Latin Extended-D

Additions for UPA

A720 ꜠ Modifier Letter Stress And High Tone
A721 ꜡ Modifier Letter Stress And Low Tone

Egyptological additions

A722 Ꜣ Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Alef
  A723 ꜣ latin small letter egyptological alef
A723 ꜣ Latin Small Letter Egyptological Alef
  05D0 ‎א‎ hebrew letter alef
  0623 ‎أ‎ arabic letter alef with hamza above
  A722 Ꜣ latin capital letter egyptological alef
A724 Ꜥ Latin Capital Letter Egyptological Ain
  A725 ꜥ latin small letter egyptological ain
A725 ꜥ Latin Small Letter Egyptological Ain
  02BF ʿ modifier letter left half ring
  05E2 ‎ע‎ hebrew letter ayin
  0639 ‎ع‎ arabic letter ain
  1D25 ᴥ latin letter ain
  1D5C ᵜ modifier letter small ain
  A7BD ꞽ latin small letter glottal i
  A724 Ꜥ latin capital letter egyptological ain

Mayanist additions

These are used for Mayan orthographies of the colonial period.
A726 Ꜧ Latin Capital Letter Heng
  04C7 Ӈ cyrillic capital letter en with hook
  2C67 Ⱨ latin capital letter h with descender
  A727 ꜧ latin small letter heng
A727 ꜧ Latin Small Letter Heng
  uvular fricative, see 0281 ʁ
  also used in Bantu linguistics for the voiced alveolar lateral fricative, see 026E ɮ
  0267 ɧ latin small letter heng with hook
  A795 ꞕ latin small letter h with palatal hook
  AB5C ꭜ modifier letter small heng
  A726 Ꜧ latin capital letter heng
A728 Ꜩ Latin Capital Letter Tz
  A729 ꜩ latin small letter tz
A729 ꜩ Latin Small Letter Tz
  =tezh digraph
  palatoalveolar affricate [ts]
  02A6 ʦ latin small letter ts digraph
  02A7 ʧ latin small letter tesh digraph
  A728 Ꜩ latin capital letter tz
A72A Ꜫ Latin Capital Letter Tresillo
  A72B ꜫ latin small letter tresillo
A72B ꜫ Latin Small Letter Tresillo
  uvular ejective stop [qʼ]
  218B ↋ turned digit three
  A72A Ꜫ latin capital letter tresillo
A72C Ꜭ Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo
  A72D ꜭ latin small letter cuatrillo
A72D ꜭ Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo
  velar ejective stop [kʼ]
  0034 4 digit four
  A72C Ꜭ latin capital letter cuatrillo
A72E Ꜯ Latin Capital Letter Cuatrillo With Comma
  A72F ꜯ latin small letter cuatrillo with comma
A72F ꜯ Latin Small Letter Cuatrillo With Comma
  alveolar ejective affricate [tsʼ]
  A72E Ꜯ latin capital letter cuatrillo with comma

