
Approved Minutes of UTC Meeting 178
Sunnyvale, CA — January 23-25, 2024
Hosted by Google, Sunnyvale CA, and virtually
UTC #178 Agenda
Revision date: April 24, 2024

Day 1, Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Total full members in good standing: 10 (Adobe, Airbnb, Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Salesforce, Translated)

Total supporting members in good standing: 3 (Bangladesh, Stanford-SILICON, Tamil Nadu)

Voting members in regular attendance: 4 (Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft)

Quorum for UTC #178 is 2.

Meeting opened at 10:30

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Other full/supporting/associate members present: SIL, UCB.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies:

A.2 Agenda review

A.4 Action item review
A.4.1 Open Action Items [L2/SD2]
A.4.2 Recently Closed Action Items [L2/24-007]

A.8 Recording & document practices

C.1 Editorial Committee Report and Recommendations for UTC #178 Meeting [EDC, L2/24-010]

[178-C1] Consensus: Correct the name of the provisionally assigned U+1F8D6 LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH THROUGH X to LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW THROUGH X . (Ref. L2/24-008)

[178-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline for the name correction for U+1F8D6.

B.5 ISO TC 37/SC 2 B.5.1 Future of ISO 12199

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.


B.1.1 Disposition of comments on CDAM2.3 to ISO/IEC 10646 6th edition (WG2/N5245) [Michel Suignard, L2/24-016]

B.1.2 ISO/IEC CD 14651 (Ed.7) Information technology — International string ordering and comparison (= SC2/N4890) [SC2, L2/23-282]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.1.3 Disposition of comments on CD TR 2375 (SC2/N4892)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break.

F. Properties and Algorithms

F.1 PAG: UTC #178 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/24-009]

Section 1.1) Unicode core spec improvements for variation selectors

[178-C2] Consensus: Improve the core spec chapters 3 and 23 text about variation selectors as proposed in L2/23-286 and taking into consideration feedback in L2/24-039. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 1.1.

[178-A2] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Asmus Freytag, PAG: Improve the core spec chapters 3 and 23 text about variation selectors as proposed in L2/23-286 and taking into consideration feedback in L2/24-039. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 1.1.

Section 2.1) Propose to Change BidiMirroring property for U+226D

Discussion. Related actions to be taken up during agenda item "D. Scripts".

Section 2.2) Consistency of InSC and Alpha/Dia/Ext

[178-C3] Consensus: Assign Extender=Yes to 3 characters: U+0A71 GURMUKHI ADDAK, U+0AFB GUJARATI SIGN SHADDA, U+11237 KHOJKI SIGN SHADDA. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-A3] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Assign Extender=Yes to 3 characters: U+0A71 GURMUKHI ADDAK, U+0AFB GUJARATI SIGN SHADDA, U+11237 KHOJKI SIGN SHADDA. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-C4] Consensus: Assign Diacritic=Yes to 5 characters: U+1BE6 BATAK SIGN TOMPI, U+10A38 KHAROSHTHI SIGN BAR ABOVE, U+10A39 KHAROSHTHI SIGN CAUDA, U+10A3A KHAROSHTHI SIGN DOT BELOW, U+1133B COMBINING BINDU BELOW. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-A4] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Assign Diacritic=Yes to 5 characters: U+1BE6 BATAK SIGN TOMPI, U+10A38 KHAROSHTHI SIGN BAR ABOVE, U+10A39 KHAROSHTHI SIGN CAUDA, U+10A3A KHAROSHTHI SIGN DOT BELOW, U+1133B COMBINING BINDU BELOW. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.


[178-A5] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Assign Diacritic=Yes to 7 characters: U+0E3A THAI CHARACTER PHINTHU, U+1734 HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD, U+1BF2 BATAK PANGOLAT, U+1BF3 BATAK PANONGONAN, U+A806 SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN HASANTA, U+A82C SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN ALTERNATE HASANTA, U+11F41 KAWI SIGN KILLER. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-C6] Consensus: Assign Diacritic=Yes to 3 characters: U+1A60 TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT, U+10A3F KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA, U+11F42 KAWI CONJOINER. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-A6] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Assign Diacritic=Yes to 3 characters: U+1A60 TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT, U+10A3F KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA, U+11F42 KAWI CONJOINER. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

[178-A7] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Update the description of Alphabetic, Diacritic, and Extender properties in UAX #44 to clarify their primary purpose. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.

