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Esperanto Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Core Data Alphabetic Information Ellipsis word-final eo {0} … {0}… moderate
word-initial … {0} …{0}
Locale Display Names Languages (A-D) A Anii ► blo blo aniia modern
Asturian ► ast asturia astura
Languages (K-N) K Kangri ► xnr xnr kangra
L Ligurian ► lij lij ligura
Lombard ► lmo lmo lombarda
M Makhuwa ► vmw vmw makua
Languages (O-S) P Prussian ► prg prg prusa
Languages (T-Z) V Venetian ► vec vec venecia
Territories (North America) Caribbean BQ Karibia Nederlando Kariba Nederlando moderate
Territories (Europe) Northern Europe CQ CQ Sark comprehensive
Eastern Europe CZ-variant Ĉeĥujo Ĉeĥa Respubliko moderate
Locale Variants null ARKAIKA ARKAIKA Arkaika comprehensive
Timezones North America Cuba generic-long horzono Kubo tempo: Kubo moderate
Hawaii_Aleutian horzono Havajo-Aleutoj tempo: Havajo-Aleutoj
Newfoundland horzono Novlando tempo: Novlando
Pierre_Miquelon horzono Sankta Piero kaj Mikelono tempo: Sankta Piero kaj Mikelono
Cities and Regions Cambridge_Bay Cambridge Bay Kembriĝa Golfo
South America French_Guiana standard-long horzono Franca Gviano tempo: Franca Gujano
Noronha generic-long horzono Fernando de Noronha tempo: Fernando de Noronha
South_Georgia standard-long horzono Sud-Georgio tempo: Sud-Georgio
Cities and Regions Argentina/Tucuman San Miguel de Tucumán Tucumán
Bahia Bahia Bahio
Jujuy San Salvador de Jujuy Jujuy
La_Paz La-Pazo La Paz
Sao_Paulo San-Paŭlo Sanpaŭlo
Africa French_Southern standard-long horzono Francaj Sudaj Teritorioj tempo: Francaj Sudaj Teritorioj
Reunion horzono Reunio tempo: Reunio
Cities and Regions Addis_Ababa Adis-Abebo Adisabebo
Porto-Novo Porto-Novo Portonovo
Europe Azores generic-long horzono Acoroj tempo: Acoroj
Western Asia Gulf standard-long golfa norma tempo arabgolfa norma tempo
Cities and Regions Gaza Gaza-urbo Gazao
Central Asia Kazakhstan standard-long ▷missing◁ kazaĥa tempo
Kazakhstan_Eastern orienta kazaĥa tempo orient-kazaĥa tempo
Kazakhstan_Western okcidenta kazaĥa tempo okcident-kazaĥa tempo
Eastern Asia Cities and Regions Choibalsan Ĉoibalsan ▷removed◁
Southern Asia Afghanistan standard-long ▷missing◁ afgana tempo
Bangladesh generic-long bangladeŝa tempo
standard-long bangladeŝa norma tempo
daylight-long bangladeŝa somera tempo
Bhutan standard-long butana tempo
India barata tempo hinda norma tempo
Iran generic-long ▷missing◁ irana tempo
standard-long irana norma tempo
daylight-long irana somera tempo
Maldives standard-long maldiva tempo
Nepal nepala tempo
Pakistan generic-long pakistana tempo
standard-long pakistana norma tempo
daylight-long pakistana somera tempo
Cities and Regions Calcutta Kolkata Kolkato
Colombo Colombo Kolombo
Dhaka Dhaka Dako
Kabul Kabul Kabulo
Karachi Karachi Karaĉio
Katmandu Kathmandu Katmanduo
Maldives Maldives Maldivoj
Tehran Tehran Teherano
Thimphu Thimphu Timbuo
Southeast Asia East_Timor standard-long orienttimora tempo orient-timora tempo
Indonesia_Central centra indonezia tempo centr-indonezia tempo
Indonesia_Eastern orienta indonezia tempo orient-indonezia tempo
Indonesia_Western okcidenta indonezia tempo okcident-indonezia tempo
Cities and Regions Kuala_Lumpur Kuala-Lumpuro Kualalumpuro
Australasia Lord_Howe generic-long horzono Lord Howe tempo: Lord Howe
Cities and Regions Auckland Auckland Aŭklando
Antarctica Davis standard-long horzono Davis tempo: Davis
DumontDUrville horzono Dumont-d’Urville tempo: Dumont d’Urville
Mawson ▷missing◁ tempo: Mawson
Rothera tempo: Rothera
Syowa tempo: Showa
Vostok tempo: Vostok
Cities and Regions Syowa Syowa Showa
Oceania Apia generic-long ▷missing◁ tempo: Apio
standard-long Apio (norma tempo)
daylight-long Apio (somera tempo)
Chamorro standard-long ĉamora tempo
Cook generic-long kukinsula tempo
standard-long kukinsula norma tempo
daylight-long kukinsula somera tempo
Fiji generic-long fiĝia tempo
