From: Murray Sargent []
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 4:14 PM
Subject: RE: UTC logistics/directions
It's true that Microsoft has more than one building :-) The meeting is in building 42 (room 3600 on Tues; 4200 on the remaining days). You'll pass building 42 on the right side as you drive State Route 520 from Seattle thruway I-5 or from Bellevue I-405 to the new Microsoft 40th Street exit. So you take a right on 40th and another right onto 156th Avenue going South and you'll pass (but ought to stop at) Bldg 42 between the 1st and 2nd lights going South on 156th Avenue. The street address is 15590 NE 31st St., Redmond, WA 98052, so if you type that into msn you can get the link to Building 42 which shows the map:
See you soon!