
Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 180
Redmond, WA — July 23-25, 2024
Hosted by Microsoft, Redmond WA, and virtually
UTC #180 Agenda
Revision date: August 13, 2024

Agenda: https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2024/24158.htm
Logistics: https://www.unicode.org/timesens/logistics-utc180.html

Total full members in good standing = 9 (Adobe, Airbnb, Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Salesforce, Translated)

Total supporting members in good standing = 4 (Bangladesh, Bloomberg, Stanford-SILICON, Tamil Nadu)

Voting members in regular attendance = 4: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Quorum for UTC #180 is 2.

Day 1 – Tuesday July 23, 2024

Meeting opened at 10:30.

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Other full/supporting/associate members present: SIL, UCB.

A.1 Consortium membership; meeting quorum and proxies:

A.2 Agenda review

A.4 Review of UTC action items

B.13 Unicode Administration, Infrastructure Group

Oral report/discussion by Toral Cowieson.

H.1 Release Management Group Report to UTC #180 [RMG/Constable, L2/24-168]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break until 11:50.

[Off-agenda discussion of Indian languages and TDIL.]

C.1 Editorial Working Group Report and Recommendations for UTC #180 Meeting [EDC, L2/24-163]


[180-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Investigate and correct tables 4-5 [Section E2 of L2/24-163] for Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A2] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Insert a new section 24.1.11 Emoji Variation Sequences based on the content in Section E2 of L2/24-163, for Unicode Version 16.0. // DONE

[180-A3] Action Item for Liang Hai, EDC: Update the Mongolian section of the core spec of 16.0 to include a reference to UTN #57 and adjust text accordingly [L2/24-180].

[180-A4] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Update the names list to include a reference to UTN #57 in the Mongolian block for Unicode Version 16.0.

C.3 Other editorial topics

C.3.1 Corrections for 16.0 Tulu-Tigalari chart (PRI #502) [Vaishnavi Murthy Yerkadithaya, Vinodh Rajan, L2/24-149]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

C.3.2 Proposed Update UTR #17 (cf. action items 176-A60, 176-A61)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Lunch break 12:45 - 13:45.

B.1 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 B.1.4 Publication of ISO/IEC TR 2375:2024

Oral report by Peter Constable.

B.1.3 Disposition of Comments on CD to ISO/IEC 14651 (Ed.7) (SC2/N4917)

Oral report by Peter Constable and Michel Suignard.

B.1.1.1 Recommendations from WG 2 meeting 71 (WG2 N5254) [WG2, L2/24-138] B.1.1.2 IR Report from WG2 Meeting #71 and SC2 Meeting #29 [Anderson, L2/24-154]

Oral report by Deborah Anderson and Michel Suignard.

B.1.2 CDAM 2.4 to ISO/IEC 10646 6th edition (SC2/4904)

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.1.5 Maintenance of UCS Repertoire via a Maintenance Agency

Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break until 15:08.

E. CJK & Unihan E.1 CJK & Unihan Group Recommendations for UTC #180 Meeting [Ken Lunde, L2/24-165]

Section 01) ID20240419201558 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[180-A5] Action Item for Sharon Chen, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value addition and proposed kMandarin property value change, then report back to the UTC. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240419201558] and Section 01 of document L2/24-165.

Section 02) ID20240528204850 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[180-A6] Action Item for Sharon Chen, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value addition, then report back to the UTC. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240528204850] and Section 02 of document L2/24-165.

Section 03) ID20240608195107 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[180-A7] Action Item for Sharon Chen, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value addition, then report back to the UTC. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240608195107] and Section 03 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A8] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 03 of document L2/24-165. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240608195107].

Section 04) ID20240613044832 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[180-A9] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to change the provisional kDefinition property value of U+9527, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20240613044832] and as amended in Section 04 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A10] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 04 of document L2/24-165. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240613044832].

Section 05) ID20240630213656 (PRI #483 Feedback)

[180-A11] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Update the Unihan database to remove and add provisional kGB3 property values, based on PRI #483 feedback [ID20240630213656] and Section 05 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A12] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 05 of document L2/24-165. See PRI #483 feedback [ID20240630213656].

Section 06) ID20240416182127 (L2/24-161 Public Feedback)

[180-A13] Action Item for Sharon Chen, CJK: Ask the CLDR-TC to check the proposed kMandarin property value change, then report back to the UTC. See feedback [ID20240416182127] in document L2/24-161 and Section 06 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A14] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the feedback submitter the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 06 of document L2/24-165. See feedback [ID20240416182127] in document L2/24-161.

Section 07) L2/24-138: Recommendations from WG 2 meeting 71 [WG2 N5254]

[180-C1] Consensus: Accept 4,300 CJK Unified Ideographs in a new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J block with code point range U+323B0..U+3347B (block: U+323B0..U+3347F), based on document L2/24-138 (aka WG2 N5254) and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-C2] Consensus: Accept the disunification of U+5CC0, the encoding of its disunified form at U+2B73A at the end of the Extension C block, and all of the associated property value changes and additions, based on document L2/24-138 (aka WG2 N5254) and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-C3] Consensus: Authorize a proposed update of UAX #38 for Unicode Version 17.0, based on Section 07 of document L2/24-165.

[180-N1] Note: The newly disunified CJK Unified Ideograph U+2B73A was registered in the 2014-05-16 version of the Ideographic Variation Database as the Ideographic Variation Sequence <U+5CC0 U+E0100> in the Moji_Joho collection. Some existing or future documents could represent this ideograph using that IVS.