Section 2.3) Review the assignment of the Extender property for gemination or length marks

[178-A8] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Robin Leroy, PAG: Review more characters for whether they should have the Extender property, looking at characters with names including "GEMINATION", "SHADDA", "LENGTH", "LONG VOWEL", "PLUTA" and similar. For Unicode Version 17.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.3.

Lunch break 12:30 - 13:30.

G. Emoji

G.1 Emoji Subcommittee Report for UTC #178 (2024Q1) [ESC/Daniel, L2/24-011]

Section 1) Public feedback

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 2) New PRI for Unicode 16.0 Emoji

[178-A9] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, ESC: Prepare a new PRI for the new emoji that have been accepted for Unicode Version 16.0 with title “Unicode Emoji 16.0 Alpha,” based on Section 2 of document L2/23-236R, document L2/23-162, and Section 2 of document L2/24-011.

[178-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the new PRI for the new emoji that have been accepted for Unicode Version 16.0 with a closing date of 2024-04-02.

Section 3) Status of Emoji Gender & Skintone Support [ESC/Daniel, L2/24-038]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 4) ICYMI: Unicode 17.0 Emoji Proposal Submissions

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break.

G.2 PRI #496: Proposed Update UTS #51, Unicode Emoji

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

F.1 PAG: UTC #178 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/24-009]

Section 2.4) Characters that do not show an explicit mark in a span of Japanese wakiten

[178-N1] Note: Asmus Freytag and Ken Whistler have edited core spec section 4.5, adding Japanese wakiten as another example/bullet item for characters with multiple interpretations. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.4.

[178-A11] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Propose a property for the kana mappings currently hardcoded in the UCA sifter. For Unicode version 17.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.4 and CLDR-17044.

Section 2.5) misspelled name of U+1680B: BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMBGBIEE

[178-C7] Consensus: Create a formal alias BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMGBIEE of type "correction" for U+1680B BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMBGBIEE. For Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A12] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In NameAliases.txt, add a formal alias BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMGBIEE of type "correction" for U+1680B BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMBGBIEE. For Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 2.6) Fix PropertyValueAliases for Teh_Marbuta_Goal / Hamza_On_Heh_Goal

[178-C8] Consensus: Make the proposed change to PropertyValueAliases.txt to fix the long value alias for jg=Teh_Marbuta_Goal. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.6.

[178-A13] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Make the proposed change to PropertyValueAliases.txt to fix the long value alias for jg=Teh_Marbuta_Goal. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.6.

Section 3) UCDXML

[178-C9] Consensus: Close PRI #486

[178-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Respond on PRI #486 thanking respondents for their comments and noting that the feedback was instrumental in securing continued maintenance of UAX #42. See L2/24-009 item 3.

[178-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #486 with a note indicating that UAX #42 will not be stabilized and will continue to be maintained as long as we have willing volunteers. See L2/24-009 item 3.

[178-N2] Note: Continued maintenance of UAX #42 and UCDXML is dependent on volunteers continuing maintenance efforts. Should we find ourselves without a maintainer again, PAG could recommend stabilization once again. See L2/24-009 item 3.

Section 4) New Scripts & Characters

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 5.1 Kirat Rai & Tulu-Tigalari vowel signs AI, Gurung Khema U: possible impact on some optimizations of normalization

[178-N3] Note: The following actions do not change the normalization algorithm or any properties that it depends upon. The impact is on the generation of “quick check” properties for certain new characters, which may be used by implementations to optimize normalization functions. See L2/24-009 item 5.1 and L2/24-013R section 5.

[178-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Modify the descriptions of the normalization quick check values in UAX #44 and UAX #15 to reflect the possibility of characters that have decomposition mappings and may change in NFxC normalization depending on context, and clarify that the NFxC_Quick_Check values are chosen for the quickCheck algorithm to yield accurate results. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1.

[178-A17] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Markus Scherer, PAG: Set NFxC_Quick_Check=Maybe for characters like U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI which may change in NFxC normalization depending on context. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1.

[178-A18] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Markus Scherer, PAG: Add test cases to NormalizationTest.txt that exercise composition with the components of U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI and similar characters. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1.

