Arabic Presentation Forms-A

Preferred characters are found in the Arabic block 0600-06FF. This block also contains 32 noncharacters in the range FDD0-FDEF.

Glyphs for contextual forms of letters for Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, etc.

FB50 ‎ﭐ‎ Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0671 ‎ٱ‎
FB51 ‎ﭑ‎ Arabic Letter Alef Wasla Final Form
  <final> 0671 ‎ٱ‎
FB52 ‎ﭒ‎ Arabic Letter Beeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 067B ‎ٻ‎
FB53 ‎ﭓ‎ Arabic Letter Beeh Final Form
  <final> 067B ‎ٻ‎
FB54 ‎ﭔ‎ Arabic Letter Beeh Initial Form
  <initial> 067B ‎ٻ‎
FB55 ‎ﭕ‎ Arabic Letter Beeh Medial Form
  <medial> 067B ‎ٻ‎
FB56 ‎ﭖ‎ Arabic Letter Peh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 067E ‎پ‎
FB57 ‎ﭗ‎ Arabic Letter Peh Final Form
  <final> 067E ‎پ‎
FB58 ‎ﭘ‎ Arabic Letter Peh Initial Form
  <initial> 067E ‎پ‎
FB59 ‎ﭙ‎ Arabic Letter Peh Medial Form
  <medial> 067E ‎پ‎
FB5A ‎ﭚ‎ Arabic Letter Beheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0680 ‎ڀ‎
FB5B ‎ﭛ‎ Arabic Letter Beheh Final Form
  <final> 0680 ‎ڀ‎
FB5C ‎ﭜ‎ Arabic Letter Beheh Initial Form
  <initial> 0680 ‎ڀ‎
FB5D ‎ﭝ‎ Arabic Letter Beheh Medial Form
  <medial> 0680 ‎ڀ‎
FB5E ‎ﭞ‎ Arabic Letter Tteheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 067A ‎ٺ‎
FB5F ‎ﭟ‎ Arabic Letter Tteheh Final Form
  <final> 067A ‎ٺ‎
FB60 ‎ﭠ‎ Arabic Letter Tteheh Initial Form
  <initial> 067A ‎ٺ‎
FB61 ‎ﭡ‎ Arabic Letter Tteheh Medial Form
  <medial> 067A ‎ٺ‎
FB62 ‎ﭢ‎ Arabic Letter Teheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 067F ‎ٿ‎
FB63 ‎ﭣ‎ Arabic Letter Teheh Final Form
  <final> 067F ‎ٿ‎
FB64 ‎ﭤ‎ Arabic Letter Teheh Initial Form
  <initial> 067F ‎ٿ‎
FB65 ‎ﭥ‎ Arabic Letter Teheh Medial Form
  <medial> 067F ‎ٿ‎
FB66 ‎ﭦ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0679 ‎ٹ‎
FB67 ‎ﭧ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh Final Form
  <final> 0679 ‎ٹ‎
FB68 ‎ﭨ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh Initial Form
  <initial> 0679 ‎ٹ‎
FB69 ‎ﭩ‎ Arabic Letter Tteh Medial Form
  <medial> 0679 ‎ٹ‎
FB6A ‎ﭪ‎ Arabic Letter Veh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06A4 ‎ڤ‎
FB6B ‎ﭫ‎ Arabic Letter Veh Final Form
  <final> 06A4 ‎ڤ‎
FB6C ‎ﭬ‎ Arabic Letter Veh Initial Form
  <initial> 06A4 ‎ڤ‎
FB6D ‎ﭭ‎ Arabic Letter Veh Medial Form
  <medial> 06A4 ‎ڤ‎
FB6E ‎ﭮ‎ Arabic Letter Peheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06A6 ‎ڦ‎
FB6F ‎ﭯ‎ Arabic Letter Peheh Final Form
  <final> 06A6 ‎ڦ‎
FB70 ‎ﭰ‎ Arabic Letter Peheh Initial Form
  <initial> 06A6 ‎ڦ‎
FB71 ‎ﭱ‎ Arabic Letter Peheh Medial Form
  <medial> 06A6 ‎ڦ‎
FB72 ‎ﭲ‎ Arabic Letter Dyeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0684 ‎ڄ‎
FB73 ‎ﭳ‎ Arabic Letter Dyeh Final Form
  <final> 0684 ‎ڄ‎
FB74 ‎ﭴ‎ Arabic Letter Dyeh Initial Form
  <initial> 0684 ‎ڄ‎
FB75 ‎ﭵ‎ Arabic Letter Dyeh Medial Form
  <medial> 0684 ‎ڄ‎
FB76 ‎ﭶ‎ Arabic Letter Nyeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0683 ‎ڃ‎
FB77 ‎ﭷ‎ Arabic Letter Nyeh Final Form
  <final> 0683 ‎ڃ‎
FB78 ‎ﭸ‎ Arabic Letter Nyeh Initial Form
  <initial> 0683 ‎ڃ‎
FB79 ‎ﭹ‎ Arabic Letter Nyeh Medial Form
  <medial> 0683 ‎ڃ‎
FB7A ‎ﭺ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0686 ‎چ‎
FB7B ‎ﭻ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh Final Form
  <final> 0686 ‎چ‎
FB7C ‎ﭼ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh Initial Form
  <initial> 0686 ‎چ‎
FB7D ‎ﭽ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheh Medial Form
  <medial> 0686 ‎چ‎
FB7E ‎ﭾ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0687 ‎ڇ‎
FB7F ‎ﭿ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheheh Final Form
  <final> 0687 ‎ڇ‎
FB80 ‎ﮀ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheheh Initial Form
  <initial> 0687 ‎ڇ‎
FB81 ‎ﮁ‎ Arabic Letter Tcheheh Medial Form
  <medial> 0687 ‎ڇ‎