[180-A15] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CJK: Provide to Ken Lunde the Unihan17.txt (aka ISO/IEC 10646’s CJKSrc.txt) data file, based on document L2/24-138 and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A16] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Use the Unihan17.txt data file to update the Unihan database, based on document L2/24-138 and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A17] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Prepare a new PRI for a Proposed Update of UAX #38 that adds the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J block and U+2B73A to Section 4.4 of UAX #38, and documents the new “T9” source prefix for the kIRG_TSource property and the new “SATM” source prefix for the kIRG_SSource property, based on document L2/24-138 and as amended in Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A18] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Post the new PRI for the Proposed Update of UAX #38 with a closing date of 2024-10-16.

[180-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler, UTC: Update the pipeline to add the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J block and the disunified ideograph with code point U+2B73A, based on document L2/24-138 and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A20] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Add mention of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J block and the range extension of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C block to the Alpha review notes for Unicode Version 17.0, based on document L2/24-138 and Section 07 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A21] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Document the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J block and the range extension of the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C block in the Core Specification, based on document L2/24-138 and Section 07 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

Section 08) L2/24-127: Proposal to add one ideograph for a Korean place name to UAX #45

[180-C4] Consensus: Accept one new U-source ideograph as UTC-03488 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/24-127 (Lee) and Section 08 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A22] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add one new record to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and its representative glyph to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/24-127 and Section 08 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A23] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/24-127 the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 08 of document L2/24-165.

Section 09) L2/24-179: Proposal to add 23 Daoist characters used in Talismans to UAX #45

[180-C5] Consensus: Accept 23 new U-source ideographs as UTC-03489 through UTC-03511 with a UAX #45 status value of FutureWS, based on document L2/24-179 (Wang) and Section 09 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

[180-A24] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Add 23 new records to the UAX #45 USourceData.txt data file and their representative glyphs to USourceGlyphs.pdf, based on document L2/24-179 and Section 09 of document L2/24-165, for Unicode Version 17.0.

Section 10) L2/23-284: Proposal to encode two small form CJK characters for Chinese

[180-N2] Note: The two characters that were provisionally assigned per Consensus 178-C27, U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER, are used like ideographs, but are not assigned Unihan database properties, because they will not be encoded in a CJK Unified Ideographs nor CJK Compatibility Ideographs block. Cross references will be provided in NamesList.txt from these two characters to their corresponding CJK Unified Ideographs, U+513F 儿 and U+5152 兒, respectively.

Section 11) L2/24-057R: Proposal of the EAST ASIAN AUTO SPACING

[180-A25] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/24-057R the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 11 of document L2/24-165.

Section 12) L2/24-071R3: Proposal to encode three stable extended Suzhou Numeral–like letters for Cantonese Music

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

Section 13) L2/24-124: Proposal to add a HangulSources.txt data file to the UCD

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 14) L2/24-125: Proposal to add a new CJK Abbreviations block, L2/24-126: Comments on L2/24-125, L2/24-135: Response to L2/24-126 (Comments on L2/24-125)

[180-A26] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of documents L2/24-125 and L2/24-135 the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 14 of document L2/24-165.

Section 15) L2/24-150: Proposal for missing three Kana-Ligatures

[180-C6] Consensus: Provisionally assign U+1B123 HIRAGANA DIGRAPH KOTO, U+1B124 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOKI, and U+1B125 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOTE in the Kana Extended-A block, based on document L2/24-150 (Kojitani) and as amended in Section 15 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A27] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to add the three provisionally assigned characters U+1B123 HIRAGANA DIGRAPH KOTO, U+1B124 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOKI, and U+1B125 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOTE, based on document L2/24-150 and Section 15 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A28] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Provide a font for U+1B123 HIRAGANA DIGRAPH KOTO, U+1B124 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOKI, and U+1B125 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOTE to Michel Suignard and the Charts Working Group, based on document L2/24-150 and Section 15 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A29] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Prepare text for the Core Specification that describes U+1B123 HIRAGANA DIGRAPH KOTO, U+1B124 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOKI, and U+1B125 KATAKANA DIGRAPH TOTE, based on document L2/24-150 and Section 15 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A30] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/24-150 the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 15 of document L2/24-165.

Section 16) L2/24-151: Proposal for two geometric shapes for Japanese traditional calendars

[180-A31] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Convey to the author of document L2/24-151 the CJK & Unihan Working Group comments in Section 16 of document L2/24-165.

[180-A32] Action Item for Ken Lunde, CJK: Contact the Japan NB to solicit feedback on document L2/24-151, based on Section 16 of document L2/24-165.

Section 17) L2/24-155: UTC Submission for IRG Working Set 2024 [IRG N2687]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

Section 18) UTC Action Item 179-A35

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

Section 19) IRG #63 Meeting

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

Section 20) Updated Provisional Unihan Database Properties

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

B.2 IRG (see also IRG topics under E.1)

Short break until 17:03.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #180 July 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-166]

Section 1a Rotations

[180-C7] Consensus: Rescind the Egyptian Hieroglyph standardized variation sequence 1333B FE00 as described in document L2/24-177 for Unicode version 16.0. [Ref. Section 1a of L2/24-166]

[180-A33] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Comment out the Egyptian Hieroglyph standardized variation sequence 1333B FE00 in StandardizedVariants.txt described in document L2/24-177, and add a reference to the UTC consensus, for Unicode version 16.0. [Ref. Section 1a of L2/24-166]

[180-C8] Consensus: Accept the ten Egyptian Hieroglyph standardized variation sequences as described in document L2/24-177 for Unicode version 16.0. [Ref. Section 1a of L2/24-166]

[180-A34] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline page with the ten Egyptian Hieroglyph standardized variation sequences, as described in L2/24-177. [Ref. Section 1a of L2/24-166]

[180-A35] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Add the ten Egyptian Hieroglyph standardized variation sequences in StandardizedVariants.txt, as described in L2/24-177, for Unicode version 16.0. [Ref. Section 1a of L2/24-166]

[180-A36] Action Item for Michel Suignard, SEW: Add 10 glyphs for the new VS for Unicode 16.0 [Ref. Section 1a L2/24-166]

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:35.

