350, based on Section 01 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A21 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kRSUnicode property value change for U+31350, based on Section 01 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A22 Michel Suignard, CJK Add UTC-00340 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+585F, based on Section 02 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A23 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the new kIRG_USource property value for U+585F, based on Section 02 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A24 John Jenkins, CJK Update the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file to reflect U as the status of UTC-00340 and change its code point to U+585F, based on Section 02 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UAX #45 171-A25 John Jenkins, CJK Provide to Michel Suignard an updated UTCHan.ttf TrueType font that maps U+585F to the representative glyph of UTC-00340, based on Section 02 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Code charts 171-A26 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 02 of document L2/22-067. See feedback [Thu Mar 3 10:57:55 CST 2022] in PRI #445. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A27 Michel Suignard, CJK Add the six new kIRG_USource property values, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A28 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the six new kIRG_USource property values, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A29 John Jenkins, CJK Update the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file to reflect the changes to 11 records, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UAX #45 171-A30 John Jenkins, CJK Provide to Michel Suignard an updated UTCHan.ttf TrueType font that maps the six CJK Unified Ideograph code points to their appropriate U-Source representative glyphs, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Code charts 171-A32 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 04 of document L2/22-067. See feedback [Sun Feb 13 18:30:55 CST 2022] in document L2/22-063. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A34 Michel Suignard, CJK Change the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values, based on Section 06 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A35 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes changes, based on Section 06 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A37 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 07 of document L2/22-067. See feedback [Sat Mar 12 04:49:28 CST 2022] in document L2/22-063. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A38 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/22-067. See feedback [Tue Mar 15 05:51:07 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-063. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A39 Michel Suignard, CJK Change the kRSUnicode property values of U+5954 and U+595F, based on Section 09 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A40 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kRSUnicode property value change for U+5954 and U+595F, based on Section 09 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A41 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 09 of document L2/22-067. See feedback [Mon Apr 11 09:24:29 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-063. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A42 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kSimplifiedVariant and kTraditionalVariant property value changes and deal with any symmetries, based on Section 10 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A43 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the author of document L2/22-070 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 10 of document L2/22-067. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A45 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kCantonese property value additions, based on Section 11 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A46 Michel Suignard, CJK Change the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property values of U+32351 in the Extension H block, based on Section 12 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A47 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the kRSUnicode and kTotalStrokes property value changes for U+32351 in the Extension H block, based on Section 12 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A48 John Jenkins, CJK Add 41 new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on Section 14 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UAX #45 171-A49 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the author of L2/22-040 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 14 of document L2/22-067. