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Xhosa Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Locale Old New Level
Locale Display Names Languages (A-D) A Afrikaans ► af xh isiBhulu IsiBhulu modern
Albanian ► sq Isi-Albania IsiAlbania
Amharic ► am Isi-Amharic IsiAmharic
Date & Time Gregorian Days - narrow - Formatting sat Mgq Mg moderate
Days - narrow - Standalone
Timezones Central Asia Kazakhstan standard-long ▷missing◁ Kazakhstan Time
Unknown Region Choibalsan generic-long Choibalsan Time ▷removed◁ comprehensive
standard-long Choibalsan Standard Time
daylight-long Choibalsan Summer Time
Numbers Symbols Symbols using Garay Digits (gara) group ▷missing◁  
Symbols using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh)
Symbols using Kirat Rai Digits (krai)
Symbols using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka)
Symbols using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao)
Symbols using Ol Onal Digits (onao)
Symbols using Outlined Digits (outlined)
Symbols using Sunuwar Digits (sunu)
Number Formatting Patterns Standard Patterns using Garay Digits (gara) standard-currency ¤#,##0.00
Standard Patterns using Gurung Khema Digits (gukh) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Kirat Rai Digits (krai) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Eastern Pwo Karen Digits (mymrepka) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Myanmar Pao Digits (mymrpao) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Ol Onal Digits (onao) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Outlined Digits (outlined) standard-currency
Standard Patterns using Sunuwar Digits (sunu) standard-currency
Currencies South America (C) South America: Falkland Islands FKP-name Iponti yaseFalkland Islands IPonti yaseFalkland Islands moderate
Northern/Western Europe Northern Europe: Iceland ISK-name-one I-króna yase-Iceland Ikróna yaseIceland
ISK-name-other Ii-krónur zase-Iceland Iikrónur zaseIceland
ISK-name I-Króna yase-Iceland IKróna yaseIceland
Northern Europe: Norway NOK-name-one I-krone yaseNorway Ikrone yaseNorway
NOK-name-other Ii-kroner zaseNorway Iikroner zaseNorway
NOK-name I-Krone yaseNorway IKrone yaseNorway
Northern Europe: Sweden SEK-name-one I-krona yaseSweden Ikrona yaseSweden
SEK-name-other Ii-kronor zaseSweden Iikronor zaseSweden
SEK-name I-Krona yaseSweden IKrona yaseSweden
Western Europe: Switzerland CHF-name-one I-franc yaseSwitzerland Ifranc yaseSwitzerland
CHF-name-other Ii-francs zaseSitzerland Iifranc zaseSwitzerland
CHF-name I-Franc yaseSwitzerland IFranc yaseSwirtzeland
Western Africa Western Africa: Côte d’Ivoire XOF-name-one I-CFA franc yaseWest Africa ICFA franc yaseWest Africa
XOF-name-other Ii-CFA franc zaseWest Africa IiCFA franc zaseWest Africa
XOF-name West African CFA Franc ICFA Franc yaseWest Africa
Western Africa: Ghana GHS-name-one I-cedi yaseGhana Icedi yaseGhana
GHS-name-other Ii-cedi zaseGhana Iicedi zaseGhana
GHS-name I-Cedi yaseGhana ICedi yaseGhana
Western Africa: Gambia GMD-name-one I-dalasi yaseGambia Idalasi yaseGambia
GMD-name-other Ii-dalasi zaseGambia Iidalasi zaseGambia
GMD-name I-Dalasi yaseGambia IDalasi yaseGambia
Western Africa: Guinea GNF-name-one I-franc yaseGuinea ifranc yaseGuinea
GNF-name-other Ii-franc zaseGuinea Iifranc zaseGuinea
GNF-name I-Franc yaseGuinea IFranc yaseGuinea
Western Africa: Nigeria NGN-name-one I-naira yaseNigeria Inaira yaseNigeria
NGN-name-other Ii-naira zaseNigeria Iinaira zaseNigeria
NGN-name I-Naira yaseNigeria INaira yaseNigeria
Middle Africa Middle Africa: Angola AOA-name-one I-kwanza yase-Angola Ikwanza yaseAngola
AOA-name-other Ii-kwanza zase-Angola Iikwanza zaseAngola
AOA-name I-Kwanza yase-Angola IKwanza yaseAngola
Middle Africa: Congo - Kinshasa CDF-name-one I-franc yaseCongo Ifranc yaseCongo
CDF-name-other Ii-franc zaseCongo Iifranc zaseCongo
CDF-name I-Franc yaseCongo IFranc yaseCongo
Middle Africa: Cameroon XAF-name-one I-CFA franc yaseCentral Africa ICFA franc yaseCentral Africa
XAF-name-other Ii-CFA francs zaseCentral Africa IiCFA franc zaseCentral Africa
XAF-name Central African CFA Franc ICFA Franc yaseCentral Africa
Middle Africa: São Tomé & Príncipe STN-name-one I-dobra yaseSão Tomé & Príncipe Idobra yaseSão Tomé & Príncipe
STN-name-other Ii-dobra zaseSão Tomé & Príncipe Iidobra zaseSão Tomé & Príncipe
STN-name I-Dobra yaseSão Tomé & Príncipe IDobra yaseSão Tomé & Príncipe
Unknown Region (C) Unknown Region: XXX XXX-name-one (ikharensi exabiso lingaziwayo) ikharensi engaziwayo
Special Suppress ISO 8601 Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sun ▷missing◁ Caw comprehensive
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sun
Days - narrow - Formatting-sun C
Days - narrow - Standalone-sun
Days - short - Formatting-sun Caw
Days - short - Standalone-sun
Days - wide - Formatting-sun Cawe