Medievalist additions

A730 ꜰ Latin Letter Small Capital F
A731 ꜱ Latin Letter Small Capital S
A732 Ꜳ Latin Capital Letter Aa
  10780 𐞀 modifier letter small capital aa
  A733 ꜳ latin small letter aa
A733 ꜳ Latin Small Letter Aa
  A732 Ꜳ latin capital letter aa
A734 Ꜵ Latin Capital Letter Ao
  A735 ꜵ latin small letter ao
A735 ꜵ Latin Small Letter Ao
  A734 Ꜵ latin capital letter ao
A736 Ꜷ Latin Capital Letter Au
  A737 ꜷ latin small letter au
A737 ꜷ Latin Small Letter Au
  A736 Ꜷ latin capital letter au
A738 Ꜹ Latin Capital Letter Av
  A739 ꜹ latin small letter av
A739 ꜹ Latin Small Letter Av
  A738 Ꜹ latin capital letter av
A73A Ꜻ Latin Capital Letter Av With Horizontal Bar
  A73B ꜻ latin small letter av with horizontal bar
A73B ꜻ Latin Small Letter Av With Horizontal Bar
  A73A Ꜻ latin capital letter av with horizontal bar
A73C Ꜽ Latin Capital Letter Ay
  A73D ꜽ latin small letter ay
A73D ꜽ Latin Small Letter Ay
  A73C Ꜽ latin capital letter ay
A73E Ꜿ Latin Capital Letter Reversed C With Dot
  03FF Ͽ greek capital reversed dotted lunate sigma symbol
  A73F ꜿ latin small letter reversed c with dot
A73F ꜿ Latin Small Letter Reversed C With Dot
  037D ͽ greek small reversed dotted lunate sigma symbol
  A73E Ꜿ latin capital letter reversed c with dot
A740 Ꝁ Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke
  A741 ꝁ latin small letter k with stroke
A741 ꝁ Latin Small Letter K With Stroke
  A740 Ꝁ latin capital letter k with stroke
A742 Ꝃ Latin Capital Letter K With Diagonal Stroke
  A743 ꝃ latin small letter k with diagonal stroke
A743 ꝃ Latin Small Letter K With Diagonal Stroke
  A742 Ꝃ latin capital letter k with diagonal stroke
A744 Ꝅ Latin Capital Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke
  A745 ꝅ latin small letter k with stroke and diagonal stroke
A745 ꝅ Latin Small Letter K With Stroke And Diagonal Stroke
  A744 Ꝅ latin capital letter k with stroke and diagonal stroke
A746 Ꝇ Latin Capital Letter Broken L
  A747 ꝇ latin small letter broken l
A747 ꝇ Latin Small Letter Broken L
  A746 Ꝇ latin capital letter broken l
A748 Ꝉ Latin Capital Letter L With High Stroke
  023D Ƚ latin capital letter l with bar
  A749 ꝉ latin small letter l with high stroke
A749 ꝉ Latin Small Letter L With High Stroke
  019A ƚ latin small letter l with bar
  A748 Ꝉ latin capital letter l with high stroke
A74A Ꝋ Latin Capital Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay
  019F Ɵ latin capital letter o with middle tilde
  A74B ꝋ latin small letter o with long stroke overlay
A74B ꝋ Latin Small Letter O With Long Stroke Overlay
  00F8 ø latin small letter o with stroke
  0275 ɵ latin small letter barred o
  A74A Ꝋ latin capital letter o with long stroke overlay
A74C Ꝍ Latin Capital Letter O With Loop
  A74D ꝍ latin small letter o with loop
A74D ꝍ Latin Small Letter O With Loop
  A74C Ꝍ latin capital letter o with loop
A74E Ꝏ Latin Capital Letter Oo
  A74F ꝏ latin small letter oo
A74F ꝏ Latin Small Letter Oo
  A699 ꚙ cyrillic small letter double o
  A74E Ꝏ latin capital letter oo
A750 Ꝑ Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke Through Descender
  20BD ₽ ruble sign
  A751 ꝑ latin small letter p with stroke through descender
A751 ꝑ Latin Small Letter P With Stroke Through Descender
  03FC ϼ greek rho with stroke symbol
  1D71 ᵱ latin small letter p with middle tilde
  A750 Ꝑ latin capital letter p with stroke through descender
A752 Ꝓ Latin Capital Letter P With Flourish
  A753 ꝓ latin small letter p with flourish
A753 ꝓ Latin Small Letter P With Flourish
  A752 Ꝓ latin capital letter p with flourish
A754 Ꝕ Latin Capital Letter P With Squirrel Tail
  A755 ꝕ latin small letter p with squirrel tail
A755 ꝕ Latin Small Letter P With Squirrel Tail
  A754 Ꝕ latin capital letter p with squirrel tail
A756 Ꝗ Latin Capital Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender
  A757 ꝗ latin small letter q with stroke through descender
A757 ꝗ Latin Small Letter Q With Stroke Through Descender
  A756 Ꝗ latin capital letter q with stroke through descender
A758 Ꝙ Latin Capital Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke
  A759 ꝙ latin small letter q with diagonal stroke
A759 ꝙ Latin Small Letter Q With Diagonal Stroke
  A758 Ꝙ latin capital letter q with diagonal stroke
A75A Ꝛ Latin Capital Letter R Rotunda
  A75B ꝛ latin small letter r rotunda
A75B ꝛ Latin Small Letter R Rotunda
  A75A Ꝛ latin capital letter r rotunda
A75C Ꝝ Latin Capital Letter Rum Rotunda
  A75D ꝝ latin small letter rum rotunda
A75D ꝝ Latin Small Letter Rum Rotunda
  A75C Ꝝ latin capital letter rum rotunda
A75E Ꝟ Latin Capital Letter V With Diagonal Stroke
  A75F ꝟ latin small letter v with diagonal stroke
A75F ꝟ Latin Small Letter V With Diagonal Stroke
  A75E Ꝟ latin capital letter v with diagonal stroke
A760 Ꝡ Latin Capital Letter Vy
  A761 ꝡ latin small letter vy
A761 ꝡ Latin Small Letter Vy
  A760 Ꝡ latin capital letter vy
A762 Ꝣ Latin Capital Letter Visigothic Z
  A763 ꝣ latin small letter visigothic z
A763 ꝣ Latin Small Letter Visigothic Z
  00E7 ç latin small letter c with cedilla
  A762 Ꝣ latin capital letter visigothic z
A764 Ꝥ Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke
  A765 ꝥ latin small letter thorn with stroke
A765 ꝥ Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke
  Old English, Old Norse
  representative glyph is preferred in Old English text
  Old Norse fonts show a more horizontal stroke
  A764 Ꝥ latin capital letter thorn with stroke
A766 Ꝧ Latin Capital Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender
  A767 ꝧ latin small letter thorn with stroke through descender
A767 ꝧ Latin Small Letter Thorn With Stroke Through Descender
  A766 Ꝧ latin capital letter thorn with stroke through descender
A768 Ꝩ Latin Capital Letter Vend
  A769 ꝩ latin small letter vend
A769 ꝩ Latin Small Letter Vend
  A768 Ꝩ latin capital letter vend
A76A Ꝫ Latin Capital Letter Et
  A7AB Ɜ latin capital letter reversed open e
  A76B ꝫ latin small letter et
A76B ꝫ Latin Small Letter Et
  021D ȝ latin small letter yogh
  A76A Ꝫ latin capital letter et
A76C Ꝭ Latin Capital Letter Is
  A76D ꝭ latin small letter is
A76D ꝭ Latin Small Letter Is
  A76C Ꝭ latin capital letter is
A76E Ꝯ Latin Capital Letter Con
  0039 9 digit nine
  A76F ꝯ latin small letter con
A76F ꝯ Latin Small Letter Con
  A76E Ꝯ latin capital letter con
A770 ꝰ Modifier Letter Us
  2079 ⁹ superscript nine
  <super> A76F ꝯ
A771 ꝱ Latin Small Letter Dum
A772 ꝲ Latin Small Letter Lum
A773 ꝳ Latin Small Letter Mum
A774 ꝴ Latin Small Letter Num
A775 ꝵ Latin Small Letter Rum
A776 ꝶ Latin Letter Small Capital Rum
A777 ꝷ Latin Small Letter Tum
A778 ꝸ Latin Small Letter Um