Day 2 – Wednesday July 24, 2024

Meeting opened at 9:30.

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Other full/supporting/associate members present: SIL, UCB.

A.3 Approval of minutes of prior meeting [L2/24-061]

[180-M1] Motion: Approve minutes of UTC #179.

Moved by Peter Constable (Microsoft), seconded by Markus Scherer (Google).
4 for (Google, Apple, Adobe, Microsoft)
0 against
0 abstain
Motion carries.

A.5 Calendar review [Calendar]


Added meeting: July 22 – 24, 2025, tentatively hosted by Microsoft, Redmond WA.

G.1 Emoji Standard and Research Working Group Report for UTC #180 (2024Q3) [ESC/Jennifer Daniel, L2/24-164]

[180-A37] Action Item for Rick McGowan, ESR: Forward to the submitter of PRI #496 ReportIDs [ID20240524193011] and [ID20240617111343] the ESR WG comments in Section 1 of document L2/24-164.


G.2 PRI #496: Proposed Update UTS #51, Unicode Emoji

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Short break until 10:56. (Rick loses power! Robin seizes power.)

B.3.1 ICU-TC liaison report

Oral report by Markus Scherer.

B.3.2 ICU4X-TC liaison report

Oral report by Mark Davis.

B.4 CLDR liaison report

Oral report by Mark Davis.

Oral report by Jan Kučera on the CLDR Keyboards Working Group.

B.6 IETF / ICANN liaison report

Oral report by Michel Suignard.

B.10 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22

Oral report by Robin Leroy.

F.1 PAG: UTC #180 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/24-162]

1. UCD 1.1 More precisely define what Terminal_Punctuation means [#259]

[180-C9] Consensus: In UAX #44, clarify the description of Terminal_Punctation to mention that it is normally not part of the preceding word, as described in L2/24-162 item 1.1. For Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A38] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: In UAX #44, clarify the description of Terminal_Punctation to mention that it is normally not part of the preceding word, as described in L2/24-162 item 1.1. For Unicode Version 16.0.

1.2 UAX #31 shows different character for GREEK ANO TELEIA [#284]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

1.3 DoNotEmit wrong replacement for 0149 [#285]

[180-C10] Consensus: Change the line for U+0149 LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE in DoNotEmit.txt to: 0149; 2019 006E; Deprecated — For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.3.

[180-A39] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Change the line for U+0149 LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE in DoNotEmit.txt to: 0149; 2019 006E; Deprecated— For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.3.

1.4 DoNotEmit.txt: discourage decomposed forms of some Cyrillic letters [#293]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

1.5 add Duployan to scx for several characters [#294]

[180-C11] Consensus: Add Duployan (Dupl) to the Script_Extensions of U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT, U+0307 COMBINING DOT ABOVE, U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS, U+030A COMBINING RING ABOVE, U+0323 COMBINING DOT BELOW, U+0324 COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW, and U+2E3C STENOGRAPHIC FULL STOP. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.5 and PRI-502#ID20240522040217.

[180-A40] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add Duployan (Dupl) to the Script_Extensions of U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT, U+0307 COMBINING DOT ABOVE, U+0308 COMBINING DIAERESIS, U+030A COMBINING RING ABOVE, U+0323 COMBINING DOT BELOW, U+0324 COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW, and U+2E3C STENOGRAPHIC FULL STOP. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.5.

[180-A41] Action Item for Rick McGowan, PAG: Ask Charlotte Buff for evidence for the use in Duployan shorthand of other combining diacritical marks. See L2/24-162 item 1.5.

1.6 DoNotEmit U+13217 EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH N035A [#295]

Long discussion.

[180-C12] Consensus: Remove Egyptian hieroglyphs from DoNotEmit.txt. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.6.

1.7 scx=Hani for two new strokes 31E4..31E5 [#296]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #180 July 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-166]

1b Unapproved change in Core Spec [#492]

[180-A42] Action Item for Debbie Anderson, Andrew Glass, Robin Leroy, EDC: Update the Core Spec text based on this discussion to clarify that the choices of either sequences or precomposed characters are somewhat "soft". Potentially include an illustration of encoding principles. For Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 1b of L2/24-166]

[180-A43] Action Item for Michel Suignard, EDC: Incorporate the encoding principles of Egyptian hieroglyphs in UAX #57 , either with new text or by incorporating existing text in L2/23-181R2. For Unicode Version 17.0. [Ref. Section 1b of L2/24-166]

Section 1c 3-tier property system for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs [#496]

[180-C13] Consensus: Change the status for the proposed kEH_Core property to Provisional, with three enumerated values. [Ref. Section 1c of L2/24-166]

[180-A44] Action Item for Michel Suignard, PAG: In Draft UAX # 57, change the status of kEH_Core from Normative to Provisional, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. L2/24-176 and Section 1c of L2/24-166]

[180-A45] Action Item for Michel Suignard, PAG: In Draft UAX # 57, change the Syntax of kEH_Core to C|L|N, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. L2/24-176 and Section 1c of L2/24-166]

[180-A46] Action Item for Michel Suignard, PAG: In Unikemet.txt, implement changes for kEH_Core to appropriate C, L or N values, for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. L2/24-176 and Section 1c of L2/24-166]

F.1 PAG: UTC #180 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/24-162]

1.8 Should Unikemet Normative and Informative properties be listed in Property(Value)Aliases? (Yes.) [#298]

[180-A47] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Add the Unikemet Normative and Informative properties to PropertyAliases.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt, namely kEH_Cat, kEH_Desc, kEH_HG, kEH_IFAO, kEH_JSesh, kEH_NoMirror, and kEH_NoRotate. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.8.

