Lithuanian Delta
Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.
Section | Page | Header | Code | Locale | Old | New | Level |
Locale Display Names | Languages (K-N) | L | Low German ► nds_NL | lt | nds_NL | Žemutinės Saksonijos (Nyderlandai) | modern |
N | Northern Luri ► lrc | lrc | šiaurės luri |
Languages (O-S) | S | South Azerbaijani ► azb | pietų Azerbaidžano | ▷removed◁ |
Southern Kurdish ► sdh | sdh | pietų kurdų |
Languages (T-Z) | W | Warlpiri ► wbp | wbp | valrpiri |
Western Balochi ► bgn | bgn | vakarų beludžių |
Territories (Africa) | Western Africa | CI-variant | CI | Dramblio Kaulo Kranto Respublika |
Keys | Hour Cycle | hc | hc | valandų ciklas (12 ir 24) |
hc-h11 | h11 | 12 valandų sistema (0–11) |
hc-h12 | h12 | 12 valandų sistema (1–12) |
hc-h23 | h23 | 24 valandų sistema (0–23) |
hc-h24 | h24 | 24 valandų sistema (1–24) |
Line Break | lb | lb | teksto laužymo stilius |
lb-loose | loose | laisvas teksto laužymo stilius |
lb-normal | normal | įprastas teksto laužymo stilius |
lb-strict | strict | griežtas teksto laužymo stilius |
Measurement System | ms | ms | matų sistema |
ms-metric | metric | metrinė sistema |
ms-uksystem | uksystem | angliška matų sistema |
ms-ussystem | ussystem | amerikietiška matų sistema |
Date & Time | Fields | Date Fields | era | Era | era | basic |
year | Metai | metai |
quarter | Ketvirtis | ketvirtis |
month | Mėnuo | mėnuo |
week | Savaitė | savaitė |
day | Diena | diena |
weekday | Savaitės diena | savaitės diena |
dayperiod | Iki pietų / po pietų | iki pietų / po pietų |
zone | Laiko juosta | laiko juosta |
hour | Valanda | valanda |
minute | Minutė | minutė |
second | Sekundė | sekundė |
Gregorian | Day Periods - wide - Formatting | midnight | ▷missing◁ | vidurnaktis | modern |
morning1 | rytas |
afternoon1 | popietė |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Day Periods - wide - Standalone | midnight | vidurnaktis |
noon | perpiet | vidurdienis |
morning1 | ▷missing◁ | rytas |
afternoon1 | diena |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Day Periods - abbreviated - Formatting | am | pr.p. | priešpiet |
pm | pop. | popiet |
midnight | ▷missing◁ | vidurnaktis |
morning1 | rytas |
afternoon1 | popietė |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Day Periods - abbreviated - Standalone | am | pr.p. | priešpiet |
pm | pop. | popiet |
midnight | ▷missing◁ | vidurnaktis |
noon | perpiet | vidurdienis |
morning1 | ▷missing◁ | rytas |
afternoon1 | diena |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Day Periods - narrow - Formatting | am | pr.p. | pr. p. |
midnight | ▷missing◁ | vidurnaktis |
morning1 | rytas |
afternoon1 | popietė |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Day Periods - narrow - Standalone | am | pr.p. | pr. p. |
midnight | ▷missing◁ | vidurnaktis |
noon | perpiet | vidurdienis |
morning1 | ▷missing◁ | rytas |
afternoon1 | diena |
evening1 | vakaras |
night1 | naktis |
Formats - Flexible - 12 Hour Time Formats | Gy | y G | y 'm'. G | moderate |
GyMMMM | y G LLLL | y 'm'. G, LLLL |
GyMMMMd | y G MMMM d | y 'm'. G MMMM d 'd'. |
GyMMMMEd | y G MMMM d, E | y 'm'. G MMMM d 'd'., E |
hmsv | h:mm:ss a v | hh:mm:ss a; v | modern |
hmv | h:mm a v | hh:mm a; v |
MMMMd | MMMM d | MMMM d 'd'. | moderate |
MMMMEd | MMMM d, E | MMMM d 'd'., E |
yMMMM | y LLLL | y 'm'. LLLL |
yMMMMd | y MMMM d | y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'. |
yMMMMEd | y MMMM d, E | y 'm'. MMMM d 'd'., E |
Formats - Flexible - 24 Hour Time Formats | Hmsv | HH:mm:ss v | HH:mm:ss; v | modern |
Hmv | HH:mm v | HH:mm; v |