[178-A19] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Ken Whistler, PAG: In the Unicode 16.0 alpha PRI and on the 16.0 beta & landing pages, point out the possibility of characters that have decomposition mappings and may change in NFxC normalization depending on context. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1. Note: subject to implementation issues in ICU being resolved.

Section 6.1) UAX #14 LB28a -- confusing use of a literal value

[178-A20] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In rule LB28a of UAX #14, replace the use of the literal ◌ with the character class [◌], and add a note clarifying that the class contains the single character U+25CC DOTTED CIRCLE. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/23-009 item 6.1.

Section 6.2) UAX #14: LB9 is unclear about CM|ZWJ

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 6.3) Error in UAX #29 STerm definition

[178-C10] Consensus: In UAX #29, change the definition of SB=STerm by excluding SB=ATerm, in order to match the data file. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.3.

[178-A21] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: In UAX #29, change the definition of SB=STerm by excluding SB=ATerm. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.3.

[178-C11] Consensus: Give U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER the Sentence_Terminal property. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.3.

[178-A22] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: In PropList.txt, give U+2024 ONE DOT LEADER the Sentence_Terminal property. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.3.

Section 6.4) KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AU will be added to Grapheme_Cluster_Break=V

[178-A23] Action Item for Rick McGowan, PAG: Reply to Charlotte Buff’s feedback ID20240107091023 in PRI #494 pointing out the presence of two points in U+16D67..U+16D6A. See L2/24-009 item 6.4.

Section 6.5) Legacy grapheme clusters are inconsistent with canonical equivalence

[178-C12] Consensus: Assign the Other_Grapheme_Extend property to eighteen characters (fourteen spacing viramas U+1715, U+1734, U+1B44, U+1BAA, U+1BF2, U+1BF3, U+A953, U+A9C0, U+111C0, U+11235, U+1134D, U+116B6, U+1193D, and U+11F41, two Vietnamese alternate reading marks U+16FF0 and U+16FF1, and two musical symbols U+1D166 and U+1D16D) in order to make all non-starters GCB=Extend. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.5.

[178-A24] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In PropList.txt, assign the Other_Grapheme_Extend property to eighteen pre-existing characters (U+1715, U+1734, U+1B44, U+1BAA, U+1BF2, U+1BF3, U+A953, U+A9C0, U+111C0, U+11235, U+1134D, U+116B6, U+1193D, U+11F41, U+16FF0, U+16FF1, U+1D166, U+1D16D), as well as to the Tulu-Tigalari vowel signs and looped viramas, and update derived properties. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.5.

Section 7.1) U+19DA inconsistent IDNA2008 status

[178-N4] Note: The idna2008derived files for versions 7.0 to 15.1 (inclusive) had U+19DA as PVALID which was in conflict with its IdnaMappingTable.txt IDNA2008 Status of XV8. The idna2008derived files have been corrected with 19DA as DISALLOWED.

Section 7.2) UTS #46: disallow IDCs via IDS_ properties not via Block

[178-A25] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Mark Davis, PAG: In UTS #46 section 6 step 2 “Specify the base valid set” replace the removal of \p{Block=Ideographic_Description_Characters} and \u31EF with the removal of [\p{IDS_Unary_Operator}\p{IDS_Binary_Operator}\p{IDS_Trinary_Operator}]. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 7.2.

Section 8.1) UTS #39 typos

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break.

B.3.1 ICU-TC Liaison Report

Oral report by Markus Scherer.

B.3.2 ICU4X-TC Liaison Report

Oral report by Shane Carr.

B.4 CLDR Liaison Report

Oral report by Mark Davis.

UTC adjourned for the day at 16:40.

Day 2, Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Meeting opened at 10:30.

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

A.3 Review of UTC #177 minutes

[178-C13] Consensus: Approve minutes of UTC #177.

[178-A26] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post approved minutes for UTC #177.

A.5 Calendar review

Added UTC #182 January 22-24, 2025. Tentatively hosted by Google, location TBA.

[178-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update calendar for UTC #182.

F.8 Text Terminal Working Group report

[178-N5] Note: Fraser Gordon has been nominated to replace Dustin Howett as chair of Terminal Text Working Group.

B.6 IETF / ICANN Liaison Report

Oral report by Michel Suignard.

B.10 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Liaison Report

Oral report by Robin Leroy.