1.9 Is gc=Lo really right for the two CHINESE SMALL ER? (No.) [#299]

[180-N3] Note: The provisionally assigned characters U+16FF2 CHINESE SMALL SIMPLIFIED ER and U+16FF3 CHINESE SMALL TRADITIONAL ER will have General_Category Modifier_Letter (Lm).

1.10 The description of Hex_Digit is incorrect [#304]

[180-A48] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: In Unicode Standard Annex #44, Unicode Character Database, correct the description of property Hex_Digit as mentioned in L2/24-162 item 1.10, to mention that it only includes those compatibility equivalents to ASCII hex digits that have Decomposition_Type=Wide. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.10.

1.11 DoNotEmit.txt and Kashmiri [#305]

Long discussion of comments in data files.

[180-A49] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Remove the three DoNotEmit entries for Hamza_Forms mentioned in feedback ID20240625045929. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 1.11.

2. Characters 2.1 YANGQIN SIGN SLOW TWO through FOUR [#286]

[180-C14] Consensus: Change the name of the provisionally assigned characters U+16FF4, U+16FF5, and U+16FF6 from YANGQIN SIGN SLOW TWO, YANGQIN SIGN SLOW THREE, and YANGQIN SIGN SLOW FOUR to YANGQIN SIGN SLOW ONE BEAT, YANGQIN SIGN SLOW THREE HALF BEATS, and YANGQIN SIGN SLOW TWO BEATS.

[180-A50] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to change the name of the provisionally assigned characters U+16FF4, U+16FF5, and U+16FF6 from YANGQIN SIGN SLOW TWO, YANGQIN SIGN SLOW THREE, and YANGQIN SIGN SLOW FOUR to YANGQIN SIGN SLOW ONE BEAT, YANGQIN SIGN SLOW THREE HALF BEATS, and YANGQIN SIGN SLOW TWO BEATS. See L2/24-162 item 2.1.

[180-N4] Note: U+16FF4, U+16FF5, and U+16FF6 will have General_Category Letter_Number (Nl).

3. Proposed new scripts & characters

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

4. Normalization 4.1 document NFC_QC=N = Full_Composition_Exclusion [#310]

[180-A51] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Document in UAX #15 and in UAX #44 that NFC_QC=N = Full_Composition_Exclusion. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 4.1.

4.2 UAX #15 “transform text according to the Stream-Safe Text Format” [#311]

[180-A52] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Make editorial changes to conformance clause UAX15-C4 along the lines of L2/24-162 item 4.2. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 4.2.

5. Line Break 5.1 Linebreak property value of U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN [#273]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

5.2 Follow-up on UTC-172-A66 and UTC-172-A100 [#291]

[180-C15] Consensus: Approve the change of the Line_Break property of the Creative Commons symbols U+1F10D..U+1F10F, U+1F16D..U+1F16F, and U+1F1AD from Line_Break=Ideographic (ID) to Line_Break=Alphabetic (AL), and of the phonetic closing brackets U+2E56, U+2E58, U+2E5A, and U+2E5C from Line_Break=Close_Punctuation (CL) to Line_Break=Close_Parenthesis (CP). For Unicode 16.0". See L2/24-162 item 5.2.

5.3 L2/24-143 changes to East_Asian_Width property [#300]

[180-A53] Action Item for Asmus Freytag, PAG: Review the suggested East_Asian_Width property value changes in L2/24-143. For Unicode 17.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.3.

Lunch break from PDT 12:31-13:38 (21:31+02:00 to 22:38+02:00)

5.4 Line_Break of U+19DA NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE [#302]

[180-C16] Consensus: Change the Line_Break assignment of U+19DA NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE from Line_Break=Complex Context to Line_Break=Numeric. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.4.

[180-A54] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Change the Line_Break assignment of U+19DA NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE from Line_Break=Complex Context to Line_Break=Numeric in LineBreak.txt. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.4.

5.5 UAX #14 - AI Line_Break class description omissions [#303]

Discussion of East_Asian_Width.

[180-C17] Consensus: Change the Line_Break property of U+2150..U+2153, U+2156..U+215A, and U+215C..U+215D (VULGAR FRACTION ONE SEVENTH, ONE NINTH, ONE TENTH, ONE THIRD, TWO FIFTHS, THREE FIFTHS, FOUR FIFTHS, ONE SIXTH, FIVE SIXTHS, THREE EIGHTHS, and FIVE EIGHTHS) to lb=AI. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.5.

[180-A55] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: change the Line_Break property of U+2150..U+2153, U+2156..U+215A, and U+215C..U+215D (VULGAR FRACTION ONE SEVENTH, ONE NINTH, ONE TENTH, ONE THIRD, TWO FIFTHS, THREE FIFTHS, FOUR FIFTHS, ONE SIXTH, FIVE SIXTHS, THREE EIGHTHS, and FIVE EIGHTHS) to lb=AI. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.5.

[180-A56] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In UAX #14, update the description of Line_Break class AI to mention that all vulgar fractions have this value. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.5.

5.6 Update LB10 and LB21a for implementability [#307]

Long discussion.

[180-C18] Consensus: Approve the changes to LB10 (to treat all properties of lb=CM characters unaffected by LB9 as those of U+0041 A, rather than just Line_Break) and to LB21a (to exclude characters that have both Line_Break=Break_After and East_Asian_Width Fullwidth, Halfwidth, or Wide from participating in the rule) as described in L2/24-162 item 5.6. For Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A57] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In Unicode Standard Annex #14, change rules LB10 and LB21a as described in L2/24-162 item 5.6. For Unicode Version 16.0.

