
Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2022-07-18)

Auto generated on: October 27, 2022 at 15:14:47

From UTC #172

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
172-A2Deborah Anderson,, EDCCreate a glyph erratum for U+0616 ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM, based on L2/22-104. (Reference: section 4a of L2/22-128)2022-09-26 DoneErratum
172-A3Lorna Evans, UTCProvide Michel Suignard with a font which includes the corrected glyph for U+0616 ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM WITH YEH2022-09-07 Done 
172-A4Ken Whistler, PAGAdd a formal name alias type correction for U+0616 ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM WITH YEH with the value ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH YEH BARREE to NameAliases.txt for 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUCD
172-A5Deborah Anderson, UTCRecommend to L2 that a request for the glyph change for U+0616 ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM WITH YEH and a formal name alias type correction for U+0616 ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH LAM WITH YEH with the value ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE ALEF WITH YEH BARREE be added to the DAM ballot comments for ISO/IEC 10646 Amendment 1 based on L2/22-104. (Reference: section 4a of L2/22-128).2022-08-03 Done 
172-A6Ken Whistler, EDCCorrect the annotation to U+06AE ARABIC LETTER KAF WITH THREE DOTS BELOW, referring to U+08B4 instead of U+068A. (Reference: Section 4b of L2/22-128 and L2/22-116)2022-08-03 DoneNames list
172-A7Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the four Arabic characters U+0897, U+10EC2, U+10EC3, U+10EC4.2022-08-03 DonePipeline
172-A10Deborah Anderson, UTCProvide Michel Suignard with a font with glyphs for U+1C89 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TJE and U+1C8A CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TJE.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A11Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline to include U+A7CC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH DIAGONAL STROKE and U+A7CD LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH DIAGONAL STROKE2022-08-03 DonePipeline
172-A12Deborah Anderson, Roozbeh Pournader, SAHRelay the comments in Section 4c of L2/22-128 to Rikza F. Sh., the author of L2/22-153.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A13Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline to include 58 Gurung Khema characters in a new Gurung Khema block that extends from U+16100..U+1613F. (Reference: L2/22-157 and section 5 of L2/22-128)2022-08-03 DonePipeline
172-A14Deborah Anderson, Andrew Glass, EDCTake into consideration comments from David Corbett [Apr 27 22:09:17 CDT 2022] in drafting the block intro for 11.4 Egyptian Hieroglyphs, in the “Complex Clusters” section of Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls for version 15.0 (Reference: Section 23 of L2/22-128).2022-08-09 DoneUnicode text
172-A15Ken Whistler, EDCChange the annotation to U+0CF3 KANNADA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE RIGHT from “Sanskrit” to “Konkani, Havyaka Kannada (Havigannada) and Awadhi” for Unicode Version 15.0, based on feedback [Tue May 31 14:11:31 CDT 2022] in L2/22-123. (Reference: Section 24 of L2/22-128)2022-08-03 DoneNames list
172-A16Deborah Anderson, SAHRelay the comments in section 25 of L2/22-128 to David Corbett, in response to his feedback [Wed Jun 1 14:55:37 CDT 2022] in L2/22-123.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A17Markus Scherer, PAGChange the following five bindu characters to Alphabetic=Yes by adding them to Other_Alphabetic in PropList.txt: U+0C04 TELUGU SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE, U+0F82 TIBETAN SIGN NYI ZLA NAA DA, U+0F83 TIBETAN SIGN SNA LDAN, U+11080 KAITHI SIGN CANDRABINDU, U+11081 KAITHI SIGN ANUSVARA. (Reference: Section 27 of L2/22-128)2022-08-05 DoneUCD