Insular and Celticist letters

These letters are meant for transcriptions of medieval manuscripts, or for modern phonetic notations, for cases where the letters contrast with their Carolingian forms. For representing whole texts in an Insular style, one should use the regular Latin letters and display them with an Insular typeface.
A779 Ꝺ Latin Capital Letter Insular D
  A77A ꝺ latin small letter insular d
A77A ꝺ Latin Small Letter Insular D
  dental fricative [ð]
  00F0 ð latin small letter eth
  1E9F ẟ latin small letter delta
  A779 Ꝺ latin capital letter insular d
A77B Ꝼ Latin Capital Letter Insular F
  A77C ꝼ latin small letter insular f
A77C ꝼ Latin Small Letter Insular F
  A77B Ꝼ latin capital letter insular f
A77D Ᵹ Latin Capital Letter Insular G
  lowercase is 1D79 ᵹ
  A7D0 Ꟑ latin capital letter closed insular g
  1D79 ᵹ latin small letter insular g
A77E Ꝿ Latin Capital Letter Turned Insular G
  A77F ꝿ latin small letter turned insular g
A77F ꝿ Latin Small Letter Turned Insular G
  velar nasal [ŋ]
  1D77 ᵷ latin small letter turned g
  A77E Ꝿ latin capital letter turned insular g
A780 Ꞁ Latin Capital Letter Turned L
  A781 ꞁ latin small letter turned l
A781 ꞁ Latin Small Letter Turned L
  voiceless alveolar lateral fricative [ɬ]
  A780 Ꞁ latin capital letter turned l
A782 Ꞃ Latin Capital Letter Insular R
  A783 ꞃ latin small letter insular r
A783 ꞃ Latin Small Letter Insular R
  027C ɼ latin small letter r with long leg
  A782 Ꞃ latin capital letter insular r
A784 Ꞅ Latin Capital Letter Insular S
  A785 ꞅ latin small letter insular s
A785 ꞅ Latin Small Letter Insular S
  017F ſ latin small letter long s
  A784 Ꞅ latin capital letter insular s
A786 Ꞇ Latin Capital Letter Insular T
  A787 ꞇ latin small letter insular t
A787 ꞇ Latin Small Letter Insular T
  voiceless dental fricative [θ]
  A786 Ꞇ latin capital letter insular t