standard-long fiĝia norma tempo
daylight-long fiĝia somera tempo
Gambier standard-long tempo: Gambier
Gilbert_Islands gilbertinsula tempo
Kosrae tempo: Kosrae
Line_Islands tempo: Liniaj Insuloj
Marquesas markizinsula tempo
Marshall_Islands marŝalinsula tempo
Nauru naura tempo
New_Caledonia generic-long novkaledonia tempo
standard-long novkaledonia norma tempo
daylight-long novkaledonia somera tempo
Niue standard-long niua tempo
Palau palaŭa tempo
Papua_New_Guinea tempo: Papuo-Nov-Gvineo
Phoenix_Islands feniksinsula tempo
Pitcairn pitkarninsula tempo
Ponape tempo: Ponape
Samoa generic-long samoa tempo
standard-long samoa norma tempo
daylight-long samoa somera tempo
Solomon standard-long tempo: Salomonoj
Tahiti tahitia tempo
Tokelau tokelaa tempo
Tonga generic-long tonga tempo
standard-long tonga norma tempo
daylight-long tonga somera tempo
Truk standard-long tempo: Ĉuuk
Tuvalu tuvala tempo
Vanuatu generic-long vanuatua tempo
standard-long vanuatua norma tempo
daylight-long vanuatua somera tempo
Wake standard-long vejkinsula tempo
Wallis tempo: Valiso kaj Futuno
Cities and Regions Apia Apia Apio
Fiji Fiji Fiĝio
Funafuti Funafuti Funafutio
Guam Guam Gvamo
Marquesas Marquesas Markizinsuloj
Midway Midway Midvejinsuloj
Nauru Nauru Nauro
Niue Niue Niuo
Noumea Noumea Numeo
Pago_Pago Pago Pago Pagopago
Palau Palau Palaŭo
Pitcairn Pitcairn Pitkarna Insulo
Ponape Pohnpei Ponape
Rarotonga Rarotonga Rarotongo
Saipan Saipan Saipano
Tahiti Tahiti Tahitio
Tarawa Tarawa Taravo
Truk Chuuk Ĉuuk
Wake Wake Vejkinsulo
Wallis Wallis Valiso
Unknown Region Choibalsan generic-long horzono Ĉoibalsan ▷removed◁ comprehensive
standard-long Ĉoibalsan (norma tempo)
daylight-long Ĉoibalsan (somera tempo)
Overrides Etc/UTC standard-long ▷missing◁ universala tempo kunordigita moderate
Europe/Dublin daylight-long irlanda norma tempo
Europe/London brita somera tempo
Numbers Symbols Symbols approximatelySign ~
superscriptingExponent ×
Symbols using Garay Digits (gara) decimal ▷missing◁ , comprehensive
Symbols using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) decimal ,
Symbols using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) decimal ,
Symbols using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) decimal ,
Symbols using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) decimal ,
Symbols using Ol Onal Digits (onao) decimal ,
Symbols using Outlined Digits (outlined) decimal ,
Symbols using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) decimal ,
Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤ #,##0.00 ¤ moderate
Standard Patterns using Garay Digits (gara) standard-currency ▷missing◁ #,##0.00 ¤ comprehensive
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Ol Onal Digits (onao) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Outlined Digits (outlined) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Standard Patterns using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) standard-currency #,##0.00 ¤
accounting-currency #,##0.00 ¤
Miscellaneous Patterns approximately ~{0} ≈{0} moderate
Miscellaneous Patterns using Garay Digits (gara) ▷missing◁ comprehensive
Miscellaneous Patterns using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Kirat Rai Digits (krai)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Ol Onal Digits (onao)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Outlined Digits (outlined)
Miscellaneous Patterns using Sunuwar Digits (sunu)
Compact Decimal Formatting Long Formats 4-digits-long-one 0K 0 mil moderate
5-digits-long-one 00K 00 mil
6-digits-long-one 000K 000 mil
7-digits-long-one 0M 0 miliono
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-one 00M 00 miliono
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-one 000M 000 miliono
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-one 0G 0 miliardo
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-one 00G 00 miliardo
