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Spanish (United States): Person Names


This chart shows the different ways that the sample native names and sample foreign names would be formatted.

NativeSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Diego Lucía García Pérez Juan Luis Antonio Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel García Júnior, Miembro del Parlamento view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García Pérez view
referring informal Lucía García Pérez Juan Rodríguez Ruiz Ale García Pérez view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view
medium referring formal Lucía García Pérez Juan L. A. Rodríguez Ruiz Alejandro Martín C. M. García Miembro del Parlamento view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García view
referring informal Lucía García Pérez Juan Rodríguez Ruiz Ale García view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view
short referring formal L. García Pérez J. L. A. Rodríguez Ruiz A. M. C. M. García view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García view
referring informal Lucía G. P. Juan R. R. Ale G. view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view
surnameFirst long referring formal García Pérez Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz Juan Luis Antonio García Pérez Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel Miembro del Parlamento view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García Pérez view
referring informal García Pérez Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz Juan García Pérez Ale view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view
medium referring formal García Pérez Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz Juan L. A. García Alejandro Martín C. M. Miembro del Parlamento view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García view
referring informal García Pérez Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz Juan García Ale view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view
short referring formal García Pérez L. Rodríguez Ruiz J. L. A. García A. M. C. M. view
addressing García Pérez Rodríguez Ruiz Sr. García view
referring informal García Pérez L. Rodríguez Ruiz J. García A. M. view
addressing Lucía Juan Ale view

NativeSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
sorting long referring formal Diego García Pérez, Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz, Juan Luis Antonio García, Sr. Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel view
informal García Pérez Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz Juan Luis Antonio García Pérez, Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel view
medium formal García Pérez, Lucía Rodríguez Ruiz, Juan L. A. García, Sr. Alejandro Martín C. M. view
informal Rodríguez Ruiz Juan Luis Antonio García Pérez, Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel view
short formal Rodríguez Ruiz, Juan Luis Antonio García, Sr. Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel view
informal Rodríguez Ruiz Juan Luis Antonio García Pérez, Alejandro Martín Carlos Miguel view

NativeSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal D LG JR AGP view
informal view
medium formal G R G view
informal L J A view
short formal G R G view
informal L J A view
surnameFirst long formal GL RJL GAC view
informal RJ GA view
medium formal G R G view
informal L J A view
short formal G R G view
informal L J A view

ForeignSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Aziz Kate Smith Sarah Anna Johnson Prof. Dra. Mary Sue Marie de Miller II, Dr./Dra. view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller Jones view
referring informal Kate Smith Sarah Johnson Marge de Miller Jones view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view
medium referring formal Kate Smith Sarah A. Johnson Mary Sue M. de Miller Dr./Dra. view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller view
referring informal Kate Smith Sarah Johnson Marge de Miller view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view
short referring formal K. Smith S. A. Johnson M. S. M. de Miller view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller view
referring informal Kate S. Sarah J. Marge d. M. view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view
surnameFirst long referring formal Smith Kate Johnson Sarah Anna de Miller Jones Mary Sue Marie Dr./Dra. view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller Jones view
referring informal Smith Kate Johnson Sarah de Miller Jones Marge view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view
medium referring formal Smith Kate Johnson Sarah A. de Miller Mary Sue M. Dr./Dra. view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller view
referring informal Smith Kate Johnson Sarah de Miller Marge view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view
short referring formal Smith K. Johnson S. A. de Miller M. S. M. view
addressing Smith Johnson Prof. Dra. de Miller view
referring informal Smith K. Johnson S. de Miller M. S. view
addressing Kate Sarah Marge view

ForeignSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
sorting long referring formal Aziz Smith, Kate Johnson, Sarah Anna de Miller, Prof. Dra. Mary Sue Marie view
informal Smith Kate Johnson Sarah Anna de Miller Jones, Mary Sue Marie view
medium formal Smith, Kate Johnson, Sarah A. de Miller, Prof. Dra. Mary Sue M. view
informal Johnson Sarah Anna de Miller Jones, Mary Sue Marie view
short formal Johnson, Sarah Anna de Miller, Prof. Dra. Mary Sue Marie view
informal Johnson Sarah Anna de Miller Jones, Mary Sue Marie view

ForeignSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal A KS SJ MDJ view
informal view
medium formal S J D view
informal K S M view
short formal S J D view
informal K S M view
surnameFirst long formal SK JSA DMM view
informal JS DM view
medium formal S J D view
informal K S M view
short formal S J D view
informal K S M view

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