
Recently Closed Action Items
(since 2024-01-18)

Auto generated on: April 18, 2024 at 11:53:26

From UTC #178

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
178-A1Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline for the name correction for U+1F8D6.2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A2Markus Scherer, Asmus Freytag, PAGImprove the core spec chapters 3 and 23 text about variation selectors as proposed in L2/23-286 and taking into consideration feedback in L2/24-039. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 1.1.2024-02-29DoneUnicode text
178-A3Robin Leroy, PAGAssign Extender=Yes to 3 characters: U+0A71 GURMUKHI ADDAK, U+0AFB GUJARATI SIGN SHADDA, U+11237 KHOJKI SIGN SHADDA. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A4Robin Leroy, PAGAssign Diacritic=Yes to 5 characters: U+1BE6 BATAK SIGN TOMPI, U+10A38 KHAROSHTHI SIGN BAR ABOVE, U+10A39 KHAROSHTHI SIGN CAUDA, U+10A3A KHAROSHTHI SIGN DOT BELOW, U+1133B COMBINING BINDU BELOW. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A5Robin Leroy, PAGAssign Diacritic=Yes to 7 characters: U+0E3A THAI CHARACTER PHINTHU, U+1734 HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD, U+1BF2 BATAK PANGOLAT, U+1BF3 BATAK PANONGONAN, U+A806 SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN HASANTA, U+A82C SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN ALTERNATE HASANTA, U+11F41 KAWI SIGN KILLER. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A6Robin Leroy, PAGAssign Diacritic=Yes to 3 characters: U+1A60 TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT, U+10A3F KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA, U+11F42 KAWI CONJOINER. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A7Ken Whistler, PAGUpdate the description of Alphabetic, Diacritic, and Extender properties in UAX #44 to clarify their primary purpose. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.2.2024-02-08DoneUAX #44
178-A9Ned Holbrook, ESCPrepare a new PRI for the new emoji that have been accepted for Unicode Version 16.0 with title “Unicode Emoji 16.0 Alpha,” based on Section 2 of document L2/23-236R, document L2/23-162, and Section 2 of document L2/24-011.2024-02-01Done 
178-A10Rick McGowan, UTCPost the new PRI for the new emoji that have been accepted for Unicode Version 16.0 with a closing date of 2024-04-02.2024-01-31Done 
178-A12Ken Whistler, Robin Leroy, PAGIn NameAliases.txt, add a formal alias BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMGBIEE of type "correction" for U+1680B BAMUM LETTER PHASE-A MAEMBGBIEE. For Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-01DoneUCD
178-A13Mark Davis, PAGMake the proposed change to PropertyValueAliases.txt to fix the long value alias for jg=Teh_Marbuta_Goal. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 2.6.2024-01-31DoneUCD
178-A14Rick McGowan, UTCRespond on PRI #486 thanking respondents for their comments and noting that the feedback was instrumental in securing continued maintenance of UAX #42. See L2/24-009 item 3.2024-02-01DoneUAX #42
178-A15Rick McGowan, UTCClose PRI #486 with a note indicating that UAX #42 will not be stabilized and will continue to be maintained as long as we have willing volunteers. See L2/24-009 item 3.2024-01-30DoneUAX #42
178-A17Robin Leroy, Markus Scherer, PAGSet NFxC_Quick_Check=Maybe for characters like U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI which may change in NFxC normalization depending on context. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1.2024-01-22DoneUCD
178-A18Robin Leroy, Markus Scherer, PAGAdd test cases to NormalizationTest.txt that exercise composition with the components of U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI and similar characters. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1.2024-01-22DoneUCD
178-A19Markus Scherer, Ken Whistler, PAGIn the Unicode 16.0 alpha PRI and on the 16.0 beta & landing pages, point out the possibility of characters that have decomposition mappings and may change in NFxC normalization depending on context. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 5.1. Note: subject to implementation issues in ICU being resolved.2024-01-31Done 
178-A20Robin Leroy, PAGIn rule LB28a of UAX #14, replace the use of the literal ◌ with the character class [◌], and add a note clarifying that the class contains the single character U+25CC DOTTED CIRCLE. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/23-009 item 6.1.2024-01-29DoneUAX #14
178-A23Rick McGowan, PAGReply to Charlotte Buff’s feedback ID20240107091023 in PRI #494 pointing out the presence of two points in U+16D67..U+16D6A. See L2/24-009 item 6.4.2024-02-02Done 
178-A24Robin Leroy, PAGIn PropList.txt, assign the Other_Grapheme_Extend property to eighteen pre-existing characters (U+1715, U+1734, U+1B44, U+1BAA, U+1BF2, U+1BF3, U+A953, U+A9C0, U+111C0, U+11235, U+1134D, U+116B6, U+1193D, U+11F41, U+16FF0, U+16FF1, U+1D166, U+1D16D), as well as to the Tulu-Tigalari vowel signs and looped viramas, and update derived properties. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-009 item 6.5.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A26Rick McGowan, UTCPost approved minutes for UTC #177.2024-01-26Done 