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A50 John Jenkins, CJK Add two new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on Section 15 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UAX #45 171-A51 Michel Suignard, CJK Change the G-Source representative glyph for U+48B4 so that it matches its T-Source representative glyph, based on Section 17 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-07-18 Done Code charts 171-A52 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the author of L2/22-054 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 17 of document L2/22-067. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A53 Michel Suignard, CJK Apply the property value change, additions, and removal, based on Section 18 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A54 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the property value changes, additions, and removal, based on Section 18 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A55 John Jenkins, CJK Provide to Michel Suignard an updated UTCHan.ttf TrueType font that maps U+2B739 to the representative glyph of UTC-01005, based on Section 18 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Code charts 171-A56 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the pipeline to add the disunified ideograph with code point U+2B739, based on Section 18 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A57 Ken Whistler, EDC Update the UCD NamesList.txt data file to reflect the annotation and new cross reference for U+2E95, based on document L2/22-091 and Section 18 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-04 Done Names list 171-A58 Ken Whistler, CJK Update the UCD EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph.txt data file to change the EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph property value for U+2E95 to U+2B739, based on document L2/22-091 and Section 18 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UCD 171-A59 John Jenkins, CJK Add U+2B739 to section 4.4 of UAX #38, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done UAX #38 171-A60 Ken Whistler, UTC Add mention of this range extension for CJK Extension C to the beta review notes for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A61 Michel Suignard, CJK Add the 51 new kIRG_KSource property values, based on Section 19 of document L2/22-067, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A62 John Jenkins, CJK Update the Unihan database to reflect the 51 new kIRG_KSource property values, based on Section 19 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-04-26 Done Unihan 171-A63 Ken Lunde, CJK Convey to the author of L2/22-077 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 19 of document L2/22-067. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A64 Rick McGowan, UTC Update the “Calendar of Future Meetings and Events” page to reflect the dates and locations for the three future IRG meetings, IRG #59 through IRG #61, based on Section 20 of document L2/22-067. 2022-04-27 Done Calendar 171-A66 Norbert Lindenberg, EDC Address the text suggestions in document L2/22-086 for addition to the Core Spec for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-18 Done Unicode text 171-A68 Markus Scherer, PAG Include the following Kawi characters in the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property value SpacingMark in UAX #29 (and update the draft of the proposed update for Unicode version 15.0) U+11F03 KAWI SIGN VISARGA, U+11F34 KAWI VOWEL SIGN AA, U+11F35 KAWI VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE AA, U+11F41 KAWI SIGN KILLER 2022-04-27 Done UAX #29 171-A69 Markus Scherer, PAG Include the following Kawi characters in the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property value SpacingMark in GraphemeBreakProperty.txt (for Unicode version 15.0) U+11F03 KAWI SIGN VISARGA, U+11F34 KAWI VOWEL SIGN AA, U+11F35 KAWI VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE AA, U+11F41 KAWI SIGN KILLER 2022-04-27 Done UCD 171-A70 Lorna Evans, PAG Correct the Decomposition_Mapping of U+16D6A in L2/22-043 and resubmit. 2022-04-27 Done L2/22-043R 171-A71 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include 58 Kirat Rai characters. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A75 Rick McGowan, UTC Relay the comments in Section 4c of L2/22-068 to Ahmad Ali A. Karim, et al., authors of L2/22-051. 2022-05-18 Done 171-A76 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include U+10EFC ARABIC COMBINING ALEF OVERLAY. