
Subtending marks

0600 ؀ Arabic Number Sign
0601 ؁ Arabic Sign Sanah
0602 ؂ Arabic Footnote Marker
0603 ؃ Arabic Sign Safha
0604 ؄ Arabic Sign Samvat
  used for writing Samvat era dates in Urdu

Supertending mark

0605 ؅ Arabic Number Mark Above
  may be used with Coptic Epact numbers

Radix symbols

0606 ؆ Arabic-Indic Cube Root
  221B ∛ cube root
0607 ؇ Arabic-Indic Fourth Root
  221C ∜ fourth root

Letterlike symbol

0608 ‎؈‎ Arabic Ray


0609 ؉ Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign
  2030 ‰ per mille sign
060A ؊ Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign
  2031 ‱ per ten thousand sign

Currency symbol

060B ‎؋‎ Afghani Sign


060C ، Arabic Comma
  also used with Thaana and Syriac in modern text
  002C , comma
  2E32 ⸲ turned comma
  2E41 ⹁ reversed comma
060D ‎؍‎ Arabic Date Separator

Poetic marks

060E ؎ Arabic Poetic Verse Sign
060F ؏ Arabic Sign Misra


0610 ◌ؐ Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam
  represents sallallahu alayhe wasallam "may God's peace and blessings be upon him"
0611 ◌ؑ Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam
  represents alayhe assalam "upon him be peace"
  FD47 ﵇ arabic ligature alayhi as-salaam
0612 ◌ؒ Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe
  represents rahmatullah alayhe "may God have mercy upon him"
  FD40 ﵀ arabic ligature rahimahu allaah
0613 ◌ؓ Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu
  represents radi allahu 'anhu "may God be pleased with him"
  FD41 ﵁ arabic ligature radi allaahu anh
0614 ◌ؔ Arabic Sign Takhallus
  sign placed over the name or nom-de-plume of a poet, or in some writings used to mark all proper names

Quranic annotation sign

0615 ◌ؕ Arabic Small High Tah
  marks a recommended pause position in some Qurans published in Iran and Pakistan
  should not be confused with the small TAH sign used as a diacritic for some letters such as 0679 ‎ٹ‎

Extended Arabic mark

0616 ◌ؖ Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh
  early Persian

Quranic annotation signs

0617 ◌ؗ Arabic Small High Zain
0618 ◌ؘ Arabic Small Fatha
  should not be confused with 064E ◌َ FATHA
0619 ◌ؙ Arabic Small Damma
  should not be confused with 064F ◌ُ DAMMA
061A ◌ؚ Arabic Small Kasra
  should not be confused with 0650 ◌ِ KASRA


061B ‎؛‎ Arabic Semicolon
  also used with Thaana and Syriac in modern text
  003B ; semicolon
  204F ⁏ reversed semicolon
  2E35 ⸵ turned semicolon

Format character

061C  Arabic Letter Mark
  commonly abbreviated ALM
  200F  right-to-left mark


061D ‎؝‎ Arabic End Of Text Mark
061E ‎؞‎ Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark
061F ‎؟‎ Arabic Question Mark
  also used with Thaana and Syriac in modern text
  003F ? question mark
  2E2E ⸮ reversed question mark

Addition for Kashmiri

0620 ‎ؠ‎ Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh
  used in Kashmiri to represent half ye / taler ye