Modifier letters

A788 ꞈ Modifier Letter Low Circumflex Accent
  used as a tone letter for Lahu and Akha
  02C6 ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent
  02F0 ˰ modifier letter low up arrowhead
  2038 ‸ caret
A789 ꞉ Modifier Letter Colon
  used as a tone letter in some orthographies
  Budu (Congo), Sabaot (Kenya), Grebo (Liberia), and several Papua New Guinea languages
  003A : colon
  02D0 ː modifier letter triangular colon
  02F8 ˸ modifier letter raised colon
  A4FD ꓽ lisu letter tone mya jeu
A78A ꞊ Modifier Letter Short Equals Sign
  used as a tone letter for Budu
  003D = equals sign
  02ED ˭ modifier letter unaspirated
  2E40 ⹀ double hyphen
  FE66 ﹦ small equals sign

Orthographic letters for glottals

A78B Ꞌ Latin Capital Letter Saltillo
  Me'phaa (Mexico)
  A78C ꞌ latin small letter saltillo
A78C ꞌ Latin Small Letter Saltillo
  saltillos are used as a casing pair for glottal stop in some orthographies
  the lowercase is widely used in many languages in Mexico and other regions, including Izere in Nigeria
  0027 ' apostrophe
  0242 ɂ latin small letter glottal stop
  0294 ʔ latin letter glottal stop
  02BC ʼ modifier letter apostrophe
  02C0 ˀ modifier letter glottal stop
  A78B Ꞌ latin capital letter saltillo

Additional letter

A78D Ɥ Latin Capital Letter Turned H
  used in the Dan/Gio orthography in Liberia
  also historically used in Latin-based orthographies for Abaza and Abkhaz
  lowercase is 0265 ɥ
  0427 Ч cyrillic capital letter che
  0265 ɥ latin small letter turned h

Phonetic symbol

A78E ꞎ Latin Small Letter L With Retroflex Hook And Belt
  voiceless lateral retroflex fricative
  used to transcribe Toda
  026C ɬ latin small letter l with belt

Transliteration letter for sinology

A78F ꞏ Latin Letter Sinological Dot
  used in transliteration of Phags-Pa and in phonetic transcription of Tangut
  00B7 · middle dot
  2022 • bullet

Additional letters

A790 Ꞑ Latin Capital Letter N With Descender
  A791 ꞑ latin small letter n with descender
A791 ꞑ Latin Small Letter N With Descender
  velar nasal [ŋ]
  014B ŋ latin small letter eng
  019E ƞ latin small letter n with long right leg
  04A3 ң cyrillic small letter en with descender
  A790 Ꞑ latin capital letter n with descender
A792 Ꞓ Latin Capital Letter C With Bar
  =Cambrian symbol
  20AC € euro sign
  A793 ꞓ latin small letter c with bar
A793 ꞓ Latin Small Letter C With Bar
  voiceless postalveolar affricate [tʃ]
  Nanai, ...
  0454 є cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie
  A792 Ꞓ latin capital letter c with bar

Additions for Lithuanian dialectology

A794 ꞔ Latin Small Letter C With Palatal Hook
  uppercase is A7C4 Ꞔ
  A7C4 Ꞔ latin capital letter c with palatal hook
A795 ꞕ Latin Small Letter H With Palatal Hook
  A727 ꜧ latin small letter heng

Letters for Middle Vietnamese

A796 Ꞗ Latin Capital Letter B With Flourish
  A797 ꞗ latin small letter b with flourish
A797 ꞗ Latin Small Letter B With Flourish
  A796 Ꞗ latin capital letter b with flourish