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A77 Lorna Evans, SAH Forward a font to Michel Suignard for U+10EFC ARABIC COMBINING ALEF OVERLAY. 2022-04-26 Done 171-A79 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include U+A7CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER RAMS HORN. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A80 Deborah Anderson, Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, SAH Forward a font to Michel Suignard for U+A7CB LATIN CAPITAL LETTER RAMS HORN. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A82 Deborah Anderson, SAH Ask Michael Everson for a font for U+025E LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED REVERSED OPEN E and U+029A LATIN SMALL LETTER CLOSED OPEN E with changes as described in document L2/22-071. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A83 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include 52 Todhri characters. (Reference section 2 of L2/22-068 and L2/20-188r2) 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A85 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include 69 Garay characters. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A86 Deborah Anderson, Andrij Rovenchak, SAH Send Michel Suignard a font for printing Garay. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A87 Deborah Anderson, SAH Forward comments from section 7 of L2/22-068 to Guru Prasad, the author of L2/22-075. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A88 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include 3 Balinese punctuation characters. 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A89 Deborah Anderson, SAH Send Michel Suignard a font for 3 Balinese punctuation characters. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A90 Julie Allen, EDC Remove the entire section “Ordering of Syllabic Components” from the Javanese block introduction in the core spec. (Reference section 9 of documents L2/22-068 and L2/22-041) 2022-05-02 Done Unicode text 171-A92 Ken Whistler, UTC Update the Pipeline to include 20 Myanmar numerals. (Reference section 11 of L2/22-068 and L2/22-046) 2022-04-26 Done Pipeline 171-A93 Deborah Anderson, Ben Mitchell, SAH Forward a font for 20 Myanmar numerals to Michel Suignard. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A94 Ken Whistler, Deborah Anderson, RMP Confirm the new Myanmar Extended-C block (U+116D0..U+116FF) is incorporated into the Roadmap. (Reference section 11 of L2/22-068 and L2/22-046) 2022-05-03 Done Roadmap 171-A95 Deborah Anderson, SAH Forward the comments in section 12 of document L2/22-068 to Kushim Jiang, the author of L2/22-098. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A98 Rick McGowan, UTC Forward the comments in section 14 of L2/22-068 to the author of L2/22-092. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A99 Ken Whistler, PAG Update UnicodeData.txt to change the General_Category property for U+13440 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH MIRROR HORIZONTALLY from Cf to Mn and the Bidi_Class from L to NSM for Unicode version 15.0, based on feedback [Mon Feb 28 11:36:43 CST 2022]. (Reference section 16 of L2/22-068) 2022-04-26 Done UCD 171-A100 Ken Whistler, PAG Change the Line_Break value of U+13440 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH MIRROR HORIZONTALLY from GL to CM in LineBreak.txt for Unicode version 15.0, based on feedback [Mon Feb 28 11:36:43 CST 2022]. (Reference section 16 of L2/22-068) 2022-04-26 Done UCD 171-A101 Deborah Anderson, SAH Forward the comments in section 17 of L2/22-068 to David Corbett in response to his feedback [Wed Mar 16 13:13:48 CDT 2022]. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A102 Rick McGowan, UTC Relay the comments in section 19 of L2/22-068 to Eduardo Marín Silva the author of L2/22-056. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A103 Ken Whistler, EDC Add an annotation to KAWI DIGIT TWO “also used as letter ro” for Unicode version 15.0, based on L2/22-056. (Reference section 19 of L2/22-068 and L2/22-056) 2022-04-26 Done Names list 171-A104 Norbert Lindenberg, SAH Relay the comments in section 20 of L2/22-068 to the authors of L2/22-093. 2022-05-18 Done 171-A105 Roozbeh Pournader, SAH Set the Indic_Positional_Category to Top for the Kayah Li vowel signs U+A926..U+A92A for Unicode version 15.0, based on feedback [Sun Mar 13 16:30:37 CDT 2022] (Reference section 21 of L2/22-068) 2022-05-26 Done UCD 171-A106 Roozbeh Pournader, SAH Add Kayah Li to the list of scripts which contain dependent vowels or similar characters for Indic_Positional_Category in IndicPositionalCategory.txt for Unicode version 15.0, based on feedback [Sun Mar 13 16:30:37 CDT 2022] (Reference section 21 of L2/22-068) 2022-05-26 Done UCD 171-A107 Deborah Anderson, EDC Include a Do Not Use table in the Khojki block introduction shown in section 22 of L2/22-068, for a future version of the standard. 