FB82 ‎ﮂ‎ Arabic Letter Ddahal Isolated Form
  <isolated> 068D ‎ڍ‎
FB83 ‎ﮃ‎ Arabic Letter Ddahal Final Form
  <final> 068D ‎ڍ‎
FB84 ‎ﮄ‎ Arabic Letter Dahal Isolated Form
  <isolated> 068C ‎ڌ‎
FB85 ‎ﮅ‎ Arabic Letter Dahal Final Form
  <final> 068C ‎ڌ‎
FB86 ‎ﮆ‎ Arabic Letter Dul Isolated Form
  <isolated> 068E ‎ڎ‎
FB87 ‎ﮇ‎ Arabic Letter Dul Final Form
  <final> 068E ‎ڎ‎
FB88 ‎ﮈ‎ Arabic Letter Ddal Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0688 ‎ڈ‎
FB89 ‎ﮉ‎ Arabic Letter Ddal Final Form
  <final> 0688 ‎ڈ‎
FB8A ‎ﮊ‎ Arabic Letter Jeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0698 ‎ژ‎
FB8B ‎ﮋ‎ Arabic Letter Jeh Final Form
  <final> 0698 ‎ژ‎
FB8C ‎ﮌ‎ Arabic Letter Rreh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0691 ‎ڑ‎
FB8D ‎ﮍ‎ Arabic Letter Rreh Final Form
  <final> 0691 ‎ڑ‎
FB8E ‎ﮎ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06A9 ‎ک‎
FB8F ‎ﮏ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh Final Form
  <final> 06A9 ‎ک‎
FB90 ‎ﮐ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh Initial Form
  <initial> 06A9 ‎ک‎
FB91 ‎ﮑ‎ Arabic Letter Keheh Medial Form
  <medial> 06A9 ‎ک‎
FB92 ‎ﮒ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06AF ‎گ‎
FB93 ‎ﮓ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf Final Form
  <final> 06AF ‎گ‎
FB94 ‎ﮔ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf Initial Form
  <initial> 06AF ‎گ‎
FB95 ‎ﮕ‎ Arabic Letter Gaf Medial Form
  <medial> 06AF ‎گ‎
FB96 ‎ﮖ‎ Arabic Letter Gueh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06B3 ‎ڳ‎
FB97 ‎ﮗ‎ Arabic Letter Gueh Final Form
  <final> 06B3 ‎ڳ‎
FB98 ‎ﮘ‎ Arabic Letter Gueh Initial Form
  <initial> 06B3 ‎ڳ‎
FB99 ‎ﮙ‎ Arabic Letter Gueh Medial Form
  <medial> 06B3 ‎ڳ‎
FB9A ‎ﮚ‎ Arabic Letter Ngoeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06B1 ‎ڱ‎
FB9B ‎ﮛ‎ Arabic Letter Ngoeh Final Form
  <final> 06B1 ‎ڱ‎
FB9C ‎ﮜ‎ Arabic Letter Ngoeh Initial Form
  <initial> 06B1 ‎ڱ‎
FB9D ‎ﮝ‎ Arabic Letter Ngoeh Medial Form
  <medial> 06B1 ‎ڱ‎
FB9E ‎ﮞ‎ Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06BA ‎ں‎
FB9F ‎ﮟ‎ Arabic Letter Noon Ghunna Final Form
  <final> 06BA ‎ں‎
FBA0 ‎ﮠ‎ Arabic Letter Rnoon Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06BB ‎ڻ‎
FBA1 ‎ﮡ‎ Arabic Letter Rnoon Final Form
  <final> 06BB ‎ڻ‎
FBA2 ‎ﮢ‎ Arabic Letter Rnoon Initial Form
  <initial> 06BB ‎ڻ‎
FBA3 ‎ﮣ‎ Arabic Letter Rnoon Medial Form
  <medial> 06BB ‎ڻ‎
FBA4 ‎ﮤ‎ Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C0 ‎ۀ‎
  06D5 ‎ە‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ
FBA5 ‎ﮥ‎ Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above Final Form
  <final> 06C0 ‎ۀ‎
  06D5 ‎ە‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ
FBA6 ‎ﮦ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C1 ‎ہ‎
FBA7 ‎ﮧ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal Final Form
  <final> 06C1 ‎ہ‎
FBA8 ‎ﮨ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal Initial Form
  <initial> 06C1 ‎ہ‎
FBA9 ‎ﮩ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Goal Medial Form
  <medial> 06C1 ‎ہ‎
FBAA ‎ﮪ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06BE ‎ھ‎
FBAB ‎ﮫ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Final Form
  <final> 06BE ‎ھ‎
FBAC ‎ﮬ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Initial Form
  <initial> 06BE ‎ھ‎
FBAD ‎ﮭ‎ Arabic Letter Heh Doachashmee Medial Form
  <medial> 06BE ‎ھ‎
FBAE ‎ﮮ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06D2 ‎ے‎
FBAF ‎ﮯ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree Final Form
  <final> 06D2 ‎ے‎
FBB0 ‎ﮰ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06D3 ‎ۓ‎
  06D2 ‎ے‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ
FBB1 ‎ﮱ‎ Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Hamza Above Final Form
  <final> 06D3 ‎ۓ‎
  06D2 ‎ے‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ

Arabic pedagogical symbols

These are spacing symbols representing Arabic letter diacritics considered in isolation, as for example as in discussions about the Arabic script.
FBB2 ‎﮲‎ Arabic Symbol Dot Above
FBB3 ‎﮳‎ Arabic Symbol Dot Below
FBB4 ‎﮴‎ Arabic Symbol Two Dots Above
FBB5 ‎﮵‎ Arabic Symbol Two Dots Below
FBB6 ‎﮶‎ Arabic Symbol Three Dots Above
FBB7 ‎﮷‎ Arabic Symbol Three Dots Below
FBB8 ‎﮸‎ Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
FBB9 ‎﮹‎ Arabic Symbol Three Dots Pointing Downwards Below
FBBA ‎﮺‎ Arabic Symbol Four Dots Above
FBBB ‎﮻‎ Arabic Symbol Four Dots Below
FBBC ‎﮼‎ Arabic Symbol Double Vertical Bar Below
FBBD ‎﮽‎ Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Above
FBBE ‎﮾‎ Arabic Symbol Two Dots Vertically Below
FBBF ‎﮿‎ Arabic Symbol Ring
FBC0 ‎﯀‎ Arabic Symbol Small Tah Above
FBC1 ‎﯁‎ Arabic Symbol Small Tah Below
FBC2 ‎﯂‎ Arabic Symbol Wasla Above
  0671 ‎ٱ‎ arabic letter alef wasla

Glyphs for contextual forms of letters for Central Asian languages

FBD3 ‎ﯓ‎ Arabic Letter Ng Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06AD ‎ڭ‎
FBD4 ‎ﯔ‎ Arabic Letter Ng Final Form
  <final> 06AD ‎ڭ‎
FBD5 ‎ﯕ‎ Arabic Letter Ng Initial Form
  <initial> 06AD ‎ڭ‎
FBD6 ‎ﯖ‎ Arabic Letter Ng Medial Form
  <medial> 06AD ‎ڭ‎
FBD7 ‎ﯗ‎ Arabic Letter U Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
FBD8 ‎ﯘ‎ Arabic Letter U Final Form
  <final> 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
FBD9 ‎ﯙ‎ Arabic Letter Oe Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
FBDA ‎ﯚ‎ Arabic Letter Oe Final Form
  <final> 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
FBDB ‎ﯛ‎ Arabic Letter Yu Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
FBDC ‎ﯜ‎ Arabic Letter Yu Final Form
  <final> 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
FBDD ‎ﯝ‎ Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0677 ‎ٷ‎
  06C7 ‎ۇ‎ + 0674 ‎ٴ‎
FBDE ‎ﯞ‎ Arabic Letter Ve Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06CB ‎ۋ‎
FBDF ‎ﯟ‎ Arabic Letter Ve Final Form
  <final> 06CB ‎ۋ‎
FBE0 ‎ﯠ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C5 ‎ۅ‎
FBE1 ‎ﯡ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Oe Final Form
  <final> 06C5 ‎ۅ‎
FBE2 ‎ﯢ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06C9 ‎ۉ‎
FBE3 ‎ﯣ‎ Arabic Letter Kirghiz Yu Final Form
  <final> 06C9 ‎ۉ‎
FBE4 ‎ﯤ‎ Arabic Letter E Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBE5 ‎ﯥ‎ Arabic Letter E Final Form
  <final> 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBE6 ‎ﯦ‎ Arabic Letter E Initial Form
  <initial> 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBE7 ‎ﯧ‎ Arabic Letter E Medial Form
  <medial> 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBE8 ‎ﯨ‎ Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Initial Form
  <initial> 0649 ‎ى‎
FBE9 ‎ﯩ‎ Arabic Letter Uighur Kazakh Kirghiz Alef Maksura Medial Form
  <medial> 0649 ‎ى‎

Ligatures (two elements)