Based on ISO 8859-6

Arabic letter names follow romanization conventions derived from ISO 8859-6. These differ from the Literary Arabic pronunciation of the letter names. For example, 0628 ARABIC LETTER BEH has a Literary Arabic pronunciation of ba'.
0621 ‎ء‎ Arabic Letter Hamza
  02BE ʾ modifier letter right half ring
0622 ‎آ‎ Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above
  0627 ‎ا‎ 0653 ◌ٓ
0623 ‎أ‎ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above
  0627 ‎ا‎ 0654 ◌ٔ
0624 ‎ؤ‎ Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above
  0648 ‎و‎ 0654 ◌ٔ
0625 ‎إ‎ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below
  0627 ‎ا‎ 0655 ◌ٕ
0626 ‎ئ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above
  in Kyrgyz the hamza is consistently positioned to the top right in isolate and final forms
  064A ‎ي‎ 0654 ◌ٔ
0627 ‎ا‎ Arabic Letter Alef
0628 ‎ب‎ Arabic Letter Beh
0629 ‎ة‎ Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta
062A ‎ت‎ Arabic Letter Teh
062B ‎ث‎ Arabic Letter Theh
062C ‎ج‎ Arabic Letter Jeem
062D ‎ح‎ Arabic Letter Hah
062E ‎خ‎ Arabic Letter Khah
062F ‎د‎ Arabic Letter Dal
0630 ‎ذ‎ Arabic Letter Thal
0631 ‎ر‎ Arabic Letter Reh
0632 ‎ز‎ Arabic Letter Zain
0633 ‎س‎ Arabic Letter Seen
0634 ‎ش‎ Arabic Letter Sheen
0635 ‎ص‎ Arabic Letter Sad
0636 ‎ض‎ Arabic Letter Dad
0637 ‎ط‎ Arabic Letter Tah
0638 ‎ظ‎ Arabic Letter Zah
0639 ‎ع‎ Arabic Letter Ain
  01B9 ƹ latin small letter ezh reversed
  02BF ʿ modifier letter left half ring
063A ‎غ‎ Arabic Letter Ghain

Additions for early Persian and Azerbaijani

063B ‎ػ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Above
063C ‎ؼ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Below
063D ‎ؽ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Inverted V
063E ‎ؾ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Two Dots Above
063F ‎ؿ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Three Dots Above

Based on ISO 8859-6

0640 ‎ـ‎ Arabic Tatweel
  inserted to stretch characters or to carry tashkil with no base letter
  also used with Adlam, Hanifi Rohingya, Mandaic, Manichaean, Psalter Pahlavi, Sogdian, and Syriac
0641 ‎ف‎ Arabic Letter Feh
0642 ‎ق‎ Arabic Letter Qaf
0643 ‎ك‎ Arabic Letter Kaf
0644 ‎ل‎ Arabic Letter Lam
0645 ‎م‎ Arabic Letter Meem
  Sindhi uses a shape with a short tail
0646 ‎ن‎ Arabic Letter Noon
0647 ‎ه‎ Arabic Letter Heh
0648 ‎و‎ Arabic Letter Waw
0649 ‎ى‎ Arabic Letter Alef Maksura
  represents YEH-shaped dual-joining letter with no dots in any positional form
  not intended for use in combination with 0654 ◌ٔ
  0626 ‎ئ‎ arabic letter yeh with hamza above
064A ‎ي‎ Arabic Letter Yeh
  loses its dots when used in combination with 0654 ◌ٔ
  retains its dots when used in combination with other combining marks
  08A8 ‎ࢨ‎ arabic letter yeh with two dots below and hamza above

Tashkil from ISO 8859-6

064B ◌ً Arabic Fathatan
064C ◌ٌ Arabic Dammatan
  a common alternative form is written as two intertwined dammas, one of which is turned 180 degrees
064D ◌ٍ Arabic Kasratan
064E ◌َ Arabic Fatha
064F ◌ُ Arabic Damma
0650 ◌ِ Arabic Kasra
0651 ◌ّ Arabic Shadda
0652 ◌ْ Arabic Sukun
  marks absence of a vowel after the base consonant
  used in some Qurans to mark a long vowel as ignored
  can have a variety of shapes, including a circular one and a shape that looks like '06E1 ◌ۡ'
  06E1 ◌ۡ arabic small high dotless head of khah