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-one 000G 000 miliardo
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-one 0T 0 duiliono
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-one 00T 00 duiliono
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-one 000T 000 duiliono
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Short Formats 4-digits-short-one 0K 0k
5-digits-short-one 00K 00k
6-digits-short-one 000K 000k
Compact Decimal Formatting (Other Numbering Systems) Long Formats using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-long-other ▷missing◁ 0 mil comprehensive
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Long Formats using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-long-other 0 mil
5-digits-long-other 00 mil
6-digits-long-other 000 mil
7-digits-long-other 0 milionoj
8-digits-long-other 00 milionoj
9-digits-long-other 000 milionoj
10-digits-long-other 0 miliardoj
11-digits-long-other 00 miliardoj
12-digits-long-other 000 miliardoj
13-digits-long-other 0 duilionoj
14-digits-long-other 00 duilionoj
15-digits-long-other 000 duilionoj
Short Formats using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Short Formats using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-short-other 0k
5-digits-short-other 00k
6-digits-short-other 000k
Currencies North America (C) Northern America: Bermuda BMD-name-one BMD bermuda dolaro moderate
BMD-name-other bermudaj dolaroj
BMD-name bermuda dolaro
Northern America: Canada CAD-name Kanada dolaro kanada dolaro
CAD-symbol CA$ CAD
Northern America: United States USD-name Usona dolaro usona dolaro
USD-symbol US$ USD
Central America: Belize BZD-name-one BZD beliza dolaro
BZD-name-other belizaj dolaroj
BZD-name beliza dolaro
Central America: Costa Rica CRC-name-one CRC kostarika kolumbo
CRC-name-other kostarikaj kolumboj
CRC-name kostarika kolumbo
Central America: Guatemala GTQ-name-one GTQ gvatemala kecalo
GTQ-name-other gvatemalaj kecaloj
GTQ-name gvatemala kecalo
Central America: Honduras HNL-name-one HNL hondura lempiro
HNL-name-other honduraj lempiroj
HNL-name hondura lempiro
Central America: Mexico MXN-name Meksika peso meksika peso
MXN-symbol MX$ MXN
Central America: Nicaragua NIO-name-one NIO nikaragva kordovo
NIO-name-other nikaragvaj kordovoj
NIO-name nikaragva kordovo
Central America: Panama PAB-name-one PAB panama balboo
PAB-name-other panamaj balbooj
PAB-name panama balboo
Caribbean: Aruba AWG-name-one AWG aruba guldeno
AWG-name-other arubaj guldenoj
AWG-name aruba guldeno
Caribbean: Barbados BBD-name-one BBD barbada dolaro
BBD-name-other barbadaj dolaroj
BBD-name barbada dolaro
Caribbean: Bahamas BSD-name-one BSD bahama dolaro
BSD-name-other bahamaj dolaroj
BSD-name bahama dolaro
Caribbean: Cuba CUP-name-one CUP kuba peso
CUP-name-other kubaj pesoj
CUP-name kuba peso
Caribbean: Cuba: CUC (old) CUC-name-one CUC konvertebla kuba peso
CUC-name-other konverteblaj kubaj pesoj
CUC-name konvertebla kuba peso
Caribbean: Curaçao ANG-name-one ANG nederlandantila guldeno
ANG-name-other nederlandantilaj guldenoj
ANG-name nederlandantila guldeno
Caribbean: Dominican Republic DOP-name-one DOP dominika peso
DOP-name-other dominikaj pesoj
DOP-name dominika peso
Caribbean: Haiti HTG-name-one HTG haitia gurdo
HTG-name-other haitiaj gurdoj
HTG-name haitia gurdo
Caribbean: Jamaica JMD-name-one JMD jamajka dolaro
JMD-name-other jamajkaj dolaroj
JMD-name jamajka dolaro
Caribbean: Cayman Islands KYD-name-one KYD kajmana dolaro
KYD-name-other kajmanaj dolaroj
KYD-name kajmana dolaro
Caribbean: St. Lucia XCD-name-one XCD orientkariba dolaro
XCD-name-other orientkaribaj dolaroj
XCD-name orientkariba dolaro
XCD-symbol EC$ XCD
Caribbean: Trinidad & Tobago TTD-name-one TTD trinidada dolaro
TTD-name-other trinidadaj dolaroj
TTD-name trinidada dolaro
South America (C) South America: Argentina ARS-name-one ARS argentina peso
ARS-name-other argentinaj pesoj
ARS-name argentina peso
