CLDR Version 28 | Index |
Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.
Path | Old | New |
…/transforms/transform[@source="ia"][@target="ia_FONIPA"][@direction="forward"]/_draft | ▷missing◁ | contributed |
…/transforms/transform[@source="ia"][@target="ia_FONIPA"][@direction="forward"]/_visibility | ▷missing◁ | external |
…/transforms/transform[@source="ia"][@target="ia_FONIPA"][@direction="forward"]/tRule | ▷missing◁ | # Transformation from Interlingua (ia) to its IPA transcription (ia_FONIPA). # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Interlingua_alphabet # http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm ::NFC; ::Lower; # Interlinua has five falling diphthongs. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Orthography_and_pronunciation ai → ai̯; au → au̯; ei → ei̯; # rare eu → eu̯; oi → oi̯; # rare # ‹g› is usually [ɡ], but it is [d͡ʒ] in -age, -agi-, and -egi-. # http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm $vowel = [aeiouy]; $end_of_word = [$ ]; {age} $end_of_word → ad͡ʒe; {agi} $vowel → ad͡ʒ; # viagiar → viad͡ʒar agi → ad͡ʒi; {egi} $vowel → ed͡ʒ; # legier → led͡ʒer egi → ed͡ʒi; gg → ɡ; g → ɡ; # Omniglot: “The sounds of g and k assimilate a preceding n as in English.” {n} [gkqx] → ŋ; nn → n; n → n; a → a; bb → b; b → b; cc → k; {c} [ei] → t͡s; ch → k; c → k; dd → d; d → d; e → e; ff → f; f → f; h → ; # ‹h› is normally silent. i → i; j → ʒ; kk → k; k → k; ll → l; l → l; mm → m; m → m; o → o; ph → f; # philosophos, physica pp → p; p → p; que → ke; qu → kw; q → k; rr → ɾ; r → ɾ; sh → ʃ; # rare ss → s; s → s; [^s] {ti} [aeiouy] → t͡sj; tt → t; t → t; u → u; v → v; w → v; x → ks; y → i; z → z; |