Fulah Delta
Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.
Section | Page | Header | Code | Locale | Old | New | Level |
Date & Time | Gregorian | Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | am | ff | subaka | AM | modern |
pm | kikiiɗe | PM |
Formats - Standard - Time Formats | full | ff_MR | HH:mm:ss zzzz | h:mm:ss a zzzz | basic |
long | HH:mm:ss z | h:mm:ss a z |
medium | HH:mm:ss | h:mm:ss a |
short | HH:mm | h:mm a |
Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 4-digits-short-one | ff | ▷missing◁ | 0K ¤ | modern |
4-digits-short-other |
5-digits-short-one | 00K ¤ |
5-digits-short-other |
6-digits-short-one | 000K ¤ |
6-digits-short-other |
7-digits-short-one | 0M ¤ |
7-digits-short-other |
8-digits-short-one | 00M ¤ |
8-digits-short-other |
9-digits-short-one | 000M ¤ |
9-digits-short-other |
10-digits-short-one | 0G ¤ |
10-digits-short-other |
11-digits-short-one | 00G ¤ |
11-digits-short-other |
12-digits-short-one | 000G ¤ |
12-digits-short-other |
13-digits-short-one | 0T ¤ |
13-digits-short-other |
14-digits-short-one | 00T ¤ |
14-digits-short-other |
15-digits-short-one | 000T ¤ |
15-digits-short-other |