172-A18Ken Whistler, PAGFor UCA 15.0, change collation weighting of 0F82/0F83 from totally ignored, to instead be given a secondary weight equivalent to other candrabindus.2022-08-09 DoneUCA
172-A19Peter Constable, EDCAdd text to chapter 9, section “High Hamza,” about impact on IDNs of the Kazakh digraphs U+0675..U+0678 for a future version of the standard (Reference: Section 34 of L2/22-128).2022-09-08 DoneUnicode text
172-A20Ken Whistler, EDCIn the names list, add “compatibility” in the following sentence under “Digraphic letters for Kazakh” (above U+0675) for 15.0: “These code points were encoded for Kazakh digraphs, but their compatibility decompositions do not reflect the preferred order of representation.” (Reference: Section 34 of L2/22-128)2022-08-03 DoneNames list
172-A21Deborah Anderson, UTCRecommend to L2 that the US comments for the ISO/IEC Amendment 1 Draft DAM ballot add the word “compatibility” before “decompositions” in the sentence under “Digraphic letters for Kazakh” (above U+0675). (Reference: Section 34 of L2/22-128)2022-08-03 Done 
172-A22Michel Suignard, CJKChange the kRSUnicode property value of U+6C77, based on Section 01 of document L2/22-127, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A23John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the kRSUnicode and kRSKangXi property value changes for U+6C77, based on Section 01 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A24Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 01 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Fri May 6 23:32:11 CDT 2022] in PRI #437.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A25John Jenkins, CJKChange MCSCS to MSCS in the Description of the kIRG_MSource property in Section 4.1 of UAX #38, based on Section 02 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUAX #38
172-A26Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 02 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Tue May 10 20:11:32 CDT 2022] in PRI #437.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A27John Jenkins, CJKChange the category of the kCihaiT property from “Dictionary-like Data” to “Dictionary Indices,” which involves moving the property values from the Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt file to the Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt file, along with making appropriate changes in Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of UAX #38, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A27aKen Whistler, CJKChange the category of the kCihaiT property from “Dictionary-like Data” to “Dictionary Indices,” which involves moving the property values from the Unihan_DictionaryLikeData.txt file to the Unihan_DictionaryIndices.txt file, along with making appropriate changes in Section 7 of UAX #44, based on Section 03 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-04 DoneUAX #44
172-A29John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the kZVariant property value additions for U+26C25, U+2CECB, U+31F4C, and U+31F68, based on Section 04 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A30Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 04 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Sun Apr 17 12:19:45 CDT 2022] in PRI #442.2022-08-04 Done 
172-A31John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 data file and UAX #45 proper to reflect the first and third suggested changes, based on Section 05 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-04 DoneUAX #45