South America: Bolivia BOB-name-one BOB bolivia bolivjano
BOB-name-other boliviaj bolivjanoj
BOB-name bolivia bolivjano
South America: Brazil BRL-name Brazila realo brazila realo
BRL-symbol R$ BRL
South America: Chile CLP-name-one CLP ĉilia peso
CLP-name-other ĉiliaj pesoj
CLP-name ĉilia peso
South America: Colombia COP-name-one COP kolombia peso
COP-name-other kolombiaj pesoj
COP-name kolombia peso
South America: Falkland Islands FKP-name-one FKP falklanda pundo
FKP-name-other falklandaj pundoj
FKP-name falklanda pundo
South America: Guyana GYD-name-one GYD gujana dolaro
GYD-name-other gujanaj dolaroj
GYD-name gujana dolaro
South America: Peru PEN-name-one PEN perua suno
PEN-name-other peruaj sunoj
PEN-name perua suno
South America: Paraguay PYG-name-one PYG paragvaja gvaranio
PYG-name-other paragvajaj gvaranioj
PYG-name paragvaja gvaranio
South America: Suriname SRD-name-one SRD surinama dolaro
SRD-name-other surinamaj dolaroj
SRD-name surinama dolaro
South America: Uruguay UYU-name-one UYU urugvaja peso
UYU-name-other urugvajaj pesoj
UYU-name urugvaja peso
South America: Venezuela VES-name-one VES venezuela bolivaro
VES-name-other venezuelaj bolivaroj
VES-name venezuela bolivaro
Northern/Western Europe Northern Europe: Denmark DKK-name Dana krono dana krono
Northern Europe: United Kingdom GBP-name Brita pundo brita pundo
GBP-symbol £ GBP
Northern Europe: Iceland ISK-name-one ISK islanda krono
ISK-name-other islandaj kronoj
ISK-name islanda krono
Northern Europe: Norway NOK-name Norvega krono norvega krono
Northern Europe: Sweden SEK-name Sveda krono sveda krono
Western Europe: Switzerland CHF-name Svisa franko svisa franko
Southern/Eastern Europe Eastern Europe: Bulgaria BGN-name-one BGN bulgara levo
BGN-name-other bulgaraj levoj
BGN-name bulgara levo
Eastern Europe: Belarus BYN-name-one BYN belorusa rublo
BYN-name-other belorusaj rubloj
BYN-name belorusa rublo
Eastern Europe: Czechia CZK-name-one CZK ĉeĥa krono
CZK-name-other ĉeĥaj kronoj
CZK-name ĉeĥa krono
Eastern Europe: Hungary HUF-name-one HUF hungara forinto
HUF-name-other hungaraj forintoj
HUF-name hungara forinto
Eastern Europe: Moldova MDL-name-one MDL moldava leo
MDL-name-other moldavaj leoj
MDL-name moldava leo
Eastern Europe: Poland PLN-name Pola zloto pola zloto
Eastern Europe: Romania RON-name-one RON rumana leo
RON-name-other rumanaj leoj
RON-name rumana leo
Eastern Europe: Russia RUB-name Rusa rublo rusa rublo
Eastern Europe: Ukraine UAH-name-one UAH ukraina hrivno
UAH-name-other ukrainaj hrivnoj
UAH-name ukraina hrivno
Southern Europe: Albania ALL-name-one ALL albana leko
ALL-name-other albanaj lekoj
ALL-name albana leko
Southern Europe: Bosnia & Herzegovina BAM-name-one BAM konvertebla marko
BAM-name-other konverteblaj markoj
BAM-name konvertebla marko de Bosnujo kaj Hercegovino
Southern Europe: Gibraltar GIP-name-one GIP ĝibraltara pundo
GIP-name-other ĝibraltaraj pundoj
GIP-name ĝibraltara pundo
Southern Europe: Croatia: HRK (old) HRK-name-one HRK kroata kunao
HRK-name-other kroataj kunaoj
HRK-name kroata kunao
Southern Europe: North Macedonia MKD-name-one MKD makedona denaro
MKD-name-other makedonaj denaroj
MKD-name makedona denaro
Southern Europe: Serbia RSD-name-one RSD serba dinaro
RSD-name-other serbaj dinaroj
RSD-name serba dinaro
Northern Africa Northern Africa: Algeria DZD-name-one DZD alĝeria dinaro
DZD-name-other alĝeriaj dinaroj
DZD-name alĝeria dinaro
Northern Africa: Egypt EGP-name-one EGP egipta pundo
EGP-name-other egiptaj pundoj
EGP-name egipta pundo
Northern Africa: Libya LYD-name-one LYD libia dinaro
LYD-name-other libiaj dinaroj
LYD-name libia dinaro
Northern Africa: Morocco MAD-name-one MAD maroka dirhamo
MAD-name-other marokaj dirhamoj
MAD-name maroka dirhamo
Northern Africa: Sudan SDG-name-one SDG sudana pundo
SDG-name-other sudanaj pundoj
SDG-name sudana pundo
Northern Africa: Tunisia TND-name-one TND tunizia dinaro
TND-name-other tuniziaj dinaroj