178-A27Rick McGowan, UTCUpdate calendar for UTC #182.2024-01-26Done 
178-A28Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with 3,995 Egyptian Hieroglyph characters U+13460..U+143FA in a new Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A block at U+13460..U+143FF as described in L2/23-181R for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 2a of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A29Rick McGowan, UTCClose PRI #493 Proposed Draft UAX # 57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet). [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]2024-02-01Done 
178-A30Michel Suignard, SAHPrepare a Draft UAX #57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet). [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]2024-02-07DoneUAX #57
178-A31Rick McGowan, UTCPost a PRI for Draft UAX #57 Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet) for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 2b of L2/24-013R]2024-02-07DonePRI #500
178-A32Ken Whistler, UTCAdd U+FD90, U+FDC8..U+FDCE to the Pipeline (Ref. L2/24-002 and Section 3a of L2/24-013R)2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A33Roozbeh Pournader, SAHSubmit a font for the eight Arabic Honorifics U+FD90, U+FDC8..U+FDCE to Michel Suignard. (Ref. L2/24-002 and Section 3a of L2/24-013R)2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A35Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate Proposed Update UAX #38 to change the Delimiter and Syntax of the provisional kDefinition property, and to add a description of the new “semicolon” Delimiter to Section 4.1, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231214115907] and Section 03 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #38
178-A36Ken Lunde, CJKRemove the provisional kFrequency property from UAX #38, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231217153125] and Section 04 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #38
178-A37Ken Lunde, CJKRemove the provisional kFrequency property from the Unihan database, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20231217153125] and Section 04 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A38Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 data file to change the status values of eight records and to add code points to four of them, based on feedback [ID20231106091154] in document L2/24-008 and Section 05 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A39Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 05 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231106091154] in document L2/24-008.2024-01-29Done 
178-A40Michel Suignard, CJKAdd UTC-00420 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3150D, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A41Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add UTC-00420 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+3150D and to add a new kCantonese property value to U+3150D, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A42Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 data file to reflect the changes to the record for UTC-00420, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A43Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 TrueType font to map U+3150D to the glyph for UTC-00420, then provide the updated UAX #45 TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on feedback [ID20231109191406] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 06 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A44Michel Suignard, CJKAdd UTC-00635 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+317EA, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A45Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add UTC-00635 as a new kIRG_USource property value for U+317EA, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A46Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 data file to reflect the changes to the records for UTC-00635 and UTC-00911, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A47Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the UAX #45 TrueType font to map U+317EA to the glyph for UTC-00635, then provide the updated UAX #45 TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on feedback [ID20231110201043] in document L2/24-008 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A48Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add and change kSemanticVariant property values, based on feedback [ID20231112194053] in document L2/24-008 and Section 08 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A49Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231112194053] in document L2/24-008.2024-01-29Done 