172-A32Michel Suignard, CJKApply the eight kTotalStrokes property value changes, based on Section 06 of document L2/22-127, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A33John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the eight kTotalStrokes property value changes, based on Section 06 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A34Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 06 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Wed Jun 29 22:48:06 CDT 2022] in PRI #453.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A35John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the kDaeJaweon property value changes for U+66C3 and U+880A, based on Section 07 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A36Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 07 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Sun Jul 3 08:33:28 CDT 2022] in PRI #453.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A37John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to remove kDaeJaweon (1), kKangXi (30), and kMorohashi (302) property values, based on Section 08 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A38Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Sun Jul 3 10:50:44 CDT 2022] in PRI #453.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A39Michel Suignard, CJKApply the three kRSUnicode property value changes, based on Section 09 of document L2/22-127, and provide to John Jenkins an updated Unihan15.txt data file, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A40John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the three kRSUnicode property value changes, based on Section 09 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A41Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 09 of document L2/22-127. See feedback [Wed May 4 02:13:35 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-123.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A42John Jenkins, CJKRevise the descriptions of the kAccountingNumeric, kOtherNumeric, and kPrimaryNumeric properties in UAX #38 to make their purposes clearer, based on document L2/22-111 and Section 10 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-05 DoneUAX #38
172-A43Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-111 the comments from the UTC about Section 10 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-22 Done 
172-A45John Jenkins, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to reflect the kSpoofingVariant and kZVariant property value additions, based on document L2/22-133 and as amended in Section 12 of document L2/22-127, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnihan
172-A46Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-133 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 12 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A47Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-135 the comments from the UTC about Section 13 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-22 Done 
172-A48Ken Lunde, CJKForward documents L2/22-115 and L2/22-137 to CHEN Zhuang (HOD, China National Body) for the purpose of soliciting feedback, in terms of confirming that the hangul strokes are used and needed for China.2022-08-22 Done 
172-A50Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-137 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 14 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A51Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-115 the comments from the UTC about Section 14 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-22 Done 
172-A52Ken Lunde, John Jenkins, Andrew West, CJKPrepare and submit a final proposal for five new Ideographic Description Characters, based on Section 15 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-24 DoneL2/22-191
172-A53Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/22-136 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/22-127.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A55Rick McGowan, UTCThank the correspondent for their feedback of [Sat Jun 4 08:56:11 CDT 2022] in PRI #454, and relay the ESC response in Section 5.1 of this document [L2/22-126].2022-08-03 Done 
172-A56Rick McGowan, UTCThank the correspondent for their feedback of [Tue Jun 7 09:12:10 CDT 2022] in PRI #453, and relay the ESC response in Section 6.1 of this document [L2/22-126].2022-08-03 Done 
172-A57Markus Scherer, PAGGive the Soft_Dotted property to U+1E04C and U+1E04D and U+1E068, for consistency with other modifier letters, and for consistency with the regular Cyrillic letters; for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD2.2022-08-05 DoneUCD
