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Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Locale Display Names Scripts Major Use Latn bal ‫لاتین‬ ‫لاتینی‬ basic
Date & Time Gregorian Formats - Flexible - Date Formats yMd y-MM-dd dd-MM-y
yMMMd y MMM d d MMM y
Formats - Intervals - Fallback Fallback {0} – {1} {1} - {0}
Timezones Europe GMT standard-long ▷missing◁ ‫گرین‌وِچ مین ٹائم‬
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun ‫یک‬ comprehensive
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun ‫یکشمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon ‫دو‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon ‫دوشمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue ‫سئے‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue ‫سئیشمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed ‫چار‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - short - Formatting-wed
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed ‫چارشمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu ‫پنچ‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu ‫پنچشمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri ‫جمه‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat ‫شم‬
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat ‫شمبه‬
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 ‫ائوَلی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 ‫دومی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 ‫سئیمی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 ‫چارُمی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 ‫ائوَلی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 ‫دومی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 ‫سئیمی چارِک‬
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 ‫چارُمی چارِک‬
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 1/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 2/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 3/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 4/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 1/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 2/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 3/4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 4/4
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 ‫جنوری‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 ‫پروری‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 ‫مارچ‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 ‫اپرێل‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 ‫مئیی‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 ‫جون‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 ‫جۆلایی‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 ‫اگست‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 ‫ستمبر‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 ‫اکتوبر‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 ‫نئومبر‬
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 ‫دسمبر‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 ‫جنوری‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 ‫پروری‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 ‫مارچ‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 ‫اپرێل‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 ‫مئیی‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 ‫جون‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 ‫جۆلایی‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 ‫اگست‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 ‫ستمبر‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 ‫اکتوبر‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 ‫نئومبر‬
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 ‫دسمبر‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 ‫جن‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 ‫پر‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 ‫مار‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 ‫اپر‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 ‫مئیی‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 ‫جون‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 ‫جۆل‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 ‫اگست‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 ‫ستم‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 ‫اکت‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 ‫نئوم‬
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 ‫دسم‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 ‫جن‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 ‫پر‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 ‫مار‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 ‫اپر‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 ‫مئیی‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 ‫جون‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 ‫جۆل‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 ‫اگست‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 ‫ستم‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 ‫اکت‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 ‫نئوم‬
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 ‫دسم‬

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