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Kuvi Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Locale Display Names Languages (A-D) A Afrikaans ► af kxv af aprikaans modern
Albanian ► sq sq albaniyati
Amharic ► am am aarmenia
Armenian ► hy hy aarmeniati
Assamese ► as as aasamis
Azerbaijani ► az az ajerbaijani
Azerbaijani ► az-short ājeri
B Basque ► eu eu bask
Belarusian ► be be belarusiati
Bodo ► brx brx boḍo
Bosnian ► bs bs bajniati
Bulgarian ► bg bg bulgeriati
Burmese ► my my burmij
C Catalan ► ca ca keṭelan
Cherokee ► chr chr cerokī
Croatian ► hr hr kroesiati
Czech ► cs cs cek
D Danish ► da da denis
Dogri ► doi doi ḍogri
Languages (E-J) E Estonian ► et et esṭoniyati
F Filipino ► fil fil pilipino
Finnish ► fi fi pinnis
G Galician ► gl gl galesiati
Georgian ► ka ka jorjiati
Greek ► el el grīk
Gujarati ► gu gu gujraṭī
H Hebrew ► he he hibru
Hungarian ► hu hu hngeriyati
I Icelandic ► is is aislanḍik
Languages (K-N) K Kangri ► xnr xnr kangri
Kannada ► kn kn knnaḍa
Kashmiri ► ks ks kasmīrī
Kazakh ► kk kk kjaak
Khmer ► km km kmer
Konkani ► kok kok konkanī
Kyrgyz ► ky ky kyrgyj
L Lao ► lo lo lao
Latvian ► lv lv laṭviati
Lithuanian ► lt lt lituaniyati
M Macedonian ► mk mk mesiḍoniyati
Maithili ► mai mai maitilī
Malay ► ms ms malei
Malayalam ► ml ml malyalam
Manipuri ► mni mni maṇipurī
Marathi ► mr mr maraṭi
Mongolian ► mn mn mongoliyati
N Nepali ► ne ne nepaḷī
Norwegian Bokmål ► nb nb norvejiati būkmal comprehensive
Languages (O-S) O Odia ► or or oḍiaa modern
P Persian ► fa fa persiati
Persian ► fa_AF fa (aapganistan) ḍari comprehensive
Punjabi ► pa pa pnjabī modern
R Romanian ► ro ro romaniyati
Romanian ► ro_MD ro (molḍovaa) molḍaviati comprehensive
S Sanskrit ► sa sa sanskrit modern
Santali ► sat sat santalī
Serbian ► sr sr sarbiyati
Sindhi ► sd sd sindi
Sinhala ► si si sinhali
Slovak ► sk sk slovak
Slovenian ► sl sl sloveniyati
Swahili ► sw sw svahili
Swahili ► sw_CD sw (kongo - kinsasa) kongo svahili comprehensive
Swedish ► sv sv sviḍis modern
Languages (T-Z) T Tamil ► ta ta tamiḷ
Telugu ► te te telugu
Tibetan ► bo bo tibetī comprehensive
U Ukrainian ► uk uk yukraniyati modern
Urdu ► ur ur urdu
Uzbek ► uz uz ujbek
V Vietnamese ► vi vi vietnaamti
Z Zulu ► zu zu julu
Scripts Major Use Beng Beng bangalī
Gujr Gujr gujraṭī
Guru Guru gurmukī
Knda Knda knnaḍa
Mlym Mlym malayalam
Taml Taml tamiḷ
Limited Use Cher Cher cerokī
Saur Saur saurastra comprehensive
Historic Brah Brah brahmi
Keys calendar calendar calendar kelenḍr modern
collation collation collation mila krm
collation-ducet ducet ḍepalt yunikoḍ baga lẽ
collation-phonebook phonebook pnbhi baga lẽ comprehensive
collation-search search samani udesya parin modern
currency currency currency ṭakã
Currency Format cf cf ṭakã pormat
cf-standard standard mānānka takã
Hour Cycle hc hc veḍiti gila (12 vrses 24)
hc-h11 h11 12 gṇṭati pddti (0 - 11)
hc-h12 h12 12 gṇṭati pddti (1–12)
hc-h23 h23 24 gṇṭati pddti (0 - 23)
hc-h24 h24 24 gṇṭati pddti (1 - 24)
Line Break lb lb daḍi ḍikihin aaḍa
Measurement System ms ms laṭini leka
ms-metric metric meṭrik pddti
ms-uksystem uksystem samrajyti aaṭini map pddti
ms-ussystem ussystem aamerikati map pddti
numbers numbers numbers sṅkya
numbers-arab arab arabic-bartiya nmbr
numbers-arabext arabext nkiaati arabic - bartiya nmbr
numbers-beng beng bngalī nmbr
numbers-gujr gujr gujraṭī nmbr
numbers-guru guru gurumukī nmbr
numbers-knda knda knnaḍ nmbr
numbers-mlym mlym malayalam nmbr
numbers-roman roman roman nmbr
numbers-romanlow romanlow roman mila kase nmbr
numbers-taml taml hirudulu tamiḷ nmbr
numbers-tamldec tamldec tamiḷ nmbr
Date & Time Gregorian Formats - Flexible - Date Formats MMMMW-other 'week' W 'of' MMMM MMMM 'tã' 'vara' W moderate
yw-other 'week' w 'of' Y Y 'tã' 'vara' w
Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats Bhm >B h:mm B h:mm
Generic Bh h B B h modern
Bhm h:mm B B h:mm
Bhms h:mm:ss B B h:mm:ss
EBhm E h:mm B E B h:mm
EBhms E h:mm:ss B E B h:mm:ss
Formats - Intervals - Date Formats Bh/B h B – h B B h – B h
Bh/h h–h B B h–h
Bhm/B h:mm B – h:mm B B h:mm – B h:mm
Bhm/h h:mm–h:mm B B h:mm–h:mm
Timezones Central Asia Kazakhstan standard-long ▷missing◁ kājākstān belā moderate
Eastern Asia Cities and Regions Choibalsan koibalsan ▷removed◁
Unknown Region Choibalsan generic-long koibālsn belā comprehensive
standard-long koibālsn mānānka belā
daylight-long koibālsn kār~ā belā
Numbers Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns using Garay Digits (gara) standard-decimal ▷missing◁ #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Ol Onal Digits (onao) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Outlined Digits (outlined) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Standard Patterns using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) standard-decimal #,##,##0.###
standard-currency ¤#,##,##0.00
accounting-currency ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)
Compact Decimal Formatting Short Currency 4-digits-short-other ¤ 0K ¤0h moderate
5-digits-short-other ¤ 00K ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤ 000K ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤ 0M ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤ 00M ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤ 000M ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤ 0G ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤ 00G ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤ 000G ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤ 0T ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤ 00T ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤ 000T ¤000tri