Combining maddah and hamza

0653 ◌ٓ Arabic Maddah Above
  used for madd jaa'iz in South Asian and Indonesian orthographies
  0897 ◌ࢗ arabic pepet
  089C ◌࢜ arabic madda waajib
  089E ◌࢞ arabic doubled madda
  089F ◌࢟ arabic half madda over madda
0654 ◌ٔ Arabic Hamza Above
  restricted to hamza and ezafe semantics
  is not used as a diacritic to form new letters
0655 ◌ٕ Arabic Hamza Below

Other combining marks

0656 ◌ٖ Arabic Subscript Alef
0657 ◌ٗ Arabic Inverted Damma
  =ulta pesh
  Kashmiri, Urdu
0658 ◌٘ Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna
  indicates nasalization in Urdu
0659 ◌ٙ Arabic Zwarakay
065A ◌ٚ Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above
  African languages
065B ◌ٛ Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above
  African languages
065C ◌ٜ Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below
  African languages
  also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies
065D ◌ٝ Arabic Reversed Damma
  African languages
065E ◌ٞ Arabic Fatha With Two Dots
065F ◌ٟ Arabic Wavy Hamza Below

Arabic-Indic digits

These digits are used with Arabic proper; for languages of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, see the Eastern Arabic-Indic digits at 06F0-06F9.
0660 ٠ Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
0661 ١ Arabic-Indic Digit One
0662 ٢ Arabic-Indic Digit Two
0663 ٣ Arabic-Indic Digit Three
0664 ٤ Arabic-Indic Digit Four
0665 ٥ Arabic-Indic Digit Five
0666 ٦ Arabic-Indic Digit Six
0667 ٧ Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
0668 ٨ Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
0669 ٩ Arabic-Indic Digit Nine


066A ٪ Arabic Percent Sign
  0025 % percent sign
066B ٫ Arabic Decimal Separator
066C ٬ Arabic Thousands Separator
  0027 ' apostrophe
  2019 ’ right single quotation mark
066D ‎٭‎ Arabic Five Pointed Star
  appearance rather variable
  002A * asterisk

Archaic letters

066E ‎ٮ‎ Arabic Letter Dotless Beh
066F ‎ٯ‎ Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf


0670 ◌ٰ Arabic Letter Superscript Alef
  actually a vowel sign, despite the name

Extended Arabic letters

0671 ‎ٱ‎ Arabic Letter Alef Wasla
  Quranic Arabic
0672 ‎ٲ‎ Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Above
  Baluchi, Kashmiri

Deprecated letter

0673 ‎ٳ‎ Arabic Letter Alef With Wavy Hamza Below
  this character is deprecated and its use is strongly discouraged
  use the sequence 0627 ‎ا‎ 065F ◌ٟ instead

High hamza

0674 ‎ٴ‎ Arabic Letter High Hamza
  Kazakh, Jawi
  forms digraphs

Digraphic letters for Kazakh

These characters were encoded for Kazakh digraphs, but their compatibility decompositions do not reflect the preferred order of representation. Accordingly, the representation of these Kazakh digraphs should instead use the preferred two-character spellings with the correct order of elements.
0675 ‎ٵ‎ Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef
  preferred spelling is 0674 ‎ٴ‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
  0627 ‎ا‎ 0674 ‎ٴ‎
0676 ‎ٶ‎ Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw
  preferred spelling is 0674 ‎ٴ‎ 0648 ‎و‎
  0648 ‎و‎ 0674 ‎ٴ‎
0677 ‎ٷ‎ Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above
  preferred spelling is 0674 ‎ٴ‎ 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
  06C7 ‎ۇ‎ 0674 ‎ٴ‎
0678 ‎ٸ‎ Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh
  preferred spelling is 0674 ‎ٴ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ 0674 ‎ٴ‎