172-A58Markus Scherer, PAGGive the Other_Lowercase property (and thus also Cased) to modifier letter U+1E06D, for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD3.2022-08-05 DoneUCD
172-A59Markus Scherer, PAGGive the Other_Lowercase property (and thus also Cased) to the modifier letters U+10FC and U+A7F2..A7F4 and U+AB69, for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD4.2022-08-05 DoneUCD
172-A60Ken Whistler, PAGChange the double diacritics U+1DCD and U+1DFC to lb=Glue, for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD6.2022-08-03 DoneUCD
172-A61Mark Davis, PAGChange the Identifier_Type of U+A7AE to Technical (and thus its Identifier_Status to Restricted), for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD7.2022-08-23 DoneUTS #39 data
172-A62Mark Davis, PAGChange the Identifier_Type of U+A7B8 and U+A7B9 to Uncommon_Use (and thus their Identifier_Status to Restricted), for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD8.2022-08-23 DoneUTS #39 data
172-A63Mark Davis, PAGIn UTS #39 Table 1 change the description of Uncommon_Use to not be limited to characters that have uncertain status, for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD8. For example, individual characters from scripts which are not "Limited_Use", but which are uncommon, limited in use, or otherwise uncertain in use.2022-08-22 DoneUTS #39
172-A65Ken Whistler, PAGChange the Kaktovik numerals to Bidi_Class=L (like Mayan numerals), for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD9.2022-08-03 DoneUCD
172-A69Ken Whistler, EDCIn the core spec, add text to the Pahawh Hmong block description explaining the difference between “used in some mathematical sense” and “part of the repertoire used in international mathematical notation”. See L2/22-124 item UCD13.2022-08-10 DoneUnicode text
172-A70Ken Whistler, PAGChange the Line_Break value of U+2057 QUADRUPLE PRIME to Postfix_Numeric, for Unicode Version 15.0. See L2/22-124 item UCD14.2022-08-03 DoneUCD
172-A71Markus Scherer, PAGIn PropertyValueAliases.txt remove the @missing lines for Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph, Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph and NFKC_Casefold and Script_Extensions; for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-05 DoneUCD
172-A72Asmus Freytag, EDCMake changes to the core spec chapter 3, D26 “Default Property”, according to the feedback (additions & changes in blue) in L2/22-124 item UCD16, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneUnicode text
172-A73Ned Holbrook, Markus Scherer, PAGIn emoji-data.txt, remove the @missing lines; for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-08 DoneUCD
172-A74Ken Whistler, PAGIn UAX #44 (a) revert the changes to the paragraph that used to say that an @missing line is never provided for a binary property (so that it continues to say that for Unicode Version 15.0), and (b) change the example for multiple @missing lines from using Extended_Pictographic to using one of Bidi_Class, East_Asian_Width, Line_Break.2022-08-04 DoneUAX #44
172-A75Ken Whistler, PAGIn UAX #44 change text about @missing lines as per UCD17 in document L2/22-124, Section UCD17, item 3. For Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-04 DoneUAX #44
172-A81Chris Chapman, PAGChange UAX #29 as suggested in L2/22-124 item Seg3, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-05 DoneUAX #29
172-A82Markus Scherer, PAGForm an email list and invite participants to join a group discussion of future directions for confusables.2022-08-02 Done 
172-A83Robin Leroy, Asmus Freytag, PAGApply the changes in L2/22-110R to UAX #31, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-10 DoneUAX #31
172-A84Robin Leroy, PAGNotify the release manager of the completion of changes to UAX #31 for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-10 DoneUAX #31
172-A85Robin Leroy, PAGApply the changes to UAX #31 described in document L2/22-161, section I.2, for Unicode Version 15.0, as modified in discussion to clearly indicate two different alternatives.2022-08-10 DoneUAX #31