Formats - Intervals - Date Formats | MMM/M | MM–MM | LLL–LLL | moderate |
MMMd/d | MM-dd – MM-dd | MMM d–d |
MMMd/M | MMM d – MMM d |
MMMEd/d | MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E | MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
yMMM/M | y-MM – y-MM | y MMM–MMM |
yMMM/y | y MMM – y MMM |
yMMMd/d | y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd | y MMM d–d |
yMMMd/M | y MMM d – MMM d |
yMMMd/y | y MMM d – y MMM d |
yMMMEd/d | y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E | y MMM d, E – MMM d, E |
yMMMEd/M |
yMMMEd/y | y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E |
yMMMM/y | y LLLL – LLLL | y LLLL – y LLLL |
Generic | Formats - Flexible - Date Formats | MMMMd | ▷missing◁ | MMMM d |
yyyyMMMM | G y MMMM |
Timezones | Russia | Cities and Regions | Chita | Chita | Čita | modern |
Srednekolymsk | Srednekolymsk | Srednekolymskas |
Oceania | Bougainville | Bougainville | Bugenvilis |
Numbers | Compact Decimal Formatting | Short Currency | 4-digits-short-one | ▷missing◁ | 0 tūkst'.' ¤ |
4-digits-short-few |
4-digits-short-many |
4-digits-short-other |
5-digits-short-one | 00 tūkst'.' ¤ |
5-digits-short-few |
5-digits-short-many |
5-digits-short-other |
6-digits-short-one | 000 tūkst'.' ¤ |
6-digits-short-few |
6-digits-short-many |
6-digits-short-other |
7-digits-short-one | 0 mln'.' ¤ |
7-digits-short-few |
7-digits-short-many |
7-digits-short-other |
8-digits-short-one | 00 mln'.' ¤ |
8-digits-short-few |
8-digits-short-many |
8-digits-short-other |
9-digits-short-one | 000 mln'.' ¤ |
9-digits-short-few |
9-digits-short-many |
9-digits-short-other |
10-digits-short-one | 0 mlrd'.' ¤ |
10-digits-short-few |
10-digits-short-many |
10-digits-short-other |
11-digits-short-one | 00 mlrd'.' ¤ |
11-digits-short-few |
11-digits-short-many |
11-digits-short-other |
12-digits-short-one | 000 mlrd'.' ¤ |
12-digits-short-few |
12-digits-short-many |
12-digits-short-other |
13-digits-short-one | 0 trln'.' ¤ |
13-digits-short-few |
13-digits-short-many |
13-digits-short-other |
14-digits-short-one | 00 trln'.' ¤ |
14-digits-short-few |
14-digits-short-many |
14-digits-short-other |
15-digits-short-one | 000 trln'.' ¤ |
15-digits-short-few |
15-digits-short-many |
15-digits-short-other |
Currencies | North America (C) | Northern America: United States | USD-symbol | dol. | USD | basic |
Southern/Eastern Europe | Eastern Europe: Poland | PLN-symbol-narrow | zł | zl | moderate |
Eastern Europe: Russia | RUB-symbol-narrow | ▷missing◁ | rb | basic |
Western Asia (C) | Western Asia: Georgia | GEL-symbol-variant | ₾ | modern |
Central Asia (C) | Central Asia: Kazakhstan | KZT-symbol-narrow | KZT | ₸ |
Eastern Asia (C) | Eastern Asia: Japan | JPY-symbol-narrow | JPY | ¥ | basic |
Units | Duration | century | long-displayName | ▷missing◁ | amžiai | modern |
long-one | {0} amžius |
long-few | {0} amžiai |
long-many | {0} amžiaus |
long-other | {0} amžių |
short-displayName | a. |
short-one | {0} a. |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
year | long-per | {0} per metus |
short-per | {0}/m. |
month | long-per | {0} per mėnesį |
short-per | {0}/mėn. |
week | long-per | {0} per savaitę |
short-per | {0}/sav. |
day | long-per | {0} per dieną |
short-per | {0}/d. |
minute | long-per | {0} per minutę |
short-per | {0}/min. |
Length | kilometer | long-per | {0}/km |
short-per |
meter | long-per | {0}/m |
short-per |
centimeter | long-per | {0}/cm |
short-per |
foot | long-per | {0}/ft |
short-per |
inch | long-per | {0}/in |
short-per |