B.12 ECMA TC 39 Liaison Report

Oral report by Shane Carr.

[178-N6] Note: Members are invited to review the latest explainer for the Unicode locale extensions proposal for ECMAScript. This proposal addresses common situations where users prefer locale-related tailorings that differ from the locale defaults. See https://github.com/Igalia/explainers/blob/main/user-locale-preferences/README.md

B.13 Unicode Admin & Infrastructure Liaison Report

Oral report by Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler

H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #178 [RMG/Peter Constable, L2/24-015]

Section 1) Unicode 16.0 timeline

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 2) Unicode 16.0 alpha review

Discussion; to be resumed on Thursday afternoon.

Section 3) Process development

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 4) Recommendations for stabilization of a UAX

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 5) Challenges in referencing Unicode components

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

UTC working groups & release processes

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Open discussion: UTC working groups & release processes

Lunch break 12:35 - 13:40.

D. Scripts

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #178 January 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-013R]

Section 1) Beria Erfe

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 2) Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Section 2a) Extended Egyptian Hieroglyphs Repertoire

[178-C14] Consensus: Approve 3,995 Egyptian Hieroglyph characters U+13460..U+143FA in a new Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A block at U+13460..U+143FF, as described in document L2/23-181R for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 2a of L2/24-013R]

[178-A28] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with 3,995 Egyptian Hieroglyph characters U+13460..U+143FA in a new Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A block at U+13460..U+143FF as described in L2/23-181R for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 2a of L2/24-013R]

Section 2b) Egyptian Hieroglyphs Database

[178-A29] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #493 Proposed Draft UAX # 57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet). [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]

[178-C15] Consensus: Authorize a PRI for Draft UAX #57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet) for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]

[178-A30] Action Item for Michel Suignard, SAH: Prepare a Draft UAX #57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet). [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]

[178-A31] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for Draft UAX #57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet) for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]

Short break 14:28 - 14:45.

Section 3) Arabic Section 3a) Eight More Honorifics

[178-C16] Consensus: Provisionally assign 8 code points U+FD90, U+FDC8..U+FDCE for Arabic Honorifics characters as described in L2/24-002 [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-013R]

[178-A32] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Add U+FD90, U+FDC8..U+FDCE to the Pipeline (Ref. L2/24-002 and Section 3a of L2/24-013R)

[178-A33] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, SAH: Submit a font for the eight Arabic Honorifics U+FD90, U+FDC8..U+FDCE to Michel Suignard. (Ref. L2/24-002 and Section 3a of L2/24-013R)

Section 3b) Potential disunification of KASHMIRI YEH

[178-A34] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, SAH: Prepare a proposal for the UTC that is a fleshed-out version of the “Stronger recommendations” section of L2/23-273R. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-013R]

[178-N7] Note: Vendors are encouraged to review L2/23-273R: if a proposal were eventually approved by UTC, it could entail potentially breaking changes in fonts.

E. CJK and Unihan E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #178 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/24-012]

Section 01) L2/23-271: GB 18030-2022 Amendment, Draft 3 + Disposition of Comments, Draft 2

[178-N8] Note: Contrary to what Note 177-N1 stated, developers whose products must undergo GB 18030 testing and certification need to be aware that the five new Ideographic Description Characters in Unicode Version 15.1, U+2FFC through U+2FFF and U+31EF, are no longer expected to be associated with any implementation level according to the third draft of GB 18030-2022 Amendment 1, based on document L2/23-271 and Section 01 of document L2/24-012.

Section 02) ID20231002194206 (PRI #483 Feedback)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 03) ID20231214115907 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[178-A35] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update Proposed Update UAX #38 to change the Delimiter and Syntax of the provisional kDefinition property, and to add a description of the new “semicolon” Delimiter to Section 4.1, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231214115907] and Section 03 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 04) ID20231217153125 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[178-C17] Consensus: Remove the provisional kFrequency property, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231217153125] and Section 04 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A36] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Remove the provisional kFrequency property from UAX #38, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231217153125] and Section 04 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A37] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Remove the provisional kFrequency property from the Unihan database, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231217153125] and Section 04 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

PRI #484 feedback: No feedback received to date.

Section 05) ID20231106091154 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-A38] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to change the status values of eight records and to add code points to four of them, based on feedback [ID20231106091154] in document L2/24-008 and Section 05 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A39] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 05 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231106091154] in document L2/24-008.