TND-name tunizia dinaro
Western Africa Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire XOF-name-one XOF okcidentafrika franko
XOF-name-other okcidentafrikaj frankoj
XOF-name okcidentafrika franko
XOF-symbol F CFA XOF
Western Africa: Cape Verde CVE-name-one CVE kaboverda eskudo
CVE-name-other kaboverdaj eskudoj
CVE-name kaboverda eskudo
Western Africa: Ghana GHS-name-one GHS ganaa cedio
GHS-name-other ganaaj cedioj
GHS-name ganaa cedio
Western Africa: Gambia GMD-name-one GMD gambia dalasio
GMD-name-other gambiaj dalasioj
GMD-name gambia dalasio
Western Africa: Guinea GNF-name-one GNF gvinea franko
GNF-name-other gvineaj frankoj
GNF-name gvinea franko
Western Africa: Liberia LRD-name-one LRD liberia dolaro
LRD-name-other liberiaj dolaroj
LRD-name liberia dolaro
Western Africa: Mauritania MRU-name-one MRU maŭritania uguijao
MRU-name-other maŭritaniaj uguijaoj
MRU-name maŭritania uguijao
Western Africa: Nigeria NGN-name-one NGN niĝeria najro
NGN-name-other niĝeriaj najroj
NGN-name niĝeria najro
Western Africa: St. Helena SHP-name-one SHP sankthelena pundo
SHP-name-other sankthelenaj pundoj
SHP-name sankthelena pundo
Western Africa: Sierra Leone SLE-name-one SLE sieraleona leono
SLE-name-other sieraleonaj leonoj
SLE-name sieraleona leono
Western Africa: Sierra Leone: SLL (old) SLL-name-one SLL sieraleona leono (1964–2022)
SLL-name-other sieraleonaj leonoj (1964–2022)
SLL-name sieraleona leono (1964–2022)
Middle Africa Middle Africa: Angola AOA-name-one AOA angola kvanzo
AOA-name-other angolaj kvanzoj
AOA-name angola kvanzo
Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa CDF-name-one CDF konga franko
CDF-name-other kongaj frankoj
CDF-name konga franko
Middle Africa: Cameroon XAF-name-one XAF ekvatorafrika franko
XAF-name-other ekvatorafrikaj frankoj
XAF-name ekvatorafrika franko
Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe STN-name-one STN santomea dobro
STN-name-other santomeaj dobroj
STN-name santomea dobro
Eastern Africa Eastern Africa: Burundi BIF-name-one BIF burunda franko
BIF-name-other burundaj frankoj
BIF-name burunda franko
Eastern Africa: Djibouti DJF-name-one DJF ĝibutia franko
DJF-name-other ĝibutiaj frankoj
DJF-name ĝibutia franko
Eastern Africa: Eritrea ERN-name-one ERN eritrea nakfo
ERN-name-other eritreaj nakfoj
ERN-name eritrea nakfo
Eastern Africa: Ethiopia ETB-name-one ETB etiopa birro
ETB-name-other etiopaj birroj
ETB-name etiopa birro
Eastern Africa: Kenya KES-name-one KES kenja ŝilingo
KES-name-other kenjaj ŝilingoj
KES-name kenja ŝilingo
Eastern Africa: Comoros KMF-name-one KMF komora franko
KMF-name-other komoraj frankoj
KMF-name komora franko
Eastern Africa: Madagascar MGA-name-one MGA madagaskara ariaro
MGA-name-other madagaskaraj ariaroj
MGA-name madagaskara ariaro
Eastern Africa: Mauritius MUR-name-one MUR maŭricia rupio
MUR-name-other maŭriciaj rupioj
MUR-name maŭricia rupio
MUR-symbol-narrow Rs
Eastern Africa: Malawi MWK-name-one MWK malavia kvaĉo
MWK-name-other malaviaj kvaĉoj
MWK-name malavia kvaĉo
Eastern Africa: Mozambique MZN-name-one MZN mozambika metikalo
MZN-name-other mozambikaj metikaloj
MZN-name mozambika metikalo
Eastern Africa: Rwanda RWF-name-one RWF ruanda franko
RWF-name-other ruandaj frankoj
RWF-name ruanda franko
Eastern Africa: Seychelles SCR-name-one SCR sejŝela rupio
SCR-name-other sejŝelaj rupioj
SCR-name sejŝela rupio
Eastern Africa: Somalia SOS-name-one SOS somala ŝilingo
SOS-name-other somalaj ŝilingoj
SOS-name somala ŝilingo
Eastern Africa: South Sudan SSP-name-one SSP sudsudana pundo
SSP-name-other sudsudanaj pundoj
SSP-name sudsudana pundo
Eastern Africa: Tanzania TZS-name-one TZS tanzania ŝilingo
TZS-name-other tanzaniaj ŝilingoj
TZS-name tanzania ŝilingo
Eastern Africa: Uganda UGX-name-one UGX uganda ŝilingo
UGX-name-other ugandaj ŝilingoj
UGX-name uganda ŝilingo
Eastern Africa: Zambia ZMW-name-one ZMW zambia kvaĉo
ZMW-name-other zambiaj kvaĉoj
ZMW-name zambia kvaĉo