Days - wide - Standalone-sun
Eras - wide-0 BC
Eras - wide-1 AD
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-mon Mvu
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-mon
Days - short - Formatting-mon
Days - short - Standalone-mon
Days - wide - Formatting-mon Mvulo
Days - wide - Standalone-mon
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-tue Lwesb
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-tue Bin
Days - narrow - Formatting-tue Sb
Days - narrow - Standalone-tue
Days - short - Formatting-tue Lwesb
Days - short - Standalone-tue
Days - wide - Formatting-tue Lwesibini
Days - wide - Standalone-tue
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-wed Tha
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-wed
Days - narrow - Formatting-wed Tht
Days - narrow - Standalone-wed St
Days - short - Formatting-wed Tha
Days - short - Standalone-wed
Days - wide - Formatting-wed Lwesithathu
Days - wide - Standalone-wed
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-thu Sin
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-thu
Days - narrow - Formatting-thu
Days - narrow - Standalone-thu
Days - short - Formatting-thu
Days - short - Standalone-thu
Days - wide - Formatting-thu Lwesine
Days - wide - Standalone-thu
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-fri Hla
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-fri
Days - narrow - Formatting-fri Hl
Days - narrow - Standalone-fri
Days - short - Formatting-fri Hla
Days - short - Standalone-fri
Days - wide - Formatting-fri Lwesihlanu
Days - wide - Standalone-fri
Days - abbreviated - Formatting-sat Mgq
Days - abbreviated - Standalone-sat
Days - narrow - Formatting-sat Mg
Days - narrow - Standalone-sat
Days - short - Formatting-sat Mgq
Days - short - Standalone-sat
Days - wide - Formatting-sat Mgqibelo
Days - wide - Standalone-sat
Eras - abbreviated-0 BC
Eras - abbreviated-1 AD
Eras - narrow-0 BC
Eras - narrow-1 AD
Quarters - wide - Formatting-1 ikota yoku-1
Quarters - wide - Formatting-2 ikota yesi-2
Quarters - wide - Formatting-3 ikota yesi-3
Quarters - wide - Formatting-4 ikota yesi-4
Quarters - wide - Standalone-1 ikota yoku-1
Quarters - wide - Standalone-2 ikota yesi-2
Quarters - wide - Standalone-3 ikota yesi-3
Quarters - wide - Standalone-4 ikota yesi-4
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-1 Kota 1
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-2 Kota 2
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-3 Kota 3
Quarters - abbreviated - Formatting-4 Kota 4
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-1 Kota 1
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-2 Kota 2
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-3 Kota 3
Quarters - abbreviated - Standalone-4 Kota 4
Months - wide - Formatting-M1 Janyuwari
Months - wide - Formatting-M2 Februwari
Months - wide - Formatting-M3 Matshi
Months - wide - Formatting-M4 Epreli
Months - wide - Formatting-M5 Meyi
Months - wide - Formatting-M6 Juni
Months - wide - Formatting-M7 Julayi
Months - wide - Formatting-M8 Agasti
Months - wide - Formatting-M9 Septemba
Months - wide - Formatting-M10 Okthobha
Months - wide - Formatting-M11 Novemba
Months - wide - Formatting-M12 Disemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M1 Janyuwari
Months - wide - Standalone-M2 Februwari
Months - wide - Standalone-M3 Matshi
Months - wide - Standalone-M4 Epreli
Months - wide - Standalone-M5 Meyi
Months - wide - Standalone-M6 Juni
Months - wide - Standalone-M7 Julayi
Months - wide - Standalone-M8 Agasti
Months - wide - Standalone-M9 Septemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M10 Okthoba
Months - wide - Standalone-M11 Novemba
Months - wide - Standalone-M12 Disemba
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M3 Mat
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M4 Epr
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M5 Mey
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M8 Aga
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M9 Sept
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Formatting-M12 Dis
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M1 Jan
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M2 Feb
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M3 Mat
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M4 Epr
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M5 Mey
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M6 Jun
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M7 Jul
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M8 Aga
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M9 Sep
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M10 Okt
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M11 Nov
Months - abbreviated - Standalone-M12 Dis

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