Section 06) ID20231109191406 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-C18] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add UTC-00420 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3150D, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A40] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add UTC-00420 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3150D, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A41] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add UTC-00420 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3150D and to add a new kCantonese property value to U+3150D, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A42] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the changes to the record for UTC-00420, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A43] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 TrueType font to map U+3150D to the glyph for UTC-00420, then provide the updated UAX #45 TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 07) ID20231110201043 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-C19] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add UTC-00635 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+317EA, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A44] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Add UTC-00635 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+317EA, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A45] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add UTC-00635 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+317EA, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A46] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 data file to reflect the changes to the records for UTC-00635 and UTC-00911, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A47] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the UAX #45 TrueType font to map U+317EA to the glyph for UTC-00635, then provide the updated UAX #45 TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 08) ID20231112194053 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-A48] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add and change kSemanticVariant property values, based on feedback [ID20231112194053] in document L2/24-008 and Section 08 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A49] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231112194053] in document L2/24-008.

Section 09) ID20231118101513 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-C20] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the representative glyphs for U+30D91 and U+30D94, based on feedback [ID20231118101513] in document L2/24-008 and Section 09 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 10) ID20231124222609 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-A50] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add, change, and remove kSemanticVariant property values, based on feedback [ID20231124222609] in document L2/24-008 and Section 10 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A51] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 10 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231124222609] in document L2/24-008.

Section 11) ID20231218134540 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-A52] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the kJapaneseKun property values for U+5E96 and U+5EDA, based on feedback [ID20231218134540] in document L2/24-008 and Section 11 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A53] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 11 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231218134540] in document L2/24-008.

Section 12) ID20240107183744 (L2/24-008 Public Feedback)

[178-A54] Action Item for Sharon Chen, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value change, then report back to the UTC. See feedback [ID20240107183744] in document L2/24-008 and Section 12 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A55] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 12 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20240107183744] in document L2/24-008.

UAX #38 / Unihan Database Documents

Section 13) L2/23-211: Proposal to add an RSIndex.txt data file to each release of the Unicode Standard

[178-C21] Consensus: Accept the proposal to add the RSIndex.txt data file to each release of the Unicode Standard, based on document L2/23-211 (Lunde) and Section 13 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A56] Action Item for Ken Lunde, EDC: Finalize the header text of the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A57] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Unicode Version 16.0 landing page to add link text for the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A58] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Add the RSIndex.txt data file to the “charts” directory of Unicode Version 16.0, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A59] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Add an item to the BRS (Big Red Switch) for Unicode Version 16.0, assigned to Ken Lunde, to update the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A60] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Add an item to the BRS (Big Red Switch) for Unicode Version 16.0, assigned to Markus Scherer, to stage the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.

Section 14) L2/23-251: Corrections of existing kVietnamese values

[178-A61] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-251 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 14 of document L2/24-012.

Section 15) L2/23-269: Feedback on year-2022 proposed kMandarin changes/additions for 285 characters (per several UTC actions)

[178-C22] Consensus: Accept the informative kMandarin property value additions and changes as reviewed and amended by the CLDR-TC, based on document L2/23-269 (Chen) and Section 15 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A62] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add and change the kMandarin property values, based on document L2/23-269 and Section 15 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A63] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-269 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A64] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the authors of the documents and the submitters of the public feedback, which resulted in the seven UTC Action Items that were completed by document L2/23-269, the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/24-012.

Section 16) L2/24-017: Feedback on year-2022 proposed kMandarin additions for 230 characters (per UTC action 171-A44)

[178-C23] Consensus: Accept the informative kMandarin property value additions as reviewed and amended by the CLDR-TC, based on document L2/24-017 (Chen) and Section 16 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A65] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to add the kMandarin property values, based on document L2/24-017 and Section 16 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A66] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/24-017 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 16 of document L2/24-012.

Short break 16:08-16:15.

