Playing Cards

These characters are used to represent the 52-card and 56-card variants of modern playing cards, as well as the 56-card Minor Arcana of the Western Tarot. The glyphs shown in the charts have only a symbolic and schematic equivalence to particular varieties of actual playing cards.

Back of card

1F0A0 🂠 Playing Card Back

Spades or swords

1F0A1 🂡 Playing Card Ace Of Spades
1F0A2 🂢 Playing Card Two Of Spades
1F0A3 🂣 Playing Card Three Of Spades
1F0A4 🂤 Playing Card Four Of Spades
1F0A5 🂥 Playing Card Five Of Spades
1F0A6 🂦 Playing Card Six Of Spades
1F0A7 🂧 Playing Card Seven Of Spades
1F0A8 🂨 Playing Card Eight Of Spades
1F0A9 🂩 Playing Card Nine Of Spades
1F0AA 🂪 Playing Card Ten Of Spades
1F0AB 🂫 Playing Card Jack Of Spades
  =valet, Bube, Unter, Page, fante
  =page of swords
1F0AC 🂬 Playing Card Knight Of Spades
  =chevalier, Ober, Ritter, cavall, cavaliere
  =knight of swords
1F0AD 🂭 Playing Card Queen Of Spades
  =dame, Dame, Königin, regina
  =queen of swords
1F0AE 🂮 Playing Card King Of Spades
  =roi, König, re
  =king of swords

Hearts or cups

1F0B1 🂱 Playing Card Ace Of Hearts
1F0B2 🂲 Playing Card Two Of Hearts
1F0B3 🂳 Playing Card Three Of Hearts
1F0B4 🂴 Playing Card Four Of Hearts
1F0B5 🂵 Playing Card Five Of Hearts
1F0B6 🂶 Playing Card Six Of Hearts
1F0B7 🂷 Playing Card Seven Of Hearts
1F0B8 🂸 Playing Card Eight Of Hearts
1F0B9 🂹 Playing Card Nine Of Hearts
1F0BA 🂺 Playing Card Ten Of Hearts
1F0BB 🂻 Playing Card Jack Of Hearts
1F0BC 🂼 Playing Card Knight Of Hearts
1F0BD 🂽 Playing Card Queen Of Hearts
1F0BE 🂾 Playing Card King Of Hearts


1F0BF 🂿 Playing Card Red Joker
  used as the third joker

Diamonds or pentacles

1F0C1 🃁 Playing Card Ace Of Diamonds
1F0C2 🃂 Playing Card Two Of Diamonds
1F0C3 🃃 Playing Card Three Of Diamonds
1F0C4 🃄 Playing Card Four Of Diamonds
1F0C5 🃅 Playing Card Five Of Diamonds
1F0C6 🃆 Playing Card Six Of Diamonds
1F0C7 🃇 Playing Card Seven Of Diamonds
1F0C8 🃈 Playing Card Eight Of Diamonds
1F0C9 🃉 Playing Card Nine Of Diamonds
1F0CA 🃊 Playing Card Ten Of Diamonds
1F0CB 🃋 Playing Card Jack Of Diamonds
1F0CC 🃌 Playing Card Knight Of Diamonds
1F0CD 🃍 Playing Card Queen Of Diamonds
1F0CE 🃎 Playing Card King Of Diamonds


1F0CF 🃏 Playing Card Black Joker

Clubs or wands

1F0D1 🃑 Playing Card Ace Of Clubs
1F0D2 🃒 Playing Card Two Of Clubs
1F0D3 🃓 Playing Card Three Of Clubs
1F0D4 🃔 Playing Card Four Of Clubs
1F0D5 🃕 Playing Card Five Of Clubs
1F0D6 🃖 Playing Card Six Of Clubs
1F0D7 🃗 Playing Card Seven Of Clubs
1F0D8 🃘 Playing Card Eight Of Clubs
1F0D9 🃙 Playing Card Nine Of Clubs
1F0DA 🃚 Playing Card Ten Of Clubs
1F0DB 🃛 Playing Card Jack Of Clubs
1F0DC 🃜 Playing Card Knight Of Clubs
1F0DD 🃝 Playing Card Queen Of Clubs
1F0DE 🃞 Playing Card King Of Clubs


1F0DF 🃟 Playing Card White Joker
  may also be red


1F0E0 🃠 Playing Card Fool
1F0E1 🃡 Playing Card Trump-1
1F0E2 🃢 Playing Card Trump-2
1F0E3 🃣 Playing Card Trump-3
1F0E4 🃤 Playing Card Trump-4
1F0E5 🃥 Playing Card Trump-5
  old age
1F0E6 🃦 Playing Card Trump-6
1F0E7 🃧 Playing Card Trump-7
1F0E8 🃨 Playing Card Trump-8
1F0E9 🃩 Playing Card Trump-9
1F0EA 🃪 Playing Card Trump-10
  earth and air
1F0EB 🃫 Playing Card Trump-11
  water and fire
1F0EC 🃬 Playing Card Trump-12
1F0ED 🃭 Playing Card Trump-13
1F0EE 🃮 Playing Card Trump-14
  open air
1F0EF 🃯 Playing Card Trump-15
  visual arts
1F0F0 🃰 Playing Card Trump-16
1F0F1 🃱 Playing Card Trump-17
1F0F2 🃲 Playing Card Trump-18
1F0F3 🃳 Playing Card Trump-19
1F0F4 🃴 Playing Card Trump-20
  the game
1F0F5 🃵 Playing Card Trump-21