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¤Interlingua-Interlingua (IPA Phonetics)

CLDR Version 28 Index

Lists data fields that differ from the last version. Inherited differences in locales are suppressed, except where the source locales are different. The collations and metadata still have a raw format. The rbnf, segmentations, and annotations are not yet included.

…/transforms/transform[@source="ia"][@target="ia_FONIPA"][@direction="forward"]/tRule▷missing◁# Transformation from Interlingua (ia) to its IPA transcription (ia_FONIPA).
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Interlingua_alphabet
# http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm


# Interlinua has five falling diphthongs.
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Orthography_and_pronunciation
ai → ai̯;
au → au̯;
ei → ei̯; # rare
eu → eu̯;
oi → oi̯; # rare

# ‹g› is usually [ɡ], but it is [d͡ʒ] in -age, -agi-, and -egi-.
# http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm
$vowel = [aeiouy];
$end_of_word = [$ ];
{age} $end_of_word → ad͡ʒe;
{agi} $vowel → ad͡ʒ; # viagiar → viad͡ʒar
agi → ad͡ʒi;
{egi} $vowel → ed͡ʒ; # legier → led͡ʒer
egi → ed͡ʒi;
gg → ɡ;
g → ɡ;

# Omniglot: “The sounds of g and k assimilate a preceding n as in English.”
{n} [gkqx] → ŋ;
nn → n;
n → n;

a → a;
bb → b;
b → b;
cc → k;
{c} [ei] → t͡s;
ch → k;
c → k;
dd → d;
d → d;
e → e;
ff → f;
f → f;
h → ; # ‹h› is normally silent.
i → i;
j → ʒ;
kk → k;
k → k;
ll → l;
l → l;
mm → m;
m → m;
o → o;
ph → f; # philosophos, physica
pp → p;
p → p;
que → ke;
qu → kw;
q → k;
rr → ɾ;
r → ɾ;
sh → ʃ; # rare
ss → s;
s → s;
[^s] {ti} [aeiouy] → t͡sj;
tt → t;
t → t;
u → u;
v → v;
w → v;
x → ks;
y → i;
z → z;