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Machame Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Numbers Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns using Garay Digits (gara) standard-currency jmc ▷missing◁ ¤#,##0.00 comprehensive
Standard Patterns using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Ol Onal Digits (onao) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Outlined Digits (outlined) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) standard-currency
Compact Decimal Formatting (Other Numbering Systems) Short Currency using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Short Currency using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-short-other ¤0K
5-digits-short-other ¤00K
6-digits-short-other ¤000K
7-digits-short-other ¤0M
8-digits-short-other ¤00M
9-digits-short-other ¤000M
10-digits-short-other ¤0G
11-digits-short-other ¤00G
12-digits-short-other ¤000G
13-digits-short-other ¤0T
14-digits-short-other ¤00T
15-digits-short-other ¤000T
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-am utuko
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-am
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-am
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-am
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-am
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-am
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun Jpi
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - narrow - Formatting-sun J
Days - narrow - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun Jpi
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun Jumapilyi
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Eras - wide-0 Kabla ya Kristu
Eras - wide-1 Baada ya Kristu
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-pm kyiukonyi
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-pm
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-pm
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-pm
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon Jtt
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - narrow - Formatting-mon J
Days - narrow - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon Jtt
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon Jumatatuu
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue Jnn
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue
Days - narrow - Formatting-tue J
Days - narrow - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue Jnn
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue Jumanne
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed Jtn
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - narrow - Formatting-wed J
Days - narrow - Standalone-wed
Days - short - Formatting-wed Jtn
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed Jumatanu
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu Alh
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - narrow - Formatting-thu A
Days - narrow - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu Alh
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu Alhamisi
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri Iju
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - narrow - Formatting-fri I
Days - narrow - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri Iju
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri Ijumaa
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat Jmo
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - narrow - Formatting-sat J
Days - narrow - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat Jmo
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat Jumamosi
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Eras - abbreviated-0 KK
Eras - abbreviated-1 BK
Eras - narrow-0 KK
Eras - narrow-1 BK
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 Robo 1
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 Robo 2
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 Robo 3
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 Robo 4
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 Robo 1
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 Robo 2
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 Robo 3
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 Robo 4
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 R1
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 R2
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 R3
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 R4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 R1
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 R2
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 R3
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 R4
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 Januari
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 Februari
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 Machi
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 Aprilyi
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 Mei
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 Junyi
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 Julyai
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 Agusti
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 Septemba
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 Oktoba
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 Novemba
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 Desemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 Januari
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 Februari
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 Machi
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 Aprilyi
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 Mei
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 Junyi
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 Julyai
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 Agusti
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 Septemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 Oktoba
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 Novemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 Desemba
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 Mac
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 Apr
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 Mei
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 Ago
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 Sep
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 Des
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 Mac
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 Apr
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 Mei
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 Ago
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 Sep
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 Des
Months - narrow - Formatting-M1 J
Months - narrow - Formatting-M2 F
Months - narrow - Formatting-M3 M
Months - narrow - Formatting-M4 A
Months - narrow - Formatting-M5 M
Months - narrow - Formatting-M6 J
Months - narrow - Formatting-M7
Months - narrow - Formatting-M8 A
Months - narrow - Formatting-M9 S
Months - narrow - Formatting-M10 O
Months - narrow - Formatting-M11 N
Months - narrow - Formatting-M12 D
Months - narrow - Standalone-M1 J
Months - narrow - Standalone-M2 F
Months - narrow - Standalone-M3 M
Months - narrow - Standalone-M4 A
Months - narrow - Standalone-M5 M
Months - narrow - Standalone-M6 J
Months - narrow - Standalone-M7
Months - narrow - Standalone-M8 A
Months - narrow - Standalone-M9 S
Months - narrow - Standalone-M10 O
Months - narrow - Standalone-M11 N
Months - narrow - Standalone-M12 D

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