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Catalan: Person Names


This chart shows the different ways that the sample native names and sample foreign names would be formatted.

NativeSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Carolina Gal·la Roig Rosa Maria Ferran Ferrer Excm. Sr. Josep Antoni Carles Joan Lloret Palol view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret view
referring informal Gal·la Roig Rosa Maria Ferrer Pep Lloret Palol view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view
medium referring formal Gal·la Roig Rosa Maria Ferran Ferrer Excm. Sr. Josep Antoni Carles Joan Lloret Palol II view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret view
referring informal Gal·la Roig Rosa Maria Ferrer Pep Lloret Palol view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view
short referring formal G. Roig R. M. F. Ferrer J. A. C. J. Lloret Palol view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret view
referring informal Gal·la R. Rosa Maria F. Pep L. view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view
surnameFirst long referring formal Roig Gal·la Ferrer Rosa Maria Ferran Excm. Sr. Lloret Palol II, Josep Antoni Carles Joan view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret Palol view
referring informal Roig Gal·la Ferrer Rosa Maria Lloret Palol, Pep view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view
medium referring formal Roig Gal·la Ferrer Rosa Maria F. Excm. Lloret Palol II, Josep Antoni C. J. view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret Palol view
referring informal Roig Gal·la Ferrer Rosa Maria Lloret Palol, Pep view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view
short referring formal Roig G. Ferrer R. M. F. Lloret Palol, J. A. C. J. view
addressing Roig Ferrer Sr. Lloret Palol view
referring informal Roig G. Ferrer R. M. Lloret Palol, J. A. view
addressing Gal·la Rosa Maria Pep view

NativeSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
sorting long referring formal Carolina Roig, Gal·la Ferrer, Rosa Maria Ferran Lloret Palol, Josep Antoni Carles Joan view
informal Roig Gal·la Lloret Palol, Pep view
medium formal Roig, Gal·la Lloret Palol, Josep Antoni C. J. view
informal Roig Gal·la Lloret Palol, Pep view
short formal Roig, Gal·la Lloret Palol, J. A. C. J. view
informal Roig Gal·la Lloret Palol, Pep view

NativeSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal C GR RFF JCL view
informal RF PL view
medium formal R F L view
informal G R P view
short formal R F L view
informal G R P view
surnameFirst long formal RG FRF LJC view
informal FR LP view
medium formal R F L view
informal G R P view
short formal R F L view
informal G R P view

ForeignSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Iñaki Jacqueline Beauchêne Adrian Dragos Ionescu Excma. Dra. Maria da Graça César Martín van Dalen Hoogeveen view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. van Dalen view
referring informal Jacqueline Beauchêne Adrian Ionescu Lise van Dalen Hoogeveen view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view
medium referring formal Jacqueline Beauchêne Adrian Dragos Ionescu Excma. Dra. Maria da Graça César Martín van Dalen Hoogeveen II view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. van Dalen view
referring informal Jacqueline Beauchêne Adrian Ionescu Lise van Dalen Hoogeveen view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view
short referring formal J. Beauchêne A. D. Ionescu M. d. G. C. M. van Dalen Hoogeveen view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. van Dalen view
referring informal Jacqueline B. Adrian I. Lise v. D. view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view
surnameFirst long referring formal Beauchêne Jacqueline Ionescu Adrian Dragos Excma. Dra. Van Dalen Hoogeveen II, Maria da Graça César Martín view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. Van Dalen Hoogeveen view
referring informal Beauchêne Jacqueline Ionescu Adrian Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Lise view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view
medium referring formal Beauchêne Jacqueline Ionescu Adrian D. Excma. van Dalen Hoogeveen II, Maria da Graça C. M. view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. Van Dalen Hoogeveen view
referring informal Beauchêne Jacqueline Ionescu Adrian Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Lise view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view
short referring formal Beauchêne J. Ionescu A. D. Van Dalen Hoogeveen, M. d. G. C. M. view
addressing Beauchêne Ionescu Dra. Van Dalen Hoogeveen view
referring informal Beauchêne J. Ionescu A. Van Dalen Hoogeveen, M. d. G. view
addressing Jacqueline Adrian Lise view

ForeignSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
sorting long referring formal Iñaki Beauchêne, Jacqueline Ionescu, Adrian Dragos Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Maria da Graça César Martín view
informal Beauchêne Jacqueline Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Lise view
medium formal Beauchêne, Jacqueline Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Maria da Graça C. M. view
informal Beauchêne Jacqueline Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Lise view
short formal Beauchêne, Jacqueline Van Dalen Hoogeveen, M. d. G. C. M. view
informal Beauchêne Jacqueline Van Dalen Hoogeveen, Lise view

ForeignSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal I JB ADI MCV view
informal AI LV view
medium formal B I V view
informal J A L view
short formal B I D view
informal J A L view
surnameFirst long formal BJ IAD VMC view
informal IA VL view
medium formal B I V view
informal J A L view
short formal B I V view
informal J A L view

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