178-A50Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add, change, and remove kSemanticVariant property values, based on feedback [ID20231124222609] in document L2/24-008 and Section 10 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A51Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 10 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231124222609] in document L2/24-008.2024-01-29Done 
178-A52Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to change the kJapaneseKun property values for U+5E96 and U+5EDA, based on feedback [ID20231218134540] in document L2/24-008 and Section 11 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A53Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 11 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20231218134540] in document L2/24-008.2024-01-29Done 
178-A55Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 12 of document L2/24-012. See feedback [ID20240107183744] in document L2/24-008.2024-01-29Done 
178-A56Ken Lunde, EDCFinalize the header text of the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.2024-02-01DoneUCD
178-A57Ken Whistler, RMGUpdate the Unicode Version 16.0 landing page to add link text for the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-26DoneUCD
178-A58Markus Scherer, PAGAdd the RSIndex.txt data file to the “charts” directory of Unicode Version 16.0, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-31DoneUCD
178-A59Peter Constable, RMGAdd an item to the BRS (Big Red Switch) for Unicode Version 16.0, assigned to Ken Lunde, to update the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-31Done 
178-A60Peter Constable, RMGAdd an item to the BRS (Big Red Switch) for Unicode Version 16.0, assigned to Markus Scherer, to stage the RSIndex.txt data file, based on document L2/23-211 and Section 13 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-31Done 
178-A61Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/23-251 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 14 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A62Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add and change the kMandarin property values, based on document L2/23-269 and Section 15 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A63Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/23-269 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A64Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the authors of the documents and the submitters of the public feedback, which resulted in the seven UTC Action Items that were completed by document L2/23-269, the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A65Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to add the kMandarin property values, based on document L2/24-017 and Section 16 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A66Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/24-017 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 16 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A67Michel Suignard, CJKMove the two kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/24-016 and Section 17 of document L2/24-012, and provide to Ken Lunde an updated Unihan data file, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A68Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the Unihan database to move the two kIRG_JSource property values, based on document L2/24-016 and Section 17 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUnihan
178-A69Ken Lunde, CJKAdd one new record to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/23-285 and Section 18 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneUAX #45
178-A70Ken Lunde, CJKUpdate the glyphs for U+3021 through U+3029, U+3038 through U+303A, U+303E, and U+1F260 through U+1F265 in the open source CJK Symbols font, then provide the updated CJK Symbols TrueType font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on document L2/23-281 and as amended in Section 19 of document L2/24-012, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A71Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the author of document L2/23-281 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 19 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A72Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline to add the provisionally assigned characters U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER, based on document L2/23-284 and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A73Ken Lunde, CJKProvide a TrueType font for U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group, based on document L2/23-284 and Section 21 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A75Ken Lunde, CJKConvey to the authors of document L2/23-284 the CJK & Unihan Group comments in Section 21 of document L2/24-012.2024-01-29Done 
178-A77Roozbeh Pournader, PAGAdd Mong to scx of U+3001, Mong Phag to U+3002, and Mong Tibt to U+3008, U+3009, U+300A, U+300B, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 4 of L2/24-013R]2024-03-15DoneUCD