Southern Africa Southern Africa: Botswana BWP-name-one BWP bocvana pulao
BWP-name-other bocvanaj pulaoj
BWP-name bocvana pulao
Southern Africa: Lesotho LSL-name-one LSL lesota lotio
LSL-name-other lesotaj lotioj
LSL-name lesota lotio
Southern Africa: Namibia NAD-name-one NAD namibia dolaro
NAD-name-other namibiaj dolaroj
NAD-name namibia dolaro
Southern Africa: Eswatini SZL-name-one SZL svazia lilangenio
SZL-name-other svaziaj lilangenioj
SZL-name svazilanda liliagenio
Southern Africa: South Africa ZAR-name-one sud-afrika rando sudafrika rando
ZAR-name-other sud-afrikaj randoj sudafrikaj randoj
ZAR-name Sud-afrika rando sudafrika rando
Western Asia (C) Western Asia: United Arab Emirates AED-name-one AED UAE-dirhamo
AED-name-other UAE-dirhamoj
AED-name dirhamo de Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj
Western Asia: Armenia AMD-name-one AMD armena dramo
AMD-name-other armenaj dramoj
AMD-name armena dramo
Western Asia: Azerbaijan AZN-name-one AZN azerbajĝana manato
AZN-name-other azerbajĝanaj manatoj
AZN-name azerbajĝana manato
Western Asia: Bahrain BHD-name-one BHD barejna dinaro
BHD-name-other barejnaj dinaroj
BHD-name barejna dinaro
Western Asia: Georgia GEL-name-one GEL kartvela lario
GEL-name-other kartvelaj larioj
GEL-name kartvela lario
Western Asia: Israel ILS-name-one ILS israela nova siklo
ILS-name-other israelaj novaj sikloj
ILS-name israela nova siklo
ILS-symbol ILS
Western Asia: Iraq IQD-name-one IQD iraka dinaro
IQD-name-other irakaj dinaroj
IQD-name iraka dinaro
Western Asia: Jordan JOD-name-one JOD jordania dinaro
JOD-name-other jordaniaj dinaroj
JOD-name jordania dinaro
Western Asia: Kuwait KWD-name-one KWD kuvajta dinaro
KWD-name-other kuvajtaj dinaroj
KWD-name kuvajta dinaro
Western Asia: Lebanon LBP-name-one LBP libana liro
LBP-name-other libanaj liroj
LBP-name libana liro
Western Asia: Oman OMR-name-one OMR omana rialo
OMR-name-other omanaj rialoj
OMR-name omana rialo
Western Asia: Qatar QAR-name-one QAR katara rialo
QAR-name-other kataraj rialoj
QAR-name katara rialo
Western Asia: Saudi Arabia SAR-name Sauda rialo sauda rialo
Western Asia: Syria SYP-name-one SYP siria pundo
SYP-name-other siriaj pundoj
SYP-name siria pundo
Western Asia: Türkiye TRY-name Turka liro turka liro
TRY-symbol TRY
Western Asia: Yemen YER-name-one YER jemena rialo
YER-name-other jemenaj rialoj
YER-name jemena rialo
Central Asia (C) Central Asia: Turkmenistan TMT-name-one TMT turkmena manato
TMT-name-other turkmenaj manatoj
TMT-name turkmena manato
Central Asia: Tajikistan TJS-name-one TJS taĝika somonio
TJS-name-other taĝikaj somonioj
TJS-name taĝika somonio
Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan KGS-name-one KGS kirgiza somo
KGS-name-other kirgizaj somoj
KGS-name kirgiza somo
Central Asia: Kazakhstan KZT-name-one KZT kazaĥa tengo
KZT-name-other kazaĥaj tengoj
KZT-name kazaĥa tengo
Central Asia: Uzbekistan UZS-name-one UZS uzbeka somo
UZS-name-other uzbekaj somoj
UZS-name uzbeka somo
Eastern Asia (C) Eastern Asia: China CNY-name Ĉina juano ĉinaj juanoj
CNY-symbol CN¥ CNY
Eastern Asia: China: CNH (offshore) CNH-name-one CNH ĉina juano (eksterlande)
CNH-name-other ĉinaj juanoj (eksterlande)
CNH-name ĉina juano (eksterlanda uzo)
Eastern Asia: Hong Kong SAR China HKD-name Honkonga dolaro honkonga dolaro
HKD-symbol HK$ HKD
Eastern Asia: Japan JPY-name Japana eno japana eno
JPY-symbol JP¥ JPY
Eastern Asia: North Korea KPW-name-one KPW nordkorea vono
KPW-name-other nordkoreaj vonoj
KPW-name nordkorea vono
Eastern Asia: South Korea KRW-name-one sud-korea ŭono sudkorea vono
KRW-name-other sud-koreaj ŭonoj sudkoreaj vonoj
KRW-name Sud-korea ŭono sudkorea vono
KRW-symbol KRW
Eastern Asia: Mongolia MNT-name-one MNT mongola tugriko
MNT-name-other mongolaj tugrikoj
MNT-name mongola tugriko
Eastern Asia: Macao SAR China MOP-name-one MOP makaa patako
MOP-name-other makaaj patakoj
MOP-name makaa patako