Extended Arabic letters

0679 ‎ٹ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh
067A ‎ٺ‎ Arabic Letter Tteheh
067B ‎ٻ‎ Arabic Letter Beeh
067C ‎ټ‎ Arabic Letter Teh With Ring
067D ‎ٽ‎ Arabic Letter Teh With Three Dots Above Downwards
067E ‎پ‎ Arabic Letter Peh
  Persian, Urdu, ...
067F ‎ٿ‎ Arabic Letter Teheh
0680 ‎ڀ‎ Arabic Letter Beheh
0681 ‎ځ‎ Arabic Letter Hah With Hamza Above
  represents the phoneme /dz/
0682 ‎ڂ‎ Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Vertical Above
  not used in modern Pashto
0683 ‎ڃ‎ Arabic Letter Nyeh
0684 ‎ڄ‎ Arabic Letter Dyeh
  Sindhi, Bosnian
0685 ‎څ‎ Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Above
  Pashto, Khwarazmian
  represents the phoneme /ts/ in Pashto
0686 ‎چ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh
  Persian, Urdu, ...
0687 ‎ڇ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheheh
0688 ‎ڈ‎ Arabic Letter Ddal
0689 ‎ډ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Ring
068A ‎ڊ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below
  Sindhi, early Persian, Pegon, Malagasy
068B ‎ڋ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Dot Below And Small Tah
068C ‎ڌ‎ Arabic Letter Dahal
068D ‎ڍ‎ Arabic Letter Ddahal
068E ‎ڎ‎ Arabic Letter Dul
  older shape for DUL, now obsolete in Sindhi
068F ‎ڏ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Above Downwards
  current shape used for DUL
0690 ‎ڐ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Four Dots Above
  Old Urdu, not in current use
0691 ‎ڑ‎ Arabic Letter Rreh
0692 ‎ڒ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Small V
0693 ‎ړ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Ring
0694 ‎ڔ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below
  Kurdish, early Persian
0695 ‎ڕ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Small V Below
0696 ‎ږ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Dot Below And Dot Above
0697 ‎ڗ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Above
0698 ‎ژ‎ Arabic Letter Jeh
  Persian, Urdu, ...
0699 ‎ڙ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Four Dots Above
069A ‎ښ‎ Arabic Letter Seen With Dot Below And Dot Above
069B ‎ڛ‎ Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below
  early Persian
069C ‎ڜ‎ Arabic Letter Seen With Three Dots Below And Three Dots Above
  Moroccan Arabic
069D ‎ڝ‎ Arabic Letter Sad With Two Dots Below
069E ‎ڞ‎ Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Above
  Berber, Burushaski
069F ‎ڟ‎ Arabic Letter Tah With Three Dots Above
  Old Hausa
06A0 ‎ڠ‎ Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Above
06A1 ‎ڡ‎ Arabic Letter Dotless Feh
06A2 ‎ڢ‎ Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Moved Below
  Maghrib Arabic
06A3 ‎ڣ‎ Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below
06A4 ‎ڤ‎ Arabic Letter Veh
  Middle Eastern Arabic for foreign words
  Kurdish, Khwarazmian, early Persian, Jawi
06A5 ‎ڥ‎ Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Below
  North African Arabic for foreign words
06A6 ‎ڦ‎ Arabic Letter Peheh
06A7 ‎ڧ‎ Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Above
  Maghrib Arabic, Uyghur
06A8 ‎ڨ‎ Arabic Letter Qaf With Three Dots Above
  Tunisian Arabic
06A9 ‎ک‎ Arabic Letter Keheh
  =kaf mashkula
  Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, ...
06AA ‎ڪ‎ Arabic Letter Swash Kaf
  represents a letter distinct from Arabic KAF (0643 ‎ك‎) in Sindhi
06AB ‎ګ‎ Arabic Letter Kaf With Ring
  may appear like an Arabic KAF (0643 ‎ك‎) with a ring below the base
06AC ‎ڬ‎ Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Above
  use for the Jawi gaf is not recommended, although it may be found in some existing text data; recommended character for Jawi gaf is 0762 ‎ݢ‎