178-A78Robin Leroy, PAGAdd normalization tests for all potential decompositions of U+16D68 KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AI, U+16D6A KIRAT RAI VOWEL SIGN AU (proposed in L2/22-043), and U+113C5 TULU-TIGALARI VOWEL SIGN AI (proposed in L2/22-031), for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 5 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-22DoneUCD
178-A80Roozbeh Pournader, PAGAdd the value Knda (Kannada) in ScriptExtensions.txt for U+1CD3 VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA for Unicode Version 16.0, based on document L2/24-024. [Ref. Section 7 of L2/24-013R]2024-03-14DoneUCD
178-A81Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline for U+1879 MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALTERNATE UE as described in L2/24-025 [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A82Debbie Anderson, CheonHyeong Sim, SAHSend a font to Michel Suignard for U+1879 MONGOLIAN LETTER MANCHU ALTERNATE UE. [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A83Ken Whistler, EDCAdd an annotation “also used in Toba” to U+1BC6 BATAK LETTER KARO BA. [Ref. Section 9 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DoneNames list
178-A84Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the 8 digits with slash symbols used in music notation in the range U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE [Ref. Section 10 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A85Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAHProvide Michel Suignard a font with the 8 digits with slash symbols used in music notation in the range U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE. [Ref. Section 10 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A86Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the pipeline to reflect the change of code point for MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE WITH HORIZONTAL BAR from U+2B96 to U+1CEF0.2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A87Ken Whistler, UTCAdd U+2B96 EQUALS SIGN WITH INFINITY ABOVE to the Pipeline as provisionally assigned. [Ref. Section 11 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A88Gavin Jared Bala, Kirk Miller, Debbie Anderson, SAHSubmit a font with U+2B96 EQUALS SIGN WITH INFINITY ABOVE to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 11 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A89Ken Whistler, Robin Leroy, PAGUpdate the Bidi_Mirrored property of U+226D NOT EQUIVALENT TO to Yes, and update BidiMirroring.txt, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 12 of L2/24-013R]2024-02-01DoneUCD
178-A91Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline to add the four provisionally assigned Shatranj chess symbols U+1FA54..U+1FA57 as documented in L2/24-020. [Ref. Section 13 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A92Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the 3 musical symbols 1D127 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING STRESS, 1D128 MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING UNSTRESS, and 1D1FF MUSICAL SYMBOL LONGA REST [Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A93Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAHProvide Michel Suignard a font with the 3 musical symbols.[Ref. Section 14 of L2/24-013R].2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A95Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the 12 musical symbols for Stein-Zimmermann quarter-tone accidentals U+1D1EB..U+1D1F6 [Ref. Section 15 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A96Debbie Anderson, Kirk Miller, SAHProvide Michel Suignard a font with the 12 Stein-Zimmermann musical symbols. [Ref. Section 15 of L2/24-013R]2024-01-29DoneCharts
178-A97Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the name change for U+09FF from BENGALI LETTER ALTERNATE BA to BENGALI LETTER SANSKRIT BA. [Ref. Section 17 of L2/24-013]2024-01-26DonePipeline
178-A98Rick McGowan, UTCForward the feedback to Eduardo Marin-Silva from Section 17 of document L2/24-013.2024-01-31Done 
178-A100Roozbeh Pournader, PAGAdd DoNotEmit.txt to the UCD as described in L2/24-021. Remove or address “ToDo” items in the draft file. [Ref. Section 19 of L2/24-013R]2024-03-18DoneUCD
178-A101Ken Whistler, PAGUpdate UAX #44 to include the new DoNotEmit.txt as described in document L2/24-021. [Ref. Section 19 of L2/24-013R]2024-02-08DoneUAX #44
178-A102Peter Constable, RMGCoordinate the publication of the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review.2024-02-07Done 
178-A103Ken Whistler, RMGPrepare a background document for a PRI on the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review.2024-01-31Done 
178-A104Rick McGowan, UTCPost the PRI for the Unicode Version 16.0 alpha review, to close April 2, 2024.2024-02-07Done 
178-A105Rick McGowan, UTCExtend closing dates for the Unicode Version 16.0 PRIs to April 2, 2024.2024-02-01Done 
178-A106Rick McGowan, UTCClose PRI #495.2024-01-26Done 
178-A107Robin Leroy, EDCPublish UTS #55.2024-02-01DoneUTS #55