Section 17) L2/24-016: Disposition of comments on CDAM2.3 to ISO/IEC 10646 6th edition [WG2 N5245]

[178-C24] Consensus: Accept the proposal to move the normative kIRG_JSource property values of U+8FF3 and U+21D12 to U+2EDE0 and U+21D14, respectively, based on document L2/24-016 (Suignard) and Section 17 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A67] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Move the two kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/24-016 and Section 17 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A68] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to move the two kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/24-016 and Section 17 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

UAX #45 / U-Source documents:

Section 18) L2/23-285: Proposal to add one character used for one kind of Hakka snack to UAX #45

[178-C25] Consensus: Accept one new U-source ideograph as UTC-03398 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/23-285 (Chan) and Section 18 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A69] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add one new record to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-285 and Section 18 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

Other documents and topics

Section 19) L2/23-281: Update Suzhou numerals in CJK Symbols font (GitHub issue)

[178-C26] Consensus: Accept the proposal to change the representative glyphs for U+3021 through U+3029, U+3038 through U+303A, U+303E, and U+1F260 through U+1F265, based on document L2/23-281 (Koo) and as amended in Section 19 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A70] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the glyphs for U+3021 through U+3029, U+3038 through U+303A, U+303E, and U+1F260 through U+1F265 in the open source CJK Symbols font, then provide the updated CJK Symbols TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on document L2/23-281 and as amended in Section 19 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A71] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/23-281 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 19 of document L2/24-012.

Section 20) L2/23-283: Proposal to add a property for auto inter-script spacing

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 21) L2/23-284: Proposal to encode two small form CJK characters for Chinese

[178-C27] Consensus: Accept the proposal to provisionally assign U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER in the Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation block, based on document L2/23-284 (West & Chan) and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A72] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add the provisionally assigned characters U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER, based on document L2/23-284 and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A73] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Provide a TrueType font for U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on document L2/23-284 and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A74] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Prepare text for the Core Specification that describes U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER, based on document L2/23-284 and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A75] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the authors of document L2/23-284 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

[178-A76] Action Item for Mark Davis, PAG: Add U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER to the confusables list in UTS #39 as per Section 21 of document L2/24-012.

Section 22) CJK & Unihan Group Vice-Chair

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 23) “Unihan Tools & Processes” GitHub Repository-Private

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 24) Updated Provisional Unihan Database Properties

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.2 IRG Liaison Report

Oral report by Ken Lunde.

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:41.

Day 3, Thursday, January 25, 2024

Meeting opened at 09:34.

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Other full/supporting/associate members present: SIL, UCB.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies

B.7 SEI Liaison Report [Anderson, L2/24-014]

Oral report by Debbie Anderson.

B.8 INFITT Liaison Report

Oral report by Jan Kučera.

B.9 LSA Liaison Report

Oral report by Debbie Anderson.

B.11 ISO TC 46 Liaison Report

Oral report by Markus Scherer.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #178 January 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-013R]

Section 4) CJK Punctuation

[178-C28] Consensus: Revise entries in the ScriptExtensions.txt file to add values as documented in L2/23-272, for Unicode Version 16.0: Mong to U+3001, Mong Phag to U+3002, and Mong Tibt to U+3008, U+3009, U+300A, U+300B. [Ref. Section 4 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A77] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add Mong to scx of U+3001, Mong Phag to U+3002, and Mong Tibt to U+3008, U+3009, U+300A, U+300B, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 4 of L2/24-013R]

Section 5) Kirat Rai and Tulu-Tigalari

[178-A78] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add normalization tests for all potential decompositions of U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI, U+16D6A KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AU (proposed in L2/22-043), and U+113C5 TULU-TIGALARI VOWEL SIGN AI (proposed in L2/22-031), for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 5 of L2/24-013R]

Section 6) Sunuwar

[178-A79] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, EDC: Add a table to the Core Spec for Sunuwar, describing the regional preferences, as documented in L2/24-022, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 6 of L2/24-013R]

Section 7) Vedic Punctuation

[178-C29] Consensus: Add Kannada to the ScriptExtensions.txt entry for U+1CD3 VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA for Unicode Version 16.0 as described in L2/24-024. [Ref. Section 7 of document L2/24-013R]

[178-A80] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add the value Knda (Kannada) in ScriptExtensions.txt for U+1CD3 VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA for Unicode Version 16.0, based on document L2/24-024. [Ref. Section 7 of L2/24-013R]

Section 8) Mongolian

[178-C30] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+1879 as MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALTERNATE UE as described in document L2/24-025. [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline for U+1879 MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALTERNATE UE as described in L2/24-025 [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A82] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, CheonHyeong Sim, SAH: Send a font to Michel Suignard for U+1879 MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALTERNATE UE. [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-013R]