  0762 ‎ݢ‎ arabic letter keheh with dot above
06AD ‎ڭ‎ Arabic Letter Ng
  Uyghur, Kazakh, Moroccan Arabic, early Jawi, early Persian, ...
06AE ‎ڮ‎ Arabic Letter Kaf With Three Dots Below
  Berber, early Persian
  Pegon alternative for 08B4 ‎ࢴ‎
06AF ‎گ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf
  Persian, Urdu, ...
06B0 ‎ڰ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf With Ring
06B1 ‎ڱ‎ Arabic Letter Ngoeh
06B2 ‎ڲ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf With Two Dots Below
  not used in Sindhi
06B3 ‎ڳ‎ Arabic Letter Gueh
06B4 ‎ڴ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf With Three Dots Above
  not used in Sindhi
06B5 ‎ڵ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Small V
  Kurdish, Bosnian
06B6 ‎ڶ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Dot Above
06B7 ‎ڷ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Above
06B8 ‎ڸ‎ Arabic Letter Lam With Three Dots Below
06B9 ‎ڹ‎ Arabic Letter Noon With Dot Below
06BA ‎ں‎ Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna
  Urdu, archaic Arabic
  dotless in all four contextual forms
06BB ‎ڻ‎ Arabic Letter Rnoon
06BC ‎ڼ‎ Arabic Letter Noon With Ring
06BD ‎ڽ‎ Arabic Letter Noon With Three Dots Above
06BE ‎ھ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee
  forms aspirate digraphs in Urdu and other languages of South Asia
  represents the glottal fricative /h/ in Uyghur
06BF ‎ڿ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh With Dot Above
06C0 ‎ۀ‎ Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above
  =arabic letter hamzah on ha (1.0)
  for ezafe, use 0654 ◌ٔ over the language-appropriate base letter
  actually a ligature, not an independent letter
  06D5 ‎ە‎ 0654 ◌ٔ
06C1 ‎ہ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal
06C2 ‎ۂ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal With Hamza Above
  actually a ligature, not an independent letter
  06C1 ‎ہ‎ 0654 ◌ٔ
06C3 ‎ۃ‎ Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Goal
06C4 ‎ۄ‎ Arabic Letter Waw With Ring
06C5 ‎ۅ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe
  a glyph variant occurs which replaces the looped tail with a horizontal bar through the tail
06C6 ‎ۆ‎ Arabic Letter Oe
  Uyghur, Kurdish, Kazakh, Azerbaijani, Bosnian
06C7 ‎ۇ‎ Arabic Letter U
  Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uyghur
06C8 ‎ۈ‎ Arabic Letter Yu
06C9 ‎ۉ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu
  Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Bosnian
06CA ‎ۊ‎ Arabic Letter Waw With Two Dots Above
06CB ‎ۋ‎ Arabic Letter Ve
  Uyghur, Kazakh
06CC ‎ی‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh
  Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Kashmiri, ...
  initial and medial forms of this letter have two horizontal dots below
  retains its dots in initial and medial forms when used in combination with 0654 ◌ٔ
  0649 ‎ى‎ arabic letter alef maksura
  064A ‎ي‎ arabic letter yeh
06CD ‎ۍ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Tail
  Pashto, Sindhi
  should not be used in Kashmiri to represent half ye /taler ye
  0620 ‎ؠ‎ arabic letter kashmiri yeh
06CE ‎ێ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Small V
06CF ‎ۏ‎ Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Above
06D0 ‎ې‎ Arabic Letter E
  Pashto, Uyghur
  used as the letter bbeh in Sindhi
06D1 ‎ۑ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh With Three Dots Below
  Mende languages, Hausa
06D2 ‎ے‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree
06D3 ‎ۓ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above
  actually a ligature, not an independent letter
  06D2 ‎ے‎ 0654 ◌ٔ