Eastern Asia: Taiwan TWD-name-one nova tajvana dolaro tajvana nova dolaro
TWD-name-other novaj tajvanaj dolaroj tajvanaj novaj dolaroj
TWD-name Nova tajvana dolaro tajvana nova dolaro
TWD-symbol NT$ TWD
Southern Asia (C) Southern Asia: Afghanistan AFN-name-one AFN afgana afganio
AFN-name-other afganaj afganioj
AFN-name afgana afganio
Southern Asia: Bangladesh BDT-name-one BDT bangladeŝa tako
BDT-name-other bangladeŝaj takoj
BDT-name bangladeŝa tako
Southern Asia: Bhutan BTN-name-one BTN butana ngultrumo
BTN-name-other butanaj ngultrumoj
BTN-name butana ngultrumo
Southern Asia: India INR-name-one barata rupio hinda rupio
INR-name-other barataj rupioj hindaj rupioj
INR-name Barata rupio hinda rupio
INR-symbol INR
Southern Asia: Iran IRR-name-one IRR irana rialo
IRR-name-other iranaj rialoj
IRR-name irana rialo
Southern Asia: Sri Lanka LKR-name-one LKR srilanka rupio
LKR-name-other srilankaj rupioj
LKR-name srilanka rupio
LKR-symbol-narrow Rs
Southern Asia: Maldives MVR-name-one MVR maldiva rufijao
MVR-name-other maldivaj rufijaoj
MVR-name maldiva rufijao
Southern Asia: Nepal NPR-name-one NPR nepala rupio
NPR-name-other nepalaj rupioj
NPR-name nepala rupio
NPR-symbol-narrow Rs
Southern Asia: Pakistan PKR-name-one PKR pakistana rupio
PKR-name-other pakistanaj rupioj
PKR-name pakistana rupio
PKR-symbol-narrow Rs
Southeast Asia (C) Southeast Asia: Brunei BND-name-one BND bruneja dolaro
BND-name-other brunejaj dolaroj
BND-name bruneja dolaro
Southeast Asia: Indonesia IDR-name-one Indonezia rupio indonezia rupio
IDR-name-other Indoneziaj rupioj indoneziaj rupioj
IDR-name Indonezia rupio indonezia rupio
Southeast Asia: Cambodia KHR-name-one KHR kamboĝa rielo
KHR-name-other kamboĝaj rieloj
KHR-name kamboĝa rielo
Southeast Asia: Laos LAK-name-one LAK laosa kipo
LAK-name-other laosaj kipoj
LAK-name laosa kipo
Southeast Asia: Myanmar (Burma) MMK-name-one MMK birma kjato
MMK-name-other birmaj kjatoj
MMK-name birma kjato
Southeast Asia: Malaysia MYR-name-one MYR malajzia ringito
MYR-name-other malajziaj ringitoj
MYR-name malajzia ringito
Southeast Asia: Philippines PHP-name-one PHP filipina peso
PHP-name-other filipinaj pesoj
PHP-name filipina peso
PHP-symbol PHP
Southeast Asia: Singapore SGD-name-one SGD singapura dolaro
SGD-name-other singapuraj dolaroj
SGD-name singapura dolaro
Southeast Asia: Thailand THB-name Taja bahto taja bahto
THB-symbol ฿ THB
Southeast Asia: Vietnam VND-name-one VND vjetnama dongo
VND-name-other vjetnamaj dongoj
VND-name vjetnama dongo
VND-symbol VND
Oceania (C) Australasia: Australia AUD-name Aŭstralia dolaro aŭstralia dolaro
AUD-symbol AU$ AUD
Australasia: New Zealand NZD-name-one NZD novzelanda dolaro
NZD-name-other novzelandaj dolaroj
NZD-name novzelanda dolaro
NZD-symbol NZ$ NZD
Melanesia: Fiji FJD-name-one FJD fiĝia dolaro
FJD-name-other fiĝiaj dolaroj
FJD-name fiĝia dolaro
Melanesia: New Caledonia XPF-name-one XPF pacifika franko
XPF-name-other pacifikaj frankoj
XPF-name pacifika franko
Melanesia: Papua New Guinea PGK-name-one PGK papuonovgvinea kinao
PGK-name-other papuonovgvineaj kinaoj
PGK-name papuonovgvinea kinao
Melanesia: Solomon Islands SBD-name-one SBD salomona dolaro
SBD-name-other salomonaj dolaroj
SBD-name salomona dolaro
Melanesia: Vanuatu VUV-name-one VUV vanuatua vatuo
VUV-name-other vanuatuaj vatuoj
VUV-name vanuatua vatuo
Polynesia: Tonga TOP-name-one TOP tonga paangao
TOP-name-other tongaj paangaoj
TOP-name tonga paangao
Polynesia: Samoa WST-name-one WST samoa talao
WST-name-other samoaj talaoj
WST-name samoa talao
Unknown Region (C) Unknown Region: EUR EUR-name Eŭro eŭro
Unknown Region: XXX XXX-name-one nekonata monunuo (nekunata monunuo)
XXX-name-other nekonataj monunuoj (nekonata monunuo)
XXX-name Nekonata valuto nekonata monunuo
Units Duration decade short-displayName dec jardek. modern
narrow-displayName jd.
long-one-nominative {0} dec {0} jardeko
long-other-nominative {0} jardekoj
short-one-nominative {0} jardek.