172-A89Rick McGowan, UTCPost updated calendar entries for UTC meetings.2022-08-24 Done 
172-A90Rick McGowan, UTCClose the beta review PRI #453.2022-08-02 Done 
172-A91Rick McGowan, UTCClose all open PRIs for 15.0 proposed updates of UAXes and UTSes: PRI #437 (UAX #38), PRI #438 (UAX #44), PRI #439 (UAX #50), PRI #440 (UTS #10), PRI #441 (UAX #29), PRI #444 (UAX #34), PRI #445 (UAX #45), PRI #446 (UAX #14), PRI #447 (UAX #24), PRI #448 (UAX #41), PRI #449 (UAX #9), PRI #450 (UAX #31), PRI #451 (UTS #39), PRI #452 (UAX #15), PRI #454 (UTS #51), PRI #455 (UTS #46), PRI #457 (UAX #42).2022-08-02 Done 
172-A92Rick McGowan, UTCRespond to David Corbett regarding his various feedback on PRI #453 [Tue May 31 21:05:09 CDT 2022, Wed Jun 1 15:57:33 CDT 2022, Wed Jun 1 17:04:19 CDT 2022, Wed Jun 1 17:43:26 CDT 2022, Wed Jun 1 18:43:52 CDT 2022] and noted in L2/22-123 [Fri Apr 22 20:39:14 CDT 2022]. 2022-08-03 Done 
172-A93Michel Suignard, EDCRevert the font change for the Alchemical Symbols block to the font used for Unicode Version 14.0.2022-08-18 DoneCode charts
172-A94Ken Whistler, EDCUpdate the delta charts index page for Unicode Version 15.0, to remove indication of font changes for the Alchemical Symbols.2022-08-10 Done 
172-A96Michel Suignard, EDCAdd U+93AB, U+2A84E, U+2AF4F, U+2B15C, and U+30759 to the blue highlight file to mark those as significant glyph changes in the CJK code charts, when generating the final candidate code charts for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-17 DoneCode charts
172-A97Ken Whistler, EDCClarify the annotations in the names list for U+204F and U+2E41, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-03 DoneNames list
172-A98Chris Chapman, PAGIn UAX #14, remove the note about the special behavior of U+23B6 and its lb=QU value, for Unicode Version 15.0.2022-08-08 DoneUAX #14
172-A99Rick McGowan, UTCRespond to David Corbett about L2/22-124 item Seg5, pointing out that LB21b was introduced based on rationale in L2/13-211.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A101Rick McGowan, UTCRespond to David Corbett about L2/22-124 item Seg8, asking whether the current Line_Break classifications cause problems, if so, which, how serious, and rationale for making a change.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A105Rick McGowan, UTCPost the updated “draft 2” of UTS #51, Revision 22.2022-08-03 DoneUTS #51
172-A106Ken Whistler, EDCAdd an annotation to U+AB30 LATIN SMALL LETTER BARRED ALPHA indicating the character is a Latin alpha and noting that in some fonts the bar may not extend beyond the sides of the alpha.2022-08-03 DoneNames list
172-A107Deborah Anderson, UTCRelay comments in section 2c of L2/22-128 to the author of L2/22-101.2022-08-03 Done 
172-A109Norbert Lindenberg, SAHAdd Dives Akuru to a revision of document L2/22-080R. (Reference: Section 22 of L2/22-128).2022-08-22 Done 
172-A110Norbert Lindenberg, EDCUpdate the block intro on Dives Akuru to record information on line breaking, for Unicode Version 15.0. (Reference: Section 22 of L2/22-128)2022-08-05 DoneUnicode text
172-A112Ken Whistler, EDCPrepare an updated NamesList.txt for Unicode Version 15.0, synched with the final Unicode Version 15.0 repertoire, as finalized during UTC #172.2022-08-15 DoneNames list
172-A113Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan, EDCPrepare a set of Unicode Version 15.0 final candidate code charts for posting.2022-09-15 DoneCode charts
172-A114Ken Whistler, PAGPrepare final candidate data files for the UCD, and the data directories for UTS #10, UTS #39, and UTS #46, for the Unicode Version 15.0 release.2022-09-02 DoneUCD
172-A115Ned Holbrook, ESCPrepare final candidate data files for the data directory of UTS #51, and a complete set of emoji final charts for Emoji 15.0.2022-09-15 DoneEmoji data
172-A116Ken Whistler, UTCComplete all tasks associated with the 15.0 release.2022-09-15 Done 
172-A117Rick McGowan, UTCClose PRI #443.2022-08-02 Done 

