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Azerbaijani: Person Names


This chart shows the different ways that the sample native names and sample foreign names would be formatted.

NativeSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Sinbad İren Adler Con Hamiş Vatson Cənab Arif Aliyev İlvus Santak Aydan Deputat view
addressing Adler Vatson Cənab Aydan view
referring informal İren Adler Con Vatson Arif Aydan view
addressing İren Con Arif view
medium referring formal İren Adler Con H. Vatson Arif Aliyev İ. S. Aydan Deputat view
addressing Adler Vatson Cənab Aydan view
referring informal İren Adler Con Vatson Arif Aydan view
addressing İren Con Arif view
short referring formal İ. Adler C. H. Vatson A. A. İ. S. Aydan view
addressing Adler Vatson Cənab Aydan view
referring informal İren A. Con V. Arif A. view
addressing İren Con Arif view
surnameFirst long referring formal Adler İren Vatson Con Hamiş Aydan Arif Aliyev İlvus Santak Deputat view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing view
medium referring formal view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing İren Con Arif view
short referring formal Adler İren Vatson Con Hamiş Aydan Arif Aliyev İlvus Santak Deputat view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing view

NativeSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
sorting long referring formal Sinbad Adler İren Vatson Con Hamiş Aydan Cənab Arif Aliyev İlvus Santak Deputat view
informal view
medium formal view
informal view
short formal view
informal view

NativeSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal S İA CHV AİA view
informal CV AA view
medium formal A V A view
informal İ C view
short formal A V view
informal İ C view
surnameFirst long formal VCH AAİ view
informal VC AA view
medium formal VCH AAİ view
informal view
short formal view
informal view

ForeignSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Sinbad Käthe Müller Zazilia Hamiş Ştöber Prof. Dr. Ada Kornelia Sezar Martin van den Volf Becker Schmidt M.D. Ph.D. view
addressing Müller Ştöber Prof. Dr. van den Volf view
referring informal Käthe Müller Zazilia Ştöber Neele van den Volf view
addressing Käthe Zazilia Neele view
medium referring formal Käthe Müller Zazilia H. Ştöber Ada Kornelia S. M. van den Volf M.D. Ph.D. view
addressing Müller Ştöber Prof. Dr. van den Volf view
referring informal Käthe Müller Zazilia Ştöber Neele van den Volf view
addressing Käthe Zazilia Neele view
short referring formal K. Müller Z. H. Ştöber A. K. S. M. van den Volf view
addressing Müller Ştöber Prof. Dr. van den Volf view
referring informal Käthe M. Zazilia Ş. Neele v. d. V. view
addressing Käthe Zazilia Neele view
surnameFirst long referring formal Müller Käthe Ştöber Zazilia Hamiş van den Volf Ada Kornelia Sezar Martin M.D. Ph.D. view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing view
medium referring formal view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing Käthe Zazilia Neele view
short referring formal Müller Käthe Ştöber Zazilia Hamiş van den Volf Ada Kornelia Sezar Martin M.D. Ph.D. view
addressing view
referring informal view
addressing view

ForeignSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
sorting long referring formal Sinbad Müller Käthe Ştöber Zazilia Hamiş van den Volf Becker Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Ada Kornelia Sezar Martin M.D. Ph.D. view
informal view
medium formal view
informal view
short formal view
informal view

ForeignSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal S KM ZHŞ ASV view
informal NV view
medium formal M Ş V view
informal K Z N view
short formal M Ş V view
informal K Z N view
surnameFirst long formal MK ŞZH VAS view
informal ŞZ VN view
medium formal ŞZH VAS view
informal view
short formal view
informal view

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