FBEA ‎ﯪ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0627 ‎ا‎
FBEB ‎ﯫ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0627 ‎ا‎
FBEC ‎ﯬ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06D5 ‎ە‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06D5 ‎ە‎
FBED ‎ﯭ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Ae Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06D5 ‎ە‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06D5 ‎ە‎
FBEE ‎ﯮ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0648 ‎و‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0648 ‎و‎
FBEF ‎ﯯ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Waw Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0648 ‎و‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0648 ‎و‎
FBF0 ‎ﯰ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
FBF1 ‎ﯱ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With U Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C7 ‎ۇ‎
FBF2 ‎ﯲ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
FBF3 ‎ﯳ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Oe Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C6 ‎ۆ‎
FBF4 ‎ﯴ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
FBF5 ‎ﯵ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yu Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06C8 ‎ۈ‎
FBF6 ‎ﯶ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06D0 ‎ې‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBF7 ‎ﯷ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06D0 ‎ې‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBF8 ‎ﯸ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With E Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 06D0 ‎ې‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 06D0 ‎ې‎
FBF9 ‎ﯹ‎ Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  FC03 ‎ﰃ‎ has the same compatibility decomposition, but is a distinct presentation variant
  FC03 ‎ﰃ‎ arabic ligature yeh with hamza above with alef maksura isolated form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0649 ‎ى‎
FBFA ‎ﯺ‎ Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form
  FC68 ‎ﱨ‎ has the same compatibility decomposition, but is a distinct presentation variant
  FC68 ‎ﱨ‎ arabic ligature yeh with hamza above with alef maksura final form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0649 ‎ى‎
FBFB ‎ﯻ‎ Arabic Ligature Uighur Kirghiz Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0649 ‎ى‎
FBFC ‎ﯼ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 06CC ‎ی‎
FBFD ‎ﯽ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Final Form
  <final> 06CC ‎ی‎
FBFE ‎ﯾ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Initial Form
  <initial> 06CC ‎ی‎
FBFF ‎ﯿ‎ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh Medial Form
  <medial> 06CC ‎ی‎
FC00 ‎ﰀ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 062C ‎ج‎
FC01 ‎ﰁ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 062D ‎ح‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 062D ‎ح‎
FC02 ‎ﰂ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0645 ‎م‎
FC03 ‎ﰃ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  FBF9 ‎ﯹ‎ has the same compatibility decomposition, but is a distinct presentation variant
  FBF9 ‎ﯹ‎ arabic ligature uighur kirghiz yeh with hamza above with alef maksura isolated form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0649 ‎ى‎
FC04 ‎ﰄ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 064A ‎ي‎
FC05 ‎ﰅ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC06 ‎ﰆ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC07 ‎ﰇ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC08 ‎ﰈ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC09 ‎ﰉ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC0A ‎ﰊ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0628 ‎ب‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC0B ‎ﰋ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC0C ‎ﰌ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC0D ‎ﰍ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC0E ‎ﰎ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC0F ‎ﰏ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC10 ‎ﰐ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062A ‎ت‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC11 ‎ﰑ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062B ‎ث‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC12 ‎ﰒ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062B ‎ث‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC13 ‎ﰓ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062B ‎ث‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC14 ‎ﰔ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062B ‎ث‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC15 ‎ﰕ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC16 ‎ﰖ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC17 ‎ﰗ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC18 ‎ﰘ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC19 ‎ﰙ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062E ‎خ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC1A ‎ﰚ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062E ‎خ‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC1B ‎ﰛ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC1C ‎ﰜ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC1D ‎ﰝ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC1E ‎ﰞ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC1F ‎ﰟ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC20 ‎ﰠ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC21 ‎ﰡ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC22 ‎ﰢ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC23 ‎ﰣ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC24 ‎ﰤ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC25 ‎ﰥ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC26 ‎ﰦ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0637 ‎ط‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC27 ‎ﰧ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC28 ‎ﰨ‎ Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0638 ‎ظ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC29 ‎ﰩ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0639 ‎ع‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC2A ‎ﰪ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC2B ‎ﰫ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 063A ‎غ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC2C ‎ﰬ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 063A ‎غ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC2D ‎ﰭ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC2E ‎ﰮ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC2F ‎ﰯ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC30 ‎ﰰ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC31 ‎ﰱ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC32 ‎ﰲ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0641 ‎ف‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC33 ‎ﰳ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0642 ‎ق‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC34 ‎ﰴ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC35 ‎ﰵ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC36 ‎ﰶ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0642 ‎ق‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC37 ‎ﰷ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
FC38 ‎ﰸ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC39 ‎ﰹ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC3A ‎ﰺ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC3B ‎ﰻ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0644 ‎ل‎
FC3C ‎ﰼ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC3D ‎ﰽ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC3E ‎ﰾ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0643 ‎ك‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC3F ‎ﰿ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC40 ‎ﱀ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC41 ‎ﱁ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC42 ‎ﱂ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC43 ‎ﱃ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC44 ‎ﱄ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0644 ‎ل‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC45 ‎ﱅ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC46 ‎ﱆ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC47 ‎ﱇ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC48 ‎ﱈ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC49 ‎ﱉ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC4A ‎ﱊ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC4B ‎ﱋ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC4C ‎ﱌ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC4D ‎ﱍ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC4E ‎ﱎ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC4F ‎ﱏ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC50 ‎ﱐ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0646 ‎ن‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC51 ‎ﱑ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0647 ‎ه‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC52 ‎ﱒ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC53 ‎ﱓ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC54 ‎ﱔ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0647 ‎ه‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC55 ‎ﱕ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC56 ‎ﱖ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC57 ‎ﱗ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC58 ‎ﱘ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC59 ‎ﱙ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC5A ‎ﱚ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 064A ‎ي‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC5B ‎ﱛ‎ Arabic Ligature Thal With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0630 ‎ذ‎ 0670 ◌ٰ