[180-A58] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: In LineBreakTest.txt, change rules LB10 and LB21a as described in L2/24-162 item 5.6. For Unicode Version 16.0.

5.7 lb=ID: no more unassigned in CJK Unified Ideographs & CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A [#312]

[180-A59] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In UAX #14 documentation of lb=ID, replace the complete list of blocks and ranges that default to that value with one example and a reference to DerivedLineBreak.txt. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 5.7.

6. Segmentation 6.1 Word boundaries and line breaks [#280]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

6.2 grapheme cluster boundaries vs. canonical equivalence: Kannada vowel signs etc. [#287]

[180-C19] Consensus: Assign the Other_Grapheme_Extend property to U+0CC0, U+0CC7, U+0CC8, and U+0CCA, U+0CCB (Kannada vowel signs II, EE, AI, O, and OO), as well as U+1B3B, U+1B3D, and U+1B43 (Balinese vowel signs ra repa tedung, la lenga tedung, and pepet tedung), thereby changing their Grapheme_Cluster_Break property from SpacingMark to Extend, ensuring consistency of legacy grapheme clusters with canonical equivalence. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 6.2, PRI-494#ID20240422114157, and PRI-494#ID20240422120150.

[180-A60] Action Item for Robin Leroy, PAG: Assign the Other_Grapheme_Extend property to U+0CC0, U+0CC7, and U+0CC8, and U+0CCA, U+0CCB (Kannada vowel signs II, EE, AI, O, and OO), as well as U+1B3B, U+1B3D, and U+1B43 (Balinese vowel signs ra repa tedung, la lenga tedung, and pepet tedung), thereby changing their Grapheme_Cluster_Break property from SpacingMark to Extend. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 6.2.

6.3 more Sentence_Break changes after AI 179-A113 [#292]

[180-C20] Consensus: Update Table 4, Sentence_Break Property Values of UAX #29, categorizing Semicolons (U+003B, U+FE14, U+FE54, and U+FF1B) and Greek Question Mark (U+037E) as SContinue, Coptic punctuation (U+2CF9..U+2CFB) as STerm, and Vertical Forms punctuation (U+FE10..U+FE19) in the same categories as their compatibility equivalents, and make corresponding changes in SentenceBreakProperty.txt. For Unicode Version 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 6.3. This decision supersedes consensus UTC-179-C33.

7.1 UAX #46 disallowed_STD3_valid and disallowed_STD3_mapped [#282]

Long discussion.

[180-C21] Consensus: In UAX #46, handle UseSTD3ASCIIRules only in the Validity Criteria. In the IDNA Mapping Table, replace Status disallowed_STD3_valid with valid, and replace disallowed_STD3_mapped with mapped. Include a note in the Modifications section of edge cases of labels that are no longer unnecessarily disallowed. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 7.1.

[180-A61] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: In UAX #46, handle UseSTD3ASCIIRules only in the Validity Criteria. In the IDNA Mapping Table, replace Status disallowed_STD3_valid with valid, and replace disallowed_STD3_mapped with mapped. Include a note in the Modifications section of edge cases of labels that are no longer unnecessarily disallowed. For Unicode 16.0. See L2/24-162 item 7.1.

7.2 UTS #46: clarify whether it is an error for Punycode decoding to not yield any non-ASCII output [#283]

Discussion. No action needed for this section.

Short break 23:37+02:00 to 23:50+02:00.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #180 July 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-166]

2. Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo (Oromo) [#389]

[180-A62] Action Item for V.S. Umamaheswaran, RMP: Add Oromo (Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo) to the Roadmap at U+1C800..U+1CB2F [Ref. L2/24-109 and Section 2 of L2/24-166]

II. MIDDLE EASTERN SCRIPTS 3. Arabic 3a Crown Letters [#353]

Discussion of combining marks and atomic crown letters.

[180-C22] Consensus: Provisionally assign 22 Arabic crown letter code points and one crown letter combining mark U+10ED9..U+10EEE, U+10EF9 in the Arabic Extended-C block as described in L2/24-131 [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

[180-A63] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 22 Arabic crown letter code points and one crown letter combining mark U+10ED9..U+10EEE, U+10EF9 in the Arabic Extended-C block as described in L2/24-131 [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

[180-A64] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, EDC: Prepare additions/revisions for the Core Spec (in Table 9-3 and the subsequent text) to mention the joining behavior of the crown letters as described in L2/24-131 [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

[180-A65] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, Roozbeh Pournader, EDC: Prepare a new table for Core Spec Chapter 9 (similar to Table 9-8) to list the Left-joining joining groups of the crown letters as described in L2/24-131 [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

[180-A66] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, Roozbeh Pournader, EDC: Prepare text for the Arabic block description alerting Arabic implementers that left-joining Arabic characters may occur. [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

[180-A67] Action Item for Manish Goregaokar, SEW: Send a font to Michel Suignard for 22 Arabic crown letters and one combining mark. [Ref. Section 3a of L2/24-166]

(Rick regains power... a textbook peaceful transfer.)

