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Latgalian Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Core Data Alphabetic Information Characters in Use Main Letters ltg [] [a-pr-vyzāčēģīķļņōšūž] core
Others: auxiliary [qwxŗ]
Others: numbers …[.]… …[\u2212]…
Others: punctuation …[\{\}]… …["#\&'*/@\u00A7\u2010\u2013\u2014\u2018-\u201A\u201C-\u201E\u2020\u2021\u2026\u2032\u2033]…
Locale Display Names Locale Name Patterns Locale Field Fallbacks language {0} Volūda: {0} basic
script Raksteiba: {0}
territory Regions: {0}
Languages (E-J) E English ► en en angļu
Languages (K-N) L Latgalian ► ltg ltg latgalīšu
Latvian ► lv lv latvīšu moderate
Territories (Europe) Northern Europe LV LV Latveja basic
Date & Time Gregorian Eras - wide 0 BCE pyrma myusu erys moderate
1 CE myusu erā
Eras - abbreviated 0 BCE p.m.e.
1 CE m.e.
Quarters - wide - Formatting 1 Q1 1. catūrksnis
2 Q2 2. catūrksnis
3 Q3 3. catūrksnis
4 Q4 4. catūrksnis
Quarters - narrow - Standalone 1 1 1.
2 2 2.
3 3 3.
4 4 4.
Months - wide - Formatting Jan M01 janvars basic
Feb M02 februars
Mar M03 marts
Apr M04 apreļs
May M05 majs
Jun M06 juņs
Jul M07 juļs
Aug M08 augusts
Sep M09 septembris
Oct M10 oktobris
Nov M11 novembris
Dec M12 decembris
Months - wide - Standalone Jan M01 janvars moderate
Feb M02 februars
Mar M03 marts
Apr M04 apreļs
May M05 majs
Jun M06 juņs
Jul M07 juļs
Aug M08 augusts
Sep M09 septembris
Oct M10 oktobris
Nov M11 novembris
Dec M12 decembris
Days - wide - Formatting sun Sun svātdīne basic
mon Mon pyrmūdīne
tue Tue ūtardīne
wed Wed trešdīne
thu Thu catūrtdīne
fri Fri pīktdīne
sat Sat sastdīne
Day Periods - wide - Formatting am AM prīškpušdīnē
pm PM piecpušdīnē
Formats - Flexible - Date Formats yMd y-MM-dd d.MM.y.
yMMMd y MMM d y. 'g'. d. MMM
Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats hm h:mm a h:mm a
hms h:mm:ss a h:mm:ss a
hmsv h:mm:ss a v h:mm:ss a v
Timezones Timezone Display Patterns null Region Format - Generic {0} Laika jūsla: {0}
Region Format - Standard {0} (+0) {0}: standarta laiks
Region Format - Daylight {0} (+1) {0}: vosorys laiks
Europe GMT standard-long ▷missing◁ Griničys laiks
Numbers Symbols Symbols decimal . ,
group ,  
Symbols using Garay Digits (gara) decimal ▷missing◁ , comprehensive
Symbols using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) decimal ,
Symbols using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) decimal ,
Symbols using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) decimal ,
Symbols using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) decimal ,
Symbols using Ol Onal Digits (onao) decimal ,
Symbols using Outlined Digits (outlined) decimal ,
Symbols using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) decimal ,
Currencies Northern/Western Europe Northern Europe: Latvia: LVL (old) LVL-name-other LVL Latvejis lati
LVL-name Latvejis lats
Northern Europe: Latvia: LVR (old) LVR-name LVR Latvejis rublis
Unknown Region (C) Unknown Region: EUR EUR-name-other EUR eiro moderate
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Day Periods - wide - Formatting-am ▷missing◁ prīškpušdīnē comprehensive
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun svātdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Eras - wide-0 pyrma myusu erys
Eras - wide-1 myusu erā
Day Periods - wide - Formatting-pm piecpušdīnē
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon pyrmūdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue ūtardīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed trešdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - short - Formatting-wed
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu catūrtdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri pīktdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat sastdīne
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Eras - abbreviated-0 p.m.e.
Eras - abbreviated-1 m.e.
Eras - narrow-0 p.m.e.
Eras - narrow-1 m.e.
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 1. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 2. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 3. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 4. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 1. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 2. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 3. catūrksnis
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 4. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 1. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 2. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 3. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 4. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 1. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 2. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 3. catūrksnis
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 4. catūrksnis
Quarters - narrow - Formatting-1 1.
Quarters - narrow - Formatting-2 2.
Quarters - narrow - Formatting-3 3.
Quarters - narrow - Formatting-4 4.
Quarters - narrow - Standalone-1 1.
Quarters - narrow - Standalone-2 2.
Quarters - narrow - Standalone-3 3.
Quarters - narrow - Standalone-4 4.
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 janvars
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 februars
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 marts
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 apreļs
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 majs
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 juņs
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 juļs
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 augusts
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 septembris
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 oktobris
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 novembris
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 decembris
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 janvars
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 februars
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 marts
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 apreļs
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 majs
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 juņs
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 juļs
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 augusts
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 septembris
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 oktobris
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 novembris
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 decembris
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 janvars
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 februars
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 marts
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 apreļs
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 majs
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 juņs
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 juļs
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 augusts
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 septembris
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 oktobris
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 novembris
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 decembris
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 janvars
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 februars
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 marts
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 apreļs
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 majs
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 juņs
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 juļs
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 augusts
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 septembris
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 oktobris
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 novembris
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 decembris

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