FC5C ‎ﱜ‎ Arabic Ligature Reh With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0631 ‎ر‎ 0670 ◌ٰ
FC5D ‎ﱝ‎ Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0649 ‎ى‎ 0670 ◌ٰ
FC5E ‎ﱞ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  064C ◌ٌ 0651 ◌ّ
FC5F ‎ﱟ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  064D ◌ٍ 0651 ◌ّ
FC60 ‎ﱠ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ
FC61 ‎ﱡ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  064F ◌ُ 0651 ◌ّ
FC62 ‎ﱢ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  0650 ◌ِ 0651 ◌ّ
FC63 ‎ﱣ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Superscript Alef Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0020  0651 ◌ّ 0670 ◌ٰ
FC64 ‎ﱤ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0631 ‎ر‎
FC65 ‎ﱥ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Zain Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0632 ‎ز‎
FC66 ‎ﱦ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0645 ‎م‎
FC67 ‎ﱧ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Noon Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0646 ‎ن‎
FC68 ‎ﱨ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Alef Maksura Final Form
  FBFA ‎ﯺ‎ has the same compatibility decomposition, but is a distinct presentation variant
  FBFA ‎ﯺ‎ arabic ligature uighur kirghiz yeh with hamza above with alef maksura final form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0649 ‎ى‎
FC69 ‎ﱩ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 064A ‎ي‎
FC6A ‎ﱪ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FC6B ‎ﱫ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Zain Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
FC6C ‎ﱬ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC6D ‎ﱭ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Noon Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
FC6E ‎ﱮ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC6F ‎ﱯ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC70 ‎ﱰ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Reh Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FC71 ‎ﱱ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Zain Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
FC72 ‎ﱲ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC73 ‎ﱳ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Noon Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
FC74 ‎ﱴ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC75 ‎ﱵ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC76 ‎ﱶ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Reh Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FC77 ‎ﱷ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Zain Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
FC78 ‎ﱸ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC79 ‎ﱹ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Noon Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
FC7A ‎ﱺ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC7B ‎ﱻ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062B ‎ث‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC7C ‎ﱼ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0641 ‎ف‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC7D ‎ﱽ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0641 ‎ف‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC7E ‎ﱾ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC7F ‎ﱿ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0642 ‎ق‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC80 ‎ﲀ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
FC81 ‎ﲁ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0644 ‎ل‎
FC82 ‎ﲂ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC83 ‎ﲃ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC84 ‎ﲄ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC85 ‎ﲅ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC86 ‎ﲆ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC87 ‎ﲇ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC88 ‎ﲈ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Alef Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 0627 ‎ا‎
FC89 ‎ﲉ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC8A ‎ﲊ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FC8B ‎ﲋ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Zain Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
FC8C ‎ﲌ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC8D ‎ﲍ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Noon Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
FC8E ‎ﲎ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC8F ‎ﲏ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC90 ‎ﲐ‎ Arabic Ligature Alef Maksura With Superscript Alef Final Form
  <final> 0649 ‎ى‎ 0670 ◌ٰ
FC91 ‎ﲑ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Reh Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FC92 ‎ﲒ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Zain Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0632 ‎ز‎
FC93 ‎ﲓ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FC94 ‎ﲔ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Noon Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0646 ‎ن‎
FC95 ‎ﲕ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FC96 ‎ﲖ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FC97 ‎ﲗ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 062C ‎ج‎
FC98 ‎ﲘ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 062D ‎ح‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 062D ‎ح‎
FC99 ‎ﲙ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 062E ‎خ‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 062E ‎خ‎
FC9A ‎ﲚ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0645 ‎م‎
FC9B ‎ﲛ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0647 ‎ه‎
FC9C ‎ﲜ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FC9D ‎ﲝ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FC9E ‎ﲞ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FC9F ‎ﲟ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCA0 ‎ﲠ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCA1 ‎ﲡ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCA2 ‎ﲢ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCA3 ‎ﲣ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCA4 ‎ﲤ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCA5 ‎ﲥ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCA6 ‎ﲦ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062B ‎ث‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCA7 ‎ﲧ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCA8 ‎ﲨ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCA9 ‎ﲩ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCAA ‎ﲪ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCAB ‎ﲫ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 062E ‎خ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCAC ‎ﲬ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCAD ‎ﲭ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCAE ‎ﲮ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCAF ‎ﲯ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCB0 ‎ﲰ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCB1 ‎ﲱ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCB2 ‎ﲲ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCB3 ‎ﲳ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCB4 ‎ﲴ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCB5 ‎ﲵ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCB6 ‎ﲶ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCB7 ‎ﲷ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCB8 ‎ﲸ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0637 ‎ط‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCB9 ‎ﲹ‎ Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0638 ‎ظ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCBA ‎ﲺ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0639 ‎ع‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCBB ‎ﲻ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCBC ‎ﲼ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 063A ‎غ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCBD ‎ﲽ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 063A ‎غ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCBE ‎ﲾ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCBF ‎ﲿ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCC0 ‎ﳀ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCC1 ‎ﳁ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0641 ‎ف‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCC2 ‎ﳂ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0642 ‎ق‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCC3 ‎ﳃ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCC4 ‎ﳄ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCC5 ‎ﳅ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCC6 ‎ﳆ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCC7 ‎ﳇ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0644 ‎ل‎