From UTC #177

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
177-A38Michel Suignard, CJKApply the V-source representative glyph change for U+21128 to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B block with an updated font provided by Vietnam, based on document L2/23-242 and Section 20 of document L2/23-237, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts
177-A39Michel Suignard, CJKApply the G-source representative glyph change for U+2B92C and the UK-source representative glyph change for U+32268 to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E and Extension H blocks, respectively, with updated fonts provided by China and UK, respectively, based on document L2/23-244 and Section 21 of document L2/23-237, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts
177-A41Ken Whistler, EDCAdd an entry for EquivalentUnifiedIdeograph to Section 1 of UAX #41, based on Section 25 of document L2/23-237, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-02DoneUAX #41
177-A42Ken Whistler, UTCComment out the three Egyptian Hieroglyph variation sequences in StandardizedVariants.txt described in document L2/23-254, and add a reference to the UTC consensus, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-01DoneUCD
177-A43Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline, to account for the addition of U+A7DA..U+A7DC to the approved repertoire for Unicode Version 16.0. (Ref. Section 2a of L2/23-238)2024-02-02DonePipeline
177-A58Peter Constable, RMGAdd UAX #53 to BRS and other release process documents for 16.0. (Ref. Section 3c of L2/23-238)2024-02-07DoneUAX #53
177-A59Robin Leroy, PAGAdd MCM property values to PropList.txt, for 16.0. (Ref. Section 3c of L2/23-238)2024-03-12DoneUCD
177-A60Robin Leroy, PAGAdd property and property value aliases for MCM to PropertyAliases.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt, for 16.0 (Ref. Section 3c of L2/23-238)2024-03-12DoneUCD
177-A80Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline with the 16 provisionally assigned characters for geomantic figures from U+1CEE0..U+1CEEF. (Ref. Section 13 of L2/23-238)2024-02-02DonePipeline
177-A82Ken Whistler, UTCUpdate the Pipeline to add the ten provisionally assigned characters, as described in L2/23-252.2024-02-02DonePipeline
177-A85Ken Whistler, Robin Leroy, PAGAdd the eight variation sequences, as described in L2/23-212R to StandardizedVariants.txt, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-01DoneUCD
177-A93Debbie Anderson, SAHWork with Kirk Miller to send the font to Michel Suignard and the Charts Group. (Ref. Section 10 of L2/23-238)2024-01-29DoneCharts
177-A99Norbert Lindenberg, SAHUpdate L2/23-141 that will (a) take full advantage of the rule constraints in section 1.2 of UAX #29 in order to simplify the proposed rules, and (b) determine which scripts could be made to work with the recently-added rule GB9c, and which would really require a new rule. (Ref. Section 19 of L2/23-238)2024-03-07DoneUAX #29
177-A105Peter Constable, RMGStart the process of stabilizing UAX #42 UCDXML with spec and data frozen at Unicode 15.1. For Unicode Version 16.0.2024-01-23DoneUAX #42
177-A106Josh Hadley, PAGUpdate the documentation for DerivedNumericValues.txt to indicate that the first-listed value of kAccountingNumeric, kOtherNumeric, or kPrimaryNumeric is what is used for the derived numeric value. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/23-234 item 2.3.2024-03-08DoneUCD
177-A124Michel Suignard, CJKApply the G-source representative glyph changes for U+203D8, U+25B9F, and U+2D156 to the code charts for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B and Extension F blocks, respectively, with an updated font provided by China, based on document L2/23-245 and Section 22 of document L2/23-237, for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts

From UTC #176

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
176-A6Ned Holbrook, ESCAdd 1F1E8 1F1F6 as a new RGI_Emoji_Flag_Sequence in the emoji-sequences.txt data file, based on PRI #480 feedback ID20230523142756, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Reference: Section 1a of L2/23-162.]2024-01-23DoneEmoji data
176-A59Asmus Freytag, EDCChange definition D79 to look like a definition, and add bullet points noting the use of the term to refer to the three UTF and suggesting the term “standard Unicode encoding forms” for clarity. Update mentions of “the [three] Unicode encoding forms” throughout the core specification as appropriate, for Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/23-160 item 1.1.2024-03-14DoneUnicode text
176-A63Markus Scherer, Robin Leroy, PAGPropose wording defining the phrase “simple case folding” in Section 3.13 of The Unicode Standard, and changing the misleading and undefined phrase “locale-independent” case folding in Table 4-3 and Section 5.18 to case folding (which is locale-independent). See L2/23-160 item 1.2. For Unicode Version 16.0.2024-03-28DoneUnicode text
176-A95Josh Hadley, PAGReview the feedback from Norbert Lindenberg re: the set of characters with Indic_Conjunct_Break=Extend (formerly ExtCccZwj) for Unicode 16.0. See document L2/23-160 item 4.6 and ReportID: ID20230620135108.2024-02-13DoneUCD
176-A101Norbert Lindenberg, PAGFor UAX29, propose improved wording for the last paragraph of the introduction of Section 4; for Unicode 16.0. See document L2/23-160 item 4.12.2024-02-15DoneUAX #29, L2/24-043
176-A113Rick McGowan, UTCPost a PRI for Proposed Draft Unicode Standard Annex #57, Unicode Properties for Egyptian Hieroglyphs, with a closing date of 2023-10-11.2024-02-07DonePRI #493
176-A133Debbie Anderson, Michel Suignard, EDCAdd text to the Core Spec on the reading direction arrows as described in L2/23-185. (Reference: L2/23-185 and Section 9 of L2/23-164)2024-03-14DoneUnicode text

From UTC #175

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
175-A16Michel Suignard, CJKPrepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+9FFD based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230203075454], for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts
175-A22Michel Suignard, CJKPrepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+3136B based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230305211021], for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts
175-A27Michel Suignard, CJKPrepare chart update for horizontal extension of U+3A9C based on PRI #468 feedback [ID20230320114925], for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts
175-A44Michel Suignard, CJKPrepare chart update for horizontal extension of 134 ideographs with kIRG_KSource property values, based on document L2/23-086 (Shin et al.) and Section 28 of document L2/23-082 for Unicode Version 16.0.2024-02-07DoneCharts

From UTC #174

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
174-A60Liang Hai, EDCInvestigate whether to include text about the error of ccc value of U+08D9 ARABIC SMALL LOW NOON WITH KASRA in the Core Spec. (Reference section 2a of L2/23-012).2024-03-14DoneUnicode text

From UTC #173

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
173-A2Ken Whistler, Michel Suignard, Markus Scherer, Peter Constable, UTCCome up with a proposal for recommendations on the future of ISO/IEC 14651.2024-02-02Done 
173-A108Rick McGowan, EDCAdjust the details of Figure 2-13, Unicode Allocation, to better show the impact of the encoding of Extension H, in a future revision of the core specification draft. Ref. L2/22-245 [Markus Scherer Tue Oct 11 15:20:10 CDT 2022].2024-02-15DoneUnicode text
173-A113Deborah Anderson, Andrew Glass, EDCUpdate section 11.4 of the Core Spec (p. 449) for Unicode 16.0, clarifying that use of EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH INSERT AT MIDDLE is the approach for representing single groups, and the enclosure model should be used for representing more than one group. (Ref. L2/22-265 and section 2 of L2/22-248).2024-03-01DoneUnicode text
173-A122Norbert Lindenberg, EDCSend the Kawi font for nukta to Michel Suignard. (Ref. section 8 of L2/22-248).2024-02-01Done 
173-A123Deborah Anderson, Norbert Lindenberg, EDCPrepare a description of the Kawi Nukta combining class as a notable issue for the Unicode Version 16.0 beta. (Ref. section 8 of L2/22-248).2024-01-29Done 

From UTC #172

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
172-A9Roozbeh Pournader, Lorna Evans, SAHReview whether U+0897 ARABIC PEPET should be added to a future version of UTR #53.2024-02-14DoneUTR #53