mile-scandinavian | long-displayName | ilgoji mylia |
long-one | {0} ilgoji mylia |
long-few | {0} ilgosios mylios |
long-many |
long-other | {0} ilgųjų mylių |
short-displayName | IM |
short-one | {0} IM |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
Area | hectare | short-displayName | ha | hektarai |
square-meter | long-per | ▷missing◁ | {0}/m² |
short-per |
square-centimeter | long-per | {0}/cm² |
short-per |
square-mile | short-displayName | kv. my | kv. mylios |
acre | a. | akrai |
square-inch | long-per | ▷missing◁ | {0}/in² |
short-per |
Volume | cubic-meter | long-per | {0}/m³ |
short-per |
cubic-centimeter | long-per | {0}/cm³ |
short-per |
liter | long-per | {0}/l |
short-per |
narrow-displayName | l | litrai | moderate |
pint-metric | long-displayName | ▷missing◁ | metrinės pintos | modern |
long-one | {0} metrinė pinta |
long-few | {0} metrinės pintos |
long-many |
long-other | {0} metrinių pintų |
short-displayName | mpt |
short-one | {0} mpt |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
cup-metric | long-displayName | matavimo puodeliai |
long-one | {0} matavimo puodelis |
long-few | {0} matavimo puodeliai |
long-many | {0} matavimo puodelio |
long-other | {0} matavimo puodelių |
short-displayName | mat. puodelis |
short-one | {0} mat. puodelis |
short-few | {0} mat. puodeliai |
short-many | {0} mat. puodelio |
short-other | {0} mat. puodelių |
acre-foot | short-displayName | ft akre | pėda akre |
gallon | long-per | ▷missing◁ | {0}/gal |
short-per |
pint | short-displayName | pt | pintos |
Speed and Acceleration | knot | long-displayName | ▷missing◁ | mazgas |
long-one | {0} mazgas |
long-few | {0} mazgai |
long-many | {0} mazgo |
long-other | {0} mazgų |
short-displayName | mazgas |
short-one | {0} KN |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
Mass and Weight | kilogram | long-per | {0}/kg |
short-per |
gram | long-per | {0}/g |
short-per |
pound | long-per | {0}/lb |
short-per |
ounce | long-per | {0}/oz |
short-per |
Weather | millibar | long-displayName | milbaras | milibarai |
Digital | bit | short-one | {0} bitas | {0} b |
short-few | {0} bitai |
short-many | {0} bito |
short-other | {0} bitų |
Coordinates | east | long | ▷missing◁ | {0} E |
short |
narrow |
north | long | {0} N |
short |
narrow |
south | long | {0} S |
short |
narrow |
west | long | {0} W |
short |
narrow |
Other Units | revolution | long-displayName | pilnas apsisukimas |
long-one | {0} pilnas apsisukimas |
long-few | {0} pilni apsisukimai |
long-many | {0} pilno apsisukimo |
long-other | {0} pilnų apsisukimų |
short-displayName | apsisuk. |
short-one | {0} apsisuk. |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
liter-per-100kilometers | long-displayName | litrai 100 kilometrų | moderate |
long-one | {0} litras 100 kilometrų |
long-few | {0} litrai 100 kilometrų |
long-many | {0} litro 100 kilometrų |
long-other | {0} litrų 100 kilometrų |
short-displayName | l/100 km |
short-one | {0} l/100 km |
short-few |
short-many |
short-other |
narrow-displayName | l/100 km |
narrow-one | {0} l/100 km |
narrow-few |
narrow-many |
narrow-other |
Compound Units | per | long | {0} per {1} | {0}/{1} | modern |
Special | Unknown | metadata | casingData/casingItem[@type="key"] | titlecase | lowercase | comprehensive |
casingData/casingItem[@type="month_format_except_narrow"] | lowercase | titlecase |
casingData/casingItem[@type="month_narrow"] | titlecase | ▷removed◁ |
casingData/casingItem[@type="month_standalone_except_narrow"] | lowercase | titlecase |
casingData/casingItem[@type="symbol"] | titlecase | ▷removed◁ |