Section 3b Fixing KASHMIRI YEH [#365]

[180-C23] Consensus: Change the representative glyph for U+0620 ARABIC LETTER KASHMIRI YEH as detailed in L2/24-152 for Unicode 16.0 [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-C24] Consensus: In ArabicShaping.txt, change the Joining_Group for U+0620 from YEH to a new joining group KASHMIRI YEH, and change its schematic name from DOTLESS YEH WITH SEPARATE RING BELOW to KASHMIRI YEH for Unicode 16.0. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-A68] Action Item for Lorna Evans, SEW: Send an updated font for U+0620 to Michel Suignard for Unicode 16.0. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-A69] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Update ArabicShaping.txt for U+0620 per L2/24-152 for Unicode 16.0. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-A70] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Update PropertyValueAliases.txt with the new joining group for Kashmiri Yeh. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-A71] Action Item for Lorna Evans, EDC: Change the Core Specification text in Chapter 9 to provide an updated set of Kashmiri Yeh glyphs and correct guidance for its positional forms as detailed in L2/24-152 for Unicode 16.0. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

[180-A72] Action Item for Lorna Evans, Rick McGowan, SEW: Draft and post an erratum notice about the change of glyph for U+0620. [Ref. Section 3b of L2/24-166]

Section 3c Misspellings in some honorific character names [#484]


[180-A73] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the pipeline with the new character names. [Ref. Section 3c of L2/24-166]

Section 3d Sixteen Quranic Arabic Characters [#497]

[180-C26] Consensus: Provisionally assign 16 Arabic code points U+10EC9..U+10ECF, U+10EF0..U+10EF8 in the Arabic Extended-C block as described in L2/24-178 [Ref. Section 3d of L2/24-166]

[180-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 16 Arabic code points U+10EC9..U+10ECF, U+10EF0..U+10EF8 in the Arabic Extended-C block as described in L2/24-178 [Ref. Section 3d of L2/24-166]

[180-A75] Action Item for Lorna Evans, SEW: Send a font for the sixteen Quranic Arabic characters U+10EC9..U+10ECF, U+10EF0..U+10EF8 to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 3d of L2/24-166]

[180-A76] Action Item for Lorna Evans and Roozbeh Pournader, SEW: Prepare a Working Draft Update for UAX #53 to mention the proposed MCM characters in the text of the annex. [Ref. Section 3d of L2/24-166]

Section 4. Sidetic [#213]

[180-C27] Consensus: Change the character names for provisionally assigned code points U+10940..U+10948 SIDETIC LETTER N1..SIDETIC LETTER N9 to SIDETIC LETTER N01..SIDETIC LETTER N09 [Ref. Section 4 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A77] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Change the character names for provisionally assigned code points U+10940..U+10948 SIDETIC LETTER N1..SIDETIC LETTER N9 to SIDETIC LETTER N01..SIDETIC LETTER N09 [Ref. Section 4 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A78] Action Item for Robin Leroy, Anshuman Pandey, EDC: Provide annotations to Ken Whistler for the Sidetic characters U+10940..U+1095C that provide more information on their phonetic values where known. [Ref. Section 4 of document L2/24-166]


Section 5. Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation [#469]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Section 6. Jurchen [#256]

[180-C28] Consensus: Provisionally assign 914 Jurchen code points U+18E00..U+19191 in a new Jurchen block (U+18E00..U+1919F) as described in document L2/24-139 [Ref. Section 6 of document L2/24-166]

[180-C29] Consensus: Provisionally assign 51 Jurchen radicals code points U+191A0..U+191D2 in a new Jurchen Radicals block (U+191A0..U+191DF) as described in document L2/24-140, with the names of U+191A0..U+191A8 changed from JURCHEN RADICAL-1..JURCHEN RADICAL-9 to JURCHEN RADICAL-01..JURCHEN RADICAL-09 [Ref. Section 6 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A79] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 914 Jurchen code points U+18E00..U+19191 in a new Jurchen block (U+18E00..U+1919F) as described in document L2/24-139 [Ref. Section 6 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A80] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 51 Jurchen radicals code points U+191A0..U+191D2 in a new Jurchen Radicals block (U+191A0..U+191DF) as described in document L2/24-140 [Ref. Section 6 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A81] Action Item for Andrew West, SEW: Send a Jurchen and Jurchen Radicals font to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 6 of document L2/24-166]

[180-N5] Note: A JurchenSources.txt data file will be needed for final approval.

Short break 15:58 - 16:04.

F.1.1 Auto Spacing in CJK text / F.1 PAG: UTC #180 properties feedback & recommendations [Markus Scherer, et al, L2/24-162] section 6.4 UNICODE AUTO SPACING (Proposal) [Koji Ishii, et al, L2/24-057]

Long discussion.

[180-A82] Action Item for Koji Ishii, Markus Scherer, PAG: Prepare a working draft UTR for East Asian Auto Spacing based on L2/24-057R, with feedback from UTC #180 discussion, in collaboration with PAG. See L2/24-162 item 6.4.

D.1 Recommendations to UTC #180 July 2024 on Script Proposals [Anderson, et al, L2/24-166]

Section 7. Miao UTN [#419]

[180-A83] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Include a reference to the new Miao UTN #56 in the Core Spec for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. Section 7 of document L2/24-166]

Section IV. SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIAN SCRIPTS Section 8. Bengali [#476]

[180-C30] Consensus: Provisionally assign one Bengali code point U+0984 BENGALI SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE as described in document L2/24-153 [Ref. Section 8 of L2/24-166]

[180-A84] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include one Bengali code point U+0984 BENGALI SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE as described in document L2/24-153

[180-A85] Action Item for Jan Kučera, SEW: Send a font for U+0984 BENGALI SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 8 of document L2/24-166]

Section 9. Mongolian [#507]

[180-C31] Consensus: Section 13.5 of the Unicode Standard will reference UTN #57 for compatibility with Chinese standard GB/T 25914-2023 [Ref. Section 9 of document L2/24-166]

Section V. PHONETIC CHARACTERS Section 11. Phonetic characters: Modifier Voiceless Implosive Letters [#442]


