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¤¤Supplemental Delta


Lists data fields that differ from the last major version (see versions above). Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different.

Section Page Header Code Old New
Supplemental Locale Parent en_001
DefaultContent plain

Likely Subtag apd apd_Arab_SD
grc grc_Grek_GR
grc_Linb grc_Linb_GR ▷removed◁
hak_Hant ▷missing◁ hak_Hant_TW
hak_TW ▷missing◁ hak_Hant_TW
kaw kaw_Bali_ID
len len_Latn_SV
lzz_GE ▷missing◁ lzz_Geor_GE
lzz_Geor ▷missing◁ lzz_Geor_GE
nan_Hant ▷missing◁ nan_Hant_TW
nan_TW ▷missing◁ nan_Hant_TW
pnt_Cyrl ▷missing◁ pnt_Cyrl_RU
pnt_Latn ▷missing◁ pnt_Latn_TR
pnt_RU ▷missing◁ pnt_Cyrl_RU
pnt_TR ▷missing◁ pnt_Latn_TR
und_Arab_AZ ▷missing◁ az_Arab_AZ
und_Arab_TG apd_Arab_TG ▷removed◁
und_BV ▷missing◁ no_Latn_BV
und_CD fr_Latn_CD
und_CF sg_Latn_CF
und_Cprt ecy_Cprt_CY
und_DJ fr_Latn_DJ
und_Latn_SY ku_Latn_SY
und_Latn_TD ▷missing◁ fr_Latn_TD
und_Linb gmy_Linb_GR
und_SN wo_Latn_SN
und_TD ar_Arab_TD
zlm zlm_Latn_MY
LanguageInfo AT/fr populationPercent 13
BF/fr populationPercent 25
BJ/fr populationPercent 34
BL/fr populationPercent 85
BV/no populationPercent ▷missing◁ 100
BV/und populationPercent 100 ▷removed◁
CA/fr populationPercent 29
CD/fr populationPercent 51
CF/fr populationPercent 29
CG/fr populationPercent 61
CH/de populationPercent 76
CH/en populationPercent 45
CH/fr populationPercent 39
CH/gsw populationPercent 66
CH/it populationPercent 15
CI/fr populationPercent 34
CY/ecy populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.0001
CY/fr populationPercent 6.6
DJ/fr populationPercent 50
DZ/fr populationPercent 33
EG/cop populationPercent ▷missing◁ 6
FR/fr populationPercent 97
GB/fr populationPercent 17
GE/lzz_Geor populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.002
GF/fr populationPercent 62
GN/fr populationPercent 27
GP/fr populationPercent 84
GQ/fr populationPercent 29
GR/fr populationPercent 7.3
GR/gmy populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0
GR/grc populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0
GS/en officialStatus ▷missing◁ official
populationPercent ▷missing◁ 100
GS/und literacyPercent 100 ▷removed◁
populationPercent 100 ▷removed◁
GW/fr populationPercent ▷missing◁ 15
HT/fr literacyPercent 100 ▷removed◁
populationPercent 42
HU/fr populationPercent 1.2
ID/ban_Bali populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0
ID/kaw populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0
IE/fr populationPercent 13
IT/fr populationPercent 20
KM/fr populationPercent 26
LB/fr populationPercent 38
LU/fr populationPercent 92
MA/fr populationPercent 36
MC/fr populationPercent 97
MF/fr populationPercent 84
MG/fr populationPercent 27
ML/fr populationPercent 17
MQ/fr populationPercent 81
MR/fr populationPercent 13
MT/fr populationPercent 13
MU/fr populationPercent 73
NC/fr populationPercent 99
NE/fr populationPercent 13
NL/fr populationPercent 19
PF/fr populationPercent 98
RO/fr populationPercent 12
RU/pnt_Cyrl populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.04
RW/fr populationPercent 5.8
SC/fr populationPercent 53
SD/apd populationPercent ▷missing◁ 61
SN/fr populationPercent 26
ST/fr populationPercent ▷missing◁ 20
SV/ccr populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.056
SV/len populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.02
SV/ppl populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.041
SY/fr officialStatus official ▷removed◁
TD/fr populationPercent 13
TG/fr populationPercent 41
TN/fr populationPercent 53
TR/pnt_Latn populationPercent ▷missing◁ 0.0061
TW/hak_Hant officialStatus ▷missing◁ official
populationPercent ▷missing◁ 11
TW/nan_Hant officialStatus ▷missing◁ official
populationPercent ▷missing◁ 57
VU/fr populationPercent 31
WF/fr populationPercent 83
YT/fr populationPercent 63
Language apd territories-secondary ▷missing◁ SD
cop territories-secondary ▷missing◁ EG
ecy scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Cprt
en territories
fr territories
territories-secondary AT


gmy scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Linb
grc scripts-secondary
hak scripts
territories ▷missing◁ TW
kaw scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Bali
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Java
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Kawi
lzz scripts
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Geor
nan scripts
territories ▷missing◁ TW
no territories-secondary ▷missing◁ BV
pi scripts-secondary
pnt scripts
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Cyrl
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Latn
tkr scripts
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Cyrl
tly scripts
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Arab
scripts-secondary ▷missing◁ Cyrl
ttt scripts
und territories-secondary

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