From UTC #171

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
171-A6Ned Holbrook, ESCPrepare an updated and complete set of data files for the data directory of UTS #51, and a complete set of emoji beta review charts for Emoji 15.0.2022-07-28 Done 
171-A11Ken Whistler, EDCPrepare a proposed update for UTR #17, with fixes for typos noted by Ivan Panchenko in L2/22-063 [Sat Feb 12 13:44:53 CST 2022].2022-09-20 DoneUTR #17
171-A12Rick McGowan, UTCPost the proposed update for UTR #17, to close July 11, 2022.2022-09-20 DonePRI #458
171-A13Ken Whistler, EDCPrepare a proposed update for UTR #23, with fixes for typos noted by Ivan Panchenko in L2/22-063 [Sun Feb 13 10:55:14 CST 2022].2022-09-20 DoneUTR #23
171-A14Rick McGowan, UTCPost the proposed update for UTR #23, to close July 11, 2022.2022-09-20 DonePRI #459
171-A15Liang Hai, EDCUpdate the glyph design for U+0886 ARABIC LETTER THIN YEH in Tables 9-8 and 9-10 of the Core Specification (Version 14.0), and prepare fixes. For Unicode version 15.0. Ref. David Corbett in L2/22-063 [Thu Mar 3 20:55:52 CST 2022].2022-08-23 DoneUnicode text
171-A36Ken Lunde, CJKPrepare and submit a new document for the IRG #59 meeting that outlines the fundamental issue surrounding how the total number of strokes of an ideograph are determined, and how they differ among the CJK Unified Ideographs blocks.2022-09-06 DoneL2/22-201
171-A51Michel Suignard, CJKChange the G-Source representative glyph for U+48B4 so that it matches its T-Source representative glyph, based on Section 17 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0.2022-07-18 DoneCode charts
171-A65Michel Suignard, Rick McGowan, EDCIntegrate the reconstructed DPRK font into the code chart production process for the 155 KP-Source representative glyphs in the CJK Compatibility Ideographs and CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement blocks, based on Section 23 of document L2/22-067, for Unicode version 15.0, and highlight the results during beta review.2022-09-15 DoneCode charts
171-A72Lorna Evans, SAHForward a font to Michel Suignard for 58 Kirat Rai characters.2022-07-28 Done 
171-A73Lorna Evans, EDCAdjust the following text in section 9.2 of TUS, under “Letter heh” (p. 388, Unicode version 14.0) [see minutes for details] Also, document that Behdini Kurdish heh should be represented with U+06BE. (Reference section 4a of document L2/22-068).2022-08-18 DoneUnicode text
171-A84Deborah Anderson, Michael Everson, SAHSend Michel Suignard a font to print Todhri. (Reference section 2 of L2/22-068 and L2/20-188r2)2022-08-03 Done 
171-A117Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESCRecategorize U+1F344 🍄 MUSHROOM as category plant-other, based on feedback [Sun Mar 6 21:15:52 CST 2022] in document L2/22-063 and Section 4.1 of document L2/22-066R.2022-07-28 DoneEmoji data
171-A119Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESCMake corrections to emoji-test.txt based on feedback [Sat Apr 9 07:14:54 CDT 2022] in document L2/22-063 and Section 4.2 of document L2/22-066R.2022-08-08 DoneEmoji data
171-A122Mark Davis, PAGCheck the case chart generator for how U+0130 is processed, and fix if necessary; see document L2/22-064R item F4 for Unicode version 15.0 if possible.2022-08-25 Done 
171-A132Ken Lunde, CJKReview feedback in PRI #442 [Sun Apr 17 12:19:45 CDT 2022] from "extc" and suggest disposition.2022-08-24 DoneL2/22-127

From UTC #170

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
170-A7Ken Whistler, EDCUpdate the text following D56 in the Core Specification, to clarify some edge cases involving combining character sequences; coordinate with action item 166-A61. For Unicode 15.0.2022-08-11 DoneUnicode text
170-A9Ken Whistler, EDCClarify the conventions used in display of normative and informative aliases for control codes, in Section 24.1 of the Core Specification, for Unicode 15.0.2022-08-10 DoneUnicode text
170-A11Mark Davis, EDCCorrect the section numbering errors in UTS #39, as noted by Petr Viktorin, for Unicode 15.0.2022-08-22 DoneUTS #39
170-A13Ken Whistler, Roozbeh Pournader, EDCCorrect a list of typos in UAX #42, as noted by Ivan Panchenko in L2/22-020 [Fri Jan 7 16:22:34 CST 2022]. For Unicode 15.0.2022-08-22 DoneUAX #42
170-A67Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESCReview feedback from David Corbett [Mon Nov 8 15:04:37 CST 2021] and update UTS #51 as necessary.2022-07-28 DoneUTS #51
170-A72Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, EDCIn UTS #46, document the new files with derived IDNA2008 data; see L2/22-019 item D1.2022-08-10 DoneUTS #46

From UTC #169

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
169-A1Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, PAGIn IdentifierStatus.txt and IdentifierType.txt, replace comments with appropriate @missing lines. See L2/21-170 item F1. Reference UAX #44 in the format for data files and spec for UTS #39. Targeted at Unicode 15.0. IdentifierStatus.txt: # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Restricted IdentifierType.txt: # @missing: 0000..10FFFF; Not_Character2022-08-23 DoneUTS #39 data
169-A14Liang Hai, EDCClarify the description of R10 in Section 12.1, Devanagari of the core specification. For Unicode 15.0.2022-08-05 DoneUnicode text
169-A20John Jenkins, CJKExplore ways to enhance the search feature of the “Search the Unihan Database” page per feedback dated [Thu Sep 23 15:18:26 CDT 2021] in L2/21-169 and Unihan-UTC169-R02 in document L2/21-173.2022-09-16 Done 