FCC8 ‎ﳈ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCC9 ‎ﳉ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCCA ‎ﳊ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCCB ‎ﳋ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCCC ‎ﳌ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCCD ‎ﳍ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCCE ‎ﳎ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCCF ‎ﳏ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCD0 ‎ﳐ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCD1 ‎ﳑ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCD2 ‎ﳒ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCD3 ‎ﳓ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCD4 ‎ﳔ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCD5 ‎ﳕ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCD6 ‎ﳖ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCD7 ‎ﳗ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0647 ‎ه‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCD8 ‎ﳘ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCD9 ‎ﳙ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Superscript Alef Initial Form
  <initial> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0670 ◌ٰ
FCDA ‎ﳚ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FCDB ‎ﳛ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FCDC ‎ﳜ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FCDD ‎ﳝ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCDE ‎ﳞ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCDF ‎ﳟ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0645 ‎م‎
FCE0 ‎ﳠ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 0626 ‎ئ‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
  064A ‎ي‎ + 0654 ◌ٔ + 0647 ‎ه‎
FCE1 ‎ﳡ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCE2 ‎ﳢ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 0628 ‎ب‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCE3 ‎ﳣ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCE4 ‎ﳤ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCE5 ‎ﳥ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 062B ‎ث‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCE6 ‎ﳦ‎ Arabic Ligature Theh With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 062B ‎ث‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCE7 ‎ﳧ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCE8 ‎ﳨ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCE9 ‎ﳩ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCEA ‎ﳪ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCEB ‎ﳫ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Lam Medial Form
  <medial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0644 ‎ل‎
FCEC ‎ﳬ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCED ‎ﳭ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCEE ‎ﳮ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCEF ‎ﳯ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCF0 ‎ﳰ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FCF1 ‎ﳱ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Medial Form
  <medial> 064A ‎ي‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FCF2 ‎ﳲ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form
  <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ
FCF3 ‎ﳳ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form
  <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064F ◌ُ 0651 ◌ّ
FCF4 ‎ﳴ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form
  <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 0650 ◌ِ 0651 ◌ّ
FCF5 ‎ﳵ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FCF6 ‎ﳶ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0637 ‎ط‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FCF7 ‎ﳷ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FCF8 ‎ﳸ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0639 ‎ع‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FCF9 ‎ﳹ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 063A ‎غ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FCFA ‎ﳺ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 063A ‎غ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FCFB ‎ﳻ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FCFC ‎ﳼ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FCFD ‎ﳽ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FCFE ‎ﳾ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FCFF ‎ﳿ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD00 ‎ﴀ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD01 ‎ﴁ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062C ‎ج‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD02 ‎ﴂ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD03 ‎ﴃ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062E ‎خ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD04 ‎ﴄ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD05 ‎ﴅ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD06 ‎ﴆ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD07 ‎ﴇ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD08 ‎ﴈ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD09 ‎ﴉ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD0A ‎ﴊ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD0B ‎ﴋ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD0C ‎ﴌ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD0D ‎ﴍ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD0E ‎ﴎ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0633 ‎س‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD0F ‎ﴏ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD10 ‎ﴐ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD11 ‎ﴑ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD12 ‎ﴒ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0637 ‎ط‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD13 ‎ﴓ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD14 ‎ﴔ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD15 ‎ﴕ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 063A ‎غ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD16 ‎ﴖ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 063A ‎غ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD17 ‎ﴗ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD18 ‎ﴘ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD19 ‎ﴙ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD1A ‎ﴚ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD1B ‎ﴛ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD1C ‎ﴜ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD1D ‎ﴝ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD1E ‎ﴞ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD1F ‎ﴟ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062E ‎خ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD20 ‎ﴠ‎ Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD21 ‎ﴡ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD22 ‎ﴢ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD23 ‎ﴣ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD24 ‎ﴤ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD25 ‎ﴥ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD26 ‎ﴦ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD27 ‎ﴧ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD28 ‎ﴨ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD29 ‎ﴩ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD2A ‎ﴪ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD2B ‎ﴫ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD2C ‎ﴬ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Reh Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FD2D ‎ﴭ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD2E ‎ﴮ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD2F ‎ﴯ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD30 ‎ﴰ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD31 ‎ﴱ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FD32 ‎ﴲ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FD33 ‎ﴳ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD34 ‎ﴴ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem Medial Form
  <medial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD35 ‎ﴵ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah Medial Form
  <medial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD36 ‎ﴶ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah Medial Form
  <medial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD37 ‎ﴷ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Medial Form
  <medial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD38 ‎ﴸ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Medial Form
  <medial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD39 ‎ﴹ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Medial Form
  <medial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD3A ‎ﴺ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD3B ‎ﴻ‎ Arabic Ligature Zah With Meem Medial Form
  <medial> 0638 ‎ظ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD3C ‎ﴼ‎ Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Final Form
  <final> 0627 ‎ا‎ 064B ◌ً
FD3D ‎ﴽ‎ Arabic Ligature Alef With Fathatan Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0627 ‎ا‎ 064B ◌ً