Long Formats 4-digits-long-other 0K 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00K 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000K 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0M 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00M 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000M 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0G 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00G 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000G 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0T 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00T 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000T 000 trillion
Short Formats 4-digits-short-other 0K 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00K 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000K 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0M 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00M 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000M 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0G 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00G 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000G 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0T 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00T 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000T 000 tri
Compact Decimal Formatting (Other Numbering Systems) Short Currency using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-short-other ▷missing◁ ¤0h comprehensive
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Short Currency using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-short-other ¤0h
5-digits-short-other ¤00h
6-digits-short-other ¤000h
7-digits-short-other ¤0mi
8-digits-short-other ¤00mi
9-digits-short-other ¤000mi
10-digits-short-other ¤0bi
11-digits-short-other ¤00bi
12-digits-short-other ¤000bi
13-digits-short-other ¤0tri
14-digits-short-other ¤00tri
15-digits-short-other ¤000tri
Long Formats using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Long Formats using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-long-other 0 hjar
5-digits-long-other 00 hjar
6-digits-long-other 000 hjar
7-digits-long-other 0 million
8-digits-long-other 00 million
9-digits-long-other 000 million
10-digits-long-other 0 billion
11-digits-long-other 00 billion
12-digits-long-other 000 billion
13-digits-long-other 0 trillion
14-digits-long-other 00 trillion
15-digits-long-other 000 trillion
Short Formats using Garay Digits (gara) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Ol Onal Digits (onao) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Outlined Digits (outlined) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Short Formats using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) 4-digits-short-other 0 h
5-digits-short-other 00 h
6-digits-short-other 000 h
7-digits-short-other 0 mi
8-digits-short-other 00 mi
9-digits-short-other 000 mi
10-digits-short-other 0 bi
11-digits-short-other 00 bi
12-digits-short-other 000 bi
13-digits-short-other 0 tri
14-digits-short-other 00 tri
15-digits-short-other 000 tri
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-am am
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-am
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-am a
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-am
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-am am
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-am
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun aadi
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - narrow - Formatting-sun aa
Days - narrow - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun aadi vara
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Eras - wide-0 krisṭ purb nki
Eras - wide-1 krisṭabd
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting-pm pm
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting-pm p
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone-pm
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-pm pm
Day Periods - wide - Standalone-pm
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon smba
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - narrow - Formatting-mon s
Days - narrow - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon smbara
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue manga
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue
Days - narrow - Formatting-tue ma
Days - narrow - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue mangaḍa
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed puda
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - narrow - Formatting-wed pu
Days - narrow - Standalone-wed
Days - short - Formatting-wed
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed pudara
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu laki
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - narrow - Formatting-thu la
Days - narrow - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu laki
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu laki vara
