The Indic Siyaq numbers are also known as Raqm or Rakam numbers. | |||
Primary numbers | |||
1EC71 | 𞱱 | Indic Siyaq Number One | |
1EC72 | 𞱲 | Indic Siyaq Number Two | |
1EC73 | 𞱳 | Indic Siyaq Number Three | |
1EC74 | 𞱴 | Indic Siyaq Number Four | |
1EC75 | 𞱵 | Indic Siyaq Number Five | |
1EC76 | 𞱶 | Indic Siyaq Number Six | |
1EC77 | 𞱷 | Indic Siyaq Number Seven | |
1EC78 | 𞱸 | Indic Siyaq Number Eight | |
1EC79 | 𞱹 | Indic Siyaq Number Nine | |
Tens | |||
1EC7A | 𞱺 | Indic Siyaq Number Ten | |
1EC7B | 𞱻 | Indic Siyaq Number Twenty | |
1EC7C | 𞱼 | Indic Siyaq Number Thirty | |
1EC7D | 𞱽 | Indic Siyaq Number Forty | |
1EC7E | 𞱾 | Indic Siyaq Number Fifty | |
1EC7F | 𞱿 | Indic Siyaq Number Sixty | |
1EC80 | 𞲀 | Indic Siyaq Number Seventy | |
1EC81 | 𞲁 | Indic Siyaq Number Eighty | |
1EC82 | 𞲂 | Indic Siyaq Number Ninety | |
Hundreds | |||
1EC83 | 𞲃 | Indic Siyaq Number One Hundred | |
1EC84 | 𞲄 | Indic Siyaq Number Two Hundred | |
1EC85 | 𞲅 | Indic Siyaq Number Three Hundred | |
1EC86 | 𞲆 | Indic Siyaq Number Four Hundred | |
1EC87 | 𞲇 | Indic Siyaq Number Five Hundred | |
1EC88 | 𞲈 | Indic Siyaq Number Six Hundred | |
1EC89 | 𞲉 | Indic Siyaq Number Seven Hundred | |
1EC8A | 𞲊 | Indic Siyaq Number Eight Hundred | |
1EC8B | 𞲋 | Indic Siyaq Number Nine Hundred | |
Thousands | |||
1EC8C | 𞲌 | Indic Siyaq Number One Thousand | |
1EC8D | 𞲍 | Indic Siyaq Number Two Thousand | |
1EC8E | 𞲎 | Indic Siyaq Number Three Thousand | |
1EC8F | 𞲏 | Indic Siyaq Number Four Thousand | |
1EC90 | 𞲐 | Indic Siyaq Number Five Thousand | |
1EC91 | 𞲑 | Indic Siyaq Number Six Thousand | |
1EC92 | 𞲒 | Indic Siyaq Number Seven Thousand | |
1EC93 | 𞲓 | Indic Siyaq Number Eight Thousand | |
1EC94 | 𞲔 | Indic Siyaq Number Nine Thousand | |
Ten thousands | |||
Also used for representing the tens when writing tens of lakhs and tens of crores. | |||
1EC95 | 𞲕 | Indic Siyaq Number Ten Thousand | |
1EC96 | 𞲖 | Indic Siyaq Number Twenty Thousand | |
1EC97 | 𞲗 | Indic Siyaq Number Thirty Thousand | |
1EC98 | 𞲘 | Indic Siyaq Number Forty Thousand | |
1EC99 | 𞲙 | Indic Siyaq Number Fifty Thousand | |
1EC9A | 𞲚 | Indic Siyaq Number Sixty Thousand | |
1EC9B | 𞲛 | Indic Siyaq Number Seventy Thousand | |
1EC9C | 𞲜 | Indic Siyaq Number Eighty Thousand | |
1EC9D | 𞲝 | Indic Siyaq Number Ninety Thousand | |
Lakhs | |||
Used for the hundred thousands and primary millions. | |||
1EC9E | 𞲞 | Indic Siyaq Number Lakh | |
= | 1 lakh | ||
= | 100,000 | ||
1EC9F | 𞲟 | Indic Siyaq Number Lakhan | |
= | 2 lakh | ||
= | 200,000 | ||
1ECA0 | 𞲠 | Indic Siyaq Lakh Mark | |
• | used as a mark for denoting other lakh values | ||
Crores | |||
Used for the ten millions and higher orders. | |||
1ECA1 | 𞲡 | Indic Siyaq Number Karor | |
= | 1 crore | ||
= | 10 million | ||
= | 100 lakh | ||
• | used as a mark for denoting crores | ||
1ECA2 | 𞲢 | Indic Siyaq Number Karoran | |
= | 2 crore | ||
= | 20 million | ||
= | 200 lakh | ||
Prefixed forms of primary numbers | |||
Used for representing primary units in compounds. | |||
1ECA3 | 𞲣 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed One | |
1ECA4 | 𞲤 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Two | |
1ECA5 | 𞲥 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Three | |
1ECA6 | 𞲦 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Four | |
1ECA7 | 𞲧 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Five | |
1ECA8 | 𞲨 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Six | |
1ECA9 | 𞲩 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Seven | |
1ECAA | 𞲪 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Eight | |
1ECAB | 𞲫 | Indic Siyaq Number Prefixed Nine | |
Placeholder | |||
1ECAC | 𞲬 | Indic Siyaq Placeholder | |
Fractions | |||
1ECAD | 𞲭 | Indic Siyaq Fraction One Quarter | |
1ECAE | 𞲮 | Indic Siyaq Fraction One Half | |
1ECAF | 𞲯 | Indic Siyaq Fraction Three Quarters | |
Currency symbol | |||
1ECB0 | 𞲰 | Indic Siyaq Rupee Mark | |
Alternate forms | |||
1ECB1 | 𞲱 | Indic Siyaq Number Alternate One | |
1ECB2 | 𞲲 | Indic Siyaq Number Alternate Two | |
1ECB3 | 𞲳 | Indic Siyaq Number Alternate Ten Thousand | |
1ECB4 | 𞲴 | Indic Siyaq Alternate Lakh Mark |
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