For legacy reasons, these parentheses do not mirror in bidirectional display and do not have the Bidi_Paired_Bracket property.
These parentheses also do not have compatibility decompositions and should not be considered presentation forms.
FD3E ﴾ Ornate Left Parenthesis
FD3F ﴿ Ornate Right Parenthesis

Honorific word ligatures

FD40 ﵀ Arabic Ligature Rahimahu Allaah
  0612 ◌ؒ arabic sign rahmatullah alayhe
FD41 ﵁ Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anh
  0613 ◌ؓ arabic sign radi allahou anhu
FD42 ﵂ Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhaa
FD43 ﵃ Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhum
FD44 ﵄ Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhumaa
FD45 ﵅ Arabic Ligature Radi Allaahu Anhunna
FD46 ﵆ Arabic Ligature Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa-Aalih
  FDFA ‎ﷺ‎ arabic ligature sallallahou alayhe wasallam
FD47 ﵇ Arabic Ligature Alayhi As-Salaam
  0611 ◌ؑ arabic sign alayhe assallam
FD48 ﵈ Arabic Ligature Alayhim As-Salaam
FD49 ﵉ Arabic Ligature Alayhimaa As-Salaam
FD4A ﵊ Arabic Ligature Alayhi As-Salaatu Was-Salaam
FD4B ﵋ Arabic Ligature Quddisa Sirrah
FD4C ﵌ Arabic Ligature Sallallahu Alayhi Waaalihee Wa-Sallam
  FDFA ‎ﷺ‎ arabic ligature sallallahou alayhe wasallam
  FD46 ﵆ arabic ligature sallallaahu alayhi wa-aalih
FD4D ﵍ Arabic Ligature Alayhaa As-Salaam
FD4E ﵎ Arabic Ligature Tabaaraka Wa-Taaalaa
FD4F ﵏ Arabic Ligature Rahimahum Allaah

Ligatures (three elements)

FD50 ‎ﵐ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD51 ‎ﵑ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD52 ‎ﵒ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD53 ‎ﵓ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD54 ‎ﵔ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD55 ‎ﵕ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD56 ‎ﵖ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD57 ‎ﵗ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD58 ‎ﵘ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD59 ‎ﵙ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD5A ‎ﵚ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD5B ‎ﵛ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD5C ‎ﵜ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD5D ‎ﵝ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD5E ‎ﵞ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD5F ‎ﵟ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD60 ‎ﵠ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD61 ‎ﵡ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD62 ‎ﵢ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD63 ‎ﵣ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0633 ‎س‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD64 ‎ﵤ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD65 ‎ﵥ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD66 ‎ﵦ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD67 ‎ﵧ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD68 ‎ﵨ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD69 ‎ﵩ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD6A ‎ﵪ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD6B ‎ﵫ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD6C ‎ﵬ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD6D ‎ﵭ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0634 ‎ش‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD6E ‎ﵮ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD6F ‎ﵯ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD70 ‎ﵰ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD71 ‎ﵱ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD72 ‎ﵲ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD73 ‎ﵳ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD74 ‎ﵴ‎ Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0637 ‎ط‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD75 ‎ﵵ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD76 ‎ﵶ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD77 ‎ﵷ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD78 ‎ﵸ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD79 ‎ﵹ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 063A ‎غ‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD7A ‎ﵺ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 063A ‎غ‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD7B ‎ﵻ‎ Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 063A ‎غ‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD7C ‎ﵼ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD7D ‎ﵽ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0641 ‎ف‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD7E ‎ﵾ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD7F ‎ﵿ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD80 ‎ﶀ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD81 ‎ﶁ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD82 ‎ﶂ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD83 ‎ﶃ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD84 ‎ﶄ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD85 ‎ﶅ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD86 ‎ﶆ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD87 ‎ﶇ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD88 ‎ﶈ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD89 ‎ﶉ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD8A ‎ﶊ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD8B ‎ﶋ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD8C ‎ﶌ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FD8D ‎ﶍ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD8E ‎ﶎ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD8F ‎ﶏ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD92 ‎ﶒ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Khah Initial Form
  <initial> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062E ‎خ‎
FD93 ‎ﶓ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form
  <initial> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎
FD94 ‎ﶔ‎ Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0647 ‎ه‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD95 ‎ﶕ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD96 ‎ﶖ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD97 ‎ﶗ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD98 ‎ﶘ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD99 ‎ﶙ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD9A ‎ﶚ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD9B ‎ﶛ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FD9C ‎ﶜ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD9D ‎ﶝ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FD9E ‎ﶞ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FD9F ‎ﶟ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDA0 ‎ﶠ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA1 ‎ﶡ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDA2 ‎ﶢ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA3 ‎ﶣ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDA4 ‎ﶤ‎ Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062A ‎ت‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA5 ‎ﶥ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDA6 ‎ﶦ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA7 ‎ﶧ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA8 ‎ﶨ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Alef Maksura Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDA9 ‎ﶩ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0635 ‎ص‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAA ‎ﶪ‎ Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0634 ‎ش‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAB ‎ﶫ‎ Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0636 ‎ض‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAC ‎ﶬ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAD ‎ﶭ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAE ‎ﶮ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDAF ‎ﶯ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB0 ‎ﶰ‎ Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 064A ‎ي‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB1 ‎ﶱ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB2 ‎ﶲ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB3 ‎ﶳ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB4 ‎ﶴ‎ Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FDB5 ‎ﶵ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDB6 ‎ﶶ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB7 ‎ﶷ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDB8 ‎ﶸ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Initial Form
  <initial> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FDB9 ‎ﶹ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDBA ‎ﶺ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDBB ‎ﶻ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDBC ‎ﶼ‎ Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Final Form
  <final> 0644 ‎ل‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDBD ‎ﶽ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎
FDBE ‎ﶾ‎ Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062C ‎ج‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDBF ‎ﶿ‎ Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 062D ‎ح‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDC0 ‎ﷀ‎ Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0645 ‎م‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDC1 ‎ﷁ‎ Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0641 ‎ف‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDC2 ‎ﷂ‎ Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0628 ‎ب‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDC3 ‎ﷃ‎ Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0643 ‎ك‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDC4 ‎ﷄ‎ Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0639 ‎ع‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDC5 ‎ﷅ‎ Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Initial Form
  <initial> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDC6 ‎ﷆ‎ Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0633 ‎س‎ 062E ‎خ‎ 064A ‎ي‎
FDC7 ‎ﷇ‎ Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
  <final> 0646 ‎ن‎ 062C ‎ج‎ 064A ‎ي‎