Section 9) Batak

[178-A83] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Add an annotation “also used in Toba” to U+1BC6 BATAK LETTER KARO BA. [Ref. Section 9 of L2/24-013R]

Section 10) Numbers with slashes used in figured bass (musical symbols)

[178-C31] Consensus: Provisionally assign 8 digits with slash symbols used in music notation in the range U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE, as proposed in L2/23-277. [Ref. Section 10 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A84] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the 8 digits with slash symbols used in music notation in the range U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE [Ref. Section 10 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A85] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAH: Provide Michel Suignard a font with the 8 digits with slash symbols used in music notation in the range U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE. [Ref. Section 10 of L2/24-013R]

Section 11) One Chess Symbol

[178-C32] Consensus: Change the provisional code point for MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE WITH HORIZONTAL BAR from U+2B96 (cf. Consensus 177-C33) to U+1CEF0.

[178-A86] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the pipeline to reflect the change of code point for MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE WITH HORIZONTAL BAR from U+2B96 to U+1CEF0.

[178-C33] Consensus: Provisionally assign code point U+2B96 EQUALS SIGN WITH INFINITY ABOVE as described in document L2/24-018. [Ref. Section 11 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A87] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Add U+2B96 EQUALS SIGN WITH INFINITY ABOVE to the Pipeline as provisionally assigned. [Ref. Section 11 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A88] Action Item for Gavin Jared Bala, Kirk Miller, Debbie Anderson, SAH: Submit a font with U+2B96 EQUALS SIGN WITH INFINITY ABOVE to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 11 of L2/24-013R]

Section 12) Proposal to Change the Bidi_Mirrored property for U+226D

[178-C34] Consensus: Change the Bidi_Mirrored property of U+226D NOT EQUIVALENT TO to Yes, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 12 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A89] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Update the Bidi_Mirrored property of U+226D NOT EQUIVALENT TO to Yes, and update BidiMirroring.txt, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 12 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A90] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Manish Goregaokar, PAG: Propose changes to the Bidi algorithm, bidi properties, and the stability policy; to resolve issues found during the investigation and discussion of document L2/23-274. [Ref. Section 12 of L2/24-013R]

Section 13) Shatranj symbols

[178-C35] Consensus: Provisionally assign the four Shatranj chess symbols U+1FA54..U+1FA57 as described in L2/24-020. [Ref. Section 13 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A91] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline to add the four provisionally assigned Shatranj chess symbols U+1FA54..U+1FA57 as documented in L2/24-020. [Ref. Section 13 of L2/24-013R]

Section 14) Three musical symbols

[178-C36] Consensus: Provisionally assign the following 3 musical symbol characters, as proposed in L2/23-278R: U+1D127 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING STRESS U+1D128 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING UNSTRESS U+1D1FF MUSICAL SYMBOL LONGA REST [Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A92] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the 3 musical symbols 1D127 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING STRESS, 1D128 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING UNSTRESS, and 1D1FF MUSICAL SYMBOL LONGA REST [Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A93] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAH: Provide Michel Suignard a font with the 3 musical symbols.[Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R].

[178-A94] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, EDC: Propose text for Core Spec, describing behavior of glyphs for STRESS and UNSTRESS as described in L2/23-278R. [Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R]

Section 15) Unicode request for Stein-Zimmermann quarter-tone accidentals (musical symbols)

[178-C37] Consensus: Provisionally assign 12 musical symbols for Stein-Zimmermann quarter-tone accidentals in the range U+1D1EB..U+1D1F6, as proposed in L2/23-276. [Ref. Section 15 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the 12 musical symbols for Stein-Zimmermann quarter-tone accidentals U+1D1EB..U+1D1F6 [Ref. Section 15 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A96] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAH: Provide Michel Suignard a font with the 12 Stein-Zimmermann musical symbols. [Ref. Section 15 of L2/24-013R]

Short break until 11:10.

Section 16) Bamum character name error

Discussion. SAH supports PAG recommendation; no further UTC action.