From UTC #168

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
168-A31Asmus Freytag, Ken Whistler, EDCDraft an FAQ on dashes, to clarify that exact glyph widths, particularly for en–dash and em—dash, are not prescribed by the standard. (Reference document L2/21-127 for suggested text.)2022-07-20 DoneFAQ
168-A83Liang Hai, EDCInclude the figure and accompanying text from Section 1.1 of L2/21-141, showing the appropriate vertical positioning of the Carrier final characters for section 20.2 of the Core Spec, when the glyph changes are published. (Reference L2/21-141 and Section 4 of L2/21-130)2022-08-15 DoneUnicode text

From UTC #167

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
167-A54Mark Davis, ESCReview differences between RGI_Emoji and emoji-test.txt. For Unicode version 14.0. Reference: L2/21-069 item F2. (Retargeted to 15.0.)2022-09-15 DoneEmoji data
167-A56Mark Davis, UTCConvey the above consensus 167-C11 to the officers. (Recommendation to add stability policy re the domains of properties.)2022-09-08 Done 

From UTC #165

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
165-A18Lee Collins, CJKPropose to the IRG a new UCV (Unifiable Component Variations) for the 決 and 决 components.2022-07-18 Done 
165-A24Deborah Anderson, Roozbeh Pournader, SAHWrite a document that clearly explains the pros and cons of different approaches to Todhri.2022-08-03 DoneL2/22-074
165-A42Mark Davis, PAGPrepare a proposed update of UAX #31 to clarify when & why ZWJ/ZWNJ should be ignored vs. when not. See L2/20-240 item F4. For Unicode version 14. (Retargeted to 15.0.)2022-08-18 DoneUAX #31

From UTC #164

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
164-A25Andrew Glass, EDCProvide text on the Egyptian cluster model in the Core Spec for a future version of the standard, as described in L2/20-176 and section 7 of L2/20-169 (Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). (Unicode 14.0, then 15.0)2022-09-08 DoneUnicode text
164-A28Liang Hai, EDCPropose text for the Gurmukhi block introduction in Unicode version 14.0 allowing for the sequence < consonant letter or U+0A72 ੲ GURMUKHI IRI, U+0A02 ◌ਂ GURMUKHI SIGN BINDI, 0A40 GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN II > and how it should be represented, noting that for many existing fonts the bindi may overlap with bihari. Reference Section 11a of L2/20-169 Script Ad Hoc Recommendations. (Retargeted for 15.0)2022-08-05 DoneUnicode text
164-A32Liang Hai, Norbert Lindenberg, Ben Yang, EDCMake the changes to section 17.3 of TUS as outlined in L2/20-150 and discussed in section 19 of L2/20-169 (Script Ad Hoc Recommendations). (Retargeted to 15.0)2022-08-22 DoneUnicode text

From UTC #163

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
163-A27Michel Suignard, EDCProduce an archival UCS2003 code chart for Unicode version 14.0.2022-08-18 DoneCode charts

From UTC #162

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
162-A13Mark Davis, Ned Holbrook, ESCMake data/tooling fixes documented in L2/20-050, based on Charlotte Buff's feedback [Fri Jan 3 07:33:53 CST 2020] in PRI #405. (issue is that the description is only given for the first emoji of a range) (Retargeted to 15.0)2022-08-16 DoneEmoji charts

From UTC #160

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
160-A40Asmus Freytag, EDCCome up with a name for the elements of the Unicode character name namespace.2022-07-18 Closed 



Key to Abbreviations:
CJK CJK & Unihan Group
EDC Editorial Committee
ESC Emoji SubCommittee
PAG Properties & Algorithms Group
RMP Roadmap Committee
SAH Script Ad Hoc
UTC Unicode Technical Committee