[180-A86] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include six modifier letter code points U+1DFFA MODIFIER LETTER SMALL C WITH HOOK, U+1DFFB MODIFIER LETTER SMALL K WITH HOOK, U+1DFFC MODIFIER LETTER SMALL P WITH HOOK, U+1DFFD MODIFIER LETTER SMALL Q WITH HOOK, U+1DFFE MODIFIER LETTER SMALL T WITH HOOK, U+1DFFF MODIFIER LETTER SMALL T WITH HOOK AND RETROFLEX HOOK in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-130R. [Ref. Section 11 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A87] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font for six modifier letter code points U+1DFFA..U+1DFFF to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 11 of document L2/24-166]

Section 12. Phonetic characters: Modifier Letters with Palatal Hook [#443]

[180-C33] Consensus: Provisionally assign 5 phonetic modifier letter code points U+1DFF5..U+1DFF9 in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-144 [Ref. Section 12 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A88] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 5 phonetic modifier letter code points U+1DFF5..U+1DFF9 in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-144 [Ref. Section 12 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A89] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SAH: Send a font for 5 phonetic modifier letter code points U+1DFF5..U+1DFF9 to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 12 of document L2/24-166]

Section 13. Phonetic characters: Modifier psi and omega [#485]

[180-C34] Consensus: Provisionally assign two modifier letter code points U+1DFF3 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK PSI, U+1DFF4 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK OMEGA in the Latin Extended-G block as described in document L2/24-145R [Ref. Section 13 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A90] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include two modifier letter code points U+1DFF3 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK PSI, U+1DFF4 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK OMEGA in the Latin Extended-G block as described in document L2/24-145R [Ref. Section 13 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A91] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font for U+1DFF3 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK PSI, U+1DFF4 MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GREEK OMEGA to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 13 of document L2/24-166]

Meeting adjourned for the day at 17:12.

Day 3 – Thursday July 25, 2024

Meeting opened at 9:35.

4 members represented: Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

Other full/supporting/associate members present: SIL, UCB.

Non-agenda item: Trip report from RAI #69

Oral presentation by Robin Leroy on the use of Cuneiform and Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the digital humanities.

B.5 ISO TC 37/SC 2 liaison report

Oral report by Peter Constable.

B.7 SEI liaison report

Oral report by Anushah Hossain.

Brief sidebar on Jurchen radical names.


Oral report by Jan Kučera.


No report.

B.11 ISO TC 46

Oral report by Markus Scherer and Jan Kučera.

D.1 Scripts (cont’d)

Section 14. Phonetic characters: Greek letters with palatal hook [#486]

[180-C35] Consensus: Provisionally assign three code points for phonetic characters U+1DF3B GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3C GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3D GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI WITH PALATAL HOOK in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-146 [Ref. Section 14 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A92] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include three code points for phonetic characters U+1DF3B GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3C GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3D GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI WITH PALATAL HOOK in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-146 [Ref. Section 14 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A93] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SAH: Send a font for U+1DF3B GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3C GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA WITH PALATAL HOOK, U+1DF3D GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI WITH PALATAL HOOK to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 14 of document L2/24-166]

Section 15. IPA: Modifier Sinological extensions to the IPA [#493]

[180-C36] Consensus: Provisionally assign ten modifier letter code points U+1DFE9..U+1DFF2 in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-147 [Ref. Section 15 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A94] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include ten modifier letter code points U+1DFE9..U+1DFF2 in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-147 [Ref. Section 15 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A95] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font with the ten Sinological modifier letters to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 15 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A96] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Consider adding annotations to U+027F, U+0285, U+02AE, U+02AF, U+1DFEB, U+1DFEC, U+1DFED, U+1DFEE as described in L2/24-147 [Ref. Section 15 of document L2/24-166]

Section 16. IPA: Miscellaneous historical and para-IPA modifier letters [#494]

[180-C37] Consensus: Provisionally assign code points for two barred letters (U+1DF3E, U+1DF3F) and 17 modifier letters (U+1DFD8..U+1DFE8) in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-171 [Ref. Section 16 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A97] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include two barred letters (U+1DF3E, U+1DF3F) and 17 modifier letters (U+1DFD8..U+1DFE8) in the Latin Extended-G block as described in L2/24-171 [Ref. Section 16 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A98] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font for two barred letters (U+1DF3E, U+1DF3F) and 17 modifier letters (U+1DFD8..U+1DFE8) to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 16 of document L2/24-166]


Section 17. Numbers with slashes used in figured bass (musical symbols) [#346]

[180-C38] Consensus: Change the name of the provisionally assigned characters U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE to replace the word "SLASH" with "STROKE" [Ref. Section 17 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A99] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the pipeline for U+1D1F7..U+1D1FE to replace the word "SLASH" with "STROKE" [Ref. Section 17 of document L2/24-166]

Section 18. Music Symbols: Musical notes and rests [#392]

[180-C39] Consensus: Provisionally assign 6 musical symbol note and rest code points U+1D250..U+1D255 in a new Musical Symbols Supplement block U+1D250..U+1D28F as described in L2/24-172 [Ref. Section 18 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A100] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 6 musical symbol note and rest code points U+1D250..U+1D255 in a new Musical Symbols Supplement block U+1D250..U+1D28F as described in L2/24-172 [Ref. Section 18 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A101] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font for musical symbol note and rest code points U+1D250..U+1D255 to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 18 of document L2/24-166]

Section 19. Music Symbols: Turkish and Arabic accidentals [#445]

[180-C40] Consensus: Provisionally assign 5 accidental musical symbol code points U+1D256..U+1D25A as described in document L2/24-174 [Ref. Section 19 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A102] Action Item for Ken Whistler, RMG: Update the Pipeline to include 5 accidental musical symbol code points U+1D256..U+1D25A as described in L2/24-174 [Ref. Section 19 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A103] Action Item for Kirk Miller, SEW: Send a font for musical symbol accidental code points U+1D256..U+1D25A to Michel Suignard. [Ref. Section 19 of document L2/24-166]

Section 20. Middle Asterisk [#503]

[180-A104] Action Item for Ken Whistler, EDC: Consider adding an annotation to U+2217 that it may be used to represent the telephony asterisk for Unicode Version 16.0. [Ref. document L2/24-173 and Section 20 of document L2/24-166]

Short break 11:01 - 11:18.