narrow-one-nominative {0} jd.
night long-displayName ▷missing◁ noktoj
short-displayName nokt.
narrow-displayName n.
long-per po {0} por nokto
short-per {0}/nokto
narrow-per {0}/n.
long-one-nominative {0} nokto
long-other-nominative {0} noktoj
short-one-nominative {0} nokt.
narrow-one-nominative {0} n.
century long-displayName c jarcentoj
short-displayName jarcent.
narrow-displayName jc.
long-one-nominative {0} c {0} jarcento
long-other-nominative {0} jarcentoj
short-one-nominative {0} jarcent.
narrow-one-nominative {0} jc.
year short-displayName jaro j.
narrow-displayName j. a
long-per {0}/y po {0} por jaro
short-per {0}/j.
narrow-per {0}/a
narrow-one-nominative {0}j. {0} a
Coordinates east long {0}E {0} oriente moderate
short {0} E
north long {0}N {0} norde
short {0} N
south long {0}S {0} sude
short {0} S
west long {0}W {0} okcidente
short {0} W
all long-displayName direction direkto
Compound Units per long {0}/{1} po {0} por {1}
times {0}⋅{1} {0} oble {1}
Miscellaneous Displaying Lists Short “and” List 2 {0} kaj {1} {0} k {1}
Narrow “and” List 2 {0}, {1}
“Or” List 2 {0} or {1} {0} aŭ {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Short “Or” List 2 {0} or {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Narrow “Or” List 2 {0} or {1}
end {0}, or {1}
Short Unit List 2 {0} kaj {1} {0}, {1}
Narrow Unit List 2 {0} {1}
start {0}, {1}
end {0} kaj {1}
Minimal Pairs Ordinal other {0}? Turniĝu al {0}-a dekstro.
Plural one {0} tago
other {0} tagoj
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-am ▷missing◁ atm comprehensive
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-am
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-am a
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-am
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-am atm
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-am
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun di
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - narrow - Formatting-sun d
Days - narrow - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun di
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun dimanĉo
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Eras - wide-0 antaŭ nia erao
Eras - wide-1 de nia erao
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-pm ptm
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-pm p
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-pm ptm
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-pm
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon lu
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - narrow - Formatting-mon l
Days - narrow - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon lu
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon lundo
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue ma
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue
Days - narrow - Formatting-tue m
Days - narrow - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue ma
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue mardo
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed me
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - narrow - Formatting-wed m
Days - narrow - Standalone-wed
Days - short - Formatting-wed me
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed merkredo
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu ĵa
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - narrow - Formatting-thu ĵ
Days - narrow - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu ĵa
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu ĵaŭdo
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri ve
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - narrow - Formatting-fri v
Days - narrow - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri ve
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri vendredo
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat sa
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - narrow - Formatting-sat s
Days - narrow - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat sa
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat sabato
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Eras - abbreviated-0 a.n.e.
Eras - abbreviated-1 n.e.
Eras - narrow-0 a.n.e.
Eras - narrow-1 n.e.
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 1-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 2-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 3-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 4-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 1-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 2-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 3-a jarkvarono
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 4-a jarkvarono
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 1. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 2. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 3. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 4. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 1. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 2. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 3. jk.
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 4. jk.
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 Januaro
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 Februaro
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 Marto
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 Aprilo
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 Majo
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 Junio
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 Julio
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 Aŭgusto
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 Septembro
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 Oktobro
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 Novembro
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 Decembro
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 Januaro
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 Februaro
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 Marto
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 Aprilo
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 Majo
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 Junio
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 Julio
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 Aŭgusto
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 Septembro
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 Oktobro
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 Novembro
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 Decembro
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 Mar
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 Apr
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 Maj
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 Aŭg
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 Sep
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 Dec
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 Mar
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 Apr
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 Maj
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 Aŭg
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 Sep
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 Dec
Months - narrow - Formatting-M1 J
Months - narrow - Formatting-M2 F
Months - narrow - Formatting-M3 M
Months - narrow - Formatting-M4 A
Months - narrow - Formatting-M5 M
Months - narrow - Formatting-M6 J
Months - narrow - Formatting-M7
Months - narrow - Formatting-M8 A
Months - narrow - Formatting-M9 S
Months - narrow - Formatting-M10 O
Months - narrow - Formatting-M11 N
Months - narrow - Formatting-M12 D
Months - narrow - Standalone-M1 J
Months - narrow - Standalone-M2 F
Months - narrow - Standalone-M3 M
Months - narrow - Standalone-M4 A
Months - narrow - Standalone-M5 M
Months - narrow - Standalone-M6 J
Months - narrow - Standalone-M7
Months - narrow - Standalone-M8 A
Months - narrow - Standalone-M9 S
Months - narrow - Standalone-M10 O
Months - narrow - Standalone-M11 N
Months - narrow - Standalone-M12 D

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