Archaic letters for Ewe

A798 Ꞙ Latin Capital Letter F With Stroke
  0191 Ƒ latin capital letter f with hook
  20A3 ₣ french franc sign
  A799 ꞙ latin small letter f with stroke
A799 ꞙ Latin Small Letter F With Stroke
  old Ewe orthography
  also used in the Anthropos phonetic alphabet
  A798 Ꞙ latin capital letter f with stroke

Archaic letters for Volapük

A79A Ꞛ Latin Capital Letter Volapuk Ae
  A79B ꞛ latin small letter volapuk ae
A79B ꞛ Latin Small Letter Volapuk Ae
  A79A Ꞛ latin capital letter volapuk ae
A79C Ꞝ Latin Capital Letter Volapuk Oe
  A79D ꞝ latin small letter volapuk oe
A79D ꞝ Latin Small Letter Volapuk Oe
  A79C Ꞝ latin capital letter volapuk oe
A79E Ꞟ Latin Capital Letter Volapuk Ue
  A79F ꞟ latin small letter volapuk ue
A79F ꞟ Latin Small Letter Volapuk Ue
  A79E Ꞟ latin capital letter volapuk ue

Letters for pre-1921 Latvian orthography

A7A0 Ꞡ Latin Capital Letter G With Oblique Stroke
  A7A1 ꞡ latin small letter g with oblique stroke
A7A1 ꞡ Latin Small Letter G With Oblique Stroke
  A7A0 Ꞡ latin capital letter g with oblique stroke
A7A2 Ꞣ Latin Capital Letter K With Oblique Stroke
  A7A3 ꞣ latin small letter k with oblique stroke
A7A3 ꞣ Latin Small Letter K With Oblique Stroke
  A7A2 Ꞣ latin capital letter k with oblique stroke
A7A4 Ꞥ Latin Capital Letter N With Oblique Stroke
  A7A5 ꞥ latin small letter n with oblique stroke
A7A5 ꞥ Latin Small Letter N With Oblique Stroke
  A7A4 Ꞥ latin capital letter n with oblique stroke
A7A6 Ꞧ Latin Capital Letter R With Oblique Stroke
  A7A7 ꞧ latin small letter r with oblique stroke
A7A7 ꞧ Latin Small Letter R With Oblique Stroke
  A7A6 Ꞧ latin capital letter r with oblique stroke
A7A8 Ꞩ Latin Capital Letter S With Oblique Stroke
  A7A9 ꞩ latin small letter s with oblique stroke
A7A9 ꞩ Latin Small Letter S With Oblique Stroke
  also used in pre-1950 ᥐ Lower Sorbian orthography
  1E9C ẜ latin small letter long s with diagonal stroke
  A7CA ꟊ latin small letter s with short stroke overlay
  A7A8 Ꞩ latin capital letter s with oblique stroke

Additional letters

A7AA Ɦ Latin Capital Letter H With Hook
  lowercase is 0266 ɦ
  used in Chad
  0266 ɦ latin small letter h with hook
A7AB Ɜ Latin Capital Letter Reversed Open E
  lowercase is 025C ɜ
  01B7 Ʒ latin capital letter ezh
  021C Ȝ latin capital letter yogh
  0417 З cyrillic capital letter ze
  025C ɜ latin small letter reversed open e
A7AC Ɡ Latin Capital Letter Script G
  lowercase is 0261 ɡ
  0261 ɡ latin small letter script g
A7AD Ɬ Latin Capital Letter L With Belt
  lowercase is 026C ɬ
  023D Ƚ latin capital letter l with bar
  1DF04 𝼄 latin letter small capital l with belt
  026C ɬ latin small letter l with belt

Letter for West African languages

A7AE Ɪ Latin Capital Letter Small Capital I
  lowercase is 026A ɪ
  also used in Unifon
  0049 I latin capital letter i
  026A ɪ latin letter small capital i
  026A ɪ latin letter small capital i

Letter for Japanese phonemic transcription

A7AF ꞯ Latin Letter Small Capital Q
  used to represent gemination
  A7F4 ꟴ modifier letter capital q

Letters for Americanist orthographies

A7B0 Ʞ Latin Capital Letter Turned K
  lowercase is 029E ʞ
  029E ʞ latin small letter turned k
A7B1 Ʇ Latin Capital Letter Turned T
  lowercase is 0287 ʇ
  also used in Unifon
  0287 ʇ latin small letter turned t