Section 17) On Provisionally Assigned Characters' Names

[178-C38] Consensus: Approve the name change for provisionally assigned character U+09FF from BENGALI LETTER ALTERNATE BA to BENGALI LETTER SANSKRIT BA. [Ref. Section 17 of L2/24-013]

[178-A97] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the Pipeline with the name change for U+09FF from BENGALI LETTER ALTERNATE BA to BENGALI LETTER SANSKRIT BA. [Ref. Section 17 of L2/24-013]

[178-A98] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Forward the feedback to Eduardo Marin-Silva from Section 17 of document L2/24-013.

Section 18) Additions to ScriptExtensions

[178-C39] Consensus: Add 51 entries to ScriptExtensions.txt as proposed in L2/23-280 for a future version of the Unicode Standard. [Ref. Section 18 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A99] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, UTC: Add 51 entries to ScriptExtensions.txt as proposed in document L2/23-280 for a future version of the Unicode Standard. [Ref. Section 18 of L2/24-013R]

Section 19) DoNotEmit.txt

[178-C40] Consensus: Add DoNotEmit.txt to the UCD for Unicode Version 16.0 as described in document L2/24-021. [Ref. Section 19 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A100] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add DoNotEmit.txt to the UCD as described in L2/24-021. Remove or address “ToDo” items in the draft file. [Ref. Section 19 of L2/24-013R]

[178-A101] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Update UAX #44 to include the new DoNotEmit.txt as described in document L2/24-021. [Ref. Section 19 of L2/24-013R]

Section 20) Requirements and Process for Changing Script Status for Identifier Use

Discussion. SAH supports PAG recommendation.

[178-N9] Note: UTC agrees with the PAG recommendation to use guidelines in L2/24-019 “Requirements and Process for Changing Script Status for Identifier Use” for future requests for changing the UAX #31 script categorization used for determining Identifier_Type values. PAG should be the primary point of contact for such requests.

Section 21) Old Hungarian

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 24) Bété

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Lunch break 12:35 - 13:35.

Section 23) Ethereum symbol

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.2 PRI #487: Proposed Update UAX #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 22) Cuneiform

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.3 PRI #485: Draft UTR #56, Unicode Cuneiform Sign Lists

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

I.1 Other Feedback

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #178 [RMG/Peter Constable, L2/24-015]

[178-C41] Consensus: The UTC authorizes starting the alpha review for Unicode Version 16.0.

[178-A102] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Coordinate the publication of the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review.

[178-A103] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Prepare a background document for a PRI on the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review.

[178-A104] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the PRI for the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review, to close April 2, 2024.

A.6 Closing dates for PRIs

[178-A105] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Extend closing dates for the Unicode Version 16.0 PRIs to April 2, 2024..

F.7 PRI #495 UTS #55

[178-C42] Consensus: Approve version 2 of UTS #55, Unicode Source Code Handling, for immediate publication.

[178-A106] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRI #495.

[178-A107] Action Item for Robin Leroy, EDC: Publish UTS #55.

A.7 L2 Representatives

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Meeting adjourned for the week at 14:22.


Members Represented

Roll Call Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 25
Full Member
Adobe YY Y
Apple YY Y
Google YY Y
Microsoft YY Y
Supporting Member
Bangladesh, MSICT
Tamil Nadu, TVA
Associate Member      


UTC Attendance

Name Representing
Debbie AndersonUCB
Keith BroniEmojipedia
Henri-Paul Bronsardself
Shane CarrGoogle
Christopher ChapmanAdobe
Eric ChenGoogle
Elango CheranGoogle
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Craig CorneliusGoogle
Craig CummingsUnicode
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Mark DavisGoogle
Kamilé DemirAdobe
Lorna EvansSIL
Asmus Freytagself
Richard GillamApple
Fraser Gordonself
Manish GoregaokarGoogle
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Ned HolbrookApple
Dustin HowettMicrosoft
Koji IshiiGoogle
Marcel Krügerself
Jan Kučeraself
Robin LeroyGoogle
Hai Liang Unicode
Ken LundeApple
Rick McGowanUnicode
Caroline Morgantiself
Sudip Iglesias Murmuself
Mihai NițăGoogle
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Judy Safran-Aasen Microsoft
Murray Sargentself
Markus SchererGoogle
CheonHyeong Simself
Michel SuignardUnicode
Samantha SunneEmojination
Frank TangGoogle
Jessalyn Tannadyself
Tex TexinXencraft
Ken WhistlerUnicode