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri sukru
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - narrow - Formatting-fri su
Days - narrow - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri sukru vara
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat sani
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - narrow - Formatting-sat sa
Days - narrow - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat sani vara
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Eras - abbreviated-0 bc
Eras - abbreviated-1 ad
Eras - narrow-0 bc
Eras - narrow-1 ad
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 1sṭ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 2nḍ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 3rḍ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 4th kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 1sṭ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 2nḍ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 3rḍ kuarṭr
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 4th kuarṭr
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 Q1
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 Q2
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 Q3
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 Q4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 Q1
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 Q2
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 Q3
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 Q4
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 pusu lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 maha lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 pagu lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 hire lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 bese lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 jaṭṭa lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 aasaḍi lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 srabĩ lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 bado lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 dasara lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 divi lenju
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 pande lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 pusu lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 maha lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 pagu lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 hire lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 bese lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 jaṭṭa lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 aasaḍi lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 srabĩ lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 bado lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 dasara lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 divi lenju
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 pande lenju
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 pusu
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 maha
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 pagu
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 hire
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 bese
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 jaṭṭa
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 aasaḍi
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 srabĩ
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 bado
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 dasara
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 divi
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 pande
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 pusu
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 maha
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 pagu
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 hire
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 bese
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 jaṭṭa
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 aasaḍi
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 srabĩ
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 bado
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 dasara
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 divi
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 pande
Months - narrow - Formatting-M1 pu
Months - narrow - Formatting-M2 ma
Months - narrow - Formatting-M3 pa
Months - narrow - Formatting-M4 hi
Months - narrow - Formatting-M5 be
Months - narrow - Formatting-M6 ja
Months - narrow - Formatting-M7 aa
Months - narrow - Formatting-M8 sra
Months - narrow - Formatting-M9 b
Months - narrow - Formatting-M10 da
Months - narrow - Formatting-M11 di
Months - narrow - Formatting-M12 pa
Months - narrow - Standalone-M1 pu
Months - narrow - Standalone-M2 ma
Months - narrow - Standalone-M3 pa
Months - narrow - Standalone-M4 hi
Months - narrow - Standalone-M5 be
Months - narrow - Standalone-M6 ja
Months - narrow - Standalone-M7 aa
Months - narrow - Standalone-M8 sra
Months - narrow - Standalone-M9 b
Months - narrow - Standalone-M10 da
Months - narrow - Standalone-M11 di
Months - narrow - Standalone-M12 pa

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