2022-04-26 Done Unicode text 171-A108 Deborah Anderson, SAH Relay the comments in section 23 of L2/22-068 to Denis Moyogo Jacquerye, author of 15.0 alpha feedback [Tue Feb 15 05:08:45 CST 2022]. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A109 Deborah Anderson, SAH Forward the comments in section 26 in L2/22-068 to David Corbett in response to his feedback [Thu Mar 3 19:17:44 CST 2022]. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A110 Deborah Anderson, SAH Forward the comments in section 27 in L2/22-068 to David Corbett in response to his feedback [Thu Mar 3 19:44:29 CST 2022]. 2022-05-03 Done 171-A111 Ken Whistler, Deborah Anderson, SAH Add a link on the Supported Scripts page to ScriptSource.org (Reference section 28 of L2/22-068) 2022-06-06 Done 171-A112 Rick McGowan, UTC Post the approved minutes of UTC #170. 2022-04-27 Done 171-A113 Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESC Prepare an update of UTS #51, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done UTS #51 171-A114 Rick McGowan, UTC Post the proposed update of UTS #51. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A115 Rick McGowan, UTC Create a new PRI for UTS #51, to close 2022-07-11. 2022-05-25 Done PRI #454 171-A116 Rick McGowan, UTC Thank the correspondent for their feedback of [Sun Apr 3 23:17:48 CDT 2022] in PRI #443, and relay the ESC response in Section 3 of document L2/22-066R. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A118 Rick McGowan, UTC Thank the correspondent for their feedback of [Sun Mar 6 21:15:52 CST 2022] in document L2/22-063, and relay the ESC response in Section 4.1 of document L2/22-066R. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A120 Rick McGowan, UTC Thank the correspondent for their feedback of [Sat Apr 9 07:14:54 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-063, and relay the ESC response in Section 4.2 of document L2/22-066R. 2022-05-25 Done 171-A123 Ken Whistler, EDC Revise the core spec, section 23.9, based on the proposed replacement text in section F5 of L2/22-064, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-18 Done Unicode text 171-A124 Ken Whistler, EDC Review proposed revisions to annotations mentioned in L2/22-026. 2022-05-04 Done Names list 171-A126 Mark Davis, Robin Leroy, PAG incorporate changes to UAX #31 based on the proposal in section I of document L2/22-087, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-17 Done UAX #31 171-A127 Mark Davis, Robin Leroy, PAG incorporate changes to UTS #39 based on the proposal in section III of document L2/22-087, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-17 Done UTS #39 171-A128 Mark Davis, PAG In the property files IdentifierStatus.txt and IdentifierType.txt, remove the Joiner_Control characters ZWJ and ZWNJ from Identifier_Type=Inclusion and Identifier_Status=Allowed. For Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-20 Done UCD 171-A129 Ken Whistler, EDC Add cross-references in NamesList.txt for KHANDA and ADI SHAKTI, for Unicode 15; see L2/22-064 item PRI442a. 2022-04-26 Done Names list 171-A131 Rick McGowan, UTC Report to submitter that UTC considered adding a cross reference to the nameslist for U+1F77D, based on feedback [Fri Apr 1 17:32:18 CDT 2022] in PRI #442 and declines to do so. 2022-05-25 Done From UTC #170
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 170-A14 Ken Whistler, Ned Holbrook, EDC Correct a list of typos in UTS #51, as noted by Ivan Panchenko in L2/22-020 [Sun Jan 16 10:47:31 CST 2022]. For Unicode 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done UTS #51 170-A23 Michael Everson, Deborah Anderson, SAH Contact Ralph Cleminson and get clarification on his comments. (Reference L2/22-002 and Section 1a of L2/22-023) 2022-05-03 Done 170-A24 Deborah Anderson, EDC Create a glyph erratum for U+A66E CYRILLIC LETTER MULTIOCULAR O. (Reference Section 1a of L2/22-023 and L2/22-002) 2022-05-03 Done 170-A29 Lorna Evans, EDC Provide text with examples of lam-alef ligature with diacritics for the Hafs and al-Dani orthographies and propose wording for the Ligature Classes subhead of chapter 9.2. 2022-05-25 Done Unicode text 170-A38 Norbert Lindenberg, EDC Propose text in section 2.11 of the Core Spec on how to handle sequences with multiple left-reordering dependent vowels. (Reference Section 12 of L2/22-023) 2022-04-15 Done Unicode text 170-A57 Ken Whistler, EDC Take into account the editorial suggestions in sections 1, 3, and 7 of L2/21-246. 2022-05-04 Done Names list 170-A63 Ned Holbrook, ESC Add the ZWJ sequence for BLACK BIRD, U+1F426, U+200D, U+2B1B,to emoji-zwj-sequences.txt, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done Emoji data From UTC #169