From UTC #171

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
171-A44Sharon Chen, CJKAsk the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value additions, then report back to the UTC. See document L2/22-084 and Section 11 of document L2/22-067.2024-01-31DoneL2/24-017
171-A78Lorna Evans, SAHUpdate UAX #53 to document U+10EFC ARABIC COMBINING ALEF OVERLAY2024-02-08DoneUAX #53
171-A130Robin Leroy, PAGReview feedback from Charlotte Buff on PRI #446 [Tue Apr 5 07:14:53 CDT 2022] and provide recommendations.2024-02-15Done 

From UTC #168

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
168-A63Mark Davis, CJKAdd an invariant test to make sure that the three properties, kTotalStrokes, kRSUnicode, and at least one value for an IRG source, are defined for all CJK ideographs.2024-02-07DoneInvariants

From UTC #167

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
167-A30Fred Brennan, EDCWrite an FAQ on Urdu digits.2024-03-22ClosedFAQ
167-A83Michel Suignard, EDCConsider the feedback from Michael Everson (Apr 12) on PRI #428 regarding the glyphs for 2E56..2E58, and investigate whether the glyphs can be made more consistent with other square bracket glyphs. (See L2/21-070 Section E4 for details.)2024-03-14Closed 

From UTC #166

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
166-A61Markus Scherer, Norbert Lindenberg, PAGPropose changes to the specification of variation sequences in TUS chapter 23.4 and appropriate additions to chapter 3, based on document L2/21-012 item D2. The intent is to clarify the restrictions on initial characters in order to avoid issues under normalization. Include examples of characters and sequences that are excluded. See also action item 152-A5a.2024-01-19DoneUnicode text
166-A97Kamal Mansour, SAHProvide tables of glyphs from the font for review by Peter Constable and other interested parties and that can be used as a basis for a future UTN. (Reference Section X of L2/21-016)2024-02-16Closed 

From UTC #162

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
162-A45Robin Leroy, PAGProvide text for UAX #14 based on comments in PRI #406 [Wed Dec 4 15:18:53 CST 2019], for Unicode version 14.0. (Retargeted to 15.0)2024-02-15DoneUAX #14

From UTC #160

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
160-A73Mark Davis, PAGInvestigate the best way to resolve inconsistencies in text segmentation and linebreak algorithms, and report back to the UTC. See feedback in PRI #396 from Charlotte Buff [Sat Jul 6 16:57:48 CDT 2019].2024-04-11Closed 

From UTC #158

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
158-A6Josh Hadley, PAGLook at additional full-width characters such as plus or minus, for word-breaking and sentence-breaking full-width numbers.2024-02-07Done 
158-A10Liang Hai, PAGPrepare a proposal for additional updates regarding tailoring of NNBSP for line-breaking.2024-02-12Closed 
158-A50Craig Cornelius, PAGFollow up with Eric Muller about document L2/19-041. (linebreak for soft hyphen)2024-04-11Closed 
158-A96Steven Loomis, PAGFollow up on Georgian sentence break.2024-02-12Closed 
158-A100Roozbeh Pournader, PAGWrite a proposal about deprecation criteria. Also consider feedback from Charlotte Buff Oct 15 06:30:35 CDT 2018 in L2/19-010.2024-04-11Closed 
158-A103Norbert Lindenberg, SAHInvestigate potential changes to Indic_Syllabic_Category for Khmer characters mentioned in L2/19-054. (Closed AI. Superseded by SAH issue #464 for tracking)2024-04-12ClosedUCD

From UTC #157

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
157-A28Mark Davis, PAGCreate proposal for restructuring the information in tables in section 2.4 of UAX #31, including consideration of turning the data into machine-readable data files. (Retargeted for 15.0)2024-04-11ClosedUAX #31

