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Scottish Gaelic: Person Names


This chart shows the different ways that the sample native names and sample foreign names would be formatted.

NativeSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Calum Oighrig Dhòmhnallach Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Caimbeul Mgr. Dòmhnall Iain Bàn Mac a’ Ghobhainn Chorùna am post view
addressing Calumᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Mgr.ᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Oighrig Dhòmhnallach Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Caimbeul Donaidh Bàn Mac a’ Ghobhainn view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Tormodᵛ Donaidhᵛ Bànᵛ view
medium referring formal Calum Oighrig Dhòmhnallach Dòmhnall Iain T. Caimbeul Dòmhnall Iain B. Mac a’ Ghobhainn am post view
addressing Calumᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Mgr.ᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Oighrig Dhòmhnallach Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Caimbeul Donaidh Bàn Mac a’ Ghobhainn view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Tormodᵛ Donaidhᵛ Bànᵛ view
short referring formal Calum O. Dhòmhnallach D. I. T. Caimbeul D. I. B. Mac a’ Ghobhainn view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Oighrig Dòmhnall Iain T. Donaidh B. view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Donaidhᵛ view
surnameFirst long referring formal Calum Dhòmhnallach Oighrig Caimbeul Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Mac a’ Ghobhainn Chorùna, Mgr. Dòmhnall Iain Bàn am post view
addressing Calumᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Mgr.ᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Dhòmhnallach Oighrig Caimbeul Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Mac a’ Ghobhainn Chorùna, Donaidh Bàn view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Tormodᵛ Donaidhᵛ Bànᵛ view
medium referring formal Calum Dhòmhnallach, Oighrig Caimbeul, Dòmhnall Iain T. Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Dòmhnall Iain B. am post view
addressing Calumᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Mgr.ᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Dhòmhnallach, Oighrig Caimbeul, Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Donaidh Bàn view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Tormodᵛ Donaidhᵛ Bànᵛ view
short referring formal Calum Dhòmhnallach, O. Caimbeul, D. I. T. Mac a’ Ghobhainn, D. I. B. view
addressing Calumᵛ Dhòmhnallachᵛ Caimbeulᵛ Mgr.ᵛ Mac a’ Ghobhainnᵛ view
referring informal Calum Oighrig Dòmhnall Iain T. Donaidh B. view
addressing Calumᵛ Oighrigᵛ Dòmhnall Iainᵛ Donaidhᵛ view

NativeSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
sorting long referring formal Calum Dhòmhnallach, Oighrig Caimbeul, Dòmhnall Iain Tormod Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Dòmhnall Iain Bàn view
informal Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Donaidh Bàn view
medium formal Caimbeul, Dòmhnall Iain T. Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Dòmhnall Iain B. view
informal Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Donaidh B. view
short formal Dhòmhnallach, O. Caimbeul, D. I. T. Mac a’ Ghobhainn, D. I. B. view
informal Dhòmhnallach, Oighrig Caimbeul, Dòmhnall Iain T. Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Donaidh B. view

NativeSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality nativeG nativeGS nativeGGS nativeFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal C OD DTC DBM view
informal DC DM view
medium formal D C M view
informal O D D view
short formal D C M view
informal O D D view
surnameFirst long formal DO CDT MDB view
informal CD MD view
medium formal D C M view
informal O D D view
short formal D C M view
informal O D D view

ForeignSamples: Main

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long referring formal Sinbad Kate Miller Cecilia Angela Smith Prof. Dr. Ada Cornelia César Martín von Brühl González Domingo Jr, MD DDS view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Millerᵛ Smithᵛ Prof. Dr.ᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Kate Miller Cecilia Angela Smith Neele César Martín von Brühl view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Angelaᵛ Neeleᵛ César Martínᵛ view
medium referring formal Sinbad Kate Miller Cecilia A. Smith Ada Cornelia C. M. von Brühl Jr, MD DDS view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Millerᵛ Smithᵛ Prof. Dr.ᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Kate Miller Cecilia Angela Smith Neele César Martín von Brühl view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Angelaᵛ Neeleᵛ César Martínᵛ view
short referring formal Sinbad K. Miller C. A. Smith A. C. C. M. von Brühl view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Millerᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Smithᵛ Ada Corneliaᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Kate Cecilia A. Neele C. M. view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Neeleᵛ view
surnameFirst long referring formal Sinbad Miller Kate Smith Cecilia Angela von Brühl González Domingo, Prof. Dr. Ada Cornelia César Martín Jr, MD DDS view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Millerᵛ Smithᵛ Prof. Dr.ᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Miller Kate Smith Cecilia Angela von Brühl González Domingo, Neele César Martín view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Angelaᵛ Neeleᵛ César Martínᵛ view
medium referring formal Sinbad Miller, Kate Smith, Cecilia A. von Brühl, Ada Cornelia C. M. Jr, MD DDS view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Millerᵛ Smithᵛ Prof. Dr.ᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Miller, Kate Smith, Cecilia Angela von Brühl, Neele César Martín view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Angelaᵛ Neeleᵛ César Martínᵛ view
short referring formal Sinbad Miller, K. Smith, C. A. von Brühl, A. C. C. M. view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Millerᵛ Smithᵛ Prof. Dr.ᵛ von Brühlᵛ view
referring informal Sinbad Kate Cecilia A. Neele C. M. view
addressing Sinbadᵛ Kateᵛ Ceciliaᵛ Neeleᵛ view

ForeignSamples: Sorting

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
sorting long referring formal Sinbad Miller, Kate Smith, Cecilia Angela Brühl, Ada Cornelia César Martín von view
informal Brühl, Neele César Martín view
medium formal Smith, Cecilia A. Brühl, Ada Cornelia C. M. von view
informal Brühl, Neele C. M. view
short formal Miller, K. Smith, C. A. Brühl, A. C. C. M. von view
informal Miller, Kate Smith, Cecilia A. Brühl, Neele C. M. view

ForeignSamples: Monogram

Order Length Usage Formality foreignG foreignGS foreignGGS foreignFull view
givenFirst long monogram formal S KM CAS ACV view
informal CS NV view
medium formal M S V view
informal K C N view
short formal M S V view
informal K C N view
surnameFirst long formal MK SCA VAC view
informal SC VN view
medium formal M S V view
informal K C N view
short formal M S V view
informal K C N view

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