Section 21. PRI 500 Draft UAX #57, Unicode Egyptian Hieroglyph Database (Unikemet) [#471]

[180-C41] Consensus: Approve Draft UAX #57 (draft 3, revision 2) as a UAX component of Unicode Version 16.0.

Section 23. Beta Feedback: Inconsistent representative glyphs for consonant-preceding rephas [#489]

[180-A105] Action Item for Michel Suignard, CHARTS: Update reference glyphs for U+113D1 TULU-TIGALARI REPHA to not use a dotted circle for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 23 of document L2/24-166]

Section 24. Beta Feedback: Runic punctuation [#513]

[180-C42] Consensus: Add Runr to the Script_Extensions of U+16EB RUNIC SINGLE PUNCTUATION, U+16EC RUNIC MULTIPLE PUNCTUATION, U+16ED RUNIC CROSS PUNCTUATION for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 24 of document L2/24-166]

[180-A106] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, PAG: Add Runr to the Script_Extensions of U+16EB RUNIC SINGLE PUNCTUATION, U+16EC RUNIC MULTIPLE PUNCTUATION, U+16ED RUNIC CROSS PUNCTUATION for Unicode Version 16.0 [Ref. Section 24 of document L2/24-166]

Discussion of non-actionable items from SEW report document L2/24-166.

Section 33. VSes: 128 User-Defined Variation Selectors [#495]

Brief discussion of document L2/24-148 (= WG2/N5266).

[180-N6] Note: The UTC notes that, under existing stability policies and commitments, it cannot entertain proposals to add PUA code points to the standard, nor to set aside sections of the PUA reserved for specific functions such as more variation selectors. Proposals to encode additional variants using variation selectors should be constrained to use the existing architecture of variation sequences. Note that while VS17-VS256 are required for the definition of ideographic variation sequences (IVS), they are not prevented from sanctioned use in defining other variation sequences using non-ideographic base characters. [Ref. document L2/24-166 section 33 “VSes: 128 User-Defined Variation Selectors”.]

Break for lunch 12:30 - 13:41.

D.2 PRI #487: Proposed Update UAX #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering


I.1 Other feedback [L2/24-161]


H.2 Unicode 16.0 beta & release

[180-C43] Consensus: The UTC authorizes the release of Unicode 16.0 and synchronized standards UTS #10, UTS #39, UTS #46 and UTS #51, incorporating the results of decisions and actions as recorded during UTC #180, with a target release date of September 10, 2024.

[180-A107] Action Item for Ken Whistler, PAG: Prepare an updated NamesList.txt for Unicode Version 16.0, synched with the final Unicode Version 16.0 repertoire, as finalized during UTC #180.

[180-A108] Action Item for Markus Scherer, PAG: Prepare final candidate data files for the UCD, and the data directories for UTS #10, UTS #39, and UTS #46, for the Unicode Version 16.0 release.

[180-A109] Action Item for Ned Holbrook, ESR: Prepare final candidate data files for the data directory of UTS #51, and a complete set of emoji final charts for Emoji 16.0.

[180-A110] Action Item for Peter Constable, RMG: Complete all tasks associated with the 16.0 release.

[180-A111] Action Item for Rick McGowan, UTC: Close PRIs #483-507.

A.6 Closing dates for PRIs

Closing date of record is 2024-10-16.

A.7 L2 representatives


Thanks to the host, Microsoft.

[180-M2] Motion: Adjourn the meeting for the week.

Moved by Ned Holbrook (Apple), seconded by Markus Scherer (Google).
4 for (Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft)
0 against
0 abstain
Motion carries.

UTC adjourned for the week at 14:10.

Members Represented

Roll Call July 23 July 24 July 25
Full Member
Adobe YY Y
Apple YY Y
Google YY Y
Microsoft YY Y
Supporting Member
Bangladesh, MSICT
Bloomberg LP      
Tamil Nadu, TVA
Associate Member      


UTC Attendance

Name Representing
Debbie AndersonUCB
Dragan BesevicApple
Henri-Paul Bronsardself
Peter ConstableMicrosoft
Toral CowiesonUnicode
Craig CummingsUnicode
Jennifer DanielGoogle
Mark DavisGoogle
Kamilé DemirAdobe
Lorna EvansSIL
Asmus Freytagself
Richard GillamApple
Andrew GlassMicrosoft
Joshua HadleyAdobe
Ned HolbrookApple
Anushah HossainUCB/Stanford
Koji IshiiGoogle
Jan Kučeraself
Jennifer 8 LeeEmojination
Robin LeroyGoogle
Hai Liang Unicode
Ken LundeApple
Rick McGowanUnicode
Sudip Iglesias Murmuself
Michelle PerhamUnicode
Roozbeh PournaderUnicode
Judy Safran-Aasen Microsoft
Murray Sargentself
Markus SchererGoogle
CheonHyeong Simself
Michel SuignardUnicode
Samantha SunneEmojination
Tex TexinXencraft
Ken WhistlerUnicode
John WilcockMicrosoft