Letter for African languages

A7B2 Ʝ Latin Capital Letter J With Crossed-Tail
  lowercase is 029D ʝ
  029D ʝ latin small letter j with crossed-tail

Letter for German dialectology

A7B3 Ꭓ Latin Capital Letter Chi
  lowercase is AB53 ꭓ
  03A7 Χ greek capital letter chi
  AB53 ꭓ latin small letter chi

Letters for African languages

A7B4 Ꞵ Latin Capital Letter Beta
  A7B5 ꞵ latin small letter beta
A7B5 ꞵ Latin Small Letter Beta
  00DF ß latin small letter sharp s
  03B2 β greek small letter beta
  A7B4 Ꞵ latin capital letter beta
A7B6 Ꞷ Latin Capital Letter Omega
  A7B7 ꞷ latin small letter omega
A7B7 ꞷ Latin Small Letter Omega
  0277 ɷ latin small letter closed omega
  03C9 ω greek small letter omega
  0461 ѡ cyrillic small letter omega
  A64D ꙍ cyrillic small letter broad omega
  A7B6 Ꞷ latin capital letter omega

Letters for Mazahua (México)

A7B8 Ꞹ Latin Capital Letter U With Stroke
  A7B9 ꞹ latin small letter u with stroke
A7B9 ꞹ Latin Small Letter U With Stroke
  A7B8 Ꞹ latin capital letter u with stroke

Letters for Ugaritic and Egyptological transliteration

These letters are always shown in italic style in actual use for transliteration.
A7BA Ꞻ Latin Capital Letter Glottal A
  A7BB ꞻ latin small letter glottal a
A7BB ꞻ Latin Small Letter Glottal A
  A7BA Ꞻ latin capital letter glottal a
A7BC Ꞽ Latin Capital Letter Glottal I
  A7BD ꞽ latin small letter glottal i
A7BD ꞽ Latin Small Letter Glottal I
  =egyptological yod
  A723 ꜣ latin small letter egyptological alef
  A725 ꜥ latin small letter egyptological ain
  A7BC Ꞽ latin capital letter glottal i
A7BE Ꞿ Latin Capital Letter Glottal U
  A7BF ꞿ latin small letter glottal u
A7BF ꞿ Latin Small Letter Glottal U
  A7BE Ꞿ latin capital letter glottal u

Additional medieval letters

A7C0 Ꟁ Latin Capital Letter Old Polish O
  A7C1 ꟁ latin small letter old polish o
A7C1 ꟁ Latin Small Letter Old Polish O
  used in Old Polish as a nasal vowel
  00F8 ø latin small letter o with stroke
  A7C0 Ꟁ latin capital letter old polish o
A7C2 Ꟃ Latin Capital Letter Anglicana W
  A7C3 ꟃ latin small letter anglicana w
A7C3 ꟃ Latin Small Letter Anglicana W
  used in medieval English and Cornish
  A7C2 Ꟃ latin capital letter anglicana w

Letters used in early Pinyin romanization

A7C4 Ꞔ Latin Capital Letter C With Palatal Hook
  lowercase is A794 ꞔ
  A794 ꞔ latin small letter c with palatal hook
A7C5 Ʂ Latin Capital Letter S With Hook
  lowercase is 0282 ʂ
  0282 ʂ latin small letter s with hook
A7C6 Ᶎ Latin Capital Letter Z With Palatal Hook
  lowercase is 1D8E ᶎ
  1D8E ᶎ latin small letter z with palatal hook

Additional letters for Gaulish

A7C7 Ꟈ Latin Capital Letter D With Short Stroke Overlay
  00D0 Ð latin capital letter eth
  0110 Đ latin capital letter d with stroke
  A7C8 ꟈ latin small letter d with short stroke overlay
A7C8 ꟈ Latin Small Letter D With Short Stroke Overlay
  =tau gallicum
  indicates a dental affricate
  0111 đ latin small letter d with stroke
  A7C7 Ꟈ latin capital letter d with short stroke overlay
A7C9 Ꟊ Latin Capital Letter S With Short Stroke Overlay
  A7CA ꟊ latin small letter s with short stroke overlay
A7CA ꟊ Latin Small Letter S With Short Stroke Overlay
  attested in handwritten documents used in pairs as an alternate tau gallicum
  A7C9 Ꟊ latin capital letter s with short stroke overlay