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 169-A3 Markus Scherer, PAG For Unicode 15.0, add notes to UTS #46 section 4.2 ToASCII, Processing step 4.2. See document L2/21-170 item F2. 2022-05-27 Done UTS #46 169-A4 Rick McGowan, UTC Post a Public Review Issue for a proposed update of UTS #46. 2022-05-25 Done PRI #455 169-A39 Julie Allen, EDC Remove the final sentence from the English translation of the 漢字 (kanji or Han characters) entry in 広辞苑 (kōjien) that appears on page 732 of Version 14.0 of the Core Specification, based on document L2/21-164 and Unihan-UTC169-R15 in document L2/21-173, for Unicode Version 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done Unicode text From UTC #168
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 168-A7 Markus Scherer and Mark Davis, PAG Propose a change in one or more UCD files to use multiple @missing lines; for Unicode version 15.0. See document L2/21-126 item D2. 2022-06-03 Done UCD 168-A10 Mark Davis, PAG Add a note in UTS #39 like the one in UAX #14 about data files being normative, for Unicode version 15.0. 2022-05-25 Done UTS #39 168-A31 Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, EDC Draft an FAQ on dashes, to clarify that exact glyph widths, particularly for en–dash and em—dash, are not prescribed by the standard. (Reference document L2/21-127 for suggested text.) 2022-07-20 Done FAQ 168-A65 Markus Scherer, PAG Add an agenda item to the Properties & Algorithms Group regarding providing documentation and process for UCD invariant tests. 2022-05-02 Done Invariants 168-A97 Ben Yang, Anshuman Pandey, EDC Provide wording for the core spec, clarifying the use of the Khojki letters I and Short I, for a future version of the standard. 2022-05-25 Done Unicode text From UTC #166
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 166-A78 Liang Hai, SAH Investigate the use of multiple pre-base vowels in clusters of Brahmic scripts, especially rendering of sequences of different pre-base vowels. (Reference Section 18a of L2/21-016 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). 2022-04-15 Done From UTC #165
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 165-A18 Lee Collins, CJK Propose to the IRG a new UCV (Unifiable Component Variations) for the 決 and 决 components. 2022-07-18 Done From UTC #164
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 164-A51 Markus Scherer, PAG Revise the generation of IdnaTestV2.txt, escaping certain characters like ZWJ and ZWNJ to make them visible, for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 2022-06-03 Done UTS #46 164-A54 Markus Scherer, EDC Prepare a proposed update of UTS #46, for Unicode 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 2022-05-27 Closed UTS #46 From UTC #163
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 163-A22 William Nelson, CJK Follow up on Unihan ad hoc comments documented in L2/20-106 with Alexander Zapryagaev, the author of L2/20-112, and further recommend that he should consider collaborating to prepare a revised proposal for the July 2020 UTC meeting that takes into account the ad hoc comments. 2022-04-19 Done L2/22-042 From UTC #162
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 162-A43 Norbert Lindenberg, SAH Investigate linebreaking behavior in Javanese, Balinese, and Sundanese scripts based on feedback [Tue Nov 5 18:25:35 CST 2019] from Elika Etemad, and report back before Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0) 2022-04-15 Done L2/22-080R, L2/22-086 From UTC #160
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 160-A40 Asmus Freytag, EDC Come up with a name for the elements of the Unicode character name namespace. 2022-07-18 Closed From UTC #144
Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome 144-A91 Mark Davis, ESC Create an explicit release process for UTS #51. (retargeted for Emoji 11.0, then 12.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) In particular, add milestones to the Big Red Switch release plan. [Closed as superseded by new Release Mgt work.] 2022-05-02 Closed UTS #51 144-A92 Mark Davis, PAG Create an explicit release process for UTS #39. (retargeted for 10.0, then 11.0, then 12.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0) In particular, add milestones to the Big Red Switch release plan. [Closed as superseded by new Release Mgt work.] 2022-05-02 Closed UTS #39
Key to Abbreviations: CJK CJK & Unihan Group EDC Editorial Committee ESC Emoji SubCommittee PAG Properties & Algorithms Group RMP Roadmap Committee SAH Script Ad Hoc UTC Unicode Technical Committee