From UTC #155

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
155-A20Michel Suignard, PAGDraft a document outlining proposed changes to UTS #46. (Retargeted to 15.0)2024-02-12ClosedUTS #46
155-A32Liang Hai, SAHWork with experts from Inner Mongolia to produce a proposal for additional variation sequences for Mongolian and also explain why a fourth FVS is needed.2024-02-14Done 
155-A90Mark Davis, PAGProvide customized versions of the headers for the segmentation test files, for Unicode 12.0.(Retargeted for 13.0, 14.0, 15.0.)2024-04-11ClosedUCD

From UTC #154

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
154-A104Mark Davis, PAGProduce working draft version of UAX #14 based on document L2/18-050. (Retargeted to 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0.)2024-04-11ClosedUAX #14
154-A105Mark Davis, PAGAdd to proposed update draft of UAX #29 based on document L2/18-050. (for Unicode 13.0, retargeted to 14.0, then 15.0)2024-04-11ClosedUAX #29

From UTC #152

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
152-A5aKen Whistler, Mark Davis, PAGDraft a new section for Chapter 3 on variation selectors and variation sequences, for Version 11.0. (retargeted to 13.0, 14.0, 15.0)2024-01-19DoneUnicode text

From UTC #151

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
151-A3Ned Holbrook, PAGIdentify those accents that cause a soft-dotted character to usually lose its dot, and bring the list to the UTC for further discussion.2024-04-11Closed 
151-A90Robin Leroy, PAGInvestigate linebreaking properties of double diacritics, based on feedback from David Corbett on PRI #335 of April 29, 2017 22:48:11.2024-02-15DoneUCD
151-A91Robin Leroy, PAGReview feedback from David Corbett on PRI #335 of April 29 and May 4, 2017, and make any recommendations for property changes. (linebreak issues)2024-02-15DoneUCD
151-A143Robin Leroy, Josh Hadley, PAGAdd invariant tests for new property and property values from PRI #344. (Equivalent_Unified_Ideograph) (Retargeted to Unicode 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0.)2024-02-09DoneInvariants

From UTC #150

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
150-A109Liang Hai, SAHUpdate the Indic model spreadsheet and prepare a web page version, then invite wider review. Send link to document registrar for snapshot.2024-03-19Closed 

From UTC #149

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
149-A47Tim Brandall, Lee Collins, PAGUpdate the Java Bidi part of the Unicode tools from 7.0 to 9.0. (--> 12.0 --> 13.0 --> 14.0)2024-02-12Closed 
149-A50Mark Davis, Chris Chapman, Robin Leroy, PAGReview cases where LineBreak and WordBreak are not aligned, for the January 2017 (--> 2018) UTC meeting. (Retargeted for 13.0, then 14.0.)2024-04-11Closed 

From UTC #147

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
147-A131Mark Davis, PAGCreate a proposed update of UTR #36 with more descriptions of email issues, and the use of RLO to mask dangerous file names.2024-04-11ClosedUTR #36

From UTC #142

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
142-A64Mark Davis, Chris Chapman, Robin Leroy, PAGPrepare a proposal for recommendations to address remaining inconsistencies between word break and sentence break in UAX #29, for Unicode 9.0. (postponed to 10.0, then 11.0, then 13.0, then 14.0, then 15.0)2024-04-11ClosedUAX #29

From UTC #129

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
129-A106Mark Davis, PAGProduce a document with recommendations for the use and format of regex for validating UCD data, considering the feedback in L2/11-383. (for 10.0, retargeted for 11.0, then 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0)2024-04-04ClosedUCD

From UTC #121

Action Owners [see Key] Description Date Closed Status Outcome
121-A27Peter Edberg, PAGReformulate the proposal in L2/09-264 to separate locale-dependent (CLDR) items from locale-independent issues which should be in the Unicode Standard.2024-04-11Closed 



Key to Abbreviations:
CJK CJK & Unihan Working Group     RMG Release Management Working Group
EDC Editorial Working Group     RMP Roadmap Team
ESC Emoji Standard & Research Working Group     SAH  Script Encoding Working Group
PAG Properties & Algorithms Working Group     UTC Unicode Technical Committee