Letter for Eastern Dan

A7CB Ɤ Latin Capital Letter Rams Horn
  lowercase is 0264 ɤ
  0264 ɤ latin small letter rams horn

Letters for Luiseño

A7CC Ꟍ Latin Capital Letter S With Diagonal Stroke
  A7CD ꟍ latin small letter s with diagonal stroke
A7CD ꟍ Latin Small Letter S With Diagonal Stroke
  A7CC Ꟍ latin capital letter s with diagonal stroke

Letters used in the Middle English Ormulum

A7D0 Ꟑ Latin Capital Letter Closed Insular G
  A7D1 ꟑ latin small letter closed insular g
A7D1 ꟑ Latin Small Letter Closed Insular G
  1D79 ᵹ latin small letter insular g
  A7D0 Ꟑ latin capital letter closed insular g
A7D3 ꟓ Latin Small Letter Double Thorn
  00FE þ latin small letter thorn
A7D5 ꟕ Latin Small Letter Double Wynn
  01BF ƿ latin letter wynn

Letters used in medieval palaeography

A7D6 Ꟗ Latin Capital Letter Middle Scots S
  A7D7 ꟗ latin small letter middle scots s
A7D7 ꟗ Latin Small Letter Middle Scots S
  used in Middle Scots for s, ss, ser, sir, is, sis, etc.
  00DF ß latin small letter sharp s
  A7D6 Ꟗ latin capital letter middle scots s
A7D8 Ꟙ Latin Capital Letter Sigmoid S
  A7D9 ꟙ latin small letter sigmoid s
A7D9 ꟙ Latin Small Letter Sigmoid S
  used in Middle Cornish, Middle English, and Middle Scots
  A7D8 Ꟙ latin capital letter sigmoid s

Letters used in Wakashan and Salishan languages

A7DA Ꟛ Latin Capital Letter Lambda
  A7DB ꟛ latin small letter lambda
A7DB ꟛ Latin Small Letter Lambda
  03BB λ greek small letter lamda
  A7DA Ꟛ latin capital letter lambda
A7DC Ƛ Latin Capital Letter Lambda With Stroke
  lowercase is 019B ƛ
  019B ƛ latin small letter lambda with stroke

Modifier letters for Chatino (México)

A7F2 ꟲ Modifier Letter Capital C
  <super> 0043 C
A7F3 ꟳ Modifier Letter Capital F
  <super> 0046 F

Modifier letter for Japanese phonemic transcription

A7F4 ꟴ Modifier Letter Capital Q
  A7AF ꞯ latin letter small capital q
  <super> 0051 Q

Ancient Gaulish and Celtic epigraphic letters

A7F5 Ꟶ Latin Capital Letter Reversed Half H
  =H dimidié
  appears in inscriptions from the Roman provinces of Gaul
  2C75 Ⱶ latin capital letter half h
  A7F6 ꟶ latin small letter reversed half h
A7F6 ꟶ Latin Small Letter Reversed Half H
  the lowercase is not attested in inscriptions but is used by scholars when transcribing
  A7F5 Ꟶ latin capital letter reversed half h
A7F7 ꟷ Latin Epigraphic Letter Sideways I
  Celtic inscriptions

Additions for Extended IPA

A7F8 ꟸ Modifier Letter Capital H With Stroke
  <super> 0126 Ħ
A typographical distinction between a capital form and a small capital form is not distinctive for this character in IPA usage.
  029C ʜ latin letter small capital h
A7F9 ꟹ Modifier Letter Small Ligature Oe
  labialized: open-rounded
  <super> 0153 œ

Addition for UPA

A7FA ꟺ Latin Letter Small Capital Turned M
  voiceless closed central vowel
  026F ɯ latin small letter turned m
  0448 ш cyrillic small letter sha

Ancient Roman epigraphic letters

A7FB ꟻ Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed F
  =filia (daughter), femina (woman, female)
A7FC ꟼ Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed P
  =puella (girl)
A7FD ꟽ Latin Epigraphic Letter Inverted M
  =mulier, matrona (married woman)
  019C Ɯ latin capital letter turned m
A7FE ꟾ Latin Epigraphic Letter I Longa
A7FF ꟿ Latin Epigraphic Letter Archaic M
  logograph for the praenomen "Manius"