06D4 ‎۔‎ Arabic Full Stop

Extended Arabic letter

06D5 ‎ە‎ Arabic Letter Ae
  Uyghur, Kazakh, Kyrgyz

Quranic annotation signs

06D6 ◌ۖ Arabic Small High Ligature Sad With Lam With Alef Maksura
06D7 ◌ۗ Arabic Small High Ligature Qaf With Lam With Alef Maksura
06D8 ◌ۘ Arabic Small High Meem Initial Form
06D9 ◌ۙ Arabic Small High Lam Alef
06DA ◌ۚ Arabic Small High Jeem
06DB ◌ۛ Arabic Small High Three Dots
06DC ◌ۜ Arabic Small High Seen
06DD ۝ Arabic End Of Ayah
06DE ۞ Arabic Start Of Rub El Hizb
  indicates boundaries of parts of sections
  typically depicted as an eight-sided symbol, which may or may not appear starlike
06DF ◌۟ Arabic Small High Rounded Zero
  smaller than the typical circular shape used for 0652 ◌ْ
06E0 ◌۠ Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero
  the term "rectangular zero" is a translation of the Arabic name of this sign
06E1 ◌ۡ Arabic Small High Dotless Head Of Khah
  =Arabic jazm
  presentation form of 0652 ◌ْ, using font technology to select the variant is preferred
  used in some Qurans to mark absence of a vowel
  0652 ◌ْ arabic sukun
06E2 ◌ۢ Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form
06E3 ◌ۣ Arabic Small Low Seen
06E4 ◌ۤ Arabic Small High Madda
  typically used with 06E5 ‎ۥ‎, 06E6 ‎ۦ‎, 06E7 ◌ۧ, and 08F3 ◌ࣳ
06E5 ‎ۥ‎ Arabic Small Waw
  08D3 ◌࣓ arabic small low waw
  08F3 ◌ࣳ arabic small high waw
06E6 ‎ۦ‎ Arabic Small Yeh
06E7 ◌ۧ Arabic Small High Yeh
06E8 ◌ۨ Arabic Small High Noon
06E9 ۩ Arabic Place Of Sajdah
  there is a range of acceptable glyphs for this character
06EA ◌۪ Arabic Empty Centre Low Stop
06EB ◌۫ Arabic Empty Centre High Stop
06EC ◌۬ Arabic Rounded High Stop With Filled Centre
  also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies to represent wasla, ikhtilas, etc.
06ED ◌ۭ Arabic Small Low Meem

Extended Arabic letters for Parkari

06EE ‎ۮ‎ Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted V
06EF ‎ۯ‎ Arabic Letter Reh With Inverted V
  also used in early Persian

Eastern Arabic-Indic digits

These digits are used with Arabic-script languages of Iran, Pakistan, and India (Persian, Sindhi, Urdu, etc.). For details of variations in preferred glyphs, see the block description for the Arabic script.
06F0 ۰ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
06F1 ۱ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit One
06F2 ۲ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Two
06F3 ۳ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Three
06F4 ۴ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Four
  Urdu and Kashmiri have a different glyph than Persian
06F5 ۵ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Five
06F6 ۶ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Six
  Sindhi, Urdu, and Kashmiri have a different glyph than Persian
06F7 ۷ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
  Sindhi, Urdu, and Kashmiri have a different glyph than Persian
06F8 ۸ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
06F9 ۹ Extended Arabic-Indic Digit Nine

Extended Arabic letters

06FA ‎ۺ‎ Arabic Letter Sheen With Dot Below
06FB ‎ۻ‎ Arabic Letter Dad With Dot Below
06FC ‎ۼ‎ Arabic Letter Ghain With Dot Below

Signs for Sindhi

06FD ‎۽‎ Arabic Sign Sindhi Ampersand
06FE ‎۾‎ Arabic Sign Sindhi Postposition Men

Extended Arabic letter for Parkari

06FF ‎ۿ‎ Arabic Letter Heh With Inverted V