Honorific word ligature

FDCF ﷏ Arabic Ligature Salaamuhu Alaynaa
  his blessing on us
  used in Christian texts


These codes are intended for process-internal uses.
FDD0 █ <Not A Character>
FDD1 █ <Not A Character>
FDD2 █ <Not A Character>
FDD3 █ <Not A Character>
FDD4 █ <Not A Character>
FDD5 █ <Not A Character>
FDD6 █ <Not A Character>
FDD7 █ <Not A Character>
FDD8 █ <Not A Character>
FDD9 █ <Not A Character>
FDDA █ <Not A Character>
FDDB █ <Not A Character>
FDDC █ <Not A Character>
FDDD █ <Not A Character>
FDDE █ <Not A Character>
FDDF █ <Not A Character>
FDE0 █ <Not A Character>
FDE1 █ <Not A Character>
FDE2 █ <Not A Character>
FDE3 █ <Not A Character>
FDE4 █ <Not A Character>
FDE5 █ <Not A Character>
FDE6 █ <Not A Character>
FDE7 █ <Not A Character>
FDE8 █ <Not A Character>
FDE9 █ <Not A Character>
FDEA █ <Not A Character>
FDEB █ <Not A Character>
FDEC █ <Not A Character>
FDED █ <Not A Character>
FDEE █ <Not A Character>
FDEF █ <Not A Character>

Word ligatures

FDF0 ‎ﷰ‎ Arabic Ligature Salla Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 06D2 ‎ے‎
FDF1 ‎ﷱ‎ Arabic Ligature Qala Used As Koranic Stop Sign Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0642 ‎ق‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 06D2 ‎ے‎
FDF2 ‎ﷲ‎ Arabic Ligature Allah Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0627 ‎ا‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FDF3 ‎ﷳ‎ Arabic Ligature Akbar Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0627 ‎ا‎ 0643 ‎ك‎ 0628 ‎ب‎ 0631 ‎ر‎
FDF4 ‎ﷴ‎ Arabic Ligature Mohammad Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0645 ‎م‎ 062D ‎ح‎ 0645 ‎م‎ 062F ‎د‎
FDF5 ‎ﷵ‎ Arabic Ligature Salam Isolated Form
  common abbreviation for sallallahou alayhe wasallam
  FDFA ‎ﷺ‎ arabic ligature sallallahou alayhe wasallam
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0639 ‎ع‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDF6 ‎ﷶ‎ Arabic Ligature Rasoul Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0631 ‎ر‎ 0633 ‎س‎ 0648 ‎و‎ 0644 ‎ل‎
FDF7 ‎ﷷ‎ Arabic Ligature Alayhe Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0639 ‎ع‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 064A ‎ي‎ 0647 ‎ه‎
FDF8 ‎ﷸ‎ Arabic Ligature Wasallam Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0648 ‎و‎ 0633 ‎س‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDF9 ‎ﷹ‎ Arabic Ligature Salla Isolated Form
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0649 ‎ى‎
FDFA ‎ﷺ‎ Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam
  <isolated> 0635 ‎ص‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0649 ‎ى‎ 0020  0627 ‎ا‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0647 ‎ه‎ 0020  0639 ‎ع‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 064A ‎ي‎ 0647 ‎ه‎ 0020  0648 ‎و‎ 0633 ‎س‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0645 ‎م‎
FDFB ‎ﷻ‎ Arabic Ligature Jallajalalouhou
  <isolated> 062C ‎ج‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0020  062C ‎ج‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0627 ‎ا‎ 0644 ‎ل‎ 0647 ‎ه‎

Currency symbol

FDFC ‎﷼‎ Rial Sign
  <isolated> 0631 ‎ر‎ 06CC ‎ی‎ 0627 ‎ا‎ 0644 ‎ل‎

Honorific word ligatures

These word ligatures have no decompositions.
FDFD ﷽ Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
FDFE ﷾ Arabic Ligature Subhaanahu Wa Taaalaa
FDFF ﷿ Arabic Ligature Azza Wa Jall